#teka answers
tekatonic · 10 months
Hiya! So I just stumbled upon SEGAU and I gotta say, I'm hooked! Like, I'm very confused, but it all looks so cool! You said you were okay with questions and I want to know more, so here we go!
Is there anything in the early story (Sonic’s origins, meeting Tails, Project Shadow, the like) that has significantly changed from canon? I can't think of any other questions right now, so we'll start with that.
YES the first ask about it !!!! Heck yeah ! Sorry it took me a full hour to write this up I have a lot to say !
Let's see, the answer is Y E A H.
First of all lemme explain the basic chaos energy setup I have going on, it'll help. ( this ended up being VERY long feel free to skip the bullet points... )
So every person has a different way that chaos energy flows inside them, that's called chaos flow. There's different chaos flow categories with type distinctions based on if you have special powers and how strong they are, but let's forgo types for now because that's not that important, here are the categories !
Dormant : that's the base category, most everyone is born like this, with a stagnant chaos flow, and within their early childhood it's usually fixed into their definitive type ( which can also stay dormant ), important to note : just because you're not dormant doesn't mean you will have any special powers listed here !!
Passive : slow swirlies in your flow ! very stable ! the kinds of powers you can get from this are "internal", mind powers essentially, for example Rouge can read people's thoughts ! This is also the flow pattern that can give you a summonable item like Amy's hammer, those are called chaos objects.
Active : not stable ! the flow is sparking and bursting all throughout, and that's where you'll see most people with form changes, but not only like Super forms, also like what Tails, Cream and Knuckles do : shifting their body parts ( wings is the standard ). And this is where you'll see Shadow's abilities to externalize and shape chaos energy ! Shadow is just REALLY good at it.
Hyperactive : super rare, and for good reason, because it is like solar flares inside you all the time, and a lot of people with this one are born into it instead of developing it normally, and that's NO GOOD because newborns are NOT made to handle that and most of them will unfortunately not live for very long :( Silver is alive though !! Hyperactives tend to have faster everything ever.
and last up, Conditional : this is the rarest flow category, there's like 10 people in the world at once with this, aaaand Sonic is one of them. Basically this cycles multiple flow patterns, and can potentially use abilities from all available flow patterns. The problem with this is it's so rare and unpredictable that if you were ever to have a medical issue related to your chaos flow... well, good luck.
I lied there's another one but there is only one person that has it and it is Amy :)
Okay maybe I explained the basics too much... Are you still with me ?
So yes, let's get into backstory. The first thing you need to know is that GUN is very bad ! No good at all !! And they have a lab. Terrible things happen to children in there.
Anyway, little Sonic happens to be born and have conditional flow. Uh oh ! This is the perfect base to go off of to create a potentially perfect being ( aka Project Shadow ) ! Eventually they decide to move the project to the Ark, and poor 4 year-old Sonic with it. Unfortunately ( or fortunately ) for the little guy, once Shadow starts happening, they kind of forget about him, leading to Sonic being in suspended animation on the Ark for 38 years straight, secret to the world. Until his capsule gets ejected mysteriously and it lands on Christmas Island.
Of course, present-day Sonic does not remember a lick of this. Shadow doesn't know either, they were never in the same room together. Sonic was basically an unnamed research paper at that point.
38 years later and in fact 9 years after that, that GUN lab STILL exists... until little Amy, who also got caught by the GUN baby-stealing ninjas, absolutely blows it up and off the face of the world and walks away to meet with destiny.
Alllllright that's probably enough lore for your ask ? Sorry this is SO long and complex to say such a simple thing about Sonic being the basis for Shadow, haha...
A thing to note, I am fusing some games together here, the logistics are being worked on, but for example, CD and 06 are fused together, which means Amy meets Sonic during Sonic 2, just a little later than Tails !
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It's true !!
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shadowiie · 1 year
your favorite thing about the franchise !
The characters!!! It wouldn't be a Sonic game without the outstandingly nuanced cast.
With the cartoon like aesthetic of the character design, I love how every character is easy to "get", hard to understand. You can take one look at Sonic and immediately "get" what he's about (energetic, snarky yet compassionate guy with a heart of gold), but the more you dive deep into his character the more his character starts to contradict itself, in a good way! (He likes to relax, he is aloof and independent, and often spends his time adventuring alone)
I always enjoy how complex and interesting every member of the main cast is. There's always something new to learn about each character :D
Very good for the 'tism
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tekabecca114 · 1 year
Lego dog post: Becca and who
Tumblr media
Becca shows up to Spins' place to see his fucked up lookin dogs and recites the entire post because she is a fucking freak with zero social skills
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tkworks80 · 1 year
~The Courting~
Spring was a beautiful time of year for you. The plum trees were filled with blossoms and they looked like pink and white clouds in your garden. You were happiest in the garden. “y/n!” your friend shouted from across the garden waving with excitement. y/n turned to her best friend “yes Chiyo?” you answered. Chiyo giggled “the matchmaker has arrived and a very handsome man along with him”. Getting up in a huff “I will not get married! I refuse!” you crossed your arms defiantly and started to walk towards your house. Walking up to the house you saw a petite gray-haired elderly man and a tall, red-haired, handsome somewhat older man, he looked like he was in his late twenties early thirties and he had a scar on his eye that made him look fierce. Waiting at the entrance you hid in a bush curious about who these gentlemen are and why they came calling to your residence. The front door opened and they walked in, you crept to the sitting room and tried to snoop on your father’s conversation. “Thank you for inviting us to your lovely home Lord l/n,” the red-haired man said to your father. “I’m glad that you gentlemen came and you are most welcomed,” your father greeted them, gesturing them to enter. Sitting down in the sitting room, Chiyo handed them all tea. “As you know I am the matchmaker and this gentleman is Enji Todoroki and he would like to ask you for y/n’s hand in marriage to join both your houses,” the elderly man said to your father. You looked at the red-haired man, he was very stoic, with a mean look to him. In anger, you quickly got up and slammed the sliding door open to the sitting room, and stepped in. “Father! I will not marry this man! He is more than 10 years my senior” you looked at the red-haired man in disgust. “y/n, leave this room immediately!” your father ordered you. “Such insolence! Are you sure you want to court this ill-tempered girl Todoroki-san?“ the matchmaker questioned and Enji nodded. In utter shock and disgust you looked at the elderly gray-haired man “I will not leave! What right does this man have to have the audacity to ask my hand in marriage when I am barely 18 years of age?” you questioned your father before turning to this man. “I refuse your offer, don't call for me ever again!” you ordered, then stomped out of the room. The red-haired man looked quite intrigued by your outburst in the sitting room and smiled to himself. Your father was profusely apologizing to him out of sheer embarrassment the y/n did in front of this distinguished gentleman. The Todoroki house was a prestigious and reputable family. And Enji was a fierce and temperamental Daimyo. He fought alongside Yagi Yoshinori and Keigo Takami; they stood for justice and peace throughout Japan. But, when he came back to his household his mother Teka kept on nagging him to take a wife. “Son it is high time to take a wife…to create an heir,” Teka stated. At first, he ignored his mother but, his mother was a fierce argumentative woman. Sometimes they argue throughout the night into the morning hours about getting a wife for him. Weeks passed and he pondered about taking a wife. She couldn’t just be any creature; she must be beautiful and had a mind of her own.
One day he was at a prestigious Ryokan when he overheard a couple of men talk about y/n’s coming of age for marriage and how she is the most beautiful woman throughout Shikoku. He must find out if it is true after all rumors are sometimes unfounded. One day while he was out for an afternoon walk he heard a girl yell out y/n’s name so he decided to follow the young maid. He saw y/n and he thought that y/n was the most beautiful woman he has ever met but argumentative because she argued with the young maid. “I’m not ready to go home...I want to stay to see the plum blossoms with my friends…please tell my father that I will be there shortly after I finish the viewing party” she instructed. Enji was amused to see y/n fiery personality; he was into docile, delicate ladies so, he surprised himself by going to her home and asking to court her. “The nerve of that man...asking for my hand in marriage!” she stomped in her room. “But y/n he is only 28 years of age and he is from a very good family” the young maid pleaded with you. “I do not care...undress me, I wish to sleep” she demanded. Before the young maid started to undress you the sliding door to your room slammed open and there before you was your very angry father. “How dare you! you’re such an insolent little fool!...do you realize that he came from a wealthy, influential family!... I accepted the courting process and that’s final!...do you understand?!” his voice was thunderous in your room you were flinching. “But, father, you are the Shogun, he has to respect you” you were sadly interrupted by your father, “do not use my position to intimidate Todoroki-san and that’s final!” he said, slamming the door shut, shaking the whole room.
The next day was very beautiful. You decided to walk around the garden and enjoy the Plum Blossoms. you sat down on the garden bench, basking in the warm sun. You closed your eyes and listened to the nearby birds chirping, the breeze brushing against the tree leaves. When all of a sudden you heard a very deep and gruff voice say “The blossoms are not as lovely as you are, y/n” you opened your eyes to see the same red-haired man from yesterday. Looking at him with disgust you quickly got up and started to walk to the farthest bench in the garden, not wanting him to follow you, you would think he would get the hint. Amused he followed you. “I do not wish to be followed by you,” you said to him. “But, I wish to get to know who I’m courting and get to know them,” he smirked. “No one is courting me...especially not you...now if you’ll excuse me, Todoroki-san” she said while walking back to her room. Grabbing y/n’s wrist he pulled her into an embrace. “My little blossom, you remember my name but alas, your dear father already approved of me courting you...so, that means I am courting you,” he explained to you. “I know what ‘courting’ means Todoroki-san…but, I am not interested,” you stated. “You act like you have a choice, my Plum Blossom,” Enji said while handing you a very beautiful hairpin. “This is for you,” he said. In shock you were speechless “my father did not say anything to me today nor yesterday” you stated. He grinned “does he need to discuss this with you…he is in fact the Shogun?” he questioned, amused. “I find you fascinating...y/n your an ill-tempered, very beautiful young lady, and I want you for my wife,” he said. “No, no, no...I don’t wish to be courted by an old man” you retorted and he gripped your wrist. you struggled to break free. “My name is Enji Todoroki...from the house of Todoroki and I am not that old,” he said letting you go. You quickly walked to your father’s sitting room, Enji followed after you. Looking back to see the amused look on his face made you want to vomit. You slammed the sliding door open to find your father talking to what you believe is Todoroki-san’s parents. You saw a very beautiful woman with flowing blonde streaked red hair and a cheerful older man with black hair. You now know who he got his features from. You now know who he got his features from. They all stood up “Daughter…I would like to introduce you to Teka and Yoshino Todoroki…they are here to discuss…” your father was interrupted by you. “Father, I refused yesterday…I do not wish to be courted,” you stated. “Dear…she reminds me of…” Yoshino reminded Teka. “Not a single word from you,” she said to her husband. “Dear…my son took interest in you because he knew you would fit into our household…what you feel is of no consequence to us…the bride price has been offered and your kind father has graciously accepted” Teka explained to you.
That night you were asleep in your quarters when you heard your door slide open slowly and heard someone crawl at the foot of your futon. It was Enji. “May I sleep with you?” he whispered. “No.” you hissed and he silently crept away. After that, you didn’t get a wink of sleep. The very next morning walking into the dining room you were confronted by your father. “Y/n…you are not to deny Todoroki-san’s offer,” he stated. “He crept in my room late last night like a venomous snake and when I said NO he slithered out,” she hissed. “That is the way…I did the same thing with your mother and she never denied me tonight you will NOT deny him…do I make myself clear?” he asked angrily. “Yes, father,” you answered. That afternoon you went back to the garden to bask in the sun and admire the blossom. You saw Enji from a distance. You sighed and ignored him but he was sighing obnoxiously loud so you proceeded to walk back to your room while Enji saw you. That night you did not sleep when your sliding door slid open slowly. The sound of crawling on the ground annoyed you. It was Enji at the foot of your bed. “May I sleep with you?” he asked. You sat upon your futon “my father told me not to deny you so…you can sleep by the chest of drawers,” you instructed and Enji frowned. That night you kind of silently giggled.
Walking to the dining room the next morning you were greeted by your father. “y/n, you're such a clever girl…you didn’t deny him…so you technically followed my instructions,” he smirked. That afternoon you were sitting in the library reading some poetry when Enji crept behind you. You knew he was behind you. “What do you want? Enji” you sighed. “I wish to know what you are doing,” he asked. “Isn’t it obvious?” you retorted while still reading. “You love books…I see…I have a library filled with poetry books…when you become my wife I will give it to you,” he offered while handing you a beautifully embroidered handkerchief. “Another gift…thank you,” you sighed and put it on the side. “I wished to have tea with you, my Plum Blossom,” he requested. “I just had my tea…thank you for offering but, I must decline,” you answered. “Shall we walk to admire the blossoms together then?” he asked. Slamming your book shut “why must you insist on courting me when I don’t show any interest in you?” you asked out of frustration. “Please walk with me…I will explain…this marriage is beneficial to both of us,” he answered. Intrigued, you stood up and followed him to the garden. “I need a wife to produce my heir. Once you produce an heir I will leave you alone…plus you will have a considerable amount of allowance at your disposal,” he said. “Sounds tempting…I’ll gladly accept your proposal except for one thing,” you answered while smiling. “And, what is that my Plum Blossom?” Enji asked, smiling. “I can’t be bought,” you frowned. “That’s sad…considering that my parents already sent the bride price to your father this morning and it’s set in stone…you will be my bride,” he said grinning.
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flameheroesjourney · 5 months
[ 👪 ] what is your muse’s relationship with their parents like? was it always this way?
[ 🧸 ] does your muse keep anything sentimental? if so, what do they keep and why?
((*clap clap* oh boy was ready for this one. First and foremost I'll be transparent that I have adopted the ocs of Enji's parents, Teka and Yoshida by Ackers as canon. So let it be known I did not come up with them and i recommend you go to Ackers blog for their awesome art and headcanons.
Any way on with my answer.
Starting with what we know in canon
Lets start with his father since we actually have gotten a little bit of insight about Enji's relationship with him. We know that the death of his father was a driving force to his desire to become a Pro Hero. While this doesn't fully go into depth about their relationship but its safe to say that they were close or at least closer than Enji and his mother.
The fact we also don't even have any mention of Enji's mother and the fact she was not present during the arranged marriage meeting with Rei and her parents leads me to believe that she is not in the picture or dead though I'm leaning towards the first option.
Note: if you would like me explain why Enji's mothers absence would be odd I'll be happy to in another post because this gets into the topic of arranged marriages and match making services that do still exist in Japan.
Now onto the canon for this blog.
Enji does not often talk about his parents or his childhood as a whole because he doesn't have too many fond memories in that regard.
He was closer to his father than his mother, his father being the more proactive parent and was the glue that held their family together so much so that his death left a great wound that never healed.
Despite not being close, Enji's relationship to his mother had quite the impact on Enji. If you are familiar with Acker's character, Teka, you will know that she's not exactly the most pleasant person to be around and didn’t seem all to thrilled about being a parent. However ironically they both have similar personalities in terms of tempers and overall emotional disposition both having a serious case of resting bitch face and are for the most part humorless with some moments of vulnerability though only around people they trust. After the death of Enji’s father, his mother was unable to really comfort her son along with dealing with her own grief and in the ended up pushing Enji away much like Enji would end up doing to Toya. On top of that they are both very goal driven and will go to extreme lengths to achieve those goals even to a destructive degree.
The last time they spoke was at Enji and Rei’s wedding which Enji only invited his mother because Rei asked him to and they were about as cold to eachother as you would expect. Enji also felt bitter when his mother remarried feeling she was trying to replace his father which did lead to plenty of argument because Enji either threw hands with them or in one case sold all his step-fathers stuff online out of spite.
Ackers Twitter: X
Does your muse keep anything sentimental? if so, what do they keep and why?
One would assume that Enji wouldn’t be one for keeping sentimental things but he does but he is extremely guarded with them keeping them locked away in a lock box. A lot of these things are related to his father such as photos and his wedding ring there are also baby photos of his children, his and Rei’s wedding photo and a couple childish drawings (from Touya and Fuyumi mainly).
He had these things kept locked away in the past to avoid facing his vulnerabilities and past mistakes but now he uses these things as a reminder of why he has to become a better person and what he took for granted because of his ambitions.
In the alter for Toya the family has there is an urn with the part of the jaw bone found at the site of Toya’s death. It’s pretty obvious why he has kept that.
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zacharyian · 11 months
Enemies to lovers
✨Zach and Vanessa story✨
V* Nag simula lahat sa pagpapanggap hanggang sa naging totoo na lahat pero bat parang may mali?
Anyways lets start from the very beginning
I'm Vanessa De Leon, I'm a nursing student and my life is kind of funny
Nakatira ako sa apartment, and yes I do live on my own now. So eto na nga
Nag start lahat sa school
Liam: oyy tol tignan mo oh si Vanessa HAHAHAHAH, may magkakagusto pa kaya diyan?
Ian: yo bro, I have a plan.
Liam, Ivan and Zach:What is it bro?
Ian: why not play with her feelings?
Ivan: eh paano pag lalaruan yan? Eh balita ko study first daw yan eh?
Ian: eh? Sure ba kayo? Balita ko kase crush niyan si Zach eh AHAHAHAHAH
Ivan: talaga ba? As if naman papatulan siya ni Zach, diba bro?
Zach: can you be nice just for once? Napapagalitan na nga ako ni mom dahil sa mga kalokohan niyo eh!
Ian: oh edi sorry, pero bro paglalaruan mo lang namn eh
Zach: no
Lance: teka, diba you need a smart fake gf?
Ian: correction lang ah, smart and beautiful gf yun!
Lance: kaya naman gumanda niyan eh
Zach:oo nga noh, teka lapitan ko ba?
Ian: talagang siya talaga? Ayaw mo ba kay yannie? Maganda yun tas may gusto pa sayo yun bro.
Zach: maganda nga pero bobo naman
Lance: period
Ian: edi kayo na.
*/nilapitan ako ni Zach non at nakipag kilala
Siempre di ko pinansin baka kase pag tritripan lang ako non noh, pinag laruan niya kaya ang puso ni Zarine.
Zach: uh hi, Vanessa right? I'm Zach
Vanessa: kilala kita and I'm not interested, and will you please stop bothering me, it's kind of annoying
Zach: ang sungit naman non
Ivan: sabi sa inyo eh, mahirap talaga yun ikaw ba naman paglaruan ang bestfriend.
Zach: shet? Bestfriends sila ni Zarine?
Sa bahay:
Zach:mom im home
Mom: what did you do this time zach?
Zach: i didn't do anything mom
Mom:okay well whats this then?
Zach: mom that's my girlfriend
Mom: Oh yeah? Bring here here then.
Zach: sure!
Mom: but bring her here next week, i have a meeting pa kase eh
Zach: sure mom no problem
*/ wala na kameng pasok neto kase sem break na, wala na akong pambaon kaya naisipan kong umuwi bg probinsya, naisip ko din na surpesahin sila mama kaya di na ako tumawag sa kanila, ilang oras nga lang din pala ang biyaheng papuntang probinsya kaya naisipan kong umuwi muna. Nang maka dating ako saamim, laking gulat ko nang wala ang inay at itay sa bahay, kaya dali dali akong nag tanong sa kapitbahay namin kung asan sila mama. Sabi ni aling belen ay nasa hospital raw sila dahil inatake si papa, at di sila makalabas dahil wala silang pambayad. Agad kong tinawagan si Alondra upang makahiram ng pera, diko inaaasahan na iba pala ang sumagot ng cp niya.
Vanessa: Londraa, pede bang makahiram ng 60,000 sayo? Alam kong masyadong malaki pero kailangang kailangan ko kase eh, nasa probinsya ako ngayon, na hospital kase si papa.
Zach: hello?, wait there im coming na.
Vanessa: londra?
Call ended
Vanessa: hala nakakahiyaaaaa, sino ba yun?
Di ko naman alam na bago na pala number ni alondra.... Nakakahiya talagaaaaa
Paano na toh ngayon.
Zach: alondra asaan naka tira si vanessa?
Alondra:why kuya, pag triteipan mo nanaman ba? Katulad ng ginawa mo kay zarine? I won't give you the address
Zach: alondra i know i was wrong nung time na yun pero iba to, vanessa need help inatake ata tatay niya
Alondra: wait what??!?!? How did you know?
Zach: someone called, so i answered it
Alondra: oh andiyan pala phone ko hehe i thought i lost it, anyways lets go na kuyaaaa
After a few hours
Nakadating na sila dito at agad binayaran ang hospital bills, nung nakita ko si alondra agad akong tumakbo at niyakap siya,
Vanessa: thank you talagaaa, pero teka paano mo na laman? May kuya ka ba?
Alondra: don't get mad at me but yes, and actually siya yung team captain sa basketball
Vanessa: wait si zach?!?!?!
Alondra: yeah and you should be thanking him not me tho, he's the one who paid the bills
Vanessa: talaga?
Vanessa: ah zach?
Zach: oh hi vanessa, im sorry about-
Vanessa: no its fine, i should be the one apologizing to you, kase tinarayan kita kahapon, sorry talaga naiinis lang kase ako sa ginawa mo kay zarine eh
Zach: i know and alam ko naman na mali ako dun so i think deserve ko naman na matarayan mo
Vanessa: hindi ah, anyways thankyou pala kase binayaran mo yung bills ni papa, hayaan mo babalik ko naman yun sayo, hindi nga lang buo agad pero gagawan ko ng paraan
Zach: wag na, tapos ang usapan, no buts, okay na yun */winked
Dito akong nagsimulang magustohan si zach, hindi ko alam paano, pero sure ako na gusto ko na siya.
Zach: ah alam kong wrong timing to pero, pwede ka bang magpanggap bilang girlfriend ko?
Vanessa: huh? Grabe ka ah, ayoko nga!
Enexplain ni zach bakit and for some reason naniwala ako
Zach: wag ka mag alala wala naman ibang gagawin, holding hands is enough. I'll pay you 10,000 per day
Vanessa: huy zach, seryoso ka? Ang laki niyan ah, tsaka paano ako makakasiguro na wala kang gagawing masama saakin
Zach: me? Hindi ako ganong klaseng tao nuh✨Zach and Vanessa story✨
V* Nag simula lahat sa pagpapanggap hanggang sa naging totoo na lahat pero bat parang may mali?
Anyways lets start from the very beginning
I'm Vanessa De Leon, I'm a nursing student and my life is kind of funny
Nakatira ako sa apartment, and yes I do live on my own now. So eto na nga
Nag start lahat sa school
Liam: oyy tol tignan mo oh si Vanessa HAHAHAHAH, may magkakagusto pa kaya diyan?
Ian: yo bro, I have a plan.
Liam, Ivan and Zach:What is it bro?
Ian: why not play with her feelings?
Ivan: eh paano pag lalaruan yan? Eh balita ko study first daw yan eh?
Ian: eh? Sure ba kayo? Balita ko kase crush niyan si Zach eh AHAHAHAHAH
Ivan: talaga ba? As if naman papatulan siya ni Zach, diba bro?
Zach: can you be nice just for once? Napapagalitan na nga ako ni mom dahil sa mga kalokohan niyo eh!
Ian: oh edi sorry, pero bro paglalaruan mo lang namn eh
Zach: no
Lance: teka, diba you need a smart fake gf?
Ian: correction lang ah, smart and beautiful gf yun!
Lance: kaya naman gumanda niyan eh
Zach:oo nga noh, teka lapitan ko ba?
Ian: talagang siya talaga? Ayaw mo ba kay yannie? Maganda yun tas may gusto pa sayo yun bro.
Zach: maganda nga pero bobo naman
Lance: period
Ian: edi kayo na.
*/nilapitan ako ni Zach non at nakipag kilala
Siempre di ko pinansin baka kase pag tritripan lang ako non noh, pinag laruan niya kaya ang puso ni Zarine.
Zach: uh hi, Vanessa right? I'm Zach
Vanessa: kilala kita and I'm not interested, and will you please stop bothering me, it's kind of annoying
Zach: ang sungit naman non
Ivan: sabi sa inyo eh, mahirap talaga yun ikaw ba naman paglaruan ang bestfriend.
Zach: shet? Bestfriends sila ni Zarine?
Sa bahay:
Zach:mom im home
Mom: what did you do this time zach?
Zach: i didn't do anything mom
Mom:okay well whats this then?
Zach: mom that's my girlfriend
Mom: Oh yeah? Bring here here then.
Zach: sure!
Mom: but bring her here next week, i have a meeting pa kase eh
Zach: sure mom no problem
*/ wala na kameng pasok neto kase sem break na, wala na akong pambaon kaya naisipan kong umuwi bg probinsya, naisip ko din na surpesahin sila mama kaya di na ako tumawag sa kanila, ilang oras nga lang din pala ang biyaheng papuntang probinsya kaya naisipan kong umuwi muna. Nang maka dating ako saamim, laking gulat ko nang wala ang inay at itay sa bahay, kaya dali dali akong nag tanong sa kapitbahay namin kung asan sila mama. Sabi ni aling belen ay nasa hospital raw sila dahil inatake si papa, at di sila makalabas dahil wala silang pambayad. Agad kong tinawagan si Alondra upang makahiram ng pera, diko inaaasahan na iba pala ang sumagot ng cp niya.
Vanessa: Londraa, pede bang makahiram ng 60,000 sayo? Alam kong masyadong malaki pero kailangang kailangan ko kase eh, nasa probinsya ako ngayon, na hospital kase si papa.
Zach: hello?, wait there im coming na.
Vanessa: londra?
Call ended
Vanessa: hala nakakahiyaaaaa, sino ba yun?
Di ko naman alam na bago na pala number ni alondra.... Nakakahiya talagaaaaa
Paano na toh ngayon.
Zach: alondra asaan naka tira si vanessa?
Alondra:why kuya, pag triteipan mo nanaman ba? Katulad ng ginawa mo kay zarine? I won't give you the address
Zach: alondra i know i was wrong nung time na yun pero iba to, vanessa need help inatake ata tatay niya
Alondra: wait what??!?!? How did you know?
Zach: someone called, so i answered it
Alondra: oh andiyan pala phone ko hehe i thought i lost it, anyways lets go na kuyaaaa
After a few hours
Nakadating na sila dito at agad binayaran ang hospital bills, nung nakita ko si alondra agad akong tumakbo at niyakap siya,
Vanessa: thank you talagaaa, pero teka paano mo na laman? May kuya ka ba?
Alondra: don't get mad at me but yes, and actually siya yung team captain sa basketball
Vanessa: wait si zach?!?!?!
Alondra: yeah and you should be thanking him not me tho, he's the one who paid the bills
Vanessa: talaga?
Vanessa: ah zach?
Zach: oh hi vanessa, im sorry about-
Vanessa: no its fine, i should be the one apologizing to you, kase tinarayan kita kahapon, sorry talaga naiinis lang kase ako sa ginawa mo kay zarine eh
Zach: i know and alam ko naman na mali ako dun so i think deserve ko naman na matarayan mo
Vanessa: hindi ah, anyways thankyou pala kase binayaran mo yung bills ni papa, hayaan mo babalik ko naman yun sayo, hindi nga lang buo agad pero gagawan ko ng paraan
Zach: wag na, tapos ang usapan, no buts, okay na yun */winked
Dito akong nagsimulang magustohan si zach, hindi ko alam paano, pero sure ako na gusto ko na siya.
Zach: ah alam kong wrong timing to pero, pwede ka bang magpanggap bilang girlfriend ko?
Vanessa: huh? Grabe ka ah, ayoko nga!
Enexplain ni zach bakit and for some reason naniwala ako
Zach: wag ka mag alala wala naman ibang gagawin, holding hands is enough. I'll pay you 10,000 per day
Vanessa: huy zach, seryoso ka? Ang laki niyan ah, tsaka paano ako makakasiguro na wala kang gagawing masama saakin
Zach: me? Hindi ako ganong klaseng tao nuh, dzuhhh, so do we have a deal or what?
Vanessa: sige G ako, pero pwde bang malaman ng friends ko na fake lang?
Zach: ofcourse not
Vanessa:kahit si alondra?
Zach: yes
Fast forward (kase tinatamad na ako at di ko alam bat ko ginawang mahaba to)
Next week na agad be😉
Zach: vanessa, you need to come here now na mom is already waiting
Vanessa: beh ano ba naman yannnn wlaa akong masuot
Zach: yun lang pala problem mo sana kanina ka pa nag sabi
Vanessa: sorry napo
Zach: lets go to the mall, I'll pick you up, then mall then house
Vanessa: okayyyyy!!
Sa mall*/
Z pov/
Hay nako, matagal pa ba to? Shet ayoko na, i give up, ako na lang pipili for her
*/ choosing clothes and shoes for v
Z: try mo yan,
V: eh? Bat dress, di ako sanay
Z: you have no choices vanessa, pag di ka nag dress up, baka akalain ni mom tropa lang kita
V:edi sorry, teka susukatin ko na po
V: zezee
Z: zezee?
V: opo, nickname^^
Z: ahh, okay na yan bagay na
Z*/ teka, bat ako kinikilig? Peke lang naman lahat ng to, hay nako
V*/ apaka mix naman ng signals ni angkol
Sa bahay:
Mom - m
Alondra - a
M:hi iha, how are you
V: hello po, okay naman po ako
M: oh great,
Kumakain na kame non at ang sweet ng mama niya saakin, tas ang sweet din niya saakin, okay na sana yun eh, pero biglang tumawag si mama emergency daw kaya dali dali akong nag paalam
V: tita, i have to go na po
Z: aga mo naman umalis love?
Tekaaa wait, love? Natulala ako non at di ko alam sasabihin ko
V: sorry love, may emergency kase sila mama eh, i really need to go na
Z: mom, ill come with her
M: okay go, ingat kayo
Z:okay ka lang? Nanginginig ka ah
V:okay lang ako
Tinanggal ni zach yung jacket niya non at nilagay saakin, nagulat ako sa mga actions ni zach nun kase, bat parang nagiging totoo na?
Hinalikan ako ni zach sa ulo at sabay sabing
Z: magiging ayos din ang lahat love, kaya mo yan
V: zach di mo na ako kailangan tawagin niyan kase hindi naman talaga tayo
Z: oh yeah, i forgot sorry
Nasa hospital kame non at grabe ang takot ko kase lumalala na daw ang sakit ni papa at baka anytime mamamaalam na siya
Doc: ah maam, sir, medjo lumalala na po yung sakit ng tatay niyo, baka di niya po kayanin yung sakit niya, anytime pede po siyang atakihin olet
Z: shut up doc, dont say that, kinakabahan na nga sila eh oh, please bring hope din
Lets pay the bills then ilipat nating ang father mo sa hospital ni dad
V:wag na zach
Z:i insists
Z/ niyakap ako non ni vanessa at sa tingin ko nahuhulog na ako sakanya (huy kimi)
Pero hindi pwedeng mahulog ako sa kanya kase di naman siya ganon saakin eh, I'll get over this din.
Fast forward olet😉😉
Sa school*/ uwian
V: zach may sasabihin ako
Z: yes love?
V: stop
Z: wdym?
V: ayoko na magpanggap pa, pagod na ako zach
Z: are you being serious right now?
V: im sorry pero ayoko na zach
Z: bakit?
V: basta
Z: pag di mo sinabi di kita bibitawang
*/ hawak ni zach kamay ni vanessa
V:kase nagiging totoo na
Z: nagiging totoo ang alin?
V: etoooo, eto zach, ayokong umasa na mamahalin mo din ako, tama na di ko na kaya magpanggap
Z: sa tingin mo di ako nahuhulog sayo?
Vanessa mahal na mahal na nga kita eh, vanesaa nagiging totoo na din feelings ko sayo,
V: h-huh?
Z: di mo gets? I ingles ko i love you vanessa
V: teka
Z: I've been waiting for this, and i think this is the right time
Can i court you?
10 years later
Z: happy anniversary love
V:happy anniversary
Zephany: mommmm, dadddd look what i found
Z: wowwww thats so nice baby
*/ naging kame na, at may isabg anak na kame ni zach, yung mga panahon na iyon ang pinaka masaya kong araw
M:hi iha, how are you
V: hello po, okay naman po ako
M: oh great,
Kumakain na kame non at ang sweet ng mama niya saakin, tas ang sweet din niya saakin, okay na sana yun eh, pero biglang tumawag si mama emergency daw kaya dali dali akong nag paalam
V: tita, i have to go na po
Z: aga mo naman umalis love?
Tekaaa wait, love? Natulala ako non at di ko alam sasabihin ko
V: sorry love, may emergency kase sila mama eh, i really need to go na
Z: mom, ill come with her
M: okay go, ingat kayo
Z:okay ka lang? Nanginginig ka ah
V:okay lang ako
Tinanggal ni zach yung jacket niya non at nilagay saakin, nagulat ako sa mga actions ni zach nun kase, bat parang nagiging totoo na?
Hinalikan ako ni zach sa ulo at sabay sabing
Z: magiging ayos din ang lahat love, kaya mo yan
V: zach di mo na ako kailangan tawagin niyan kase hindi naman talaga tayo
Z: oh yeah, i forgot sorry
Nasa hospital kame non at grabe ang takot ko kase lumalala na daw ang sakit ni papa at baka anytime mamamaalam na siya
Doc: ah maam, sir, medjo lumalala na po yung sakit ng tatay niyo, baka di niya po kayanin yung sakit niya, anytime pede po siyang atakihin olet
Z: shut up doc, dont say that, kinakabahan na nga sila eh oh, please bring hope din
Lets pay the bills then ilipat nating ang father mo sa hospital ni dad
V:wag na zach
Z:i insists
Z/ niyakap ako non ni vanessa at sa tingin ko nahuhulog na ako sakanya (huy kimi)
Pero hindi pwedeng mahulog ako sa kanya kase di naman siya ganon saakin eh, I'll get over this din.
Fast forward olet😉😉
Sa school*/ uwian
V: zach may sasabihin ako
Z: yes love?
V: stop
Z: wdym?
V: ayoko na magpanggap pa, pagod na ako zach
Z: are you being serious right now?
V: im sorry pero ayoko na zach
Z: bakit?
V: basta
Z: pag di mo sinabi di kita bibitawang
*/ hawak ni zach kamay ni vanessa
V:kase nagiging totoo na
Z: nagiging totoo ang alin?
V: etoooo, eto zach, ayokong umasa na mamahalin mo din ako, tama na di ko na kaya magpanggap
Z: sa tingin mo di ako nahuhulog sayo?
Vanessa mahal na mahal na nga kita eh, vanesaa nagiging totoo na din feelings ko sayo,
V: h-huh?
Z: di mo gets? I ingles ko i love you vanessa
V: teka
Z: I've been waiting for this, and i think this is the right time
Can i court you?
10 years later
Z: happy anniversary love
V:happy anniversary
Zephany: mommmm, dadddd look what i found
Z: wowwww thats so nice baby
*/ naging kame na, at may isabg anak na kame ni zach, yung mga panahon na iyon ang pinaka masaya kong araw.
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carvethemarkquotes · 1 year
“Visions don’t come with a watch, so the timing is not exact, but based on the color of the light, it will be evening.” I squinted at him. “Is that the truth, or is that just something you’re telling me to manipulate me into doing what you want?” “Are you really going to believe my answer to that question?” “No.” I stopped for a moment, in front of him. “Why now? You’ve only ever cared about yourself, for your entire life. So what’s gotten into you? Brain parasite?” “Is that really constructive?” Teka said.
The Fates Divide, written by Veronica Roth
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geminipdf · 2 years
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶✨
HIIII teka sorry for answering this so late thank u 💜i love sharing my music
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heeracha · 2 years
heeseung presses the buttons of his console, focusing on the game. he hears his phone ping, signaling him that there was someone who sent him a text. he glances on his phone, reading the message quickly, not wanting to leave the game since he can’t pause it because of it being on ranking mode. but the moment he sees your name, he drops the console, grabbing his phone as he unlocks his phone.
he nods, getting out of the apartment as he runs to his car. he turns the ignition on, looking at his phone to see the address you sent. heeseung drives right away. he didn’t care how far it was, even if it was an hour away, he didn’t care. he just wanted to get to you right away. there’s a possibility that he misheard it, but he knows you’re crying.
he meant it when he said he didn’t like you romantically. but he got a glimpse of how great you are and he wants you to be in his life. he knows better than to let a great person just pass him by. 
3. incredibly supremely sus.. final answer??????? fr fr ngl?????
you smile and he sighs, moving to the top of your bed as he gently grabs your hand, pulling you to him. you sigh, laying on his side, resting your head on his chest as he wraps his arms around you. your tears fall silently, but somehow, he feels it. he puts a hand on your head, softly patting it before proceeding to play with your hair as you two fall asleep in each other’s arms.
4. alam mo tangina ka nalang lee heeseung 🤩
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tekatonic · 10 months
Hi, me again. I'm really curious about SEGAU Silver. You said that people with Passive Flow tend to have mind powers (which I assumed would mean Silver because of his psychokinesis) but you said that Silver instead has Hyperactive Flow. What's up with that?
Yes, very good observation !
When I said mind powers, I meant powers that stay internal, so the chaos energy stays in your body instead of being externalized. These included things like : enhanced senses or intuition, energy tracking/dowsing, a strong danger sense, telepathy, mind-reading, etc. Very rarely, you might be able to do the spoon-bending thing with external objects, but only if they come in direct contact with you.
Silver's power may be a mind power of sorts, but it visibly interacts with objects near or far, so it's not internal ! He's sending his energy to other objects and then applying force to move or crush them.
Amy, who is presumed to have Passive flow and can pass as just an exceptionally strong Passive, can do something relatively close to that. What she does is send her energy into objects that she touches ( it's easier with her Piko-piko hammer since it's part of her, I'll explain that next ) to make them stronger. She can't do that with anything she's not touching, though. Presumably she could share power with other people, but that might have adverse effects depending on the person, so I don't think I'd advise it !
About the Piko-piko hammer : that's a chaos object ! Chaos objects are tools you summon, but how do you do that and why are Passives the only ones that can do it ? Simply put, people with Passive flow have an inherently more stable connection to the planet's chaos energy. Through that connection and with their internal power, they can reach into the Chaos Plane ( basically a plane of existence that constitutes the energy fabric of everything, also where Special Stages are located and where deities usually live ), and their subconscious desires shape the chaos into a shape that will aid them. ( Note that just being Passive and having powers is generally not enough to be able to essentially rip a portal into the chaos dimension, you'll need some sort of medium. Chaos emeralds are great at that since they are tied to wishes and the heart in general, but they're definitely not easy to come by. )
For Amy, her chaos object is a hammer ! Chaos objects by definition are fitted to match your talents and intentions.
Fun fact : Sonic's shoes are chaos objects ! But they are also equipped with natural, non-removable inhibitor rings ! Damn, I hear you say, doesn't that go against the definition ? Why does his chaos object hinder him ? Well, I did say they are based on subconscious desires, clearly Sonic's intent is not to hurt people. That, and the planet's chaos energy is still governed by a certain force or will. There's gotta be balance somehow.
Addendum, on the topic of Silver and Hyperactive people especially. I said that that was a rare kind of flow to have, right ?
So Silver is from a really desolate future, and that future has MUCH LESS people than Sonic's time, not to mention barely any vegetation. which leaves a lot of the planet's chaos energy with nowhere to go, because it can't incarnate into a lot of living things. That situation causes people to be born with as much chaos energy as their vessel can handle, which means Hyperactive-flowing people are much more common ! In fact, they would be the most common type in Silver's era, if it wasn't for the high rate of death in infants and the terrible living conditions. So the most common flow category is Active, with Dormant becoming very rare.
Silver's telekinesis isn't an uncommon power at his time. What's rare is to not have any powers at all ! Completely backwards from Sonic's time.
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flammedepoulet · 12 days
Question & Answer
Terima kasih untuk ribuan (lebay) pertanyaan dan pujian yang diberikan kepada kami saat perilisan situs dua hari yang lalu. Izinkan kami untuk menjawab pertanyaan dari teman-teman semua ya!
Jangka Waktu OA: Jangka waktu FlammedePoulet kurang lebih 30 hari ya. Dimulai pada tanggal 1 Juni, dan selesai pada 30 Juni. Namun tidak menutup perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi seperti lebih cepat atau bahkan extend.
Terkait kegiatan dan event: a. Jumlah kegiatan dan event kami berencana untuk mengadakan 2 event besar saat weekend dan mungkin di weekend lainnya akan diberikan misi atau mini event.
b. Apakah kegiatan akan fokus ke ayam geprek saja atau ke masakan lainnya juga? Kami memang memiliki rencana untuk mengeksplor masakan yang berhubungan dengan ayam lainnya juga, tapi fokus utama kami tetap pada ayam geprek sebagai bintang utama agar dapat mendapat resep kakek yang hilang.
c. Karena ini berisi misteri, apakah akan penuh dengan teka-teki dan riddle? Tujuan utama kita adalah untuk menemukan kembali resep utama Kakek yang mungkin bisa mengungkapkan juga apa alasan kakek meninggal, disitulah letak teka-tekinya. Namun tidak perlu takut yaa, walau ada teka-teki dan riddle, kami usahakan rumah makan kakek menjadi tempat yang nyaman dan tidak menekan.
d. Untuk Impostor atau Pengki yang berasal dari member, tidak ada ya.
e. Apakah ada kegiatan danusan? Iya. Siapkan tenaga dan toa kalian ya. Nanti kita akan danusan keliling kampung buat promosi perdananya dibuka restoran kita ini.
Kriteria Memilih Anak: Untuk kriteria memilih anak, kami sendiri menilai dengan 3 poin:
50%: Interaksi dengan kami, Aska dan Dipta.
30%: Isi dari formulir.
20% Keaktifan serta interaksi dengan mutual.
Semisal ada twins, kita suruh pangkuan aja gimana? Bercanda. Kami tentu akan mempertimbangkan sesuai presentase yang telah kami sebutkan di atas.
Lalu, keaktifan versi kami adalah kami melihat seberapa aktif kalian melibatkan diri untuk berinteraksi baik dengan kami atau pun dengan mutual kalian sendiri. Untuk pembaharuan karakter (update character) dan promosi... Kami bukannya tidak mau menilai itu soalnya menurut kami itu keikhlasan masing-masing. Yang penting kalian tetap in character dan tidak menjelekkan karakter yang kalian mainkan sudah cukup bagi kami.
Untuk SQ kami tidak masalah apabila kalian mempunyai SQ dengan base (selain squad grup), kemampuan kalian mengikuti kegiatan kan kalian sendiri yang bisa mengukurnya. Kami setidaknya meminta kalian untuk adil saja dalam mengikuti kegiatan antara OA/SQ lain dengan kami.
Keaktifan member dan GDM
Tidak ada minimal interaksi atau standar keaktifan harian yang kami tetapkan. Tapi kami mengharapkan kalian tetap mengikuti kegiatan yang kami adakan dan apabila tidak bisa untuk mengikuti kalian wajib untuk memberi tahu base dan host permainan melalui DM. Kami tentu saja akan melakukan patroli agar semua mematuhi peraturan seperti yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya.
Untuk GDM Convo kami berencana untuk mengaktifkannya pada saat tertentu saja. Seperti evaluasi atau mungkin setelah event.
0 notes
ivdiaries · 8 months
Story prompt: Take A Chance With Me (inspired by Niki’s song “Take A Chance With Me”)
While you’re waiting in line for Rex Orange County’s concert, you suddenly saw someone whom you haven’t seen in a long time. You slowly approached him. He looked up from his phone when he saw you standing right in front of him. Niall Gomez. Your old high school crush.
He was someone you’ve always wanted to be with. Matalino, matangkad, maputi, hindi sobrang chinito pero pwede na. He graduated Architect in one of the Big 4 schools in the Philippines. In short, aside from your celebrity crushes, he’s your in real life dream guy.
The gist is, mas imposible mo pa siyang maging boyfriend kesa kay Kim Mingyu.
“Uy, hi.” You said. He looked at you, and you smiled at him. He smiled hesitantly and went back to look on his phone again.
“Di ko alam fan ka pala. Mahilig ka rin pala sa kanila.” You said again. This time he shoved his phone to his pocket and sighed.
“Yeah, I’ve been a fan for years na. Ikaw ba?” He asked. You smiled again.
“Hmm sakto lang. Not really a big fan but I like their music.” You answered. He looked satisfied with your answer. “Ano nga palang seat mo?” You asked again.
He fished his ticket out of his pocket, “404 Port 11 Row 5 Seat 16. Ikaw?”
“404 Port 11 Row 5 Seat 15– teka wait! Magkatabi tayo!” You shouted. He looks like he’s not too happy about it but you don’t mind. You’re just glad to see a familiar face in an unknown crowd. “Okay lang ba magsama nalang tayo ngayon?” You asked. You almost said a cheesy line until you remembered you’re not friends with him. Yet.
“Sure, tutal magkatabi naman tayo.” He said. Suddenly, your stomach rumbled. Hindi ka nga pala nakakain bago ka umalis. He looked at you and his eyes showed concern. “Masakit ba tiyan mo?” He asked.
“Oh, ah, hindi. Nakalimutan ko hindi pa pala ako nag lunch.” You said. He looked at his watch and tsk-ed.
“5pm na di ka pa kumain?” He asked. You nodded, now that you remember you’re hungry, suddenly everything you see is appetizing. “San mo gusto? Samahan nalang kita.”
“Hala, wag na nakakahiya.” You told him. He just ignored what you said by rolling his eyes. He then started looking at the restaurants nearby.
“Gusto mo ba ng Burger King? Ayon nalang kasi yung malapit.” You nodded and followed him all the way to Burger King.
When you reached the fast food’s counter, he asked, “Anong order mo? Ako na muna magbabayad, hanap ka na muna ng pwesto.”
“Junior Whopper lang, pepsi nalang yung drink if ever.” You said. He nodded and then you proceeded to find a seat instead. Luckily, a seat for two near the counter is available.
Few minutes after, Niall appeared along with your order. You noticed Niall only ordered onion rings for himself. You wanted to check with him but you also felt shy for trying to pry.
“Magkano pala ibabayad ko sayo?” You asked him.
“Mamaya nalang, kain ka muna.”
— TBC.
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benefits1986 · 1 year
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Hello, Asian genes! Hello, extra rice!  Hello, ina!  Taken a few years ago.  Took the family to Ted’s because tamad ako mag-DIY ng Easter Egg Hunt.  I don’t like kids but, sige, in the name of mother dragon’s tradition --making kids happy on Easter lalo ‘yung mga kids na need ng more nourishment sa place namin, sige naaa!  About 10 pamangkins + pinsans ransacked Ted’s. Sakto pa first dibs kami.  I kidded nga the kids na mag-tira naman sila kasi kawawa ‘yung mga next guests. LOLOLOLLOLL. (We have a really big family sa dad side. Basic ‘yung 10 kasi iilan lang kami umuwi that weekend.)  The owner smiled at me and said, refill na lang daw nila. Bait talaga saka halos puno namin ‘yung dining area that time. Buena mano po, opo!  Gave tip to the staff na lang kasi kagulo talaga that Sunday.  Ina, in spite the overwhelming numbness, unearthing this snap makes me remember your hey days. Though the end has been a tough one, the good days outnumber the bad and the ugly. Even on your deathbed, ang supple ng skin mo. Nahihiya naman ako. Your hands though wrinkled are warm and very welcoming. Partida, ‘di pa tayo super close because I always felt na sa dami ng apo and apo sa tuhod mo, ayoko na makigulo. I never fail to watch you from afar naman. Naghihintay ng menudo at tilapia or nung ‘di ka na masyado makaluto kasi masakit na back mo, whenever I visit, may Famy, Sta. Cruz, Pagsanjan , Rizal or wherever nearby food trip tayo. Your face lights up as you feast on putok-batok brunch. Bilib ako e and at the same time, stressed out kasi baka pumutok nga batok mo, but dad said nga, ‘yan lang naman hilig mo, so go. Push. May maint naman e. 
Some of our ganaps na core memory ko na are:  -Was supposed to be Sadness on our tiny Halloween party (again, for the kids) but sabi mo I look like Badjao Girl without being politically incorrect. Nood ka kasi ng nood ng Pinoy Big Brother. First time mo ako makita na 5 shades darker skin tapos ‘di mo ma-gets na gusto ko ‘yung ganito ako ka-caramel. ‘Di ka naniniwala paano ko na-achieve and na pinaghirapan kong bumabad sa araw para pantay. Sabi ko naman Sadness ako but syempre, you didn’t get the reference so last minute, naging Summer Girl na lang ako. Grabe ‘yung tawa mo nun sa akin na akala ko masasamid ka na. Wicked and wonderful times --my totes vibe.  -When I lost weight sabi mo OK na kaso ‘yung balakang ko humahampas pa rin kahit saan. Hindi ka naman syempre makapaniwala pero I know you are amazed and amused. I told you na daig mo pa Shakira, because De Ramos hips like yours never lie. Kinurot mo ako tapos tumawa ka ng malakas. Teka. Bakit naluluha ako when typing this? Am I ready to let the ragasa of emotions in? LOL. E nawala. When pandemic weight gain hit (and still here and now) hit, sabi mo lang na babalik din ako sabay tampal sa hips ko. De Ramos ka e, kaya ganyan ka na talaga. Sabay tawa.  -Your utter concern about me hiking Buntot Palos. LOLLOLL. Sabi mo pa na ikaw nga, you don’t go there kahit tubong Laguna ka. You followed it with stories about mga naliligaw kasi alam mong I easily get scared. You amped up the ante by saying na ang lakas ng ulan the past days kaya hassle lalo ‘yung hike. Alam mo kasing lampa ako. And finally, you also said na malamang walang tour guide kasi kakatapos lang Pasko at Bagong Taon gaming sila. I smlied and reassured you na kakayanin ko kahit ilang beses akong madapa. Buntot Palos after the crazy rains would be at its mightiest. You sighed and said bahala ako. ‘Pag uwi ko, tanong mo agad how many times ako nadapa. Syempre, marami, I answered back. Tumawa ka na naman like there’s no tomorrow. Na-anxiety na naman ako kasi baka masamid ka. You then asked me to wash and eat na. Baka gutom na ako. LOL.  -You always give me a “Back To Manila” baon: tilapia and menudo kahit my times na wala talaga ako sa mood just because. During these countless times, kay dad mo na lang inaabot kasi alam mong ‘pag nasa mood na ako ulit, hahanapin ko ‘yung pabaon mo.  -You stood by me during a really heated issue that I would not publish but I loved your killer line: Ikaw pa ba naman binangga ano? Ikaw pa talaga. Ayan tuloy, giba sila. Tama lang ang ginawa mo. ‘Di puwedeng ganun. You patted my back and hugged me. I wanted to cry on your shoulder but I pulled back and said: Talaga naman ang ina ko. LOL.  -You also made a very clear pabilin to dad over the years when mom died... na ‘wag na mag-anak ulit sa dad kasi para ‘di na siya mag-all over again, and syempre, ako na naman ang sangkalan... bigyan ko raw kayo ng apo. Syempre, sabi ko as always, ang dami na natin masyado. Gigil ka naman sa akin every time I have this come back. Kahit pa niloko kita na menopause na ako nung 35 onwards, you never fail to bring this up. Ina, whyyy? Bakit ako? :D Ina, ‘wag ako, please. And your grand finale pa is you had your bunso at 45. Damnngurlll. I KENNAT.
-You welcomed me back during our quick ride to Lumban na muntik na umabot sa Pagsanjan but dad dragged me back kasi baka daw makalas bike ko pabalik. I insisted pero OK fine. Sabi mo, bakit maliit bike ko. Nagkampihan pa kayo ni dad. But, I don’t care. Sabi mo pa why I don’t have helmet and why I dress that way. Sabi ko naman is progressive tayo dapat and the helmet does not match the look. You said, talaga ‘tong apo ko. LOL. Then added: Buti naakyat mo? LOLOOLLOLL.  Managed to squeeze in sleep na. Siguro dahil sa Indian food and sangria after a few days na mala-fasting mode ako because wala talaga akong gana. Vape lang at tubig, sapat na. But more so, I know that you are indeed at peace na talaga. No words pa ‘to sa lagay na ‘to pero I know you’re in Paradise Falls na with ama. 
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ribrid · 2 years
Figuring Out
Gadis itu menatap sebuah pojok baca yang terbengkalai di sudut meja belajar, di dalam kamar kos, di sebuah kota berjarak 3 jam dari kampung halamannya. Pojok baca itu secara ajaib mengingatkannya pada mading sederhana terbuat dari plastik besar yang ditempel di dinding kamarnya, di kampung halaman, yang ditempel dengan kertas-kertas dan gambar sederhana hasil print dengan alat printer milik sendiri. Sebuah visualisasi mimpi saat itu. Sekarang, pojokan mading itu sudah berganti jadi cermin dinding.
Secara ajaib, momen sederhana melirik pojokan baca di sudut meja berubah jadi memori saat visualisasi mimpi itu masih ada, kenangan beberapa tahun yang lalu, saat ia merasa yakin dengan yang diinginkannya. Sangat yakin, hingga tubuhnya tak lelah sepulang sekolah langsung mandi dan berangkat kembali ke tempat kursus. Sangat yakin dan sangat ingin, sampai untuk kali pertamanya ia terjaga hingga jam 1 malam hanya untuk menangis. Sangat ingin, hingga tidak bisa bayangkan jika sesuatu yang diinginkannya itu tidak tercapai.
Sekarang, masih dengan gadis yang sama, masih dengan hobi baca buku yang sama, dan mungkin masih dengan kadar introvert yang masih sama tingginya. Tahun bertambah, waktu berlalu. Some things are meant to be the same, and some are meant to be unavoidably changing. And she guessed one of it is her ability to figure it out, her ability to be undoubtedly sure of what she wants to do.
Kata orang-orang, ini adalah quarter life crisis. Dan yang ia ingat adalah perasaan seperti sudah sering menggelayuti sejak pertengahan masa kuliah, barangkali sekarang makin meninggi kadarnya.
Kata orang-orang, ini adalah quarter life crisis. Yang tidak habis dalam beberapa bulan layaknya ketika bingung terhadap beberapa bab pelajaran. Yang tidak terkira dan tidak menentu layaknya jadwal-jadwal ujian. Yang kebingungannya akan selalu ada di sana.
Tapi, tidak peduli apa perkataan orang-orang atau para pakar di luaran, tidak peduli kadang-kadang masih dilanda keraguan yang hebat, ada satu kesamaan yang masih ia bawa : sebodoh apapun rasanya setelah dipikirkan beberapa tahun kemudian, yang ia tahu saat itu adalah pilihan terbaiknya. Sebodoh apapun rasanya, ia tidak menyesal.
Sekarang, alih-alih larut dalam macam-macam perasaan dan pikiran yang tak menentu, atau suara-suara yang mengatakan 'harusnya ini, harusnya begitu', mari nikmati ombak yang ada. Nikmati keraguan yang ada. Nikmati pemandangannya, nikmati belokannya, dan nikmati teka-tekinya.
Life only give us compass. It may not tell us the exact steps, but it tells us the direction. We will figure the steps out along the way. That's enough to move forward.
Bonus lagu 1D. Liriknya tidak relate. Tapi melodinya serasa mampu membawa kenangan2 lama.
Ralat : ada 1 bait lirik yang relate.
Don't try to make me stay Or ask if I'm okay I don't have the answer Don't make me stay the night Or ask if I'm alright I don't have the answer
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motefitofode · 2 years
Teka ha 830 manual english
12 pages. PDF
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