#teenage counselling services near me
midnaglobal · 2 years
How GBP helps Entrepreneurs to succeed?
Mr. A. Rathinaswamy, Founder of MiDNA Global explains how Genetic Brain Profiling helps Entrepreneurs to succeed in their businesses.
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HeartsMatters Counseling | Counselor | Career Counseling in Chandler AZ
We are your dependable and trustworthy go-to mental health Counselor in Chandler AZ, dedicated to supporting individuals in their journey toward emotional well-being. With a client-centered approach, we provide a safe and non-judgmental space for individuals to explore their thoughts, feelings, and concerns. Our professionals will help you navigate challenges such as anxiety, depression, and stress. Moreover, when it comes to Career Counseling in Chandler AZ, we are the name you can rely on. Understanding emotional unrest that arises during the postpartum period, we will help you uplift your overall mental well-being. With us, you can offset stress, develop coping strategies, and foster self-care. So, if you need our expert assistance, call us today.
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By: Andrew Doyle
Published: Apr 8, 2024
One of my shortest-lived jobs was as a teacher at a school for girls near Sloane Square in London. I resigned after just two weeks because the headmistress was a religious zealot who had objected to me teaching a text which featured a gay character. In my resignation letter, I explained that I wasn’t prepared to work at a school which fostered such antediluvian attitudes. I stayed on to finish the term, but was delighted when I eventually made my escape.
I had previously worked at a boys’ school, and I soon noticed that there were some broad differences that manifested in an all-female environment. One of the most concerning was that many of the girls were engaged in what can only be described as competitive starvation. During lunch duties, I was warned to keep an eye out for pupils who had taken just a single lettuce leaf from the salad bar. If I saw any girl doing so, I was told I must immediately intercept her and demand that she return and fill her plate.
My first teaching post had been at a co-ed school in which cutting one’s own skin was the fashion. We even had a visiting expert telling us how to encourage these pupils to hold ice cubes in their hands until they felt shooting pains as a substitute for the razor. I remember at the time thinking that this wasn’t the best advice, but I was too green to raise an objection. Besides, this speaker had spent a considerable part of the session reminiscing about a shepherd she had once counselled who had, over the course of many months on the hillside, used a sharp wire to whittle his penis so that it eventually became forked. To this day, I am none the wiser as to the purpose of this anecdote.
But the shift from cutting to starvation was striking. At the former school, pupils were not refraining from food, and at the latter there were very few who were injuring themselves with blades. It was almost as though only one form of self-harm could predominate at any given time. And when a small group started doing it, the trend spread with remarkable rapidity. I hadn’t seen an equivalent back when I was teaching boys.
I have since learned that social contagions are especially common among teenage girls, and that there are numerous historical precedents for this. I have written elsewhere about the Salem witch trials of 1692-93, in which a group of girls began seeing demons in the shadows and accusing members of their own community of being in league with the Devil. Then there were the various “dancing plagues” of the middle ages which seemed to impact young women in particular. In 1892, girls at a school in Germany began to involuntarily shake their hands whenever they performed writing exercises. And when I visited Sweden last year, I was told about a local village where, during the medieval period, the girls all inexplicably began to limp.
It's perfectly clear that the latest social contagion to take hold in the western world is that of girls identifying out of their femaleness, either through claims that they are trans or non-binary. Whereas in 2012, there were only 250 referrals (mostly boys) to the NHS’s Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS), by 2021 the figure had risen to more than 5,000 (mostly female) patients. Gender activists like to claim that this is simply the consequence of more people “coming out” as society becomes more tolerant, and at the same time insist that it has never been a worse time to be trans. Consistency is not their strong suit.
Of course there are no easy answers as to the explosion of this latest fad, but surely the proliferation of social media has something to do with it. Platforms such as TikTok are replete with activists explaining to teenagers that their feelings of confusion are probably evidence that they have been “born in the wrong body”. For pubescent girls who are uncomfortable with their physiological changes, as well as sudden unwanted male sexual attention, the prospect of identifying out of womanhood makes complete sense. These online pedlars have some snake-oil to sell. And while a limping epidemic in a medieval village would be unlikely to spread very far, social contagions cannot be so confined in the digital age.
Much of this is reminiscent of the recovered memory hysteria of the late twentieth-century, when therapist cranks promoted the idea that most victims of sexual abuse had repressed their traumatic memories from childhood. It led to numerous cases of people imagining that they had been abused by parents and other family members, and many lives were ruined as a result. One of the key texts in this movement was The Courage to Heal (1988) by Ellen Bass and Laura Davis, which made the astonishing and unevidenced claim that “if you are unable to remember any specific instances… but still have a feeling that something abusive happened to you, it probably did”.
A common feature of social contagions is that they depend upon the elevation of intuition over material reality. Just as innocent family members were accused of sexual abuse because of “feelings” teased out by unscrupulous therapists, many girls are now being urged by online influencers to trust the evidence of their emotions and accept a misalignment between their body and their gendered soul. We are not talking here about the handful of children who suffer from gender dysphoria, but rather healthy children who have been swept up in a temporary craze.
Activists have been quick to demonise the entire notion of “social contagion” as a “transphobic talking point”, but the evidence for it is now indisputable. The review into paediatric gender treatment by Dame Hilary Cass is due to be published this Wednesday, and is likely to include recommendations that schools stop the “social transitioning” of children. The interim review had already pointed out that enabling pupils to adopt alternative names, pronouns and dress codes was “not a neutral act”. And there is mounting evidence that such an approach consolidates a child’s psychological conceptualisation of herself as a member of the opposite sex. While social transitioning is seen as compassionate, in reality is causes long-term harm.
It would seem that teenage girls will always be prone to these social contagions, but some are more damaging than others. Whereas limping and dancing and trembling can be overcome, the lifelong impact of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgery will not be so transient. Let’s hope this particular hysteria soon goes the way of all the others.
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melissalwatkins · 11 months
Website : https://www.melissalwatkins.com/
Address : Rochester, New York, USA
Hello, I'm Melissa L Watkins, an Intuitive Coach, Personal Coach, and Medium. As the Founder of Guidance 311, I offer online/zoom medium sessions, intuitive guidance sessions, and integrative energy therapy sessions. With my extensive expertise as an IET® Master-Instructor Teacher and Evidential Medium, I possess a range of gifts, including clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, and claircognizance. By connecting with spirit and working with the Angels, crossed over loved ones, and your higher-self, I can help you tap into the Universal Energy of Love, enabling you to experience healing and relief.
Are you ready to let go of these challenges and embrace a life filled with love, compassion, and joy? I can assist you in:
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Together, we can embark on a transformative journey towards the life you were meant to live in this lifetime.
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Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/guidance311/
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wecareclinic123 · 12 days
Nurturing Young Lives Pediatric Care at We Care Clinic
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Pediatricians play an important role in ensuring the health and wellness of our children. From infancy through adolescence, these medical professionals provide comprehensive care, guidance, and support to ensure optimal physical, emotional, and developmental growth. In this article, we’ll explore the vital role of pediatricians in nurturing the health of children and their families, while also highlighting the importance of chest care and the role of specialists in this area.
Foundations of Pediatric Care Paediatricians are specialised doctors who are trained to meet the specific medical requirements of children ranging from infancy to teenagers. Their knowledge spans a wide range of topics, including preventive care, sickness diagnosis and treatment, developmental assessments, and nutritional, behavioural, and safety counselling.
Chest care is a crucial aspect of pediatric care, especially for children with conditions affecting their respiratory system. Pediatricians often collaborate with a chest specialist or a pulmonologist and chest physician to provide comprehensive care for conditions such as asthma and bronchitis.
Preventive Care Preventive care forms the cornerstone of pediatric practice. Regular check-ups, immunisations, and screenings are vital for monitoring the development and growth of a kid and early detection of any potential health risks. By staying up-to-date with recommended vaccinations like the HPV vaccine and booster vaccines, pediatricians help prevent infectious diseases and identify developmental delays or health issues before they escalate.
Parents often seek a pediatrician near me for convenience, ensuring regular visits to a clinic near me for timely preventive care.
Diagnosis and Treatment When a child falls ill or exhibits symptoms of an underlying condition, pediatricians are equipped to diagnose and treat a diverse range of ailments. From common childhood infections like colds and ear infections to chronic conditions such as asthma or diabetes, pediatricians possess the expertise to provide accurate diagnoses and develop personalized treatment plans tailored to each child’s needs.
For respiratory issues, a pediatrician might refer the child to a chest disease doctor or a pulmonologist is a doctor for treating complex lung conditions. For instance, conditions like asthma, bronchitis, and lung cancer symptoms require specialized care from a chest pulmonologist or pulmonologist specialist doctor.
Developmental Assessments Children undergo rapid physical, cognitive, and emotional development during their formative years. Pediatricians monitor these milestones closely, conducting developmental assessments to ensure children are progressing appropriately. Early identification of developmental delays or behavioral concerns allows pediatricians to intervene promptly, offering interventions and resources to support healthy growth and development.
Counseling and Guidance Beyond medical care, paediatricians are trusted counsellors to parents, providing advice on numerous aspects of child-rearing. Paediatricians provide vital support to families by providing advise on breastfeeding, sleep habits, managing behavioural obstacles, and navigating teenage issues, allowing parents to make knowledgeable choices that improve their children’s health and well-being.
For respiratory health concerns, pediatricians might advise on smoking remedies for parents to create a healthier environment or refer to a sleep medicine specialist if sleep disorders are suspected.
Advocates for Children’s Health Pediatricians are not only healthcare providers but also advocates for children’s health on a broader scale. They work tirelessly to promote public health initiatives, advocate for policies that benefit children and families, and address disparities in access to healthcare services. Paediatricians work to ensure a healthier future for all children by participating in neighbourhood outreach programmes, conducting research, and partnering with other healthcare professionals.
In cases of severe respiratory conditions like lung cancer, pediatricians work closely with chest disease specialists and pulmonologist specialists to provide comprehensive care and support. This collaborative approach ensures that children receive the best possible care tailored to their specific needs.
Conclusion Pediatricians play an indispensable role in safeguarding the health and well-being of children from infancy through adolescence. Paediatricians provide comprehensive care that covers the special requirements of young patients and their families, drawing on their skills in preventative care, diagnosis, developmental evaluations, treatment, and counselling. As advocates for children’s health, pediatricians work tirelessly to promote a holistic approach to pediatric care, ensuring every child has the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential.
For specific conditions like asthma and bronchitis, pediatricians often refer to or collaborate with specialists such as a pulmonologist and chest specialist or a chest disease doctor to provide targeted care. Whether it’s a routine check-up at a walk-in clinic near me, managing an allergic reaction, or addressing chest pain, pediatricians and chest care specialists work hand in hand to ensure the best outcomes for children’s health.
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tallmantall · 9 months
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raisingeq · 9 months
Finding Support for Teens: How Raising EQ Offers Teenage Counseling and Therapy Near You
Adolescence is a time of significant change and growth, but it can also be a period of unique challenges and struggles for many teenagers. As a parent or caregiver, you want to ensure that your teenager has access to the proper support and resources to navigate these crucial years successfully. This is where finding a teen therapist or counselling services nearby becomes invaluable. This blog will explore the importance of teenage counselling and therapy and how Raising EQ offers specialized support for teenagers in your community.
The Search for "Teen Therapist Near Me"
When parents or caregivers search for a "teen therapist near me," they are taking a proactive step toward addressing their teenagers' emotional, behavioural, or mental health needs. It's a recognition that professional guidance can make a significant difference in their child's life during these formative years.
Teenage Counseling: A Lifeline for Adolescents
Teenagers face many challenges, including academic stress, peer pressure, identity development, and emotional turbulence. These challenges can sometimes lead to anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues. Teenage counselling provides a safe and confidential space for adolescents to express their thoughts and feelings, learn coping strategies, and develop resilience.
Why Choose Teenage Counseling Services Near Me?
Accessibility: Accessing counselling services near you means minimal disruption to your teenager's daily routine. It allows for regular sessions that can be crucial for progress.
Community Connection: Local counselling services often have a deeper understanding of the specific challenges teenagers in your area might face. They can tailor their approaches accordingly.
Family Involvement: Proximity enables family involvement, which can be vital for supporting the teenager's progress. It's easier for parents and caregivers to participate in sessions when the therapist is nearby.
The Role of a Teenage Psychologist or Therapist
Teenage psychologists or therapists are trained professionals with expertise in adolescent development and mental health. They can address a wide range of issues, including:
Anxiety and depression
Academic stress
Peer relationships
Self-esteem and self-image
Identity and self-discovery
Behavioural challenges
Family conflicts
Why Raising EQ Stands Out
Raising EQ is your local partner in providing teenage counselling and therapy services. Here's how we make a difference:
1. Experienced Teen Therapists: Our team consists of highly skilled and experienced teenage therapists dedicated to helping adolescents navigate the complexities of this life stage.
Personalized Approaches: We understand that each teenager is unique, and our therapy sessions are tailored to address their individual needs and goals.
Community-Centered: As an integral part of your community, we deeply understand local teenagers' challenges and can provide relevant support.
Holistic Well-Being: Raising EQ believes in addressing immediate issues and equipping teenagers with life skills and emotional intelligence that will serve them well into adulthood.
Raising EQ - Your Partner in Teenage Counseling and Therapy
In the search for "teen therapist near me" or "teenage counseling near me," Raising EQ is your local resource offering specialized support for teenagers. Our team of dedicated teenage therapists is committed to helping adolescents build resilience, manage challenges, and thrive during this critical phase of life.
If you're seeking professional teenage counselling services nearby, look no further than Raising EQ. Contact us today to discover how our tailored therapy and counselling services can positively impact your teenager's life, helping them develop the emotional intelligence and skills they need to succeed. Your teenager's well-being is our priority, and we're here to support their journey towards a brighter future.
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neelycounseling · 1 year
Teens Anxiety in San Antonio
Teens Anxiety in San Antonio is a specialized counseling service dedicated to supporting teenagers who are experiencing anxiety-related challenges in the San Antonio area. Our team of qualified and empathetic counselors is committed to providing a nurturing and confidential environment where teens can openly express their concerns and receive effective guidance and treatment.
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Female's Health and wellness Associates
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 Providers and Perks Female's Health and wellness Associates is a well-established obstetrical method in Western Massachusetts. It combines modern-day innovation with traditional, holistic, and alternative techniques to supply high quality health care for women throughout all phases of life. Its carriers have decades of combined experience, which makes them an excellent choice for you. Listed here are some of the solutions and benefits of Female's Health and wellness Associates. Right here, you'll find a short description of each solution. The doctors at women's health associates are readily available around the clock to give top notch like people. They pay attention to your problems as well as resolve your concerns. 
Their friendly environment makes it a satisfaction to head to the physician. Whether you require annual exams, a regular exam, or something a lot more intrusive, the staff at Women's Wellness Associates is able to satisfy your needs and concerns. Continue reading for more information regarding the services provided by this method.  If you're in need of a physician that concentrates on women's health and wellness, think about Female's Wellness Associates. They provide a selection of look after the entire female body. This technique provides thorough take care of all phases of a female's life, from teenage years to childbearing years, and afterwards with menopause. Click to read more on  female's health and wellness associates near me.
Their team can offer look after any kind of stage of this life cycle, from maternity testing and counseling to menopause treatment as well as natural and artificial hormone treatment. Along with comprehensive treatment, Female's Health and wellness Associates gives thoughtful as well as gentle take care of every phase of a female's life.In addition to offering take care of women's basic wellness and also sexuality, primary health care carriers need to be educated to work with the LGBTQIA neighborhood as well as coordinate social services. Gender-sensitive care is another location where health care for women ought to be extremely valued. Female's wellness needs differ substantially depending upon their stage in life.
 Care for females entering their adolescence will certainly need treatment specific to menstruation. Care during their 40s and 50s will certainly focus on pre-menopausal and menopause problems. To ensure continuity of care, a solid team strategy is essential. Those looking for detailed primary care for females require a physician that has the ability to treat a lot of their common wellness issues. This includes household planning, avoiding heart disease and cancer cells, perinatal treatment, and even child care. A females's PCWH physician can likewise refer individuals to subspecialists for added therapies, such as a gynecologist or a urologist. Some companies might also supply solutions related to pediatric medicines. For more information about this topic, click here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women%27s_health.
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sartorialadventure · 4 years
How did the fashion industry become so reliant on the labor of teenagers? What’s striking about Harulia’s story is how typical it is. ... Imaan Hammam was thirteen when she was spotted near an Amsterdam train station. Andreea Diaconu was an unusually tall eleven-year-old when scouts started circling. These girls are a few of the lucky ones; resilient Harulia signed with blue chip agencies in New York and Paris and walked for Miu Miu in March for the fall 2018 collection, but many of the roommates with whom she shared flats in unfamiliar cities were discarded or burned themselves out—“broken from the inside,” as she puts it.
... Early this year, in the wake of #MeToo revelations, Condé Nast, the publisher of this and many other magazines, issued a new global vendor code of conduct. Responding to stories about models both male and female being inappropriately touched, pressured for sexual favors, and even assaulted, Condé Nast established provisions aimed to ensure that all its editorial shoots are safe working spaces—harassment-free zones with private dressing rooms and allowances for model approval of both poses and clothing. Another set of provisions addresses the age of models: In recognition of the unique vulnerability of minors thrown into a career where they have little control and where abuse has been all too commonplace, the vendor code of conduct stipulates that no model under the age of eighteen will be photographed for editorial (unless he or she is the subject of an article, in which case the model will be both chaperoned and styled in an age-appropriate manner).
...Consider Naomi Campbell. The ne plus ultra of supermodels, Campbell was just shy of sixteen when she launched her career in the mid-1980s, when there were but a handful of twice-yearly fashion shows—a model could stay in school if she wished. Agencies signed very few names and invested in their long-term success by being selective with their bookings. Thus Naomi and her peers were sought-after. They developed close working relationships with designers, who would rigorously fit the variety of looks handpicked for them to wear on the runway. “It used to be, the fittings would take forever,” remembers David Bonnouvrier, cofounder and CEO of DNA Model Management in New York. “Now the girls are cast to fit the dress.”
“It’s a numbers game,” agrees Chris Gay, co-CEO of Elite World Group; it includes The Society Management, which represents Kendall Jenner, among others. “Brands want 40, 50 girls in a show, leaving less opportunity for designers to spend time with each talent. There’s no time for long fittings. But you know who fits those tiny samples?” Gay shakes his head ruefully. “Teenagers—girls who haven’t finished growing yet.”
If you want to understand why very young models became the runway norm, you have to look at the evolution Gay and Bonnouvrier have observed—from show samples’ being fitted to variously proportioned young women to young women’s being matched to size 0 samples. And to understand why the fix isn’t as simple as, say, cutting larger samples, you have to tease out the other factors at play, from the rise of the internet to the fall of the Iron Curtain. It’s a systemic problem. Its causes are diffuse.
... Diaconu’s early experiences in the fashion industry illustrate its perils for young models. “When I was fourteen, I’d have photographers asking me to go topless. There would be 20-hour days, taking green tea pills for stamina. Once, when I was about sixteen,” she says, “I had a booker tell me I had to socialize and go to clubs. It still makes me uncomfortable when I see models dressed as exotic parrots, hanging out at bottle service.”
...“These are children trying to understand and fit into an adult world,” observes Maria Bruce, LMHC, a New York–based licensed psychotherapist who specializes in working with high-achieving adolescents and adults, including athletes, dancers, and actors. Bruce says that the models she’s counseled struggle to navigate the mixed signals they get on the job. “They’re told to ‘grow up’ if they complain that they’re tired,” she says, “and yet in other ways they’re already treated as grown-ups.” This confusion, she says, leads teen models to feel too uncertain of their own authority to say no when they encounter dicey situations. Some muster the courage to speak up; most shut down.
“The teenage brain is sensitive to overload,” Bruce explains. “And some of the possible psychological consequences of dealing with these stressors include low self-esteem, obsessive-compulsive disorders, anxiety, and depression.”
... Myriad young models are flushed out of the industry when their adult curves emerge. Others continue to work but don’t do shows. Imaan Hammam is one of fashion’s current superstars, and she has the kind of healthy, toned body many women aspire to—but says she exceeds what some say is the regulation 34-inch hip and so is rarely spotted on a catwalk. “So many times I’d do fittings for shows and then they’d cut me at the last minute,” she says. “I tried to work out, eat healthy—but at a certain point, I had to say, Enough. This is who I am.”
... Unless and until the underlying dynamics of the fashion-show economy change, the conditions they’ve created will remain in place. Modeling will go on being a commodity business, with one new face easily replaced by the next. There will be exceptions, of course...but as Gay notes, “You can’t make policy around the exception.” The eighteen-plus runway initiative has the opposite aim: Jam the gears of the machine so it’s forced to rebuild itself.
...“We need to inject a labor consciousness into fashion,” says Ziff. “Models are not the people you picture when you think of workers’ rights, but the fact is we are doing a job and deserve to be treated fairly—just like anyone else who works for a living.”
“The age of models is just one component of a big conversation,” agrees Stella McCartney. “If you have a business that employs people, you have to be mindful of their conditions of employment—period. There’s no reason fashion should think it’s above that.”
The whole article is a fascinating read.
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Dark Side Of The Rising Sun Part 1
Yo what’s up!
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After the success of my previous post, I’ve decided to bring a follow up where I talk about the many dysfunctions and issues facing Japan that I’ve learned in my research. Detective Conan often shows the criminal justice system of Japan in a positive light while in reality it has many issues due to the culture.
Now let me make this clear: Japan has many great things about itself that should never be ignored. However, these are real flaws that have or need to be addressed with many Japanese also recognizing them as problems.
Now I had to split this into parts as this is rather ungainly to put it all at once. If you have any questions please ask and I’ll do my best to answer them.
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Japan has one of the highest suicide rates in the world with about 15.2 deaths per 100,000 people.
This is due to many factors such as Suicide not being considered a sin as well as historical connotations of it being a honorable way to go.
It is also considered a act of revenge, apology, and protest.
It is mostly caused today by factors such as unemployment, alienation and intense social pressure.
Japanese society is overall tolerant of Suicide but this is changing in recent times.
Another factor is the need for acceptance over individuality.
People with mental illness are often discriminated against, stopping potential help.
Internet Suicide Clubs where anonymous people make/plan suicide pacts and commit group suicide are a major issue.
If you kill yourself via Shinkansen, your family will be fined heavily. It is also the cause of half of the train delays and referred to as a human incident.
Tall buildings have mandatory suicide fences to prevent people from jumping off. When they succeed, they take off their shoes before hand.
It is common for suicidal people to take insurance policies and wait a year or two to go through with it so their families would be okay.
Ikka Shinju or family suicides are when the entire family kills themselves together due to Asian views of the family. When the parents kill their children before themselves, this is called Muri-Shinju or murder suicides.
Oyaku Shinju or parent-child suicide are where a single parent kill their children along with themselves.
Drownings, overdoses, hangings, and jumping off places are the most common form of suicide.
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Traditionally, the judge is hated more then the lawyer is in the west as the Judge is often viewed as a symbol of the Japanese nobility judging the common man.
If you are sent to trial, you are certain to be convicted regardless of innocence due to the countries 99% conviction rate. (Really makes Eri’s work more awesome and badass doesn’t it?)
The Japanese supreme court is one of the most conservative in the world, rarely ruling against issues that are blatantly unconstitutional and anti human rights. As a result, one of the more positive proposals for amendments of the Constitution is the creation of a separate Constitutional Court.
If you are sent to death row, you will never be told in advance when you are going to die.
Culturally, once arrested the person is automatically considered guilty.
Police are often reluctant to overturn convictions as they insist that only guilty are arrested and convicted.
The law when a child is considered criminally responsible is 14.
Judges are often pressured into making convictions as their careers are negatively affected by a not guilty verdict.
Prosecutors are given the choice not to pursue a case regardless of sufficient evidence.
Prisoners in Japan, while somewhat treated better then much of the world due to it’s focus on rehabilitation instead of punishment, have to follow strict military style regulations from minor things such as being forced to fold the bed, or to wash your face to more draconian measures such being beaten if you don’t march or sit the wrong way.
In turn, many have inadequate access to medical care as they don’t have many options for their healthcare.
It can take months or years before you are tried, meaning that a right to a speedy trial is completely nonexistent.
“Periods of reflection” where inmates are forced to be handcuffed, gagged and placed in solitary, are often not recorded by the warden.
Foreigners are forced to speak and write in Japanese.
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Drug Use
It is considered vastly socially unacceptable to do narcotics in Japan.
Most drug addicts are even considered to be not human.
If a celebrity is caught doing drugs, his career is automatically fucked and he is blacklisted from the industry, as well as erased from current projects.
The most commonly sold drug is methamphetamine. This started after World War II due to Meth being legal for soldiers to consume in order to stay up late on petrol as well as from occupying Americans. After the was, it became a huge epidemic for 12 years.
Marijuana use has risen among youth. Despite it having little danger as well as medicinal uses, it is widely considered evil, with the law having no tolerance.
Overall, Japan has little drug use compared to the rest of the world due to the cultural taboo and strict laws. However, there are signs that it is being vastly under counted,
Most illicit drugs are imported from Taiwan and South Korea due to it being near impossible to grow it natively but it is becoming increasingly hard to do so.
Drugs overdoses are criminally under diagnosed.
Epidemics often occur due to low periods of economic growth and recessions. (Examples include the postwar period, the 70′s, and the Lost Decade after the Bubble Economy burst in 1989)
It is common for your family or doctor to call the police once you admit there is a problem. Then you are forced to take a urine sample and if it tests positive you are immediately arrested.
A lot of doctors open pharmacies to add to their income. As a result, many oversubscribe prescription drugs.
Hypocritically, Alcoholism is completely tolerated and not treated as a addiction due to alcohol being considering purifying in Shinto, a cure, and Japan having a intense drinking culture.
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Child Abuse
For the most part, physical child abuse is considered a private issue and often ignored. While things are slowly getting better, Japan still has a long way to go. (Imagine if Kogoro did what he did to Conan in the west. Child services would be on him like a fly swatter.)
Child services often return the children to their parents even if they say their abusing them as the counseling centers need the parents to admit to their abuse.
It is a complete myth that Japan’s age of consent is 13. That is only the lowest one could set it. Most prefectures are set at 16 or higher. In turn, child molestation of those under 12 is heavily punished. However while vaginal rape of children is illegal, basically just about everything else as long as it’s statutory is basically alright.
Enjo Kosai or compensated dating is the practice of Teenage Girls to go on dates with older men in exchange for money and gifts. While not necessarily always leading to prostitution is treated as such and the girls are often blamed if they are hurt in the process.
Child sex trafficking of migrants is a serious issue and they are often treated as criminals and sent home without counseling.
Adoption of children is rare and frowned upon so many of them have to gro up in centers.
Children of unmarried couples are discriminated against due to the violation of the traditional Ie system and do not have the same protections or privileges of married couples because of its Koseki system.
Men are not obligated to pay child support and it’s near impossible to get them to legally as they can simply hide their finances by not telling them. Plus only one person can be named on the custody sheet.
Child Pornography was effectively decriminalized until 2014. No seriously.
Sexual Harassment/Assault
Domestic violence victims are disabused from coming forward due to the idea of bringing shame to their family.
Stalking cases are rarely taken seriously by the police
Working Conditions
Idols are heavily exploited and forced to follow strict rules such as having no social life, banned from having a boyfriend, etc. This is because they are supposed to sell a image of innocence and be there exclusively for their fans.
Anime creators are often forced to work long hours with little pay. This has resulted in a slump in the industry with very few new hires so they are forced to rely on the older animators whose health may fail sooner rather then later.
Funds are rarely given to films with artistic intent or that are political in nature, resulting the film industry suffering compared to the more internationally regarded South Korea.
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Police Corruption
Until recently, Japanese police would work with organized crime to lower crime. The only reason they stopped was not out of concern for the everyday citizen but because they were embarrassed by the Yakuza when they began to show up more publically.
The media is often laughably compliant to the police, with they rarely offering a critical lens.
Police have undue influence on the Pachiko industry, with many retired officers being hired as muscle and for advice.
It is quite common for officers to embezzle from their slush funds.
In a effort to cover up crime, police often refuse to investigate mysterious or suspicious deaths, preferring to label them as accidents or suicide.
Police are often anti migrant and sexist to a fault.
It is neigh impossible to get a wiretap going due to rigid privacy laws.
Even the police can’t fire weapons as you need approval to even loose your gun so many officers have never fired a bullet.
Government Incompetence/Corruption
Voter Apathy is super high, with many elections having hilariously low turnout.
Many politicians have Yakuza connections, with the gang members serving as bodyguards and canvassing for votes.
Votes in the countryside are worth two compared to urban ones.
A lot of politicians are completely out of touch and constantly have to resign for gaffes (racism, sexism, historical revisionism, etc.)
Political acts are based on group consensus so it can take a long time to get meaningful reform done.
Criticism and debate is ironically frowned upon, with open criticism within a party being effectively banned.
Cronyism is common. While for the most part Japanese politics is based on expertise, many politicians are awarded ministries based on their support for the leader.
The NHK (Japanese version of the BBC) is largely neutral and free but the current Japanese government can dictate what it is to focus on temporarily.
Press Clubs are often given exclusive access to interviews and information from the government, so they get biased preferential treatment.
Okay I guess the point of this list is to bring attention to these issues and expand the opportunities of where to go when it comes to dark DC fanfiction. Don’t worry, here’s a cute Conan to make you smile!
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coochiequeens · 3 years
A twelve year old girl killed herself after being raped and then bullied and this is how the press covers it. Rest In Peace Semina Halliwell
A "beautiful and funny" 12-year-old girl was laid to rest today in a poignant celebration of her short life.
Family and friends came together to say their final farewells to Semina Halliwell at St Patrick's Church in Marshside, Southport.
Semina died on June 11 after four days in hospital.
Her mum, Rachel Halliwell, claims her daughter took her own life.
A police investigation is ongoing and no cause of death has been confirmed
Semina's coffin was carried by a horse drawn carriage, as mourners carrying white roses looked on.
Hundreds of people attended the funeral, with many watching from the church grounds where there were screens and a speaker.
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There was also a portrait of Semina displayed outside the church.
A photo montage of the Stanley High pupil was shown as Leona Lewis' version of "Run" played.
Mourners gathered to celebrate her short life as friends paid loving tribute to Semina who was "loyal, kind and dear".
In a touching tribute Gary Bevin, former headteacher of St Patrick's primary school, where Semina attended when she was younger, said everyone who knew her was privileged to have done so.
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He said: "Semina may have appeared confident but she was also very sensitive, a perfect combination. She had her mother's generosity but she definitely had her own personality.
"She probably would have wanted to have been remembered as being cool - and she was.
"She was funny and had a smile that could melt you."
Her friend Lincoln said: "I hope you knew what your friendship meant to me.
Mental health support
Helplines and support groupsThe following are helplines and support networks for people to talk to, mostly listed on the NHS Choices websiteSamaritans (116 123) operates a 24-hour service available every day of the year. If you prefer to write down how you're feeling, or if you're worried about being overheard on the phone, you can email Samaritans at [email protected]. PANDAS (0808 1961 776) runs a free helpline and offers a support service for people who may be suffering with perinatal mental illness, including prenatal (antenatal) and postnatal depression plus support for their family or network. Childline (0800 1111) runs a helpline for children and young people in the UK. Calls are free and the number won't show up on your phone bill. PAPYRUS (0800 068 41 41) is an organisation supporting teenagers and young adults who are feeling suicidal. Mind (0300 123 3393) is a charity providing advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. They campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding. Students Against Depression is a website for students who are depressed, have a low mood or are having suicidal thoughts. Bullying UK is a website for both children and adults affected by bullying. Amparo provides emotional and practical support for anyone who has been affected by a suicide. This includes dealing with police and coroners; helping with media enquiries; preparing for and attending an inquest and helping to access other, appropriate, local support services. Call 0330 088 9255 or visit www.amparo.org.uk for more details.Hub of Hope is the UK’s most comprehensive national mental health support database. Download the free app, visit hubofhope.co.uk or text HOPE to 85258 to find relevant services near you. Young Persons Advisory Service – Providing mental health and emotional wellbeing services for Liverpool’s children, young people and families. tel: 0151 707 1025 email: [email protected] Paul's Place - providing free counselling and group sessions to anyone living in Merseyside who has lost a family member or friend to suicide. Tel: 0151 226 0696 or email: [email protected] The Martin Gallier Project - offering face to face support for individuals considering suicide and their families. Opening hours 9.30-16.30, 7 days a week. Tel: 0151 644 0294email: [email protected]
"Our time together was special. I will never forget you Semina, hope you're dancing with the angels. Love you forever."
Semina's mum Rachel previously told the ECHO : "She was so beautiful, and so funny. She loved singing and dancing.
"She had been asked by model agencies to work for them but she wasn't confident enough. She didn't see how beautiful she was.
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"She was loving and caring, and loved her brothers Rafy and Jorge so much, and she was so loved by friends and family, far and wide.
"I am heartbroken beyond words. There is a void in my heart that can never be filled.
"I cannot believe I will never see that beautiful, gorgeous girl again till I leave this earth to heaven. Her pain is over now."
The focus was on her appearance and not what happened to her, I knew British rags were terrible but this is disgusting.
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Gender Identity: The Latest Social Contagion - Andrew Doyle
One of my shortest-lived jobs was as a teacher at a school for girls near Sloane Square in London. I resigned after just two weeks because the headmistress was a religious zealot who had objected to me teaching a text which featured a gay character. In my resignation letter I explained that I wasn't prepared to work at a school which fostered such antediluvian attitudes. I stayed on to finish the term, but I was delighted when I eventually made my escape.
I had previously worked at a boys' school and I soon noticed that there were some broad differences that manifested in an all-female environment. One of the most concerning was that many of the girls were engaged in what can only be described as competitive starvation. During lunch duties, I was warned to keep an eye out for pupils who had taken just a single lettuce leaf from the salad bar. If I saw any girl doing so, I was told I must immediately intercept her and demand that she return and fill her plate. My first teaching post had been at a mixed-sex school in which cutting one's own skin was the fashion. We even had a visiting expert telling us how to encourage these pupils to hold ice cubes in their hands until they felt shooting pains as a substitute for the razor. I remember at the time thinking this wasn't the best advice, but I was too green to raise an objection. Besides, this speaker had spent a considerable part of the session reminiscing about a shepherd she had once counselled who had over the course of many months on the hillside, used a sharp wire to whittle his penis so that it eventually became forked. To this day I'm none the wiser as to the purpose of this anecdote.
But the shift from cutting to starvation was striking. At the former school, pupils were not refraining from food, and at the latter there were very few who were injuring themselves with blades. It was almost as though only one form of self-harm could predominate at any given time. And when a small group started doing it, the trend spread with remarkable rapidity. I hadn't seen an equivalent back when I was teaching boys.
And I've since learned that social contagions are especially common among teenage girls and that there are numerous historical precedents for this. I've written elsewhere about the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 in which a group of girls began seeing demons in the shadows and accusing members of their own community of being in league with the devil. Then there were the various dancing plagues of the Middle Ages which seemed to impact young women in particular.
In 1892, girls at a school in Germany began to involuntarily shake their hands whenever they performed writing exercises. And when I visited Sweden last year, I was told about a local village where during the medieval period, the girls all inexplicably began to limp.
It's perfectly clear that the latest social contagion to take hold in the western world is that of girls identifying out of their femaleness, either through claims that they are trans or non-binary. Whereas in 2012 there were only 250 referrals, mostly boys, to the NHS's Gender Identity Development Service, or GIDS, by 2021 the figure had risen to more than 5,000 mostly female patients.
Gender activists like to claim that this is simply the consequence of more people "coming out" as society becomes more tolerant. And at the same time, they insist that it's never been a worse time to be trans. Consistency is not their strong suit. Of course, there are no easy answers as to the explosion of this latest fad. But surely the proliferation of social media has something to do with it. Platforms such as TikTok are replete with activists explaining to teenagers that their feelings of confusion are probably evidence that they have been "born in the wrong body."
For pubescent girls who are uncomfortable with their physiological changes, as well as sudden unwanted male sexual attention, the prospect of identifying out of womanhood makes complete sense. These online peddlers have some snake oil to sell. And while a limping epidemic in a medieval village would be unlikely to spread far, social contagions cannot be so confined in the digital age.
Much of this is reminiscent of the recovered memory hysteria of the late 20th century when therapist cranks promoted the idea that most victims of sexual abuse had repressed their traumatic memories from childhood. It led to numerous cases of people imagining that they had been abused by parents and other family members. And many lives were ruined as a result. One of the key texts in this movement was "The Courage to Heal" by Ellen bass and Laura Davis, which made the astonishing and unevidenced claim that, quote, "if you are unable to remember any specific instances... but still have a feeling that something abusive happened to you, it probably did."
A common feature of social contagion is that they depend upon the elevation of intuition over material reality. Just as innocent family members were accused of sexual abuse because of feelings teased out by unscrupulous therapists, many girls are now being urged by online influencers to trust the evidence of their emotions and accept a misalignment between their body and their gendered soul.
We're not talking here about the handful of children who suffer from gender dysphoria, but rather healthy children who have been swept up in a temporary craze. Activists have been quick to demonize the entire notion of social contagion as a transphobic talking point, but the evidence for it is now pretty much indisputable.
The author of a recent review into pediatric gender treatment, Dame Hilary Cass, has recommended that schools stop the social transitioning of children. The Cass Interim Review had already pointed out that enabling pupils to adopt alternative names, pronouns and dress codes was, quote, "not a neutral act." And there is mounting evidence that such an approach consolidates a child's psychological conceptualization of herself as a member of the opposite sex.
While social transitioning is seen as compassionate, in reality it causes long-term harm. It would seem that teenage girls will always be prone to these social contagions, but some are more damaging than others. Whereas limping and dancing and trembling can be overcome, the lifelong impact of puberty blockers, cross- sex hormones and surgery will not be so transient.
Let's hope this particular hysteria soon goes the way of all the others.
The idea of a "gender identity" that's separate from and transcends sex - that is, biology - is as supernatural and magically thinking as the idea of an eternal Xian soul that transcends death.
We are not in our bodies. We are not separate from our biology. We are not ghosts inhabiting meat prisons. We cannot have "the wrong body." We are what our bodies do.
One of the most disconcerting things I've seen over the last few years is (some) atheists who laugh at the notion that some aspect of human existence transcends our human bodies, somehow embrace the equally magical notion that some aspect of human nature transcends human biology. Which means you believe in magical gender spirits. Get help.
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tallmantall · 9 months
#JamesDonaldson On #MentalHealth – Sometimes I Just Feel Empty: #Suicidal Thinking And Risk
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Helping #teens, and their #parents, when #suicide is raised Elana Premack Sandler L.C.S.W., M.P.H Reviewed by Ray Parker - #SuicideRiskFactors and Signs - Find counselling near me KEY POINTS - #Suicidalideation is common. - We can support #teens with #suicidalideation by creating a safe space to talk. - Supporting #parents of #teens presents unique challenges. When I ask someone if they’ve ever thought about #suicide, I hold my breath as I wait for the answer. I know that they are likely to say yes. I know that as a #therapist, who has heard #suicidalideation “endorsed” regularly, I also know that #suicidalideation is much more common than we may wish to believe. The #CentersforDiseaseControl (#CDC) acknowledged an ongoing #mentalhealth and #suicidecrisis among #adolescents and young #adults. In a 2021 survey, 3.3 million #adolescents had serious thoughts of #suicide. In the same year, 12.3 million #adults had serious thoughts of #suicide. Those thoughts don’t always show up in the ways we might think. Sometimes they show up like this: - “Sometimes I just feel empty.” - “I just want to disappear.” - “I wish I could run away.” As someone who spends time playing with words and metaphors as a writer, I am so moved by how people describe their #suicidalideation. Don’t get me wrong, it absolutely scares me. But #suicidalideation is not suicidal intent. It is thinking about the idea of not being alive, thinking about the idea of disappearing, thinking about the idea that the people who love you might be better without you. Yes, it is painful to think those thoughts. Incredibly painful. And it is painful to hear and hold space for people to articulate those thoughts. Yet to be effective as a #suicideprevention professional, as a #therapist willing to work with people who have experienced #suicidalideation, it also has to feel okay to hear those things. So when a 15-year-old says that sometimes he feels empty, I listen. I make space for it. I make it okay to say it out loud. What is much harder is thinking about what needs to be said to a #teen’s #parents. Unlike just about everything else a young person shares with me, #suicidalthinking is something I will need to share with a teen’s #parents, if the young person tells me they are actively thinking about #suicide right now. So, hearing what that teen has to say is a tremendous moment of living faith and fear. #James Donaldson notes:Welcome to the “next chapter” of my life… being a voice and an advocate for #mentalhealthawarenessandsuicideprevention, especially pertaining to our younger generation of students and student-athletes.Getting men to speak up and reach out for help and assistance is one of my passions. Us men need to not suffer in silence or drown our sorrows in alcohol, hang out at bars and strip joints, or get involved with drug use.Having gone through a recent bout of #depression and #suicidalthoughts myself, I realize now, that I can make a huge difference in the lives of so many by sharing my story, and by sharing various resources I come across as I work in this space.  #http://bit.ly/JamesMentalHealthArticleFind out more about the work I do on my 501c3 non-profit foundationwebsite www.yourgiftoflife.org Order your copy of James Donaldson's latest book,#CelebratingYourGiftofLife: From The Verge of Suicide to a Life of Purpose and Joy Link for 40 Habits Signup bit.ly/40HabitsofMentalHealth www.celebratingyourgiftoflife.com In the New York Times Magazine issue on therapy, Maggie Jones goes in-depth on #teenagers thinking about taking their own lives, beautifully weaving together the stories of professionals working at Services for #Teens at Risk (STAR) at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Jones touches on the very real questions that parents wrestle with once they know their #child is actively suicidal. Suicidal #children are caught in a vortex of pain, and those around them are often unsure how to respond. At what point do you take your #child to the hospital? What if they refuse to go? If they have attempted #suicide, do you consider residential care in a facility? What else can you do to protect them? How do you know they won’t die the next time? I can tell you it is different as a #therapist and a #parent. As a #therapist, like Daniel Bender, a #psychiatrist at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, my goal is to “understand how it feels to be them, not to tell them what they need to do.” But, as a #parent, it is much more complicated. Bender shares about “the #parents who are so anxious and desperate for someone to alleviate their child’s pain that they blame the #therapist when she can’t pull it off.” This can happen when #therapists recommend more treatment than just one-on-one therapy, something like hospitalization or an intensive outpatient program. Bender’s new goal is not to “fix” young people. In the article, he shares that he “shifted his views about the work and his impulse to safeguard #suicidal #children at all costs. He began focusing on making them feel "‘seen and human’... If I can help a #kid feel understood and help #parents understand their kids… that is treatment.” Sitting across from that 15-year-old and seeing him look right at me (not an easy thing for a #teenager) as I saw him, made space for his pain, and let him know that I could handle his hard thoughts: This is why people become #therapists, for these moments of connection, truth, and intimacy. To be able to help someone feel seen and human. That is treatment. If you or someone you love is contemplating #suicide, seek help immediately. For help 24/7 dial 988 for the #NationalSuicidePreventionLifeline, or reach out to the #CrisisTextLine by texting TALK to 741741. To find a #therapist near you, visit the Psychology Today Therapy Directory. Read the full article
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midnaglobal · 2 years
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