#technically this is two lines but eeeeh
nyoomfruits · 3 months
got tagged by @charlescoded for the last line tag thing!!! thank you babe <3
rules: show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like)
But maybe, Lando thinks, as Oscar feeds him bits of cinnamon bun and spoons of crème pâtissière and tries to explain the intricate process of a mirror glaze, maybe this is enough. It has to be enough.
tagging @theory81 @ocontraire @wanderingblindly
40 notes · View notes
pulaasul · 3 years
The Reaper and The Master of Death
Harry Potter and Death watch some events unfold, starting with Tobirama Senju's creation of the Reanimation Jutsu.
[FFN] [Ao3]
Harry looked amused as the personification of death sighed beside him as he and the personification watched a certain white-haired, blue-armored man successfully create a spell, jutsu as they were called in this world, that resurrected the dead, technically speaking.
The shinobi, as Harry learned they were called, slammed his hands on the ground and the three persons that were bound before him had dust, ash and dirt sticking to their bodies up until three unfamiliar figures replaced the prisoners.
"Reminds me of the inferi actually." Harry thought out loud.
"The inferi are called zombies in other worlds," Death huffed. "This one actually grabs the souls of the dead and forcibly puts them in another, after ejecting the soul of the host body," They continued. "It's rather accurate to compare them to the Black Lantern Corps minus the use of host bodies to call forth the souls of the dead."
"So how this works is that a DNA specific to that body is what's triggering an effect akin to the Resurrection Stone through their Chakra and puts the summoned souls into a living body, essentially creating a zombie that retains all their personality and knowledge that uses a living host to exist."
"In a sense." Death nodded.
"At the very least, he seemed not too keen on playing god as the thought of resurrecting the loved ones he lost in the clan wars hasn't crossed his mind." Harry offered. "I'm pretty sure he's just using the emotions and skills tied to the dead to his advantage."
Indeed, none of the unfamiliar figures resembled the white-haired man at all.
"Working with Weasley has strengthened your strategies, I see." Death commented. "You are right, even your very own Albus Dumbledore succumbed to the temptations of the Resurrection Stone and tried to call for the actual resurrection of his sister and parents."
"I'm pretty sure this type of strategy wouldn't cross Ron's mind," Harry offered. "The guy has a pretty good sense of morals despite what we experienced."
"My point still stands," Death shrugged. "He was a strategic genius even when you both were still eleven."
"Still can't believe there are versions of Professor Dumbledore that wanted to control everyone, who'd gaslight everyone around him just to keep everything in his control."
"You've seen for yourself how those Dumbledores are," Death offered. "I mean there are versions of you who sided with Riddle."
"I know," Harry sighed. "Still uncomfortable with those realities." He shook his head. "In any case, back to the man, Tobirama was it?"
"That's his name." Death nodded.
"I don't think we should worry about this spell or jutsu of his to be used to resurrect entire armies, as Voldemort did with his inferi, the jutsu is still limited to the caster's chakra."
"Okay this, this I did not expect." Harry admitted.
A hooded, pale as white man had a lot of prisoners bound up before him as he slammed his hand to the ground, making the earth and dust gather around his captives and took the form of another person.
"I did not think possible that using the chakra around them can be used to fuel the jutsu." Death nodded. "This makes for good entertainment I suppose."
"Even that Orochimaru person wasn't playing god as soon as soon as he understood the jutsu," Harry pointed out. "Even though he has a lot of similarities to Voldemort regarding his animal of choice and his quest for immortality."
"I agree, and he had his hands sealed inside my stomach for some time alongside the souls of the Hashirama, Hiruzen, Minato and the creator of the jutsu, Tobirama."
"I've got to say, it was pretty ironic that the jutsu's creator was summoned by the very jutsu he created." Harry commented. "I still have a lot of questions regarding you eating their souls tho, I still remember being human and that looked like cannibalism to me."
"It's a visual metaphor." Death shrugged. "How I seal the souls is dependent on the cognition of the jutsu's creator, had the jutsu's creator created the jutsu with a gourd as a container in her mind, I would have appeared with a gourd in hand."
"So where are they, if not inside your stomach?"
"Limbo." Death answered. "Until anyone finds a way to free them from limbo, which in this world's case my stomach, they're staying there for good."
"I feel sorry for the Uchihas." Harry offered as he observed the shinobi alliance fight against the hordes of dead shinobi. "They were wiped out, barring a few survivors, and they don't get to join this war."
"Well fate works in mysterious ways," Death shrugged. "It turns out there actually was a consequence to creating this jutsu."
"Don't tell me, the early demise of Tsunade Senju's fiancé and younger brother." Harry raised an eyebrow.
"That and a few others."
"No way! The Uchihas were collateral damage too?"
"Remember one of Tobirama's students?" Death asked. "The one that had bandages all over his body?"
"Danzo? What about him?"
"Well Danzo took Tobirama's paranoia and suspicions on the Uchihas to the very extreme that lead to the massacre of the clan, which tied everything in a neat ribbon."
"But what about Naruto, he's been wearing the cursed necklace since he won that bet against Tsunade."
"What do you think? You're a child of prophecy, the same as him."
"Huh, never thought of that." Harry hummed.
"What great irony." Death commented.
Kabuto has just finished the hand seals necessary to dispel the reanimation jutsu.
"The Uchiha, the collateral for the creation of such jutsu was the one to stop it from running and return the souls of the dead, where they belong." Harry grinned. "It's the man who was forced to kill his entire clan too."
"I want you to meet him and give him a reward for such display." Death urged.
"Any reward?"
"Yes, but if he does go for an actual resurrection, limit it only to one or two." Death nodded.
"Hello Itachi Uchiha." Harry greeted the confused Uchiha.
"W-who are you?" Itachi's eyes narrowed. "The Reanimation jutsu should've been undone."
"It was." Harry nodded. "Take a look around you, where do you think we are?"
"The Uchiha compound?" Itachi looked around. "Only silent and cleaner."
"The Uchiha compound you say?" Harry raised an eyebrow. "Regardless, your effort to bring the souls back to where they belong was rather brilliant." He praised.
"It was in an effort to save the Hidden Leaf…" Itachi trailed off.
"Call me Harry."
"It was to save the Hidden Leaf Harry." Itachi continued.
"An altruistic reason." Harry nodded. "In any case, fancy playing a prank on everyone alive? Especially Madara?"
"Don't you think it's rather curious that no Uchiha, apart from you, was summoned from the dead?"
"I didn't question the absence of the Uchiha in the front lines. "Had the Uchihas were present the Shinobi alliance would have been wiped out almost immediately or at the very least would prove difficult to be fought against."
"Are you so sure about that Itachi-kun?" Harry questioned. "I was under the impression that only a few of you were able to awaken the Mangekyou and train it's exclusive powers."
"No, I am aware that only a few of us have unlocked the Mangekyou and even fewer to fully harness its powers." Itachi shook his head. "Had Shisui been present in the battle, he'd have killed a battalion in one strike."
"Shisui of the Body Flicker." Harry nodded.
"With the benefits gotten as a summon of the Reanimation, he'd be unstoppable, he's fast enough that no one would be able to seal him, even moreso if Kabuto had sealed his personality and made use of his abilities."
"Shisui's presence would've put more casualties than they already are." Harry nodded. "In any case, back to my idea."
"What does pranking everyone mean for the people battling now would entail?"
"Apart from a short reprieve from all the battles, especially for the living? Imagine the look on everyone's face as soon as some of the Uchihas started showing up."
Everyone has just lost the alliance's intelligence headquarters through the ten tail's attack.
Without a moment of reprieve Madara and Obito, by controlling the ten tails, resumed their assault on the shinobi alliance and bombarded with attacks with its appendages: tails, feet and hands.
It culminated with another tailed beast bomb that directly targeted the entire shinobi alliance, if not for the timely intervention of the reanimated fourth Hokage: Minato Namikaze.
As the previous Hokages arrived, they immobilized the ten tails which gave the shinobi alliance a turn to attack the huge beast.
The unprecedented happened however, the ten tailed beast created 'clones', for lack of better term, of various sizes and forms in an attempt to defend itself from the onslaught of attack form the alliance.
The alliance were able to stand their ground but none were able to approach the main body, where it lay restrained.
Suddenly, a lot of those 'clones' were suddenly slashed and bisected, some were even obliterated.
"You sure grew up Sasuke." A voice commented as he stood on top of Sasuke's summon.
"Eeeeh! That's Shisui?!" Naruto exclaimed in disbelief.
"The Uchiha clan will officially join the Shinobi Alliance!"
The third Hokage and Sasuke immediately recognized the person who made the announcement, one Fugaku Uchiha.
"The Uchiha clan?" Tobirama questioned. "I thought they were extinct."
"Do not worry about that Lord Second." Shisui grinned as he appeared beside the second Hokage, slashing a clone that managed to get through the rushing shinobi. "We're all still dead, someone used the white Zetsus lying around as sacrifice and reanimated some members of the clan."
"Hiruzen, Minato." Fugaku acknowledged the presence of the Hokage he was familiar with.
"I apologize for Danzo's actions Fugaku, I was too weak to stop him."
"It's too late for apologies Hiruzen, I am however thankful that you let Itachi spare Sasuke."
"Of course."
"Shisui, accompany Sasuke and his companions to the ten tail's body the rest of us help clean these up."
"Yes Lord Fugaku!" Shisui and the other members of the Uchiha clan voiced their affirmation.
With the aid of the Uchiha clan, some that have access to the Mangekyou and Susanoo, they made quick work with the ten tail's clones that some were even able to assist Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and Shisui obliterating all the obstacles the appeared on their way towards the ten tail's main body.
"Apart from Madara, who's the other man beside him?" Fugaku asked the two Hokages he was with.
"You don't recognize him?" Minato questioned. "That's Obito."
"Obito? Shouldn't he have died during your mission at the Kannabi bridge?" Fugaku beheaded a ten-tails clone.
"From what I have gathered, he didn't." Hiruzen smashed another clone right under his bo staff.
"According to Kakashi, Madara was the one who saved him, his body was indeed crushed by the boulder that we thought had killed him." Minato slashed a ten tailed clone
"This is your fault Sarutobi! Namikaze!" One of the Uchihas with the third and fourth Hokage exclaimed.
"I will not deny my part on Obito's descent, but do not put all the blame on the third and me," Minato shook his head. "It was the Uchiha clan who thought he was a disgrace in the first place, did you not?" He huffed as he stabbed another clone in the eyes.
"From what the intelligence corps had been relaying since they were reanimated, Obito was also the one responsible for releasing the Kyuubi and ordered it to attack the village." Hiruzen slammed three ten tailed clones with his bo staff. "He was also the one who killed the entire clan, Itachi's hands were only soaked in your and your wife's blood."
"He's also responsible why both Kushina and I died." Minato offered. "Why don't we continue this conversation when were done with the war." He suggested as he shook his dead.
"No need," Fugaku shook his head. "What happened to the clan was a series of karmic events that started with the clan doing wrong with one of their own."
"He was such a sweet, optimistic and helpful boy," Minato lamented. "To see him turn out this way was what hurt the most."
"Lee Focus!" Neji barked as he performed the Rotation and destroy all incoming enemies.
Neji landed beside Lee and performed a series of air palms and blew alot of the clones away from his general vicinity.
"Neji… Y-you're."
"Yes I am dead." Neji nodded. "However I was summoned alongside the Uchiha clan to help aid in this ongoing war."
"A-are there others with you?"
"Now's not the time for that." Neji shook his head. "We will battle one last time." He smiled at his teammate. "We will rendezvous with Tenten."
"What's going on Shisui? The reanimation Jutsu should've been undone." Sasuke questioned.
"It was undone alright." Shisui jumped from an incoming attack. "We were reanimated right after it was undone." He fired a fireball at the enemies in front of the group.
"After it was undone?" Naruto questioned.
"Apparently, like with Orochimaru reanimating the previous Hokages, someone used the jutsu to summon members of the Uchiha clan and some others." Shisui shrugged.
"Looks like your clansmen disagree with you Madara." Hashirama commented.
"It wouldn't be the first time that this happened." Madara scoffed.
"The One Tailed Beast was once connected to me, I'll get them!" Gaara released a thick trail of chakra infused sand and grabbed hold of the One Tail's chakra.
"We finally found the weakness and that is the key. Leave the Eight Tailed Beast's chakra to me." Killer Bee rapped as he used the Eight Tail's tentacles and clung unto the Eight Tail's chakra.
A chakra tug of war between the ten tail's jinchuuriki against Naruto, Sasuke, Gaara and Killer Bee ensued. They managed to pull out the tailed beasts' chakra from inside Obito but they were at an impasse.
Obito was a strong shinobi in his own right and with the added bonus of being the ten tails's jinchuuriki, that power increased exponentially. He was able to cling unto the tailed beasts' chakra that reacted to Naruto and Sasuke's attack.
"Don't underestimate the ten tail's jinchuuriki!" Obito declared as he pulled the tailed beasts' chakra harder to his person.
The Susanoo armor sprouted a handed from the back and pulled on one of Kurama's armored tails.
"Just keep pulling Naruto!"
The members of Naruto's graduating class arrived and gave their assistance as they clasped on one of tails.
Soon after everyone from the shinobi alliance arrived and with the help of Minato's tailed beast form's chakra, everyone gave their assistance and pulled.
"That's great! Everyone on my mark!" Naruto declared. "Ready! Set!"
Everyone positioned themselves comfortably as they awaited Naruto's signal.
Everyone from the shinobi alliance heeded Naruto's call and pulled on the chakra.
Naruto himself pulled with all his might.
"Don't underestimate everyone's power!" Naruto declared.
As much as Obito's will had wavered for a brief moment, he was still the most powerful being present, even with everyone trying to pull away the tailed beasts' chakra from him. He responded everyone's convictions and actions with his own and pulled some of the chakra back to him.
"Continue to pull Naruto!" A very familiar voice exclaimed. "Leave Obito to us!"
Kushina arrived with Mikoto and Jiraiya.
"Mom." Naruto and Sasuke muttered to themselves as they watched their respective mothers join the fray.
Another Susanoo armor manifested around the Uchiha matriarch as chains sprouted from Kushina's body and wrapped themselves around Obito's torso.
"I will be joining into the fray, I'll leave him to you ladies."
"Thanks for the lift Jiraiya." Kushina grinned.
"Kushina get in here." Mikoto scooped up her friend and placed Kushina beside her inside her Susanoo.
With Kushina and Mikoto pulling Obito and the shinobi alliance pulling the chakra with Naruto, the leaf's jinchuuriki was successful in liberating the other tailed beasts' chakra from the ten tailed beast, defeating Obito in the massive tug-of-war.
The Sage of Six Paths and the all the previous Kages summoned Team 7 and all the other tailed beasts from Kaguya's dimension.
The reanimated people began catching up to team 7, particularly the Uchihas with Sasuke and Naruto's parents and godfather.
Shisui made one last action of ruffling his cousin's hair before joining Fugaku and Mikoto.
"I'm afraid we all must go." The sage of six paths voiced out as he shook his head.
The reanimated people nodded in understanding as they glowed and began to dissipate, their bodies disintegrating into earth and dust.
Naruto and Sasuke didn't waste time and bid farewell to their loved ones.
"Why haven't we left the living plane?" Hashirama questioned.
"Some of you have yet to leave your earthly constructs." The Sage of six paths shook his head. "Also, as I am the father of Sasuke's and Naruto's first incarnations, of Indra and Asura, it is my duty as their father to watch this conflict I knew I have helped sow to its very end."
"Choosing Asura over Indra." The second Hokage crossed his ethereal arms.
"Go Naruto! Know that your mother's rooting for you! You know!" Kushina yelled.
"Go for it Sasuke! The entire Uchiha clan has got your back!" Mikoto responded her own cheer.
"Mikoto, is that how the wife of the Uchiha clan head should act?" Fugaku rebuked.
"Really?" Mikoto raised an eyebrow. "We're dead if you haven't already noticed Fugaku, I don't care about upholding the clan's values when the same values got all of us killed."
"I didn't realize Mikoto-san has quite a temper to her." Minato commented.
"Motherhood mellowed her out," Fugaku admitted. "She knew she didn't want her sons to inherit her infamous temper."
"I guess I should've known considering how good friends she and Kushina were." Minato chuckled.
"Birds of a feather indeed." Fugaku nodded.
To Naruto's and Sasuke's surprise, and utter embarrassment, their loved ones have yet to return to the pure world and they just knew that everyone witnessed their battle.
"You did good Sasuke." Fugaku nodded.
"You were great Naruto!" Kushina praised. "My son is so powerful!"
"Just like we'd hope, right Kushina?" Minato asked his wife.
"As for the reason we're still here, I felt it prudent for everyone to say goodbye to their late loved ones instead of just a few of them having that chance," The sage of six paths voiced out.
The casualties of the fourth shinobi world war as well as the fallen loved ones of the living people, who just woke up from the infinite tsukuyomi-induced slumber, appeared and they talked with each other like Tsunade talking to her late fiancé and younger brother.
Team Gai talking to Neji.
Shikamaru and Ino talking to their respective fathers, and with Chouji, they conversed with Asuma.
"Wait!" Naruto exclaimed. "Konohamaru needs to know you're here old man!" He exclaimed as he disappeared in a yellow flash and appearing a moment later, carrying the third hokage's grandson.
"What gives boss?! I know I was bored in the village but you didn't have to drag me out of it out of nowhere!" Konohamaru whined.
Naruto shook his head and gestured to the third Hokage.
"Grandpa." Konohamaru's eyes widened. "Gramps!" The young Sarutobi tackled his grandfather and hugged him as tight as he could.
"You've grown Konohamaru." Hiruzen returned the hug. "I heard you had defended the leaf spectacularly." The late Hokage ruffled the young Sarutobi's hair affectionately.
"He has indeed sensei." Tsunade affirmed. "Saved his jounin sensei from being killed during one of Akatsuki's attacks."
"Keep up the good work Konohamaru," Hiruzen smiled at his grandson. "I'm proud of you."
"And so am I." Asuma interjected.
Asuma turned to his team. "Look after him will you?"
"We will Asuma-sensei." Shikamaru nodded.
Soon enough everyone bid farewell to their loved ones: Naruto with his parents and godfather; Sasuke with his clan; Ino, Shikamaru and Chouji with their fathers and teacher; Tsunade with her grandfather, fiancé and younger brother; Konohamaru with his grandfather and uncle.
As soon as everyone disappeared, Shisui, whose body have yet to disintegrate, collapsed.
"What's happening?!"
Tsunade and Sakura were quick to rush to the unconscious Uchiha.
"Hello Shisui Uchiha." Harry greeted the boy.
"Hello" Shisui greeted back but his hands were on his short sword. "Is this the pure world?"
"You have unique circumstances Shisui," Harry informed the Uchiha. "Someone made the choice to resurrect you as a reward for a job well done."
"Resurrect me?" Shisui raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry but shouldn't that be impossible?"
"Not entirely in your world," Harry shrugged. "Chiyo of the Hidden Sand was able to resurrect their Kazekage, Gaara, after he was killed hours prior, Nagato used the Rinnegan's ability to resurrect the hidden leaf's casualties during his attack on the village, Madara forcefully used the same ability with the Rinnegan in Obito's possession to resurrect himself," He explained. "All of them at the cost of the user's life."
Would you really sacrifice your life for me, whoever you are?"
"Call me Harry," Harry smiled. "And what makes you think I'm a living person?"
"I mean we are talking aren't we?"
"Where exactly do you think we are?" Harry asked.
"I don't know, I was about to ask you the same question." Shisui fired back.
"Humor me." Harry urged.
Shisui looked around his surroundings.
"This… this is the top of the Hokage's Tower." Shisui declared. "That's the Hokage Mountain." He pointed at mountain with the faces of the Hokage carved on it.
"Looks like Mount Rushmore." Harry muttered to himself.
"But it's silent and cleaner." Shisui observed.
"The Hokage Tower below the Hokage Mountain huh?" Harry hummed. "It make sense." He nodded.
"So this is the boy Itachi Uchiha wanted to resurrect." The sage of six paths observed. "Rather curious that he didn't choose his parents."
"I don't think it's quite that interesting Hagoromo." Harry shook his head. "One of Itachi's few regrets was Shisui Uchiha's death."
"Also one of the very few Uchihas who didn't inherit Indra's curse of hatred," The sage of six paths nodded. "He also loved his village that he essentially gave his life for her survival."
"Shouldn't Itachi be the one resurrected?" Shisui offered his input.
"That can't be done Shisui," Harry shook his head. "It has to be you."
"Why me?" Shisui questioned. "Don't you think it'd be unfair for everyone who lost someone in the war but somehow I'm the one who gets resurrected?" He reasoned.
Harry and the sage looked at each other and smiled.
"Don't you want to go back Shisui?" Harry asked.
"I'm not saying I don't want to…" Shisui trailed off.
"Cedric…" Harry whispered to himself
Harry shook his head as he focused on his current circumstance.
"Ultimately Shisui, you have a choice," Harry looked at Shisui's eyes. "You can choose to go back to the pure world or be resurrected."
"Can I have some time to think over everything?" Shisui asked.
"Take your time." Harry nodded.
Shisui took his time to decide and Harry could understand. Unlike his circumstances, Shisui didn't have anyone left to protect when Harry still had more he cherished.
Harry may have accepted the fact that he may die but when a choice was given to him, he didn't hesitate to grab it.
One thing was sure, things were different for one Shisui Uchiha.
"How is he alive?"
Were the words Shisui heard as soon as he regained consciousness, it immediately clued him on his current state: a living person.
"Unlike Madara, he didn't perform the hand seals necessary to keep himself in this world."
"No, only the Rinnegan has the ability to resurrect people from the dead."
"No, Chiyo-sama of the Hidden Sand used a medical jutsu to resurrect Gaara when his tailed beast was stolen from him at the cost of her own life."
"That still leaves the Rinnegan as the viable answer."
"Do you think Sasuke…"
"Why use the ability on Shisui and not on Itachi or his parents?"
"Then how?"
"Putting Shisui's resurrection on the sides for now, how're the people reacting?"
"The only people aware are the people present in the front lines, and the majority of them are indifferent on the matter."
"He's regained consciousness."
"Shisui Uchiha." Shisui was immediately aware that Tsunade was one of the people who was talking about him outside his room as he watched her appear through the door. "It appears that you have been resurrected." The fifth Hokage stood beside his bed and gave him an assessing stare.
"I don't really know lady Hokage," Shisui shook his head. "All I know that the Uchiha clan were reanimated at the place where I killed myself," He admitted. "Alongside the other casualties of the fourth shinobi world war."
"It appears someone used the Rinne Rebirth jutsu on you," Tsunade relayed. "That is the ability exclusive to the Rinnegan that resurrects the dead." She looked at the clip board she was holding." However, there's only one living person who has the Rinnegan, the others who have this bloodline are dead when you were resurrected."
Naruto barged into the room.
"You're supposed to be resting Naruto," The fifth Hokage admonished. "You wanted a new hand attached to your arm."
"I know that but Grandpa Sage said that I needed to tell you something."
"The Sage of Six Paths?" Shisui raised an eyebrow, remembering the events of the war.
"Well?" Tsunade prompted impatiently.
"He said that Shisui was revived un…kon…" Naruto struggled. "Gaah! Why'd he have to use complicated words?!" He whined.
"You're saying that Shisui was resurrected using unconventional standards?" Tsunade finished Naruto's train of thought.
"Yes! Yes that!" Naruto eagerly nodded.
"Lady Tsunade, Shisui shouldn't even have his eyes." Sakura reported. "According to Sasuke and Kakashi-sensei, Madara's eyes disappeared when he used the Rinne Rebirth jutsu on himself."
"And According to Ibiki's report, the way the Reanimation jutsu works was what their body was what like when they died, if they died without their eyes, they shouldn't even have eyes." The fifth Hokage hummed. "Madara was the exception."
"According to Grandpa Sage, the reaper was the one who reanimated him." Naruto supplied.
"The reaper?" Sakura questioned.
"I'm guessing that's the being that appears when the Yondaime and Sandaime used the Reaper Sealing jutsu." Tsunade speculated. "In that case, I suppose this is one mystery that will never be solved." Tsunade announced. "I'm declaring that the circumstances of Shisui Uchiha's resurrection an S-class secret."
"Isn't that a bit overkill Lady Hokage?" Shisui asked. "It's not like we found something out, and wouldn't declaring my circumstance pose more danger?"
"You are right Uchiha." Tsunade nodded. "However, by declaring your circumstances an S-rank secret, we can avoid people asking questions." She offered.
"Are you sure you're okay about this?" Harry questioned Death as they watched what was happening in the Hidden Leaf's hospital. "Getting the credit for something that we know is a lie."
"No harm done," Death shrugged. "No one in this world knows of your circumstances, aside from the sage," They pointed out. "Even then I don't think he's sure of what you represent master."
"You and I both know that I'm not your master." Harry rolled his eyes. "You also know how I feel about garnering a title that I did not earn."
"But you did, uniting all three hallows." Death rebutted.
"Yeah if we're talking about technicalities, and you know we're not," Harry argued. "Why'd you even create them anyway?"
"Just like with Shisui, it was a reward," Death answered. "But unlike Shisui, it was a test of morals and values."
"Morals and values?" Harry snorted. "You do know that the wizards and witches are the worst kind of sort, especially the pure blooded ones."
"That's why it was a test," Death shrugged. "I was testing on how they would use my gifts. The first brother was ego centric and a bit of a narcissist, so he immediately boasted his new wand.
The second brother was a lover, but he let his love consume his being.
The third brother was a lot like you, he just wanted a quiet life and didn't want to be in the spotlight like his first brother, he let his love define but never consume him."
"So it wasn't a trick like some books had surmised?"
"It never was a trick Harry." Death shook their head. "I was never angry at them for escaping their supposed demise in the first place."
"So you mean to say that you never searched for the third brother?"
"Why would I search? The effects of the invisibility cloak never affected me." Death offered. "I suppose you could say that the cloak was a timer of sorts and I would only collect any soul in possession of the cloak when the timer passes."
"So if the third brother was the same as the first and second brothers, what could've happened?"
"There are a lot of possibilities, had he used the cloak, like how a certain toad sage would, he could be a case of dying of 'I did not know he was standing in front of me while I was practicing for the curse.'"
"Have you seen that happen?"
"Interestingly enough, the third brother has always acted the same way, despite the different circumstances of how the brothers acquired the hallows."
"So the existence of the hallows are also consistent in other realities."
"Of course." Death nodded. "Let me change the topic for a bit."
"Go on."
"Why'd you mention your fellow Triwizard Champion when you talked with Shisui?" Death asked, curious.
"Shisui reminded me of Cedric," Harry admitted. "I think, if he had survived the tournament, he'd do what Shisui had done."
"You do realize that there are realities whe-"
"Where he's a death eater, I know." Harry finished Death's train of thought. "We both know the circumstances behind such a radical change in character."
"Like with Shisui and Itachi, Cedric was a double agent, using the circumstances of his loss to gain audience with the Dark Lord and the one of the things that your son and Scorpius didn't know was that Cedric was never the cause for Neville's death."
"Cedric was a huge loss to the Wizarding World, judging by the circumstances that happened after the tournament in the world where he supported Riddle." Harry sighed.
"So who's going to be the clan head?" Naruto found himself asking the question to Iruka. "Should it be Sasuke because of his present age or Shisui who was born years before Sasuke."
"What brought this question Naruto?" Iruka raised an eyebrow.
"I dunno," Naruto shrugged. "It just came to me."
"Technically speaking, you're the clan head of the Uzumaki clan Naruto, as its only known living member." Iruka stated.
"What use is being a leader if you're not leading anyone? What use is being a kage in an empty village?" Naruto pointed out.
"That's the same situation for both Uchihas." Iruka answered. "Shisui and Sasuke are the only Uchihas left and there is no need for a leader with only two members, one of which is the leader."
"What about the Shinobi council?" Naruto questioned.
"I'm afraid that the Uchihas have little to no power on the matters of the council for the same reasons why the clan has no head, the things that would be decided in the council would have little to no effect on them."
"What if Sasuke or Shisui were to revive the Uchiha Police Corps?"
"Then they have a seat on the Shinobi Council." Iruka smiled. "I'm really happy that you're taking this lessons seriously Naruto."
"I can see why these are important to become Hokage and being a ninja does not only revolve around flashy jutsus and overpowering the enemy," Naruto grumbled. "Does not mean I like it."
"I know how frustrating it is for you." Iruka offered a comforting pat on the boy's shoulder. "You've always been someone who learned things through physical activities instead of just listening and reading." He smiled. "I know that you can pull through this."
"I will definitely finish this and become Hokage! Believe it!" Naruto declared.
"I definitely believe."
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gentlyphotographing · 6 years
Tag Game
Tagged by : Tag 10 Followers you you want to know better: @cinnamonrollwithit @pillow-talks @haelmadge @sleeptakingover @rowenonhome1 @gnomesunderthetable  and idk anymore i think most of my followers are bots? STAR SIGN: Pisces
HEIGHT: 172cm
I have neither but i put my phone on shuffle and: O.G. Loko - Of Mice & Men The Circus of Misery - Troldhaugen At Dawns First Light - Amon Amarth  Black Sails at Midnight Full Album - Alestorm
“;only in subsaharian Africa did the number grow from 45 to 57 Million (1990 to 2015)”
Not that i know of
Last Friday
Eh. Eeeeh. idk man.
Hate: shrill stuff like sirens? Airhorns. Carhorns the likes Love: Water gurgling? like fountains n springs n all
Sure why not. But maybe not in our lifetime 
technically I can drive. But I dont have a license yet
Almost into the fire basket bc the brake got stuck
“Der Mensch im globalen Ökosystem: Eine Einführung in die nachhaltige Entwicklung” (The Human(?) in a global Ecosystem: An Introduction into sustainable Developement(?) )
Sometimes. But not for too long
Idek Ive only watched Series for the last two weeks... I guess something murdery. Last one in the Cinema was IT tho
uhm I’m apparently very robust bc I didnt have anything big? Imma make a top three and you choose whats the worst? :  Like I needed to go to the hospital when I was 6-8 ish bc my earring got infected and I made a fuss bc i didnt want the doctor to put a needle there so I had to go to the hospital to get put under and then they did whatever was needed to do ? But it wasnt rlly that serious?  Maybe when I had a piece of glass in my foot? I pulled it out on my own but it was kinda big? eeeh wasnt rlly bad either tbh  or maybe when I had an insect bite I scratched open and then we went to a salt cave for wellness reasons and there was a sandpit for kids except it was a salt pit and i sat there and buried my leg in salt but I forgot I had an open wound so now 10 (?) years later i still have a scar :D 
Turn:washington’s Spies, Criminal Minds, Making bracelets out of yarn and paracord, and idk something else probs too
maybe for a lil while but I try to talk about it with them if possible but some. people. just. dont. care.
Lol nah
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bub-the-voidling · 5 years
Custom Card Competition wk 18: Investigate
(This is a post about a private Card Brewing competition. Entries were not open to the public.)
This week of CCC or CCL! I still don’t know what the real name is honestly!
Before this all starts, I’m just going to have to say sorry that the quality of this write up is worse than the others (not that they were good judging on the minimal amount of people who actually read these. No need to lie, I know you’re here for your own cards.) but that’s for a very good reason! It was rushed, and if you don’t know yet why it was rushed. Please go to the CCL chatroom and read the latest message I sent with @card-makers. So the ratings in this write up may be a bit off or I might miss obvious stuff. Sorry guys.
This week we’re being the scoobygang and making investigation cards! Sadly no one made the scooby snox card, but I can always wish. **This is where you imagine me snapping my fingers** First card!
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I’ll be honest, I’m starting off with this card because I just find it funny. Just look at the art and then despair when you realize that it’s somehow fitting. It fits the name, the flavor, and the effect. I love and hate it.
But what about the actual card? It’s like a Rhystic Study you have to pay for with benefits. Which in my opinion is how it should work, but even if you disagree with it this effect could be explained as different as it lets you sacrifice some clues for free to get the the dimir scry. Which is a pretty neat effect. The more I look at this card the more I like it. I’m also not sure that this is worse than Rhystic Study either since the power is now in your hands instead of the opponent.
9.4/10, Ape, I’m mad about how good this card is.
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And after Long-Term we have another card which would be super fitting with that picture. But this would probably have some serious picture about the Scooby Doo gang being after Emrakul with a mask or something.
Anyway, actual card! A late-ish game slow card engine that if synergized with lets you tutor for “free” any card in your deck and eventually win. I like it, no I love it. This might be my control bias showing (I play Goblin control for crying out loud.) but I just like this card. If you’re in need of a specific card you can sac 5 of your needed 15 to win the game just to get a card that’ll help you secure the win, if you’re desperate you’ll actually read the tokens and use their effect to draw cards. The win part seems like something for against the odds, but still fun. Some games will be janked out by that line and I’m all for it.
This card should’ve been further down if they go in order of points. But I just wanted to tell you guys that this could have the artwork from “Idfk lol”
9.2/10, Don’t have much to say, I just like it.
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This… this just screams mill mill, yummy yummy!
Like… If you really want to ruin someone, Ghost Quarter (before playing this to bait the opponent to search), play this card into Archive Trap. From there you basically win the game as you can take an extra turn while gaining 8 life, and in that extra turn you can mill the opponent and get a million clues that you turn into extra turns. The mana shouldn’t honestly be a problem given that some mill players already go Esper to have a stronger sideboard and better interaction in general.
This card honestly needs some extra lines that prevents some general mean things like letting you get clues from mill, or from the enemy casting spells (which is debatable), stopping the life gain from saccing clues to himself. Or just remove the extra turn thing, but that seems like the whole gist of the card, so please don’t. Also, holy moly On The Trail with this would be so silly. Actually this card plays well with all the cards here that alter the use of clues.
6.7/10, Wait… you can draw with clues?
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More creatures! Looks like we’re assembling the scooby gang! And it’s a promo version at that.
Feels a bit strange to me that this isn’t a legendary, but she does seem fun in multiples. So, what does she do? She copies artifact tokens, be that Servos, Ancient Stone Idol tokens, or maybe even the intended Treasures and Clues. I must say I find it quite funny that this is not the only “Clues matter, but so does treasures/gold.” Which is quite fitting to both this card and the future card’s flavor.
I like the card but honestly it could pack more of a punch, I love how she can turn clues into mana if you’re in an excess of them (or infinite comboing with something like Whitemane Lion, Bygone Bishop, and this.) but it could do more without breaking the game imo, it’s rare so it’s allowed to have some more punch to it. Maybe it makes either a clue or a treasure upon hit and then makes a copy of target, maybe she copies each differently named artifact token, or maybe she even has some sort of evasion like most Scroll Thief effect cards.
But being a lord for specific tokens seems cool anyway :P
7.6/10, “She either trades information for gold or gold for information.“
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Enough creatures for now! Let’s go to something less permanent, a sorcery!
So, the flavor here. Yummy, we have either an enraged creature that gets stronger with their rage for each piece of evidence or an impulsive punch to the face for each piece of evidence gathered this turn. I love it. And the effects? Eeeeh… Not sure. Now I’m no card designer but as far as I know the consensus is that if the when the mana cost is split the card itself should be printable as either color. Like, it should only do things that both colors can do. Investigate, unconfirmed for R as there hasn’t been a single red investigate card but it doesn’t feel off flavor for our impulsive color. Gaining attack, yeah that R/W. And going face… The elephant in the room. Dealing damage to face. There are next to no white cards that can deal pure damage to face, and the only ones I do know about are from waaaay back in the day. Back when red still destroyed creatures. So when colors didn’t have their identities yet. Even if you’re okay with red investigators, it’s hard to justify the last effect.
So, how do we fix the color identity problem? Deflecting Palm. As much as I love hybrid mana, this card should really be RW. That would also allow you to lower the CMC to 2 without making the card too… “I do everythingy.” It’s weird to not have a combat trick at instant speed, but I do know that the creator didn’t want to make to too powerful as it’s a common. So I’ll kind of let it slide.
7.4/10, Questionable artist tag imo.
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Literally last-minute submission we have this! :D Another card that cares about Clues and Money!
So a colorless land that can produce clues? Interesting, funnily enough we do know the going rate for normal colorless lands drawing cards. It’s 5 mana, thanks Arch of Orazca. So that means this one is balanced, right? 3 mana to investigate and then 2 to draw, 5 mana total. That’s where the nature of clues comes in and ruins stuff. Creating a clue for 3 leftover mana is immensely better compared to simply not drawing a card if you don’t have 5. Clues are permanents, permanents you can cache in whenever you want for that 2 mana (And technically they can be shattered, but come on.) which makes investigating quite a bit stronger than drawing if it costs less. I’m not sure if I made sense as I can barely think myself right now, but the cost to investigate should be at least 4, even if you want to power-creep Arch of Orazca as it has a secondary effect which is both “Turn those clues we made into mana.” and “You can’t shatter any clues as I’ll just turn them into gold if you do.”
7.3/10, just like this write up. A bit too rushed. It’s still just common.
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Flavor bomb time, you even have the right icon for where this would thematically be set.
Card effect! Basically, Cabal Therapy but stronger added to all clues if you pay an additional two mana. Which is spooky when it’s at instant speed, even if the whole ordeal is 4 mana. It’s still probably balanced as you have to play a 3 mana do nothing and then spend 4 mana next turn to draw a card and guess what’s in their hand. Good play and deck building can get around this, like sacrificing clues to some effect for free or Peek-ing into their hand beforehand.
Personally I think the losing life seems like a silly thing to add onto the card, punishing good play isn’t my forte.
8.3/10, “afaik Avacyn won the 1v1.” Also, how is the icon misaligned?
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Hearthstone time! I couldn’t think of a longer joke!
Wow… Now this is something unique. It’s roughly a 4 mana 4/4 that makes 1-2 clues with the potential up to 4. The etb is so weird to evaluate. If you use cards such as Brainstorm you can get the MAXIMUM VALUE. 4 cards in the future for 8 mana. Nice. Even the second ability seems fun to play with. Manipulating the top to make Aria stronger and stronger.
The only drawback with this card I can think of is that some people will find the revealing top 4 and putting back in the same order confusing. I’ll be honest and admit I missed that interaction until I was doing the write up. Sorry, Xyrillow. And I’m name dropping you because you were really close to being the winner this week and you should be proud of your craft.
9.8/10, you do know they’re a Nightelf and not Veldaken right?
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Next card!
This week it was hard to decide a winner. The last card and this one went back and forth and there was even a while I was thinking about maybe sharing the winning slot. But that feels like cheating, so I have to give the edge over to this card. I love this card. Super elegant. The flavor and flavor text is on point, the effect is on point, all the way down to the evasion that costs a card to gain two cards eventually later on in the game… I just love everything.
This is without a doubt the best designed card, proud to be in any set with investigation.
Perfection is impossible, but this is pretty damn near to it.
10/10, could maybe be uncommon. Idk.
I’m lacking words, but please congratulate DrKungFu for such an amazing card. And Xyrillow for being such a close second. And actually a lot of people as this week was quite stacked.
But Mainly DrKungFu.
Now, the next prompt is to make your own guild mechanic, something like Riot, Surveil or maybe even Dredge if you’re ballsy. Sorry that this is rushed, I didn’t even proof read it for crying out loud. But please do read the update in the chat. It’s important.
Thank you for all your submissions, you’re all lovely. Love, Sami.
0 notes
for the honesty hour thing, do all the even number ones 😎
AAAAAAA ily thanks for all the questions, now hopefully all my answers make sense pff
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
Depends on who I’m with! If it’s a small group I can be really outgoing, and especially around my friends. In school I tend to be really quiet and hardly talk at all.

4. Are you easy to get along with?I like to think so? Sometimes I could see myself being a little overbearing or disagreeable.

6. What kind of people are you attracted to?NICE PEOPLE, if you’re nice to me I’ll cry.

8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?Hmmm dunno, my ex I guess tbh.

10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?My best friend Talia! We hung out at lunch today which was rad bc we hardly have time, and we talked abt feelings.

12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?-Cry Wolf— The girl and the dreamcatched-Howl— Florence and the machine (Oh my gosh wolf theme here jeez)-Rainclouds— The arcadian wind-No guts, no glory— Cassio monroe-Jump into the fog— The wombats

14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?Kinda, yea!

16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?Bruh

18. Do you still talk to your first crush?HOoh man who even was my first crush? Nah i dont think so

20. Do you like your neighbors?OMG my neighbors are a nice elderly italian couple whos son still lives w them, and he talks rlly loud and gruff and loves comic books and is like a friendly lumberjack and theyre great

22. Where would you like to travel?Anywhere sounds nice w friends! Road trips are def my style, just place to place yknow.

24. Favorite part of your daily routine?The couple hours before my sister and I go to bed, when we just chill in her room and draw or talk!

26. What do you do when you wake up?Bathroom probably lol

28. Who are you most comfortable around?My sister 100%

30. Do you ever want to get married?Maybe, idk

32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?NAH

34. Do you play sports? What sports?I dont play sports lol

36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?YA

38. Describe your dream girl/guy?Idk, someone nice who makes me smile and I can make smile. Idc

40. What do you want to do after high school?cry

42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?I’m probably in a mood, sometimes I just detach bc something minor upsets me and it takes me a while to find a voice/personality again

44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?BOTH SOUND TERRIFYING but im gonna say ocean yea ill stay on earth thx

46. What are you paranoid about?My dad finding my blog or hearing me talk abt really personal stuff he wouldnt approve of

48. Have you ever been drunk?Nupe

50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?Grey

52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?Make my voice normal lol

54. Favourite store?BARNES & NOBLE OMg

56. Favourite colour?
ALL maybe pastel purples/pinks??!!

58. Last thing you ate?
Pasta lol

60. Ever won a competition? For what?Cant remember asdffg. I won a camp competition and the trophy was an old icee machine theyd spray painted silver. my teams names all got written on it.

62. Been arrested? For what?NO OMG

64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?I have two tbh. My technical first kiss was this girl who sprung it on me w/o asking, i was still dating another guy at the time. it was surprising and a little intense, it freaked me out and i hate remembering itWhat i like to call my real first kiss was w the guy id been dating at the time, he kissed me after band practice and both our dads were in the room but it was really cute and sweet

66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
I LOVE ALL MY FRIENDS and i love them all so much. All my real friends ive known for so many years, and most of my tumblr friends are pretty new but i have so much love for all yall

68. Twitter or Tumblr?Tumblr. twitters cool but it confuses me haha

70. Names of your bestfriends? Katie, courtney, chris, stef, & talia !

72. What colour are your towels?Uuuuh is it bad i cant remember? Red? We have a few colors cuz their all old and dont rlly match

72. How many pillows do you sleep with? (??? theres two 72s omg lol)HELLA

74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?I have a pillow pet and a toothless build a bear lmao, and theres probably like 4ish other merch plushiss that i love

76. What colour is your underwear?pink pff

78. Favourite ice cream flavour?coffee!!

80. What colour pants?Dark blue denim!

82. Favourite movie?Hmm Descendants probs heheh. Or HTTYD!

84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?Ive only seen mean girls, and that was like years ago hahaha

86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?NEMO

88. Last person you talked to today?My sister ;3;

90. Name a person you love?YOU BB

92. In a fight with someone?Na bro

94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?Like 5ish that i use regularly, probably more tho

96. Favourite actress?

Hummm Dove cameron lol

98. Do you tan a lot?YES in the summer yea

100. How are you feeling?Tired & a little anxious

102. Do you regret anything from your past?YA always

104. Do you miss anyone from your past?A friend i used to have in middle school and freshmen year lol, but he moved

106. Ever broken someone’s heart?Not that i know of. maybe.

108. What should you be doing?ENGLISH HW ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ WHAT CAN YA DO

110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?Mmm

112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?Katie (My sister), I bet. Yikes.

114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?YA

116. Are you listening to music right now?Radio in the car! Idk the song, its pop but its new so i dunno it yet

118. Do you like Chinese food?Yea

120. Are you afraid of the dark?SOMETIMES BRO

122. Is cheating ever okay?NO??? NO!!!

124. Do you believe in love at first sight?Not really

126. Are you currently bored?Luckily anxiety is occupying me idk if “bored” is quite the word for it

128. Would you change your name?Hmmm maybe maybe not, idc. 
If I changed it it be to something like peter or even nico
130. Do you like subway?Eeeeh

132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?This questions repeated i think but my friend Talia!

134. Can you count to one million?WH i mean theoretically… ye..s?

136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?Open, so the cat can get in/out

138. Curly or Straight hair?Mines p straight

140. Summer or Winter?Summer

142. Favourite month?March

144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?MILK CHOCOLATE

146. Was today a good day?It was pretty good yeah!!

148. What’s your favourite quote?
“Comparison will kill you” idk who its by

150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line“He didn’t have the time to dawdle here like this now”
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