weneedtomakeablog · 1 month
free my boy jesse
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⋆˚。⋆ ⋆˚。⋆⋆˚Breaking Bad 2.06 "Peekaboo" (2009)⋆˚。⋆ ⋆˚。⋆⋆
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weneedtomakeablog · 1 year
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some BTS from Film Narrative shoot :D
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weneedtomakeablog · 1 year
For my documentary group, we’re almost at picture lock. We all sat down and individually watched Louise’s most recent draft of the film, and gave notes on what should be added/removed. I think we are all extremely happy with our final product. I loved working with this group and I am very proud of what we acomplished. We should be moving onto ProTools soon.
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weneedtomakeablog · 1 year
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weneedtomakeablog · 1 year
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these are some inspo articles from my film.
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weneedtomakeablog · 1 year
bigfoot movie aftermath
I wrote and directed this short film called Serenity Is Key, and I think it went really well.
In terms of pre-production, I did the shotlist, lighting plan, storyboard, script markup, synopsys and logline. I felt pretty burnt out after making it, but I'm glad I was the one that did it because I don't know if anyone else would've understood my vision for this film.
For the shoot, it went well. We were always ahead of schedule, and we got about 10 extra shots than we needed in the first place. I was very stressed though, because I felt like I was the only one working most of the time, but I do appreciate the work my peers put into it as well. I think I was just very scared of messing it up. Because I did most of the shots, I was scared they weren't going to end up good, because I was doubting myself a lot at the time. But thankfully, now seeing it be edited, I can say I am very proud of the amount of effort and work I put into this project.
I think it really paid off.
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weneedtomakeablog · 1 year
For both Film Narrative and Documentary, I think I-ve been working well with both.
Film Narrative: for this module, I am very proud of the work I've done. Sometimes, due to the feedback I receive from the lecturers, it feels like they don't really like it as much as I do. But I know I have to keep believing in myself because I truly think I can make something good with this. My group and I are working well and preparing everything to the last detail so that on the shoot day we're not lost.
Documentary: I'm directing this documentary, and I really like my group. They are very welcoming to new ideas and suggestions, and I am learning a lot from the people around me. Sometimes I doubt myself, thinking I'm not doing enough work, but I think I am helping out a lot. I interviewed our subject, filmed the teaser, took photos for our documentary, so I'm pretty confident with my part in the film.
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weneedtomakeablog · 1 year
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weneedtomakeablog · 1 year
For the tableau, my group worked a lot better. Since it was an original piece, we didn't have the opportunity to get mad at each other, and the script was very well written by one of our group mates.
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To be honest, I slayed (sorry andrew). This tableau was incredibly creative in terms of writing and the way we pulled it off. I think it is one of my favorites that I have done so far. The lighting felt very homelike, and yellowish tones went very well with the morbid backstory that is later revealed towards the end.
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I think one thing we could have potentially done better is the sound. We, unfortunately, did not have the opportunity to book the right sound equipment, so we were stuck with sound equipment we weren't particularly familiar with.
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The severed finger and props were very well made by Flo, and pretty yummy if I may say so (I did get a tummy ache after eating 5 of them though).
I think that the character was very well portrayed (not to toot my own horn), and it all looked incredibly realistic.
I had fun making this! I would love to recreate it in a couple years after I have acquired more skills in filmmaking.
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(bonus silly behind the scenes lol).
Cast: Nina as DOLLY
director: ciaran johnson
camera and DOP: ruby jude
sound: flo ison and ailsa khan
editors: gaureeka gautam and flo ison
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weneedtomakeablog · 1 year
BODIES BODIES BODIES scene recreation excercise
I would like to start off this post by admitting that my group went through a lot of trouble to figure out and agree on a scene to make for this exercise. We went through a lot of trouble trying to find a place that would be ideal to shoot for our previous idea, then gather the whole cast with 10 people to go to Glasgow to shoot for two days straight, it would've basically been impossible. Especially because of the amount of people involved in the scene. Therefore, for group 8, we decided that the best scene to make under our conditions would be from the comedy slasher BODIES BODIES BODIES (2022).
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When analyzing the scene today for our crit class, we came across a lot of interesting takes, points, and opinions about our scene. Things we could've potentially done better, and other things we nailed. Our professors informed us that we nailed the dialogue and overall energy of the scene and that it was a very hard scene, to begin with. Another thing they pointed out is how some of our shots were inconsistent with others in terms of color grading. This is because we were all very new to color grading, so we were bound to make some mistakes.
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We did go through a lot of stress and fights because of this scene, which is natural since it's so complicated to recreate. However, I had a lot of fun playing Jordan, and was incredibly grateful for the feedback I received.
Some shots were particularly difficult to recreate, because of the focus and how fast it changes from one person to another in a scene.
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Our scene recreation can be accessed here: https://vimeo.com/779022814
Director: Ciaran and Ruby
DOP: Nina and Gaureeka
Producer: Flo, Nina, Ruby
Editor: Ciaran
Production designer: Flo
Cast: Ella, Monica, Nina, Ruby
Sound: Ailsa and Flo
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weneedtomakeablog · 2 years
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weneedtomakeablog · 2 years
Fallen Angels (1995)
Directed by: Wong Kar Wai
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weneedtomakeablog · 2 years
Elvis (2022) Stills
Directed by: Baz Luhrmann
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weneedtomakeablog · 2 years
Midsommar (2019) Stills
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weneedtomakeablog · 2 years
Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022) stills
Stills from A24's EEAAO (2022).
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"Every New Discovery Is Just A Reminder… We're All Small And Stupid."
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"If Nothing Matters, Then All The Pain And Guilt You Feel For Making Nothing Of Your Life Goes Away – Sucked Into A Bagel."
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"I Saw My Life Without You. I Wish You Could Have Seen It… It Was Beautiful."
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"You Have So Many Goals You Never Finished, Dreams You Never Followed. You're Living Your Worst You."
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“So, Even Though You Have Broken My Heart Yet Again, I Wanted To Say, In Another Life, I Would Have Really Liked Just Doing Laundry And Taxes With You.”
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“I Have Felt Everything Your Daughter Has Felt And I Know The Joy And The Pain Of Having You As My Mother.”
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"The Only Thing I Do Know Is That We Have To Be Kind. Please, Be Kind. Especially When We Don't Know What's Going On."
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weneedtomakeablog · 2 years
Why you should watch:
(no spoilers :D )
Coming into a film course from a family in Spain that has showered me with film since I was vey young, I thought Atonement (my favourite movie as well as my parent’s one) would be a much common film, but I’ve not only discovered that people haven’t seen it, people don’t recognise it either!
My father told me that even though he thinks it’s one of the best films he has seen, he also agrees that it has never been considered ‘a classic’ or a film that absolutely everyone knows.
Following all of this I saw only necessary to write about why you really should watch Atonement.
1. The music
It is an obvious reason if you know the movie, but trust me, if you are watching for the first time, I promise the music is something that will blow your mind. I have never seen a more fascinating soundtrack that helped the film as much as the Atonement OST. It is constantly present and wraps the everyday sound into the main soundtrack of the film. Thuds turn into drums and birds into violins, the constant typewriter immerses you into the film, as if you’re there, typing the story, finishing the paragraphs.
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It is no surprise that it won the Oscar for best soundtrack, but still, every single time I watch this movie it never fails to surprise me.
2. Saoirse Ronan
Thirteen years and breaking into the screen. The acting of Ronan throughout the movie is just fascinating (youngest actress nominated for an Oscar as well). She is guile, hateful and incredibly clever at the same time and she provokes a feeling of disgust that stays until the very end. It´s just amazing how from such a young age she can convince not only the viewers but all of the characters in the movie. She plays to win and does not stop until she does so, she always gets what she wants.
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This is thirteen year old Briony of course. Luckily we see her learn through the years, but the little hateful Saoirse stays with you until the end, not even after her atonement.
3. ‘The best sequence shot in cinema’ - My dad
Atonement, even though a love story, also shows the II World War from the allies side, and one of our protagonists (Robbie Turner, another reason to watch the film but that’s a more personal one) gets to Dunkirk beach.
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What happens now is (agreeing with my dad) possibly the best sequence shot in cinema. A 5 minute uncut shot of everything happening at Dunkirk. Wounded soldiers fighting for their life or dying, drunk people, hopeful and hopeless conversations, crying, laughing, etc. It is an absolute masterpiece and it never fails to amaze me every time i watch it.
Atonements is as a whole a very well done movie and I think it has everything a viewer wants. I truly recommend this picture and do tell me what you thought about it!
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weneedtomakeablog · 2 years
Things I noticed:
it’s never really completely quiet. There is always some part of the environment that is making some noise.
for a graveyard, it has a very comforting and alive feeling. 
the nature around the park helps bring out the positive aspects of death.
What I heard:
leaves falling
trees being blown by the wind
strong wind from time to time
birds singing
cars outside 
dogs barking 
what I smelled:
quality of light: the quality of light is pretty good. the sun was shining through the trees reflecting beautifully on the orange leaves as they fell, giving a very ethereal yet naturalistic lighting of an environment that hasn’t been harmed by humans. 
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the man-made objects and nature are equivalent to life and death. statues and objects are simply what they are. in this case, death. the nature around the graveyard is life. the way that all plants, trees, and flowers are living things, shows the perfect contrast against the statues, or in this case, of life and death. 
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Nature is like life, the man-made objects are like death. once a man-made object breaks (dies), it will not naturally grow back. it was born dead and will keep being dead. where nature, in this case, will continue living forever. 
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at first, I thought the space would make me feel uncomfortable and depressed since it was a graveyard. but the more I observed, the more comforting the space became. it was just an environment full of nature, life, and animals. it felt a lot more hopeful than I thought it was going to be. the mood was consoling. 
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