#tbh if i ever romanticize the early 2000s it’s because that was when i was a child and knew nothing
fluffypotatey · 1 month
My fellow zillennial. It's come to my attention that Gen Alpha is apparently making aesthetic tiktoks romanticizing 2020, like they want to be a teenager during that time??? Like no? You don't? I can't even begin to start breaking down how bad that year was in every category. McDonalds apparently now has "standards" yet another rubbish thing to add to the "college degrees make you overqualified with zero experience sorry you can't get this entry job" bucket. And Lunchables news reporters are like 30 years too late to be writing an expose on the toxic levels of metal in that.
people were dying????? we were in a state of panic and isolation???? schools were struggling with the switch to online only classes????
do we all remember the BLM protests and the tips on how to keep your face hidden and how to stay safe from getting maced???? do we remember the pushback against it??? calling on botched stats???
do we even remember the fucking US election???? how heated it got???? how much distrust republicans tried to seed into mail-in ballots?????
and then literally January of 2021, the US legislative house gets stormed in, Texas has a freeze so bad our gridlock shuts down and PEOPLE DIED FROM THE COLD WHILE EVERYONE ELSE MOCKED US FOR FREEZING!!!
2020 was not a good year. it is the furthest from a a good year, but it sure as hell emphasized a motley of issues the world had going on (tho i’m more versed in the US issues bc i live there)
#i’m gonna go ahead and hope gen alpha is romanticizing it because that was a year they were still very young#like year your spring break turned into a spring month and you got to spend so much time at home!!!! awesome!!!!!#why do you think that happened???? seriously i would like to know#this is secondhand information but i would like to know why that year and not idk 2018 or 2013 when frozen came out???#tbh if i ever romanticize the early 2000s it’s because that was when i was a child and knew nothing#i didn’t know what a recession was or that airplane security was never like this ten years ago#i never thought to wonder why it took my dad years to become a naturalized citizen#or why some friends of mine faced discrimination i was ignorant to#or why so many new students joined my class after Hurricane Katrina#i was young & i was ignorant & i never questioned shit & all i knew was that Avril Lavigne was awesome and high school musical was my dream#tbh idk what about 2020 looks so desirable because all i remember was dread and panic and being so fucking lonely#i just hope it’s a desire they’re making out of nostalgia for when they were still unaware about what was going on bc i do get that#but saying that 2020 was the year you want to live as a teen????? as an adult?????#no sir#nuh uh#that is NOT the year you want to relive at that age i assure you#asks#gen alpha i suggest you pick 2012 bc even tho there was talk of an apocalypse it actually never happened and looking back it’s kinda funny
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i-get-a-lifetime · 2 years
second tumblr post woohoo
lately I've been really romanticizing the past a liiiittle too much I think. I really wanna go back to like the 90s/early 2000s and just experience life like that for a bit. I feel like the world as it is right now is a little too much for me to handle. I wanna go back to when so many of the bands I love were just starting out, and when it was more popular to be all emo and shit. I can't handle the amount of stress placed on me as a college student right now. I can't deal with the amount of homework and knowing that I might not even be able to pay off my debt with my career. I wish I didn't even have to go to college. I should've gone to trade school or something honestly.
But I just feel I'd be so much happier and more creative without a device glued to my eyeballs 24/7. I used to read so much, now I just do nothing that brings me any joy. School and work take up all of my time without any sense of accomplishment. At the end of the day all I can think about is who I've managed to disappoint be it my parents or my teachers or my partner.
I really love my partner but sometimes I am so scared they might not really care about me past what I can give them. I love how goofy and smart they are and how they're good at making music and follow their passions, and I just feel that I have nothing to attract them in that same way. Sometimes I feel that they just treat me as an annoying little gnat that they can fuck sometimes and then ignore, knowing that I'll stick around because I'm obsessed with them. But then again, I have a terrible habit of convincing myself that they hate me, because I only ever focus on the bad and immediately forget any good parts of our relationship.
The only good thing that has happened in my life lately has been seeing MCR live. A month after we started dating, my partner spent a lot of money getting tickets to riotfest to see MCR for my birthday. This was in 2020. Now that that moment has finally occurred, I honestly don't know what is left to look forward to. It was legitimately the best moment I have ever experienced, and the time when I felt most in tune with my partner. Now I feel like I'm cosmically paying the price for that level of joy. I have felt nothing but fucking rancid since.
People say I'm funny but I honestly believe deep down that I am fucking worthless. I've always felt like I was boiling up to doing something important in my life, but lately I've been feeling so hopeless. The only thing stopping me from killing myself is honestly knowing that at this moment no one would really care. My parents have other children they've always paid attention to more, my partner has friends that they feel are more important than me, I don't have any pets. No one would care! I need to make something of myself, and make myself desirable and interesting so that tons of people will care when I fucking end it.
I think I feel this way because of how my parents treated my older sister compared to me growing up tbh. They never really cared about what I wanted, or how I was doing in school. They only ever really gave a shit about the oldest and the youngest, and I worked my ass off as a little kid to relish in the glory of parent teacher conferences, where my parents would have to listen to someone tell them about how great I was. Now I'm in college and trying to do well, but they only really care about my oldest sister who moved back home. Oh well! Everytime I disappoint them in some way I justify it by telling myself that I'll buy them a cabin someday. But I'm starting to wonder if they even deserve it, or if it's just another way that I'm sucking up to them in the hopes of getting attention.
Like I think the stress of college and needing money might have me being a little bit too suicidal lately, but I don't know if it's just that or that I've been lying to myself for so long about life being worth living. I got a parking ticket before work the other day and I was legitimately considering drinking cleaning solution in the freezer, so no one could stop me but my body would be found relatively soon after. Every single thing that goes wrong lately feels like another sign to just end it. At the end of the day, idk if I'll kms or not, and I don't think I really want help deciding that.
Anyways! I'll talk about something positive! I really fucking love MCR. All of their music just cultivates the perfect vibe. It's campy, but at just the right level to make me feel like a badass listening to it. Vampires Will Never Hurt You is one of my favorite songs of theirs (after It's Not a Fashion Statement) and hearing them play it live was fucking unreal. Seeing them made me want to make music that makes other people feel the same way mcr makes me feel. I want to get to the same level of cool as Gerard Way, and then I can end it and just live on in people's minds as a cool bitch for eternity.
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