#tavas art means everything to me
fantasyinallforms · 11 months
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Oh my stars, please look at this amazing piece I commissioned from the always and ever amazing @tava-art for my Modern AU fic What You Do To Me, which is part of my Happy Accidents Universe!
I can't get enough of it! It's perfect in every way!
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agneskyandoru · 3 months
Creative block is terrifying me.
Português:O bloqueio criativo esta me aterrorizando.
If you want, please read the text below .👇
Português:se você quiser por favor leia o texto abaixo. 👇
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Hello everyone, so forgive me if it took me a while to make an update here.
And since I was very distressed because until now I haven't posted anything and the creative block was bothering me a lot these days but I'm making a Mario Madness fanart which I'm still doing because I but it doesn't mean I'm doing it without the will or Forced way, I like mods and I like everything a little more. I just wanted you to not be left with nothing here, if you're read this far thank you very much, if you want you can give me a tip or an art idea I'm very grateful for This Help.☺️
Português: Olá pessoal, então é me perdoe se demorei pra fazer algum update aqui
e que ja que fiquei muito agoniada por que ate agora não postei nada e o bloqueio criativo tava me perturbando muito nesses dias mas estou fazendo uma fanart de mario madness que estou fazendo ainda por que simplesmente não significa que estou fazendo isso sem vontade ou de forma forçada eu gosto de mods e gosto de tudo mais um pouco. eu so queria que não fique sem nada por aqui , se você leu até aqui muito obrigada, se quiser pode dar uma dica ai ou uma ideia de arte sinto muito grata por essa ajuda. ☺️
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vuljoseph · 3 years
PORTUGUÊS: Eu voltei, e voltei com os headcnons sobre ShinArthur pais!!!
Esses headcanons envolvem principalmente um personagem original meu, o nome dele é Keith Kusakabe. Antes de tudo, peço encarecidamente para NÃO USAR O KEITH EM SEUS TRABALHOS, OU ALGUM DESSES HEADCANONS ENVOLVENDO ELE SEM A MINHA PERMISSÃO!! TAMBEM NÃO REPOSTE A IMAGEM DO POST SEM PERMISSÃO! A arte em questão veio diretamente do meu Twitter, se quiser me dar um biscoito lá, você pode.
E bem, sim, Keith é assexual, eu decidi isso porque eu precisava criar um O.C assexual e projetar nele minhas vivencias.
Escolhi ele por puro favoritismo que tenho com ele por ser o meu bebe ShinArthur, e que eu amo MUITO!! Durante essa epoca horrivel da pandemia do covid-19, eu fiquei meio "presa" nesses headcanons envolvendo o Keith, já que eu o criei perto do final de 2019 e tudo mais. Fire Force me ajuda a lidar com meus problemas desde 2018, eu me apeguei muito a obra e a ShinArthur por conta disso. Durante a pandemia, foi Fire Force que não me deixou perder o controle, eu sou Brasileira, e dado ao estado do meu país foi dificil não perder o controle. Eu tenho uma relação afetiva com a obra do Ohkubo-sensei muito grande e está sendo importante compartilhar isso com alguem fora da minha bolha!!!
1- Keith foi encontrado abandonado no meio de um incêndio nas instalações de Haijima, com diversos infernais. Foi o Shinra quem o encontrou chorando debaixo de alguns escombros, ele teve a sensação de que pode ouvir o choro do bebe através do Adolla Link. Shinra pode sentir que o bebe deveria ser dele e de Arthur, mas ele tinha medo de que se tivesse um filho, a criança sofresse a mesma exclusão que ele sofreu.
2- Arthur quem insistiu para que eles adotassem Keith, em partes porquê o bebe só parava de chorar se tivesse no colo de um dos dois, mas também porquê ele se viu na situação em que o Keith estava. Arthur havia sido abandonado também, e não poderia fazer com aquele bebe o mesmo que haviam feito com ele.
(E também porquê ele e Shinra cuidaram do bebê por uns dias antes da decisão, e Arthur ficou extremamente encantado com a visão de Shinra dormindo na cama junto do bebe. Esse foi o motivo principal)
3- Arthur escolheu o nome Keith para o bebê, já que Keith significa "floresta dos ventos" ou "lugar ventoso" , o primeiro significado fisgou o Arthur por conta do primeiro kanji do nome do Shinra que também significa "floresta". Arthur achou perfeito, já que Keith o lembrava de Shinra de forma quase sobrenatural, apesar dos olhos azuis.
4- Shinra foi quem se apegou ao Keith mais rápido, apesar do medo que ele tinha de ser pai por conta de seu passado. Cuidar do bebe acabou o lembrando de Sho, quando ele era bebe e deixou Shinra extremamente nostálgico, mas também deu para ele uma vontade muito grande de ter uma família com Arthur.
5- Shinra já se desesperou a ponto de começar a chorar porquê o Keith teve febre, e ele tava sozinho em casa com ele e nada do Arthur voltar da farmácia com o remédio.
6- Shinra fez o primeiro aniversário do Keith com tema de super herói, e o Arthur ficou triste porquê o Shinra não deixou ele vestir o Keith de bebe cavaleiro, mas ele ficou muito mais feliz porquê o Keith ficou adorável de Spider-man.
7- Arthur e Shinra passaram a brigar muito no começo , mas brigar de verdade, não como no anime que eram discussões leves. Eles só pararam porquê graças a deus tiveram inteligência emocional suficiente para ver que isso afetava principalmente o Keith, que ficava irritadiço e não queria comer quando eles brigavam. Eles tiveram que aprender a se comunicar melhor, e que se um fizer algo que o outro não gosta é pra eles sentarem e conversarem. Isso melhorou bastante a relação deles, e o Keith também ficou bem melhor e menos irritado.
8- A primeira palavra do Keith foi "anjo", porquê depois do casamento o Arthur passou a chamar o Shinra de anjo e de anjinho. E de tanto ver o Arthur chamando o Shinra assim, o Keith acabou aprendendo.
9- Quando o Keith tinha um ano e seis meses, o Shinra e o Arthur saíram e deixaram ele sob a responsabilidade do Sho, que entrou em colapso em menos de duas horas porquê não aguentava mais ver desenho infantil.
10- Keith nunca havia chamado Sho de "tio" só de Sho, e na primeira vez que ele chamou ele de "tio Sho" ele começou a chorar. Arthur filmou tudo e mandou pro Shinra que também ficou emocionado.
ENGLISH: I came back, and I came back with the headcnons on ShinArthur parents !!!
These headcanons mainly involve an original character of mine, his name is Keith Kusakabe. First of all, I kindly ask you NOT TO USE KEITH IN YOUR WORKS, OR SOME OF THESE HEADCANONS INVOLVING IT WITHOUT MY PERMISSION !! ALSO DO NOT RESET THE POST IMAGE WITHOUT PERMISSION! The art in question came directly from my Twitter, if you want to give me a cookie there, you can.
And well, yes, Keith is asexual, I decided this because I needed to create an asexual O.C and project my experiences on him. I chose him out of pure favoritism that I have with him for being my baby ShinArthur, and that I love SO MUCH !! During this horrible time of the covid-19 pandemic, I was kind of "stuck" in these headcanons involving Keith, since I created him towards the end of 2019 and everything. Fire Force helps me deal with my problems since 2018, I got really attached to the work and ShinArthur because of that. During the pandemic, it was Fire Force that did not let me lose control, I am Brazilian, and given the situation on my country it was difficult not to lose control. I have a very affective relationship with Ohkubo-sensei's work and it's been important to share this with someone outside my bubble !!
1- Keith was found abandoned in the middle of a fire at the Haijima facility, with several infernals. It was Shinra who found him crying under some rubble, he had the feeling that he could hear the baby's cry through Adolla Link. Shinra may feel that the baby should be his and Arthur's, but he was afraid that if he had a child, the child would suffer the same exclusion that he suffered.
2- Arthur who insisted that they adopt Keith, in part because the baby would only stop crying if he was in the lap of one of the two, but also because he found himself in the situation that Keith was in. Arthur had been abandoned too, and he couldn't do the same thing to that baby as they did to him. (And also why he and Shinra took care of the baby for a few days before the decision, and Arthur was extremely delighted by the sight of Shinra sleeping in the bed next to the baby. That was the main reason)
3- Arthur chose the name Keith for the baby, since Keith means "windy forest" or "windy place", the first meaning hooked Arthur on account of Shinra's first kanji which also means "forest". Arthur thought it was perfect, since Keith reminded him of Shinra almost supernaturally, despite his blue eyes.
4- Shinra was the one who got attached to Keith faster, despite the fear that he had to be a father because of his past. Taking care of the baby ended up reminding him of Sho, when he was a baby and left Shinra extremely nostalgic, but it also gave him a great desire to have a family with Arthur.
5- Shinra already despaired to the point of crying because Keith had a fever, and he was alone at home with him and no Arthur came back from the pharmacy with the medicine.
6- Shinra made Keith's first birthday with a superhero theme, and Arthur was sad because Shinra didn't let him dress Keith as a baby knight, but he was much happier because Keith was adorable for Spider-man.
7- Arthur and Shinra started to fight a lot in the beginning, but really fight, not like in the anime that were light discussions. They only stopped because, thank God, they had enough emotional intelligence to see that it mainly affected Keith, who was irritable and didn't want to eat when they fought. They had to learn to communicate better, and that if one does something that the other does not like, it is for them to sit and talk. This greatly improved their relationship, and Keith was also much better and less irritated.
8- Keith's first word was "angel", because after the wedding Arthur started to call Shinra an angel and an sweet angel. And from seeing Arthur calling Shinra that much, Keith ended up learning.
9- When Keith was one year and six months old, Shinra and Arthur left and left him under the responsibility of Sho, who collapsed in less than two hours because he couldn't stand to see children's cartoons anymore.
10- Keith had never called Sho "uncle" only from Sho, and the first time he called him "Uncle Sho" he started to cry. Arthur filmed everything and sent it to Shinra who was also moved.
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fantasyinallforms · 9 months
Behold! 'Tis I, the mysterious Bagginshield Cryptid, here to visit you with another Bagginshield question. . . What is your favourite piece of bagginshield fanart, and who is it by?
You trying to get me in trouble Cryptid? You think I can just pick one? I've been sweating bullets over this question for days! So instead I will be sharing some links to art I have commissioned and artists I have had the pleasure to work with on various projects.
Don't forget that artists and writers go together like bread and butter. We're all doing the hard work of making fandom a fun place to be❤️
I worked with the amazing and wonderful @consultingpacha during the TSF event. They did this lovely Thorin piece for my fic You Should Be Safe With Me.
I commissioned this saucy Bilbo art from the stupendously talented @aimless-passerby for my Happy Accidents series
and the first ever commission I did that is my Icon and banner @tsuyonpuu who's art is now peppered around my house due to the fact that I raid their store every time they're not sold out. I have their line of washi tape on EVERYTHING in my home at this point.
Razzy has gotten me addicted to commissioning art and I can't wait until you all see the amazing things the future brings ❤️❤️
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fantasyinallforms · 9 months
Let's go let's go 🌻
I don't know where we're going, but I'm totally down! 🌷
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