#takes the duffers' canon mpreg tht's horrific and turns it into something cool where will can get a dragon like he's always wanted
bylertruther · 1 year
fantasy au where will finds dragon eggs in his lil castle byers nook in the wilderness equivalent, but hardly anyone thinks they'll ever actually hatch even if they do indulge him and his fantasies about those old fossils.
still, will always makes sure to keep them safe and warm, tending to them with the same sweetness he treats all creatures. he talks to them so they're not lonely by telling them about his day as he's settling into bed and playing them music when he gets ready in the morning. he changes the blankets they nest in, wrapping them up nice and snug. he laces up his boots and ventures out to retrieve them always, no matter the weather, whenever lonnie's had enough of his delusions and thrown them away somewhere, hoping that he'll finally give up on this boyish folly of his.
mike is different, though. he's always had faith in will's dragon eggs, and he's actually the first person that will showed them to (something something it's part of those "special privileges" he's always bragging about to dustin and lucas). he made will a list of all the names he thinks might fit them, for when they hatch of course, and it's one that they're constantly adding to whenever they think of a new one.
will's never said it aloud, but while he fully supports this list, and appreciates it dearly, he's always intended on letting mike name the blue one whatever he so desires. they're his dragons, yes, but will trusts mike and he wants him to be a part of this. he is a part of this already, he always has been, and will would have it no other way.
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