#i jus like to think of will with a lil baby dragon on his shoulder n mike with one perched on his hand tht almost singes his brows off
bylertruther · 1 year
fantasy au where will finds dragon eggs in his lil castle byers nook in the wilderness equivalent, but hardly anyone thinks they'll ever actually hatch even if they do indulge him and his fantasies about those old fossils.
still, will always makes sure to keep them safe and warm, tending to them with the same sweetness he treats all creatures. he talks to them so they're not lonely by telling them about his day as he's settling into bed and playing them music when he gets ready in the morning. he changes the blankets they nest in, wrapping them up nice and snug. he laces up his boots and ventures out to retrieve them always, no matter the weather, whenever lonnie's had enough of his delusions and thrown them away somewhere, hoping that he'll finally give up on this boyish folly of his.
mike is different, though. he's always had faith in will's dragon eggs, and he's actually the first person that will showed them to (something something it's part of those "special privileges" he's always bragging about to dustin and lucas). he made will a list of all the names he thinks might fit them, for when they hatch of course, and it's one that they're constantly adding to whenever they think of a new one.
will's never said it aloud, but while he fully supports this list, and appreciates it dearly, he's always intended on letting mike name the blue one whatever he so desires. they're his dragons, yes, but will trusts mike and he wants him to be a part of this. he is a part of this already, he always has been, and will would have it no other way.
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nephiliam · 11 months
Clacking two plastic pony dolls together
"O-oh! My goodness i'm- i'm so sorry!"
It had been a tough afternoon for this gangly pegasus, first she woke up completely off her bed and curled up with her rug, drool completely slathered across her face, the floor and her hair!!
It took almost an hour to untangle her drool-dried mane, costing her time to get breakfast ready for her friends!!
She'd never seen her dear Angel so crossed; his white back paw was thumping so hard it shook her cottage!
Secondly, she embaressed herself in front of the new mare that moved to ponyville; she wasn't expecting to be greeted in the middle of the birdsong recital!!
She rolled in on herself and could barely choke out a word to the mare, she felt so rude for not even saying hello but just the idea that the stranger could have been watching her?? Sing???
It turned out alright in the end, what with the precious baby dragon that had popped its little head out to say hi!!
And now this!!
Fluttershy stumbled over her words as she profusely apologizes to the spotted staillion, her feathers ruffling up so big that she started resembling a manticore more than a pegasus.
"S'Aight missy! Really 'm okay-" The warm and thick southern voice comforts her.
"I'm such a- i'm such a clutz ohhmygosh, I should've paid more attention to where I was flying!" The words come running out as she frantically tries to untangle her scrawny legs from around airway victim.
"-Really now! 'S'alright! I didn't see you comin' either!"
Fluttershy trips over herself as she finally gets up, sending dust towards the clouds.
She squeezed her eyes closed, her cheeks blooming a vibrant red from embaressment.
"Owie... " she coughed.
"Here, lemme help you back up, ma'am." She reopened her eyes in time to see a outstretched fluffy hoof close to her... and the really....pretty....
She stares at the towering stallion, their shadow almost encompassed her thin fallen frame; their fur was thick and long but defined their big muscles, they were painted in white splotches over their autumn pelt.
Their eyes were such an easy green...their neck equally as strong as their legs- and their snout... Fluttershy has never seen such a soft but strong snout. Her heart flutters as shes stricken with an intense...allure to the other horse...
"Are... you alright... ?"
... And then beats like a war drum as she realizes shes just been staring in complete silence.
She shyly accepts their extended hoof and is pulled back on to her hooves, squeaking out a thank you as she hides behind her pink mane.
"Yer welcome sweetheart-"
"I was a lil worried I might've concussed ya with all that starin'!" A hearty, bright laugh oozes and smothers Fluttershy's ears, setting her heart on fire.
"A- ah! I'm so sorry!! I was just... still a little shocked from the crash!!" It was not the crash. "Are you alright? Oh, I really hope I didn't hurt you."
They dust their shoulder off and flash her a smile; it was the most cutest smile with a missing tooth and dimples and squinty eyes.
"Naaah, ya barely left a bruise on me! I was more worried 'bout you- yer as thin as a banana with toothpicks fer legs!"
She rubs her front leg with her other, feeling slightly sore from the rough landing... okay, a lot sore.
"I'll be fine- I think."
She fixes her gaze back on the stranger, meeting a concerned and soft look across their face.
"Ya think?"
She pauses for a minute, thinking if she really has the energy to deal with someone looking over her injuries.
"... My head....does...hurt a tiny bit." She turns her face away from them, her mane masking her from the interaction.
"M' name s' Applejack-"
She turns back to see their extended hoof.
"-But you can jus' call me jackie."
She looks over their offer in silence before putting her hoof in theirs.
"....i'm Fluttershy." Her cheeks warm up as Applejack gives her a welcoming grin, her heart skipping another beat.
"Nice ta meet'cha Fluttershy! Now lets get ya checked out back at my family's ranch, I'd be ashamed of myself if I just made ya limp all the way back home!"
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
A tired sigh left Casey as he looked to the bundle in his arms, having finally gotten the four month old to sleep. They were a screamer, and did not go down with a fight; it's why Casey had offered to help out his neighbour in the first place, to give them a night to actually sleep. They were not kidding when they said their kid was fussy, but it wasn't anything 'Uncle Casey' couldn't handle. At least the kid was asleep, at last, and Casey couldn’t help but adorable. Despite the screaming, they were adorable. Grinning, he leans in close, idly beginning to baby talk the sleeping child, rambling and babbling absolute nonsense to them, even though they couldn’t hear it. It didn’t last long though, Casey soon finding himself joined by Raphael, 
Shoulders hunched the second he heard Raph's voice, Casey quickly holding up a finger as he spoke through a harsh whisper, 
 "Ssh, keep it down would'ya? I jus' got the kid t' sleep." 
He looks back to the child in question, thankfully, they're undisturbed. Looking back to Raph, Casey chuckles quietly, 
 "What? Nah, Button's 'ere aint my kid," Their name also wasn't Buttons, it merely being a nickname, "They're my neighbours from down the hall, I'm helpin' 'em out that's all," He shrugs it off, Casey just liked to help, "Kinda like how I help look after Angel, an' Ryan, an' the other kids on the block," He explains, "With Button's 'ere, I'm now Uncle Casey t' 'bout," He thinks for a second, "Twenty kids - yeah, that soun's 'bout right." 
 That was a lot, but Casey didn't mind. Proven by the way he looks at the child in question; there's a soft warmth to his gaze, not usually seen when out hunting Dragons. It's clear though he loved the kid, Hell, he loved all the kids he took care of like they were his own, 
"Hey Raph?" He soon speaks up, "Wanna hold 'em?" He offers, "It aint like they'll remeber bein' held by a giant Turtle if they en' up wakin' up, 'sides, maybe yer'll enjoy holdin' a lil' guy." 
 And then Casey, carefully, more carefully than anyone would think Casey is capable of being, held the child out to them, 
 "C'mon Raph, they aint gonna bite yer."
| Muse Interaction
Breaking around from the lair and sneaking out to get some god fun, well busting some skulls of the low lifes that used the night time to go about causing trouble. With a second thought given maybe certain gang members, sporting dragon tattoos were out and about as well. And well he was friends with a certain dragon hating puck head? Smile to Raph's beak and soon as he had the manhole cover placed back into place he was making headway to Casey's place. Sure they be up for another brawl with those purple dragons after all. Raphael got to Casey's place pretty easy he knew some short cuts here and there so it cut that travel pretty quick, not to mention the amount of times they 'offered' to walk Casey back home to avoid the guy staying over at their own. Eh Raph could get it Casey was like a bull in a China shop.
Making his way up the fire escapes once he got to the building they lived in didn't take long to reached Casey's place. And took even less time for Raph to figure his way in, not that it was hard. You think a guy going around taking the law into his own hands would be a bit better about keeping his own place secure ignoring the fact Raph and his brothers were trained in breaking in so easily to places. He can hear Casey let out a clear tried sigh once he gets the window opened up. Hmm seems Casey might be worn down? he still climbs on in and pauses when. Was Casey baby talking just now? Well now Raphael's interest and curiosity had piqued as he walked on in finding Casey fair quickly in their little place. Cradling something in their arms smirking a bit as he could see this giant of a man cradle a bundle in between his arms, clearly babbling to it. maybe cause the first time he met Casey they knock a baseball bat to him, but watching them being just so well soft? uh it was different.
"Uh so whatdya know big bad Casey Jones, is also fluent 'n motherese. Eh maybe better at it than English." Of course that was how Raph decided to make his presence known. Casey greeting Raph by hunching down suddenly as if the little bundled he was holding might set off somehow.
 "Ssh, keep it down would'ya? I jus' got the kid t' sleep." 
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"Kid?" Raph asked but he did lower his voice, sure of course it made sense Casey wasn't just in his place baby talking to himself or worse his baseball bat. but the kid was still a bit of surprise Raph looking down at the bundle in Casey's arms, they seemed out still. Cute. Raph thought soon shifting his attention back to Casey as he crossed his arms over his plastron. "Uh I didn' know ya had a kid Casey." To be fair they didn't know one another all that much still but he kind of figured a dad would make mention of having a kid at some point right? Only for Casey to lightly chuckle a bit over Raph's remark. Leaving the turtle to slightly rise his brow at that confused on what he said would been seen as funny.
"What? Nah, Button's 'ere aint my kid,"
"buttons?" Raph asked there was no way that was the kids name right? but also it wasn't Casey then after all? "oh? whose is it?" Raph asks leaning over abit to get abetter look at the kid, yeah they didn't share any of Casey's traits he guesses. Then again neither did Raph and his brothers to Splinter so his thought can't be all that blamed.
"They're my neighbours from down the hall, I'm helpin' 'em out that's all,"
Course Casey was guy seemed pretty happy to offer a hand where ever he could.
"Kinda like how I help look after Angel, an' Ryan, an' the other kids on the block,"
Raphael offered a nod of his head to show he was listening but his attention was a bit more on the sight of this kid so comfortably sleeping in Casey's arms instead. Buttons seemed pretty content where they were comfortably nestled into Casey's hold. The kid despite all the talking was clearly sleeping peaceful, soft gentle resting breaths only given. Yeah seems like Casey has quite a lot of experience with kids adding truth to their statement.
"With Button's 'ere, I'm now Uncle Casey t' 'bout,"
Raph's eyes flicker up as Casey takes a moment to count, ready to tease them over being able to count up to whatever number they were going to say.
"Twenty kids - yeah, that soun's 'bout right." 
About to make his joke now but Raph's kind of thrown off from it when he sees the look in Casey deep blue eyes, as they look back down to buttons themself. Raph's never seen that look on them before, he seen that stare Splinter looked at each of his brothers and himself with that gaze. Casey loved this kid as if this kid was his own. Casey had it for a moment when mentioning Angel and Ryan and again at the number even. Raph let his joke die in his throat as he sort of just observed Casey for a moment. So used to that more fierce look to his eye, so could Raph be blamed for being maybe just a little interested in this more calming gaze they were holding. Letting the big guy have his moment, before he leaned in a bit more for a better look at the kid. Casey man be this clumsy human wrecking ball able to take a hit a give a better punch but he also had a clear gentle soul if this little tike was clearly so clam well sleeping in their arms like this. The sight alone was setting some weird warmth in his shell, slowly spreading out as he stole another glace at Casey once more. His heart felt like it was being squeezed suddenly. from how softly they were smiling at Buttons right now. The faintest twitch of his beak made his smile lopsided for a moment. A faint sigh escasped him as he just took it in and.
Raph back away some now as he straightened up how he was standing "eh I better take off, got ya hands tied after-"
"Hey Raph?"
Raph lets them cut him off just now "uh yeah?"
"Wanna hold 'em?"
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Raph took a step back as if Casey had asked him to hold a ticking bomb just now "what!" he exclaimed at least being smart enough to keep his tone low and soft when he did get the offer to hold them just now.
"It aint like they'll remeber bein' held by a giant Turtle if they en' up wakin' up, 'sides, maybe yer'll enjoy holdin' a lil' guy." 
Casey stated as if that was what Raphael was worried about just now, part of him was ready to bolt away but watching how gentle and carefully Casey was moving to hold them out towards Raphael had his stop in his tracks. He still hadn't taken them yet just Staring between Casey and Buttons in that moment.
"yeah but" Raph begins with ready to dismiss the offer altogether. Thing is he kind of did wanna hold them.
 "C'mon Raph, they aint gonna bite yer."
"I ain't scared of 'em bitin' me i'm scared of dropping them dimwit."
Raph pointed out no feeling like his had some point to prove as he huffed a haughty breath towards Casey. Looking back to Buttons he could only feel his nerves grow worse he didn't wanna drop them or suddenly make them cry if they woke up to find a giant green turtle holding them. But well he did wanna kind of hold the little thing, they seemed pretty deep in their sleep so it should be fine right? he could always hand it back to Casey after all. He lifted up his arms letting that self-conscious feeling fade for just a moment, as he slide his arms out under Casey's own so they can gently and slowly. Very Slowly hand the baby off to Raphael. He made this tiny body now in his arms his temporary nucleus. Cradling them in his arms, close so they wouldn't slip or rock about to much. Raph even his stance and the moment Casey's hand were pulled away he could feel the rest of the kid weight dip into his arms. A few thoughts ran through his head as he looked to the kid. Was he doing this right? was he too cold for them? but slowly all that worry went away as he found himself feeling clam.
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Raph just smiled to himself a moment. The kid was pretty cute though, little chubby rosy cheeks. The tiny small button like nose, itty bitty hands. They were just so small. Yeah of course they were small they were a baby. Babies are small but also, Buttons was just so tiny it was so unfair, what right dose this little thing have being this tiny? Raph felt like his hear was being tugged at as he cradled them carefully the worry of dropping them still very much there in his mind. This little thing was so bizarre but also amazing? Watching them continue to sleep as if unaware of their new setting place. Suddenly there was a weird twinge in Raph's shell as he stood and looked over the baby so content in his own arms. He sort of buried it for now that wasn't a thought to care about. "Their so small." was all he did voice to Casey finally, a slight warm chuckle following as he got lost looking at the little bundle.
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telli1206 · 4 years
House of Tricks
Pirate Jay and Harry take a spin through a true house of horrors...Hell Hall.
I felt like the #Descendantsspookytime Hashtag needed more shorts, so here’s a little Pirate!Jay idea I’ve been toying with. I hope you enjoy it!
Also on AO3
WARNING: Some violence and non-con elements
“Dammit Harry, I don’t think this is a good idea. If we get caught we’re dogmeat.”
Jay eyes Hell Hall warily, pausing on the path right in front of the door to stare at the dark, decrepit structure. Even with all of the decaying, crumbled buildings all over the island, this place still manages to creep Jay out.
Harry pauses next to him to follow Jay’s gaze, but simply chuckles at Jay’s leery expression, slapping him hard on the back as he makes his way past him and up to the door.
“Oy, chill, will ya? You saw the hag at the barge, too, plain as day. Everyone’s tryin’ ta grab all the special holiday garbage today, we can do whatever we want.”
Harry grunts in annoyance when he tries the door and finds it locked. But without a moment of hesitation, his hook is whipped off and already jammed into the lock, as he brings his head close to listen for it to jimmy open.
“But...why Hell Hall?” Jay asks. “We could definitely find an easier mark.”
Harry picks his head up and looks at Jay with a knowing smirk. “What are ye, not up fer the challenge? Aha!” He laughs triumphantly and pops himself up, almost bumping Jay in the face, but he jumps back just in time.
Still smiling, Harry keeps his eyes on Jay as he turns the knob and the door clicks open.
“Cruella’s got a load of rich furs in there, and ye know Cap’n would just love to get ‘er hands on ‘em. Either ta sell or just ta stick it ta the crazy bitch,” Harry notes with a wink.
Jay sighs defeatedly. He knows there’s no way to talk Harry out of making Uma happy. He’d gladly lose a limb for their beautiful captain, so a raid of Hell Hall would be a no-brainer. And evil knows, a “no-brainer” is Harry’s specialty.
“An’ I happened to notice a certain mutt was absent from mummy’s side,” Harry adds, making Jay’s ears perk with interest. “Betcha the cute lil’ thing is here protectin’ the furs. Ya can’t tell me that doesn’t get ya excited ‘bout it.”
Ok, maybe the guy’s got more brains than Jay thought.
He can’t fight the smile that creeps onto his face as he nods at Harry, stepping up eagerly now to follow his crewmate into the house. 
Harry’s known for a while now about Jay’s fascination with the De Vil boy. Ever since Carlos first showed up at Dragon Hall, with his too cute curls and freckles, flashing a too bright smile that he hid nervously under a stack of too big books, Jay’s had a strong desire to see more of him. Up until now, this desire has mostly led to a lot of Jay bullying of the smaller De Vil. And while that activity does often lead to touching, it doesn’t so much help Jay with actually talking to the boy. So, the potential to come face-to-face with Carlos outside of school and away from their classmates was more than intriguing.
And scoring loot for their captain in the process was definitely a bonus.
The house seems unusually dark as they step foot inside. Jay’s used to darkness, but not ones so pitch black he can barely see a foot in front of him. He takes slow, very cautious steps as he lets his eyes get adjusted, but when he tries to grip onto Harry to make him do the same, the other teen just scoffs and shakes him off.
“What’re ye doin??” Harry groans, shoving past Jay as he picks up his stride. “We’ll never get anywhere if yeh crawl through here like a baby. Cruella’s gonna skin yer ass five feet fro-”
All is suddenly silent as Jay loses sight of Harry. Jay’s eyes whip around frantically, trying to locate the vanishing teen.
“Harry?” He takes a few more careful steps forward, his breath heaving as he tries to calm his racing heart. He starts to hear muffled sounds coming from...right next to him? No, the floor. Under the floor?
He looks down, aiming his gaze just past the toe of his boots. Grunting sounds are definitely below him...and then a hand is grabbing his foot. 
Jay jumps and stumbles back, but the hand stays on his boot, gripping tightly as it pulls...Harry, out of a hole in the rotted wood floor. 
“Harry! Jay grabs his arm quickly, dragging him back up onto the main level. “What the hell?”
“Watch yer step,” the pirate moans. “That las’ one’s a doozy.”
“No kidding,” Jay deadpans, leaning forward to peer into the blackness of the hole. “You think that was supposed to be a trap?”
Harry shrugs as they step around the opening to continue farther into the house. “Doubt it. This whole place’s fallin’ apart. It’s probably just a lucky break,” he jokes, chuckling at his own pun. But Jay notices that his pace has slowed down some, and he seems more alert to their surroundings.
What was once an elegant staircase is in front of them, with now overly worn carpet turning up at the ends, nails and rotten wood exposed. Huge drapes of wallpaper peel down from the walls, revealing a flaking drywall and some splintered framing.
Harry stays close to Jay’s side as they slowly ascend the first level of stairs. Jay lets his eyes roam each corner, taking in every possible open space that could have a surprise lying in wait for them.
When they finally reach the first landing of the stairs, Harry exhales deeply, choking back a laugh as he steps back and gives Jay some breathing room.
“Damn, I’m startin’ ta feel like such a lil’ pussy! I don’t know what I was expectin’ ta happen in a big empty house with jus’ a wee pup in it.”
Jay matches Harry’s breathy laugh, shaking his head at his own concerns. He did feel a little silly. What is he afraid of? Carlos is so much smaller and weaker than both Harry and him. There’s no way he could really stir up any trouble.
Jay slumps against the wall, breathing a sigh of relief at his revelation. His brain barely registers a soft kachink sound next to him, almost like the sliding of a metal door. He feels a whoosh of air then, and something zips by his arm. But before he can process what’s happening, he spots Harry’s wide fearful eyes, frozen in shock and locked on Jay.
“Oy, are you ok?” Harry shrieks, making Jay wince from the high-pitched tone. He grabs at Jay’s arm, pulling him away from the wall and standing protectively in front of him. 
Jay fixes a confused look on Harry, at least until he cranes his neck around to see the...huge metal spears, jutting out of the wall that he was just leaning against.
He stares at them, stunned, when he feels the warmth of Harry’s hand on his arm. His own limb feels cold when pressed on by the pirate, and looking down he can see why. Trails of blood are dripping down, seeping out of a soaked tear in his shirt where one of the spears must have grazed him.
Harry grabs at Jay’s sleeve and rips the bottom half off, revealing a superficial cut across Jay’s bicep. Luckily it’s not bleeding much, and Harry simply uses the torn sleeve to tie over the wound, sealing in the blood as best he can, for now. They have plenty of first aid items for patching it up once they get back to the ship.
Jay nods a silent thank you to Harry, rubbing his arm that’s starting to sting. They both turn to peer up the stairs, quietly assessing their next move.
“Ya think...there’s more?” Harry hisses, peering up the darkened stairs. Jay starts to shrug, but a faint voice upstairs captures both their attention.
“Have you had enough?”
Harry and Jay both whip their heads toward the railing to see Carlos standing there, arms crossed and looking defiant. 
“If you’ve got any brains in your skulls, I recommend you get the hell out now before you really get hurt.” Carlos’ challenging stare never falters, but Jay can see a slight shake in the boy’s shoulders even from his vantage point well below him.
Still, Jay’s never seen Carlos attempt to stand up to him before. The usually timid boy was acting bold, even a little vicious, as he did his best to stare down Harry and Jay in his home.
It was definitely hot.
“Yeah, right,” Harry teases, laughing at Carlos’ threat. “What else are yeh gonna do, lil’ boy? Throw yer big bad books at me?”
Harry slaps Jay on the back with a smile, motioning with his head for them to go upstairs. Jay nods silently and starts to follow behind him.
“Yeh better run, pup. You don’t wanna know what’s gonna happen to you after we catch yeh. I don’t appreciate lil' cutesy things tryin’ ta make threats at me.”
Carlos just shakes his head and pulls out some kind of remote from behind his back.
Jay pauses, eyes widening as Carlos hovers a finger over one of the buttons. He quickly jumps over and grabs for Harry to try to pull him away, but it’s already too late.
With the press of the button a soft click can be heard from above, and the clunk of something heavy dropping. With that a large white object on a rope comes hurtling towards Harry, connecting solidly with the side of his head and sending him toppling backwards on the steps. Jay leans forward to try to catch him, but the teen’s heavy frame takes them both down onto their backs, sprawling them uncomfortably onto the landing.
Jay groans, bracing himself on his arms as he slides his body out from under Harry. Harry is completely distracted and unhelpful, gripping his head tightly as he yowls in pain. 
Jay spots the offending object just a few feet from where they lay and drags himself over to examine it. Rocks of all sizes are strewn all over, clearly spilling from the white...what looks like...a paint can?
“I tried to warn you,” Carlos calls out to them, giving an unconcerned shrug. “Now leave before something worse happens to you!”
Carlos backs away from the railing to leave, but stops in his tracks when he hears a loud growling. 
“Ya lil’ runt!” Harry bellows, pushing himself off the ground and charging up the stairs.
Carlos screeches and makes a run for it down the hall, rapidly pushing buttons along the way. A hail of paint cans starts swinging at the stairs, but Harry’s speedy in his rage, darting and ducking through the barrage. Jay jumps into action to follow Harry, catching one of the paint cans just before it clocks him in the face and keeping his grip on the paint can as he runs. He uses it to knock away anything else that swings his way, averting paint can after paint can until he makes it to the top of the stairs. Once he’s successful, Jay drops the can and tries to catch up to Harry just in front of him.
“Harry! Stop! There might be more-” 
Harry’s arms fly up just then, and his feet go over his head as he slams down onto his back with an infuriated grunt.
Jay slows down, swinging his arms out for balance when he notices a black substance streaked across the floor.
“Oil??” He whines, dragging his feet slowly towards Harry, who has yet to try standing up. “Stay there, Harry.”
“I’m gonna kill that mutt,” he mutters as he waits for Jay to grab his hand. Together, they manage to flip Harry over, and he carefully scoots over to the wall to slide himself up to standing.
“Chill, Harry. You’re just pissed that pup keeps outsmarting you. Maybe you should think about listening to me before you rush around every corner.”
Harry perks a brow at Jay. “You’re lovin’ this, aren’t ya? I think yeh’ve got a boner for that boy’s brain.”
Jay snorts, dragging himself to a stop as they reach Carlos’ door. “Fuck you, Hook. For your information, he’s got a cute ass, too.”
Harry throws his head back to laugh but winces, grabbing his still throbbing head. “Just lemme give ‘em one good rap on the head fer payback once we catch ‘em, then he’s all yours. I just wanna get Cap’n her furs and get outta here.”
Jay shakes his head as he slowly starts to turn the knob. “I’ll think about it. Just go for the furs, ok? I’ll take care of Carlos.”
Harry nods, putting his hand on the door to push his way through. But Jay stops him with a firm hand on his chest.
“Whoa, boy. What did I just say about going slow? We’re not out of the woods yet.”
Harry hesitates, then decides to take a step behind Jay, waving him to go in first. 
Jay creaks the door open and is met with inky black darkness. He pushes it wide, opening it as far as he can to try to cast the dim twilight from the hall inside to illuminate his way as much as possible. It’s not much, unfortunately, so Jay does his best to squint his eyes into the blackness. The small beams of lights flicker over a flash of silver in front of them, so Jay opts to pull Harry in along the wall, choosing against finding out the hard way if that glint was from a blade of some sort.
“Stay against the wall,” he hisses, pressing Harry back. They sidle slowly, keeping their bodies as flush as they can with the walls inside the dark room. Jay can see a small sliver of light and grabs at Harry’s arm, pulling him to follow faster. They’re SO close, and Jay’s getting desperate to free them from Carlos’ wrath before anything else happens.
Jay’s fingers finally fumble around a door handle, and he quietly sucks in his breath once he has a good grip.
“Heeeere’s Jay!” He taunts, yanking open the door and pulling Harry with him.
Carlos jumps up quickly from his spot on the floor, the remote bouncing in his fingers from his sudden action. Jay leaps forward to successfully grab it away, releasing an unsteady Harry in the process.
“Aha!” He shouts triumphantly, holding the remote over a wide-eyed Carlos. But before he can react, a stumble and crash from behind Jay has them both turning, just in time to catch Harry’s yelp and deafening clang.
“It’s a fuckin’ bear trap! Jay!” Harry screeches, bouncing around as he lets out little squeals of pain. The trap is latched to the back of his pant leg, barely attached but most clearly grappled to some skin, if Harry’s pained expressions and sounds tell them anything.
Jay clamps a hand to Carlos’ shoulder, pushing him back against the wall and throwing him a menacing glare. “Stay,” he demands, finger pointed right into Carlos’ face. The boy squeaks, but nods quickly.
“Jay! Jay! Get it offfff! Get it off!” Harry pleads as he wails pathetically. 
Jay rolls his eyes and stomps forward, grabbing onto the trap and ripping it off with one strong tug. Harry howls and grips his leg, ripping apart the rest of his shredded pants so he can check for any blood.
“It’s just a scratch, calm down,” Jay sighs. “Now suck it up and go get your booty,” he tells Harry with a wave of his hand. The open door had revealed the mass of furs in the room they just braved, ready and waiting to be stolen.
Harry claps his hands excitedly when he spots the furs, jumping up to hurriedly start yanking them off the hangers and over his shoulders.
“No!” Carlos yips fearfully, reaching out to stop them.
But Jay pushes him until he thuds back against the wall, bracing his arms on either side of Carlos’ head as he dips in close to his face.
“Can it, pup. Don’t you think we deserve a little something after what you just put us through?” Jay whispers, ghosting his breath over Carlos’ lips. The boy sucks in his own breath but remains stiff and silent, refusing to look up and meet Jay’s gaze.
“I’m impressed you know,” Jay continues after the boy doesn’t respond. He lets a finger drag across Carlos’ shoulder, following along the neckline of his t--shirt and up his neck, tilting his chin so his eyes meet Jay’s.
“You could have really fucked us up with those traps,” he says to frightened brown eyes. “I almost lost Harry there a few times. And you owe me a new shirt.” He picks up his elbow, showing Carlos his torn bandage sleeve.
Jay lets his free hand slide up Carlos’ shirt, splaying his fingers across a smooth, freckled abdomen. He can feel a slight hitch of breath, and his lips curl into a smile that brushes against Carlos’ mouth.
“Maybe I can just take this one?” he teases, lifting the boy’s shirt up a little.
But a shadow of contempt clouds Carlos’ eyes, and he uses both hands to yank his shirt back down, knocking his forehead against Jay’s to force some space between them.
Jay chuckles as he steps back some, shaking his head as he lifts a hand to cup Carlos’ cheek.
“Firey little thing, aren’t you? We’ll just have to see if we can break that. Uma likes her crew to have some spark, but not if it means you might rebel against your Captain.”
“Cap’n?” Harry interjects, walking back towards Jay. He’s covered in dozens of furs, wearing a few himself while the rest are draped over both shoulders. “Is tha runt joinin’ our crew?”
“I’d say so,” Jay replies, pulling Carlos closer by the neck. “Uma would love to have someone clever around that can lay traps like that. We’d never have to worry about intruders making it on the ship alive.”
Harry’s eyes brighten as he shakes his head furiously. “Oh yeah! And imagine if tha bitch was kept away from her furs by her own lil’ boy. That’d really get ‘er blood boiling.”
“But, I don’t want to,” Carlos answers, his voice weak and shaky. He startles and backs up when Jay leans forward and presses their lips together firmly.
“Sorry if I made you think you had a choice in the matter, pup,” Jay tells him when he pulls away. He drops down and quickly hoists Carlos over his shoulder, prompting a yelp from him as he’s lifted off the ground.
“Alright Harry, let’s get back to the ship.” Jay follows as Harry trudges his way out of the closet, moving slowly underneath the massive pile of furs.
Jay shifts to adjust the wriggling boy he’s carrying as they leave Hell Hall, wrapping an arm across Carlos’ hips and clapping the other down on a perky round ass. “After this crazy house of tricks, I think I deserve a little treat, don’t you?”
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novarin · 4 years
The Fox & The Crow.
                                                    - Music -  
The slow lull in the constant onslaught of attacks had been a welcome respite to the ragtag Merc crew that had gathered under men that went by Talon and Stellan. While Novarin originally had intentions of his own, he could not deny when Jackary approached him to repay a favour that he go in the Mage’s stead... For now.
That had been days ago, nearly a week and there had been radio silence from the Kirin Tor Archmage since then.
On top of that, Nova had also been asked to drag along a tiny Vulpera, a runt even amongst the society of fox people and blind on top of that. What Jack had seen in this little thing was beyond Novarin but he hadn’t been in the position to argue - he owed Jackary that much. It was no secret that many had begun to baby the Vulpera and Nova was less than thrilled to have a blind snack on the field.
‘Oh, please! Let me take night watch... You need rest and I can do it! I really can!’ 
Kou had begged him... Pleaded with him to take over the night watch in his stead and to let Novarin have a bit of rest. Reluctantly, he had agreed, only because others would also be there. What could a blind fox honestly do? 
‘Stay low n’ stay outta trouble, ain’ need none o’ th’ figh’ers in danger jus’ t’ save ya. Ya hear some’n, ya call f’er help.’
Perhaps he had been too hard. Those thoughts slipped through Nova’s mind as eyes had finally begun to close and drift off into his first nap in what seemed like days. 
“Multiple frostwyrms incoming from the west, at least 5 spotted, accompanied by scourge and cultist ground troops - ETA 15 minutes.  Everyone to arms, we’re going to intercept them just outside the Crossroads. Work together, have each other’s backs, and don’t die. Booze is on me afterwards.”
Nova sprang awake from the incoming message, Talon’s voice echoed hard into his ears and in the process of trying to awaken from his groggy sleep, Nova’s white eyes snapped open in the hard realization that not only were they under attack... but Kou was right in the middle of it all and likely making a nuisance of himself. Such thoughts spurred him further into action, pushing himself from place he had come to rest. When Nova snagged his blades, both hissing wildly at him upon reconnecting to their cursed owner.
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck...!” Strapping both to the harness on his back, the Shadowblade leaped forward to sprint towards where he had last left the fox in the midst of the forming chaos. Everywhere and all around, people were getting ready, the call to arms nothing shy of phenomenal. They’d all worked together very well thus far and though Nova kept his distance as a scout, the now underlying problem was that the blind Vulpera was likely going to be a sitting duck in the midst of a heated battle.
“KOU!” Spotting the Vulpera who had indeed just been standing in the middle of everyone running around him, the way the little creature had his head tilted up in the exact direction that Talonoa had called out was something to be marveled. For the briefest moment, Nova almost swore that the whole blindness had been a lie... That was until Kou twitched an ear and glanced over his shoulder to try and hear who was calling for him.
“Nova? You should be resting—” Kou tried to smile, cheerful as ever in such a chaotic situation. The roars echoed through the sky of the approaching madness like thunder crackling and ripping across the sky.
“Kou, listen t’ me, ya need t’ go back t’ camp, alrigh’? I ain’ fuckin’ playin’ this cute lil’ game anymore where ya think ya coul’ be useful in this situation.”
“But... I can be. I can fight.” Kou’s bright smile began to falter into a look of concern, perhaps a bit downtrodden that Nova truly felt so little of him. It even showed when those adorable ears wilted, drooping from the tiniest of pouts.
Before the pair could even remotely finish their argument, the bestial roars were at their doorstep and a wave of ice had been blown right at them. Nova dove forward with every intention of trying to at least block it and protect Kou but before he could even move, his eyes snapped wide, watching the little fox simply raise a paw to the air.
Without even seeing the breath, a wave of warm light caressed over the pair like a shield, deflecting the would be attack and almost instantly melting it away, sparing them from being frozen in place. Others close within the vicinity had been blessed with such but it wasn’t akin to the Holy Light of Azeroth at all, it was simply a mimic of it, an illusion to fit in.
“We can discuss this later, but Mister Talon has said that if we stop the Frostwyrms, we get free alcohol.” That ever peppy tone returned and soon so did the waggle of that fluffed tail at the proposition of free things.
How could Novarin argue with that logic?
“Fine..! But we’re ‘avin’ a serious fuckin’ discussion ‘bout you leavin’ this t’ th’ professionals when we’re done. I won’ force ‘em t’ babysit ya!” Growling in frustration, the Shadowblade withdrew one of his blades to brace himself for the impact that had begun to turn around and come back for them. Already he could see one of the Frostwyrms arch back to fly directly towards the unlikely pair.
“I wish you would relax more, yes yes. Maybe get some therapy for that pent up anger. Are you missing someone, Mister Nova?” Kou questioned, still not even facing the beast that was coming right at them.
Helplessly shrugging, a certain dark aura gathered at the Vulpera’s feet, within moments it quickly took over his entire body. “Just get its attention and bring it down closer, yes yes?” Was the only reply Kou gave as tiny claws raised up to the sky again, allowing a bit of his own power to reach out in a wave of unity, a feeling of Fortitude rushed through the Crossroads, blessing his allies with a sudden sense of adrenaline and power.  The sensation alone was cause for Nova to pause and bring his free hand up to his own chest, surprised at the sensation coursing through his veins.
Perhaps... Just perhaps this little beastie wasn’t as useless as Novarin thought him to be.
Seeing the skeletal dragon finally come close enough, Novarin reached to his hip to grab the small contraption on his belt and aimed it upward to pull the trigger - the grappling hook shot out at blinding speed to latch onto the bones and pull the rogue with it. Scaling up with the retraction of his handy gizmo, the Shadowblade landed as best he could, hanging on for dear life when the wyrm took such as a signal to retract and fly higher into the air.
“No no! I SAID BRING IT DOWN NOT MAKE IT GO UP!! YOU ARE GOING THE WRONG WAY!” Kou yelped, speaking into the comm for Novarin to hear him.
How could those milky eyes see that? How did he know the dragon was going up? Was Kou faking it this entire time?
Turning his attention upwards to watch the rogue’s energy tangle with the Frostwyrm, Kou waited patiently on the ground, knowing full well he could trust his teammates to handle the others that were in mid attack. A hand reached behind him to pull his staff free of it’s strap and with a slow inhale, the serpent’s skull atop it seemed to open when whispered incantations escaped the Vulpera’s tiny muzzle. The eye sockets lit up with a brilliant white glow, clearing the fox’s vision to reveal the luminescent gold hues below. The tiniest little smirk twitched and with a swipe of his hand, a torrent of shadows swirled around him from the skull of his staff, rendering the creation of a fully formed serpent and hovering shark beast to flank either side of him.
It seemed Kou’s outlandish stories may have held some sort of merit.
Novarin noticed the spike of energy below and with a renewed sense of possible hope that the fox was indeed capable of combat, he started the climb, hanging on for dear life when the Frostwyrm he was attached to began to spin and roll to try and shake the rogue free. Much to its dismay, Nova remained tightly latched, faltering only on his foothold for a brief moment.
Once close enough to the bony structure of the dragon’s neck, the cursed blade Nova had been holding onto was slammed in between the bones to help give him a handle to hold onto and brace himself for his next crazy idea. The same grappling hook he had used earlier was aimed and fired, latching the claw of it into the back of the Frostwyrm’s jaw and instead of following it with the retraction, Novarin yanked hard, forcing the beast’s head down and to turn hard right, guiding it back directly towards the little fox and his shadowy figures.
“If you have a fuckin’ plan, I SUGGES’ YA DO IT NOW!” Nova called out through the comm, the wind torrent causing quite a bit of static on his end. They were going to crash at this rate and at such a momentum, Novarin knew he’d be flung off.
“Yes yes, big plan, much surprise, very soon.” Kou teased in reply, chipper through the drastic attacks they were suffering. Once Novarin and the dragon were within casting range, Kou shot out his claws, outstretched towards Nova with all of his might. The serpent shot forward, fangs bared. The biting shadow sank hard into Novarin’s torso, not painfully but the life grip was certainly attached and with minimal effort, Kou yanked the rogue, blade, grappling hook, and some bone back to his side to free the Shadowblade of the crashing dragon. 
It didn’t stop there. 
The Vulpera swung his staff up in an arching motion and soon the shark took its own bite but not into Novarin, into the dragon instead, splattering the darkness onto the bones to create a tether and slow the beast down considerably as it was trying to pull itself back up to avoid crashing. Guiding the dragon as best he could, Kou braced himself for impact, forcing the beast to hit the ground.
The agonizing roar echoed out and as a claw swiped angrily at the two attackers, Kou and Novarin both dodged out of the way - Nova far more out of shock than he should have been. In truth, they needed a better plan, not just the dodge fest that was coming out of the pair trying to keep the wyrm’s attention.
“Get t’ th’ side!” Nova called out but just as he did, a single swat of that tail slammed into Kou, knocking the tiny fox several yards and gashing his soft white fur open from the sharp bones. The loudest, most pitiful yip sounded when he rolled in the dirt, the crimson already began to stain the white fur. Kou curled up a moment to apply a firm amount of pressure to the wound as if it would help stop the pain, the very wind knocked from him.
Novarin narrowed his eyes, reaching back to unsheathe his second blade, letting the whispers of the cursed objects further incite chaos into his ears.  Squeezing the blades tightly, the spikes within the handles ejected, piercing his palms in the now scarred holes, the curse he had tried to avoid using at all costs but now? Now it was personal. No one got to kick the fox but him.
Both swords ignited into a bright glow once fed the droplets of blood, causing a burst of power to course through the Shadowblade. He calmed, eerily so, and with a single kick off the ground, Novarin vanished in thin air. When he returned, he was above the dragon to swipe down with both swords in a devastating blow and just as the blades connected, he vanished again. Novarin was a flurry of blood soaked rage, the disappearing act was a sequence of particularly hard strikes in a killing spree, each time reappearing in a different direction.
This distraction was enough to give the Vulpera time to pull himself up and wheeze, shaking off the glancing blow. His paw reached for the staff not far away and with another soft mutter of words, the serpent and shark made their way back to his side again. It took little convincing to let the specters avenge the wounded Vulpera and with another spike of energy, both rushed towards the flailing dragon, coiling around the beast until they dove into the ground, hiding for a blink of an eye.
With absolutely no warning, dark chains shot up from the ground to attach themselves to the dragon, coiling around the limbs and locking the beast in place, all easily controlled by a single paw in the air and a panting fox who wasn’t wearing his usual smile but instead, a frown of pain. The milky clouds had already begun to return to the glowing gold eyes but he wouldn’t let that deter him from getting the job finished.
“Anytime, Mister Nova!” Kou called out as he held the vice grip on the beast with all of his might. He was struggling to contain a dragon that could have had him as a snack but for his new friends? He used all of his might to restrain the Frostwyrm.
Upon command, Novarin reappeared from the shadows, diving down into a full evisceration with both blades crossed to snap through the Frostwyrm’s neck like a pair of scissors. With ferocious velocity, the Rogue went straight through, decapitating the beast and severing the Lich ties that brought it to life. He landed in the pile of the skeleton that began to collapse, struggling as the last of the Lichfire faded from the heart chamber of the fallen creature.
Once slain, Kou exhaled the breath he had been holding and stumbled back to collapse in a sitting position and press his palm to his side. Ears folded back a moment, frustrated at himself for getting hurt. The shadows recoiled back into him and faded away, leaving the tiny fox alone.
In realization that the Vulpera had collapsed, Novarin pushed himself up from the rubble to sprint over. He knelt down, intent to search and see just how badly it was. “Hey, ya alrigh’?”
The clouded vision raised towards Novarin’s voice but the roars of more dragons were deafening to those overly large audits. “I will be.. But the others need our help! No time to sit, yes yes!” Giving the best smile he could muster, Kou pushed himself to stand, shaking off the small gash in his side in favour of finding the others to assist.
“Mm...” Nodding, Nova offered two quick pats to Kou’s head and stood up, turning to face the others that were in their own battles. “Shall we?”
“For Azeroth!” Kou chirped, running as best he could with the tiniest of limps, ready to jump right in.
“F’er Azeroth.”
> @koukikai <
>Mention: @talonoa @inistellan <
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lil-blue-one · 7 years
Gajevy Week 2017 - First Date
Posting from my phone is almost enough to make me rage quit, I'm telling you now. UGH. However, I've got the chapter finished on time so I HAVE to post it! Still following along the thread of the other prompts! Hope you like, much loves!! Side note :things bracketed like this are "text messages" being sent.: They're supposed to be in italics, I'll fix formatting again tonight when I'm home. 💙 
Update: I’ve fixed the things.
 "Are you sure you don’t mind, Lu? I know they’re a handful.” Levy had worry etched across her face as she inched closer to the door of her house, tugged along by her husband. Lucy laughed quietly, waving her hands at her friends. “Levy-chan, they’re sleeping. I’ve been here at least once a week every week of the last five months. I know their routine, they know me, it’ll be fine!” Gajeel grunted in amusement, aware of just how much knowing the twins’ schedule meant. Which was to say, absolutely nothing. 
 But, it had been five months since the Redfox parents had been able to have a minute alone that wasn’t completely consumed by sleeping or inhaling food so fast they couldn’t taste it. Levy had finally told him she was ready to get out for an evening, and he’d leapt at the opportunity. He told his wife to plan anything at all, even if she just wanted to go to the bookstore, he didn’t fucking care. So she had planned. Set up a meal at a restaurant they loved, looked up events across town that they might like, and realistically declared that they would probably just eat and come home. 
 Then she had found a sitter. Juvia had her hands full with her own two children, and had been acting very tired lately. Gajeel was pretty sure she was knocked up again, but he could be wrong. Erza was away on a mission, and Mira was of course working at the guildhall with Lisanna. Lucy was a great option as she did, in fact, spend a great deal of time with the babies already. Plus, if all else failed, she could summon Aries or Virgo for a second set of hands in an emergency. 
 With a final groan Levy turned to her husband, dragging him out of their home before she could change her mind. “Come on, love. We’re going to be late if you let me keep stalling.” The tall man just chuckled, draping an arm over his tiny wife’s shoulders and forcing her to walk slower. “If we miss our reservation, we miss it, Shrimp. Ain’t no skin off my nose.” She sighed, losing some of the tension she had felt before they left, and leaned against her dragon. “Isn’t any…” 
 Gajeel snorted, looking down at her with a wide grin on his face. “Remember the first time ya corrected me?” Levy stifled a giggle, sliding her arm around his waist. “Honestly, I can’t remember what I ate for breakfast this morning. Wasn’t it something about ‘wouldn’t tell nobody’ something?” He squeezed her shoulder lightly, knowing well how the sleep deprivation they were both suffering from stole the ability to think sometimes. “Somethin’ like that, yeah.” 
 They walked in silence another block, enjoying each other’s company and the peacefulness of the city at night. Gajeel looked down, noticing the tiny Script Mage’s steps slowing. After being together for so long, he no longer had to think about slowing down his own pace to enable her to stay even with him, but she was dragging even more than usual. “Shrimp, ya alrigh’?” He stopped completely, turning to study her face. He was concerned the walking was straining her energy levels too much. For herself, Levy was staring at her feet, almost as if she was embarrassed. “Lev, what is it?” 
 “I… I know we haven’t been gone very long… fifteen minutes to be exact, but what if something’s wrong?” She looked up at her mate with pleading eyes, anxiety tearing at her. His ruby eyes met hers, a smile dancing in their depths. “All yer careful thought an’ plannin’ an’ ya forgot to grab the notebook, didn’t ya?” She nodded, looking down again. The Dragon Slayer chuckled and reached his free hand around to his back pocket, pulling out the enchanted notebook that Levy had created so long ago to be able to communicate with her friends. He tapped her lightly on top of her head with it, causing her to squeal and snatch it from his hand when she saw what it was. 
 Levy hurried over to sit on a bench nearby, flipping the book to the page she had that was connected to Lucy’s own copy. Hey Lu-chan, how’s everything going? Picking up her pen, Levy chewed on the end for a moment, waiting anxiously for Lucy’s reply. After only a moment, she started bouncing a leg, looking from the notebook to Gajeel. “Shrimp, give it a bloody minute, would ya?” As he finished speaking Levy saw words appearing on the page. Lol, Levy-chan you JUST left. The babies are still sleeping, I’m reading that book you left out for me. Enjoy your date! 
 She huffed out a sigh, blushing as she started to feel silly, and handed the pen and notebook back to her husband. “I’m sorry, Gajeel.” He just shook his head with a grin on his face and held out his arm for her to tuck herself against his side again. He would never tell Levy, but Juvia had actually warned him that this might happen. 
 “Don’t be surprised if your night out is cut short, Gajeel-kun. Levy-chan won’t be able to help herself. Juvia only lasted for an hour the first time she left Mizu at home with Levy-chan. And it took Gray-sama six months to convince Juvia to leave both Mizu and Kawa alone with someone.” Gajeel had nodded, remembering the popsicle complaining about the lack of time alone with his wife after their daughter had been born. And so, he’d kept that thought in the back of his mind as Levy planned everything out for their first date since… he didn’t even know how long it had been. Some few weeks before the twins had arrived, he mused. 
 Finally, they arrived at the cafe Levy had set their reservation at. She tugged the notebook out of his pocket, ignoring the murmured joke about wandering hands from her husband as she stepped aside and opened it to write to Lucy again. I’m sure you’re going to be checking in again sometime soon so I’ll let you know that Yaje woke up, but he wasn’t even fussy. He’s been changed and I fed him a little and now we’re playing with that rattle Gajeel made for him. I wish I could send you a picture, it’s adorable. He’s curled his feet up and is holding the rattle with them, just kind of smacking it with those chubby little hands. And there’s Shutora, she just woke up giggling. Enjoy your dinner! Levy quickly dashed the tears off her cheeks as she handed the book back to Gajeel so he could see what their children were up to as well. 
 Thanks, Blondie. He wrote before tucking the book away, grinning down at the bluenette standing next to him. “We have some damn amazin’ kids, Lev.” She smiled back up at him, laying her head on his arm as they followed the waiter to their table. Gajeel pulled her chair around to the same side as his own. “Jus’ like our very first date, yeah?” 
 “I shouldn’t be surprised that you remember!” Levy responded with a sheepish grin. Their waiter came around and Gajeel ordered for both of them, Levy giggling and leaning into his side. “I know ya don’t wanna be out too long, Shrimp. I figgered ya wouldn’t mind me orderin’ our usual stuff t’save time.” The tiny Script Mage tugged his shirt, the big man grinning as he leaned he head closer to her so she could kiss him. “Thank you, Gajeel. For being so understanding about all of this.” 
 “Ya may not believe it, woman, but I miss ‘em too. My princess likes to hide her face in m’hair. An’ m’little man is so strong. Ya know he pulled Lil’s tail so hard the other day Lil actually slid backwards?” The couple devolved into laughter, sharing stories of their children’s antics as they ate. Neither of them seemed to mind that their time away from the babies was spent talking about them. “In the short time they been here, those mini Shrimps have made themselves our whole world, haven’t they, Lev?” She nodded, glancing furtively at the notebook on the table. Gajeel huffed, pretending to be upset, and slid the book to her, opening the cover to the right page. 
 Hope dinner was great! Babies are asleep again, so if you want to stay out longer it’s no problem! “Lu-chan really IS a spectacular friend.” Levy laughed as she closed the book. “Do you want to get a drink at the pub or something on the way home?” She looked up at her husband, smiling gently. Her babies were fine. They were safe. There was no need to rush home. Gajeel smiled back, leaning to kiss her on her forehead. “Nah, Shrimp. How about we hit the bookstore before it closes and get that book you were talkin’ to Bunny girl about ‘fore we left.” 
 There was a squeal that erupted from the tiny woman as she hugged him before jumping up from the table. “I promise I won’t stay there all night!” Gajeel paid for their food, laughing as he tucked the notebook and pen into his pocket and stood to follow the bouncing woman. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll believe that when I see it, Shrimp.” He offered her his arm again, and they headed for the bookstore. It may not have been Gajeel’s favorite place to go, but it made his wife happy, and that in itself made him happy. “Take as long as ya need, Lev.”
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nephiliam · 11 months
🦋Flutterjack🍎 oneshot (??)
🍎🍎🍎Applejack: He/Him Trans Masc Lesbian
🦋🦋🦋Fluttershy: She/He Trans Woman Lesbian
I completely forgot the pronoun reveal bc i was goin with the flow.
Summary: two ponies make eyes across the apple field and go wowza honkabalooza
"O-oh! My goodness i'm- i'm so sorry!"
It had been a tough afternoon for this gangly pegasus, first she woke up completely off her bed and curled up with her rug, drool completely slathered across her face, the floor and her hair!!
It took almost an hour to untangle her drool-dried mane, costing her time to get breakfast ready for her friends!!
She'd never seen her dear Angel so crossed; his white back paw was thumping so hard it shook her cottage!
Secondly, she embaressed herself in front of the new mare that moved to ponyville; she wasn't expecting to be greeted in the middle of the birdsong recital!!
She rolled in on herself and could barely choke out a word to the mare, she felt so rude for not even saying hello but just the idea that the stranger could have been watching her?? Sing???
It turned out alright in the end, what with the precious baby dragon that had popped its little head out to say hi!!
And now this!!
Fluttershy stumbled over her words as she profusely apologizes to the spotted staillion, her feathers ruffling up so big that she started resembling a manticore more than a pegasus.
"S'Aight missy! Really 'm okay-" The warm and thick southern voice comforts her.
"I'm such a- i'm such a clutz ohhmygosh, I should've paid more attention to where I was flying!" The words come running out as she frantically tries to untangle her scrawny legs from around airway victim.
"-Really now! 'S'alright! I didn't see you comin' either!"
Fluttershy trips over herself as she finally gets up, sending dust towards the clouds.
She squeezed her eyes closed, her cheeks blooming a vibrant red from embaressment.
"Owie... " she coughed.
"Here, lemme help you back up, ma'am." She reopened her eyes in time to see a outstretched fluffy hoof close to her... and the really....pretty....
She stares at the towering stallion, their shadow almost encompassed her thin fallen frame; their fur was thick and long but defined their big muscles, they were painted in white splotches over their autumn pelt.
Their eyes were such an easy green...their neck equally as strong as their legs- and their snout... Fluttershy has never seen such a soft but strong snout. Her heart flutters as shes stricken with an intense...allure to the other horse...
"Are... you alright... ?"
... And then beats like a war drum as she realizes shes just been staring in complete silence.
She shyly accepts their extended hoof and is pulled back on to her hooves, squeaking out a thank you as she hides behind her pink mane.
"Yer welcome sweetheart-"
"I was a lil worried I might've concussed ya with all that starin'!" A hearty, bright laugh oozes and smothers Fluttershy's ears, setting her heart on fire.
"A- ah! I'm so sorry!! I was just... still a little shocked from the crash!!" It was not the crash. "Are you alright? Oh, I really hope I didn't hurt you."
They dust their shoulder off and flash her a smile; it was the most cutest smile with a missing tooth and dimples and squinty eyes.
"Naaah, ya barely left a bruise on me! I was more worried 'bout you- yer as thin as a banana with toothpicks fer legs!"
She rubs her front leg with her other, feeling slightly sore from the rough landing... okay, a lot sore.
"I'll be fine- I think."
She fixes her gaze back on the stranger, meeting a concerned and soft look across their face.
"Ya think?"
She pauses for a minute, thinking if she really has the energy to deal with someone looking over her injuries.
"... My head....does...hurt a tiny bit." She turns her face away from them, her mane masking her from the interaction.
"M' name s' Applejack-"
She turns back to see their extended hoof.
"-But you can jus' call me jackie."
She looks over their offer in silence before putting her hoof in theirs.
"....i'm Fluttershy." Her cheeks warm up as Applejack gives her a welcoming grin, her heart skipping another beat.
"Nice ta meet'cha Fluttershy! Now lets get ya checked out back at my family's ranch, I'd be ashamed of myself if I just made ya limp all the way back home!"
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lil-blue-one · 7 years
Gajevy Week 2017 - Grief
This one hurts. It’s kind of supposed to, but it hurt even to write. Character death warning, don’t read this if you’re not prepared to be sad. 
As always, Fairy Tail characters and the world they live in belong to Hiro Mashima, not me. 
Look at that. Holy crap I’ve only got one to go and I’ll have posted them all on time. I only had to stay up past midnight three nights in a row to do it. 
“Daddy! Catch me!” Shutora squealed as she leapt from a tree to her father’s waiting arms. Gajeel laughed as he caught her, spinning in a circle before setting her on the ground. The little girl giggled, running right back to climb the tree she’d just jumped out of. Her twin was sitting higher than she, but he wasn’t jumping. Instead, he’d wedged himself in a split in the branches, fully entrenched in a book. “Oii, Pipsqueak, that book any good?” His son didn’t even flinch, simply turned the page and kept reading. Gajeel watched him for a moment before shifting his crimson eyes to find his wife. She was stretched out on a blanket under another tree, the gentle breeze ruffling her hair as she sang quietly to their baby. The child was only a month old, but the day had been too perfect for the whole family to miss the chance to spend it at the park.
Gajeel Redfox opened his eyes, staring at the ceiling. It was completely dark, there was no reason he should be awake. He listened intently, trying to figure out what had roused him from his sleep. The twins had long since outgrown waking up in the middle of the night, unless something was terribly wrong. And they were never quiet when something was wrong, so the silence was telling him it wasn’t them. He had just about decided it was just nothing when he heard a sound again. “Gaj…”
Gajeel shot up out of his bed, whirling to see where his wife was. She wasn’t in the bed next to him, like he’d thought. How had he not noticed the lack of her warmth beside him? “Lev? Darlin’ where are ya?” His enhanced vision didn’t struggle with the darkness at all, but she wasn’t anywhere that he could see, and his heart was pounding too hard for him to pinpoint the where her gasps were coming from. “Lev?” Rounding their bed he froze, slitted pupils locked on the tiny woman sat on the floor, leaning against their huge bed. Her hands were fisted in her shirt, blood soaking her pants and the floor. “Gajeel… I think… I’m losing…”
Ice shot through Gajeel’s veins, his mind drawing a complete blank as to what was going on for a solid minute as he stared down at his wife. Something’s wrong… the baby? A choked sob escaped Levy’s mouth and shook the Dragon Slayer out of his stupor, dropping to his knees next to her. “Lev’, honey I’m gonna get help.” He lurched to his feet again as she nodded, racing down the hallway to his best friend’s room. Gajeel threw the door open, barely catching it before it slammed into the wall. “Lily! Wake up!” The exceed sat up rubbing his eyes and looking at Gajeel. “Levy’s losing the baby, I need you!” Immediately, Pantherlily was completely awake, leaping out of his bed with his wings unfurled.
“Go back to her, I’ll bring help!” Lily threw the comment over his shoulder as he launched himself through a window and took off at his top speed for Fairy Hills. Wendy would be the closest, and Carla could get her back to Levy while Lily himself went for the lady Porlyusica. He flew with every ounce of strength he had, not even slowing as he crashed through the door of the women’s dorm. He did hesitate a moment, closing his eyes as he opened the door to Wendy’s room. She was a young woman now, after all, there was no telling what state she would be in. “Wendy! I’m sorry for the hour, but Levy is in need of you immediately.”
Being the healer that she was, Wendy was ready in just a moment, simply tying up her hair as Carla readied herself. Lily turned to leave, meeting Erza and Cana in the hall and giving them a brief explanation. Erza immediately got serious, requipping into street clothes and running out the door, Cana on her heels. “I’ll get Juvia!” Cana yelled over her shoulder as Lily took off flying through the air again. Within moments, he was swooping in to land in the clearing in front of the healer’s home. “What is it? Who’s done something stupid now?” The old lady snapped. Lily honestly wasn’t surprised that she was standing on her porch as if she was waiting for him. “My lady, the baby.” Her eyes softened and she stepped forward quickly. “You’ll have to carry me. There isn’t time.”
By the time Lily flew up to the house every light was on, except for the twins’ room. Levy’s silence trap must have been activated. The Script Mage had set up a semi-permanent rune trap around their room, one simply had to pick up the light pen she kept on a shelf outside their room and draw a few lines. Then no sound would enter to disturb them until morning. Lily followed the old healer through the house and upstairs, stumbling as he entered Gajeel and Levy’s bedroom. Gajeel had gotten Levy onto the bed, and someone had covered her stomach and legs with a blanket. The room was crowded, all of the women in various states.
Wendy had her hands extended over Levy’s stomach, the pregnant woman seemingly asleep. “How’s the patient?” Wendy turned slowly, her shoulders drooping. “I’ve managed to calm her enough that she’s sleeping again, but…” Carla reached up to pat her Dragon Slayer’s leg as tears started pouring down the girl’s face. “Child, by the time the mother knows, there is almost never anything you can do…” Porlyusica murmured softly, moving Wendy to the side to perform her own exam. Lily cast his eyes around trying to find Gajeel, but the man was nowhere to be seen.
“Gajeel-kun.” Juvia barely said the word, knowing the Dragon Slayer would hear her standing just behind him. He turned slightly, his face an impassive mask as he looked at his oldest friend. She slipped her hand into his and tugged gently, leading him from the room. They walked until they were out in the small yard Levy had begged Gajeel to wall in when they moved into the house. Still no emotion crossed his face, but when Juvia turned to study him, she could tell something was wrong. Of course something was wrong. His baby was…
Juvia decided that there was nothing she could say that could possibly make this okay, so she simply wrapped her arms around him, laying her head against his chest. “Gajeel-kun, Juvia is so sorry.” Gajeel stood stiffly, arms at his sides for so long that Juvia thought maybe she’d made the wrong choice. She started to release her hold on him, but he suddenly had his arms around her. There wasn’t a sound coming from him, but his body started convulsing with silent sobs.
Not able to hold his weight and her own, the Rain Woman slowly sat them down, reaching a hand to stroke his hair as his grip around her tightened. “What do I do? Why is this happening? What do I do?” Gajeel gasped the pleading words out, Juvia feeling them more than hearing them. She didn't know how long they sat there, her heart breaking and a gentle rain falling on the house as she struggled to find a way to support her best friend.
“Gajeel must not blame himself for this. This is a terrible tragedy that is not the fault of anyone. Gajeel must make himself to understand this.” She still stroked his hair, rocking a little as his sobbing slowed, locking onto her words like they were a lifeline. “Gajeel can only support Levy and make her understand this as well. This is not her fault.” He pulled back from her with a hiss, looking straight into her eyes. “Of COURSE this ain't the Shrimp’s fault! How could you even-” he stopped growling as Juvia shook her head slowly.
“Juvia would never suggest Levy-chan was at fault. What did Juvia say? No one is to blame for this. But, in Levy-chan’s position, Juvia would be convinced it was her own fault that she lost her baby.” Gajeel considered her words, digging the heels of his hands into his eyes. “Aye. Yer right, Juv. I'm sorry, I know ya wouldn't suggest… fuck. I gotta get in there.” He lurched to his feet, offering her a hand up as he struggled to make his face impassive again as they went back inside.
“Lily… it's been a week. I can't get her to leave, can't barely get her to eat. The twins… they keep asking what's wrong with mommy. The fuck am I supposed to do?” Gajeel was sat at his kitchen table, his head cradled in his hands. Pantherlily was standing behind him, scrambling some eggs for Gajeel to take to Levy. Normally the Dragon Slayer would do that, but he'd been prone to spacing out while cooking lately. Lily never had the heart to ask what he was thinking about, but he could probably have guessed.
“Does she say anything?” He happened to glance over his shoulder at his friend, so he saw the man shake his head. “I don't even think she’s readin’, Lil’. She jus’ lays there starin’ at the ceiling or sleeps. Or she cries, when she thinks I can't hear her.” Slamming his fists into the table, Gajeel stood up and began pacing around the kitchen. “I'm useless. Can't punch my way out of this. What am I supposed to do?!”
He stopped his agitated movements as he passed the kitchen’s open window. The twins were out in the yard, Blondie sat on the ground with her hands over her eyes counting out loud while they hid. A slight smile crept across his face for a moment before he found himself remembering the dream he'd been having that night. Gajeel jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Lily holding out a plate of food.
“All of her favorites. Something will look appetizing, I hope.” The Dragon Slayer nodded, taking the plate with one hand, patting his cat on the shoulder with the other. “Thanks Lily.” Gajeel looked out the window again. “Did ya know they started arguin’ yesterday about the baby? Shu of course wants a sister ‘cause boys are dumb. And Yaje wants to have a little brother so he can teach him t’burp. Which set Mini-Shrimp off ‘cause of course she can burp louder than Yaje. And so on.”
Pantherlily chuckled, shaking his head as Gajeel turned to leave the kitchen. He made his way carefully through their living room, dodging toys and scattered books that his children had left in the wake of their playing this morning. This morning? Don't kid yourself, Redfox. You ain't cleaned in four days. Even Lily stopped trying to keep up with those hooligans.
Opening the door to his bedroom silently he slipped into his room. Levy was staring at their ceiling, completely blank. She didn't even seem to notice him standing there, just like she hadn't noticed Erza sitting in the chair in the corner. The requip stood quietly, offering the man a small smile before leaving. The day after the worst day of Gajeel’s life, Levy had been sobbing into his chest. He'd asked her what he could do to help and her reply had almost broken him. “Just let me die…Let me join her.”
“Never! That’s NEVER goin’ t’happen, Shrimp.” He’d just held her, stroking her hair and rocking her until she’d cried herself to sleep. Then he’d slipped out and called the women of their guild, setting up a schedule with them to make sure Levy was never alone. He was pretty sure she wouldn’t actually harm herself… he thought. But he also didn’t want to take that chance.
The Dragon Slayer set the plate carefully on the nightstand next to his wife, leaning down to kiss her cheek gently. “Hey, Lev. Lily made ya all of yer favorites. Will ya please eat something?” She turned glassy eyes to look at him, blinking a few times as she tried to focus. She shifted a little, and Gajeel wrapped an arm around her, helping her to sit up in the bed and propping several pillows behind her. “There’s m’girl. Eat what ya can, alright?” He walked over to the chair the Titania had vacated and sat in it wearily. Seeing the love of his life like this was awful, but he couldn’t let her see how much he was hurting. He didn’t want to add to her own pain.
“Momma!” Gajeel’s eyes flew open as Shutora squealed, barely seeing the flashes of blue as his children launched themselves at the bed his wife was laying on. “Momma we missed you! Is you okay, Momma? When is our baby coming, Momma? Why don’t you want to see us anymore, Momma? Momma, did we do something wrong?” The twins’ voices overlapped each other so that their words seemed to be one continuous sentence. At the last question, Gajeel stopped his movement to get them off of their mother, dropping instead to his knees at the side of the bed. He’d failed all of them completely. How had they possibly gotten the thought this was their fault? They didn’t even know anything!
Gajeel pulled himself onto the bed next to the children as he realized Levy had finally snapped out of herself. Maybe it had been their questions, or maybe just their presence in general, but she’d focused on the children immediately, throwing her arms around them and cuddling the twins to her tiny body. “Oh, my loves, no! You’ve done nothing! Momma was just… sick. Oh, my babies, I’m so sorry I yelled at you before.” Shutora had snuck into the room a few days before with Yaje in her shadow, slipping in between shifts of people sitting with Levy.
Levy had been in one of her bad spots, the pain medication Porlyusica had left for her having worn off. Yaje had asked his mother excitedly about the baby, wondering if his brother was going to be here soon, which of course made Shutora start asking if her sister was going to like books like Yaje or if she would be cooler than that. The two had bickered for a moment before Levy lost it and screamed at them to get out, the pain that they would never know the answer to the twins’ questions too great for her to cope. Her husband had burst into the room and scooped the kids out, taking them to the kitchen and distracting the two with ice cream.
“Momma, we’re sorry we made you ang-” Shutora started, but she stopped when Levy shook her head. “Sweetie, you have nothing to be sorry for. Momma is sorry. She shouldn’t have screamed at you when you were just trying to ask a question.” Gajeel settled next to his family, pulling Shutora onto his lap. “Guys, Momma has been sick. And Daddy shoulda told ya before. This ain’t easy, but yer m’tough little Shrimps, and ya deserve t’know.” Levy wrapped her arms around Yaje, burying her face in his mess of hair as Gajeel did his best to explain why their mother had been hiding from them for week. Lily slipped in at one point, joining his family in their grief as they all pulled strength from each other.
Fan fiction - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12365324/6/Gajevy-Week-2017
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