#takahiro tasaki
elenilote · 1 year
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The most handsome Amamiya brothers
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blavkjackalll · 2 years
reality vs expectations
high&low version:
masaki: say it, three words. and i’m yours *sticking his lips out*
hiroto: three fucking words. what are you on
masaki: you’re so no fun hiroto-kun, at least give oni-chan a kiss come on <3 *leans forward*
hiroto: *slaps him in the face punches his stomach and leaves him right away*
- reality line -
takahiro: say it, three words. and i’m yours *sticking his lips out*
omi: *blushes and smiles sweetly* and i’m yours
takahiro: *stands still as tryna process what actually happened and* you little piece of sweetheart *hugs him tightly and kisses his cheek*
omi: *hugs back and giggles*
- oh shit i just remembered takahiro’s married line -
there’s not reality bye this ain’t happening
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citybops · 1 year
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connorjesup · 2 years
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Masaki & Hiroto in HIGH&LOW: The Movie (2016)
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rddatsushi · 8 months
Chapter 3 - first arc.
Noite mal dormida, preocupação até o pescoço. As obrigações não tinham sensibilidade alguma perante aquilo tudo e, novamente, estava Atsushi, tendo, talvez, o dia mais fatídico de aula de sua vida. Estava aéreo, incapaz de prestar atenção em alguma coisa. O ensaio que tanto estimava? Dispensou. Mesmo com a proximidade do Festival Cultural da escola, que seria praticamente naquela semana. Nada mais importava, além daqueles que leh eram caros: seus pais. O tempo passou e, no caminho de volta pra casa o rapaz parou e se perguntou se deveria ir naquele mesmo local. Definitivamente ele precisava saber mais daquele homem que estava ameaçando a vida do seu pai e o porquê daquilo. Chantagem? Dívidas? Certamente não era difícil encaixar as peças, mas ter certeza do que ocorria era fundamental, talvez. Ele escolheu ir. Cada passo até o local foi cauteloso. Estava embebido de medo, mas o institno protetor falou mais alto, mesmo com a tenra idade. Trêmulo, adentrou o famigerado beco e olhou o vazio do local. Caiu de joelhos e socou o solo, chorando um pouco. Aquilo não o havia levado a lugar algum, apenas serviu para suscitar o que havia visto no dia anterior, porém, sua angústia foi interrompida por uma voz. Para o seu alívio, nenhuma voz que escutara ontem. Era uma voz jovem. —É um agiota.
Na mesma hora o rapaz virou-se, sacando um canivete que trouxe consigo, mas imediatamente baixou sua guarda ao ver que se tratava de um aluno de sua escola. —Quem é você?
O rapaz aparentava ser mais jovem que Atsushi e era muito bonito. Dono de cabelos lisos e acastanhados, e olhos bem marcantes, tinha estatura menor do que de Sato. Antes que o rapaz em questão dissesse qualquer coisa, foi cortado por Atsushi. —Você não faz parte da turma de música lá na escola, também? Taka.. —Isso. Tasaki Takahiro, da turma de canto. Como vai, Sato Atsushi? Acredito que nada bem.
O teor calmo e até levemente irônico de Takahiro despertaram um pouco de raiva em Atsushi que voltou a sacar o canivete, desconfiado da possibilidade remota de que Takahiro pudesse saber de alguma coisa, embora, à primeira vista, aquilo fosse um completo absurdo. —O que você quer afinal? Se você sabe de alguma coisa, é melhor dizer tudo de uma vez!
Takahiro levantou as mãos em um pedido de calma e riu um pouco, começando a caminhar em torno do adolescente raivoso. —Se eu fosse você, ficaria mais calmo e abaixaria esta.. "arma". Eu vim lhe propor um negócio, nada além disso.
Intrigado e curioso, o rapaz baixou novamente o canivete e permenceu calado, permitindo que Takahiro prosseguisse. —Melhor assim. Então, Sato.. acho que uma quantia grande de dinheiro iria te ajudar muito agora, não é mesmo? Não só a você, como a muitas pessoas mas.. principalmente você.
—Onde você quer chegar com isso…? Impaciente e nervoso, Takahiro foi empurrado e prensado contra um tronco de árvore podre, com o canivete prestes a cortar o seu pescoço. Não foi difícil para Atsushi imobilizar Takahiro daquela forma. Nervoso, o menor rangeu os dentes, tentando afastar seu pescoço da lâmina. —Se.. se alie à família e poder livrar o seu pai daquele agiota. —Aquele canalha, eu sabia..
Totalmente confuso e perdido, ele soltou o colega e deu-lhe as costas. —Como você sabe disso, Takahiro?
—Isso não importa agora.. Respondeu à medida que ajeitava a gravata de seu uniforme escolar. —O que interessa é, quer a grana ou não? Se quiser sair dessa, vai ter que se juntar a mim. Digamos que existe um projeto musical grande e eu acho que você seria perfeito para iniciá-lo comigo. Vi sua performance na escola com o piano e cantando. Você é exatamente o que precisamos.
Sem reação a toda aquela quantia exorbitante de informações desconexas, Atsushi só tinha certeza de uma coisa: precisava pensar. —O que você ou vocês, sei lá, ganham com a minha presença, afinal? Tem tantos outros músicos por aí, por que eu?
—Por que você é exatamente o perfil que estamos buscando, tanto pelas habilidades musicais, quanto pela idade.. e, convenhamos, sua vulnerabilidade atual não te deixaria recusar uma proposta dessas. Só se você fosse um completo idiota.
O mais velho apertou o canivete que havia em sua destra e conteve-se. —Preciso pensar, isso é demais pra mim. Dito aquilo, ele cravou a lâmina no tronco podre da árvore, se perguntando onde poderia estar se metendo. Por outro lado, parecia não haver saída melhor.
—Pense com calma. Eu não quero seu mal, Sato. Encare isso mais como uma troca de favores e tudo correrá de forma mais leve. Você terá seu prazo pra pensar, estipulado por aquele próprio agiota de quinta. Pense bem, se livrar daquele verme resolverá a situação da sua família. Você sabe onde me encontrar. Ja ne.
Desaparecendo por dentre os becos, Takahiro se foi e ali restou Atsushi, que digeria com dificuldade toda aquela informação e adrenalina. —Eu tenho mais dois dias pra decidir isso.. dois dias.
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whumpetywhump · 3 years
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High & Low: The Red Rain (2016)
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apotatowhenever · 5 years
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When someone poses with dogs, the dogs usually out cute/shine the person but it's not the same story with Takahiro. 🧐
Also, no one can beat his dimples and his smile. It will always be the best. 👌✨💕
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ldhworldwide · 7 years
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Did you Know ? #59 Le Saviez-vous ? #59
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artiowyvern · 7 years
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Happy birthday to our adorable Takahiro 💖
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elenilote · 1 year
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More soft Takahiro
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blavkjackalll · 2 years
if high&low characters and the members switch souls
akira: you bitches have to shut up and ride your bike or i’ll dance on you
kenchi: *emotionless* dance, i urge you *shows his knife*
keiji: *rushes to the vocals and snatches their mics* party time!! *smiles brightly showing his silver teeth*
takahiro: … (i’m sorry he’s completely identical to masaki i have nothing to say but maybe) *looks at omi with shining eyes* can i lick the sweat off your jaw line pleaseeeeee
omi: *completely emotionless* shut the fuck you bitches and listen to me sing *middle finger up*
omi: fuck off *to takahiro*
naoto: hi sweeties wanna have a one night stand with me? it’s exciting hours babes~ 💋 *starts stripping on the stage*
iwata: dance. dancing is important. i have to do it impeccably. *clutches his fist with determination and nod to himself* i will do everything to dance.
naoki: *speechlessly ready to do something with his katana* (please run if you don’t wanna die)
elly: neo-funk jungle yeah it’s do or die *ai ai* come on baby *hops on the car during This is JSB’s opening while shouting and snatching ryuji’s mic*
mandy: *grunts with stupidity*
alan: (practically deaf with his headphones on) i’ll hack into the famous producers’ computer and listen to their unreleased music fuck yeh *plays loud music*
reo: (no way imagine he never retorts or says anything mean or ironic,, that’s not reo!!) *remains silent* ask our leader i’m not here to make decisions but to execute
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newsintheshell · 6 years
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 “Overlord III”
Serie TV anime, 10 luglio 2018
Episodi: 13 x 24 min.
Terza stagione dell’anime basato sulla serie di romanzi ”Overlord” scritta da Kugane Maruyama ed illustrata da so-bin.
Regia: Naoyuki Itou
Sceneggiatura: Yukie Sugawara
Character Design: Satoshi Tasaki, Yoshimatsu Takahiro
Direttore artistico: Shigemi Ikeda, Yukiko Maruyama (Atelier Musa)
Musiche: Shuji Katayama (Team - MAX)
Studio di animazione: Madhouse
Sigla di apertura: MYTH & ROYD “Voracity” Sigla di chiusura:  OxT “Silent Solitude”
Momonga: Satoshi Hino
Albedo: Yumi Hara
Aura Bella Fiora: Emiri Katou
Marle Bello Fiore: Yumi Uchiyama
Shalltear Bloodfallen: Sumire Uesaka
Cocytus: Kenta Miyake
Demiurge: Masayuki Katou
Sebas Tian: Susumu Chiba
Narberal Gamma: Manami Numakura
Zaryusu: Hiroki Touchi
Shasryu: Naomi Kusumi
Crusch: Sora Amamiya
Zenberu: Kouji Ishii
Renner: Kiyono Yasuno
Climb: Ryota Ohsaka
Lakyus: Ami Koshimizu
Gagaran: Kimiko Saito
Evileye: Yumiri Hanamori
Tia: Shizuka Ishigami
Tina: Miyu Tomita
Brain: Kouji Yusa
Gilkunif: Takahiro Sakurai 
Fulder: Takaya Hashi    
Gazef: Hiroshi Shirokuma  
La prima stagione di 13 episodi che è stata trasmessa nell’estate del 2015, mentre la seconda stagione, sempre di 13 episodi, è invece andata in onda questo inverno. Entrambe le produzioni dello studio Madhouse sono licenziate in Italia da Yamato Video e disponibili, sottotitolate, sul canale Yamato Animation.
Cosa fai quando il tuo videogioco preferito chiude i battenti? A un passo dallo shut down di Yggdrasil, sfondo virtuale di un MMORPG un tempo popolarissimo, Momonga ha deciso di restare loggato fio alla fine, come gesto d’addio verso quel gioco di cui è stato tra i più grandi campioni. Momonga è un outsider che nel mondo reale non ha posto, solo e senza amici né parenti; su Yggdrasil invece è una figura leggendaria, uno stregone il cui potere incute timore e rispetto. E se, nei panni del suo mitico avatar videoludico, Momonga potesse proseguire la sua esistenza nel suo amato MMORPG, come se questo fosse un luogo reale? E in questa nuova vita, Momonga sarebbe un eroe o... uno spietato conquistatore?
La light novel inizialmente serializzata come romanzo web nel settembre 2010, ha iniziato la sua pubblicazione sotto l'etichetta Enterbrain nel luglio 2012. Un adattamento manga disegnato da Fugin Miyama ha iniziato la serializzazione nel magazine Comp Ace nel novembre 2014. Il fumetto è edito in Italia da J-POP.
Sito ufficiale Twitter ufficiale
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retsuyachan · 6 years
Bibiri exerpt by EXILE HIRO
Before reading this, I advise readers to watch Kinsuma SP from this video onwards (in 10 parts) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uw2Elj-TYOo&t=92s, because I feel that what I’ve transcribed may not fully capture the road leading up to the decision to hold the first VBA. There were a lot more difficulties than what was written in Bibiri, so I hope the videos will present this visually. 
Commencing the audtion
 I think the reason why I was told EXILE would end was because we were top ranking artists, and I agreed with that reasoning. Our team was well loved by almost a million fans, so if someone from the all-important vocalists’ section left, we would never be able to regain that former glory. In the history of the music industry, this was a common fact.
When I was in this dilemma, I would always go back to where we started.Back to why I did this in the first place. What did I do this for? How much faith did I have to go back to basics?
What was the motto of EXILE?
These were some of the things that came to our minds when the staff were brainstorming about the audition.
[The importance of holding on to your dreams]
From the moment we formed EXILE, we held on to this motto and went on with our activities.So what would happen when we have an open recruitment for a vocalist in this top-ranked group? We would be choosing a new vocalist for EXILE from a pool of people who can take up the challenge regardless of skill. The person chosen would become a member of this top-ranked group overnight. He would be able to stand alongside Atsushi, singing in front of thousands of other spectators.This sort of dream must sound like an impossible feat.
“How would you be able to use this audition to pick out a new member?”
This was a serious question I posed to the gathered members. At first, I thought the members would not be in great favor of this idea. While there was no opposition, I felt that the idea didn’t stick clearly into their minds.
In spite of that, I had absolute faith that I would be able to stir something up among the members.
At any rate, this was a modern day Cinderella Story. The story of a normal guy who was suddenly chosen one day to stand in front of millions of people in a dome arena. If we manage to open this up to the public, the fans would willingly open their ears to this audition. In addition, the winner of this audition would probably receive a lot of support. I felt that it was a very EXILE-like method to promote the idea of the importance of holding on to your dreams.The reason why losing a member of our team hit us so hard was because of the love our fans had for us. That was even if we did get an amazing new member. Or rather, the more amazing the member was, the harder the backlash might be. For those who put EXILE close to their hearts, they can be uncomfortable with a new member. EXILE feels much like a family, so if one of the family is replaced by someone else, people would never say things like “Yay! We’ve got a new member in the family!” Once there is a hole left behind, no one else can fill it up again, even if that person was Michael Jackson. I feel that the fans will never be able to come to terms with it.
I understand that very well myself. Even if there was a way to heal this sense of loss, I would feel the same way as the fans do.
In other words, when it comes down to it, everyone would the same feeling of loss while trying to search for the new member….If we continued to think like this, EXILE would no longer exist. That’s why, we couldn’t just stop there. Similar to how Shun chose his own path in life, we also have to move forward with our own.
That’s why, we needed to find that new member.
In order to convey our intent to our fans, we had to think of a way to make the audition easy to understand. Based on our situation at the time, we thought it would be safe to choose the new member within our own confines without telling the rest of the fans, and then choose a day to make the official announcement. I felt that if we do that, the new member would be beaten with a lot of criticism and end up becoming powerless.
….well, with this in mind, I took every opportunity to talk to the members.
While I did say that, it’s not like it was very hard to talk to them. Our conversations went something like: “Won’t it be nuts if a normal kid suddenly became a top selling artiste?” and “If we open the audition to the public, won’t everyone would come and support it?” We were in the process of trying to get the members to get a spark going in this idea.
Although we weren’t sure if this was going to work, by the end of it the members and the staff were all enamored by the idea of choosing a new member.
I’m not entirely sure what happened, but it might be because at this point, everyone felt like they wanted to ride on the idea. I felt that way as well, so we had no other choice but to go for it. Since everything has gone well up to this point, we could feign composure a little. However, we had no idea if we would be able to go through with the audition well or even be able to find a suitable talent for this role. If we weren’t able to find a good vocalist, it would mean there would be a high chance that EXILE would end its run.
As I said the first time, I was really scared to death.
Others have told me that my ideas are too daring or naïve or absolutely off the hook, but that is completely beside the point. To put it crudely, because I was wet behind the ears, or rather, ignorant about the ways of the world, I couldn’t go about this too confidently. I was nervous to the core. I didn’t have complete confidence that this audition would be successful, so I really had no room for error. I didn’t want to fail, so I did all the necessary arrangements that I could and took all measures.
Feeling that this period was unstable, Akira joined us formally as a member, and with that, that was the current state of things within EXILE. I was always wondering when Akira would join EXILE.
While it was great we were open with the fans about beginning the audition and the process of choosing the new member, more importantly, we needed to become an impressive, captivating form of entertainment at the same time. We were first and foremost, entertainers. No matter what we did, we must hold true to that role. Also, if we had a new member that was chosen after a lackluster show, the fans won’t be inclined to support them.
We decided to hold the final audition battle for the new member at the Budoukan, the place where special memories were made.
We needed to hold the final live as a raw sort of entertainment that would make the crowd overflow with emotion, or else we would not achieve real success. To establish this kind of entertainment, we had to take extreme care with our plans.
My biggest worry was, even after gathering the fans together at the final audition and giving an emotional performance, whether or not the winning candidate would stay. We could say big things about appealing to the public to scout for a new vocalist, but from the beginning, we didn’t even have the slightest idea how many applications there would be. If you ask me, I didn’t believe we would be able to find a candidate who would be blessed with the kind of talent Atsushi’s partner had. Or rather, would it even be simple to find such a person? I was rather uneasy. Even if there was a candidate with that kind of potential, we wouldn’t know if such a person would be able to make it past the preliminaries. And even if he did make it past the prelims, we wouldn’t know whether the candidate would be able to stand on the actual Budoukan stage and perform up to expectations. If this candidate was bad, then that would be because we were reckless about the whole audition.
Similar to that of a sports competition, we had seeded candidates like Nesmith and TAKA (from DEEP) who were experienced artistes, so it wouldn’t be strange if they became part of EXILE, but the reason why we had people with such abilities in the midst of this audition was because it was necessary for the Budoukan’s final audition become the best and most exciting form of entertainment.
I had the mindset that we would be able to hold the final battle at the Budoukan as a form of entertainment, no matter how many were left behind, because we wanted to recognize their talents and support their goals.
However, though we worked hard to prepare the perfect event, the moment the floodgates were opened, the audition was successful beyond anyone’s imagination.
The number of applicants for the audition amounted up to almost ten thousand people.
There were applicants lining up all the way up to the edge of town.
And among those applicants was Tasaki-kun (TAKAHIRO).
In all my years, because I’ve come across many walks of life, I had built up data and my baseless confidence. So when I saw Tasaki-kun, I thought he was the one.He was just some ordinary guy, but at the moment when I first heard his voice during the first round of audition, I thought it couldn’t be anyone but this guy. He had the atmosphere that I had always dreamed of.
When I asked around, he coincidentally turned out to be a friend of a friend, meaning that he got here via connections, but that didn’t mean I could go and give him special treatment. I remember that throughout the 2nd and 3rd judging round, whenever Tasaki-kun started singing I was praying hard that he wouldn’t lose.
No matter how good one is, there was still a chance they won’t make it. I felt that this guy would definitely do well if he became part of EXILE, but there was no telling if the other members would feel the same way as I did. But then, I’m just a paranoid kind of person, and at the end of it he hung on and did his best to become a member of EXILE.
That person was Tasaki Takahiro, or whom we know as TAKAHIRO.
I said stuff like “Won’t it be nuts if a normal kid suddenly became a top selling artiste?”, but as I watched over TAKAHIRO’s growth I once again started getting concerned whether he would be able to stand on the stage at the dome, in front of a few million people, with that huge amount of pressure.
TAKAHIRO managed to put all of that out of the way excellently, and he became the new wave of change in EXILE. From the time of the audition to the present, his growth was surprising to even himself, and his addition to the team brought about a huge evolution in EXILE. Following his entry into EXILE, making up 7 of us, another reaction started to take place, like the metamorphosis of a pupa into a butterfly, and something else new was born.
You could say that our lives have been changed through the audition.
The audition allowed us to have a chance to get close to our fans and our contribution to society. The members of EXILE had decided to hold a face-to-face audition, regardless of the number of applicants. So when the nationwide-held first judging came around we met all 10 thousand of the applicants. The same was also applied to the second and third round of judging. We believed that we couldn’t just choose one person out of the thousands of applicants to be EXILE’s vocalists. We just had to meet every single one of these applicants.
It took a really long time, but that was an amazing experience.
There were many sorts of people who applied for the audition. Naturally, there were also some who applied as a joke, but there was a greater meaning to that once we met up with these people.
The rumors of the audition had created such a huge impact. The news and mass media might have picked up on the audition, but it was surprising how this news was spread word-from-mouth, independent of the mass media. Thinking about it now, this was to be expected.
“I wanted to sing in front of EXILE”
Said one applicant, but I wonder how many friends he shared this with. It wouldn’t be wrong to assume that these friends have shared this to other friends too.
“My friend is also attending this audition”.
That friend might have told their friends, and that set of friends might have told other friends, and so on.
“My friend’s boyfriend is going for the audition too.”
If you consider this chain of friends, a single applicant could share this to about a 100 other people.
That means if you have ten thousand applicants, they can spread the news to almost a million people solely through word-of-mouth.
Also, this wasn’t like any ordinary news. This meant those standing at the audition venue and the raw emotions of those singing their hearts out in front of us will be broadcasted to a million people.
If the criteria for entry was something simple like “Males 18 years old and up”, there’ll definitely be all shapes and sizes of people coming to audition. There would even be a considerable number of people coming in wheelchairs.
Many people came, holding on to their various dreams, to let us hear their voices.
I was truly happy about this. At the same time, we were really encouraged by their dreams and passions. This also made us discover our roots and our substance once again.
In the end, deep within ourselves, we all held on to the importance of having a dream in mind. It’s not that we weren’t encouraged by the initial success, but by being able to work together with so many people, this went on to become a more regular and larger event.
In 2010, we held an audition to search for the vocalists for Sandaime J Soul brothers, and in 2011 we held auditions for female vocalists and dancers. We collected nearly 30 thousand applicants. Through this, the vocals for Sandaime J Soul brothers, and many other female vocalists and performers for the current E-girls were born.
Then in 2013, we launched an audition to scout for artistes who could do activities around the world. The applicants who made it would have the privilege to spend 3 years in New York to learn about the music industry. It was very exciting to have a not-so-distant future on our minds, and to produce artistes who can contribute to the world around them.
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n-chill · 7 years
Japanese Ambient, VGM & BGM PII (YMO's Newage Children)
Ryuichi Sakamoto - Sega Dreamcast Sound Logo - 1998
Yellow Magic Orchestra - Loom -  BGM  - 1981
One Thousand Ears - Unknown - Dentsu Video Wall Paper LD - 1990
Hosono Haruomi - Newage Children - Good Sport - 1995
Unknown -  bgm32 - Enigma - PS1 - 1998
Yoshiyuki Itou - THE WONDERING - Record Of Lodoss War: Minstrel’s Memory of Lodoss - 1993
Takahiro Ogata & Shoji Meguro - Kei - Maken X - 1999
Toshiba Tasaki - Kasagi Mountain - Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner - 1996
Otomo Yoshihide - Song for T.Y. - Yoshihide Otomo Plays the Music of Takeo Yamashita - 1999
Kimitaka Matsumae - 83.5.5 Part 4 - You Are The Fox 1 - 1997
Haruomi Hosono - La Harpo de la Paradizo - Night on the Galactic Railroad - 1985
Ryu Takami & Ryu Umemoto - Death Space - Groundseed PC-98 1996
Hirokazu Tanaka - Mysterious - Mario Paint - SNES - 1992
Hirokazu Tanaka - Mysterious (prototype version) - Mario Paint - SNES - 1992
Unknown - Track 00 - Hihou-Ou  PS1 - 1997
Jun Chikuma - Silent lake (Oke Edit) - Do-Re-Mi Fantasy — Famicom - 1996
Hiromi Mizutani - Unknown #7 - Zill O'll PS1 - 1999
Kazunaka Yamane - Final Boss Part 1 (Oke Edit) - Double Dragon II - 1991 - Sega
Haruomi Hosono - Trembling #2 - Endless Talking - 1985
Kenji Kawai - Patlabor 2 - Unnatural City - 1993
Geinoh Yamashirogumi - Dark Slumber - Ecophony Rinne - 1986
Yutaka Hirose - Epilogue - Soundscape 2: Nova - 1986
Akira Takemoto - Prototype J - Lain Bootleg - 1999
Hirokazu Tanaka, Keiichi Suzuki - The World Of Mother (Extended Version) - MOTHER - 1989
Keiichi Suzuki - Eight Melodies [Demo] - The Lost Suzuki Tapes Vol.2 - 1989
US GEOBLOCK VERSION https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zoAoXglFHM
d/l https://pastebin.com/a5CAC7W2
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jgfiles · 7 years
Tazaki/Seto Reiji’s character profile: Part 1 (Joker Game Universe)
Tazaki/Seto Reiji’s character profile: Part 1 (Joker Game Universe)
(Very tentative version as no translation for ‘Asia Express’ novel version had been released)
Spy Surname: Tazaki - 田崎(たざき) Spy Name: Unknown Real name: Unknown Rank: Army Second Lieutenant (陸軍少尉 - Rikugun-Shōi) (According to the novel) Role at D Agency: Spy (スパイ- Spy) Direct superior officer: Lieutenant Colonel Yūki (結城中佐 - Yūki-Chūsa) Affiliation: D Agency (D機関 - D Kikan) Height: Unknown (173 cm according to the Anime) Age: Unknown Impersonates: Military Police Superior Private (憲兵上等兵- Kenpei-Jōtōhei) (Anime only), Seto Reiji (瀬戸 礼二), Military Police First Lieutenant (憲兵中尉- Kenpei-Chūi) (Anime only) Appearances: Novel: Vol. 4 Chapter 4 “Asia Express” (アジア・エクスプレス - Asia Express) D no Maō manga: Anime: Ep. 1-2 “Joker Game” (ジョーカー・ゲーム - Joker Game) , EP 6 “Asia Express” (アジア・エクスプレス Asia Express), EP 10 “Pursuit” (追跡 - Tsuiseki), EP 12 “XX Double Cross” (XX ダブル・クロス - XX Double Cross), OAV “Adventure of Black Cat Yoru” (黒猫ヨルの冒険 - Kuroneko Yoru no Bōken) Joker Game The Animation Manga: Chap 1, 2, 3 “Joker Game” (ジョーカー・ゲーム - Joker Game), 5 “Miscalculation” (誤算 - Gosan), 9 “Robinson” (ロビンソン - Robinson), 10 “Asia Express” (アジア・エクスプレス - Asia Express) Drama cd: “Joker Game” Drama CD Metropolitan Police Department D Section Investigation Files (「ジョーカー・ゲーム」ドラマCD 警視庁D課捜査ファイル “Joker Game” Drama CD Keishichō D-ka sōsa files), “Joker Game” Drama CD Go For It! Year 2 Class D Sakuma Sensei (「ジョーカー・ゲーム」ドラマCD それいけ!2年D組佐久間先生 “Joker Game” Drama CD Sore ike! 2-Nen D-gumi Sakuma sensei ) Voice Actor: Sakurai Takahiro - 櫻井 孝宏(さくらい たかひろ) Stage project actor: Okutani Chihiro - 奥谷 知弘(おくたに ちひろ)
Brief introduction
In the novel we’ve no spy named Tazaki and the same goes for the D no Maō manga.
The anime though (and, as a consequence of this, the ‘Joker Game The Animation’ Manga) decided that Tazaki is also Seto Reiji, the spy who appears in the novel chapter ‘Asia Express’ giving him his backstory. ‘Asia Express’ isn’t transposed in the D no Maō manga therefore Seto Reiji doesn’t show up in it.
Note that in the novel we’ve no idea if Seto Reiji had the same role as Tazaki in the other tales in which anime Tazaki showed up that aren’t ‘Asia Express’ but, to make my life simple, I’ll write this intro assuming they are the same person.
The novel implied he’s from a wealthy family and says that he was sent to Oxford school to study. There though he was overlooked by other students due to him being Asian and therefore he proved themselves by beating them at fencing using his left hand in place of his right one.
He’s then scouted by Yūki, pass the selection and enters in his spy school.
Once in D Agency, in both the novel and the manga, he thinks he can easily beat the other students at fencing, same as he did in England, but Yūki tattles out his weak points to the students, causing him to be soundly defeated and teaching him that the overconfidence tied to doing his speciality, causes people to fail more easily.
Later he graduates from D Agency and he’s assigned to collecting info in Machukuo.
While he’s on the Asia Express under the identity of Seto Reiji, Anton Morozoff, the ones from whom he should have collected the info, dies and the info he was carrying disappear. However he will manage to figure out who’s the assassin, retrieve the info and persuade Elena, the assassin’s accomplice, to start working for Japan.
In the anime we’ll see he later will return to Japan and will pose as Military Police first lieutenant when Aaron Price will be arrested by the Military Police.
Tazaki is calm, gentle with everyone, has an intellectual look that makes him look reliable and older than he is.
There’s to say though that the manga implied his gentle smile might be a trick to deceive others into easily trusting him.
In a manga scene only Tazaki talks with a female pigeon.
Physical appearance
In the Anime Shirō Miwa decided to give Tazaki eyes that are dark and long-slitted, so it would be hard to tell where his gaze is, though, in order to not make him look pigheaded, he also gave him a gentle refreshing element.
Ultimately Tazaki is a handsome man with short dark hair and blue/purplish eyes.
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When in D Agency wear a suit a green three piece suit. In his mission on the Asia Express he switches to a blue three piece suit. He also wore a military uniform when he had to disguise himself as a member of the Military Police
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In the Stage Project he still seems to wear a green three piece suit, in a slightly clearer slightly brighter colour compared to the one he has in the anime.
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The two never interacted but we know that Mutō finds D Agency a thorn to his side and sent Sakuma there in the hope one of Yūki’s students would make a mistake that would allow him to close the place.
In the novel and in the manga, during the boys’ fencing training, Yūki tattles out his weak points so as to teach him not to be overconfident (he was fighting them with his left hand) and that someone can always betray their own weakness to their adversaries.
In all the versions Yūki is the one who assigns him to collect info in Manchukuo.
In the anime we don’t really see the two of them interact, not even as they stand together on the roof of D Agency. The most we have is Tazaki thinking that no matter how hard Yūki fights, they can’t accomplish much against the hardheads of the Army higher ups.
In the anime Yūki will also assign Tazaki the role of playing Military Police First Lieutenant and free Aaron Price when the man will be arrested by the Military Police.
Sakuma’s interaction with Tazaki is extremely small.
Tasaki is not mentioned in Novel or in D no Maō. In the Anime Fukumoto is merely present during the Joker Game, he too signalling the players’ cards and later on he’ll take part to the mission at Gordon’s house.
The only time we’ll see the two of them interacting is in a flashback in Joker Game The Animation in which Tazaki explains to Sakuma how to deceive people into doing what one wants and Sakuma figures that Tazaki’s gentle smile might be also a mean for Tazaki to deceive others.
There’s no character named Tazaki in the novel. Although there’s a character named Seto Reiji there’s no known interaction between him and Miyoshi.
Characters named Tazaki or Seto Reiji don’t appear in the D no Maō manga.
In the anime, during the Joker Game Tazaki is slightly behind Miyoshi and Jitsui, so it can be he’s the one signaling their cards to the others.
In the manga Tazaki and Miyoshi talks briefly before Miyoshi will tell the others about the mission to Gordon’s house. In fact, Miyoshi finds Tazaki talking with the others about a song. He recognizes the song and therefore asks Tazaki if the song is “The demon king”. Tazaki confirms it.
There’s no character named Tazaki in the novel. Although there’s a character named Seto Reiji there’s no known interaction between him and Kaminaga.
Characters named Tazaki or Seto Reiji don’t appear in the D no Maō manga.
In the preview for Ep 5 Tazaki tells Kaminaga he’s been incredibly sleepy lately to which Kaminaga replies to sleep when he’s sleepy as, when time comes he’ll wake up on his own.
In the Joker Game the Animation manga, in a flashback, we see the students doing some fencing. Tazaki is supposed to compete against Kaminaga and thinks he’ll win him just by using his left hand. Yūki however warns Kaminaga in regard to Tazaki weak points so Tazaki loses. The scene is taken from the novel, though in the novel it wasn’t said that Tazaki’s adversary was Kaminaga (and it might very well have been someone else).
Always in the manga, while Tazaki is explaining Sakuma how one can manipulate people into doing what he wants, Kaminaga comes near them and Tazaki uses him to explain Sakuma how he can persuade Sakuma to choose a certain cup by claiming that the cup Sakuma wanted was the one Kaminaga wanted, forcing him to switch to another.
Tazaki and Hatano’s interaction is extremely small.
There’s no character named Tazaki in the novel. Although there’s a character named Seto Reiji there’s no known interaction between him and Hatano.
Characters named Tazaki or Seto Reiji don’t appear in the D no Maō manga.
In the anime, fundamentally, although they appear in scenes together (when the boys go out to drink, when they play the Joker Game, when Tazaki talks about “The demon king” song before Miyoshi will join them to tell them they’ll inspect Gordon’s house, when they inspect Gordon’s house, when they both will pose as Military Police during Aaron Price’s interrogation) they’re never heard exchanging a word.
Interesting enough though, Itazu Yoshimi, the author of the end cards, said that when instructed to draw the end cards he was told to “Draw the spies in their daily lives that aren’t seen in the main animation” and that Director Nomura gave him information on the character’s personality and whom they get along with and Tazaki and Hatano were drawn together often enough, which might imply they get along well.
There’s no character named Tazaki in the novel. Although there’s a character named Seto Reiji there’s no known interaction between him and Amari.
Characters named Tazaki or Seto Reiji don’t appear in the D no Maō manga.
In the anime, fundamentally, although they appear in scenes together (when the boys go out to drink, when they play the Joker Game, when Tazaki talks about “The demon king” song before Miyoshi will join them to tell them they’ll inspect Gordon’s house, when they inspect Gordon’s house) they’re never heard exchanging a word.
In a manga cover it looks like Amari and Tazaki are sitting on a table together. On the table there are drinks (tea for Amari, something else in a glass for Tazaki), there are what are likely notebooks in front of them (Amari is even holding a pen) and they’re both wearing glasses. It’s possible they’re in some sort of office in disguise but it’s hard to say.
In a manga only scene, Tazaki is on the roof of D Agency with Yūki, and sees a pigeon coming back from a mission. When Yūki leaves, Amari joins Tazaki and they talk of the return rate for pigeons. Amari reads the message the pigeon carried and then shows it to Tazaki, claiming he did well before saying they’ll need to start gather evidence in secret.
In a card Amari worries that Tazaki is stressed because he’s conjuring up pidgeons and recommend him to talk if something is stressing him.
Tazaki and Jitsui’s interaction is extremely small.
There’s no character named Tazaki in the novel. Although there’s a character named Seto Reiji there’s no known interaction between him and Amari.
Characters named Tazaki or Seto Reiji don’t appear in the D no Maō manga.
In the anime, fundamentally, although they appear in scenes together (when the boys go out to drink, when they play the Joker Game, when Tazaki talks about “The demon king” song before Miyoshi will join them to tell them they’ll inspect Gordon’s house, when they inspect Gordon’s house) they’re never heard exchanging a word.
It’s worth to note though that in class they were seated at the same desk.
Interesting enough though, Itazu Yoshimi, the author of the end cards, said that when instructed to draw the end cards he was told to “Draw the spies in their daily lives that aren’t seen in the main animation” and that Director Nomura gave him information on the character’s personality and whom they get along with occasionally draw Tazaki and Jitsui together, which might imply they get along.
There’s no character named Tazaki or Fukumoto in the novel. Although there’s a character named Seto Reiji and one who used the names Shiozuka Hajime and Kusanagi Yukihito there’s no known interaction between the two.
Characters named Tazaki or Seto Reiji or Fukumoto don’t appear in the D no Maō manga.
In the anime, fundamentally, although they appear in scenes together (when the boys go out to drink, when they play the Joker Game, when Tazaki talks about “The demon king” song before Miyoshi will join them to tell them they’ll inspect Gordon’s house, when they inspect Gordon’s house) they’re never heard exchanging a word.
In the preview for Ep 6 Fukumoto points out how Tazaki always handles cards very deftly. Tazaki ‘magically’ pulls out the ace of heart from behind Fukumoto’s ear and tells him it’s not cards he’s manipulating but his heart.
There’s no character named Tazaki in the novel.
Characters named Odagiri or Tazaki or Seto Reiji don’t appear in the D no Maō manga.
In Ep 12 Tazaki is tasked to investigate into the wine import channels and reported the results of his investigation to Odagiri, telling him that no wine importing company was connected to an intelligence agency. Odagiri, who had no idea he would report to him, was surprised by this.
John Gordon
John Gordon is merely the target of D Agency’s investigation. The two don’t really interact, Tazaki was merely just one of the D Agency men who inspected his house (a spy named Tazaki doesn’t exist in the novel and in D no Maō).
Anton Morozoff
Anton Morozoff was supposed to hand Tazaki/Seto Reiji information on the Russian movements in exchange for a huge amount of money, though before the two could make the exchange Anton Morozoff was killed.
Although Elena was an accomplice of the SMERSH Assassin Tazaki let her go free on the promise she’ll start to work for Japan from now on. Actually she tried to trick him into believing she helped the SMERSH assassin because blackmailed but Tazaki didn’t let himself be fooled.
The three kids on the Asia Express
The kids are fascinated by Tazaki’s magic tricks and Tazaki acts rather kindly to them, showing them magic tricks and then listening to them so that he could trick them into doing something for him under the guise he’s giving them a mission for their expedition and promising them the answer to a riddle once they complete their mission. In the end he’ll show them he has a carrier pigeon and that this is the answer to the riddle he gave them (how could he send a letter and make it arrive sooner than the Asia Express?).
SMERSH Assassin
The guy killed Anton Morozoff (in the novel he also killed two other informants that worked for Tazaki/Seto Reiji) and, when Tazaki/Seto Reiji discovered his identity, he tried to kill him but failed and was put to sleep by Tazaki himself that took from him the info he stole from Morozoff.
Tazaki is very deftly in handling cards knowing various magic tricks with cards and coins.
Tazaki is good at fencing and can fence with his left hand.
From the new interview with the directors of JG Tazaki seems to carry only the best pigeons.
In the novel is said that Seto Reiji (and therefore Tazaki) studied at the Oxford school in England and, during that times, the Japanese students who attended to Oxofrd school were only high ranked nobility or government related boys. This confirms Sakuma’s feelings in the Joker Game tale when he says that the D Agency students seemed to be ‘young men who grew up in more than pleasant environments, and who never had it rough, sons of professors, generals, and government officials, or students who had studied overseas’.
Itazu Yoshimi, the author of the end cards, said that when instructed to draw the end cards he was told to “Draw the spies in their daily lives that aren’t seen in the main animation” and that Director Nomura gave him information on the character’s personality and whom they get along with. In his end cards we see Tazaki walking in the Asakusa district with Fukumoto, Hatano and Tazaki, at Ueno-Hirokuji with Fukumoto and Odagiri and in front of Shibuya station with Odagiri, Hatano and Jitsui. The last card he drew is a ‘group picture’ of some sort as all the spies, Yūki included, are in them. Tazaki is drawn more frequently with Odagiri (4 times), second come Fukumoto and Hatano (3 times), third Jitsui (2 times). It’s worth to note he’s drawn with Kaminaga, Amari and Miyoshi only in the last end card (the one with the group picture). While this is no proof, we can speculate Tazaki was meant to better get along with Odagiri and had the worst compatibility with Kaminaga, Amari and Miyoshi.
In EP 1 Tazaki is shown smoking a cigarette.
In the official art, when they had to represent Tazaki in the chibi version, they often joked on how he had a pigeon under a jacket by often drawing him with lot of pigeons. Once, before releasing one of those official arts, they released a preview of chibi Tazaki that was just a giant pigeon.
In a card it’s said that when Tazaki is stressed he conjures up pigeons.
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apotatowhenever · 5 years
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