#swtor 6.3 spoilers
rainofaugustsith · 2 years
SWTOR and Staffing Changes
Some story spoilers up through 6.3
So there have been some staffing changes for SWTOR. It's really not a surprise. After the debacle that was 7.0 I would have been surprised if there hadn't been. On the official forum and Reddit it seems to have been met with skepticism and who can blame anyone?
At this point, I think the dev team has lost all trust from the playerbase. There's a good reason for that. It's been year after year of dwindling content, increasingly disjointed story, gme breaking bugs, trying to shove a solo-oriented playerbase into grouping and PvP, and with 7.0, changes that noticeably detract from gameplay. The so-called 'grand 10th year anniversary' has been little more than a whimper. I quit the game the day 7.0 dropped, and while I miss running around with Viri, I am very glad not to have the stress.
Honestly, at this point I think it would have been better to end the game's story at the end of Echoes of Oblivion. The player character defeated Tenebrae/Vitiate/Valkorion once and for all and flies off into the stars, hurrah. At this point I've accepted that when and if I have the inspiration to write Lana/Viri again, they won't be on book for much of anything.
The new lead producer is one of the devs who is said to be on private discords that are very heavy with NiM raider dudebro types. He was one who asked questions and wanted feedback on the Public Test Server but almost every single bit of that player feedback has been ignored. I have no confidence he is going to veer from that direction.
The new gameplay designer apparently used to work on Ops which does not bode well for making things more playable. This is something that has become noticeably worse over time. The fights at the end of Echoes of Oblivion, all of Spirit of Vengeance and the first boss fight in Dantooine are train wrecks. Confusing, very hard on the hands, very tedious, nothing but mob after mob as filler. The heroics at Dantooine and Mek-Sha are very difficult and can't necessarily be done solo. From what I have read the boss fight in the newest flashpoint can't even be completed sometimes. I don't see good things here.
The new UX Director states that he's been working since 2020 to make the game more accessible. I've seen a few places that's actually been true, like toning down flashing lights. But the new gameplay/gearing, scaled tertiary stats on planets and emphasis on group play make the game far LESS accessible. And the new inventory/UI has given people headaches.
The new head writer states "my primary responsibility has been working with writing, design, art, and cinematics to ensure our story content adheres to a particular standard of quality." Much of the art and design over the past five years in SWTOR has been stunning. Onderon? Ossus? Umbara? Copero? Mek-Sha? Dantooine? chef's kiss from a design standpoint. The new Dantooine swoop races have been a delight, as well.
Unfortunately the story from KOTET onward has been pretty horrid, with the sole exceptions of the Lana and Theron proposals and most of Echoes of Oblivion. Those are literally the only two points that everything seems okay to me.
From an art standpoint, the dressable models of Lana and Senya were notably made thinner, younger and more traditionally feminine looking in their dressable models. I will never even like a screenshot with Lana if it's the Barbiefied version. Koth's dressable model was also quite weird because his head was not in proportion to his body.
From a story standpoint:
There have been plot holes you could drive a truck through.
Our characters are back to shedding as much blood as possible for their factions (or the one they're secretly working for) after the entire theme of KOTFE was to find alliances outside one's faction and one's personal worldview and work toward peace.
The main goal of Nathema seemed to be to murder as many remaining supporting characters as possible. In one neat swoop they eliminated so many characters who could have had key roles or supporting roles later.
Quinn came back, but if a Sith Warrior didn't trust him and didn't want him in their Alliance, assuming they stay Imperial the only way out was to brutally murder him in a scene that was clearly designed to satisfy the edgelords in the audience.
We had a betrayal that made absolutely no sense.
The group involved with the betrayal had a name that was almost a carbon copy of an existing group.
We had companions return, but many of those return cut scenes made no sense whatsoever and had open lapses in continuity from what we remembered about those companions from the class story.
We had a "somehow, Big Bad survived" moment that truly made no sense other than to provide a new Big Bad.
The plot point that drove Iokath was relegated to operations that most people did not want to play. If you have not played those Ops, the plot point randomly dissolves into thin air without any resolution whatsoever. Why didn't they learn their lesson with that from Oricon?
I don't find any quality there. I just find the story flailing and drifting from one point to another. I find frustration.
The bottom line is that there's really no reason for anyone to trust that SWTOR is on anything other than a continued downward trajectory. That's a shame. But it is what it is.
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greyias · 3 years
Dashpocalypse 2021 - Dantooine Edition
All right! The patch is done, the puppy has been entertained (for now), and I have made probably the first of very questionable decisions today:
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Drinking a Starbucks Refresher at 1pm. My first prediction for the day: Future!Me will be cursing this decision around midnight.
No matter! Sacrifices must be made! For the Enclave! Or something.
Also, when I said the puppy was entertained, he begs to differ:
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“Why is mother so cruel? Why does mother not let me pounce her endlessly and throw toys at her face when she is on the computar? All I want is to love you, Mother. And climb up on your shoulders and drape my paws around your neck so we become one giant Griffobot who will raze destruction across the cityscape with our super sonic shrieks. Is that so much to ask for?”
I digress. Patch time!
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I’m going in!
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transcendencism · 3 years
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detritusvortex · 3 years
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into the enclave
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theniveanlegacy · 3 years
Just the Wrath losing the minuscule amount of patience she has.
Rivix looks like he’s regretting taking the job.
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kyber-heart · 3 years
Has anyone else noticed that on Jedipedia, Rivix's lightsaber has this icon;
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Clearly a rifle... so now, I need him to go total Jocasta Nu with the Lightsaber rifle
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And for him to take out Darth Malgus like this
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disaster-bi-shan · 3 years
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SIL JEDI-ING! ARN! ARYN! SIL FANPERSONING OVER ARYN (VERY VERY CANON)!! already enjoying this way more on pubside than I did with ry :D
sounds kinda like rey’s theme but IT’S GOOD
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[Vinyor Tesh: Before we begin, I must speak plainly. I don't believe we should include anyone in this meeting who is no longer a part of the Jedi Order (referring to Aryn)]
I'm screaming
For the context: because the game doesn't count my personal headcanons (which is a problem I'd love to talk about with devs one day, but I digress), Airistan accepted the offer for the Alliance to become a part of the Republic (wonder who she'd approve as a senator), and since that deal had rejoining the Jedi Order, Vinyor's statement does not apply to Airistan in game. However, no way she would be a Jedi again, so hearing this line made me laugh like sure, if you think you can handle Malgus all by yourself, be my guest.
If there's anyone who kept the Alliance separate on a Jedi character, can you tell me if Vinyor also refers to your character? (because if not it's even funnier)
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thebreadtree · 3 years
Why is Darth Rivix wearing shoes with 3 claws?!
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rainofaugustsith · 3 years
SWTOR 7.0 predictions
Time for another round of SWTOR predictions. Obviously, spoilers for everything up to Secrets of the Enclave. My original three for 7.0 and onward still stand: 1. On both sides there's going to be a choice between a more moderate, inclusive path (Satele Shan or Darth Krovos) vs. a more zealous, fanatical and intolerant path (Gnost-Dural or Darth Rivix). 2. The Commander has a canon ability to resist Force influences and shuts themselves off from feeling things through the Force, which in turn conceals their own intentions, emotions and thoughts very completely - which in turn is one reason both factions consider them very dangerous. In fact, I would wonder if the comments on both sides about "don't you feel it, Commander?" were Arn/Rivix's way of testing out how much that suspicion about the Commander was true. 3. Heta Kol is related to Torian in some way - mother, aunt, allied clan, but someone who has a personal relationship to Clan Cadera. New predictions: The saboteurs are in for it.
I've seen this one hypothesized, and i agree. I don't think either faction truly intends to let a saboteur join up. Neither faction's saboteur contact seems particularly concerned about their well-being. I feel this is a lot like the Sith Warrior's apprenticeship with Darth Baras: they're going to be used for all they're worth. If they die in battle, great - it saves the faction the trouble of knocking them off later. Once they've met their purpose, they will be discarded. The faction contact might let it drop that they're a saboteur. They might send them into a suicide mission. But it has the potential to end badly or send the saboteur through yet another betrayal story arc. Having said that I think there will still be room for the saboteur to join the other faction, since I think there WILL be people on both sides who will welcome them - just that it's not what their contacts have intended for them. Both factions are going to continue to try to take over Odessen as their base. We've already seen both factions cheerfully showing up on Odessen with lots of troops and ships. They're obviously occupying. That's going to increase. Onslaught gave a preview of this, Imperial-side. Mek-Sha is an independent entity. No matter what you do, the Empire moves in on it. If you let Darth Shaar and Vowrawn live, they calmly say they're going to keep a warship or two there and expect Mek-Sha to provide fuel. If you kill them, you get an email from another Darth thanking you for getting them out of the way so they can move in. It's not a stretch to think they're planning to take over Odessen the same way. And I don't let the Republic off the hook either. The Republic has shown numerous times that they're cool with forcing planets and moons to remain in, or join, the Republic when they don't want to. They've parked their warships and Gnost-Dural on Odessen too. They're going to move in the same way. I also think both factions will continue to try to bleed the Alliance of its resources and will take them by force if the Alliance hesitates. It could be military Force, or it could be taxes to the Republic/Empire. The Republic is going to try to conscript and forcibly convert the Force users on Odessen and elsewhere. The entire point of Task Force Nova is to hunt down Jedi and force them to return to the Republic's war. There are Jedi on Odessen. It's not a stretch to think that Task Force Nova is going to try to conscript them. It's also not a stretch they would demand the expulsion of Sith, Voss and Zakuulan Force users if they don't convert. I can also envision Task Force Nova trying to force conversion on the Order of Shasa on Manaan, or demanding their Force users to fight in the war as a condition of help - as well as hunting down and trying to conscript any Jedi hiding out on Manaan. Theron will be with Satele. If you asked Theron to leave the Alliance, my guess is that he will be discovered to be working with Satele Shan's enclave on Coruscant. In Echoes, Satele knows if you asked him to leave and complains about it. I don't think that Theron would want to go back to the SIS or fight directly against the Alliance in the Republic military. Given that Satele Shan is very noticeably NOT a part of Task Force Nova, not a part of the Jedi Council and has NO involvement in the Republic military or politics now, her enclave may be a good match for him. This brings up something interesting with Syl. Theron's been up close and personal with Syl's...former physical form. Will he recognize her? Will he tell the Alliance or Satele? What will happen? Could that be a way for those who regret booting Theron to welcome him back? Or not? Things will come to a head with Zakuul. There have been a lot of opportunities to help Zakuul - or not - since KOTET. Zakuul ditches the Alliance after Nathema, but the Alliance can still offer assistance in the form of Koth and his crew. I think this is going to culminate in some sort of conflict or alliance, depending on how the Commander has treated Zakuul and how much Koth, if alive,
is willing to speak for the Alliance. Syl. I hate the term redeemed. Fucking hate it with a burning fury and I will never apply it to a Star Wars character. I do wonder, though, if Syl might be compelled to fight for Zakuul. If she might possibly be able to return as its leader. And the bit above might factor in to how that goes with the Alliance. Also - I think Syl's function in the story will change depending on what happened to Senya and Arcann. In Echoes, Vaylin actually helps you out by zapping Tenebrae as he advances to attack you - but ONLY if you killed off Senya and Arcann.
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algaeabomination · 3 years
There is definitely something up with Darth Rivix and I want to find out what it is!
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thenachlegacy · 3 years
Fleet strongholds fleet strongholds FLEET STRONGHOLDS-
If you didn’t know, @sithsandstardust and I have an obsession with strongholds, so this has absolutely made my entire week.
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greyias · 3 years
6.3 Mail Call!
The last thread was getting too long, and besides, it’s mail time!
But first, a palette cleanser for all of my possibly completely off base, long whinging/ranting:
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I just love that shot. The sky, the composition, the pose, those birds fluttering off towards the Enclave, as a symbol of life continuing on. Nothing really deep, just pretty and calming.
Anyway! MAIL!
First up came while I was typing up furiously, and I’m not sure if I somehow missed out on these earlier because I kinda forgot to log in for a month or so?
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Oh, Shae. Happy to help! Also make sure to give Indigo a nice punch in the helmet for me! Not because I necessarily think he was involved--that’s just how he and I say hi to each other.
Then we have:
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Rasssss! Oh my goodness I love you so much, you sweet adorable baby brother Mando. And I love that no one is letting Grey live down the fact that every form of transportation she gets on explodes.
Also him signing it “Space Pirate” -- seriously. I love. And that brotherly ribbing 😂 
Never change, Rass! Never Change.
And aww, Aryn sent us one:
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 AHHH--I don’t know why I keep forgetting that she and T7 had a connection! I love that’s another connection that the Knight has (yes, I know he’s with the all the Outlanders now, but Knights had him first!), and T7′s quest to uncover the truth about Master Zallow during Vanilla.
Also, I love that Satele and Aryn are connecting here, hinted at in the devblog prequel story. They had such a brief interaction in the Deceived novel, and I love that they’re building on it here. It’ll be interesting to see Aryn and Satele continue to appear in the story.
Do Aryn and Satele swap kid stories? Do they force Arra and Theron to have afternoon tea parties on the Coruscant terrace? (I will never get over that its canon that Theron and Satele have tea parties post-SoR).
I do hope that as Aryn’s story continues, she might still be given a chance to have that forever happy ending with Zeerid and Arra. One thing I’ve noticed in Star Wars canon, a true happily ever after is... rare. And for a while it seemed like Aryn had found hers. I hope she finds it again, and that she can finally let go of her taste for vengeance.
And finally:
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You know, Vinyor -- can I call you Vinny? Don’t answer, I think I will -- you don’t make the best second impression either what with this non-apology of “if anything you think I said made you feel bad then I’m sorry you felt that way” schtick. Also really? Your first thought when you looked at Aryn was... spy???
Or are you calling the OUTLANDER the spy?
Really--who are you accusing here, buddy? Maybe you need to get your head out of those tomes and datapads and go make a friend or two. You’re starting to get a bit paranoid. Sound a little weird.
(Says the woman with a semi-permanent cork board covered in red string).
Although seriously, I do like this kind of antagonistic quality to this guy. Like I said, Jedi are no saints, and it’s nice to see a little friction among the allies. And this overreaction and extreme paranoia actually does make sense from someone who’s survived an ordeal. Like, one thing the Outlander really doesn’t know in the way the other characters do is exactly how bad things got during the timeskip. I like seeing hints of that here, and the fact that yes, the Jedi were nearly eliminated during the conflict with Zakuul, and it left a huge impression on the survivors. I think with the breakneck speed things go at in game, it’s sometimes easy to forget that.
That being said... I won’t necessarily stop Kira from sneaking a whoopee cushion under his chair at meetings if he’s going to keep this up.
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transcendencism · 3 years
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arriving on dantooine
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detritusvortex · 3 years
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these guys get to share the Official Run impside so they can share a photoset too
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secrets of the enclave - 6.3 spoilers
sorry for going dark for a couple of days, i wanted to take a little longer exploring everything 6.3 brought to the table before i said anything.
right off the bat, i felt the story was a little short but interesting for both factions. for context, i ran the flashpoint with a republic-allied jedi knight and a republic saboteur agent.
i liked exploring the jedi enclave, the environment was beautiful and the mobs were mercifully much easier to deal with especially since i could just stealth by some of them. i prefer flashpoints needed to advance the story to be shorter so this is a nice break compared to sov or the meridian complex.
i'm cautiously intrigued with where the story is going and what malgus's plan is. this man is completely unhinged and honestly? go off king.
the one thing i take issue with is the pvp content in galactic seasons. unless i'm doing ops with my guild or doing group finder fps, i do not like playing with other people and maybe it's just because i'm inexperienced, but the warzone/starfighter stuff is very confusing and no one wants to explain what to do. that being said, it is completely optional and i'm glad the weekly missions will rotate to solo content.
now for some quick opinions/thoughts
the new armor sets are SO MUCH BETTER than the last batch's. i wanted heta kol's armor the second i saw it and i like the knights of ren aesthetic of the dark marauder set. just wish the marauder's chest piece wasn't so bulky on female toons so it'd be perfect for my inquisitor.
arn is still best boy and he's going to become a knight soon i'm so proud :') but still no flirt option. i'm waiting charles.
i would die for Altuur zok Adon.
this might be out of pocket, but darth rivix please spit in my mouth.
leeha narezz showing up being angry about the deaths of her men and screaming about what she's been though was pretty good. props to the voice actress.
i am so happy they added a new way to get cartel coins. the 20 ccs for achievements (especially the complicated ones) is pretty pathetic.
overall, 7/10 from me. not enough arcann.
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