#survivor eoe
atfisty · 2 years
What is your icon? I can tell it's survivor but unsure what exactly.
Rem from the first season of survivor that featured Edge of Extinction. She is saying lame in response to a poor game move being made at Tribal. She was also first out in the season, but due to how the twist work participated as a member of the Jury.
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khronysus · 7 months
Spiralling Hallway
Item #: SCP-11120
Object Class: Thaumiel(1) Keter
Special Containment Procedures: All methods of communication are to be monitored for any reports of SCP-11120 and related entities. Posts online related to SCP-11120 are to be taken down immediately. Reports to ███ ██████ ██████ describing interactions with SCP-11120 or related entities are to be sent immediately to Site-14 for filing.
If SCP-11120-01 manifests in a Foundation site or area, one (1) class D is to be sent to explore it as soon as possible. The class D will be given the most updated map of SCP-11120 and one (1) handheld ██████ brand magnetic tape recorder.
All instances of SCP-11120-01 outside of Foundation sites are to be monitored for victims, but otherwise left alone and ignored. Survivors of SCP-11120 are to be monitored closely and ██████████.
Description: SCP-11120 is a dimension consisting solely of a recursive hallway. The area is illuminated by electric sconces spread at 10ft (3m) intervals. The walls are covered in a colour-shifting wallpaper with a swirling pattern that seems to create fractals. Its flooring consists of faded carpeting with a thick rug that runs down the middle. The walls, carpet, and rug also change colours. It is impossible to tell what any of their original colours were as all reports vary upon arrival and throughout expeditions. Despite this, it is impossible to record when or how their colours change, as subjects are unable to focus on or notice them changing. Attempts to bring visual recording devices into SCP-11120 have been unsuccessful.
On the walls between every sconce is a framed object. Each frame measures approximately 2ft x 4ft (61cm x 122cm). The object within these frames is one of the following: (1) an illusory oil painting of the wall opposite it, giving a mirror-like effect; (2) a photograph with the same effect; (3) a real mirror, which reflects anything situated before it in the hall and the wall opposite. It is impossible to remove the frames from the walls. Attempts to break the mirrors only result in the surface fracturing.
SCP-11120 can only be accessed through instances of SCP-11120-01, a wooden door that is painted dark yellow with a black handle. Its dimensions, material, and style can vary, often blending in with its environment. SCP-11120-01 can appear on any flat surface, both vertical and horizontal. It can also manifest as a freestanding door at any elevation. The handle of the door will always be to the viewer’s right and open inwards. This includes free standing doors that can be viewed from both sides. Viewers on the opposite side of the door do not see any indication of someone opening the door on the other side and maintain the ability to open the door as well. Participants entering on opposite sides of the door will appear in separate places. It is unknown whether both people are in the same version of SCP-11120 or not.
Addendum ██/██/2012: Following Incident #14-011████ reports from ███ ██████ ██████ have described a humanoid entity resembling Dr. █████ inside SCP-11120. This entity has been tentatively marked SCP-11120-02. Further research to come.
(1) See Proposal [REDACTED] by Dr. Shelley. Denied. A pu eoe qdci gzvsidn cmqjzss txv. - O5-11
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ancientevangelions · 7 months
I don’t hate the rebuilds nor do I think they are the evangelion equivalent of the Star Wars sequels.
But I do think that if the rebuilds were all that we ever had of Evangelion, that I wouldn’t like Evangelion at all.
I like the idea of the Rebuilds as thematic sequel to NGE and EoE and I think Shinji’s character development reached the place I always wanted him to be, however the way they did it was unsatisfactory and left a bunch of butchered characters and relationships in its trail. To me, the Rebuilds can only work so far as they are contrasted with NGE and EoE
My biggest fault of the rebuild is that they were pitched to stand alone as a retelling of NGE, but they failed to do that. The blatant sexualization of the girls is so gross, too. Sure, Kaworu is shirtless and naked on the moon, but he is only ever shown with his lower half obscured. Meanwhile, in the final movie, we get to see fully nude Mari and fully nude Asuka. In a shot where Asuka rolls over in bed, we see her panties/crotch. Many scenes are from behind, so we can see the form-fitting clothing show off butts, or the scene starts below the character and pans up their bodies. It's so male gaze and very uncomfortable. A friend of mine put it best "In NGE the horny shots are from Shinji's perspective and it makes sense because he is a teenager and dealing with new emotions and hormones, but in the Rebuilds it is just there to sell figures and merch." Then they got messier as time went on with delays and Anno needing a plan for them. Not knowing how to end the series is concerning. The action sequences were fun and great to watch, but anything else was messy to the point where I didn't recognize any of the characters anymore.
The original series is precious and essential to me. It's a great series showcasing psychological storytelling and what depression feels like. The rebuilds lack the visual depression and, in turn, lack what makes Evangelion unique. Plus, the abuse apology is just... so gross. Gendo did not earn forgiveness, nor did he deserve it. He did NOTHING to make amends. He committed war crimes, and Shinji is like, "it's cool dad, I know you are sad like me." Ya, I'm sad, too, and I haven't committed genocide, Shinji! Maybe it's because I'm an abuse survivor, but that really made me mad.
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sygneth · 11 months
Already obsessed with your post apocalyptic disco au and your art is amazing!
You said that Jean is actually doing a bit better in this scenario but how would Kim and Harry deal with it?
Heyyy thanks anon!! Really glad you like it
Now let me write you an essay
So, I think that both HDB and JV are more similar to each other than is shows at first glance, they are both very sensitive (only one is hiding it well under a bitchface and snarky comments) and their work is slowly killing them, plus, especially in Harry's case, Jean has his coping mechanisms for that (ekhm, anger), probably being hated by society for his job where he technically is supposed to help them, only adds to it.
In the post-apo scenario, both the society and the RCM disappear and with them a great source of both Harry's (and Jean's) problems. Of course, there will be all stages of grief at the beginning, and probably some sort of survivor guilt, but eventually he would come to terms with the fact that it happened and they are still here and will manage to deal with it. Maybe even have some fun, because if everything's gone and there is nothing worse that can happen besides death (and such an event probably reevaluates one's sense of the value of own life) and your only goal is to survive to the next day and try to make the most of what you've got... (I agree very much with the comments under that post about Jean, post-apocalyptic worlds are an escapist fantasy, you can do whatever with no consequence, and your life goals become very basic, primitive even)
I feel like at the end of the day Jean would just enjoy his solitude and simple life goals, and Harry... There is a chance that a literal apocalypse would be an event shaking enough to give him a new point of view on life itself and have a sort of "carpe diem" arch. I can see him trying to get the absolute maximum of the time he is given with his two best mates and a dog.
As for Kim, I think that the beginnings would be very hard for him, and would break him in a way. His life was quite all about the work, and now he suddenly doesn't have any goal and everything he cared for is gone... so it's time to get into survival mode. Paradoxically I think that would make him get along with Harry and Jean much better, he would be able to relate to those two broken dudes more. I think that Kim would be the one who will lack some sort of a bigger goal the most, but he will manage. He's not a quitter and he would probably eventually set his goal as "keeping these two here alive".
ANYWAY, this AU is meant to be a silly and light one for me to play (and have some rest from EOE deep analysis), so I could dig deeper into the psychological consequences, all the potential traumas and problems, but that's not the point (let's see how long can I hold back lol) i just wanted a scenario where they will be relatively happy and it's not my fault it takes an actual apocalypse :shrug:
I'm up to discussing anything about this au anytime tho, give me all your silliest thoughts to munch on
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karizard-ao3 · 1 month
What do you think happened immediately post ending in EoE? (Been dying to ask you this)
I have been pondering on this because I've been sitting here trying to sort through everything we saw happen and didn't even think about what comes after lol. Going off just my impressions of the characters from the one watch, I would say they lay there for a while until Shinji stops crying (and possibly confessing all his sins and failures as a human being-he's in a weird place), then Asuka gets up to go see if there are any survivors from NERV and Shinji follows her. I feel like one would think they'd try to avoid NERV after everything they did, but I think they would still seek them out because those are the only adults they have in their lives and I don't think they're really inclined to face the Apocalypse alone. Both of them want very deeply to be taken care of and so I think they would go try to find people who will take care of them. That may not be their conscious plan, but subconsciously I think that desire seems like it would be their driving force.
After that, I don't know! They'll have to rebuild society, I guess. Is that what happens in the Rebuild movies?
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allicat-rising · 4 years
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I was this minute old when I remembered how much I laugh at The Wardog’s tweets.
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paras-atashnak · 5 years
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loving this character development ❤️
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What the fuck did we all do to deserve this. BBCan 7 was the worst season of BBCan, Survivor EoE gave us a winner who only played the game for 12 days, and BB21 has been one of the quickest flops in BB history. The only good thing in 2019 so far was Tamar Braxton winning.
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robynkassisracist · 5 years
Imagine saying nice to meet you on day 35...
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the final 4 fire making challenge in survivor is inherently sexist; when the castaways are first marooned they take up gender roles (usually), eg the men build the shelter and start a fiRe,,, whereas the girls weave palm frands . therefore the status quo of the men starting the fire each day continues, leaving them with an advantage in the challenge. cbs really don’t want a women to win survivor huh
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God I just remembered Gavin lost despite having no votes against him and him being genuinely good. Edge of extinction needs to be extinct from my memory.
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lolhazard · 5 years
So you only need to play 12 days to win survivor? A game for a million dollars? Ugly
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gingakid93 · 5 years
Kelly Wentworth ruined Lauren's game the second she walked on to the edge of extinction by telling everyone about Lauren's idol. If she hadn't done that Chris wouldn't have asked her to use it and she would've actually been safe for this tribal.
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whateeveerr · 5 years
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I love the Final 3!
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ju-bb-ilee · 5 years
Jeff: “you just fainted and fell off the challenge”
Lauren: “well that’s embarrassing”
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bblunatic · 5 years
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Here’s the cast of Survivor All Winners (credit to Mel Brown on twitter)
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