#sure. g'raha and alisaie lived
sae-mian · 2 months
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⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
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beppuccino · 5 months
The Scions if they had a minecraft server together pt 2
Slayer of all things that moves
Keeps the living space creeper free
Some how killed a warden
Provoked the pigmen, she some how lived
She killed G'raha once it was an accident... kinda
He's just vibing that's it
He makes a farm of every item and mob
Treats that farm like a full job
"Another day another harvest"
Not enough storage for all the items
Can she build it? Yes she will.
Literally won't do anything until her house is built
Mass deforestation the likes of which no one has ever seen
The most beautiful and intricate house you'll ever see
She's paying for the server
Capitalism strat but not the easy one
Starts a raid in the village
If that doesn't work she heals a zombie villager and gets a good trade
She starts a massive monopoly off of one or moth of those
She gets rich quick some how and no one is sure but they all profit
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cinnabun-faerie · 1 year
You know the ask about the minion got me thinking. What if an enemy is about the land a fatal hit on one of the Scions, and the minion version of their WoL s/o takes the hit for them?
A/N: I actually really love this ask! I'm kinda upset at myself for not seeing this earlier!
Warning: Angst, near-death situation, mention of sacrifice, minion gets hurt/broken
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She was angry, yet thankful when the minion of you had taken the hit. You were always there to take the hits for her, and she felt useless. Even now, facing death, she wanted to push herself to the limit like you did; to show that she was strong too. But she knew that you and your minion were only looking out for her. You wanted to avoid another friend from death and the sorrow that you and her family and friends would suffer.
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Alphinaud would be devastated when he saw your minion take the hit aimed at him. It was broken and he wasn't sure if it was fixable. Surely it was. He was also a bit confused. Why had it saved him? Was it so much like you, truly? Regardless, he would be grateful. Because of your minion's sacrifice, he would live yet another day with you, his friends, and his family.
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He would be stunned. How? Where did your little minion even come from? He was sure he left it elsewhere. He was not expecting it to suddenly appear in front of him, and take the attack that he had braced for. With the time it provided for him to get a hit on the enemy, he took it down within minutes. But once the battle was won, he would carefully pick up the minion and rush off to the nearest person who could help.
"I owe you a debt, little one. Thank you."
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G'raha Tia
What's another sacrifice? He was always ready to sacrifice himself for you. And seeing as there was no way to avoid this hit, he would look at you once more. Should he have more time, he would gladly use it.
However, the hit hadn't come. The only impact he felt was something falling against his foot. And that would be where he would see his minion of you, defeated and destroyed. Almost immediately he would panic and crouch down to aid it. What had even transpired? Did it - did it take the hit for him?
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He expected to get hit. He knew that he might not come back from it and he had made peace with it. At least it would buy you some time. Just don't miss him too much, alright? This old bard doesn't want you to cry for him.
He braced for impact...but it never came. Confused, he looked down to see that his minion of you had taken the hit, and was slumped over onto the ground. He would pick it up and marvel over how it had taken on such a strong hit and be still in working condition with minor breaks and tears.
"Let's go get you fixed. I reckon that Y/N isn't going to forgive me if I don't."
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Urianger had not expected his minion of you to leap from his pocket in which he made for it. Nor did he expect it to take out its tiny weapon and block the attack that was aimed at him, before ultimately being cut down. This gave him and his companions time to take down the wretched enemy. And once they were out of harm's way, he cradled the tiny minion in his arms. Surely there would be a way to fix it.
"You have fought valiantly."
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She would have blinked for a few seconds as she watched as it took on a huge attack. Your minion had simply come out of nowhere to block an otherwise lethal blow that would send her permanently to the lifestream with no return.
"Always the hero."
Once the enemy was defeated, she would pick up the remains of the minion and vow to get it fixed. Once it was restored, she would reward it with whatever it wanted.
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snow-system-wol · 24 days
A conversation after the lv89 trial. (And perhaps some things that have been left unaddressed since ARR)
By the time they got back to the Annex, they were quite ready to lie down. S'ria was a bit dead on his feet, and G'raha – well, he was hardly as used to doing battle with gods and clearly suffered for it. S'ria was sure many of the others felt similar.
There were no words spoken as G'raha followed S'ria into his room, the implicit understanding that such a thing would be okay. G'raha was more than a little surprised when S'ria led him towards his bed – aside from the highly temperature-dependent choices in Garlemald, S'ria had seemed to often hate G'raha being near his bed. Back in Mor Dhona, they'd never so much as lounged on S'ria's bed, and now seemed like a time he'd be more uncomfortable than he'd been in the past.
But if cold was enough to override that fear, perhaps other concerns of comfort were as well – because S'ria bonelessly flopped onto the bed with a displeased grunt, stretching out on the soft mattress. He curled up a bit to make space, patting the spot next to him.
G'raha sat gently, sliding back until he could lean against the wall. He grabbed a pillow to tuck behind his back, sighing in relief at finally relaxing. S'ria inched closer and cautiously laid his head on G'raha's thigh, so slowly that G'raha felt that he'd jerk his head away if G'raha so much as moved. The moment passed without incident, S'ria settling in comfortably. G'raha's hand twitched at his side.
“You can touch, as long as you're careful.”
G'raha's fingers landed cautiously by S'ria's temple, brushing strands of hair out of the way. His hand migrated further into S'ria's hair, combing gently through it. A soft pleased sound escaped S'ria's throat and they both stayed like that, quiet and half-awake, for a long time.
S'ria eventually spoke up, tired but relatively focused. “She said that She wanted to ask me Her question again, after we fought… She didn't. I wonder if She just ran out of time, or if She…”. He shook his head. “I don't know.”
“If I may ask, what was the question she meant?”
“Back in Elpis, Venat and I had talked, but we got cut off… but she asked if my journey had been… good. If it had been worthwhile?”
G'raha sucked in a quick breath, fingers briefly pausing. “Did you have an answer ready, if She had asked you today?”
“It's not a difficult thing to answer. You can probably guess.” S'ria huffed out a strange noise that was close to a laugh. “Has it been good? Absolutely fucking not.”
He curled up into a tighter ball, head still on G'raha's leg. “It's been so painful. But worthwhile? I would not have met you, first off. Nor Alisaie and Alphinaud, nor all the rest of the Scions. And The Twelve know how many people live that would have been dead without the Scions… I wish with all my heart that things could've been easier, and it's hard to imagine shaking off the awful feeling that hangs over me, but… I'd do it all again, if I had the choice.” 
G'raha resumed petting his hair, but didn't speak for some time longer. 
“Ah, I… I see. Thank you for answering.” G'raha's voice was distinctly choked up.
“Was that a bad answer?”
“No… it was not.”
There were often moments that S'ria struggled to read other people, especially without Menphina's help, but he could accept not fully understanding G'raha's reaction as long as it was an okay one.
They both relaxed for a long while, nearly silent except for birdsong and distant voices. 
Eventually, it did occur to S'ria that he had something he'd like to ask of his own. 
“I don't want to make you feel doubt or anything, but can I ask a question?”
“By all means?”
He paused, trying to formulate an acceptable way to phrase it. “Are you scared? Of what comes next, or of whether we'll fail?”
G'raha laughed, a small humorless thing. “Who would not be? I am only a man, of course I am afraid. Of faltering, of losing you, of meeting my own end  – just because I have the resolve to try does not mean I am without doubt.” He sighed. “And what of yourself? I would not presume to think you immune to such things.”
S'ria shook his head, ruffling his hair where his head rested on G'raha's leg. “No, I'm terrified. One mistake will cost us the world, and I am on… some damn wobbly legs, mentally speaking. I don't want to fail. That’s the part that scares me, not so much the idea of dying.”
“Dying…doesn't scare you?”
There was an implicit question there, one S'ria recognized and wanted to quickly ward off. “No, I – I want to live. And even when that's difficult, I want to want to live. I'm not…giving up, don't worry.” S'ria took a few slow breaths. “It just feels different when everything is at stake – somehow natural, if I'm meant to be playing a role. It would not be me dying out there, but rather the Warrior of Light. Does that make sense? Inevitable… It isn't like it'd be the first time.”
G'raha's hand had stilled completely, legs tense under S'ria's weight. “Pardon? ”
S'ria cautiously pulled himself upright, G'raha's hand losing contact with him. “To what part?”
G'raha closed his eyes, inhaling sharply. “Absolutely every godsdamned – no, I – it wouldn't be the first time?”
S'ria understood he'd misstepped, even if unclear on the exact directions, but he did hold one small regret – or rather, a realization.
“...Ah. Nobody knew.” And perhaps he would prefer not to have brought this up, upon remembering that. Dredging up something wholly unnecessary that was clearly upsetting G'raha.
S'ria made a kind of helpless gesture. “It was years ago, when I wasn't so close with the other Scions, not long before I first met you. Ultima – and then Lahabrea. My heart stopped beating. And then it restarted, and I was none the worse for wear, really. I was fine, and wasn't all that comfortable being medically checked over by any of them – so I didn't feel the need to say that it'd happened.”
“Ria...you truly don't see anything wrong with that, do you?”
He risked a glance at G'raha's face. “You're angry.”
“Yes. Not at you so much, but… at the way the Scions were before I had met them. I had read numerous accounts about your victories against the Garlean Empire in the early days, and – none of those ever spoke about you like you were a person and I had thought that – I had hoped the impression it gave of the Scions was wrong.”
S'ria laid his hand over where G'raha's had curled into a fist. “I wasn't entirely unaware or unbothered. Why do you think I spent such long stretches staying with the expedition when there was no new progress instead of returning to the Rising Stones?” He offered G'raha a small smile. “That, and the company was agreeable – once you got used to me being there. And you always asked me to help, never just telling me what my role was to be. I won't lie, I needed it at the time.”
A hint of color found its way into G'raha's face. “Surely I was not… that nervous around you at first, was I?” G'raha shook his head. “On second thought, do not answer that. I am…just glad that I could help, even if I did not quite realize at the time. If I may ask – if you were unhappy being with the Scions, why did you stay?”
“At a certain point, it felt like there was no choice. And then everything happened with the banquet, and – suddenly a few of them were like family to me. Even if I remained the Warrior of Light outside of the Scions, I was actually S'ria within our group.” S'ria let a small smile slip onto his face. “And then it didn't really matter so much the way things used to be or the expectations placed on me, it just became another part of my life.”
G'raha sighed, a deeply exhausted thing. “I…will not press this matter anymore right now, much as I would like to. No, far more important is just for me to say – S'ria or Warrior of Light, there is no heroic role that would make your death inevitable." He looked up to meet S'ria's eyes. "Please just, leave the title behind here in Sharlayan – let it just be S'ria with us in Ultima Thule – a man, not a martyr.”
S'ria's hand tightened over G'raha's. “I… Raha, I don't know what to respond to that.”
“Then you do not need to.” G'raha shuffled closer, cautiously leaning into S'ria's side when he didn't move away. “I simply wanted you to hear it.”
S'ria wrapped his arm around G'raha, comfortably pressed together. “And I'll try to keep it in mind.”
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brineffxiv · 1 year
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Cid finds the password. It's "freedom". Ominous.
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Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope
Owen here confirms most of what we've already suspected about tempering - how it stagnates the aether of the soul and taints it towards a particular element.
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Have we ever seen this? Apart from sin eaters and voidsent, which are different, I can't think of an example of the tempered physically changing. Perhaps some of the thralls of the Warring Triad, like in this example, but not any of our "classic" primals, for lack of a better term.
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Hey, I remember that guy. He's the guy with the extravagant hat in the Crystal Tower raid.
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Memory transference might be the key to restoring the tempered, but we infamously couldn't figure that out on the First. Thankfully, the Source has ancient Allagan computers! With a little help from Cid and the Ironworks, we should be able to run simulations of the magic to crack this problem.
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I'm off to Ishgard to secure a supply of ceruleum, and who should I run into but Aymeric! It is lovely to see him, but more importantly, he pledges his full support for finding a cure for tempering, and offers me all the ceruleum an airship can haul!
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And here I thought building my own PC was impressive.
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Hey, Nero! Long time no see! (If you don't count me kicking your ass daily in the Praetorium)
Nero's not in this for a tempering cure, he's interested in his alternate timeline's self's having conquered the mysteries of time and space. Should we tell him that he and Cid apparently carried out their love/hate relationship for their entire lives? Because they did. lol
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Group /doze time.
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Just as the machine finds the solution it begins melting down! Thankfully, G'raha manages to read and comprehend the spell before it blinks out of existence. Forever. Because we have thoroughly destroyed this machine and it will never run again.
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Now for the moment of truth. Time to see if our work will have tangible effects.
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First we have to imbue Angelo with the memory macigk, so Y'shtola and Alphinaud channel their aether into G'raha.
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Who in turn enhances Angelo.
G'raha and Alisaie then take Ga Bu to a quiet room so Alisaie can focus while she performs the spell.
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And then the little guy is healed!
It was an exhausting process for everyone involved, but it worked! We have a cure for tempering.
Now to work on making sure the results are repeatable.
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Off to see Master Matoya, and hopefully build an army of porxies.
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watcher-servant · 1 year
Jaune's job classes and relationships (pt1)
Name: Jaune Arc
Age: 19 (ARR)- 24 (EW)
Info: After falling into the void, Jaune would get picked up by the mother crystal after sensing a piece of a certain someone's soul. Jaune would land in Uldah, becoming the warrior of light (warrior of dawn). Does gain serious scars over his time in Eorzea.
Job Class
Paladin (first class) [ARR]
Rouge/Ninja (2nd class) [ARR]
Blue Mage (3rd class) [ARR]
Dark Knight (4th class) [HW, became his main job]
White Mage (5th Class) [StB]
Dancer (6th/Final class) [SHD]
Does take the time to learn Armorer/Blacksmith, Culinarian, and goldsmith.
Took time with Botonist and fisher
Relationships (Scions of the 7th Dawn)
Thancred: The one to find Jaune, technically the 2nd scion he met. First thought he was a bit suspicious, but later, he considers a uncle figure to him.
Minfilia: The 1st Scion he met reminds him of his older sister and teases him a lot. Gets a bad reminder of destiny (Pyrrha), but respects her decision
Yda/Lyse: Really reminded him of his sister, got along well. Does go to her for DPS training
Papalymo: Enjoyed his company, when able, tried to stay with him during the Shinryu summoning but was blasted to safety
Urianger: Was really confused on his poetic speech. Does grow to care for him, Was hurt when he suffered the light warden transformation and took a while to forgive him.
Y'shtola: Accidently called her big sister (in front of everyone, didn't let him live it down), really acted like his big sister, even had him help her with research
Tataru: Partners in crime, goes to her about clothing advice. Does model for her with no issue
Alphinaud: Uncomfortably reminded of early him, became his brother (in all but name) in HW. Will always worry about him, often find these 2 playing chess (50/50) win streak
Alisaie: Thought was a Tomboy Weiss, became rivals for the most part in Stb started to gain feelings, later confirmed in ShB, going on strong
G'raha: Reminded him of Sun at first, became the next closest person he called a brother. His true partner in crime first punched him when he met again but gave a big bear hug immediately afterward
Krile: Reminds him of another one of his sisters, does know the pain of the echo well. Made sure the legacy of Eureka is documented
Estinien: Thought was cool and a jerk at first, later gained his respect through their fights and bonded on making sure Alphinaud is OK. Jaune makes sure he keeps track of his money
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Stepping (mostly) away from the 14 Fandom has definitely allowed me to re-evaluate how I feel about characters and other things in the game and how much of it was just me trying to fit in or swayed by public opinion.
Like, I still love G'raha, but most people I was associated with didn't so much so I never really discussed him except as part of my Hadestown AU. I still prefer his Crystal Exarch and Crystal Tower versions over his Endwalker. Hope in Dawntrail he can chill out a little over the hero worship but I also know some people like that, but also my dude, we saved the universe together, you don't need to uwu me.
Still really enjoy Emet-Selch, Lahabrea and Elidibus in my own interpretations of them being sad old men. I like all three of them slowly losing their minds, or quickly in Lahabrea's case I guess, and Elidibus being a shell of what he was with few attachments and memories, driven only by the barest memory of Duty, Love and his other half's need to feed on Aether (Zodiark, personal HC of why he keeps demanding more and more sacrifices, it takes a lot of aether to power something so massive for so long and do the miracles such as fixing the aethereal balance and rejuvenating the planet). Emet losing himself over and over chasing half ghosts of Azem over Millenia does something to me, I HC he made the Hyth shade out of loneliness and imbued too much of himself in it, making it too much of Hythlodaeus but also too much Emet and it reminds him of it every time he sees it. Lahabrea likewise chased his family over the eons, seeing his son die and be reborn over and over on top of the personal horrors he must feel for actively working to destroy the Star just to remake it probably wrung what little stability he had left in his mind post rejoining of the Hephaistos half. Not to mention 12k years of Athena insidiously whispering in his ears from the Heart.
The Scions, I like them, Alisaie is still my favorite little sister for my WoL, and Alphinaud for all he's annoying at first, really endeared himself to me in later expacs. They are Family with a capital F to my WoL, to the point she would have murdered Forchenault for disowning them if she had had the opportunity. I have very strong feelings on disownment for seemingly petty seeming reasons, having had it happen to myself. It was very much a Immediate Hatred Of Character Moment. Sure he had A Reason but I still stand there and side eye him hard.
Thancred remains a favourite as well, I like the personal growth he goes through, how he changes from the rakish bard with a silver tongue to a sad and broken man to sad broken dad to someone who at the end of the world gave everything he could to save his family from total destruction. I also appreciate his morbid jokes as someone who likewise feels just broken sometimes, who doesn't want to sometimes burn the world down makes me cackle so much.
Y'shtola I also rather still like, especially when she's allowed to be a bit, and pardon the pun, catty. She grew up with Matoya, cattiness was her bread and butter. Let a queen live her dream of world hopping and sassy retorts. The magical girl routine and the end of patch 6.5 where she's like There is no other version of this spell, right WoL? Makes me so happy.
Urianger I have mixed feelings on, mostly because I just don't understand him as a character. I know he's supposed to be all Mysterious and stuff but I really just standing man when he's expositioning. It's probably a thing to do with his Shakespearean way of speaking when no one else does (I guess Hydaelyn kinda does). He's fine.
Krile, I really like her in general. She's a side character that made it to main character status and I'm so proud of her. She makes me happy with how she is somehow the cutest cat ear wearing girl but also the terrifying creature that haunts Estinien's dreams. I look forward to seeing her shine more in Dawntrail.
More Thoughts (tm) Later.
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klopford · 5 months
A New Look for A New Adventure (Illustrated fanfic!)
Katina hears a knock at her door and heads upstairs from her basement to answer, not even minding that she's half dressed in her crafting clothes. Surely everyone knew she was taking a break?
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To her surprise, when she opens the door she sees the Leveilleur twins waiting to greet her.
"Ah, I hope you don't mind the intrusion," Alphinaud says.
"We were in the neighborhood and thought we'd stop by," Alisaie explains. "How are you?"
Katina smiles. "I'm great! Glad to see you both! Please, come in!"
As they enter, Alphinaud notices how Katina is dressed. "Did we come at a bad time? Were you working on something?"
"As a matter of fact, I was..." Katina says, starting to head towards the basement stairs. "I could actually use an extra set of hands. Or an extra pair of eyes to make sure I don't miss a spot."
"Miss a spot?" Alisaie asks. "What exactly are you working on?"
The twins follow Katina downstairs to the living room and then into her bedroom, where she sits at her mirror and picks up a bottle with blue liquid inside.
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"Well," Katina explains, "I was thinking about perhaps trying a different hair color."
Alphinaud raises an eyebrow in concern. "Would it not be wiser to have an aesthetician's assistance for this?"
Katina smirks. "Where's the fun in that? Besides, this potion's only temporary, just to see if I like it or not. At least I hope it is." She shrugs. "If not, I can always get Jandelaine to fix it."
Alisaie sits at the edge of Katina's bed. "So when you said you needed help to not 'miss a spot,' I take it you need someone to help you apply this to your head?"
"Heh... if you don't mind, of course," Katina says, sounding a little nervous.
Alisaie starts to get up. "Gladly!" she volunteers, only to be gestured back down by Alphinaud.
"Given your... artistic ability..." he says, biting his tongue to stop from adding 'or lack thereof' to that sentence, "mayhap I should be the one to help."
"You can both help, if you want," Katina says, holding up another bottle with a clear liquid inside. "It's a two-step process... I'm supposed to use this clear one first to make my hair lighter, then this blue one to make the final color."
"What is the final color, anyway?" Alisaie asks, "Or... should I guess?" she adds with a smirk.
Katina laughs. "Why, my favorite color of course!"
Alphinaud sighs, but manages a slight chuckle as well. "Between your hair and your attire, we'd be able to spot you malms away!"
"Thankfully, being a Paladin isn't a particularly stealthy job!" Katina jokes, "I'll leave that to Thancred." She picks up the clear bottle and gestures to Alphinaud. "Well then.... shall we?"
"If you insist," Alphinaud says, accepting the bottle. "Are you sure about this?"
"Very sure," Katina nods, looking at herself in the mirror. "Like I said, I can always get a professional to fix it if I don't like the results."
Alphinaud sighs, steeling himself, and helps Katina apply the contents of the bottle to her hair, making sure not to miss any spots on the back of her head. They wait around for a few minutes per the instructions before Katina heads to her bathtub to rinse it off.
After waiting, Katina comes out from behind the screen, laughing. "Hey guys, look at this!"
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Alphinaud looks at Katina, shocked. "It appears you were not joking about making your hair lighter first!"
Alisaie can't hold in her laughter. "You certainly fit in with the rest of the Scions now!"
Katina laughs even harder. "That's true! Most of you have white hair! Maybe we should get G'raha to dye his too?"
Alisaie almost falls over on the bed from her laughing fit, though Alphinaud doesn't appear quite as amused. "Well it's not supposed to stay like that, right?"
"Gods I hope not," Katina chuckles. "Though, I guess I could pass as your older sister if it does!"
Alisaie straightens up, still giggling. "Sorry, but your ears are far too small for that!"
Katina's laugh turns sarcastic as she picks up the blue bottle. "Har har... well, Alisaie, you can help me with this one then."
Alisaie gets up and assists Katina, while Alphinaud retreats to the living room. And again, they wait several minutes before Katina has to rinse off. Alphinaud occupies himself with one of the many books available, while Alisaie admires the aquariums and lounges on the couch.
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Moments later, Katina emerges from her bedroom, her hair now a pale teal.
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"Well guys? What do you think?"
The twins get up from the couch to get a better look. "It's... actually very nice!" Alisaie says. "It brings out your eyes!"
"I agree," Alphinaud adds. "I was skeptical at first but it seems to suit you!"
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Katina blushes a bit. "Really? It's not quite as vibrant as I was hoping it would be honestly..."
"To be blunt, I'm glad for that," says Alisaie, "It would have been too much if it was as bright as the clothes you usually wear. Speaking of clothes... we should get you a new outfit to go with the new hair!"
Alphinaud chuckles, nodding at Katina. "I will leave you ladies to that part."
Katina smiles at Alphinaud and allows Alisaie to lead her back to her bedroom to go through her wardrobe. Minutes later, Alphinaud can hear Alisaie through the wall...
"Honestly, do you own anything that's NOT turquoise?"
"Um... not really..." comes Katina's voice. "Ooh, I almost forgot I had this! What do you think?"
"That's... actually not so bad, even if it is still turquoise. Come on, get changed and we'll show Alphinaud."
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The girls leave the bedroom moments later, with Katina in her new outfit. "Well?" Alisaie asks, looking at her brother and gesturing to their friend.
Alphinaud looks up from his book and nods in approval, smiling at Katina. "Stylish and practical! A fitting new look to prepare for a new adventure in Tural! It suits you well, my friend!"
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oathofpromises · 1 year
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Continued from here @diademreigned
Sin eaters, a living being warped by primordial light, mindless creatures whose main instinct is to kill others for aether or to change them into a sin eater. It happened so different for each person, yet it never got any easier to see, especially when it was her best friend suffering through it. How long was Data going to pretend things were fine? To push her away, but deep down the pink haired warrior knew it was only his way of keeping her safe.
"Data..I am not going to abandon you. If our roles were reversed, could you do that to me while I was in pain? Let me help you. I promised we would find a way to cure this."
Everyone was truly working so hard to find anyway to reverse the effects, but each passing day, hope for a cure seemed miles away. It was bad enough they asked Stella to let them bring him here. The healers weren't at all kind to Data. They treated him like a monster. Not even bothering to try and bring him food to eat because most were too afraid to get close to him, out of fear of turning themselves.
The Exarch cautioned Stella on getting too close to Data especially when he had no control over his actions. She knew it was out of worry, but couldn't stop the ache forming inside her heart. How did everyone expect her to just treat him indifferently? To pretend that he was starving day in and out.
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When his hand jerked forward, attempting to grab his scythe, Stella grabbed Tesleen wrist. The last thing Data needed on his conscience was hurting a friend. Alisaie also won't forgive Stella if anything happened to her new friend on the warrior's watch. Slowly, the Au ra walked closer to Data, knowing how painful it must be for him to even be this close to her aether. Reaching into her pocket, the Paladin pulled out a dagger. He needed to eat, and starving himself of the one thing that could give him strength wasn't good.
Closing her eyes, the Warrior slashed her wrist as blood dripped down. Aether escaping from the cut, as she sat down across from Data. He would probably resist taking any aether from her but, if anyone had the strongest around, it was her. Hissing, she held it closer to her best friend, watching as his eyes seemed to widen at the sight.
"Data. I am asking as your best friend...take my aether. If that will satisfy your hunger each day. I don't care how much you need to take from me."
The Exarch words from earlier ran through her mind again:
Please come back safe...return in any other condition and I will have no choice but to take proper measures.
Stella wasn't sure what measures he meant, but the tone in his voice indicted they might hurt Data. Which was the last thing she ever wanted. An idea came into her mind, with her connection to the tower, maybe it would help restore any aether she lost. Make it easier for her to give all that Data needed to survive, but that was a long stretch. She wasn't Allagan royalty..only related to Mako, the Paladin who watched over T'sori, past heir to the throne and G'raha ancestor.
This was going to hurt...a lot, but she was ready to take that risk if Data trusted her. A soft smile escaped her lips, as her wrist dripping with blood and aether pooled down the woman's arm. Tesleen letting out a gasp at the sight, trying to run over to tend to Stella wound, but with a wave of Au Ra arm, a barrier appeared around Data and herself, preventing Tesleen from getting closer. The aether smelled so sweet, like heaven itself, as it clung to the warrior wrist. It was so close within elms of Data mouth.
I won’t let you die...so please have a little faith that this will work..
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dholwrites · 1 year
Calm Before the Storm
Notes: Commission piece!​ This continues a small part close to the ending of Endwalker. Relationship: G'raha Tia x Female WoL [Fuujin Lorelei] Rating: Explicit (so much fucking porn) Ao3 link
Summary: Fuujin lays in her bed, dreading the coming fight. Who will she lose at the edge? Who will be left to tell the stories? Luckily the person who could distract her from the plaguing thoughts is knocking at her door.
Tick, tock, tick, tock.
The carbuncle clock clicks away as seconds turn into minutes and into bells. The sun had long descended and left the chill air to nip at her fingers. The Final Days were at their doorsteps, and the only thing she could do was lay on her futon and stare at the ceiling; the gravity of the situation she had put herself in is enough to pin her in place. 
Marielle, Thancred's lover, had made her promise to bring him home; her words were spoken with a hint of desperation. It was no secret that Thancred would be the first to throw himself into danger for his friends, and for his family. The twins’ parents approached her for the same assurance. Fourchenault could barely keep his voice from wavering as he asked for Alisaie and Alphinaud to come home safely. Even with Ameliance there offering a comforting arm around his back, his eyes were already glazed over with tears. It’s not difficult to agree when she already has plans to keep them safe; if only it was easy to say “I will.”
Fuujin made plenty of promises over the years, yet vows never weighed as heavy as they do now; not when the voices in her head fill the silence of the room. Who will she lose in the battle? How many more people must be sacrificed for everyone to be safe? Who would be left to remember and pick up the pieces? The Scion’s lives are not the only ones on her shoulders. If they falter, if she falters, it would mean the death of the Source as they know it. Everything they ever cared for would be wiped out. 
The knocking at the door slowly brought her back to the present. She turns on her futon to look, a thought crossing her mind to pretend to be asleep. Another series of short knocks followed by a sweetly familiar voice calling out to her, “Fuujin? Are you up? I have some treats you might like.”
Her stomach lets out an almost monstrous growl that echoes through the entire room before she could even answer. Grumbling, Fuujin pushes herself off her bed to shuffle down the stairs. Her fingers reach up to smooth down any bed hair, careful to make sure that her ring did not get caught, as her other hand twisted the knob. 
“I hope you don’t mind me interrupting your evening?” He flashes her a shy smile with two paper bags in his arms, marked clearly to be from the Last Stand. She couldn’t help but giggle while stepping aside to let him in. 
“Not at all, but I am starting to wonder if you’re going to make a habit of coming to my room late at night.” G’raha froze mid-step and stammered at her teasing. With his face turning the same color as his hair, the miqo’te beelined for her kitchen with the scent of sugar trailing behind him and filling the apartment. 
By the time she had turned around, the desserts were fully unpacked. Fuujin couldn't help but smile as he fretted, taking a seat on one of her carbuncle armchairs. It didn’t take long for him to set down plates of cinnamon rolls, cookies, and even a whole strawberry tart onto her table along with a fork. 
“Did you buy every dessert they have, Raha?” Fuujin jokes, picking up the fork as G’raha returns to the kitchen. “Though I would never deny free sweets.”
“N-no! I mean sort of, but no!” Fuujin decides against teasing again as she digs into the cinnamon rolls. The frosting-covered pastry melted in her mouth, and along with it her worries.
She was lost in her personal heaven, floating from one sugary cloud to another. Just as she thought she was having her fill, a hand offers a cup of piping, homemade hot chocolate. A drink she is more than happy to accept, perfect for warding off the cold night and her spiraling thoughts.
"Are you feeling better?" He whispers, his eyes darting across her face. G'raha sits on the couch’s arm as he leans over her. His hand combs through her hair before rubbing at the base of her ears, gentle enough for her to purr at his touch.
"Just you being here is enough, Raha," she leans into his hand as she continues to sip the hot chocolate. "And yes, the sweets and hot chocolate are working."
"Then, if you don't mind me," before she could question what he meant, G'raha tucked his arms under her knees and around her shoulders. With ease, he picked her up and settled into her spot, placing her onto his lap. It’s a miracle that they managed to move around without spilling a drop.
 Fuujin couldn't deny how she easily melts into him, her ear pressed against his chest, picking up the steady thump of his heartbeat.
"If you wanted to manhandle me, you didn't have to butter me up with sugar and chocolate." Despite her teasing, Fuujin’s tail brushed against his, purposely entwining them together. She could feel a giggle tickle at her throat as the thumping in Graha’s chest picked up.
"Consider it a small cost to pay to help you relax," G'raha admits as his hands return to her hair, his fingers once again tangling into the strands and undoing any of the knots that had formed. He plants a small kiss on the top of her head, whispering out his concern, "you've been locked in your room for the last couple of bells. I know that the coming trip is on your mind, but not taking care of yourself will only make things worse."
Fuujin lets out a soft hum which slowly rolls into a purr as he continues to brush her hair. His chest rumbles and vibrates as his sound tumbles out to match hers. 
Her eyes close as she ingrains the moment in her mind. The soft touch of his hand, the scent of sweets, and the purr that she loves so much. She memorizes every little detail as if it is the last time; it’s hard to know when fate would allow her to be back in his arms when she is constantly stopping one apocalypse after another. G'raha sits in silence, his face slowly rubbing against her hair, the rumbling in his chest seems almost never-ending as he waits patiently until she is ready to speak again.
"I... I can't help but wonder if I’ll lose anyone in this fight. And who? How many will fall because of my mistakes?" There is a tightness in her throat that she has never felt before, one that makes her words feel like lead. Yet they came tumbling out as if a dam had broken, and her thoughts came pouring out like water. 
"What would I tell Marielle? Thancred has always been the first to take action, even more now that he took up the gunblade. What if he got seriously hurt? Or even worse, killed?
“Alisaie throws herself into battle, blade first more often than not. She did it when we faced Emet and again with the Blasphemies. Alphinaud is doing a good job as a sage and protecting everyone, but I worry that it puts a target on his back." Tears well in her eyes with worry, the only thing preventing them from spilling is the reassuring arm wrapped around her waist. “How would I tell Ameliance and Fourchenault that I couldn’t protect them? I promised them that I would bring their children home. Should I explain to them that the twins fought bravely? That it's okay because they did what they thought was right? I have barely managed to save them before; when we were kicked out of Ul’dah, being accused of heresy in Ishgard, or even when we fought Emet-Selch deep down in the Tempest. I was one step away from losing them."
"I don't want to even get started with Estinien, Urianger, and Y'shtola. I only wish to go home with everyone. Alive. I want to make it back without worrying about breaking the news to someone." She lets out a shuddering breath, choking back the tears that are threatening to fall. Spoken out loud, Fuujin could not deny the weight they hold on her heart. The tangible stress is like a noose around her neck; the only way forward she could see is riddled with the blood and bodies of her family. 
"Tell me that you won’t throw your life away just for me." Fuujin jabs him on the sides. The unexpected wheeze that came out of him was enough to crack the thick air and lighten the mood. “Swear to me that you won’t try to pull the same thing as you did back on the first.” There is no need for her to remind him of the promise of their youth. Back when he fell asleep inside the tower, she swore to be there, to be the first to say ‘Good morning’. That promise alone became one of the reasons why she pulled herself out of bed, why she continued to fight, and why she took up a sword and shield. 
A moment passed, then another. The room fills with silence as she turns away from him. She was grateful that he didn't push for more. Some words are meant to be unspoken, lest she speaks them into reality. She had lost him once before, her heart can’t bear the idea of losing him again. Giving in to her insistence, he takes her hand and brings her fingers to his lips before pressing it over his heart. “I promise to uphold the vow I made on our wedding day; that I will be with you until we are old and gray.”
“Good, now say that you will bring sweets like this every night to me.” The huff that came out of him is enough to make her smile. She knows that he would make regular trips to the Last Stand if she asked nicely. Silence, once tense, has shifted into something more comfortable, more open.
"Do you remember the promise we made just before I locked myself into the tower?" G'raha started after giving her a moment to calm down, pulling away to take the cold cup from her hands and set it aside. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head while his fingers traced her cheek. Fuujin stared into his red eyes, nuzzling against his hand. He lightly bumped his forehead against hers, and she took comfort in the fact that she could feel the soft thumping of his heart and the sweet purrs in his chest. “When I woke up centuries later, I was devastated to find out that you had... That you were gone. I didn't believe them. It was impossible for someone as strong and amazing as you to simply be gone."
"I believed that it was my fault. Perhaps if I didn’t lock myself inside the tower, I could have been there to help you. Or at the very least, I would be by your side.” He brings a finger to her lips and shushes her before she could even begin to deny it. His voice grew tight and Fuujin felt like she could touch his palpable fear. G'raha leans in to bury his face in her neck. “I know you’d rather we stay here where it’s safe. But we do this because we want to, we want to take your burdens onto our shoulders. We don’t want to lose you. I don't want to lose you.” 
Fuujin could feel him press his lips against her shoulder and along the curve of her neck to her cheek. G’raha placed kiss after kiss after kiss onto every inch of her face as if it would be his last. The scent of his soap tickles her nose and serves only as a reminder of where he had touched. And like ice, the weight on her heart melts away from his warmth. His hands, gentle and firm, held her as if she were a precious treasure that could shatter at a moment's notice. The warm, fuzzy feeling fills her more than the hot chocolate and desserts that he brought. 
"Will you allow me to cherish you?" He asks when he finally pulls away while his hand drags down the length of her arm. His red eyes look at her wide and hopeful, and the decision came without a second thought; she leans forward and captures his lips for a kiss. He lets out a startled gasp, as if he wasn't the one that initiated the entire thing.
Fuujin pushed herself up until she could swing one leg over his and straddle him without breaking the kiss. Her heart flips when he gently sucks on her bottom lip, soft and wanting. He tilted his head, deepening the kiss as he pressed his body against hers, his breath running against her skin, his warm hands settling on her hips and fingers caressing the sensitive space behind her knees. Her own hands drag across his clothes, pulling at his scarf and tugging at his layers until they start to fall off. Her breath hitched when she accidentally brushed against the tent growing in his pants. She slowly pulls away, her eyelids fluttering open to see his face. His cheeks were tinted red, eyes half open and hazy, and both his ears drooped down. She looks back down only to catch a glimpse of tongue darting out to lick his upper lip. He looked positively drunk and his hands told her that he is hoping for another taste.
"Is that enough of an ans-!" Fuujin latched onto him without a moment’s hesitation as he suddenly stood up. By the time she had gotten over the initial shock, he had already carried her up the short steps toward the upper level with his arms around her waist, and her legs wrapped around his hips. This doesn't stop her from lightly smacking the back of his head for scaring her. “Warn me next time, will you?”
Her annoyance is quickly washed away when he gently sets her on the edge of her bed. Instead, her heart picks up at the sight of him kneeling between her legs. Piece by piece, he slowly peels away her layers. And with every ilm of skin revealed, he would press kisses that send shivers up her spine. From her thighs to her waist to her navel, G'raha left no space untouched, no place unloved. 
She can feel the way his hands slightly tremble, his lips lingering a few seconds longer. Even when he takes her left hand into his, kissing the back of it, then once again just below her ring finger. Every move is made out of tender love and devotion. But she can sense the underlying fear of losing her once again. 
Yet he looked at her as if she is a goddess and he was a follower to attend to her every want. 
While her clothes were a mess at the foot of her bed, she felt none of the chilly air that had bothered her earlier in the night. Instead, her core felt like a furnace; Burning brighter and brighter with every second.
G'raha glides his hand up her leg again until he reaches her inner thigh. A pause, his eyes flickering up to look at her. Fuujin's only answer is to part her legs farther, revealing how wet she has gotten. His calloused finger stroked the folds of her pussy, drawing a needy whine from her lips. It was completely coated in slick before he pressed into her, gently caressing her insides and making her knees weak. Her body quickly betrayed her, legs snapping together, trapping him the second he pressed her sweet spot dead on. Which only encouraged him to slip another finger in to attack her weakness; his thumb grazed over her clit and worked in time with his fingers. Fuujin grasps his shoulders, her nails digging into his skin as he pulled cry after blissful cry from her. If she had the time and concentration, she would admire the way his hair clips had slipped, causing his red fluffy locks to fall onto his face as he continued.
She could feel the near peak of her orgasm. His warm breath against her exposed chest, fingers curled inside, and his other hand firmly holding her leg in place. The knot inside grew tighter and tighter until the pleasure turned her mind into a blank slate.
"Was that a good distraction for you, my warrior?" His voice, breathless and husky, draws her attention back to him. Opening her eyes, which she doesn't remember even closing, Fuujin looks down to see G'raha licking her juices from his hand while his tail sways behind him in long, excited strokes.
While a good distraction, Fuujin craves something bigger, much bigger than his fingers inside of her, and it only reminds her that he is still fully dressed. Grabbing onto his shirt, she wordlessly pulls him onto her bed. The wide-eyed look on his face, his tail curling and ears perking up encouraged her to continue. 
Her hands slipped under his shirt, fingers pressed down against his muscle as she pulled the fabric higher and higher. His body twitches and jolts under her touch, his own hands gripping her futon in an attempt to stay still. His eyes follow her after she pulls the shirt over his head and tosses it aside. Her nails have left crescent moon impressions on his shoulders, ones that she apologetically traces before she drifts down to his tattoo. Further and further down she went, memorizing the lines of his body. The thought still haunts her, the idea of possibly losing him at the edge of the world. Thus, she takes her time, memorizing every detail of the love of her life.
By the time she reached the edge of his pants, the red flush from his face had spread to the rest of his body. The tent could not be more obvious with the way it strained the front of his pants. Her hands tug at them until they fall off, pulling his aching member free; the tip already dripping precum despite being neglected this entire time.
Fuujin straddles his waist, her arms loosely wrapped around his neck. G'raha lifts her with each of his own and holds her over the head of his cock. Her heart leaped into her throat as she slowly sunk down, feeling every ilm being pushed inside, her walls stretching to accommodate his length.
She leans forward, kissing along his shoulders and up his neck, lips purposely following the outline of his archon tattoos. Behind them, his tail brushed against hers before they curled around each other. Moans and gasps spill from her mouth at every movement. A low purr rumbles in his chest, clearly enjoying the noises she makes until he finally bottoms out. Simply sitting there sends small shocks of pleasure through her body.
His hand rubs soothing circles around the base of her tail as the other guides her to ride him, lifting her up only to sink down once more in a rush of pleasure. Over and over, as the slick noises of their joining fill the room. Her mouth hangs open, the only thing coming out are moans, cries, and what syllables she could get out of his name before her mind is submerged in pleasure once again. She could not think about anything save for him and the bliss. As she nears her peak, he lifts his hips to meet her in the middle. Pulling a cry from her, her eyes roll from bliss. It feels as if he is going deeper.
"Fuujin," he mutters into her ear, his breath hot and heavy against the sensitive skin, and she could only respond with a whine. "I'm almost there ."
With her mind barely able to form any words, she did her best to nod. It was enough as he drove into her even harder. Between G'raha's powerful thrusts, gravity pulling her down to meet him, and the warmth of his cum filling her up to the brim from his release, she lets out a final cry before collapsing onto him. With no energy left, she stayed put in his arms as he leaned back to lay the both of them properly on the bed and pull her blanket over their bare bodies. Her eyes barely stayed open long enough to even wish him a good night before the darkness took her into a quiet, restful sleep. 
Fuujin woke up to the feeling of gentle fingers combing through her hair, warm sun rays caressing her body, and soothing purrs coming from the chest below her. She pried open her eyes to look around, the stained glass window had shattered color across her room in a glow that makes her wonder if she is still dreaming. Turning to face G’raha, she places a simple kiss on his lips and whispers, “Good morning, Raha.” 
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onepunchcatboi · 8 months
The Warrior of Light
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ARR caps ✦ HW caps ✦ SB caps ✦ ShB caps ✦ EW caps
Slowly but surely working on a little website for this boi that I will later link on here, but I thought it'd be good to do a quick landing page-post for him with some fast facts lol
Name: Zorri'to Kima Age: 33 (as of Endwalker) Nameday: July 19 Gender: Non-binary Orientation: Demisexual Height: 5'1" Weight: 120 lbs Alignment: Neutral Good
Melee: Monk, Ninja, Dragoon Ranged: Dancer Caster: Red Mage Tank: Gunbreaker Healer: Astrologian
Relationships Thancred Waters: Brother why art thou like this (affectionate) Urianger Augurelt: Beautiful nerd friend Lyse Hext: Same-brain sister Papalymo Totolymo: The Professor Minlifia Warde: Cinnamon roll too good for this world (cry) Tataru Taru: Den mother of 1000 skills Alphinaud Leveilleur: My incredible son Alisaie Leveilleur: My unbeatable daughter Krile Baldastion: Lovely aunt Estinian Wyrmblood: Adventure buddy G'Raha Tia: Idiot little bother (affectionate)
Romantic Relationship: Y'Shtola Rhul: The Queen, my muse, my mirror, we are opposites, we are the same, I would travel the ends of the world with you, the world may be burning but we will burn brighter to save it
Personality In addition to the living cryptid factor that comes with being the Warrior of Light, Kima is an interesting puzzle when getting to know him. He’s quiet and contemplative but will converse easily enough if you find the right subject. His speech is forward and sometimes insightful, he also cusses like it's a first language. He's never owned more than three books, he can tell you the entire history of the Gyr Abania. He will capture bugs to return outside, he will tear a mans throat out.
While a bit rough around the edges, at his heart he is a kind and sincere person, given to honesty and altruism. He is smart and skilled in trades, but not academically educated. Most of his understanding of aether and the like is through the study of martial arts, so he might not have the right words, but he makes the right connections. He has a fascination with new things and history and loves to learn and explore. He also adores animals and nature, and somewhat frequently runs off on his own to meditate somewhere nice.
He walks with a quiet confidence that comes from both victories and defeats and does not make proud boasts but rather reserved threats, making promises based on past accomplishments. Above all he believes in people and their capacity for good and will try to reach his foe for a peaceful solution if he thinks it possible.
Short History He began life as the second son of a Keeper tribe in the Fringes of Gyr Abania, living on the outskirts of a small village doing their best to keep out of the sight of the Garleans. Like most he knew not his father and for a time his older brother was the only other male of the tribe. Even when not out hunting he was often out exploring, interested particularly in the ruins of the Monk temples left behind after the Mad King’s reign and left to further gather dust after Garlean occupation.
As all Keeper men do, when he came of age he gave to wandering. Eventually he found his way to Ul'dah, were he sought out the Pugilists Guild and came under Hamond’s tutelage. His involvement in Ul’dahs affairs put him in contact with Thancred, and soon after his duties as envoy to General Raubhan, he joined the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. Later he returned to to serve the General as well, becoming an Immortal Flame to further the Scions goals. Upon his defeat of the primal Ifrit, he began to be known as the Warrior of Light, the Savior of Eorzea, and many more.
Character Creation Notes
While he began as a sort of self insert/what if Bruce Lee but if cat-boy character, eventually he became his own personality.
Both my girlfriend and I started the game together and somehow flipped the naming conventions of the sun and moon miqote lol So he was originally name Z'orri, and its in a lot of the older screenshots.
For a long time he was renamed to Zorri'to Viryu. But after a while I had realized this meant that his true name was "Viryu", which just never seemed to suit him. Finally after long deliberation he got his final name change lol
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steak-n-popotoes · 8 months
for da ask meme: 10, 13, 14, 24, 29
10. How do they feel about their relationship with Hydaelyn? Midgarsormr?
Beef doesn't have Hydaelyn's blessing, at least not in the form of the Echo or her traveler's ward, and he's never been a devout sort so he doesn't really revere her or the Mothercrystal as gods. He also traveled to the First via the same means as the Scions, so he wasn't able to visit Elpis. His most noteworthy interaction with her would have been via the Word of the Mother, at least before Endwalker. I think Beef is really insightful with people, though, and he'd be able to pick up on the fact that she means well and wants to help. I think the two of them would've gotten along very well had they ever met, since they both share the same love for people, life and the world. Even if Eryna and Caranar are her champions, Beef represents the pedestrian joys which make sundered existence a life worth living, and the capacity for love and growth that the sundered harbor. I think during the one time they meet face to face, they reach a firm understanding of each other. He keeps a shard broken off of her form after the encounter in Endwalker so he can bring her along on new adventures.
As for Midgardsormr, I think he would allow Beef to pet him even though it probably annoys him to be treated like a pet. Maybe he's not one of Hydaelyn's chosen but he's still one of her children.
13. Are they close with any of the other Scions? Who do they get along with the best? 
In my mind Beef gets along best with Alisaie because they both value action over words, followed by Ryne and Alphinaud. Most of the Scions enjoy his curiosity and that he is an attentive listener, being scholars themselves, so after the youngest scions I'd say he gets along best with Urianger, G'raha, and Y'shtola in that order. He also had a healthy, athletically competitive vibe with Lyse. Tataru appreciates that he is a good helper even if he can be a little difficult to direct, and Papalymo, Thancred and Estinien likely find him a little inscrutable and exasperating.
14. Of the Scions, who are they most worried for?
Definitely Ryne during Shadowbringers. While they hit their own individual roadblocks early in ShB, Alphinaud and Alisaie are highly capable and had a firm direction with to put their frustrations to use, but Ryne's suppressed turmoil is something Beef would pick up on very quickly. I think the depth of her troubles and Thancred's role in them was likely beyond him, but once they met I figure he spent a lot of the time between Rak'tika and Amh Araeng holding her hand or leading her around. I'm not sure she would've realized he was going out of his way to do it for her, but it would've surely been calming nonetheless. He would be glad to know that she and Gaia are well.
24. Does your WoL have any phobias? 
Beef has a fear of large bodies of water and the open sea. The biggest body of water he knew growing up was the bathing spring back home, so finding out that there were oceans was a pretty unwelcome shock. Part of it is the unfamiliarity of that much water in one place, part of it is that he's afraid of things he can't overcome by winning a fight, y'know. Like, ghosts, ghouls, draculas: not scary. bootshine. Drowning? Losing his home again? SB-era Zenos? scary
His fear of water has gotten more manageable and I mainly credit that to his figuring out how to make an air bubble with Gale's help and going on fishing trips with Kozu. He still doesn't like long boat rides, though. So going to the Far East for the first time and the inevitable trip to Tural are not fun times for him.
29. Did your WoL suspect anything was amiss with Urianger or the Crystal Exarch? Did they feel betrayed? Upset? When the truth finally emerged? 
For both of them, I think Beef is too trusting and naive to feel very betrayed for very long. Moreso I think he would be confused, but accept their explanations and apologies with basically no resistance, because they're friends. Surely they mean well, right? Beef is pretty in tune with others' emotions, so the guilt Urianger feels as he bears the duties before him and the Exarch's resolute dedication and devotion to the Warriors of Light would speak louder than the backwards framing through which they've convinced themselves that they're villains or traitors.
That said, I think Beef's curious nature would make it very difficult for the Exarch to maintain his anonymity. The moment he makes a conscious effort to hide his face that shit turns into a game. He would manage, but he'd be in a constant state of uncertainty as to what Beef had or had not figured out. Beef is also playing at a disadvantage having been stripped from Gale while on the First due to his calling, but I doubt the Exarch would want to take many chances with how perceptive Beef can be.
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tallbluelady · 2 years
Hello pls share more about X’rhun Tia’s fencing club for ladies
The very tl;dr of X'rhun Tia's Fencing Club for Ladies is that I saw firelightmuse's Yume and G'raha in some very pretty regency shots. It got me in the mood and I made some shots with Rowan and Urianger and had a few rambly posts. (And also a Hark! A Vagrant shitpost.)
That was going to be it until Netflix's Persuasion came out. I decided to watch some reviews before spending my time on it myself and... hoo boy, the critics were properly furious at the adaptation. I remember taking a walk after watching the reviews and my spitegoblin declared that could I write better. So I wrote two chapters in like two weeks, and then promptly ran out of steam. Turns out that writing Eorzeabeathan when you're trying to copy Ms. Austen's works is much more trying than I anticipated!
But, uh, I got it outlined if I ever get the energy to pursue it again. Under the cut cuz I'm wordy...
-Louisoix survives the battle of Charteneau. IDK how it happens, but he returns to Sharlyan and the Circle of Knowing just kind of vibes around Eorzea for the next five years.
-He hires X'rhun Tia and Arya to teach fencing/red magic for Alisaie and opens it up to the public.
-Alfinne's aether still gets messed up from Charteneau, but she's getting treated by Papalymo.
-Papalymo returns to Sharlyan, and invites Alfinne and Rowan to come with so he can keep treating her.
-Rowan meets Alisaie at the Fencing Club and then gets invited to various social functions through that connection.
-Which includes meeting Urianger.
-AND THEN because I decided there needed to be more drama, Emet-Selch is visiting Sharlyan as a diplomat.
-The group figures that he's not quite who he says he is, and Louisoix summons the others back to try and keep Sharlyan safe.
-This includes Moenbryda, who is just the embodiment of chaos to Urianger's and Rowan's slow and sweet romance.
-That gets resolved when she reveals that she's more interested in women at that point and starts dating Lyse.
-But not before she teases Rowan by setting up a fencing duel between the two of them for Urianger's heart.
-So all the Scions are there (maybe even Minfilia, I'm not sure where I would put her).
-And they're trying to figure out what to do with Solus (because Emet is the type of person who would name himself Napoleon when trying to hide the fact that he was Napoleon, emperor of France).
-And Rowan is learning Red Magic and is very good at it and the Fencing Club has like, a recital or what ever?
-And it catches Emet's eye cuz of course it does.
-So then he keeps trying to get her attention or what ever.
-And because this is all the most self-indulgent exercise anyways, he challenges Rowan to a fencing duel.-To ensure that she actually participates, he promises to have Garlemald cease all hostilities if she actually goes through with it, and to hunt down the Circle of Knowing if she does not.
-So obviously, Rowan agrees.
-But he also adds more to the wager! If she wins, he'll help their cause. But if he wins, she has to marry him!
-So, you know, drama.
-Because I'm going for an Austenian angle, Rowan ultimately wins.
-And then Urianger proposes and they all live happily ever after :)
There's also more regency flavoring to everything, like Forchenault doesn't really like Rowan's "wild influence" on his children, but that's what I got. Feel free to borrow ideas or what ever!
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cinnabun-faerie · 2 years
Hcs for the scions thinking that viera wol is in their 20s and finding out that they're actually about a century older than that?
honestly when she finds out, she's gonna clown you
if you're as old as you're telling her, why are you so reckless?
how have you stayed so young?
she would have a ton of questions, so you'd might as well start explaining
He'd be a little confused at first
he was so sure you were in your 20s
but apparently that's not correct
will you tell him of all your adventures?
surely with as long as you've lived you've seen and experienced many great things
it seems that he knew there was something about you
it just wasn't his place to say anything
but since you've told him, he can see it
perhaps he would ask you to tell some of your tales as you've asked him for many of his
G'raha Tia
he's ecstatic!
someone else who's about as old as him
he honestly had a inkling that you were similar in that regard
you certainly seemed much more mature than what you let on
and more mature than him as well
Thancred would be like that older brother to you
it's not like he knew you were a lot older than you let on
he was a bit bossy tho
"You're only young, Y/N, you'll eventually learn this."
honestly you've been rolling your eyes for a while
when you tell him, he is shocked
"How could you keep that from me for so long, Y/N? Have I mentioned how good you look for your age?"
maybe it wouldn't have been better not to tell him
he thought you were younger than him
so he would want to teach you things
but when he found out that you were 100+ years old, he would humbly apologize
honestly he would be so embarrassed
I mean you didn't know she was older than 24
so of course she wouldn't know that you're 100+ years old
but once she finds out, she would want you to tell her your secrets
is there a spell or something that you could teach her?
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syngigeim · 1 year
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#syngigeim usynlonwyn - 37 posts
#alisaie leveilleur - 24 posts
#venat - 23 posts
#alphinaud leveilleur - 22 posts
#thancred waters - 21 posts
#urianger augurelt - 19 posts
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#lovely spot and just hearing that region theme as i stepped out into stormblood proper is something i'll keep with me as a favorite memory
My Top Posts in 2022:
Day 1 - Cross
Syngigeim couldn’t help it. Tears began to trickle down her cheeks. She closed her eyes and tilted her head up, hoping to stem the flow just a little. She was alone. Everyone close to her giving themselves up to make a path for her. Or else an infinitesimal distance away back home.
She opened her eyes and glanced forward ahead at the lonely world, a fragment of one that Meteion found...and at the glimmering bridge ahead.
Her path was clear.
Shadows began to form around her. Were they the spirits of those lost? Or something more? It was along her way forward and so she strode towards it. She thought of this lost world. Where all life was gone without a trace. Meteion said she found nothing and yet-
If you need a push, I’ll be right there behind you.
Syngigeim stopped. And laughed. She smiled, pressing her hand up against her heart, where she could feel a warmth blossom. Of course it was him. She set forth again, her stride steady.
Do not despair. You are not without allies.
Of course, she thought. She turned her thoughts towards those back home, awaiting her return. And there was still hope, was there not? By the matter that she still drew breath, that before her was that bridge, the breeze upon the wind, they weren’t fully gone. Not yet.
What we have sown in blood, we have reaped in suffering, and it can not go on.
Syngigeim’s smile faded but she kept her pace steady. She fought and struggled and in the process, hurt others. Taken lives. Bloodstained were her hands...but she still had to try.
Upon the souls of they who have sacrificed themselves to pave the way for peace, we will never abandon our cause.
She had to try. To struggle. To believe in that brighter future. For those who we’ve lost. For those we can yet save. For everyone else who was struggling at the very same moment.
While it is true that man succumbs all too often to anger and avarice, he may yet overcome his baser instincts through the forming of bonds with others.
It always felt a little silly when it was presented in stories such as these. For what can a person do on their own? Walk on, her mind countered. Walk on and keep moving. For their sake.
Such victories are rarely won without sacrifice. But the prize is worth the price.
Syngigeim took a breath. Sacrifice. She wanted to stop. Wanted to stop and break into tears anew. She focused instead on the next spirit ahead of her, of the bridge she was coming up upon.
And we for our part are glad indeed to be able to welcome friends both old and new…
New. New friends. As of this point, she could only envision a faceless mass in front of her, in shadow. What would they be like? What were they doing at this moment? She reached the bridge of light.
Save your tears for the morrow. You may be sure we will have ample cause to shed them, be they for joy or for despair.
She gave a short snort at that. It was a little late for that but perhaps when this was over when journey’s end came, she could finally allow herself to feel it in full. “That she may find happiness at journey’s end…” she whispered.
From tragedy and sacrifice, we rise to greet a new dawn.
This place was a place where worlds ended. But she suddenly thought of the fact that day and night still came over those planets. The universe was destined to have all light vanish one day...but what caused life in the first place then? Questions yet unsolved.
A future shaped by the choices we made, in ways we could have never forseen.
Who would have thought that a search for a friend would end up to all of this? Lost, struggling in the dephs of despair, her mind countered. He’s still fighting, she counter-thought. Still fighting. Move on.
Yet miracles do happen. So let us pray, and will our friends home.
She gazed ahead. She was near the end of the bridge. There was a way to do just that...at the risk of undoing all of the protection she had.
I won’t stop praying until I know they’re safe.
Still, she’d find some way shouldn’t she? For amidst all of this loss, she kept a kernal of hope in her heart. The warmth she kept alive in her chest.
Strong art thou, mortal.
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13 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
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13 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
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Friendly reminder that airships exist and can be way cheeper than teleporting. This is from a teleport from Limsa Lomina versus taking the airship from it.
17 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
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19 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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35 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
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cibbyxiv · 2 years
3, 8, 12, and 32 ya weenie
3. Do they have any bad habits?
She has a hard time avoiding getting pulled into bad ideas by friends... mostly thanks to Alisaie. Cybelle can't either say no, or she thinks "how bad can it go?". You'd think she'd learn her lesson by how many times she and Alisaie found out that it can "go pretty bad". 😒
8. What's something that will always make them smile?
To avoid the usual answer of "her friends" --although her friends are truly what she holds most dear--, looking at the Crystal Tower during night time always manages to make her remember of the good moments of her time in the First, as well as everything she's lived with G'raha. For obvious reasons, she associates the tower a lot with their friendship.
12. Have they ever had their heart broken?
(Why would you ask this when you already know the answer... 😭). I'm sorry for the coming lore dump, but I just thought about it and now I have feelings.
Yes, Haurchefant's passing traumatized her a lot, to the point that it took around a year for her to come to terms with it. Back in Heavensward they both developed strong feelings for each other, and kept mutually flirting with one another-- everybody around them could see how strong they felt for the other. People grew fond of seeing them interact, especially their companions. Haurchefant helped a lot with Cybelle's dragoon training (mostly the basis of the job, the rest was handled by Estinien and Alberic), and she also used to main White Mage at the time, so Haurchefant was thrilled as a tank to be healed by her whenever it happened.
The night before Aymeric's kidnapping by Thordan and the assault on the Vault, Haurchefant successfully sneaked Cybelle into one of those fancy balls hosted by Ishgard's nobility, one where his father had been invited. As an Au Ra, Cybelle was still viewed with a nasty eye by the rich folks of the city because of her horns and scales, so Haurchefant helped her hide them, and they somehow successfully managed to insert themselves into the dancing couples of the party and have a blast together. Some say that a certain Count de Fortemps (🤫) happened to see them, and provided a distraction for the two to sneak out when they eventually caught the attention of some wary nobles...
Some others say that the Warrior of Light and the knight wished each other goodbye after the knight exchanged a kiss with the Warrior, leaving her without words, yet holding herself back from grinning from ear to ear! And that after getting into their respective rooms, both of them realized what had just happened, with her sitting on her bed and being an incoherent blushing mess, and him secretly wishing he could have kissed her a bit more... or even pronounce those three words that had been swirling in his head ever since she had been visiting his camp at Dragonhead.
Unfortunately, whatever they wished on that night perished the following day at sunset. But in the end, as a warm hand held a growing-cold one, and the knight's eyes died watching the most beautiful smile he had seen in his life... they both knew.
And that was what's most important.
32. What's the most valuable thing in their possession?
I wouldn't say she only has one... in truth, she has several items that she makes extra sure to never lose or damage:
- Her Azem's stone
- Her Paladin's stone (previously Haurchefant's)
- A feather turned hair accessory given by Haurchefant after Tataru and Alphinaud's trial
- The Crystal Tower and Exarch-themed necklace and earring made by Tataru
- A Machinist gun given by the sky pirate Leofard
She's got a few more, but overall, her most valuable possessions are all things that were given to her by friends, the friends being either old or new.
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