#sure sirens going off get in the basement but like you dont always know where that thing is if its dark out
sundaytragedy · 29 days
You ever just take one look outside with the weather patterns from the past few days and forecast in mind and think damn it could really tornado today if it wanted to
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
bases loaded* highschool!ricky horror x reader
+++++++++ Highschool au woo!
originally i was like ‘hey maybe they could like sneak into an empty classroom’ and then i remembered in my highschool there are batting cages for softball practice in a long narrow room above the gym. also the only way you can get to it is a staircase that goes from the basement at the end of the hall with the art/shop/weight training rooms all the way up to the gym and the batting cages above it, its like a four story staircase. (i know it sounds weird but our school has had a lot of additions over the years, theres a wrestling room in the back of the ‘new’ gym too) but thats kind of where the idea for this came from so if it reads weird or doesnt seem like a normal highschool set up, i promise it is because i lived it, its literally in my highschool lol.
* -  You two sneak off during class to find an empty room (this was  og promt). He has to keep you quiet during a hard fucking so you dont get caught
Song: mrs infamous (my sweetness) by palaye royale
tag list: @thisplace-ishaunted @svintsandghosts @theoneandonlykymberlee @alilpunkrock @cynic-spirit @musicsexandpizza69 @ryansitkowskiswifey +++++++++
"Meet me at the end of the shop hallway during sixth period."
I replayed that sentence in my mind over and over again. He sounded so needy whispering it in my ear as the bell rang to release us from lunch. I couldn't stop thinking about it, and it made me blush each time. I thought about if skipping class would be worth it but it always was. We were seniors after all, which meant what few classes we did have, we didn't have much to do at this point. I rounded the corner and spotted him at the other end of the hallway, smoking out the open window. I walked quickly towards him, hoping none of the art teachers would notice me. When I got to him I smiled.
"Did you miss me?"
I said quietly, making him jump. He sighed out in relief.
"Jesus y/n."
I laughed a little bit.
"You said to meet you. What are we doing?"
He smirked at me before putting his cigarette out on the window sill.
"We, are going to have a little fun."
He grabbed my hand and started towards the stairs.
"Since we haven't been able to hang out after school for the past like two weeks I figured we could have some time to ourselves during. Besides, it's not like we have anything better to do."
I smiled to myself as he looked around, leading me up the stairs once the coast was clear.
"And we're heading to the batting cages because?"
this stair case only went to one place and i had a pretty good idea of what he wanted to do. He looked at me over his shoulder and smirked.
"It's private, and with it being over the gym no one will hear us."
I raised a brow.
He sent me a wicked smile before turning back around. When we got to the top he paused, letting go of my hand.
"Isn't it locked during school hours?"
I asked. He just ignored me, kneeling down and pulling two pins out of his hoodie pocket.
"Nothings locked if you try hard enough."
He said smoothly, moving to pick the lock. I smiled to myself as the door popped open and he stood up. He held it and kissed me endearingly.
"After you m'lady."
i smirked at him.
"How thoughtful."
He followed in after me. The whole room was dark aside from the light coming in from the 'windows' to the gym. You could hear the coaches  instructing students, it sounded like they were playing kick ball today which meant we'd be home free in the noise department. i walked along the far wall, making sure no one down below would be able to see us at the angle. there were gym mats littering the floor along with a few racks of equipment and large nets to catch the balls that were hit. in one corner however there was a medium sized table with two chairs behind it, where the coaches usually kept their clip boards and the water coolers and things. today however it was empty. i walked quietly over to it, leaning my hands on it to make sure it wouldnt squeak under my weight. when it didnt make a sound i turned around and slid up onto it, kicking my legs under me and watching ricky as he looked around. by now the gym class had started their game and you could hear the loud sound of rubber being hit and students yelling to their teammates.
"you stalling for a reason kiddo?"
i asked, pulling rickys attention to me. he held his pointer finger to his lips to shush me as he peered out the glass-less window down at the class. he looked back to me after a second and smiled. i watched him intently as he strutted carefully over to me, placing his hands firmly on the table on either side of my thighs.
"you ready to go?"
he asked smoothly, staring into me, his gaze falling momentarily to my lips. i shuddered, running my hands lightly up his arms. i always could get lost in his ocean eyes, the dark makeup pulling me in deeper as he beckoned me with his siren song. i nodded to him before capturing his lips in mine, pulling him to me as i kissed him hungrily. we slowly began making out and i could feel his hands move to my hips, squeezing them gently as he stood up. i detached from him and inhaled deeply, looking up at him with an innocent gaze.
"i love you ricky."
i said a little dazed. he smiled at me before kissing me lightly, his one hand moving to my face to caress my cheek.
"i love you too y/n."
he waited for my response and as soon as i smiled at him, bringing my hands to hold his waist to me, he was back to my lips. i hummed against him as he shoved his tongue in my mouth. as we continued to make out i moved to get his jacket off, unzipping it slowly and pushing it down his arms. he dropped it to the table next to me and returned his hands to my exposed thighs. he pulled away from my mouth, moving down my neck as i snaked my fingers into the hair at the base of his neck, just under his black beanie.
"im so glad you wore a skirt today."
he mumbled against my collar bone, making me shudder at his hot breath.
"so am i."
i sighed out, feeling him slip his hand between my legs. he moved his head back up to kiss me as he ran two fingers over my clothed heat.
"so needy."
he said seductively, making me blush.
"i missed your touch."
he moaned low in his throat at my comment before pushing my skirt up quickly and pulling me to the edge of the table. i caught myself, dropping both hands to the table behind me as i leaned back. when i looked down between the two of us i could see his bulge pressed hard against his tight jeans.
"god, i need you so bad right now."
his voice was barely above a whisper. i pecked his lips before looking back down between us. i slowly began to undo his jeans, looking back to his face every once in a while to see his eyes screwed shut as i grazed him, pushing his bottoms down. he breathed deeply, barely opening his eyes as he pulled himself out of his jeans. i groaned to myself as he pressed his member against my thigh, spreading my legs apart and pushing my panties to the side.
"you ready baby?"
he asked lowly. i raised a brow.
"did you bring it?"
he looked confused for a second before realizing what i was asking and pulling his pack of cigarettes out of his jacket pocket. when he opened it i could see it was half empty but he had remembered to bring a condom this time.
"got it."
he said, pulling it out and tearing it open. i helped him roll it on before leaning back again. i moaned as he ran himself over my slit, getting my wet over his tip before he guided himself into me. He reached up to cover my mouth with his hand and looking panicked for a second.
"youve gotta be quiet princess, or we're not gonna get very far."
i nodded and he dropped his hand back to the table. i scooted closer to the edge of the table as he pulled halfway out and pushed back into me a few times. as he began thrusting a little harder i brought one leg up to hook around his waist, bringing him closer to me. as he got rougher he finally remembered to take care of me, bring his hand down to circle my clit. i dropped my head back immediatly, giving him access to kiss and suck at my neck again. my eyes screwed shut as he pounded into me, breathing heavily against my skin. i moaned again and he shot upright, covering my mouth as he continued fucking me hard. i looked at him with dark eyes, reaching for his shirt and gripping it tightly.
i moaned into his hand. he decided that wasnt enough though and replaced his hand with his mouth, kissing me roughly as  his movements got sloppier and more uneven. i could feel him twitch as he kept moving, thrusting into me and pushing his thumb against my clit. then i felt it, my vision went blurry for a second as my orgasm wracked through my body, making my thighs quiver against his waist. he thrusted hard one last time before pausing and sighing heavily into my mouth as he came. we both sat there breathing heavily for a second before he pulled out of me. as he was pulling the condom off we both heard a whistle blow from inside the gym, then one of the coaches yelled for the class to clean up.
"you ready to dash?"
he asked, pulling his pants back up and helping me down off the table. i nodded, fixing my panties and my skirt back into place.
"lets hope we dont get caught."
i winked at him, picking his hoodie up and draping it over my shoulders. he smirked down at me, taking my hand in his and pulling me towards the door.
"do we ever?"
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sablesides-ask-blog · 4 years
Can You Do ‘  aren’t you afraid of me?  ’ With ThVi Where Thomas Is A Vampire And Virgils Just Taking A Stroll In The Woods? At Night?
Virgil was many things, stupid, reckless, angry. But despite all this he was rarely afraid anymore. Sure he had constant anxiety, after all that's the entire reason he was running away, they didnt know how to take care of a teenage boy like that, and certainly not when they didnt believe he was a really a boy in the first place.
So Virgil did what he had to do, took the scissors one of the nurses had left on his desk, chopped off his hair, stolen his favorite hoodie, and fled into the woods.
Now here was the thing about teenage boys running away into the woods, especially those coming from Mrs. Hatfield's Home for Worst Case Scenarios; they didnt have survival skills, nor any will to survive at all really. Some had toys and pets and treasured objects that they were allowed to keep, at least that gave them something.
Virgil was not one such child, he was left on the doorstep at five years old after his first panic attack, shaking and thinking he was going to die, and he was given nothing but a pill bottle and two appointments a week to sit in a chair and talk about his problems.
That was what bothered him, no one really wanted to talk about problems, no, they wanted to know what they could use against you to keep you in line. So when the nurses dragged him off to therapy, Virgil lied. He told them made up stories about nightmares he had or how the dosage for his medication was off, and then he'd watch them and see what they did.
There was another thing Virgil remembered about the home, their myths. Always saying not to go into the woods because the big scary vampires and witches and werewolves would grab you and eat you up. Sometimes kids would disappear and the nurses would say that they got kidnapped and eaten. Virgil didnt buy that story either, oh no, those things werent scary at all compared to old ladies in masks glaring down at you while you tried to sleep in because the food they served tasted like mush and you'd rather wait for the nice doctor in the grey cardigan and blue shirt to slide some biscuits and orange juice through the flap in your door; and certainly nothing compared to bright lights being shoved in your face while an old man with two ex-wives and six kids he doesnt pay child support for asks you why you hate yourself.
Virgil heard a twig snap under his foot, he looked around for anything dangerous, but found nothing and continued on.
A little later, something grabbed him by the face, covering his mouth. Virgil elbowed the attacker in the stomach, they let out a groan of pain.
"Who are you! What'd you want!" Virgil said, half-yelling and half-whispering.
"Thomas, I'm here for your blood," the boy stepped out of the shadows, he looked Virgil's age, with brown hair and brown eyes that looked almost golden, and fangs, he had very large, very dangerous looking, fangs.
"What is this? A blood drive?" Virgil crossed his arms.
"Arent you afraid of me?" Thomas seemed taken aback by the reaction.
"No, not really, I bet those fangs of yours pop right out dont they, which doctor are you anyway? How'd you find me so fast?" Virgil said, lowering his head and glaring slightly.
"Doctor?" Thomas was about to offer more questions when sirens sounded from the direction of the facility. Thomas grabbed Virgil by the arm and rushed into the woods.
They ran for what seemed like hours before Thomas finally held Virgil to his chest and rolled into a cave.
"You come from there?" Thomas said, eyes wide.
"Yeah? What about it?" Virgil said, he could feel the bandages around his chest digging into his skin, the dress they made him wear wasnt doing wonders for his comfort level either.
"Hold on, you dont look to good," Thomas said.
"Dont change the subje-" but Thonas had already left.
He came back a little later with what looked like a pale form-fitting drop-top, some sweat pants, and a black t-shirt.
"Go put these on, and take off those bandages, they're not safe," Thomas said.
"How did you know about the-"
"The impression of them on the outside of your clothes," Thomas said simply, pointing Virgil in the direction of another room.
Virgil walked back later after getting himself changed, he felt better now, his chest didnt feel so weird, and it didnt feel like it was bruising anymore either.
"See? Much better," Thomas said, ruffling Virgil's hair.
"So how old are you anyway Mr. Vampire?" Virgil asked.
"Oh I'm 17, in human and vampire years, I was born, not turned," Thomas said.
"Same, but minus the vampire thing," Virgil replied.
"Could've fooled me, you were practically glowing out there, you're lucky I'm the one that found you," Thomas said with a laugh. Virgil nudged him in the ribs slightly.
"So what made you run away?" Thomas asked.
"Got tired of it, they dont let you age out here, they wouldve just carted me off to an asylum uf i didnt get any better by twenty one, so I left on my own terms," Virgil answered, muttering slightly.
Virgil and Thomas hung out for a long time, Thomas keeping Virgil safe from monsters and scientists and doctors, and Virgil sharing stories about the home. About the doctor who gave out biscuits and orange juice if you waited for him, the twins in the basement room that look like someone tried to sew them together.
"That place sounds awful," Thomas said.
"It is, it really is. . ." Virgil said.
"Well, it's a good thing you dont have to think about it anymore, happy birthday Virgil," Thomas said, placing a kiss on Virgil's cheek. Virgil's face went scarlet as he blew the candles out on the cake Thomas made for him.
"Thanks Thomas,"
"My pleasure Vi,"
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