thornstocutyouwith · 5 years
"OWH! What the hell is your problem?" Tristan hissed under his breath as he looked to Shay before rubbing his leg " What are you, four? Who kicks people anymore..." Making a face then he glanced toward the front of the classroom. Seeing Alexander looking at them then he rolled his eyes " It's not like he couldn't figure it out. I just skipped all the bs parts. Sean's definitely not on any of the wrong lists."  As Alexander spoke then he nods " Yeah, Like anyone has anywhere to go, now."  He watched Alexander leave then before turning his attention to Darius and Asher when they walked back in " Oh great, they're back."  Though in that moment Shay had then smacked him " Hey! Sean was stupid enough to say that this wasn't his class. I was helping him!"
Tristan gave a shrug then "Let him be pissed, I just saved his ass from more days in detention. That means more time with that fairy guy that he's seeming to taking a liking to." Asher sat down and watched Tristan and Shay for a short moment before he looked to Darius, watching the other get comfortable then " Hm." He laughed then at Darius' comment to Shay, before leaning toward them " A rat, and his sister. Scurrying around chewing holes in everything." The elf nodded then before he pulled away " Your freak of a brother would have don't better if he were never born. Could have skipped all these fails he's hitting today." Tilting his head cockily then he gave a smirk as went on " I'm bored with these two now, Darius. Let's try not to talk to these lower life forms. An Elf Prince shouldn't have to speak to a rat.
Seti looked Sean over, listening as the other spoke to him " You just wanted to follow me?" He let out a laugh " Why? I'm just going to my class." As Sean spoke on he gave the other a concerned look. A lot of the reason behind that was, because Sean was basically telling him their life story. And Not that Seti hadn't been interested or anything. But that had only just met. Which mean's Sean had mistakenly given him a lot of trust already " Huh. You know I am a fairy right? You are telling me all this stuff. Might lead to me being up to no good in the future." He laughed lightly then shaking his head " I never noticed my smell, personally, before. So I guess that's good that I don't smell like i've been rolling around in trash for my entire life." He let out a breath then " So what have you learned from my scent, then?" 
Then as Sean started to talk about seeing him without most of his clothes on he gave a little bit of face toward the other " Oh. Well then, we can talk. That's how you know someone, more." Though when Alexander came into the pool area he jumped hearing the older males voice "Ah. Oh! Class! I should also be going there. My class. Uhm-" He gave a not to Sean then " Looks like your Class Dad is mad at you. You are in big trouble." Seti turned then following Sean to the exit " Lunch it is, Sniffer Boy." Seti said toward Sean. Seti then stepped out after the other two before turning down the hallway and making his way toward his class. Entering it he laughed " Sorry. I am late. I got lead astray and went to the wrong class. It was interesting." Closing the door behind him then he walked to where his teacher had pointed and took a seat there.
Asher watched as Sean came in and then made a blow job motion in his mouth before pointing at Sean and making a breaking motion " Failed to get his pecker sucked, what a fuck boy that dumb ass is. YO bitch ass. Stop chasing tail. The rest of us are here to study!"
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FROM DARE, TO LOVE (A Destiel Fanfiction)
CHAPTER SIXTEEN: "And, add a rainbow bendy straw to the bill."
"Good evening sir, welcome to McDonald's."
"Thank you." Castiel replied, as Dean nodded his head, in acknowledgement.
"What would you like to order?" The guy behind the counter, in the typical red uniform, with his blonde hair puffing out of his hat. His nametag read 'Alfie', and he had a bright smile on his face. He couldn't have been much older than them. "What would you like to order?" Dean repeated, facing Castiel. Castiel was standing with crossed arms, and studying the menu - for probably the millionth time - as Dean leant against the counter.
"A-" Castiel began.
"Today's special is the Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese." Alfie interjected.
Castiel looked up from the menu. "I'll have that, then." He placed the menu back on the counter. "And curly fries."
"Small, Medium, or Large?"
"Medium." Castiel told him.
"Should I add a drink?" Alfie asked, out of habit.
"Sure." Castiel smiled. "A Coca-cola, and make it a Happy Meal." He chanced a look at Dean, who was almost grinning in amusement. "What?" Castiel raised an eyebrow. "You're staring at me." He explained, as Dean furrowed his eyebrow.
"Yeah, well, you're pretty," Dean smiled lopsidedly.
Castiel dimpled, and turned to Dean, facing him. "Okay, then."
"What about you, sir?" Alfie interrupted, turning to Dean.
"A Big Mac, large Onion Rings, and an Oreo Milkshake." Dean replied instantly, not moving his eyes from Castiel.
"Oreos?" Castiel repeated, his smile quirking.
"Uh-uh, I can be adorable too." Dean nodded, with large innocent eyes and turned his head to Alfie. "And add a rainbow bendy-straw to the bill."
Castiel laughed out loud, as Alfie confirmed their order, and printed out the bill. Castiel and Dean split the bill in half, both having the sense to pay for their part instead of doing the I'll-pay-the-bill dance. Alfie informed them, that due to there being only a few customers, some guy will serve them on their table, instead of them having to return to take their tray. Both Dean and Castiel grinned, gratefully.
Dean led Castiel to a table in a far corner.
"May I take your coat?" He bowed, dramatically, after pulling out a chair for Castiel.
"If you're cold, why not?" Castiel grinned back, taking his trenchcoat off himself, and draping it over the red plastic chair as if it were any place by McDonald's, as he sat down on it.
Dean took the chair opposite him, and smiled, taking off his leather jacket, to reveal an almost-formal brick brown shirt, which fit him like second skin. "That's funny." He leaned back in his chair, and then suddenly straightened. "Wait a second." He rubbed his eyes so vigorously, that he almost rubbed them off his face. Castiel frowned. "Is what I'm seeing true?"
"What are you seeing?" Castiel enquired, looking at himself.
"Does your T-shirt have a quote on it, Cas?" Dean looked as surprised as the guy who probably was the first to scribble stuff on a T-shirt and discover that people actually like it. "Do I actually read 'Hugs'?"
Castiel sighed. "You needn't react so violently." He parted his black blazer, raising his eyebrows, so that Dean could read the quote.
"'I'm a Hug Dealer'." Dean read aloud; then raises his eyes from Castiel's chest, back to his eyes, which held a look of unrivalled joy. Unholy glee, Castiel amused. "Seriously? You're wearing that!?"
Castiel shrugged, trying to be nonchalant, but fighting back his urge to blush embarrassedly. "Yeah, I am, so?"
"I'm willing to bet you that this was Gabriel's idea." Dean grinned, looking enthralled. "I'm willing to bet you a hu-"
"You don't need to bet anything, Dean. It was Gabriel's idea." Castiel was now struggling, not to put on his trenchcoat again, as Dean's eyes almost studied his chest, exactly as Gabriel had predicted.
"Well, he only made use of your strengths." Dean winked. "By drawing my eyes to your very attractiv-"
"Please," Castiel cut him off, now at the peak of his embarrassment. "Can we talk about something else, Dean?"
"Okay, okay." Dean relented, easily. "Just one last thing," he leaned in closer. "If you'd told me, when we talked, that you were gonna wear this, I'd have worn my 'I wuv hugs' tee, and we could've matched."
Castiel afforded a grin here. "You have a 'I wuv hugs' tee?"
"You're not allowed to sound like that now, Huggy-bear." Dean laughed.
Castiel cringed. "No, no, no." He shook his head, with a smile apparating onto his lips. "You do not have my permission to call me 'Huggy-bear', Dean. I do no-"
"Then, what am I supposed to call you?" Dean resounded, smiling just as easily. "Happy Meal?"
"Do I call you 'Oreo Milkshake' then?" Castiel tried to counter.
"My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard," Dean immediately burst into the song, by Kelis, purposefully touching Castiel's foot with his foot, as he winked. He stopped, a moment later, as two sixteen-year-old girls from a few tables away, begun to stare at him weirdly, and spoke in a lower voice. "Are you still interested in calling me that, Cas?"
Castiel frowned. "No." He rolled his eyes. "Because I don't want all the boys to come to the yard, Dean." Castiel deadpanned on purpose, blinking soberly, to make Dean laugh as he did. He loved hearing that laugh.
"You're such a baby." Dean declared, after recovering from his fit of laughter. Castiel had been watching him laugh with fascination - just as he always had - but he crossed his brows into a frown, as Dean called him a 'baby'.
He shook his head. "I'm not a baby." He opened his mouth to explain how he was physically and psychologically too big-slash-mature to be one, but was cut off.
"Yep, you are." Dean nodded his head sagely. "A baby in a trenchcoat."
"You're ridiculous." Castiel announced, blushing softly. "And I'm not wearing a trenchcoat at the moment, so-"
"Congratulations, I guess," Dean teased, with a smirk. "I knew you'd be able to get over it some time. 'Out of', actually." He proceeded to chortle at his own joke, as Castiel merely shook his head, in light disagreement of the unentertaining joke, but his eyes remaining on Dean, studying his smile, and smiled.
"Enjoy your food." A guy, in the red uniform, landed two separate trays in front of Castiel and Dean, respectively.
"We will," Dean informed them guy, looking at his large burger, as Castiel looked at the guy in the eyes, and said, "Thank you."
Dean had uncovered his 'Big Mac', and was eyeing it hungrily. "This looks good." He looked at Castiel. "This just might be a hairline better than El Potro or Café Provence."
Castiel agreed with a bob of his head, as he fished out his burger, and fries, and cola, from his brown paper bag, leaving only the Happy Meal toy inside. He glanced at Dean, who was smugly taking the first bite of his burger, and unwrapped his own burger, and took a bite, relishing the taste of everything in it.
For a few minutes, silence prevailed, as the both of them savoured their respective burgers, Dean noisily slurping his Oreo Milkshake once in a while, and Castiel sipping quietly on his cola, till all that remained was ice. Literally, for a few moments, there were no words said. But looks were exchanged, and eyes met, and smiles surfaced, and it was a completely comforting scene, to Castiel. With Dean, it didn't even feel like a date or anything, it just felt like any other normal meal with family. It felt comfortable and homey. And that was saying something.
"You're very quiet today," Castiel spoke, at length, tentatively, wiping his fingers clean on the white paper napkin.
"Firstly, we mustn't talk while eating." Dean begun, raising his index finger. "And secondly, you were making these breathtakingly noises as you ate, and licking your lips and shit, and I guess, I was occupied with staring at you." Dean informed Castiel, frankly. Castiel admired the openness, but that didn't stop him from blushing to a pinkish shade of red.
He bit his lip, and focussed his attention on the remaining fries. "I-I had no idea, Dean. I'm sor-"
"Hey, what are you apologizing for, cherry-pie!?" Dean cut him off, and a flicker of a smile went through Castiel at the old nickname. "Giving a guy a good time?"
Castiel scowled. "I did not gi-"
"I'm gonna be the judge of that." Dean declared, solemnly.
Castiel sighed, and his eyes fell on Dean's empty tray. "Dean, should I order something else for us?"
"I'd like another milkshake, as long as you share it with me." Dean batted his eyelashes, and smirked devilishly.
"I meant, like another large fries for the table. Or nuggets, or something."
"Alright." Dean leaned back in his seat. "After all, the date has only just started. We might've rushed through the food-part like walruses, but we didn't even start talking."
Castiel, to his own surprise, agreed with the sentiment. At least his mouth did. "I know, we didn't say a single new thing about ourselves."
"Which is what dates are about." Dean added. "Talking, and getting to know the other person better."
"Yes," Castiel nodded, not really thinking about what he was saying. "An exploration of interests, and a means to make sure if you actually know the person you're with, or if..." His voice trailed away, loosely, not knowing what to say.
"What are we doing?" Dean asked, folding his hands on the table, after a beat of silence. "Neither of us know what to talk about, do we?"
Castiel shook his head. "We'll discuss the merits of a date through the rest of the date, if we go on like this." He sighed, breathing down his shirt, as his chin pressed against his chest. "I haven't been on a date since ages." He finally admitted. Why not? It was words.
"I haven't been on a date since," Dean began, and stopped abruptly. He cleared his throat. "Lisa. Freshman year, then."
Castiel raised his eyebrows, almost disbelievingly. "Seriously?"
"I kinda don't count hooking up at clubs or senior parties, dates." Dean countered.
"I don't, either." Castiel bit his lip, and the topic was dropped.
"Why?" Dean suddenly asked, and Castiel raised his head again. He blinked. "Why have you not been on more dates, Cas?"
"I could ask the same of you." Castiel swallowed, surprised by his own frankness.
"I guess, more than skeletons in the closet, it's about meeting someone." Dean's voice trailed off. "Never actually saw anyone I was all that interested in. Interested enough to take out to a meal outside school, and try to pursue a relationship with." He added, his eyes cast downwards.
Castiel nodded. "Quite the same for me, too."
"I'm sure there was no lack of offers..?" Dean raised an eyebrow suggestively.
Castiel reflected back on Hannah. "I suppose not."
Dean half-smiled. "I knew I wasn't the only one who thought your blue eyes were breathtakingly beautiful," Dean begun, dramatically. And then shrugged. "And that you were really awesome."
Castiel shot Dean an amused smile. "I'm going to take that second part as a compliment, so thank you."
"It was a compliment, so my pleasure." Dean imitated Castiel, earning himself an indulgent smile.
"I'll go order." Castiel cleared his throat.
"And I'll be here thinking of you." Dean added, insufferably.
"Do you even realise how weird that sounds?" Castiel smiled, inspite of himself.
"Do you even realise that I mean it, that I don't care, and that the words might be weird, but since coming from me, they are soaked in awesomeness?" Dean smiled back.
"No, not really, I don't." Castiel rolled his eyes, back. "Any particular demands?"
"Nope." Dean answered, taking out his phone, and beginning to fiddle with it.
Castiel walked to the counter, and ordered two large Sprites, and large fries. Alfie made the bill, and he paid it, smiling at him, as he collected his bill, and thanked him. He returned to his place, where Dean had put down his phone, and now sat, almost eagerly leaning forward against the food.
"Questions." Dean answered, happily. "That's what we're gonna do. We're gonna ask each other questions."
Castiel perked his eyebrow, pressing him to continue. "Okay...?"
"Yeah. You know, it'll be fun." Dean urged. "It's a great way to know new stuff about each other, and it'll be spontaneous, and we can have a time limit an-"
"Did you Google it, Dean?"
"I might have." Dean flashed his most adorable smile, and stuck out his lip mutinously. "Is that bad?"
"A little bit." Castiel laughed, teasingly.
"I'm not ashamed of outing in efforts," Dean crossed his arms across his chest. "So, do you wanna do this with me, or d'you wanna do what I do on most of my not-really dates?" Dean challenged, a tinge of the Dean Winchester Castiel knew of coming into the Dean he'd come to like, and enjoy himself openly with. As much as Dean as he knew him was fun to be with, an occasional glimpse of this completely different person sent shivers up Castiel's spine. "Because I'm perfectly willing." Castiel managed to shake his head; even give Dean an admonishing look.
Okay." Dean leaned back, looking satisfied with himself.
"You start." Castiel said, instantly.
"No!" Dean drew back. "I gave the idea, so now you're supposed to start!"
"You're making up rules, Dean; don't think I don't know that." Castiel squinted.
"Shut up, and just ask me the first question." Dean said with a look.
Castiel cleared his throat, looking at Dean's expectant and waiting emerald eyes, and his eyes unmistakeably dropping down to his lips before he could help it. He probably didn't want to help it. Dean's mouth was slightly parted, and Castiel could glimpse his tongue resting between his teeth inattentively, and his lips were slightly curled up from the ends. He unconsciously wetted his own lips. He wanted to get to know him more, he realised with surprise. A lot. It was an exciting thought, and spending all evening getting to know him was a prospect which had Castiel suddenly revelling in. And just as the waiter placed the tray in front of them, Castiel swallowed down unexplained hesitation, and shot at Dean, the first of many questions.
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FROM DARE, TO LOVE (A Destiel Fanfiction)
CHAPTER SIX: “I-I like t-texting. Emoticons?”
“Alright, thanks for the ride, Dean. But I got to get to class now.” Castiel turned to Dean, after stealing a glance at his watch.
“Yeah, cool.” Dean got out of his car, and Castiel followed, closing the door with a slam. “What class d'ya got first, cherry-pie?”
“Business Studies.” Castiel recalled, slinging his bag on his shoulder, trying - without meaning to - to do it as effortlessly as Dean did. “With Rowena MacLeod.”
“My sympathies with you.” He did a little courtesy mockingly. Then, he glanced towards the school building himself. “I’d usually walk you to the locker, out of chivalry and my desire to spend more time with you and coming to know where your locker is; but I gotta get to the field. I got practise.”
“Football?” Castiel asked, stupidly, regretting it. Of course football, he cursed to himself.
“No, Quidditch.” He grinned sarcastically, and Castiel’s face lit up like a lamp switched on at the Harry Potter reference. At a point of time in the point, he had been obsessed with the series. Now, not entirely, but it still excited him.
“You’ve heard of Quidditch?” He pressed his lips together to avoid the childish smile he knew would sprout up.
“From Sammy,” he shrugged in response. “It’s a wizardry game, isn’t it? Did I use it wrongly?”
“No, Dean, you used it correctly.” Castiel smiled. “Your brother’s a fan of J. K. Rowling?”
“Massive.” Dean smiled back. “He’s a total nerd, that kid. It’s always curious how the brother of such an awesome person turned out to be such a nerd.” He added, not unkindly, and rather proudly.
Castiel noticed that, but kept up the joke. “Oh, really?”
“Yeah, it’s like I got the beauty and he’s got the brains.” Dean winked, and Castiel stared unabashedly - until he realised he was staring and looked away abashedly. “And the poor third kid was left with neither.”
“Adam?” Castiel was surprised.
“Yeah,” Dean smiled vacantly. Castiel noticed, but didn’t remark anything. He merely smiled in return, not really thinking much. He found himself being like that around Dean. It was weird yet fun at the same time. “Anyhow, you wanna come watch practise? Coach could sign a note for you to show to Rowena later, if I asked nicely.” He winked again.
Castiel considered this. “I’m sure that’d be fun, but I’m not bunking a class, Dean.”
“Of course.” Dean raised his eyebrows again. “Well, I’ll not insist, because clearly that’s important to you.” Castiel’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets at the genuineness of the sentence. “So, well, I’ll see you later!”
“Yes, of course, Dean.” Castiel managed, as Dean stuffed his car keys - silver keys with a ’M’ keychain - into his bagpack, doing so while wearing them; hence resulting in his T-shirt climbing up a few inches, offering Castiel a look at Dean’s toned muscles. He looked away too quickly for it to have had no effect on him.
“Maybe in the lunchhall or something,” Dean suggested, beginning to walk away, and turning back only when Castiel had let out a breath he’d had no idea he was holding. “I’ll text you.”
“Sure.” Castiel’s smile faded, as the terrors of texting resurfaced in his mind. “Yeah, I’ll…text you too.”
“Wait, that reminds me,” Dean suddenly turned, and walked back up to Castiel, nearing close until Castiel sucked in a breath, just in case. “You could just have told me, you didn’t like texting, instead of replying to me, cherry-pie. I wouldn’t have minded listening to your gorgeous voice instead.”
Had he been that transparent, Castiel thought to himself in alarm. “I-I like texting.” Dean’s face showed that he knew better than to believe him. Castiel added, in a moment of despair, “Emoticons?”
Dean’s face crinkled into a smile, as he took a few steps back. “Sure you do.” He yelled, in a very unbelieving voice, as Castiel mutinously stuck out his lip and thought to himself exactly what had given him away. His texting? No, that couldn’t be. He was sure he texted well. Castiel stared, uncertainly, at Dean’s figure walking away, before he himself began to walk too; relieved underneath the confused exterior, that he won’t have to go through the strenuous process again.
Nevertheless, Dean Winchester, a man of his words, never texted Castiel Novak again.
The next time Castiel met Dean was in the Chemistry Practicals.
Castiel’s day had passed quickly enough, with thoughts of Dean in his head - he had tried to help it -  as he went about his usual Monday classes. After Business Studies with Rowena MacLeod, he’d had Mathematics with Mr. Cain - not something he particularly enjoyed, but it’d been bearable, because Charlie had been with him - and then Gym - Physical Education, according to the sheet - with Mr. Singer. Castiel wasn’t a jock but then neither was Kevin - who fortunately shared his timetable for the day - and they’d spent the entire period discussing the pros of the application Kevin was using for his SAT preparations. Mr. Singer had probably seen them, Castiel wondered later, but he hadn’t said a word, and wasn’t really the mean kind of teacher who’d give you detention for the crap of it - it’s a known fact those kind of teachers do exist, don’t deny it - so Castiel didn’t worry too much.
Throughout Gym, he’d thought about Dean again; Dean on the football field, in his captain’s jersey, ordering players about the field- that was how it worked, Castiel mused, didn’t it? - and winning matches for Lawrence High. Castiel had finally succeeded to push the thoughts of Dean - Dean Winchester, all sweaty and red-faced, wearing a helmet, and his bright-green eyes peering put of the grills and crinkling as he smiled at Castiel - and focussed on Kevin, as he excitedly bounced about, talking about his passion.
Then, had been Lunch.
Castiel had sat at his regular table - a small table for six in the far corner of the hall, often called the ‘Nobody’s’ table - with Charlie, and Kevin (Garth had spent Lunch in detention for some reason). He’d tried to not look in the direction of the popular table, and when he’d given in to his senses and had looked, after the first ten minutes, he’d discovered that Dean was nowhere to be seen. Everybody else was in place - Crowley and Ketch arguing about something, Anna talking in exaggerated hand gestures to Lisa and Jo, Sam sitting quietly in the corner with his nose buried in a book, and a few other regular-faces eating and talking at the same time, the usual scene - but Dean Winchester wasn’t anywhere to be seen. Then, he did appear after half the period was spent away, sweating like a dog, and had sat down quietly to eat, wordlessly. Their eyes had never even met, and the disappointment Castiel felt probably showed on his face, because Charlie noted it immediately.
Which, subsequently, led to Castiel confessing the events of the previous night and that day, to his friends, in bouts and pesterings.
About the dare, among other things, Charlie had grinned and informed Castiel that there was nothing quiet so 'cliché’ she’d ever heard of happening in real life. She’d later laughed at his description of his discomfort at being hugged by Dean - Castiel still couldn’t process the hilarity of it - and Kevin had agreed with Castiel when he’d talked about how he said 'yes’ to Dean giving him a lift, because it was not a big deal, although Charlie had once again scoffed. At the end of his long narration, Charlie had declared that there wasn’t really a better way to bond than by sharing music and tastes, and Kevin had nodded. Castiel had dismissed it as their desire to irk him. They weren’t bonding - how ridiculous did that sound? - they just…were friends now. Perhaps. Maybe. Almost.
Hence, he’d divulged everything to Charlie and Kevin, not really feeling much better following Charlie’s giggling running commentary to everything and Kevin’s approval to almost all of Charlie’s views. Charlie declared it was the most exciting thing to ever happen to Castiel, and that he should enjoy it while it lasted. Castiel had informed her, that that was ridiculous - what did she even mean by 'while it lasted’? In any case, was it used in the context as to 'till Dean completed his dare’? - and promised to walk away if Charlie spoke of that again.
Which she did, and he, as promised, walked off to his next class; followed by a still chuckling Charlie Bradbury.
The next class, was Science Practicals, and Castiel was a part of the group going for Chemistry Practicals. Fortunately, Charlie went into Physics, and that was all Castiel had to face of the master-hacker-who-seemed-to-have-the-unerring-ability-to-know-exactly-what-Castiel-was-trying-to-not-show.
He was in the middle of an experiment - Experiment 2.3: Objective: To test the pH level of the magnesium hydroxide solution - and was holding the magnesium ribbon by a pair of tongs in the outermost - blue - part of the Bunsen Burner’s flame, when he was disturbed by a familiar figure; a husky yet smooth voice whispering words in his ear, and layers-clad arms  wrapping around him, the right one around his right wrist and vice versa.
“Bonjour, cherry-pie.” Dean Winchester quite literally breathed down Castiel’s shirt, his face so close to Castiel’s, that their cheeks would’ve brushed at the slightest movement, and his lips, if leaned in even an inch more, would’ve touched Castiel’s earlobe.
“Hello, Dean.” Castiel shuddered from tip to toe, feeling the goosebumps on his own skin, and regretting the fact that Dean was close enough to actually feel them, let alone see. “M-move.” He added, in almost a whisper.
“Why?” Dean teased, and Castiel heard him smiling as he spoke. “Is this making you uncomfortable? Me holding you like this?”
“Yes, Dean.” Castiel muttered, feeling as if all eyes in the room were on him.
“Well, you only ever have to say that, and I’ll move.” Dean gave Castiel’s arm a light squeeze before pulling apart and doing a full turn - as if on invisible skates - to lean against Castiel’s table. “But whenever you wish for me to do so again,” There was that unavoidable little chuckle, “Just gimme a cue, alright? Maybe like a signal. We should decide something. How about you licking your lips, like you do sometimes; that could be my cue. Or, you could wink? Or pinch me - on my ass, I mean?”
Castiel, having no idea what would be the appropriate answer to that, him; who now leaned more, casually, on the table where several strong acids, bases, and other solutions were kept in glass flasks.
“How was your day?” Dean grinned like a Cheshire Cat, his eyes not leaving Castiel as he continued to hold the ribbon to the flame; Castiel felt his gaze, and resisted the urge to look back.
“Good.” Castiel answered, not facing Dean. “Business Studies, Math, Gym. What about you?”
“Awesome.” Dean grinned broader. “And in your pattern of answer, Practise, Practise, Practise.” Castiel looked up at Dean quizzically. “Combined with running between History, English, and Biology classes to hand notes to the teachers, signed by Bobby, saying I won’t be able to attend their classes.”
“So, you haven’t been in class since morning?” Castiel repeated, amazed. “You’ve been practising football since when we separated? And…Bobby?”
“Mr. Singer.” Dean shrugged. “Mr. Robert Singer. Mr. Bobby Singer. Bobby.” He demonstrated how he reached the name he called him. “He’s an…old family friend. Neighbors, before. Known each other since kids. Since I was a kid, I mean, because when he was a kid, I’m not sure houses were yet discovered, you know, for us to be in neighboring ones.”
“Oh.” Castiel politely smiled.
“And in answer to your other questions, yep.” Dean grinned again. “No class since morning. I took a break for about fifteen minutes in the second period, you know, a-short-shower-and-snack break. Then returned to the field, played hard in the sun, and came back for lunch. Didn’t see you though,” Dean scrunched his nose and paused, as if waiting for Castiel to speak.
“Me neither.” Castiel lied.
“Well, I’ll keep a better lookout for heavenly crystal blue eyes, tomorrow, when I’m more human than field-animal.” Dean laughed at his own joke.
“And, I’ll keep a lookout for someone searching for me.” Castiel replied, pleased at his answer, especially since it invoked a large grin from Dean.
“Anyways,” Dean resumed. “I realised, then, that I missed you,” he paused, again, and winked at Castiel. “About that, did you miss me too?”
“I was busy, Dean.” Castiel replied.
“That’s not an answer.” Dean half-smiled, as if victorious.
“Well, no, I did not miss you.” Castiel changed his answer, raising an eyebrow warily.
“Now, well, that is a very badly-spoken lie.” Dean pointed with his finger at Castiel’s mouth, and then resumed his story. “So, yeah, I realised then, that I missed you with your little mannerisms of ignoring me, and your pretty, pretty face, so here I am!”
“So, you’ve got Chemistry Practicals, too?” Castiel’s ribbon, as if on cue on being brought into conversation again, finally began to burn, and he partially shielded his eyes, from the blinding white flame which magnesium produces on burning.
“No.” Dean shrugged, still staring at the burning ribbon.
Almost irritably, Castiel noticed this, and not his words, and pushed Dean’s arm, to make him turn towards him. “You’re not supposed to stare at that.”
Dean grinned, and almost like a kid, who’d been told not to do something, turned his head towards the flame again.
“You’ll damage your eyes.” Castiel muttered, moving away the pair of tongs from Dean’s sight. “I bet they’re already hurting, you know.”
“You’re right, it does hurt.” Dean spoke, after a moment of curiously blinking his own eyes, ad rubbing them with his thumbs, during which Castiel was transferring the white powder formed - Magnesium Oxide - onto a petridish, carefully, using a plane knife.
Castiel turned immediately, his work forgotten. “Seriously?” His eyes widened. Dean was such an idiot.
“Do you see the black spots I do?” Dean murmured, and Castiel only almost shook with tension.
“No, idiot! Are you alright?” Castiel slapped away Dean’s hand from his eyes - Dean was made to lean further on the tale, his back arching, and Castiel pushed him downwards to examine him - and pulled down Dean’s eyelid, to expose his eye. He didn’t know what it was supposed to show, but he did the opposite too; his other hand cupping Dean’s face. “Hey, hey, does it still hurt?”
Dean leaned into Castiel’s hand, which was covering half of his jaw. “No, not really.” He let out another chuckle. “I was only kidding. But I could get used to this.”
Castiel pulled away his hand like lightening, embarrassed to a condition where he was almost the same color as his lips. He glared at Dean. “That was a joke..?”
Dean nodded, his eyes glinting mischievously.
“You-” Castiel stopped himself in the middle of cursing at him. “Stultus.” He finished, turning back to his petridish, to finish his experiment by adding water to the powder, and then using the litmus paper.
“What’s that?” Dean grinned, unaffected from Castiel’s anger directed at him.
“Latin.” Castiel smiled, almost smugly. Dean grinned.
“Oh, my lover’s a linguist.” He cooed, making Castiel want to make him shut up, by pressing his lips together with his hands, if that were a method, to prevent the rest of the class, tables apart, from hearing him. “Oh, I’m so lucky to have a lover so vastly talented!”
“Could you stop?” Castiel started on him, fighting to keep his voice suppressed, and resulting in making it sound more like a growl than anything else. “With the stupid jokes, and lewd comments, an-and loud ridiculous declarations of love!” He lowered his voice even further. “You’re…disturbing the class.”
“Frankly, cherry-pie,” Dean smiled, displaying his dimples. “You’re the only one who’s actually doing the stuff. You, and that one chick in the first row. The rest are goofing about, on their phones, or attached to each other’s faces,” he paused, to shrug. “And first-row-chick is too far away to mind me. Plus, the teacher, what’s-his-name, is practically uninterested in the class. I mean, I’m not even a student of this class and he lem'me enter when I asked.”
Castiel sighed. “Well, that’s all fine, Dean, but I am working.”
Dean eyed Castiel carefully for a moment. Then shrugged. “Sure, sweetheart.” He sat down on a chair, his elbows propped up on Castiel’s table. “You work; I’ll sit here, looking at you, and not being a distraction, alright?”
How can you not be one, Castiel spoke to himself, when you look like that? But at the moment, he nodded his head curtly, and even offered Dean a small smile. “Disturbance, not distraction.”
“We both know what the truth is.” Dean grinned, and rested his chin against his hand. “Do your science thing, genius; I will sit here, wait for you to complete.”
Castiel resisted the urge to smile, as he proceeded to pour water using a droplet into the petridish, feeling Dean’s eyes follow each of his moments with an excitement he couldn’t - and didn’t want to - explain.
“If you need my help,” Dean spoke up, a few minutes later, as Castiel picked out a red litmus paper from the box. “All you’ve gotta do is ask, partner.”
“Partner?” Castiel smiled clearly. “You’re my lab-partner?”
“If it means getting to work with a gorgeous genius as you, I’m willing to join this class, and even not bunk it.” Dean cocked his head, indirectly answering Castiel’s question.
The morning’s dialogue - “You actually think all I’m doing is for a stupid dare” - flashed in Castiel’s mind, but he pushed it away. He’d long decided it was nothing. Perhaps it only happened in his over imaginative mind.
“I already have a partner,” Castiel instead spoke out, not really understanding why he would do so. “Garth,” he added unnecessarily.
“Well, he just got replaced.” Dean shrugged, nonchalantly. “I’ll make sure you don’t miss him.”
Castiel’s mind did a quick - and highly ridiculous - comparison of Dean and Garth’s appearances. Dean, a football-captain with a muscular physique and dark blonde hair, and Garth, a skinny computer geek like Charlie, with mousy brown hair. He immediately felt bad about it for comparing his friend to someone like Dean Winchester, and bit his lip.
“Unlike you, he actually helped me.” Castiel informed Dean, urged to do some justice to Garth in his brain.
“Well, I told you, all you gotta do is ask.” Dean pursed his lips. Castiel frowned. Dean continued, “I’ll search out red litmus for you, or hold the petridish as you dip the paper in it.” He elaborated.
Castiel raised an eyebrow. “He also wrote notes.” He mumbled.
“What a sheer waste of my talents,” he laughed with a vacant smile in place, and picked up a pen and Castiel’s journal.
For a moment, and Castiel regretting this later, he hesitated. What if Dean wrote something wrong? It was his journal after all, one of the best-kept ones in school. Errors wou-
“I’ll not write crap in your journal,” Dean’s face was almost hurt. Castiel immediately felt a pang in his chest.
“I never said anything…” He tried.
“Yeah, but you were thinking about it.” Dean looked at the pen in his hand. “If you want, I’ll not write notes. I’ll go awa-”
“It’s fine.” Castiel said, a bit too hurriedly. “You can fill my journal. I know you’ll d-do it all correctly.” How he knew it, he had no idea, but he wanted the sad look away from Dean’s eyes. “I know you’ll not make errors. I..I believe in you. Don’t go away.”
“Believe in me,” Dean pursed his lips. “Why would you do that?” But there was something incomprehensible in his look.
It was Castiel’s turn to shrug. “Because you’re not stupid.” Castiel turned his face towards his experiment again, realising that Dean was staring intently at Castiel. “I don’t think so.”
TAGS: @just-some-supernatural-trash @supernaturaltakeover @sarcasmandbittercoffee @imabinomialbitch @alwaysbringabananatoapartyrose @alexthetrashmaster @thegirlbetweenthewolves @emmii4 , @ohparis @lucile-carter @suckerfordeansfreckles @iamcharliebradburylevelperfect @frownyfacecas @sama-lam-a @helloimthetrickster @destielsangel @firelight789 @ogopogo4007 @mishaspuella @theshippinglife4me @speak-only-in-spn-gifs @kassyfreaksout @wolffuchs @bowtiesandflannel @xxwinchesterx @winchestergirl-13 @givemeanameforchuckssake @thatsherlockianfangirl @matokii95 @ace-of-black-hearts @19agbrown @rachelehurt @secretlycrazyfangirl @ayeimmaloser @massacnaed @waifukeef @birds-of-forgiveness @sassysousa @binkmoi @wellofwoes @mareaguibo @destiel-otp-of-the-lord @go-live-your-dream-assbutt @iankabra @leslais @sherlocksangelel @w-ayward @thegreatbobbinski @anarchiana MOST OF THESE PEOPLE ASKED TO READ MY STUFF (I love you guys so much, I can’t even) SOME OTHERS I’VE TAGGED BECAUSE A) I’M ASSUMING DIDN’T SEE THE POST and B) I REALLY WANT FOR THEM TO SEE THIS POST (sorry if you actually were not interested and for tagging you without your permissions in some cases) PEOPLE WANTING TO BE ADDED OR REMOVED FROM THE TAGLIST, PLEASE COMMENT ON THIS FIC, OR MESSAGE ME! BYE ~ Sheya, in a much better state of mind than the last time because *type* of readers matters more than *number* of readers, and I swear, I have the best, kindest, most loving readers ever! I love you guys so much! Please, have an awesome day, and treat yourself to some candy floss on my behalf. :)
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FROM DARE, TO LOVE (A Destiel Fanfiction)
CHAPTER FIVE: "Why, I seem more of an Eminem's-Shake-That-Ass-guy, huh?"
Why are you making breakfast, Gabe?" Castiel inquired, between bites. "I hope you remember you're still in highschool, and we aren't permitted to enter, after nine."
"Exactly." Gabriel winked. "What better excuse?"
"Of course." Castiel rolled his eyes. "Why didn't I think of that?"
"Because you're the li'l good-one." Gabriel chuckled. "And I'm the older, awesome-r one."
"Of course." Castiel took another bite of his second pancake. He loved pancakes for breakfast. He wasn't particularly a food-aholic but he'd loved PB&Js, hamburgers, honey - with anything and everything -  and pancakes, not necessarily in that order, since he was a kid. Back when Charles was a mediocre guy in 'Sales' in some pharmaceuticals - not yet having inherited his fortune, or made his own on account of his series - and went by the name of 'Chuck' and Castiel was 8-year-old 'Cas'; that was all Chuck knew to make, and all they lived by. Then everyone grew up, and things flourished, and Gabriel turned out to be a great chef - better than his father and brother at any cost - and now insisted on cooking, rather than them hiring a chef. Only a maid would come in every Sunday to wash all the dishes, and do all the chores for the week. Then Gabriel moved out, and the rule stuck, because Charles hated snoopy housekeepers or chefs, and now, whenever Gabriel stayed the night, he made meals or else they ordered in from McDonald's - Castiel's Favorite - or other places Gabriel suggested. He always knew the best.
Lost in his reverie, Castiel finished both the pancakes on his plate. He was snapped back to reality by a car horn. Castiel jumped, suddenly aware that Dean had arrived. It could not be anyone else. He hurriedly stood up, and put the plate in the sink, where it would stay and be piled on, till next Sunday. "Hey, I gotta go."
"That was the school bus?" Gabriel raised an eyebrow. "They're picking you up directly from Paradise now?"
"That was my ride to school." Castiel said shortly, slinging his bag on his shoulder, as Gabriel followed him out of the kitchen to the living room.
"This is gonna be fun." Gabriel chuckled. "It is who I think it is, isn't it?"
"Shut up." Castiel frowned. "He's just giving me a ride, as a friend. We'r- We're saving fuel."
"And time." Gabriel offered. "Precious time which you'd spend in thinking about him on the school bus, before you met him in school; which you guys are saving by meeting right here. Genius."
"I don't have time for this." Castiel scowled deeper, and hurried out the door, before Dean began to think that he was already gone or not coming. "Bye, dad! Bye, Gabriel."
"Have a lovely time!" Gabriel yelled at the top of his lungs, from the front door, as Castiel almost jogged down the porch and front-lawn to Dean Winchester's car on the road. He didn't want Dean hearing any of Gabriel's nonsense.
Dean opened the door for him, from the inside, by stretching out his hand, and Castiel took his seat in the front. He closed the door, and was relieved that the windows were all up, and Gabriel only resembled a miming-monkey on the front door. He looked at Dean, turning almost halfways in his seat, and found himself - unsurprisingly - completely captivated by Dean being so close to him in the beautiful black car.
"'Morning, cherry-pie! Welcome to my ride!" Dean announced, following with the small chuckle which Castiel had not thought about since a very long time. "Meet 'Baby'." He tapped the dashboard, with an affectionate look.
"This is 'Baby'." Castiel repeated, with an unconscious smile, a predicament resolving itself, deep in his mind.
"Yeah." Dean grinned enthusiastically. "Isn't she beautiful?" Dean almost stroked the steering wheel.
"She sure is." Castiel smiled at Dean's visible obsession with his car. "She's a Chevrolet, isn't she?" Castiel ventured, aware he would look like a fool were he wrong, but saying it nonetheless, because he'd never seen Dean more excited about anything, and he wanted more of it. That genuine grin which lit his face up, and that glint in his eyes.
"Yeah." Dean grinned broader. "A Chevy Impala, 1967 Model, Super Sport. Six-cylinder 7.0 L engine, 329 horsepower. First model to have a chrome-plated hood, black grille accents and black-accented body-side and rear fender moldings, with vinyl bucket seats and a center console. An- You didn't ask to hear all that, did you?"
Castiel merely shook his head. "I don't mind, though."
"In short," Dean grinned directly at Castiel; and Castiel forgot that they had to get to school and hadn't even started yet. He was content to have Dean's attention completely on him. "She's gorgeous. Not unlike you." He winked, suddenly a dramatic surprised expression on his face. "I forgot to tell you something, wait a second," He squinted his eyes, pretending to remember something. "What did I forget to say, what did I forget to say? Oh, yeah! You look great." Dean kept up the act, until Castiel almost chuckled. "And, one more thing, it was right there, and I forgot, what could it've been, oh, yes, I remember! You, look handsome!"
Castiel looked down at his modest sweater and casual t-shirt. "Could you stop, Dean?"
"I could do whatever you want me to do." Dean whispered, meaningfully, before clearing the air with a grin. "But I don't want to. It's fun to see you blush, cherry-pie."
"That reminds me," Castiel smiled, in spite of himself because from the corner of his eye, he'd seen Gabriel walk back into the house, perhaps disappointed that neither had he gotten to embarrass his little brother, nor catch him in the middle of any contact with Dean Winchester. They were just talking. "Where did that come from?"
"Oh, well, you remember," Dean grinned, turning the key in the engine. "You didn't wanna be called 'sweetheart' or 'honey'. And as I told you, this is 'Baby'. So, I thought hard and long, through the night, and in the morning, I woke up with the perfect name for you, on my lips, and in my mind." Dean cleared his throat dramatically. "You're my cherry-pie!" He sang, with a sidelong glance at Castiel.
Castiel kept quiet in response, straining to keep his eyes on the road.
"Hey!" Dean teased. "Your line?"
"I am not going to say 'I'm his cherry-pie', Dean." Castiel pointed out to Dean, struggling to keep the smile away.
"Why?" Dean complained. Something inside Castiel suddenly snapped. It was true he enjoyed Dean's presence. He was fun, hilarious, exciting. Nothing like what Castiel had ever expected Dean Winchester to be. But he was, and Castiel had to admit it. But every now and then, if not always, he was reminded of the fact that this was all a facade. A mask he was wearing, only for Castiel. A mask which Castiel was supposed to fall in love with. But it wasn't Dean Winchester, it was what he was being, for Castiel. And then he had the audacity - the sheer cheek - to ask 'why'. Castiel might be weak in the knees at Dean's embrace or melt at the sight of his smile, but he wasn't going to be played with. He'd decided that before, and he was going to stick to it.
"Forget about it." He muttered, looking out of his window, so that he didn't have to be looked at by Dean's eyes.
"Hey, everything alright?" Dean's hand touched Castiel's forearm. "Do you not like the nam- Did I say something wrong?" Castiel shook his head mutely. "Then, why-"
"Because this is all a dare, and I don't wanna go along with your stupid games and motives only so that you win the fucking dare, and I'm left a idiot in love with you." Castiel blurted, before he could run it by himself inside his brain. He looked at Dean's face, trying to scan it for emotions. There were none. Dean turned his eyes on the road, and accelerated, causing Castiel to fall back in his seat.
Castiel stayed mute for a few minutes. He couldn't imagine what Dean would reply to that. Stop the car, throw him out, and never speak to him again? Ignore the outburst, and continue to 'pursue' him? Or-
"You actually think all this is a game?" Dean stared at Castiel, stopping the car suddenly. Castiel's eyes flitted on the road, as he launched forward in his seat, and he recognised the area as a street two streets away from school. His brain stopped working - right about when the words left Dean Winchester's lips. "You actually think all I'm doing is for a stupid dare? Is that how much of a son of a bitch I am, in your eyes, Novak?"
On receiving no reply, Dean continued, starting the car again, as if nothing happened, accelerating to his average speed, and keeping his eyes fixed on the road. In his desire to stare at Dean, Castiel didn't realise when he began to take the longer route to school.
Had Dean actually said that, Castiel's mind begun to process, and had he meant it? Was it part of the game? To make Castiel feel as if Dean's feelings were real - when they were not - and hence compel him to reciprocate. Castiel knew that if Dean Winchester actually felt any sort of attraction towards him - and he was sure that wasn't the case - it would all be even more of a big deal than it now was. But surely he was only kidding? Surely this was only a game, a part of the big scheme to fool Castiel, into making Castiel fall in love with him. Because, if not..NO. It had to be a part of Dean's plan. To make him fall in love with him. Which was seeming easier and easier by the minute.
But Castiel wasn't gonna do that. So he wasn't gonna go along with any of the crap Dean suggested. What's the harm in singing a line from a song, Castiel's brain reasoned, when you let him pick you up from your house, and mess with your brain?
Several minutes passed.
No one spoke.
Castiel was paranoidly afraid that in the deadly silence, maybe each of his loud thoughts were audible. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, waiting and wanting Dean to say something.
He had been in the middle of wondering how he would keep away from Dean for the rest of his life when Dean suddenly spoke up. "You want some music?" He asked, casually, his smile fit in place like it never had vanished.
Castiel stared at Dean in wonder. "U-uh, sure."
Dean left his left hand on the wheel and began rummaging through the CDs in his pile, his eyes flickering to the road and to the titles subsequently. "You got nothing against the Beatles, right?" He inserted the disk into the player, and drummed his fingers on the dashboard as the player tried to 'read' it.
"Of course not." Castiel replied vacantly. Had the whole awkwardness only happened in his brain? Because it sure seemed as if Dean had not even been in the same situation as him. His genial grin was back, and there was not a tint of hesitation or awkwardness in his gaze as he smiled at Castiel, cocking his head towards the player as the song begun to play.
A beautiful soulful music begun to play suddenly, filling the car.
Castiel recognised the song immediately. "Hey, Jude." He muttered quietly, as Paul McCartney's piano ballad made him smile, in spite of the turmoil within him.
"Yeah." Dean mouthed, as if afraid saying something would destroy the atmosphere the song had created. "Isn't it beautiful?"
Castiel was almost sure now, that the whole outburst had been a figment of his imagination. Dean didn't seem to be unfazed, or even affected by any of it now. If he had been silent and broody earlier, he was only grinning and drumming the wheel with the slow beat now. "I love it." He mumbled. He'd listened to it a lot of times before, almost as much as he'd listened to The Cure, or Kansas.
"It's my favourite." Dean spoke suddenly, as the song neared an end. They'd been silent for almost a few minutes, but they were sharing the silence, and the lyrics. It was beautiful. Almost like they were sharing the beauty of the song.
"I am surprised." Castiel replied, unthinkingly. He was now definite that he had spaced out, that the dialogue and the situation had happened in his mind. Dean must've been kidding, Castiel had taken the words with way more impact than they should've caused. It was stupid how shattered Castiel had been.
"Why, I seem more of an Eminem's-Shake-That-Ass guy, huh?"
"Aren't you?" Castiel stared at Dean, everything forgotten in the moment of truth.
Dean shrugged. "Maybe I am. But I'm also an Eminem's-Forever guy." He grinned. "Heard it before?"
"Of course." Castiel grinned back, mirroring Dean's smile.
Another moment of silence passed.
"My mom used to sing it to me when I.." His voice faltered. "My mom sang 'Hey, Jude' to me when she was..still alive."
Castiel remained silent for a moment. "As a child?"
Dean nodded. The song ended. "She sang it for the last time, to me, the night she died. I was four then. It's been my favorite song since..then."
"Not surprised anymore." Castiel almost whispered. Then, shut himself up and clenched his fist, before he could put a hand on Dean's knee like he wished to do at the moment, or say something more mushy.
"I guess a favourite song always needs a sad backstory to be considered appropriate." Dean spoke almost bitterly.
"That's not true." Castiel tried to smile, and it was much easier than he imagined to do so. "It could just be a song which makes you feel good. Or one you relate to." Dean looked straight at the road, wordlessly. Castiel irked to make him smile again. How quickly the situation had changed. Was he not wondering, just a few minutes ago, how to stay away from Dean for the rest of his life? Or how he detested Dean and his gang for the dare? Because it was all blurry at the moment; everything he could think of at the moment was to get Dean talking again. Having no mother at four years must've been a difficult experience. He had to have had a supportive father to turn out alright. But something also told him it wasn't the time to talk about that. He strived to change the topic. "Say, my favorite song? Pictures of you, by the Cu-"
"Cure!" Dean turned excitedly. "Really? I love it too!" Dean almost swerved dangerously, as he devoted his attention to the pile again. He produced the CD containing Castiel's favourite song a moment later. "Here, put this in."
Castiel did, and waited as the song begun. He smiled broadly, as the different yet appealing music filled the space. "I've been looking so long at these pictures of you..." He softly sang along, forgetting he was in Dean's car and not his own room.
"That I almost believe that they're real..." Dean sang the next line, and Castiel turned to him with his eyes wide. His voice was beautiful. Castiel had always liked Dean's voice - sue him for being truthful to himself - but while singing, it was..well, melodious. Not even just pleasant, or soulful, but melodious. "I've been living so long with these pictures of you..." He cocked his head at Castiel, gesturing at him to sing along too.
It was as if Castiel's sudden singing had broken the ice.
"That I almost believe the pictures are, all I can feel..." Both of them sang together, their voices in harmony but still so different. Castiel found himself staring at Dean before he knew it. By the time the song ended - a song which both of them had sung each line to - they were on the School street. Lawrence High was only a minute away.
"What else do you like?" Dean asked, with a grin, as they neared the schoolgates. "Elvis?"
"Sure!" Castiel nodded his head enthusiastically. They were talking like they knew each other since long, now. Nobody noticed when the transition occurred. "You like Bruno Mars?"
"Am I human?" Dean drawled.
"I'm gonna take that as a 'yes'." Castiel grinned broader.
"And I'm gonna take your question as an affirmation that you too like Bruno Mars," Dean grinned, and Castiel didn't even notice as they passed the school gates. He was too busy observing Dean's grin broaden. "And play 'Count on me' for you."
He put in the CD, and the song begun to play.
"You do have versatile tastes from all over the ages." Castiel informed Dean, as Dean bobbed his head to 'You can Count on Me, like One, Two, Three, I'll be there...'
"This is fun!" Dean smirked. "You have great music tastes, Castiel! I never knew!"
"I didn't know our tastes were so similar either, Dean." Castiel smiled. "Or that you could sing so well."
"Well, it has been a long time since I sang, I forgot I was so good at it." Dean winked.
"It was unnecessary to compliment yourselves right now." Castiel frowned.
"Yeah, but it was the perfect way for me to introduce you to Led Zeppelin!" Dean grinned. "Rock and roll!" He began rummaging through the CDs again.
"Introduce me?" Castiel smirked confidently. "I'm fairly sure you won't be introducing me to anything, Winchester." Castiel cleared his throat, and begun to sing along to the record. "It's been a long time since I Rock and Rolled! It's been a long time since I did the Stroll! It's..."
"Wow, you're good." Dean raised his eyebrows. "What about 'Whole Lotta Love'?"
"I might not have been 'living under the spotlight and everyone's envious glances'," he drew air-quotes, at Dean's quote from the previous night, which floated to his memory in a jiffy. "But I haven't been living under a rock either."
"Touche." Dean winked.
This went on for a few more songs of Beatles, Elvis, Led Zeppelin and Metallica.
Castiel - accidentally - glanced at his watch, right when Dean was searching for 'Jailhouse Rock' and his eyes widened. "Dean!" He almost yelled out. "It's ten past nine!"
"Time flies when you're-"
"Don't say, when 'you're with me'.' Castiel chuckled, in spite of being late.
"Alright. 'When' we're together." Dean smirked, proud of himself.
"Come on, Dean!" He urged. "It's not the time! We're late! We're not gonna be allowed in!"
Dean had taken a 'U' and they were back in front of the school now. Dean winked at Castiel with an over-exaggerated 'Shh' and stopped the car right in front of the gate, and lowered the window glass, putting his elbow out. The guard walked out to his window, with a frown. Castiel waited.
"Hi, Jeff." Dean flashed him his most dazzling smile. "I'm so sorry we're late. It was kind of an emergency. You think we can enter?"
The guard hesitated. "Emergency?"
"Yeah. Private." Dean put his other hand - which was in his pocket - out to the guard. The guard uncertainly shook it, but let go of it with a small smile on his face. "You know the stupid office guys; school starts from nine thirty, then why close the gates at nine? Do you think we can be allowed?"
"I think it'll be alright." The guard, with an incomprehensible look on his bearded face, opened the gate. Dean did a beautiful swerve to park his Baby in her parking slot. And did it with a flourish. He looked at Castiel.
"Now, what do you think of that, cherry-pie?" He wiggled his eyebrows.
"I don't get it." Castiel scrunched his nose, and scowled. "The guard usually lets no one enter past nine! And we're ten minutes late!"
"You're with me, sweetheart. And rules don't just bend for Dean Winchester," He smirked, confidently, his gaze directed at Castiel. "They trip over their own tongues, bowing down to him."
TAGS: @just-some-supernatural-trash @supernaturaltakeover @sarcasmandbittercoffee @imabinomialbitch @alwaysbringabananatoapartyrose @alexthetrashmaster @thegirlbetweenthewolves @emmii4 , @ohparis @lucile-carter @suckerfordeansfreckles @iamcharliebradburylevelperfect @frownyfacecas @sama-lam-a @helloimthetrickster @destielsangel @firelight789 @ogopogo4007 @mishaspuella @theshippinglife4me @speak-only-in-spn-gifs @kassyfreaksout @wolffuchs @bowtiesandflannel @xxwinchesterx @winchestergirl-13 @givemeanameforchuckssake @thatsherlockianfangirl @matokii95 @ace-of-black-hearts @19agbrown @rachelehurt @secretlycrazyfangirl @ayeimmaloser @massacnaed @waifukeef @birds-of-forgiveness @sassysousa @binkmoi @wellofwoes @mareaguibo @destiel-otp-of-the-lord @go-live-your-dream-assbutt @iankabra @leslais @sherlocksangelel @w-ayward @thegreatbobbinski MOST OF THESE PEOPLE ASKED TO READ MY STUFF (I love you guys so much, I can’t even) SOME OTHERS I’VE TAGGED BECAUSE A) I’M ASSUMING DIDN’T SEE THE POST and B) I REALLY WANT FOR THEM TO SEE THIS POST (sorry if you actually were not interested and for tagging you without your permissions in some cases)
P. S. Hey, guys, the last chapter wasn't so well-received as the ones before them...is it not going well? Do you people not like the story anymore? Or am I over thinking, which wouldn't be a first...I promise a update *tomorrow* if indeed you guys are liking the story and are just busy (you have a life, I get it, I'm just being paranoid here, please bear with me), but if this one doesn't do too well, I'll restrict to publishing this story on ao3 and continue with my oneshot-fics and drabbles as before...do voice your opinions in the comment section, anyhow, have an awesome day folks! ~ a slightly-worried writer, Sheya
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FROM DARE, TO LOVE (A Destiel Fanfiction)
CHAPTER TWO: "But I must inform you, sweetheart, that there's only one bed in my entire apartment; and I sleep naked."
For a second time in a row, Castiel was certain Dean was going to walk away. And for a second time in a row, Dean surprised him.
"I wanna dance." Dean turned to Castiel, his eyes clear and twinkling. Castiel wondered if this was the same person who had been threateningly looming over him a few minutes ago. He put out a hand towards Castiel, almost as if reaching out for a handshake. "Let's dance, Novak."
Castiel's eyes widened. "No!" He pulled back, clenching his fists.
Dean netted his brows together in a frown, his eyes curiously wandering over Castiel like he was inspecting an alien. "I said, I wanna dance with you. Come on." He repeated, as if he were not have been clear the last time.
Castiel tilted his head a bit, biting back a smile at Dean's confused face. He was clearly not used to being said 'no' to. "And I said, no. Not because, as you think, I don't understand English spoken by you in the first instance," Castiel allowed himself to sport a small, teasing smile, as Dean rubbed the back of his neck. "But because I don't want to. I can't dance!"
"Oh, but you did not-understand, sweetheart," Dean replied, instantly, not missing a beat. There it was, the 'sweetheart' again. "What I actually meant by dancing was holding each other and moving around on the dancefloor under the spotlight and everyone's envious glances."
Castiel pursed his lips. "I do not like the spotlight, or everyone's envious glances, Dean." He spoke quietly, almost cautiously, as if Dean might just burst into laughter.
But he didn't. He merely raised an eyebrow, as he thought about it. "I'll text Benny to go first-base with his girlfriend Andrea, somewhere near the stage. They'll take up the spotlight, and he'll take up 'everyone's envious glances'." He chuckled again, and Castiel had to fight to keep a grin off his face, at the concealed praise of Andrea Kormos' famous looks. "Then, will you dance with me?" He spoke almost gingerly, his voice not slurring at all, and his eyes looking not drunk at all, but almost sincere. Castiel gulped.
He still hesitated, but it was some big saying-no-to, if he said 'no' again. Dean had actually offered to take off everyone's attention from them, and was looking so dapper and cute, just waiting for an answer...and Dean could frankly just go to the dance floor alone and immediately start dancing with any number of random girls if he wanted. He still was asking Castiel.
For a dare, Castiel reminded himself. It still stung, to be the nobody who Dean Winchester was 'dared' to woo. Why would anybody choose 'him'? He stood nowhere on the social ladder; maybe that's why. He had absolutely no intentions of 'falling in love' with Dean Winchester, and helping him complete the dare. But then it was not as if a single dance would mean that Castiel 'wanted' Dean.
Torn up between his two thought-processes, Castiel hesitated.
"Aw, come on, I'll let you grab my ass." Dean winked again.
Castiel drew in a sharp breath, having decided what he wanted to say, but playing along. "I don't want to- I don't want to grab your ass, Dean." He repeated, solemnly.
"Well," Dean thought about it for a full minute, his eyes rolling upwards towards the fluorescent lights of the club, as if it helped him think. "There's nothing wrong with wanting to be the little spoon, Novak, I'll grab your ass if you want."
"That's not what I.." Castiel began indignantly, then noticed the smirk on Dean's face, and stopped mid-sentence. "My point is not about anyone grabbing anyone's ass." He almost rolled his eyes, at the sentence he'd just spoken.
"Well, fine, but whatever your point is, mine is still up for 'grabs'," Dean chuckled at his own joke. "What about you?"
"No," Castiel shook his head, almost with a sigh. Talking to Dean was like trying to talk to a kid who had an over-aged sense of humour. But he was enjoying it. "No, Dean, mine is not."
Dean shrugged, brushing the matter off with a careless bounce of his shoulders. "So, we dancing or what?"
"No." Castiel smiled smally. "No, because the only reason you want to dance with me, is because too many chick-flicks have drilled it into your mind that dancing together is a shortcut to love, and I'm not gonna go along with your stupid plans to 'make me fall in love with you'."
"Firstly," Dean appeared offended. "Chick-flicks? I hate chick-flicks, I don't watch them, Sam's the one who does!" So much for being in denial, Castiel smiled to himself. "And secondly, are you 'actually' already worried about 'falling in love with me'? I mean, I get it, it's gotta be worrisome for you, because, well it's me, but one dance is not gonna make you fall in love with me! Even I wasn't planning on that! Are you actually scared that you'll be in love with me by the time this song is over?"
Castiel opened his mouth to protest, and then closed his mouth. "Reverse psychology, huh?" He cocked his head.
"What can I say, I'm a genius?" Dean mumbled, but somehow it sounded extremely fake, as if he didn't believe it himself, as if he was fake-praising himself, but by this time, Castiel had gotten down from his stool, and Dean had wrapped his arms around the shorter man's waist, so it was difficult for Castiel's brain to function. Castiel stiffened again, now engulfed in a proper hug.
"Dean." Castiel muttered, uncomfortably.
"Yeah?" Dean grinned not realising that Castiel was literally sweating, and it was a cold night of November.
"Can you, uh, not hold me like that?" Castiel managed, struggling to get a hold on his breathing, and pulse rate.
"Oh, I didn't realise you.." Dean drew back a bit, satisfying himself by lightly holding Castiel's hip. "I forgot this was you."
Castiel immediately frowned. "What do you mean?" He hissed.
"Hey, chill, I just meant that I forgot you're not used to dancing or being held so clo-"
"Yeah, because I'm an uncool dork, huh?" Castiel took a step behind, moving out of Dean's grasp. "Who's not used to being held in this totally platonic way by guys, because I don't party, or go to discos where stuff like this is normal, or because I simply am a nerd, huh?"
Dean frowned. "That's not what I tried to say."
"Then what did you try to say?" Castiel snapped. He was fuming at himself for having allowed himself to get carried away by Dean's winning smile and 'reverse psychology'. He should've known, anything related to Dean Winchester, could not, and would not be normal. It was a waste of time. Castiel was playing his own mind, and just because Dean looked like that and had eyes so..so fucking fascinating, Castiel had allowed himself to look like a fool. In the hands of someone who was trying to woo him on a dare. For whom, all he was, was a dare.
Dean faltered, for the first time, at a loss for words. "I meant, man, that I-"
"Forget about it." Castiel growled, all his previous-friendliness towards Dean - that had surfaced for a few minutes - disappeared. "I'm leaving." He began to march towards the gate, ignoring the yells behind him of, 'Hey!', 'Don't walk that fast, I'll have to run to keep up' and 'Stop, Novak, I didn't mean it like that'. His ears flooded with rage, and it was not until he was outside the club, breathing in fresh night air, where the crappy music - Castiel had richer tastes than senseless rap - reached at lesser decibels, that he stood still, leaning against the wall, his eyes closed.
This was so unlike anything, that was his life. He'd never imagined, such a thing could happen to him, that his boring life could be made a book like this. Castiel resolved to not let it be so again. And it needn't matter how green Dean's eyes were or how Castiel's eyes couldn't seem to stop counting Dean's freckles each time they were turned upon his face; he was not gonna be made a fool, and be made to look like an idiot.
"Hey, man."
Castiel turned angrily, but Dean had surprisingly softened features. "What?" He snapped, regardless.
"Don't leave." He said singularly.
"Or what?" Castiel hissed back. He noticed, as he spoke, he could see the air come out of his mouth. It was freezing cold, and being the genius he was - he would later attribute it to his lack of experience in the storming-out-of-clubs area - he had forgotten his coat in the club. "You might think you, the Dean Winchester have a right over everyone, or that the world owes you everything. But you don't have any right to tell me what to do or not to do! Whether to fall in love with you or not! I am not gonna fall in love with you, or be made to look like an idiot, and I shall leave any time I may wish to! So, Dean Winchester, what if I leave?"
Dean opened his mouth, as if he would say something, but then chose not to. A moment passed. Then Dean spoke, "Nothing, really. You can definitely leave if you want to. Just...don't leave like this."
"What?" Castiel repeated himself, still angry.
"It's chilly outside. You left your coat..." Dean pursed his lips. "If you ever did bring one, I wouldn't know, but you should've, and if you have," Dean was looking at the ground; Castiel, at him. "Don't forget it at the club. They don't have a very efficient Lost-and-Found system, you know, and someone else will probably wear it and walk off."
Castiel wanted to yell out, that nobody would want his ugly old beige trenchcoat. But he was quiet, realising Dean was actually paying attention to him to notice that he was wearing a single layer.
"And, yeah, I did deserve all you said, but I need you to know I didn't mean what you thought I meant." Dean muttered.
"Uh-uh." Castiel muttered back, aimlessly, staring at the pebbles near his foot.
"And I," Dean turned his eyes upwards at Castiel, and Castiel noticed Dean was smirking again. The all-too-familiar twinkle in his eyes and easy smile was in it's place, and there was mischief in his voice. But, after having witnessed that one moment of reality, it struck Castiel as strange. "I mean, it frankly wouldn't make sense if I said things that mean to you, when I was trying to make you fall in love with me, huh? I'm not stupid. Not all that awesome a pick-up line, if you know what I mean."
Castiel rolled his eyes. "Yes." He mumbled singularly.
"So you...I mean, you..are not offended..and-" Dean stammered a bit.
"Yeah, Dean Winchester, I accept your apology." Castiel winked, in spite of himself. A voice in the back of his mind told him to be rude some more and completely put Dean off of him, but he ignored it.
"I never said 'sorry'." Dean clarified, a smile creeping up to his lips.
"Oh my god, are you one of those sorry-misers?" Castiel frowned, and pulled back. "You know, one of those people who will say anything, but the 's' word? Please tell me you're not one of those!"
"Hey, I say sorry when I need to." Dean scowled back, and the interesting turning down of his lips and lopsided look made Castiel want to chuckle, but he restrained himself. "And, anyways, even if I was a...whatever-you-said, I could change! I could change myself for you, and not let anything be a hindrance in our love. So tell me, Castiel Novak, were I one, would that make you not love me? Would thy deem me incapable of loving?" Dean ended, dramatically, overacting like a bitch, but making Castiel laugh nonetheless.
Castiel shook his head for a reply, and Dean smirked and muttered something about how cliche that 'no' was and how soon it would turn into a 'I love you, Dean, in spite of your flings and flaws', which made Castiel roll his eyes for the millionth time. The two began walking back towards the club - Castiel had fast-walked about hundred metres ahead of the door.
"Thee, by the way." Castiel muttered, as they walked.
Dean raised an eyebrow. "What?"
"You said 'would thy deem me incapable of loving'. Not 'thy', 'thee'." Castiel spoke quietly, realising he sounded like a dork, correcting someone's dramatic rant's Shakespearean English. "I mean..nothing. Forget about it."
"No, no, that's cute." Dean half-turned towards Castiel, continuing to walk nonetheless. "You correcting my grammar is cute. I think it's cute." Dean smiled.
Castiel inhaled deeply, and didn't reply. What would he say, anyways, to Dean calling him cute. And smiling at him like that. He was right. Dean Winchester was incredibly charming.
They reached the club, and the blaring loud music brought Castiel out of his reverie. "I'll go get my coat."
"I'd offer, but I don't know which one's yours." Dean flirted unabashedly.
Castiel reddened a bit once again. "I'm perfectly capable of getting my coat by myself, Dean."
"I bet you are," Dean grinned. "But it's called chivalry. So I'll walk with you."
Castiel chuckled, in spite of himself. Dean was behaving like one of those guys who were in epic long-term relationships and didn't get tired of their partners, like ever. Those really, really, rare guys. God, Dean was really already putting in all of his best. But a few cheesy lines might make Castiel blush, or shut up, but they weren't gonna make him fall in love. That is so not how it happened.
"You're ridiculous." Castiel informed Dean, and walked in, inevitably followed by Dean. He picked out his trenchcoat, and folding it up and draping it over his arm, he walked back out. Dean followed, again.
"So, you're actually going home?" Dean asked, politely, as Castiel put on his trenchcoat over his jacket. "Because of me?"
"Yeah." Castiel nodded, sarcastically. "Because of you, and not because of the fact that I was bored to a pre-mature-death state just sitting there, and doing nothing."
Dean grinned. "Aw, so you aren't still mad at me?"
"For the..sentence? No." Castiel even flashed him a small smile. "For this whole deal where you're being fake-nice to me and pretending to be into me to literally make me fall in love with you, so that you can win a bet, or a dare, or whatever this is, and your gang can get a kick out of it? Yeah, I'm still angry about that."
"You'll grow out of it." Dean assured. Then, his eyes uncertainly scanned the road. "So..you're gonna run home like you were doing had I not interrupted?"
"I wasn't running." Castiel frowned.
"Yeah, well, jogged home. Same thing." Dean shrugged.
"I was only walking." Castiel frowned deeper, squinting.
"Oh well, are you gonna casually walk home at the speed of 100 miles an hour?" Dean smiled.
"That would make me faster than the cheetah, whose fastest speed is only 67 miles per hour and officially the fastest land creature." Castiel spoke, regretting the sudden burst of trivia, and answering Dean's question in a hurry, before Dean would begin to tell Castiel he thought him being a nerd was cute and smile like that. "And, no. When I was safely away from you, I was gonna call my cousin to pick me up. He's who brought me here."
"Well," Dean smiled brightly, his entire face lighting up. Dimples, Castiel noticed for the first time. He'd have to look out for those dimples too, from now on. Why were so many elements of Dean's face so fascinating. "How about you call him up and tell him you found a ride?" He finger-gunned himself.
Castiel pinched his brows together, his breathing picking up pace. "You?"
"Yeah, I'll take you home." Dean said casually.
"Whose-" Castiel muttered, before he could think exactly what he was saying. "I mean, obviously mine, but you know, you don't know..." His voice faltered, unable to articulate his unclear state of mind.
But Dean had heard it. He laughed out loud, throwing back his shoulders one instant, and bending, holding his stomach the other. It was great to watch him laugh like that. Castiel secretly felt proud of himself. "Well, sweetheart," he began smoothly, after he'd stopped laughing and gasping for breath. "I have no problems with either. But I must inform you that there's only one bed in my entire apartment, and I sleep naked." He added solemnly.
Castiel stifled his urge to chuckle, satisfying himself with sporting a little smile. "I didn't mean that."
"Of course you didn't." Dean cooed, and Castiel scowled in response. "Why don't you call up your cousin, and then I can take you home?" He spoke the last words in a breathy voice, his gaze all intense and mysterious. The infamous smolder. Castiel knew it was meant as a joke, but he realised he couldn't look away. He gulped, wishing he could just look away, anywhere but into Dean's graciously green eyes and perfect lips...It was a total shame that a guy be made to look that heavenly. It was unfair.
"You can blink, honey," Dean chuckled, breaking away the gaze himself. Castiel blinked a couple of times, and his eyes began to flicker all around the face, at everything other than Dean's face.
"I wasn't..staring." He muttered, helplessly, fishing out his cell phone from his coat pocket, and begin to poke buttons on the screen to place a call to Gabriel. As he did, he realised he was actually going to go home with a stranger, well as stranger as a guy he met that very night who wanted to make him fall in love was. But he realised he didn't really care. While he didn't care about love, Dean seemed trust-able enough. As a friend, or something, which he knew in the back of his mind that he and Dean Winchester were never going to be, but well, the point was, at the moment, that he had come to the club with his cousin and was going to leave with the most popular guy in highschool and the thought didn't really bother him. Perhaps Castiel had learnt to 'live in the moment', as Charlie had scowled and said Castiel didn't know how to. He smiled inwardly at the thought, and clicked on the 'call' button. It was a character development, you could say.
"When did I say you were?" Dean regarded, with another flirtatious smile. Castiel strained his eyes away, and put the phone to his ear.
The phone rang.
Gabriel picked up right when Castiel was sure the call would go to voicemail.
"Gabriel?" Castiel spoke softly, aware that Gabriel was probably completely drunk by now and any sound would probably irk him up and give him a headache.
"Castiel?" Gabriel spoke, and he sounded weirdly sober.
Castiel had been about to stammer out his situation, but Gabriel cut him off.
"You called in perfect time. I was gonna call you any moment now. Meet me outside the club in five, we're leaving." He spoke kind of shortly. Castiel didn't believe that he was disappointed, but he tried his best to hide it.
"I'm already out here. See you." Castiel was about to add something, but Gabriel hung up abruptly. Castiel looked at Dean, who was looking at him, almost hopefully. "He's leaving. I'm...gonna be leaving with him."
"Well, it's cool." Dean grinned, casually. There was no disappointment of any sort of his face. Maybe he wasn't, or maybe he was exceptionally good at hiding it. More possibly the former, considering it was Castiel. Castiel himself did his best to not look sad, and even grinned, when Dean added, "I'm sure I'll get pretty many chances to take you home later."
"I don't usually come to clubs." Castiel informed him.
"Yeah, well, we go to the same highschool." Dean replied with a smile, and Castiel, for a moment, was actually fazed that Dean hinted he would talk to him during school. During school, Dean Winchester was...was seldom unnoticed. He was surrounded by at least ten people all the time, and guys and girls flitted around like bees to honey. And Castiel, had his own circle of what? Three - Four people. And Dean would actually hangout with him? The thought was...Castiel pushed it out of his mind, realising he had spaced out in front of Dean, and rushing back to reality.
"We do, yes." Castiel affirmed.
There was silence for a while.
"And hey, Gabriel is your..cousin?"
Tags: @just-some-supernatural-trash @supernaturaltakeover @sarcasmandbittercoffee @imabinomialbitch @alwaysbringabananatoapartyrose @alexthetrashmaster @thegirlbetweenthewolves @i-ship-destiel67 @emmii4 , @ohparis @lucile-carter @suckerfordeansfreckles @iamcharliebradburylevelperfect @frownyfacecas @sama-lam-a @helloimthetrickster @destielsangel @firelight789 @ogopogo4007 @mishaspuella @theshippinglife4me @speak-only-in-spn-gifs @kassyfreaksout @wolffuchs @bowtiesandflannel @xxwinchesterx @winchestergirl-13 @givemeanameforchuckssake @thatsherlockianfangirl @matokii95 @ace-of-black-hearts @19agbrown @rachelehurt @secretlycrazyfangirl @ayeimmaloser @(thanks, for wanting to read my stuff) SOME OTHERS I'VE TAGGED BECAUSE A) I’M ASSUMING DIDN’T SEE THE POST and B) I REALLY WANT FOR THEM TO SEE THIS POST (sorry if you actually were not interested and for tagging you without your permissions in some cases) *** ALRIGHT, I JUST REALISED SOMETHING. COPYING THE TAGS FROM ONE POST TO ANOTHER DOESN'T IMMEDIATELY TAG THOSE PEOPLE, IT JUST SHOWS THEIR NAMES. I'M AN IDIOT, AND HERE I WAS, WONDERING WHY MY AWESOME READERS WERE NOT READING IT IN SPITE OF ME TAGGING THEM, AND UGH, I JUST REALISED IT, AND I FEEL LIKE AN IDIOT!
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