#sungmin users
solarisgod · 14 days
✨️✨️✨️!!!!!! (runs in late) WAIT WAIT i need it to be known that i have never seen such love, time, energy and devotion put into original characters the way i have seen you guys do it. not to mention the incredible writing that has provoked emotion from not just me but many others. it is a constant inspiration for me. you guys are also hands down the nicest, loveliest, sweetest user on this site with your unwavering kindness and love shown to everyone! i love you MWAH 💓✨️💓✨️💓✨️
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NANASTAR WE ARE HOLDING AND TWIRLING YOU AROUND LIKE ^^^ !!! THAT'S US ALL!!! Wait no because this is genuinely one of the most blessing compliments, in regards to our passion and devotion in our OCs, to get ever!?!?!? We've known your two original characters so far and THEY'RE SO SUPER DUPER B!!! I love seeing your creativity and dedication so much with your original creations. Like finding the Sungmin who's known to be sharp tongued and he has art manipulation and getting to see the creation process of Kiyomi with a fascinating Quirk and interesting characterization? NOW THAT IS FANTASTIC!!! Don't even get me started gushing about your writings now, bro, THEY'RE JUST SO GOOD LIKE THE WAY I'D FEEL LIKE WE'RE WATCHING A REAL BNHA EPISODE FROM YOUR MUSE'S POV!!! That's so wicked. We don't ever see anyone else writing second person pov in the rpc so you OWN second person pov now, it's the laws of stars /hj ( but ... what if it's /srs? 😳 ). Thank you SO much for the love and compliments overall! You're just very amazing and we're so beyond glad and happy we could meet you and have you as a friend! We love ya too MWAH MWAH!!! 💖✨
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▌┊ SEND ✨ IF YOU LIKE OUR WRITING // : @4heroes , accepting !
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i've been so invested in this boys planet thing bc of woongrome (jerome is now going by his real name, oh sungmin/seongmin) that i'm scared i'll forget about to1 and theyll just become some afterthought like all the other groups i ulted. thats scary bc i wanna love them for a loooong ass time and its been like only a year lol. how tf do ppl ult the same group for like yEARS AND YEARS
minsus ig user is minminmul btw
I've ulted EXO for 10 years
and what happens is there are seasons. life goes on, you find new things and love new people... but they still sit somewhere special in your heart. you hear their voices and you're home.
I'm big in my TXT feels rn, and last month it was ENHA, and I'm about to drift into BP feels
but EXO are still there. their albums are still comfort. they're still home.
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vincerehq · 1 year
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registro del legado SUNGIL CHOI, hijo del presidente ejecutivo de la constructora inmobiliaria WOOSEOK taeho choi. de nacionalidad coreana, tiene veintidós años y actualmente es compositor y estudiante de finanzas. tras consultar a los oráculos descubrió que su espíritu está conectado a jung sungmin, entendiendo finalmente el parecido físico entre ambos.
la clave te da la bienvenida, DEV ( ella/suya ). de antemano, te agradecemos por el interés. a partir de ahora cuentas con 24 horas para enviar tu cuenta. ¡te esperamos!
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elfinku · 3 years
Jerome Users !
⠀ ⠀ i2jerome⠀ ⠀ ⠀ jeromeqr
⠀ ⠀ s__ungmin⠀ ⠀ iCakeSMin
⠀ ⠀ DateSMin⠀ ⠀ i2Sungmin
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sietemaravillas · 3 years
park jihoon queda liberade y jung sungmin (lune) queda ocupade.
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unhalloa2 · 2 years
"how i’d love to kill you." sungmin to aku ........... theyre angry n for WHAT
𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐢𝐭 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐞𝐫.   they say once you've killed one man,   you've killed them all.   akutagawa finds it to be easy enough to get lost in the monotonous blood spray,   to tangle together faces and broken bones under one unidentifiable lump to be discarded into a flooded river valley.   THE DEPERSONALIZATION OF DEATH IS SOMETHING A RABID DOG BECOMES COMFORTABLE IN.   [ the worms pick rotting flesh from the bones of a businessman the same way they do a single mother or a teenage athlete,   akutagawa knows:   death and decay show no difference,   and neither will he. ]   he bristles under the heavy black coat,   anger bubbling and boiling and overflowing out of his lungs,   coughing red into the white of his handkerchief tucked neatly into a pocket,   and the boy tips his head back to laugh in the face of the other with angry eyes that scorch hotter than the sun.
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❝   you’re not worth my time.   ❞      hands fold neatly atop themselves within the chaos user’s lap,   poised far too gracefully for the expanse of the thread looming in the air.   SHOWING FAR TOO LITTLE INTEREST FOR THE EXPANSE OF THE THREAT LOOMING IN THE AIR.   eyes are a blackened void where they’ve fixed to the center of the other’s forehead,   silently willing the man to self combust before and save him the trouble of any cleanup.      ❝   you’re hardly worth anybody’s time,   really.   ❞
random quotes on tumblr.   currently accepting.
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mythaura-blog · 6 years
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Hey all! Welcome to our monthly development update, apologies for (another) late post! Here is what lies under the cut.
What’s new?
New Special - Python!
The Dashboard - Your home page.
New Monsters and New Item Patreon Illustrations.
Community spotlight - Lorehounds.
What’s new?
February has been a busy month for us behind the scenes - We had hoped to launch an updated version of the Beast Demo along side this update, however we have found some significant bugs that need to be squashed before release. Our talented front-end coder is working hard to get the updated demo into your hands soon, some of the features you can read about in our last development update.  But here is some good news - A new Special marking has been created and is ready to be played with on our current demo! The Python Special was created thanks to our lovely Patreon supporters who voted on the topic and design, thank you guys! The design of the special itself is the work of our resident artist Gelly. Python applies a marking similar to that of a Python snake, and works quite well with it our other reptilian inspired Special, Skink. I can’t wait to see what new designs the community comes up with.
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Python is now live on the current demo! -> Click here to play!
Other game play elements are progressing this month - right now we have a focus on building social elements of Mythaura which includes the forums and their related functions. We’ll have more to share on that by March. We’re also developing and conceptualizing the Dashboard..
The Dashboard - your home page
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* note that the above image is conceptual and subject to change!
Upon logging into Mythaura, you will land upon what we are currently calling the Dashboard.  The Dashboard will contain all the current events and snapshots of current events happening within the game. Each container will contain clickable links that will bring you to the updated areas. 
The upper container will show the latest news updates, clicking on this will take you to a news post on the official forums where you can read the entirety of the news as well as share your comments or read comments by others. 
The containers below the news will contain different topics depending on what is new or recently updated. For example they could show lore updates, current faction leads or status, or new items.
Below those containers again will live four others. Here there will be a randomly featured Beast from the community, trending forum topics, site tickers or current status and custom bookmarks. Custom bookmarks are any page on Mythaura that you can save to your dashboard to make it easier to navigate to your favorite pages. They can be changed at any time. 
We are still thinking of other ideas and features for the Dashboard - if you have any ideas or what you would like to see, please don’t hesitate to voice them! 
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Mythic and Artisan Patreon rewards have the opportunity to work with the artists to create their own Monsters and Items that will appear in-game. Here are the illustrations that have been created this month. Many thanks to our incredibly creative supporters! Mythaura would not exist if it wasn’t for your amazing support. Monsters: Avakiru - Created with Malis! Armored Dale Wanderer - Created with Fizzywits! Celestial Stalker - Created with Mezzo!
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Items: From left to right: Black Moonlily - Created with Keith Winn! Fish Spirit Pearl - Created with Sungmin Kim! Magic Obsidian - Created with Kirkeyressa! Geode Locket -  Created with TwinFishies! Dunkleosteus Skull - Created with Frillshark! Red Rose - Created with Aku!
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Community Spotlight
There are so many awesome creations that the budding Mythaura community create every single day, I really wish I had more room to include every piece here! In the future, there may be a separate post showcasing both the art talents and the writing talents. For now, this month’s community spotlight will be directed upon the incredible lorehounds. Check out these fantastic head cannons and pieces of fiction inspired by Mythaura!
Created by Discord user Fimbrethil - A map of their own Port Damselfly built near Dawn Ruins and the Sleeping Waters.
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An inspiring piece of writing by Discord user kevin!  
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Feathers blessed by the stars, one often finds the beast conjuring charts between her claws. Those who hold the galaxy on their bodies are often found in this manner, the female being no exception. Much like the celestial bodies that drift from their pelts, the hippogriff's wings can't seem to take her close enough to the skies above. Mapping the marks on her wings sates the need to take on the sky, as even the dullest birds know that the universe is too vast for one chart. Yet this doesn't stop her from trying, eyes longingly gazing from her deep blues and blacks to the light-constructed diagram. Someday, a perfect map of the painted dome will be complete.
Discord user BettaSenpai’s poetic head canon on Hippogriffs! A beast of bird and steed: noble, graceful, and strange. A wing beat and the galloping of hooves. Never a day goes by I wonder if they live here, in this land filled with magic and dreams. Perhaps somewhere I am in my bed asleep, and my mind and soul found this place. Maybe I am daydreaming about magic and adventure strong enough to see this beautiful place. And yet, dream or not, the reality is I have never felt more alive to see their grace and power before me. I am humbled. Mighty beast, if you may hear me, know that I admire you. Know that I wish to understand you and that if this is a dream, I pray to return to you. To this world. Fly now dear beast; I shall awaken, and remind the world of your beauty again. There they are again. This time they soar and dive above me in some acrobatic show that dares you to look away. They move through the sky so effortlessly. Such fantastic beasts... They are closer now as if they have become used to me being here and now as they slowly get more comfortable with me I realize how much I admire them. Before I might have just looked on in awe but now as I return again and again it gets harder for me to leave them. I can hear them call, perhaps they are saying my name? If only I could decode such a melodic sound. Would it lose its magic if it was understood? Could it still be a mystery? Whatever they may be saying as I feel myself leaving their world I find it harder and harder to go. Rest now beasts of land and sky, noble, fierce, and graceful. I remind myself of who I wish to be. 
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Discord user and Mythic Supporter Fizzywits description of the Armored Dale Wanderer Monster!
The Armored Dale Wanderer is what appears to be a peculiar cross between plant and animal. This hybrid of sorts has been known to consume insects of every shape and size, but evidently can also survive exclusively through photosynthesis. Armored dale wanderers are heavily dependent on intraspecies symbiosis, and will inevitably perish if separated from others of its kind for at least half a season's worth of time. 
 These strange beasts are named (rather uncreatively) after their characteristics: they possess tough scales that serve effectively as armor. Composed primarily of bark and chitin, these scales are difficult for insects to chew through. Furthermore, they often reside in or along valleys - though they begin their lives as sedentary creatures, when they mature a few years after birth, they migrate seasonally in massive herds from one side of their local valley to the other. They dig deep holes to lay and bury their eggs in; they stop to dig only when confident in the quality of the surrounding soil. They breed in the summer, and healthy saplings tend to emerge come early autumn.
 Little is known as to how these blind creatures are able to navigate - despite possessing what appear to be a heads, each wanderer has at least one pair of orifices and one mouth-like structure per head, none of which serves as a sensory organ for sight. They will lie dormant in the spring and autumn until a dramatic shift in temperature instigates movement. Although they are not hostile creatures, they will travel without rest during migration period, and feel no remorse for trampling anything that happens to be serving as an obstacle between themselves and their destination. As much as they depend on numbers for survival, groups do not seem to exhibit any defined social hierarchy with the exception that the eldest wanderer is the first to wake and thus leads the rest in migration. Skirmishes with these beasts are rare. They are neutral to other organisms who decide to inhabit their bodies. 
 Anatomically, armored dale wanderers resemble hydra. They are hermaphrodites and boast flowers and vines decorating their bodies. These floral arrangements may differ depending on region.
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The official Discord has added some fun little emoticons of our favorite faction leaders - Esris and Reine. Click here to join in on the conversations! 
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That’s it for now! Thank you all for being so patient, we will have more exciting things to share very soon. 
❤ Grif
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oophok · 6 years
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Lumapath VR prototype - Master thesis / 2018 #VR #Game Design #3D
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Lumapath is a VR game designed to create a safe virtual environment for users to be immersed in and work on their range of motion (RoM). “Safe” is defined here as a virtual environment that takes the target player’s physical limitations in consideration to create an experience that will not motivate players to perform possible dangerous physical movements. Players travel to different planets in search of rare plants and life forms while operating a diverse set of interactions using their motion controllers. This project was developed while I was a Research Assistant and Game Designer at The Pain Studies Lab at Simon Fraser University. Noel Feng - programmer Sungmin Park - concept art Liah Castillo - concept art Diane Gromala - supervision Link to the thesis’ PDF
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tsushimarp · 4 years
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Conheça mais de tsu_sungmin!
NOME: Jeon Sungmin. USER DO TWITTER: tsu_sungmin DATA DE NASCIMENTO / IDADE: 08 de fevereiro de 2001 / 19 anos. GÊNERO: Masculino. NACIONALIDADE: Coreia do Sul. ETNIA: Coreano. OCUPAÇÃO: Estudante de Ciência da Computação em Seoul.
Turista em Toyotama desde julho de 2020.
PERSONALIDADE Com qual personalidade o Sungmin vai levantar da cama hoje? Sei lá… Perto da família ele tem seu jeitinho particular. Mas no seu estágio em Seul ele é meio diferente, e perto dos amigos o Minnie já vai além e fica diferentão mesmo. 
É que o Jeon Sungmin é uma dessas pessoas que sabem se adaptar facinho a quem estar por perto, isso porque ele emana uma boa energia de confiança nesse jeito nervoso de falar - ou na sua risada meio fungada. Sungmin não tem medo de ser ele mesmo, entendeu? Nem mesmo quando era conhecido pelo colegial como o Nerdão CDF Querido que deixava todo mundo colar da sua prova. 
Mas se tratando da opinião de terceiros, todo mundo percebe Jeon Sungmin como um garoto contente. Isso aí. Desses animados, fáceis de sorrir e com uma curiosidade meio exagerada pra vida. Um tantinho medroso se tratando de insetos voadores ou tempestades, mas que gosta de mostrar sua presença e ser feliz sem ninguém se intrometendo demais.x
PASSADO Jeon Sungmin aprendeu a falar e a andar muito cedo em relação aos outros bebês, o que rendeu um trabalhinho extra pro papai e pra mamãe que precisavam lidar com um bebê levado e esperto -  desses sempre a ameaçar pular do berço, sabe? Sungmin era desses. Puxado pra bagunça, ansioso-doido pra ver a reação das pessoas sobre tudo. A regra clássica das festas de aniversário da vizinhança era: “Ninguém deixa o Minnie tocar em nada, se não o moleque vai quebrar!” e isso continuou se estabelecendo ao passar dos anos, mas em diferentes aspectos... 
De toda forma, o Sungmin cresceu como uma criança feliz que chupou chupeta por tempo demais - um lance chamado “Estágio Oral” ou “Oral Fixation”, como a terapeuta dele gostava de chamar. Aí os dentes ficaram bagunçados e tudo… Por isso o aparelho! Na escola, era o nerdzinho engraçado da turma. Isso de saber se adaptar fez o Sungmin escapar de muitas enrascadas porque, puxa vida, é só olhar pra ele que dá pra perceber: baixinho, magricela, aparelho, risada fungada… Sungmin assumia (e ainda assume) todas as características pra ser um potencial alvo de bullying. E mesmo assim ele conseguia sair ileso de tudo.
Por quê? 
Ah, claro. Ninguém mexe com o Sungmin porque ele é legal! Só. Ele é quem sabia interpretar melhor os personagens no Dungeons and Dragons. Ele é quem ensina matemática pra gente antes da prova. Ele é quem deixa você colar na prova se no dia seguinte o milkshake for por sua conta…x
PRESENTE Mas falando do agora, certas coisas mudaram, outras não. Sungmin é um jovem adulto universitário, estudante de Ciência da Computação na Universidade Nacional de Seul. Tem novos amigos, uma voz mais grossa, livros pesando na mochila e um sonho muitíssimo alcançável de fazer intercâmbio em algum país da Europa. 
Em contrapartida, o Minnie já não tem mais tanto interesse em Dungeons and Dragons e não reclama do sabor amargo da cerveja. 
Mas dentre as coisas que vem e vão, a que fixou de verdade foi essa personalidade de intensa curiosidade. Sungmin quer descobrir tudo sobre o mundo - deve ser pela faculdade, talvez? Isso de ficar testando e revisando os códigos pra ver se tudo tá funcionando mesmo. Quer participar de mil e um projetinhos na universidade, fazer novas amizades, experimentar novas comidas… Ele quer viver a vida! 
Foi toda essa curiosidade que motivou ele e mais quatro amigos de chegar em Tsushima: “O Liam conhece uma ilha legal perto de Busan. É meio dividida entre japoneses e coreanos, mas tem muita coisa pra ver e conhecer… Quer ir com a gente?”. 
Então, com o seu primeiro semestre devidamente finalizado, Sungmin e mais quatro amigos chegaram pra desbravar Tsushima enquanto o verão e as férias durarem!
FUTURO Com dezenove anos a gente pensa menos no futuro e foca mais no presente. Bom, sobre o seu futuro na ilha o Sungmin não tem muitos planos além de voltar pra Seul quando o verão terminar - afinal, ele é um turista! Mas como todo viajante ortodoxo, Minnie espera conseguir arrancar uns aprendizados legais na sua experiência dentro da ilha. 
Sobre o médio e o longo prazo, bem... Sungmin quer terminar a faculdade sem muitos estresses e com boas notas. Quem sabe conseguir um intercâmbio pra Europa e uma pós-graduação fora do seu país de nascença também? Ainda são muitos sonhos no papel e muitos códigos a serem aprendidos, mas pelos próximos dois meses, Sungminnie só quer aproveitar as suas tão sonhadas férias!
ORIENTAÇÃO SEXUAL: Homossexual. TEMAS DE INTERESSE: Angst; Crack; Fluff; General; Romance; Smut. FACECLAIM: Yang Jeongin, Stray Kids.
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andreggvil · 7 years
!! Why are people hating on Sungmin?? What are they saying?
i’m not sure if you know this already, but this post gives a pretty good outline of events and what happened that caused K-ELFs to start hating on sungmin.
my own stance on the issue is that, yes, sungmin did screw up to some extent and i can see why the members and K-ELFs would’ve been mad at him. he did block out his korean fans that were just trying to protect him and he handled the situation badly. however, i think that going to the extent of telling him to leave super junior and shitting on him and his wife at every given opportunity is taking it too far.
the nonsensical Korean comments have lots of extra consonants and vowels so that it would be untranslatable, but if you know enough Korean, you’ll be able to tell that it’s complete gibberish and will be able to make out what they’re trying to say. many of the comments are sarcastic, mocking ones begging him to leave SJ, telling him to grow a conscience, saying that they don’t want his face to plague the SMTOWN channel, etc.
i’ve only learned Korean for a little more than half a year so i can’t read that much of the nonsense (some of them really go to lengths to make sure that it’s super difficult to read so i cold only make out some of it), but i can read enough of it to tell what the comment is saying. but i’m sure there are worse comments. last night i reported about 20+ of these comments as harassment and bullying and i’ve been upvoting the positive comments so that if sungmin sees it, at least he’ll see that there are more people are rooting for him.
the saddest thing is that a lot of these commenters make it obvious that they’re “ELFs” but they don’t act like one. the top 4 comments that i reported were all from a Korean user by the name of “ELF SJ”. it really pisses me off and saddens me to see all these rude, hateful comments that sungmin doesn’t deserve. i do think that he deserved the backlash at first but still, these comments are now just mean-spirited and overboard.
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vincerehq · 1 year
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JUNG SUNGMIN ( LUNE ) ha sido reservade a nombre de DEV. agradecemos el interés, a partir de ahora cuentas con 48 horas para enviar tu audición. ¡esperamos tengas una linda tarde!
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thewebofslime · 5 years
Jong Woo Son, 23, a South Korean national, was indicted by a federal grand jury in the District of Columbia for his operation of Welcome To Video, the largest child sexual exploitation market by volume of content. The nine-count indictment was unsealed today along with a parallel civil forfeiture action. Son has also been charged and convicted in South Korea and is currently in custody serving his sentence in South Korea. An additional 337 site users residing in Alabama, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington State and Washington, D.C. as well as the United Kingdom, South Korea, Germany, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the Czech Republic, Canada, Ireland, Spain, Brazil and Australia have been arrested and charged. Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, U.S. Attorney Jessie K. Liu for the District of Columbia, Chief Don Fort of IRS Criminal Investigation (IRS-CI) and Acting Executive Associate Director Alysa Erichs of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), made the announcement. “Darknet sites that profit from the sexual exploitation of children are among the most vile and reprehensible forms of criminal behavior,” said Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division. “This Administration will not allow child predators to use lawless online spaces as a shield. Today’s announcement demonstrates that the Department of Justice remains firmly committed to working closely with our partners in South Korea and around the world to rescue child victims and bring to justice the perpetrators of these abhorrent crimes.” “Children around the world are safer because of the actions taken by U.S. and foreign law enforcement to prosecute this case and recover funds for victims,” said U.S. Attorney Jessie K. Liu. “We will continue to pursue such criminals on and off the darknet in the United States and abroad, to ensure they receive the punishment their terrible crimes deserve.” “Through the sophisticated tracing of bitcoin transactions, IRS-CI special agents were able to determine the location of the Darknet server, identify the administrator of the website and ultimately track down the website server’s physical location in South Korea,” said IRS-CI Chief Don Fort. “This largescale criminal enterprise that endangered the safety of children around the world is no more. Regardless of the illicit scheme, and whether the proceeds are virtual or tangible, we will continue to work with our federal and international partners to track down these disgusting organizations and bring them to justice.” “Children are our most vulnerable population, and crimes such as these are unthinkable,” said HSI Acting Executive Associate Director Alysa Erichs. “Sadly, advances in technology have enabled child predators to hide behind the dark web and cryptocurrency to further their criminal activity. However, today’s indictment sends a strong message to criminals that no matter how sophisticated the technology or how widespread the network, child exploitation will not be tolerated in the United States. Our entire justice system will stop at nothing to prevent these heinous crimes, safeguard our children, and bring justice to all.” According to the indictment, on March 5, 2018, agents from the IRS-CI, HSI, National Crime Agency in the United Kingdom, and Korean National Police in South Korea arrested Son and seized the server that he used to operate a Darknet market that exclusively advertised child sexual exploitation videos available for download by members of the site. The operation resulted in the seizure of approximately eight terabytes of child sexual exploitation videos, which is one of the largest seizures of its kind. The images, which are currently being analyzed by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), contained over 250,000 unique videos, and 45 percent of the videos currently analyzed contain new images that have not been previously known to exist. Welcome To Video offered these videos for sale using the cryptocurrency bitcoin. Typically, sites of this kind give users a forum to trade in these depictions. This Darknet website is among the first of its kind to monetize child exploitation videos using bitcoin. In fact, the site itself boasted over one million downloads of child exploitation videos by users. Each user received a unique bitcoin address when the user created an account on the website. An analysis of the server revealed that the website had more than one million bitcoin addresses, signifying that the website had capacity for at least one million users. The agencies have shared data from the seized server with law enforcement around the world to assist in identifying and prosecuting customers of the site. This has resulted in leads sent to 38 countries and yielded arrests of 337 subjects around the world. The operation has resulted in searches of residences and businesses of approximately 92 individuals in the United States. Notably, the operation is responsible for the rescue of at least 23 minor victims residing in the United States, Spain and the United Kingdom, who were being actively abused by the users of the site. In the Washington, D.C.-metropolitan area, the operation has led to the execution of five search warrants and eight arrests of individuals who both conspired with the administrator of the site and were themselves, users of the website. Two users of the Darknet market committed suicide subsequent to the execution of search warrants. Amongst the sites users charged are: Charles Wunderlich, 34, of Hot Springs, California, was charged in the District of Columbia with conspiracy to distribute child pornography; Brian James LaPrath, 34, of San Diego, California, was arrested in the District of Columbia, for international money laundering; and was sentenced to serve 18 months in prison followed by three years of supervised release; Ernest Wagner, 70, of Federal Way, Washington, was arrested and charged in the District of Columbia with conspiracy to distribute child pornography; Vincent Galarzo, 28, of Glendale, New York, was arrested and charged in the District of Columbia with conspiracy to distribute child pornography; Michael Ezeagbor, 22, of Pflugerville, Texas, was arrested and charged in the District of Columbia with conspiracy to distribute child pornography; Nicholas Stengel, 45, of Washington, D.C., pleaded guilty to receipt of child pornography and money laundering and was sentenced to serve 15 years in prison followed by a lifetime of supervised release; Eryk Mark Chamberlin, 25, of Worcester, Massachusetts, pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography and is pending sentencing; Jairo Flores, 30, of Cambridge, Massachusetts, pleaded guilty in the District of Massachusetts to receipt and possession of child pornography and was sentenced to serve five years in prison followed by five years of supervised release; Billy Penaloza, 29, of Dorchester, Massachusetts, pleaded guilty in the District of Massachusetts to possession and receipt of child pornography. His sentencing is scheduled for Oct. 22, 2019; Michael Armstrong, 35, of Randolph, Massachusetts, pleaded guilty in the District of Massachusetts, to receipt and possession of child pornography. He was sentenced to serve five years in prison followed by five years of supervised release. Restitution will be determined at a future date; Al Ramadhanu Soedomo, 28, of Lynn, Massachusetts, pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography and was sentenced in the District of Massachusetts (Boston), to serve 12 months and one day followed by five years of supervised release; Phillip Sungmin Hong, 24, of Sharon, Massachusetts, pleaded guilty in the District of Massachusetts (Boston), to receipt and possession of child pornography and is pending sentencing; Eliseo Arteaga Jr., 28, of Mesquite, Texas, pleaded guilty in the Northern District of Texas to possession of prepubescent child pornography. He is pending sentencing; Richard Nikolai Gratkowski, 40, of San Antonio, Texas, a former HSI special agent, was arrested in the Western District of Texas. Gratkowski pleaded guilty to the indictment charging one count of receipt of child pornography and one count of access with intent to view child pornography. Gratkowski was sentenced to serve 70 months in prison followed by 10 years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $35,000 in restitution to seven victims and a $10,000 assessment; Paul Casey Whipple, 35, of Hondo, Texas, a U.S. Border Patrol Agent, was arrested in the Western District of Texas, on charges of sexual exploitation of children/minors, production, distribution, and possession of child pornography. Whipple remains in custody awaiting trial in San Antonio; Michael Lawson, 36, of Midland, Georgia, was arrested in the Middle District of Georgia on charges of attempted sexual exploitation of children and possession of child pornography. He was sentenced to serve 121 months in prison followed by 10 years of supervised release following his plea to a superseding information charging him with one count of receipt of child pornography; Kevin Christopher Eagan, 39, of Brookhaven, Georgia, pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography in the Northern District of Georgia; Casey Santioius Head, 37, of Griffin, Georgia, was indicted in the Northern District of Georgia for distribution, receipt, and possession of child pornography; Andrew C. Chu, 28, of Garwood, New Jersey, was arrested and charged with receipt of child pornography. Those charges remain pending; Nader Hamdi Ahmed, 29 of Jersey City, New Jersey, was arrested in the District of New Jersey, for sexual exploitation or other abuse of children. Ahmed pleaded guilty to an information charging him with one count of distribution of child pornography. He is scheduled to be sentenced Oct. 1, 2019; Jeffrey Lee Harris, 32, of Pickens, South Carolina, pleaded guilty in the District of South Carolina for producing, distributing, and possessing child pornography; Laine Ormand Clark Jr., 27, of Conway, South Carolina, was arrested and charged in U.S. District Court in South Carolina Division for sexual possession of child pornography; Jack R. Dove III, 38, of Lakeland, Florida, was arrested in the Middle District of Florida for knowingly receiving and possessing visual depictions of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct; Michael Matthew White, 39, of Miami Beach, Florida, was arrested in the Southern District of Florida for coercion and enticement; Nikolas Bennion Bradshaw, 24, of Bountiful, Utah, was arrested in the State of Utah, and charged with five counts of sexual exploitation of a minor, and was sentenced to time served with 91 days in jail followed by probation; Michael Don Gibbs, 37, of Holladay, Utah, was charged in the District of Utah with receipt of child pornography and possession of child pornography; Ammar Atef H. Alahdali, 22, of Arlington, Virginia, pleaded guilty in the Eastern District of Virginia to receipt of child pornography and was sentenced to serve five years in prison and ordered to pay $3,000 in restitution; Mark Lindsay Rohrer, 38, of West Hartford, Connecticut, pleaded guilty in the District of Connecticut to receipt of child pornography and was sentenced to serve 60 months in prison followed by five years of supervised release; Eugene Edward Jung, 47, of San Francisco, California, was indicted in the Northern District of California on possession of child pornography and receipt of child pornography; James Daosaeng, 25, of Springdale, Arkansas, pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography and was sentenced in the Western District of Arkansas (Fayetteville) to serve 97 months in prison followed by 20 years of supervised release; Alex Daniel Paxton, 30, of Columbus, Ohio, was arrested and indicted in Franklin County Ohio Court of Common Pleas for pandering sexually oriented matter involving a minor; Don Edward Pannell, 32, of Harvey, Louisiana, pleaded guilty in the Eastern District of Louisiana for receipt of child pornography. He is pending sentencing; Ryan Thomas Carver, 29, of Huntsville, Alabama, was arrested and charged under Alabama State Law. He was charged federally in the Northern District of Alabama with possession of child pornography. His case is pending in Huntsville, Alabama; Andrew Buckley, 28, of the United Kingdom, pleaded guilty to 10 offences in the UK of possession and distribution of indecent images of children, possession of extreme and prohibited images and possession of a class A drug. He was sentenced to serve 40 months in prison for the distribution of indecent images and possession of class A drugs. Buckley is also subject to an indefinite Sexual Harm Prevention Order; Kyle Fox, 26, of the United Kingdom, pleaded guilty to 22 counts including rape, sexual assault, and sharing indecent images, and was sentenced to serve 22 years in prison; and Mohammed Almaker, 26, of Fort Collins, Colorado, was arrested in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), charged with KSA Law involving the endangerment of children. He is awaiting judicial proceedings in furtherance of criminal charges. A forfeiture complaint was also unsealed today. The complaint alleges that law enforcement was able to trace payments of bitcoin to the Darknet site by following the flow of funds on the blockchain. The virtual currency accounts identified in the complaint were allegedly used by 24 individuals in five countries to fund the website and promote the exploitation of children. The forfeiture complaint seeks to recover these funds and, ultimately through the restoration process, return the illicit funds to victims of the crime. The charges in the indictment are merely allegations, and all defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law. The international investigations were led by the IRS-CI, HSI and the NCA. The Korean National Police of the Republic of Korea, the National Crime Agency of the United Kingdom and the German Federal Criminal Police (the Bundeskriminalamt), provided assistance and coordinated with their parallel investigations. The Department of Justice’s Office of International Affairs of the Criminal Division provided significant assistance. The cases are being handled by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Zia M. Faruqui, Lindsay Suttenberg, and Youli Lee, Paralegal Specialists Brian Rickers and Diane Brashears, Legal Assistant Jessica McCormick, and Records Examiner Chad Byron of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia and Trial Attorney C. Alden Pelker of the Criminal Division’s Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section. Additional assistance has been provided by Deputy Chief Keith Becker and Trial Attorney James E. Burke IV of the Criminal Division’s Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section, and former U.S. Attorney’s Office Paralegal Specialists Toni Anne Donato and Ty Eaton.
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123designsrq · 6 years
Why Does This Toothpaste Have A Hole?
This is a very good question to ask! I've noticed that toothpaste seems to be one of those things, no matter who you are, we all become very conservative in using it and try to squeeze every last bit out before moving to the next tube. There have been multiple ideas revolving around toothpaste and how we consume it and adding to that list is the Swing Toothpaste. It reps a very new and inventive design having a hole at the end of the tube, which is meant to be used as a spinner. All the user does is simply put their finger in the hole and give the tube a good spin. What the centrifugal force will do is push the toothpaste towards the top of the tube making it easier for the user to squeeze out. It's a very thoughtful and doable design, adding a dash of fun to the mundane act of brushing your teeth. Perhaps this will even motivate children to keep up their teeth brushing rituals! The only thing I noticed with this toothpaste is we don't really know anything about the ingredients in it, as everyone uses different types of toothpastes for certain reasons. The history of toothpaste has evolved quite a lot from regular toothpastes such as Crest or Colgate, or types like Sensodyne to watch out for those sensitive mouths. What would be the best if you could by the Swing toothpaste tube itself and then fill it with your definition of the best toothpaste for your mouth. Designers: Sungmin Hong, Yubin Choi, Yun Kim, Mi Jang and Seokgyu Hwang of Dankook University
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