#sunday jam
my-burnt-city · 8 months
Sunday jam:
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annqer · 3 months
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bubbledcoffee · 24 days
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Sunday on Animal Jam (it will be in my shop: bub6688)
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smallsies · 10 days
Audio Drama Sunday — May 26, 2024
It's been tragically long since I had the time to make one of these posts amidst the rise in jam chaos & other things over the last few weeks, but the event officially concluded yesterday with the release of 14 new pilots!!
In all honesty this event consumed most of my life so far this year, but I am incredibly excited to be on the other side of it - having released the first episode of my debut audio drama, @spacespeckspod as well ! - with so many wonderfully talented people. These shows are beyond incredible, so I just want to dedicate today to talking about them! (& I truthfully haven't listened to anything except jam shows as of late, lol)
@gavinswindowpod - "In-universe TTRPG" is always such a fun angle, and this show did a stellar job balancing the different directions that can take. Listening to the character's conversations feels very much like overhearing a group playing, all of the actors did an incredible job with that! & I'm looking forward to more in the future :)
@theichorousrotpod - Firstly, G knocked it out of the park with the music in this show, it's incredible. Secondly, "pathetic guy trapped by the horrors" is beloved and very well done, Sam is an incredibly talented writer and the cast did a stellar job bringing these characters to life. (I would let Dr. Yates perform top surgery on me etc etc.)
@thefinderskeeperpod - Beyond with being two of the nicest people ever, Lemon and Maddie's character dynamics in this was SUCH a joy to witness. "Grizzled old man & clueless newcomer walk into a bank, except there is something incredibly wrong with the bank teller" is spectacular, the sound design was, of course, spectacular, and I'm very excited to hear more.
@valdiviansfinest - Clear bias in saying this, but space shows are SO fun, and the Valdivian's Finest team did an amazing job showcasing all of the best parts of the genre. I don't have enough good things to say about this show, I love space Amazon and don't think the courier service has ever done anything wrong ever.
@working-tidal-pod - Taking points off for Louis spawning the "it's a comedy" joke that became a constant reference when we were listening to shows (/lh) BUT the writing is so funny, the sibling dynamic feels incredibly realistic and all of the actors are amazing and very talented. Feesh show has the potential to become a go-to comfort podcast, looking forward to hearing more!
@asbestos4president - This show is incredibly fun, "alien Twitch streamer" isn't a podcast I ever thought I would encounter, but the team did an absolutely fantastic job with their pilot. The writing is really funny in the classic aliens-misunderstanding-human-concepts way, with more modernized in-jokes that makes the characters feel very realistic!!
@beyondrepairpod - Extra props to this group as they were the event match team, with much less time to organize before scriptwriting, but managed to put together a stellar pilot. Hope was so well-done, the ship AI is VERY normal and you can absolutely trust them, shoutout to Pancake for their absolutely spectacular acting there!
@worldfusepodcast - These characters are incredibly charming and this world is so fun. Everything about this is just really well done; all of the actors were amazing, the writing is clever & easy to follow (& it's, of course, very fun that Ila is playing a detective :)!!) Looking forward to hearing more of this show!
@hello-are-you-there - Again, slight bias as I love a good apocalypse plot, but HAYT is a really fun radio show style podcast by a really lovely team. Aiden's moments of snark are great, Milo did a wonderful job bringing him to life amidst the bleakness of an end-of-the-world plot, & the inclusion of mythology is really well done!
@gobbpodblog - Magical zoo! Magical zoo!!! I love strange and unusual creatures and this team did an amazing job bringing them to life in this episode :D The animal ambiance at the start was really charming, and Prinxe & Caw were fantastic as Jake and Dr. Vermillian. Really excited to hear more!
Schrödinger's Pledge/@englewoodafterdark - As a college student I understand the implicit horrors of Greek life all too well (/lh.) The exploration of hazing practices and the normalization of them within those communities honestly is scary on its own, and the sound design really brings that to life in this pilot. Beyond excited to hear more Englewood After Dark later this year!
The Block - Fi was the only participant to make a solo show, and ended up with a spectacular example of what a one-person show can look like! I'm a little sad this podcast isn't continuing as they've introduced such an interesting concept and world here, but they did an outstanding job with the pilot.
Eart(h) FM - We listened to this one in the server the other night, & this show was definitely a lighthearted uptick from some of the other things we listened to, lol! It feels a bit silly to say a show about the end of the world is fun, but there is just so much hope and life this team managed to fit all in one episode, and the music is wonderful.
@spacespeckspod - I feel a bit awkward talking about my show, but I do want to say thank you to my lovely teammates who helped bring it to life! I appreciate all of you endlessly, and I'm really excited for the future of our little space show <3
If you want to check out these shows, they're all available on the Jam feed, & @aclickbaittitle has also started an (in-progress) Podchaser list of those with individual feeds!
Finally, an extra shoutout to the crowdfunder for Forged Bonds, @forgedbondspod which is still running & which you can check out here! Pine is such a wonderful member of the AD community, & (especially as a fellow classics enjoyer) I'm really looking forward to seeing what they do with this show. If you have the means, you should absolutely go support them & their amazing podcast!!
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all-my-ocs-are-evil · 3 months
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Random Wybie and Mrs. Lovatt HC
Every Sunday morning they try to clean but get distracted by the cleaning playlist and spend the entire day just dancing so they have to put it off until next week. Neither of them seem to really mind tho.
(One day I will figure out how to draw Wybie. One day.)
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allthingsgrunge · 23 days
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darkcreamz95 · 5 months
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Journal spread for Bojan even if his birthday was a few weeks ago~ ✨️
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djevilninja · 10 months
Sade - I Never Thought I'd See the Day
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xchrryblssmx · 17 days
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freckliedan · 1 month
okay i need to log out for the week 💛 two of my mutuals from my other main account are coming into town to watch the saw musical and they're crashing with us tonight so we gotta clean the whole house and then @phulge will be here in me and @freckliephil's arms for a WEEK‼️
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my-burnt-city · 1 year
Sunday jam (Remix edition):
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Happy random gif sunday my dudes
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mavity-defying-cheeto · 4 months
artists and dr who fans of tumblr i have a request. can i please see ruby and 12 playing music together. thank you. this is something i need. if there are other characters who play instruments who im forgetting then them too <3
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mumblelard · 11 months
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pieces of string too short to save or i told boba eleventy times that no treats were stored in that jar but she is in a very fugk-teh-patriarchy-question-everyth1ng mood lately so now she is chewing on googly eyes either to avoid admitting she was wrong or as part of a new psyop directed at me. i might never know
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smallsies · 3 days
Audio Drama Sunday — June 2 2024
Happy Audio Drama Sunday! I don't have time for a full post today, but during my cross-country move the last few days I was able to catch up on WOE.BEGONE – Helen Hartley you will always be famous!!! – and had the opportunity to relisten to most of the pilot shows during the Podcast Book Club's pilot marathon event yesterday!
If you haven't had the chance to catch these shows yet, you should absolutely give them a listen on the Jam feed and find the solo shows on this Podchaser list.
Have a great week, and happy listening, friends!!
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rollforthings · 10 days
Dug’s Duty: An Actual Play of Little Dung Guy
This post is part of a series I'm calling Solo RPG Sundays, where I spend a lazy Sunday afternoon with a solo journaling tabletop game. As I start this project, solo journaling games are everywhere in the indie scene but aren't really my cup of tea -- I love the collaborative nature and shared story of group games, which I don't really get with journaling games. My hope is that by sharing my experience with solo journaling game, I'll gain a new appreciation for them, share with others what they can do, and boost the signal of indie creators. With that said, here's the first in the Solo RPG Sundays series, Little Dung Guy.
Little Dung Guy is a one-page solo journaling rpg where you play as a dung beetle in its sisyphean task to get a ball of poop up a hill. This game was written and illustrated by Felix Klee, published by Sleepy Badger Games, and submitted as part of the 2024 Game Exploder Game Jam. Find it pay-what-you-want at this link to play for yourself: https://sleepy-badger-games.itch.io/little-dung-guy
(Content warning: bugs and poop, of course.)
Hi. My name is Dug, and I’m a dung beetle.
I’ve got a job, a real important one. I work in sanitation and early-life care. A unique combination to be sure, but the savanna is home to all kinds of unique work opportunities. I gather poop into easy-to-move, ergonomic spheres, and roll them into the best spots. There they serve as home base and food for a new generation of dung beetles. Anyway, the following is a professional logbook of my work experience and musings on the craft. It’s for posterity and job training for future combination-sanitation-early-life-care workers, like myself.
Day 1
Weather: hot, sunny.
I got to thinking about the nature of my career. Who do I work for? Technically I’m self-employed, a contractor of sorts. My duty (hehe) is to the younger generation of scarab-lets that come after me. But I guess in the clerical sense, my employer is a middle-aged African elephant named Subira. Subira is an excellent boss. She’s a patient and attentive listener, she takes care not to step on me with those enormous padded feet, and her high-fiber diet makes my job all the easier. We don’t really talk much -- my work is more the back-end of the production line -- but this just means she’s very hands-off when it comes to the work I do, which I appreciate. I’m sure most folks prefer being hands-off when it comes to my line of work, but not me. Anyway, today Subira’s given me a lot to work with, and I’m taking it up this hill here.
Working mostly with my back legs in a rhythmic workflow, it leaves the mind to wander as I work. I think about the future and what I hope to achieve one day. I like to think I’m a pretty simple guy. I often think about culminating my life’s work in a huge, round ball of elephant dung and settling down, having a few hundred kids, maybe taking up gardening in my retirement. It’s not a huge dream, but then I’m not a huge guy. I like the simple things in life -- dirt, dung, rolling, family, the warm sun, and semi-digested leaves and grasses.
Sometimes I wonder if the larger animals here on the savanna are aware of what I do. Sanitation work is often overlooked, I think. Folks usually don’t  consider their waste after they’ve discarded it. Like, take buzzards for instance. They relieve themselves from the tops of trees, or even from high up in the sky. I bet they haven’t a clue where their poop even goes after the fact. But then, buzzards do care a great deal for the waste of lions and leopards and such. The leftovers from a big animal are food for the buzzards. And the leftovers from elephants and giraffes and the like are food for dung beetles like me. I guess it’s all relative when you look at it from multiple perspectives. Lok at things all ‘round. Kind of like this ball of dung, which is probably double the size of when I started on it this morning. Anyway, I’m not really sure how aware the big fauna are of the work I do, but at least the elephants like Subira are careful not to step on me.
I’ve passed the halfway mark up this hill now. The sun is at its highest, the slope is getting steeper, and this ball is probably much heavier than even me now. I hear the hum and buzz of cicadas drift across the hazy air. I quite like the cicadas; they may be loud and talkative, but they have some interesting ideas and they’re always good company if you don’t mind hanging out in large numbers. Sometimes after a shift I’ll hang out with some fellow dung beetles, and we’ll shoot the sh- uh, the breeze, over lumps of mulch. It’s mostly standard work talk, which I don’t mind, but often the conversation gets into these one-upping matches about the size of the dung balls everyone’s rolled. And while I must admit I’m guilty of getting into those discussions myself, they can get a little annoying. And I’m pretty sure Dusty is stretching the truth about the ball she rolled last week. There’s no way you could roll a 30-cenitmeter ball out of hippo dung, it’s just too wet!
Ah, poop! Just as I was nearing the top, a huge breeze whipped up, curved my dung ball sideways out of my grip, and it tumbled down to the bottom of the slope. I knew this was going to happen today. Th stars weren’t right last night and the cicadas were chirping off beat this morning, both clear signs we were gonna be dealing with harsh conditions. Dusty doesn’t believe in the cicada theory, but it’s never told me wrong. Shit. Ah well, nothing for it but pick up what’s left and try again. I’m pretty beat though, so I guess I’ll leave it lie and start it up tomorrow.
Day 2
Weather: hot, sunny.
Okay, here we go, bright and early. The ball was right where I left it, and I’ve started it back up this hill. I lost some progress on it, but at least it’s a lighter start to the day and I can roll up most of the bits that came loose on the slope.
I wonder if other dung beetles encounter this kind of professional setback. Surely others have similar experiences. But maybe my approach is a little off. I remember this time Dusty hit a snag and her dung ball starting rolling down, but she held right on and rolled with it. Kept it mostly together too, and she bragged about the scratches on her shell from the experience. Maybe I should try the hang-on trick, too.
This wouldn’t be the first time a workday went up in steam. This one time last season I tried rolling on a flat plane got a great shape and size, only to roll directly into a termite mound. After the initial panic -- it was a very big dung ball, and termites are pretty tiny -- there was a lot of kerfuffle about how to proceed. Eventually I had to concede to some weird zoning bylaw, which I’m pretty sure the termite foreman was just making up on the spot. But I wasn’t about to argue the matter further, I was wasting daylight and the termites were getting agitated and swarmy, so I just cut my losses and had to start a new ball from scratch. It was a shitty day, but it taught me the importance of location and regular blind-spot checking, so I guess it made me a better roller in the long run.
I’ve just had to stop rolling for a sec, something super interesting just happened. There was a shadow overhead, one of the buzzards I think, and an aerial poop just came down like a falling star right near me! It’s kind of fascinating, and it’s got me thinking. One animal’s waste and all that. Maybe I could roll it up. I’ve never done a hybrid ball before. This buzzard material is… different. Not sure it’s prime ball material, nothing like the elephant-issued industry standard, but hey, innovation breeds progress, and maybe it also breeds hundreds of larvae. Heck it, I’m gonna try it and see what happens.
Excellent! Just made it past the spot yesterday where the breeze foiled my attempt. The slope is leveling out and the top of the hill is in sight. The ball is really big now, and the incorporated buzzard material is blending in an interesting stripe pattern. It’s at this point I need to remember to keep things at pace, even, controlled. Don’t get hasty just because it’s almost done. Stay focused, stay on target, keep the rhythm. Left leg, right leg, other left leg, other right leg. Left leg, right leg, other left, other right.
Aaaand… there! Yes! I made it to the top! I wipe the dust from one of my several brows and give myself a pat on my front left shoulder. This is a fine specimen. Huge, round, with hybrid materials (elephant and buzzard dungs), atop this little hill in the full light of the savanna sun. If only my parents could see me now. They’d probably say something like, “Which one are you?” I’m one of hundreds of siblings and we dung beetles don’t really do names or anything until we reach our adult phases anyways, but I could definitely introduce myself and they’d definitely be proud of me. I hope one day, my future children will accomplish a feat like this, and I can ask them who they are and they can introduce themselves and we can all admire our glorious, if unglamorous, profession. ‘Cause we’re little dung guys, and that’s just how we do.
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