#sumerian city
adubsar · 1 year
Sumerian City Sates: City of Kish
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The City of Kish, located in what is now modern-day Iraq, was an ancient Sumerian city that played a significant role in the history and development of early civilizations. Kish emerged as one of the oldest urban centers in Mesopotamia, flourishing during the Early Bronze Age around 3000 BCE.
Situated on the banks of the Euphrates River, Kish benefited from its strategic position as a hub for trade and commerce. It served as a vital link between different city-states in the region, facilitating the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultural influences. The city thrived economically and became a center for craftsmanship, agriculture, and administration.
Kish boasted impressive infrastructure for its time, with well-planned streets, temples, and administrative buildings. The cityscape was adorned with monumental architecture, reflecting the Sumerians' advanced engineering skills and artistic sensibilities.
In addition to its economic and architectural significance, Kish held religious importance as well. The city was associated with deities and served as a center for religious rituals and ceremonies. Temples dedicated to various gods and goddesses were erected, and religious practices played a crucial role in the daily lives of the Sumerian inhabitants.
Kish also witnessed political shifts and influences from neighboring regions throughout its history. At times, it was ruled by local kings, while during other periods, it fell under the dominion of powerful empires such as the Akkadians and the Babylonians.
Excavations at Kish have yielded numerous artifacts and clay tablets inscribed with cuneiform writing, shedding light on the rich cultural, economic, and administrative aspects of Sumerian society. These archaeological discoveries continue to deepen our understanding of the ancient Sumerian civilization and its contributions to human history.
Today, the ruins of Kish stand as a testament to the ancient past, attracting researchers, archaeologists, and history enthusiasts who seek to uncover the secrets of this once-thriving Sumerian city.
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ancientorigins · 2 months
The city of Ur was one of the most important Sumerian city states in ancient Mesopotamia during the 3 rd millennium BC. One of best preserved and most spectacular remains of this ancient city is the Great Ziggurat of Ur.
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darabeatha · 5 months
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<- the shepherd in question
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hella1975 · 9 months
HOT GIRL SUMER! (invasion force opposed by a great city wall but thankfully we were able to walk around it)
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canarywithapen · 1 year
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Got these in the mail today!!
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What I was expecting when I started this little project: lots of interesting motifs to draw, having to figure out symmetry in odd objects
What I was not expecting: archaic Sumerian pictograph and proto-cuneiform deep dive
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bakafox · 11 months
Sumerians is on sale- for people who like city builders and SPECIFICALLY like ones that handle ancient times and cultures, this one is very promising as Early Access games go.
You do pay your citizens/workers with wheat, beer, and other staples rather than coin, which I always really appreciate, I've played several hours and managed in past updates to get a moderate sized city going.
There is no warfare as such yet, and I forget if they'll be adding that to the game, but people do feel safer if you have walls around their neighborhood/nearby, and so on.
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xtremememeteam · 1 year
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Im not really a "Andy's a scientologist" believer, but Sumerian posting this and the paradise city shows comment does nothing to not help fuel the rumors.
Truly awful for all the bands underneath Sumerian. Hopefully this gets taken care of, swiftly.
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thelightlessflame · 2 years
the dream i had last night was such an intense combo of the Lonely and the Stranger that if i could put it into words that would make sense, it would reduce readers to tears.
in the dream, i was young and weird, on some kind of summer learning retreat for future leaders. i was lost and alone- other people didn’t make sense to me and i was struggling to come to terms that i was different than everyone else.
there were supernatural forces in the forest around the summer camp that we were supposed to be learning how to repel, to negotiate with for the safety of human towns and cities. the woods creatures were raiding the camp and destroying things and scaring people, but they kept leaving me gifts. and the less i found i could relate to other people, the more i was terrified that i would learn i was actually one of them.
my mother tearfully confessed over the phone that yes, i was one of the weird magic creatures, that she had hatched me from an egg she had found in the woods and raised me as her own, that she had always known i would have to go back to where i came from but she had hoped we would have more time together before that had to happen.
the creatures from the woods began attacking the camp and hurting the other children, and the only way to stop it was by leaving everything and everyone i knew and loved behind and going with these strange and terrifying monsters from the woods and never coming back.
it also involved people giving birth to trees.
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adubsar · 7 months
The name of the walls of the city of Ashur?
And what were the names of the parts of the city?
This video shows the architecture of the city of Assyria and the names of the walls that were built to protect the city, using archaeological evidence and the exploration of cuneiform tablets.
Follow my YouTube channel. Silent tablets documentary, short videos from ancient history.
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ancientorigins · 1 year
After years of searching, archaeologists have uncovered the remains of a Sumerian palace and temple in the ancient city of Girsu, providing new insights into the birth of modern civilization in Mesopotamia.
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universalambients · 2 months
The Tower of Babel (2233 BC) Ambient Music
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canarywithapen · 10 months
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American Satan 🖤✝️
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museum-of-artifacts · 9 months
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Sumerian city of Uruk, considered first civilized city in the world 6500-4000 BC.
Uruk is located in southern Iraq. This city was first discovered in 1849 AD, by english archaeologist William Lofts.
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emporium · 1 year
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Behind the Meme: Complaint Tablet to Ea-nasir
In 1953, explorer Sir Leonard Woolley discovered and acquired the tablet from what is believed to be the ruins of Ea-nasir's home while on an expedition to the city of Ur. Several other similar tablets complaining about poor copper quality were also recovered, suggesting Ea-nasir frequently sent his customers poor-quality goods. The tablet is currently held at the British Museum.
A few of the most viral Tumblr posts about this meme: https://probablybadrpgideas.tumblr.com/post/171826102481/your-players-are-faced-with-an-ancient-sumerian https://brightwanderer.tumblr.com/post/645195882465230848/ea-nasir-is-that-you
Translation of the tablet:
Tell Ea-nasir: Nanni sends the following message:
When you came, you said to me as follows : "I will give Gimil-Sin (when he comes) fine quality copper ingots." You left then but you did not do what you promised me. You put ingots which were not good before my messenger (Sit-Sin) and said: "If you want to take them, take them; if you do not want to take them, go away!"
What do you take me for, that you treat somebody like me with such contempt? I have sent as messengers gentlemen like ourselves to collect the bag with my money (deposited with you) but you have treated me with contempt by sending them back to me empty-handed several times, and that through enemy territory. Is there anyone among the merchants who trade with Telmun who has treated me in this way? You alone treat my messenger with contempt! On account of that one (trifling) mina of silver which I owe(?) you, you feel free to speak in such a way, while I have given to the palace on your behalf 1,080 pounds of copper, and umi-abum has likewise given 1,080 pounds of copper, apart from what we both have had written on a sealed tablet to be kept in the temple of Samas.
How have you treated me for that copper? You have withheld my money bag from me in enemy territory; it is now up to you to restore (my money) to me in full.
Take cognizance that (from now on) I will not accept here any copper from you that is not of fine quality. I shall (from now on) select and take the ingots individually in my own yard, and I shall exercise against you my right of rejection because you have treated me with contempt.
Source: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/complaint-tablet-to-ea-nasir
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charlesoberonn · 5 months
We should have superheroes in more cities outside of the US and in more time periods.
Some examples off the top of my head:
A 13th century hero in the streets of Constantinople protecting people during the Latin occupation. They take the guise of a vengeful angel, making their acts of heroism seem supernatural.
A Chinese superhero team in Hong Kong fighting against the British during the Opium Wars. They're themed after the animals of the Chinese Zodiac.
An ancient Sumerian superhero prowling the streets of the first proper city on Earth. They come into conflict with both criminals and the king, who fears being usurped.
An Aztec superhero in pre-Columbian Tenochtitlan. They have aquatic powers and get around through the canals.
A West-African superhero fighting slavers both foreign and local during the height of the Transatlantic Slave Trade. They're an escaped slave themselves and they adopt orphaned children, many of whom become their sidekicks, Batman and Robin style.
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