#stop acting like they’re a small business or something?? it’s not a fucking farmer’s market
sweaters-and-vertigo · 11 months
“i sUPpOrT oUr LocAL pOLiCe!!!!!!!!!!!”
that’s so nice! so does the government!
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abuttoncalledsmalls · 4 years
Take A Giant Step - Chapter 7
Warnings: Alcohol, Anxiety, Language, Panic Attack, PTSD episode, Some Sexual Content
Pairings: Frankie Morales x f!OC
Word Count: 1.8K
A/N: Here is Chapter 7! I have tried my best to handle the subject matter the best as I could with the research I’ve done. As for panic attacks, I am just pulling from my vast experience with those. If you would like to be tagged (or un-tagged) in upcoming chapters, please don’t hesitate to let me know. Shout out, as always, to the AMAZINGLY LOVELY @yespolkadotkitty​ for beta-ing this! Please enjoy. <3
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6
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Banner by @yespolkadotkitty​
The smell of stuffed shells baking permeated throughout my small townhouse. I was making last minute preparations for dinner that evening. Frankie was coming over to my place for the first time. Although we had been together officially for three weeks, I still desperately wanted to impress him. That’s how I ended up spending almost the entire day making his favorite dish from scratch. For anyone else, I would have just gotten the premade pasta shells and salad mix. But for Frankie, he was worth every second of frustration I experienced with that damned pasta maker. Only for him, would I have gladly made cannoli and not have complained when a splash of hot oil hit my wrist. Or at least not too much. 
Frankie didn’t know exactly what I was preparing for dinner, but he kept on insisting that I didn’t need to go to a lot of trouble. That he would have been perfectly happy to share an order of McNuggets as long as we were able to spend time together. I was happy to make a fuss over him, though. 
My kitchen windows were open, letting in the warm August breeze and band music from my local park. My county held their annual Founder’s Day celebration that day. Every year our board of supervisors would hold a huge event to commemorate the 1635 founding of Hallifax. It was an entire production with local businesses, community groups, and most residents. There were bands who played throughout the day, a parade that traveled from the courthouse all the way to the park, and a huge finale in the evening involving a fireworks show. While I found myself rolling my eyes at Founder’s Day, I did enjoy the fact that I lived close enough to the park to see the fireworks from my backyard. I had specifically chosen that evening for Frankie to come over because I wanted to share that experience with him. 
Right at 7:00 PM a knock sounded on my front door. I took the shells out of the oven and placed them onto the counter before I went over to let Frankie in. When I opened the door, he was standing there with a boyish grin on his face. He held his hands behind his back and stepped forward.
“Hi Frankie.” We stood in a bashful silence for a few seconds. It wasn’t an awkward pause, but one based in slight disbelief. How in the world did I manage to enter into a relationship with this beautiful and warm man? I eventually came back to Earth and moved out of the way to invite him in. When he stepped into the house he took his hands from behind his back to reveal a bountiful bouquet of daisies. 
“I, uh, got these for you. I know they’re your favorite and I, uh, thought you’d like them. I picked the prettiest bunch since you’re the prettiest girl.” My cheeks turned pink as I giggled softly. I brought Frankie in to me and kissed his full lips. When I pulled away his eyes were still closed.
“Thank you so much. They are gorgeous. I’ll put them in some water right now. Make yourself at home.” I went into the kitchen and pulled a vase out from one of the island cabinets. Frankie followed me.
“Something smells really good.”
“I hope you’ve come with an appetite, Mr. Morales. I have made stuffed shells in marinara sauce from scratch and a fresh garden salad with veggies obtained from the farmer’s market. For dessert, a special surprise.” I gave him a flirty wink. He gave a small groan in return and pulled me in for another kiss.
“Mmm. I have a huge appetite. Can we start with dessert?” Frankie began to give my neck little kisses as his hands moved to squeeze my ass. My breath hitched and my hands came up to feel his broad shoulders. If the food had not been ready at that moment, he would have been sitting on my sofa with me straddling his lap. It took every ounce of self control I had to break away.
“You’ve got to eat your vegetables like a good boy before you can get your dessert.” He pouted and gave me puppy dog eyes. “I don’t make the rules, baby. I just enforce them.”
“I’ll be good.”
“Fantastic. Then after dessert, you can be as naughty as you want.” He grinned at me and I gave the dimple on his right cheek a peck. “But we need to start eating soon before the food gets cold.”
We both served ourselves, sat down, and began to eat. I asked how Frankie’s day had been. He spent most of the morning building platforms for our scenic stock. Afterwards, he met his friend Milton for coffee and then held his weekly Facetime chat with Santiago. 
“How’s Santiago doing?”
“He’s good. Just started another consultation job with a new company. He might be coming out here again in the next few months. He said this company has a location just outside of town.”
“That would be great! We could have him over for dinner and you two can hang out.”
“I’d like that.” Frankie paused briefly. “Do you know what the best part of my day was?”
“I really hope it’s not related to any of Jeff’s shenanigans…”
“No, but those are fun. It’s getting to spend an evening with my Maggie May over a delicious dinner she made.” I couldn’t help but sheepishly look down and blush. Frankie started calling me Maggie May just days after we began to date. I’d always been Mags, Mango, Maggot, and the very rare Margaret. But it felt right that I was his Maggie May. When I looked up, he greeted me with a sincere smile.
“Thank you, but it’s not like I’m Gordon Ramsay. I just used my mom’s recipe and chopped up some vegetables. That’s all.”
“I don’t know who that is, but I know you made a better meal than they ever have.”
“You’re really laying the good boy act on thick, aren’t you?” His eyes widened and he feigned shock.
“No. I’m being honest and if that just happens to make me a good boy, then it’s a win-win.”
I chuckled as I rose from my chair and gathered our empty plates to take them to the sink. As I began rinsing them off, I felt two strong arms wrap around my middle. Frankie was gently swaying me from side to side as he rested his head on top of mine. 
“Mmmmm, that feels nice,” I responded. “Maybe I can put a pin in doing the dishes at the moment.” I put down the plate I was scrubbing and removed my green rubber gloves. I turned around and moved in closely to his chest.
“Baby -”
All of the sudden, I found myself and Frankie on the floor. His eyes quickly surveyed my kitchen. His breathing quickened.
“What the fuck was that,” he barked.
“I guess they started the fireworks for the celebration at the park already.”
“You knew there were going to be fireworks and you didn’t fucking tell me? Jesus Christ, Maggie!”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t think it would be an issue-”
“Well it is. Fuck!”
I felt my heart drop into my stomach. My boyfriend was completely pissed off at me for not giving him advanced notice about a fireworks display. I wanted to cry right there, but I couldn’t. Frankie looked like he was about to trigger into a full blown panic attack and it was my fault. 
“Frankie,” I whispered. He looked at me with rage, panic, and helplessness in his eyes.
“Frankie,” I repeated.”It’s okay. You’re safe. We’re gonna move to another room, away from the fireworks. Is that okay? I’m gonna stay with you the entire time.” 
He nodded his head like an obedient child. I helped him up and we slowly made our way to my bedroom. It was the area farthest from the fireworks. When we got to the room, I sat him gently down on the bed and shut the door. 
“Lay back, honey. Just like that. I’m going to move across the room and turn the fan on. It’s gonna get a little cooler and a soft whirring noise is going to come on.” I walked over to my tower fan and pressed the on button. The fan’s blue power light blinked on and began to blow out cooler air. I moved back closer to Frankie.
“What can I do to help?” His dark chocolate eyes looked up at me. The anger and fear were leaving them only to be replaced with exhaustion. I wanted nothing more than to hold him and let him know that I didn’t mean to hurt him. I was sorry and I should have let him know ahead of time about the display. I tried to blink back tears. Crying at that moment was not going to help him at all. 
“Maggie, hold me?”
“Of course.” I crawled onto my bed and wrapped my arms around him. He nestled in close, resting his head on my chest. I kissed the top of his head.
“I’m sorry that I ruined tonight.”
“You didn’t. It was my fault. I wanted to surprise you with the fireworks and I didn’t even stop to think - “
“No. You were just trying to make tonight special and I fucked it up majorly. I haven’t been near an active combat zone in years and this shit still messes with my head. You’ve got to think I’m a nutcase. A grown man who cowers at fucking fireworks and yells at his girlfriend. I don’t blame you if you want to leave. Find someone normal who doesn’t flip out like this. I’ve tried therapy - it doesn’t do shit. I’m just fucked up.”
I could not believe what I was hearing. Did Frankie really believe that someone would throw him aside over a mental illness? Was there somebody in his past that was cruel enough to actually do that? I gently tilted his chin up and looked into his eyes.
“Francisco, I am not going anywhere. I am wild about and care so much for you. I need you to understand that I am here with you for the long haul. I may not completely understand all of what’s going on, but I am one-hundred percent in your corner and will support you in any way that I can. I promise you.”
“Thank you. Maggie?”
“I’m sorry for yelling at you. Can you forgive me?”
“Already forgiven and forgotten.” I gave him a reassuring smile. “The fireworks will continue for another forty minutes. Would playing music or the tv help you?” 
“That would be nice.”
“How about Cheers?” I grabbed my remote, logged onto Hulu, and pressed play. Frankie adjusted his position to that of the little spoon so he could see the television. I didn’t mind being his big spoon that night. I wanted to protect him from all harm - real or perceived - and completely envelop him in my love. Fifteen minutes into the episode, Frankie looked back at me.
“Maggie May?”
“Yes, honey?”
“Can we have dessert tomorrow?”
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nekokoaa · 5 years
Wolves Among Us - Bakugo x Reader (IX)
Wolves Among Us – Bakugo x Reader
Series Warning: Fantasy AU, Fluff, NSFW
(Chapter IX/??) All chapters in AO3 and masterlist
Hey guys!! Happy Fanfic writers day and Long time no see! I absolutely adored your reactions to the last chapter! Finally, the long awaited next chapter is here! Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!!
Bit of a warning, this chapter may be a little confusing since it goes from past to present but I tried my best to make it obvious. If it's still a bit difficult I'll add some borders.
@freedom-for-bum @reallyfuckingangrylatina @risarisarisaa @ashherssss @mels-heart @xa-dia @shanty-lol @amkxh @chims-kookies @fantasticapple @thalia-luna-hawthorn
Inspired by The Company of Wolves by Angela Carter
IX: Reunited
About two days before Katsuki’s outrageous announcement, something was brewing within the small town surrounded by the dense forest. A crowd had gathered around a cabin and several men with axes in their palms were standing in front of them on the deck. Some of the men were wounded with bandages wrapped around their arms and legs, others weren’t lucky and had a patch over their damaged eye. An elderly woman was standing amongst them who appeared unscratched with a fist in the air that shook with the words that left her.
“The wolves have stolen her!”
The atmosphere was heavy, and the wind chill was felt within their spines despite how bundled up the crowd was. Tears gathered at their eyes and their hands shook with pent up anger. They were tired, tired of being prey to such monsters.
“We couldn’t save her… They attacked us, and we watched them take her away. Who knows what they have done to her.” The elder woman choked, bringing her face down like she couldn’t bear to look at the grave faces in front of her. One of the men behind her placed a hand on her shoulder for comfort and he stepped forward, continuing from where she left off.
“These monsters think they can just come and take our people. How many times must we lose our love ones to them? Something must be done!”
“But what can we do!? Even you hunters got hurt by them!” A woman cried within the crowd.
“They’re too strong to fight! Don’t you remember what happened last time?!” A man shouted, anda frightful scream followed after.
Fear had stirred itself within the hearts of the people. They shifted with unease and chatted loudly amongst themselves, many without a clue on what to do. The wolves were a powerful species, a single wolf could take down dozens of men without a single drop of energy wasted. The fear had painfully reminded them of the events that took place long ago. They relived the horror through their memories, the ghost of screams rang in their ears like the echoes of a tower bell. The smell of sour blood was still fresh in their minds, and the urge to throw up plagued the backs of their throats. Even if they did decide to fight back against the wolves again, it would just be another massacre on their side. They had no chance against them.
Within the frantic crowd stood a man whose mind was running amuck. His emerald eyes flickered about, from the backs of the people surrounding him to the hunters that stood on the cabin’s porch. Those eyes belong to your childhood friend, Izuku, who was feeling a bit strange about this entire situation. Even though he was panicking because of your disappearance, he still had to think of this situation logically.
Since the day when you gave your bag of meat to that pregnant woman and her wolf lover, your interest in wolves had spiked. Izuku hardly saw you during the day and you would return just after the sun would set. During the little time you spent with him in the mornings, he didn’t have the courage to ask about your late returns, neither was it any of his business. But now he wished he had said something because you’ve been missing for two days and the old woman from the market and the hunters claimed you were taken by the wolves. It was unbelievable story to him. Was it possible that you came in contact with the wolves during those times and they kidnapped you? But why would they wait until after a few months to do so?
Whenever he saw you return at night, there was always a soft smile on your face. The light of the lanterns outside your house would hit your face just right, and he could see the flush on your cheeks. He doubted the cause being the coldness around you, it was clearly something that touched your heart. Was it possible that you encountered a wolf during those times? Was your disappearance by your will?
His eyes narrowed on the hunters and the old woman who continued speaking to the anxious crowd. She was completely unscratched while the hunters harbored all the injuries. There was no doubt in Izuku’s mind that they were attacked but he couldn’t help but question their reason for being in the forest. The only reason for the hunters to be there is if they were alerted about the sighting of a wolf. It could be possible that the old woman spotted a wolf trying to kidnap you and told the hunters, but it didn’t explain why a woman of her age would be traveling through such a dangerous forest alone. It wasn’t adding up for Izuku, but he knew, whether you were kidnapped, or left on your own, that he had to find you.
About a week after Katsuki’s outrageous announcement, winter was steadily getting worse. The snowfalls were getting heavier and even the pack had predicted that a storm was coming. You couldn’t quite understand how they knew that but Ochako told you that they could “simply sense it”. Despite that, it didn’t stop the pack from carrying on their duties and it didn’t stop you from having some fun in the courtyard with Eijirou’s children.
You had the pleasure of meeting all three of his children, Eiji, the oldest, Minato, the second oldest, and lastly, Mie, the youngest and only girl. It didn’t take long for Minato and Mie to warm up to you once Eiji expressed how awesome it was not only to be friends with Katsuki, but to be bonded to him. Bonding, you learned, was just another way of saying engaged or married for the wolves. You quickly corrected the boy, stating how it wasn’t true, but the children were already in awe, excited about an upcoming ceremony. You didn’t have the heart to grow angry at them because they were children.
Unfortunately, you couldn’t have that same mindset when it came to Katsuki, no matter how childish he acted during this situation, it wasn’t fair how he selfishly decided this without your consent. Announcing to the entire pack about an engagement you never agreed to was something that caused a rift in your relationship. You gave him the classic silent treatment, ignoring him whenever he wanted to talk. You even started sleeping in Ochako’s cave because you believed he didn’t deserve your company.
Your treatment, of course, made Katsuki furious. You could feel his humid gaze everywhere you went. Even as you kept away from him, he stayed at a distance and watched your every move with that same glare he often gave when he was angry. Even now, you could feel the heat of his eyes on the back of your head, relentless as the heat of a summer sun melting the backs of diligent farmers. He was sitting on a chair that looked like it was made from tree logs and Eijirou was beside him, talking off his ear. You thought Katsuki wasn’t paying him any attention but from time to time he would respond with a small nod, his eyes would be on nothing but you.
But what did Katsuki expect? You to be all joyous about marrying him at such a short notice, especially for all the wrong reasons? The events of that day were still fresh in your mind that you couldn’t go five seconds without renewed anger plaguing your emotions. You could never forget the faces of the pack as Katsuki “introduced” you to them. The color drained from their skin and left them ashen, their lips voided of the feeling that would make them smile. You pulled away from Katsuki instantly after his announcement, but the pack was too stunned by his words to realize your distressed expression.
“What is the meaning of this, Katsuki?” was one of many voices that sounded out from the pack. Many of which were in protest of a marriage between a wolf and a human.
“For all we know, she could be a spy!”
Katsuki rolled his eyes. “I know she’s definitely not a fucking spy. She risked her life to save mine, and if it wasn’t for her, you wouldn’t even have a next-in-line.”
“She could be tricking you! That’s just what her kind does! Fool you into thinking they’re peaceful until they stab you in the back!”
“How are you willing to marry the same species that caused you and our pack so much pain?!”
“You know how stupid it is to judge one person on the actions of what their people did in the past? You’re no different than the pathetic humans that think that way.” Katsuki responded, but it did nothing to deter the pressure building within the area.
“It still doesn’t erase the fact that she’s one of them!”
You never wanted to run away so fast before in your life. All of their words cut into your heart and the pain felt as sharp as a blade every time you breathe in. How could have Katsuki think this was a good idea? How could this mend any hostility between the you and the pack? All it created was anger, especially towards you. Katsuki continued to rectify his pack’s opinions. Even though he knew that their opinions had no effect on his decision, he could see in his peripherals that you were visibly shaking. You had turned away from the crowd, no longer able to look at their faces of hate. He felt the immediate need to protect you from their words and moved to have you in his arms again.
But he wasn’t quick enough. Another pair of arms had wrapped around you like a shield and a familiar pair of crimson eyes burned into his own. Mitsuki didn’t hide her disappointment on her face as she looked at her son. Her knitted eyebrows nearly hooded over her glare, anger swirling within as she held you against her body. You accepted her hug, gripping the backs of her tunic and crying on her. Katsuki had sucked his teeth and returned his mother’s glare, a single look told Mitsuki to stay out of this, but she wasn’t going to allow her son to lead the pack down this spiral.
“Enough!” Mitsuki’s shout halted the voices of the crowd. “This senseless arguing won’t change a thing.”
“But Mitsuki, what would Masaru think?” A wolf of older age questioned and Mitsuki, being the refined leader she is, wasn’t thrown off by it. She remained calm despite the memories of the mention entering her mind.
“You know damn well what Masaru would think.”
The older wolf didn’t back off, but he was as calm as Mitsuki. “A bond between a human and a wolf wouldn’t be a good idea for this pack. After what we went through… you of all people should know that, Mitsuki.”
“Can you guys just get species out of your damn head for five seconds and look at a person individually? This human saved my son and not only that but our pack. When we were low on food a couple of months ago and Katsuki came back with some food, who did you think gave it to him? I understand the fear… Even I didn’t trust her when I met her, but after talking to her and getting to know her, it made me think that Masaru would’ve definitely accepted her into the family. So why don’t you give her a chance…?”
The loud voices of the pack settled into mere mumbles. The degrading words had stopped and the anger on their faces contorted into confusion. The pack had nothing to say after that, no signs of acceptance or denial, and Mitsuki didn’t wait for them to take a side. She started to pull you away and quickly guided you out of the courtyard and into one of the caves. You couldn’t recognize your surroundings because of the blur caused by your tears that hung on to your lashes. Katsuki followed right behind you. You could feel his presence, specifically his anger. You had no idea why he was angry but, of all people, you had the right to be upset. You were completely blindsided by this. What you thought was going to be a simple introduction ended up turning into chaos.
“Why’d you have to go butt in like that?! I had everything under control!” Katsuki exploded once he entered the cave. His voice came quick like lightning and rumbled like deep thunder. The ripples of sound were enough to have the tiny hairs on your skin stand. His eyebrows had knitted together so deeply that you were able to count the folds of skin created between them. His fangs, you had never seen them so large before as he bared them at his mother. Sharp, as if it could pierce diamonds itself.
Mitsuki moved fast. With her hand tight as a fist, she whacked the top of his head but Katsuki bounced back and snarled as if he felt no pain. “I never knew you were so goddamn stupid!”
“Huh?! What did you say, you old hag?!”
“What were you thinking?! What made you think this was a good idea?!”
“It was until you spoke! I needed to get the pack to like her and this was the only way!”
“To marry her?! Did she even agree to this?!” One look at you was enough for Mitsuki to know. She tried to take another whack at Katsuki’s head, but he dodged it, growling when he did. No matter how many times Mitsuki tried to physically harm him, Katsuki made no move to retaliate but you knew it took every hair in his body to restrain himself from raising a hand against his mother.
“She would’ve said yes anyway!”
“No. I’m not going through with this.”
“What?” Katsuki was startled by your outburst. He didn’t expect to hear that you were against this.
“You think I would’ve said yes to this…? The only way for your pack to like me is if I’m your wife? You don’t want to marry me because you love me?”
“What? I never fucking said that.” His footsteps were loud when he walked towards you. He held your shoulders with his hands, a gentle touch that would’ve normally made you melt. He rubbed up and down your shoulders to comfort you as he gazed into your eyes. “You already know how I feel about you.”
“Then why are you making me go through this?”
He stumbled at your question and looked away for a moment. When he couldn’t find a sufficient answer, he gave the same one he gave his mother. ��It’s the only way.”
“So, they won’t even like me for me, is that what you’re saying? Only if I’m the wife of their future leader?”
Katsuki growled and struggled to find the right words in the arsenal of his mind. The grip he had on your shoulders grew tight as his mind went searching. You didn’t give him time to find them and shook your head. “I’m not doing this.”
“I don’t think we can call this off.” Mitsuki spoke up and folded her arms across her chest. “Our pack will suspect that you tried to force Katsuki through this and that Katsuki came to his senses. They would end up hating you even more and then you wouldn’t have a reason to stay with us. Being my son’s savior wouldn’t be enough to help you by then.”
“I just can’t believe this…” You tore yourself away from Katsuki’s grip and ran. You ignored the call of your name from Katsuki and ran until you were outside the cave. That was when you bumped into Ochako who was actually searching for you after the meeting. You threw yourself at her and cried against her chest.
Thinking about last week made you revisit some pain that was too fresh to bear. You tried to distract yourself by playing with Mie’s hair, twirling your fingers between light pink strands. Katsuki’s eyes were still on you from afar. Eijirou took note of it a while back but he decided to finally address it. With a sigh, he leaned his head against his hand and spoke.
“You know, all you gotta do is just apologize to her. It’s been like, what, a week already since you guys last spoke? Just go up to her right now.”
“You think I didn’t try? She doesn’t even want to look in my direction.” Katsuki grumbled.
“I wouldn’t too after what you pulled. And here I was about to give you my blessing until I found out from Ochako that she had no idea about it. What you did wasn’t exactly the most romantic thing, let alone, manly.”
“Just shut up, I get it. I already got enough from the hag and Round-face, I don’t need it from you.”
“Maybe you can ask Ochako for help? They’ve been hanging out a lot more lately. I’m sure they talked about you more than once.”
“You know women, they keep their secrets to themselves.”
“I’m pretty sure men do the same thing.” Eijirou laughed. “But it’s worth a shot. We all know you can be an idiot sometimes, but we also know you didn’t mean to hurt her. You were just thinking about how to help her.”
Katsuki sighed and ran a hand over his face. “Yeah… I’ll see what I can do.”
“By the way, did you ever tell her?”
“About?” He lifted his head to look at his friend.
“That day we went hunting. I knew she looked familiar the night I met her. I laughed so hard.” Eijirou’s words had reminded Katsuki of something and his reaction was something that Eijirou wish he could watch on repeat over and over again. Katsuki had buried his face in his hand, covering the redness that spread across his skin tone. A groan like growl left his lips while a series of laughs left Eijirou’s. Eijirou gave him a heavy pat on his back that ended with a rub to his shoulders.
“Don’t tell her, alright?” Katsuki suddenly said.
“Why not? I’m sure she’ll—”
“Just don’t.”
Katsuki gave a hard look and Eijirou knew to back off. He could tell it was something he wasn’t ready to talk about especially not to you. His blush faded as fast as his glare and his eyes returned to the sight of you playing in the snow with Eijirou’s children. You were rolling snow in your hands until it formed into a ball and you hurled it at Minato who squealed when it hit him. He retaliated with his own tiny snow ball, his tail wagging uncontrollably, and a smile so wide you saw his tiny fangs peeking from behind his lips. Mie was defending him while Eiji was helping you.
Seeing you in a snow fight with the children was probably the cutest thing Katsuki had ever seen you do. He could see that your hands were becoming terribly cold and possibly numb, but it didn’t stop you from having fun. The bright smile on your face was oddly arousing to Katsuki. Perhaps because it’s been ages since it was directed at him. It’s only been a week, yet it felt like months since he had your attention. Each day he craved for it and tried to quench it by talking to you but when you shunned him away, he had no choice but to fulfill it by watching you from afar. He surely missed your company and he wanted to do anything he could to win you back. If it took swallowing his pride and asking Ochako for help, then he’ll grit his teeth and do it.
Katsuki would’ve thought you and the children stopped playing because your fingers were catching frostbite, but he noticed a commotion happening within his pack that gathered your attention. A group of wolves were near the opening used to enter the area and at this distance, Katsuki could hear the low rumbles of their growls. Suddenly, Eiji, Minato, and Mie were by their father’s legs and when Katsuki looked at the spot they ran from, you had disappeared. His eyes flew back at the crowd and he spotted your back as you were pushing your way through the growling wolves. And on instinct, he ran after you.
You thought your eyes had deceived you, but you knew these wolves wouldn’t be growling for no reason. What you saw should have been impossible but when you heard his voice over the harsh rumbles of the wolves, it became more and more possible. You excused yourself through the crowd, heart racing and adrenaline melting the numbness of your fingertips with heat. Your eyes went searching for any openings between heads to find who that voice belonged to. You slipped between bodies as fast as you could until you reached the very front of the crowd. You quickly noticed Mitsuki beside you, but you were more focused on the man that stood in front of you. Emerald colored eyes stared back at you with the same amount of shock you were giving. His hair was the trademark colors of spring’s green fields and freckles were dusted on his soft red cheeks.
“Izuku?” It was like your call had filled him with life. The shock had melted from his eyes, replaced by relief as he took a step forward with his arms slightly out. You rushed towards him, fitting perfectly within his arms as the two of you embrace for what felt like ages since the last.
“I thought you were dead…” You heard him say in your ear. You felt his arms around you squeeze your body.
“I’m alive and well. I thought I would never see you again.” You spoke in his chest, your voice vibrating against the fabrics of his heavy top. You pulled away slightly and his hands moved to cup your cheeks and wipe the tears that rolled down them. Despite the tears, you were smiling up at Izuku, relieved to see a familiar face after the chaos of last week. You didn’t question why or how he was here, you were just glad to see him.
Soon the view of Izuku’s face was blocked by a back covered in a large cloak of fur. Izuku had stumbled back and your face was replaced by eyes that held the same fiery rage as hell. Glorious fangs were bared at him, threatening to sink in his neck if he were to take a single step closer to you.
Katsuki spoke lowly, the snarl that left his lips made shivers run across Izuku’s back. “Who the fuck are you?”
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drumpfwatch · 5 years
State of the Union 2019 Commentary
It’s been a week and some change. Let’s talk State of the Union.
First off, I’d like to make a comment on the overall speech theme. Trump spoke of unity and everyone coming together, but that very morning he went to yell at how obstructionist and obnoxious the Democrats were being for not giving him his baby bottle wall. This man, who speaks of himself as the best deal maker in the world, and bragged he’d be able to get everyone to get together and make friends, sort out their differences, when he has done nothing but make demand after demand and concede no ground.
A compromise, Mr. Trump, is two people coming together and agreeing on something they’re both willing to do while conceding parts of what they want. It’s called a surrender if someone gives you everything they want while getting nothing. Dummkopf.
So with that, let’s begin at the beginning. I warn you right now I don’t want to go over every single point he made, but I’ll cover as many of them as I can and comment as needed. There are other commentaries out there, some as soon as the day after, and those are more than cool to have hanging around. I’m sure between all of those you can come up with a total summary of what he said, based on every single word. With that, let’s begin.
As per his theme, he started the speech by calling for unity and cooperation. All well and good for anyone else. We should avoid revenge politics - which is fucking rich coming from him, but whatever. Specifically, he calls congress to concern themselves “with the agenda of the American people” but…
Well, we’ll get to that.
He thanks some WW2 vets and then talks about how he’s interested in “America First.” People have on more than one occasion pointed out that given his actions, he seems to mean “America Only” when he says that, and that should be a premise that is upsetting to everyone but I have no doubt there is a large portion of the population of the American population who are more than happy to ignore the rest of the world. They already do, after all.
He then introduces Buzz Aldrin, saying that we’ll be going to space on American rockets again. And he’s actually, sadly, right there. Back in 2011, the Space Shuttle program was retired, and we’ve been relying on the Russian Soyuz capsule to get us into the space ever since. The successor to the Space Shuttle Program, the Space Launch System, has been slow coming for numerous reasons. It is, however, finally going to be ready to go in 2019 and will perform its first mission in 2020 - sending a craft to Mars. They wanted a rocket that could get a crew to Mars eventually, and the Senate…
Well, let’s just say congress stuck it’s fingers into the Space Launch System so much that it has been derisively called the Senate Launch System, and a lot of astronauts and NASA Engineers are concerned that it is basically a horrible, efficient money sink. Still, as an avid space fanatic, I’m glad we’re making efforts, at least. Though I’d point out that those efforts have been in motion long before he ever got there to direct them. This is, after all, the man that believed we could go to Mars before his first term was out.
He next goes on to talk about the economy, claiming that our middle class is bigger and more prosperous than ever before. This is untrue. While it seems to be complicated, the general consensus is that while the Middle Class has been stable in size, they tend to have less and less, especially in comparison to the upper class. That is where the real problem is, as well. The absolutely ridiculous wealth disparity. Though I get the feeling that removing taxes from private jets is totally gonna help with that. She says, sarcasm frothing in her mouth in a mixture of rage and bitterness.
He then claimed responsibility for the parts of the economic boom that have been happening. First of all, the economy is...not exactly booming. But there are good things happening in it. It’s sort of a whirlygig of insanity, if I’m honest. Now, you’ll hear me say this again a few other times, but I am not all that educated when it comes to economics. Economics is a chaos system and I much prefer stable ones with easy to predict results. Is a thing right or wrong, is this method an effective way of accomplishing the intended goal. Things like that.
That said, I do know a few things, and one of them is that a lot of people who do know a thing or two about economics point out that this economic boom began in 2016, which means it's entirely possible that this is a result of Obama’s policies were responsible, we don’t really know. Maybe Trump did have something to do with it, but it’s often not accurate to blame the problems or successes of an economy on a single thing. So this claim gets a big ol’ stamp of “UNVERIFIABLE” from me.
I can say that wages are not rising, or at least as much as he thinks. The Federal Minimum Wage was not changed since 2009, and lost about 9.6% of its purchasing power because of inflation. While some states have made major strides towards livable minimum wages have been made in places like New York and California, I’d be willing to bet dollars to donuts that if you removed the massive amount of wealth that people like Jeff Bezos make, you’d find that they are stagnant, or even lowering.
There’s a thought for a math rant sometime.
Anyway, he then praises the 5 million people who got off of food stamps. First of all, the number is 3.5 million. Second of all, it’s a bit more complicated than that. To summarize, while the decrease in unemployment is helping, there’s another little niggling thing. There was a provision in the law that basically said you could turn off some of the safety nets if employment rates rose, and a lot of states decided not to pay for those benefits. I won’t argue whether or not that was a right or wrong decision, but I will say you don’t get to wave around the number of people who are off a program as a victory when the reason they’re off it isn’t because they don’t need it, but because they were kicked off it.
We’re the hottest economy in the world, he says! And he’s wrong. I mentioned before that we’re in a weird sort of “Good Things, Bad Things” phase, but I don’t think I need to tell anyone that the stock market has been all over the place, falling and rising considerably at random. Meanwhile, S&P has downgraded America’s credit score. I think we’ve got a problem, and I know we’re not the hottest economy.
He then goes onto say that the unemployment rate for people of color is the lowest it’s ever been. And shockingly, he’s right on this one. Sort of. The Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the rate of unemployment for hispanic people and black people actually went down, and was at one point the lowest it’s ever been. Asian unemployment has sorta been all over the place. What makes it strange, however, is that each of these groups had a random and sudden spike since November/December of last year, while for whites it’s been pretty stagnant. Last hired, first fired, I guess.
He also talks about the same with disabled people and that is blatantly untrue. While it seems the number of people who qualify for disability also is going up, they’re not getting employed any faster.
I should also mention that even if we could point to one specific thing as responsible for these changes, I doubt it would be the fault of the man who himself wouldn’t house or hire black people.
He also celebrated getting rid of the estate tax. Which yes, he did. That is not necessarily a good thing. He acts like it applies to small businesses and farmers, but it doesn’t. One person said on the matter “If you don’t feel comfortable calling what you own an estate, then you probably aren’t affected by the estate tax.” You and your guilded crotch spawn and protected up to 10 million dollars. Only after that is your wealthy taxed on death, and only to prevent the the existence of a permanent landed gentry. The only people benefiting from the end of the estate tax are literal millionaires, who can afford to give some of that dosh to the community.
He then talks about Obamacare, and how he get rid of the Individual Mandate. He claims this was the most unpopular part of the law, and he’s right, but analysts point out that it’s more complicated then Thing Bad So Get Rid Of. Without the Individual Mandate to get people motivated to apply for coverage, a lot of people simply won’t get insured. Further, the whole point was that forcing the younger people to pay for insurance when they’re less likely to need it helped to add money to the pool that could be used to help cover the people with pre-existing conditions or complications. That said, it’s also a good thing not having people pay for coverage they can’t afford, so...it’s complicated.
Trump then bragged about cutting the most regulations of any President ever, and I won’t deny that he has. I will, however, point out that this is a horrible thing that should concern and frighten all of you. While some of those regulations may seem arbitrary, literally every one of them was written in the blood of some innocent person who died so a corporation could make an extra buck. We’ve already seen an increase in food poisoning and infections and the increase in food recalls since 2013 has been kind of horrifying. Trump has been eagerly cutting regulations to “Pre-1960s” levels. You know, before we had seatbelts. It’s very harmful to cut those regulations, and it needs to stop.
He then says that America has corporations coming back in record numbers. On this, he is also not wrong. The Jobs report was very good, and we should all be happy about that. That said, whether or not he is the one to thank for that is a bit more complicated, as usual. It turns out that some of these gears were set into motion when Obama was in office. Some of them are just the effects of a slow recovery process since the 2009 Recession. That said, they did take a sharp rise in 2017. So yay for him, I guess.
Except, again, if deregulation is how you’re doing this, then you’re doing it wrong. We should not be sacrificing the blood of American people so that a few already stupid wealthy people can get even more stupid wealthy. The reward is not worth the cost.
He then goes on about how we’re the number one producer of oil in the world. This claim is untrue. There has, however, been a boom in oil and natural gas production due to things like the invention of fracking and loosening of regulations that goes all the way back to the Bush Era. The rate is increasing such that by sometime into the 2020s, we will be the greatest producer of oil and natural gas, at least privately. Considering those materials are murdering our planet this is also not good news, but since Global Warming is, of course, a conspiracy cooked up by the Chinese to steal American Jobs, that doesn’t matter. We are also not a net exporter of energy, by the way, but are on are way to becoming one.
Then things get...weird. Everyone starts chanting “U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!” in this really low and creepy tone that I was frankly a bit creeped out by. It was like these people thought they were at a football game and not a session of Congress. Then again, this is my first time really sitting down and paying attention to the State of the Union, so this may be normal. I just didn’t like it.
What should, however, terrify everyone is his next babbling remark. He spends five minutes or so going on a rant about how “If there is going to be peace in legislation, there cannot be war and investigation.” Which, frankly, reminded me of a mafia frontman. “Lovely country you got here, shame if somethin’ were to happen to it. You noisy folks stink’ yah nose into my bosses business makes it real hard for him to keep wild guys like Big Jim ova deya under control. I can’t promise you won’t upset him wid all this.”
Sorry, trumby. You don’t get to talk about the need to stop our adversaries when you may well have been put in office by one.
Ughk, I hate using that word. Adversaries. It makes it sound like we have a boat load of enemies, when in reality we have like, 3 or 4, and otherwise a series of complex political relationships. Like we can’t work together with those people for a better future if we all just calmed the fuck down.
Like they’re not people.
Whatever. There are more important things to worry about.
Like how he goes on to mock the democrats for not approving his nominations. Even though a whole boatload of them are sketchy as fuck, should have never even been approved at all, or were just never filled by Trump in the first place.
Also can I just say that it’s fucking rich hearing aa man like Trump complain about not getting a nominee approved after what his party pulled with the Supreme Court? We call that hypocrisy.
He then goes on to talk about making life easier for prisoners and punishing people who abuse our veterans. Now, I could point out that prison reform was actually Barack Obama’s whole big thing and he passed a lot of laws in that regard, and Trump has not, and Former President Obama also passed VA reform in 2014 that allowed for people who mistreated veterans to be harshly punished. That said, Trump has been making further strides on those initiatives, and in fact his most approved and liked legislation is the First Step Act. These are the sorts of policies that really can make life better for people, and it’s nice to see everyone getting behind them. Ofcoursewecouldfurtherthesegreatstridesbyclosingdownforprofitprisons, andotherthingsthatimcertaindontappealtoarepublicanmindset, but that’s for another day. What I’m saying here is that as much as I don’t like it, I have to admit Trump has done a good. I don’t care who past them, how they developed, they were good things that happened. Yay! Good job Trump, you get a big shiny gold star.
We then move on to the Racist section of the speech. He starts by talking about the Migrant Caravan and I am shocked at how wrong and full of hatred this man is. He claims these refugees are an “onslaught” of illegal aliens when they’re all coming to America to seek asylum. You know, something that’s completely and totally legal. But no, this is an INVADING FORCE of ILLEGAL ALIENS that need to be stopped with 3,750 more Soldiers with GUNS. They managed to make it all the way to the American border with only one small kerfuffle with the Mexican border police, before arriving at the American border not to see Lady Liberty’s open arms welcoming the hopeless and downtrodden, the weary and poor, but instead heavily armed and barricaded troops who would then go on to use tear gas on them. Is that the America we want to show to the world?
Now, to his credit, Trump admits that Immigrants enrich our society - which is entirely true. Yes, there’s a bit of stress on lower-wage jobs when they first arrive, but that’s minimal in comparison to the benefits. Not that saying that to someone who got laid off and replaced with a migrant is no consolation, I fully understand, but there are ways to help these problems. Also, side note, if he believes immigrants are so awesome and enriching to our society, then he would be more than happy to have them enter the country. But the immigration system here is a convoluted mess of insanity that takes forever to get anything done and then occasionally does nothing, and Trump has just been making it worse. Just a thought.
Now I wrote an entire post about the wall, so I won’t go into it too much here. But the wall is an expensive, stupid, and ineffective idea. Drugs aren’t coming through skirmishers who are dodging around the border, they’re coming through ports of entry. The San Diego wall he was talking about isn’t nearly as effective as he pretends, and it didn’t really start working until the entry port in that area was spruced up. Smuggler still break through it all the time, as well, to the point where an area of it is called “Smuggler’s Gulch.” It also has trapped migrants into paying more to cross to the bad guys, taking riskier and more lethal routes, and actually trapping “illegal” migrants in who may want to leave. Most of the time, men would come up, do some work for cash, then go home once they felt they had enough, but now they’re coming, staying, and bringing their families.
Trump also points out that there were people in that room who voted for the wall, but I reckon the immense amount of insanity that came from that previous attempt are why a lot of people don’t want to do it again. Trump says that “No issue better illustrates the divide between America's working class and America's political class” but in truth, 60% of Americans are strongly opposed to the wall. The wall is a lost, stupid cause, and Trump needs to give it up before he hurts himself with his flailing about it.
OH, and just as one last cherry on the cake, it won’t stop sex trafficking either. Most traffickers bring there people in through on legal Visas, which they are then forced to overstay as those visas are held from them. In fact, over 80 anti-trafficking organizations got together to say that Trump's comments on the matter were actually harmful to efforts to stop this stuff.
He then goes on to tell the story of the Maddison family. I honestly don’t remember what it specifically was, because they are just a prop to garner sympathy for his position, and I’d actually be fine with that if the idiot didn’t use it to spread a lie. This family lost ones they love to MS13 members. That’s horrible and tragic and very sad, and I feel for them and wish it hadn’t happened. But acting like this is how every “illegal immigrant” operates is just a flat out lie. While the actual numbers are hard to tell, we know enough to say that if you strip away the illegal crime of coming here when not allowed, “illegal” immigrants commit 16% less crimes then the native-born population. Most of them are just people who want to escape an insane life and live the American Dream. But, see, they’re hispanic, so they can’t. You have to be white to be an American.
So with all of that said, let’s jump ahead to a cute moment where he talks about women taking 53% of the open jobs. Again, not his fault but go off I guess.
He then goes on to celebrate the women in Congress, of which there are more than ever before. Hurrah! I appreciate that little wink and nod, and in fact Donny, you get a gold star for this one too because this one is your fault.
By proxy.
Pretty much every one of those women ran for office because they hated you, your policies, and your stupid ugly face. They’re not there because they like you, they’re there because they want to stop you. So I think I’mma just take that shiny gold star away.
Next, he bounces back to talking about the economy, because Trump can’t focus on a single thing. Again, I won’t say much on this because economics is not my speciality, but people who DO know a thing or two about economics are pretty much in agreement that tariffs are a tool, and not a very good one. The analogy I like to use goes something like this. Imagine tariffs as a double edged knife you’re going to use to stab someone you don’t like. You’re already dealing with a weapon that’s not the safest, but guess what? This one also doesn't have a hilt, or a guard, or a pommel or anything. It’s literally just a long, serrated sheet of iron with a point on one end. So whenever you hit the other guy, you’re cutting yourself too. You can’t not.
Tariffs need to be used with the precision of a scalpel, and only if they’re determined to be the right tool for the job. And that’s without accounting for the unintended consequences like how rich people can probably find a way to avoid tariffs so they hurt the poorer people more, or you know, starting a trade war because the other people can just pass tariffs on you too?! And if any of you think this gigantic flatulating, tiny-handed orange with a racist stick coming out of its ass is capable of “precision” then I have a bridge I’d very much like to sell you.
He also goes on to talk about NAFTA again, and I’m gonna have to plead ignorance on this one. I don’t know if NAFTA is or is not a good deal, or if UMCA is a better one. I don’t know enough about economics and I don’t know enough about the laws themselves. I’m at least grateful the idiot didn’t cancel NAFTA before enstating UMCA, and those people who are smarter than me I keep talking about say that Mexico and Canada may not be in a mood to negotiate a new trade deal. So who knows. I’m not going to say much else on the matter.
So then we move on to infrastructure brieful. Trump talks about how it’s crumbling and needs repair, and he’s not wrong. The infrastructure report card for the US is, frankly, abysmal. But this begins a trend on a couple of topics.
He goes on to eagerly talk about how we need to improve health care, and lower drug prices! That we’re going to get rid of HIV in 10 years! That Childhood Cancer is going to be eradicated! Everyone gets paid family leave! All this wonderful pie-in-the-sky stuff that is super cool to hear him talk about, and I’d be totally behind him….
If he were actually doing anything on these matters. Trump talks a big game on these things, but hasn’t made any moves. Whenever he starts to, his business buddies step in and explain why they’re going to lose money and he stops.
So! He then moves on to talk about the legislation in New York that protects women’s rights to get an abortion anytime and how horrible it is that they’re murdering babies.
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I think the response the white-clade congress women gave was the best.
I think the look on Angela Ocasio-Cortez’s face is the best, but the look on Angelia Ocasio-Cortez’s face and I think that’s Kathleen Rice giving the stink eye.
I don’t want to get into a debate about abortion, because that really is the best way to get everyone everywhere ever to hate you. I will say this, however. The law more or less only applies to pregnancies that would kill the mother or if the baby is already dead, and it wouldn’t matter if it didn’t.
Do you honestly think a person is going to go throw eight months of the most harrowing and obnoxious process the human body is capable of performing and then just suddenly decide “You know what? I don’t want this baby anymore.” If you’re that far along you either wanted the baby and were willing to suffer for it, or you never wanted the baby and were prevented from getting an abortion when it would’ve been kinder. The law isn’t about murdering babies, it's about letting women have control over themselves and their bodies. Acting like it’s some horrible evil that happened just makes you look dumb.
We then go onto nonsense about military bravado. Trump yammered about how he forced our allies to pay their fair share in NATO - which is honestly a kettle of fish I want to talk about in its own post, but suffice it to say it’s interesting everything he stresses and hates NATO for makes matters easier for Putin.
The real thing I want to talk about is the nuclear treaty he eventually meanders into like a toddler into a wall. Look, I’m not going to pretend that I understand the intricate diplomatics of nuclear negotiations, but even I know that YOU DO NOT ARBITRARILY CANCEL A TREATY THAT PREVENTS NUKES FROM BEING BUILT. You want an arms race?! This is how you get an arms race!
So what if Russia is “flaunting it” and ignoring it? I do not give one single solitary flying fuck. You negotiate a treaty that makes them suffer consequences - or better yet, stop not making them suffer the consequences they’re supposed to when they pull that shit - and you do it while the other treaty is still active. The last thing we need right now is a nuclear war and I don’t want to fucking hear that you’re taking Russia out of a treaty that at least somewhat contained them.
This man is going to get us all killed, I swear to Athena.
He then starts saying that “oh, the world would be in Nuclear war with South Korea if it weren’t for him, and he’s just wrong. I mean I know the nature of reality is such that there’s no real way to measure the tiny micro changes in the fabric of events that could lead to a given result, but I can say for damn sure that North Korea became more aggressive after Trump took office, and that their nuclear problem is largely for deterrent purposes because they are afraid of. Not that anyone should have nuclear weapons. Point is, this claim is bullshit, and I don’t need to source anything because it’s fantastical.
Next up is Venezuela, and his whole...spat against socialism. First of all, socialism is not responsible for the collapse of Venezuela because it wasn’t socialist. Those close to Maduro call his state a narco mafia government under the guise of socialism. It’s complicated - like everything else here is - but it can basically be summarized that instead of gathering material in the government and using it to support the people, it gave all that to big companies and then just kept taking and taking. Because that’s what unregulated big companies do. There was no market.
That said, even if Venezuela had been socialist in the truest sense, that doesn’t mean that socialist policies couldn’t work or shouldn’t be used. When applied properly (with a mix of capitalism, in my opinion), you can create a prosperous country that takes care of everyone by skimming off the top of those who have much and giving to those who have little. We’ve seen it work in different circumstances before, and even an entire country that made it work up until Stalin decided to take it over and twist its efficacy into bullshit.
He then talks a bit about Israel and Palestine, which is another basket of snakes I refuse to open other then to say that treating it as casually as he does is stupid. Israel and weird creepy end times Christians are the only people who actually don’t want a two-state solution. Sooo yeah.
Next, he speaks on how he’s done with the war against ISIS and that the troops are coming home, but fails to give a time frame and talks about not fighting an endless war - something I’d be more willing to believe if he wasn’t spewing money into the military like a sick man on laxatives does into the toilet. But whatever, I’m all for both of those things, so if he does them I’ll compliment him accordingly and apologize for not believing him.
The last thing I really want to talk about is how he brags about getting out of the Iran Nuclear Deal. That was actually working just fine and had finally squeezed Iran into cooperating and now they don’t have to while still giving them breathing room for their civilian population. But that is a complicated matter, that, again, is more difficult to ascertain than “Thing Good” or “Thing Bad.”
From there, the rest of the speech is just chest beating and bravado. Emotional appeals about how great America is and how free we are and blah blaah blaaah. I actually don’t have a problem with this - the swelling call to action at the end of the speech is a very effective tool and it’s not like I haven’t used emotional manipulation myself, even in this very article. But the point is that it’s not factual - it’s not meant to be criticized as a series of claims or even critiqued at all. It’s bravado, pure and simple. Trump is good at it, and he did a good job with it here.
Before I conclude though, I just want to quickly comment on one thing. Him derailing antisemitism is hilarious. You’re like 4 years too late on that bro.
Anyway, conclusions.
Most of the problems with this speech can be summed up with “It’s not that simple, idiot.” The world is a complicated place and Trump tried to simplify it. His ignorance to fully explain the complexities - or, as the case may be, even bother to understand them - has led him to misinform people live on TV. I’m not going to spend time talking about whether it was deliberate or not, I have long since given up and trying to determine where Trump’s evil ends and his stupid begins.  
I will say that I give him one or two points for doing the things right, but given how much else was disgusting and, frankly, hateful, it’s very much “even a broken clock is right twice a day” type thing. Trump’s state of the Union was a cavalcade of lies and misjudgements, interspaced with bravado and unnecessary calls to his god. This is a secular nation, people. I should not hear about God no less than 4 times in the most important speech the country makes.
Hopefully he’ll be out of office soon.
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miss-writes-a-lot · 6 years
Persona 6 Chapter 5: Ditching to the other world part. 1
Isas had regained consciousness a while ago and was now outside along with the rest of the students that were evacuated. He didn't remember much. When he woke up, he was just huddled out with the crowd. Now, he was just sitting outside, with a group of annoying girls constantly asking if he was okay. "Are you sure you're okay, Senpai?"
"Yes." Isas replied. For the millionth time, I am fine. Is me not speaking normally and sitting up right convincing you? He thought annoyed.
"ISAS!!!" Jumin's voice screamed. Isas stood up as he saw Jumin and the girls push pass the crowd.
"JUMIN!" He shouted back. Jumin spotted his friend and ran to Isas and hugged him, but quickly pulled away. "What the fuck man?! What happened to you?!"
"I..I don't remember...I just blacked out I guess..." He replied, rubbing his temple.
Jumin nodded, turning his head to the side. Isas' eyes went wide as he grabbed a hold of his face. "Jumin! Your jaw!"
"It's fine, Isa. I'm fine."
Suddenly, one of the girls stood up, her face in anger. "YOU!" She shouted, pointing at Suki, "I saw her running away when Isas~Kun passed out!"
Suki stepped back, her heart pumping fast. I didn't mean to leave him there... "I-I was going to get help, I swear!"
"LIAR! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ISAS-KUN?!" This girl was now on her was to punch Suki in the face when Isas took Suki's had and pulled her close to his body.
"ENOUGH! Suki-San has done nothing to me, nor would she do anything else. Now stop your yelling because IT IS irritating ME!" Isas yelled.
Everyone was taken aback by his sudden burst of anger. Isas never yelled at anyone ever. He was always so passive. This was all to new to them. Isas then suddenly felt weak and dropped to his knees, breathing heavily. Jumin and Kimi knelt beside him.
"Isas..." Kimi said.
"Jumin..." Isas gulped for air, "Jumin, H-has that man been lurking around your house lately...?" Jumin looked at him, confused. "W-what?"
"T-take me to your house...please.."
Jumin nodded. "O-okay, man. Okay. We're going." Jumin helped Isas to his feet and they began to walk home. Jumin looked back and gave a small wave. Kimi and Suki waved back.
Kimi looked over at Suki. "Maybe I should go to..."
"Wanna ride home together?" Suki asked.
"How bout we just walk..." Kimi said. Suki nodded as they made there way home.
That night, Suki was in her room unpacking. Kimi was in her living room, snacking on chips. Jumin was playing video games as Isas laid on his bed, reading. But he couldn't. His vision had become blurry and it didn't seem to be going away. He put the book down and sat up, still unable to see.
"Hey, how come we can never play games at your house? You've got like, seven flatscreens!" Jumin exclaimed.
"My parents don't allow video games, remember? And remember the last time we tried to play video games? You threw the controller out the window. A closed window."
Isas rolled his eyes and chuckled. Jumin smirked, but then went into a solemn expression. "Hey....what happened with you today? You've been taking care of yourself, right?" Isas shook his head. "Haven't had the time...been busy, I suppose..."
"That isn't healthy..." Jumin stated.
"And neither is letting that stranger hurt you..." Isas blurted out. The room was quiet for a moment. Jumin felt his bruised jaw as he sighed. "If it's not me..it's her and him, Isa..."
"It doesn't have to be any of you. You can-"
"I can't....not if...." Jumin fell quiet. "Let's just watch some T.V...." Isas was about to say something, but stopped. "Okay..."
Jumin switched through the channels when he came across the news and saw their school along with the caption 'DEATH AT TSUKIGATA HIGH SCHOOL.' "Dude..look..." Isas and Jumin stared at the screen as the reporter spoke.
"Today at this local high school, a young student was found dead in one of the classrooms. Students reported that she had been seizing moments before the incident that police still refuse to disclose...but theories arise that the cause of the student's death may be the flu that has been plaguing this town for decades..."
Akiniko's heart had dropped to his stomach. Suki was stunned into shock. And then, she was flooded with anger. She stomped out of her room and into the living room where Akiniko was sitting. "I thought you said that no one would die! Did you lie to me?!" She yelled.
"What?! No! Why would I-"
"YOU'RE LYING! This was all a trick, wasn't it? You just told me all of this so I would be on your side, huh?" Suki turned, her fists clenched and teeth gritted. "I should have known..." She growled as she stomped off to her room.
Kimi couldn't speak. Her words couldn't leave her mouth. They were strifled by fear. She jumped when she heard the patterned footsteps of one her younger siblings. She quickly switched the channel and left the room. "Kimi, What's-"
"Nothing...it's Nothing...I'm just tired..."
Have to protect them..can't let them know...
Tuesday.Early Morning March 4th 20XX
Suki had finally calmed down but was not in the mood to face Akiniko. Just her luck, he had to leave early for work again. She began her way to school. Two students were in front of her, talking.
"Can't believe they're still making us go to school even after that girl died..." An annoyed student moaned.
"Hey, show some respect. That could have easily been you..." Her older friend reprimanded.
"Still, it's just wrong to send your kids to class the day after someone dies..."
"Yeah. It is pretty morbid." Suki was distracted from the conversation when she saw Kimi peeking behind a building corner, waving her over. "Yo! Suk!" She whispered. Suki walked over to her. "Wanna skip together? I really wanna show you something.."
"Are you sure about this..?" Suki asked.
"Please!" Kimi pleaded, "we can go later! Promise!" Suki looked around, nervous that they were being watched. "Ugh. Fine. But we have to come back." Kimi smiled. "Yes! Now get on!"
"Oh, Heck no."
"Oh come on! You can't walk to where I'm going to show you." Kimi whined.
"You almost killed me last time!"
"You're over exaggerating!" Suki rolled her eyes.
"Just get on."
"Fiinnne.." Suki sat on the back of the bike and wrapped her hands around Kimi's waist, causing her to blush. "You okay?" Suki asked.
"..y-Yeah..totally okay..A-Anyway! Let's go!" Kimi sped off, this time Suki actually stayed on the bike. Kimi had to take many back roads away from the areas where the students usually walked. Finally, they were out of the town and into the vegetation. The farmers in the nearby plots waved to Kimi and smiled at her. "You really do know everyone in this town.." Suki said.
"Yeah. Kinda a social butterfly here.." Kimi said with a smile. They rode passed many farmers markets and small shops before entering a trail leading to the wooded area up in the hills, away from town. Kimi then turned into what seemed like a clearing up ahead and stopped. Suki's eyes lit up in amazement. "Wow..."
A waterfall. It's water was crystal blue, so clean and clear. The are surrounding was beautiful as well, not a hit of dark, looming, infected air. Everything was so green and lively. Kimi removed her mask, sending Suki into shock. "Kimi, no! The air-"
"The air's fine up here!" Kimi declared, breathing a large breath of air, "this is the only place where the air is fine!"
Suki was a bit hesitant to take off her mask. It's like a band aid..rip off...In one swift motion, Suki yanked off her mask. Nothing happened. The air was fine. The air was better than fine. It was so fresh and clean. "Wow..."
"I know, right?" Kimi chuckled. She walked over to a bush, pulling out two jars and two butterfly nets and handed one of each to Suki. "What are these for?"
"My sisters wanted me to go bug catching and bring some cool ones back. You're gonna help me."
"I am?"
"Hey, two heads are better than one." Suki smirked and grabbed the items in Kimi's hands.
"You take that side, I take that side?" Kimi asked, walking over to the more tree populated area. Suki nodded and Kimi left running. Suki searched around the bushes but only came across generic garden bugs, hardly anything of interest.
Mom and I used to go bug catching...I wonder if she- She stopped herself and her thoughts. Of course she won't remember..she isn't here anymore....Mom..why did you leave me..?
Her thought was cut short when she was distracted by something.
It was a blue butterfly.
It looked so different from any other butterfly she had seen. She had to get it for Kimi's sisters. The butterfly began to fly away. She chased after it. It was hard trying to catch the small thing as it was acting as if it was trying to avoid her. It then began to fly into the waterfall. Through sheer determination, she powered through and follow it.
So much so, that she didn't realize that she was walking on water.
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