mxtantrights · 1 year
"let's go party!"
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You're staring at him now. You can't believe what just came out of his mouth. Seriously, Eddie surprises you almost every day but this was just another level of surprise. Would you call it shock or pure awe? You're not sure.
"I'm sorry, can you say that again?" you ask.
Eddie looks at you now. His brown eyes wide and his mouth agape. He didn't mean to say it. It just slipped out and he didn't know how to backtrack so he thought he'd explain why he said it but now he's dug himself a bigger hole.
"No." he says simply.
You squint your eyes, "Eds did you just tell me there is Barbie-lore?"
He clears his throat. Once. Then twice. He crosses his arms over his chest and starts rocking on his heels back and forth. If you weren't so intrigued by how casual his drop of Barbie knowledge was you would focus on how hot he looks right now. You could do that later.
"Are you going to hold this against me?" he asks.
You shake your head furiously.
"No no no, but I need like the deets. I need to know why you know this! I mean Eddie this is world shattering." you ramble.
"Okay, Okay princess. It's not like anyone will believe you any way." he agrees.
Eddie takes a seat next to you. You squeal and smile as he does. He grabs both of your hands with his. Again if you were in a better state of mind you would have grown hot at his touch. But your mind is still on him knowing Barbie facts.
"So you know how in the fifties they sold that Barbie doll called Midge? The teen pregnancy doll?" he asks.
You nod your head heavily, "Yeah yeah yeah, keep going."
"Well it's like a theory that it was actually supposed to be Barbie and not Midge, that the marketing team stepped in and swapped the names because they didn't want to make a splash." he continues.
He then leans in close to you. Not close enough that your noses are touching or anything. But enough to feel his breath fan over your face.
"Eddie what the hell are you about to tell me?" you whisper.
"Midge was a test. Because a couple of years after that, guess who gets introduced into the Barbie universe?" he asks
You shake your head, "I don't know. Who?"
"Skipper. Who is continently the right age as Midge's baby would be." Eddie says.
"And...we never see Barbie's mother. Ever." Eddie says.
Then he pulls away from you. He lets go of your hands and taps on the side of his head with his fingers. You look at him in bewilderment and amusement. You can already tell this is just the surface of what he knows. You can't help the snort that comes out of you.
"What? You don't believe me?!" Eddie shouts.
"Eds, it's just dolls." you answer.
Eddie gets up with a gasp, "Barbie isn't just a doll, she's an idea!"
And with that he's stomping away into the back of his trailer. You watch him go as you try to contain your laughter. His hard footsteps getting fainter and fainter as they leave you on the couch.
Th erdoor to his room closes. Not with a slam, because he's not actually hurt about this. But boy does he love to put on a show for you.
"Non-believer!" he shouts.
"Eddie! I'm sorry!" you double over in laughter.
"I can't believe I make out with you! " he yells.
"Do you wanna make out right now?" you ask/yell back.
You hear his door open.
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mxtantrights · 11 months
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Steve Harrington who thinks he doesn't hear you right when you call him bub. the nickname is so unfamiliar to him. Usually it was 'baby' or 'babe' or 'love' or some other declaration.
Steve Harrington who almost drops the bowl of popcorn on the carpeted floor of his apartment when you call him bub because he realizes that he did hear you right.
Steve Harrington who was really good at running the mile in high school, runs all the way over to you on the couch with a shocked face but a gobsmacked smile too.
Steve Harrington who asks for you to call him that again and is met with a confused face. He doesn't want to say the word before you do. He wants to hear you again.
Steve Harrington who drops to his knees and begs you, tucking his head right near your knees. His hands lay flat on top of your knees too, like he is at the altar and that altar is you.
Steve Harrington who sighs in relief when you say it again and you card your hand through his hair. He leans in to your touch.
Steve Harrington who, after your finished with date night, calls up Robin and Eddie to talk about what happened. He can't believe that a nickname made him beg on the floor like that, and he can't believe how much he liked it. Robin ends the call with a laugh and Eddie wants to see you call Steve bub in-person
Steve Harrington who has to re-evaluate his life when a few weeks later you call him Stephen while cuddling with him in the park on a blanket he brought from home.
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mxtantrights · 10 months
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Steve Harrington who thinks there are no perfect things in the world. There are no perfect vests because one of the colors are always off. There are no perfect movies because something always falls flat or takes too much willpower to understand. And there are no perfect families because well, look at his parents.
Steve Harrington who thinks upon meeting Dustin and his crew that maybe people can be don’t have to be perfect. Dustin shows him how much can get lost in the effort to be perfect.
Steve Harrington who grabs the last box of chocolate cheerios at the convenience store because the party is making a replica of a Star Wars scene with food and they needed edible dirt and the color of the Cheerios is perfect (he thinks it’s a bit off but he doesn’t say that to Dustin)
Steve Harrington who goes to the checkout line and stand behind you not knowing who you are. He thinks you have really interesting style, your converse have intricate doodles on them.
Steve Harrington who doesn’t say anything to you while on line because honestly he’s in such a hurry to get back to the kids because he doesn’t want to be the reason their replica isn’t complete.
Steve Harrington who, weeks later, is standing outside of the video store with his uniform and looking up at the sun because robin said there would be a perfect eclipse or something like that and he should look right at it.
Steve Harrington who hears you calling his name telling him to stop looking at the sun because it’ll hurt his eyes. He looks at you and doesn’t recognize you at first. Then his eyes go downwards to your feet and he sees the sneakers and remembers you instantly.
Steve Harrington who takes the special glasses you offer him to see the sun. He laughs and says the feeling on his eyes is much better but he probably looks like a dork or something.
Steve Harrington who is taken aback when you tell him he looks perfect with the glasses on. He thought you were just playing around with him so he doesn’t take it literally.
Steve Harrington who has to be told by Robin, Dustin, Max and Lucas on several separate occasions that he should have asked for at the least your name and that he could have let the love of his life walk away from him.
Steve Harrington who is shocked to say the least when you come bursting into the video store with a bunch of tapes in your hand. You come up to the register and tell him that Keith had talked to you about an exchange.
Steve Harrington who takes twenty minutes with you rewinding the tapes and playing them from the beginning to figure out which is which. And you two joke around about Indiana Jones being labeled Jaws. And then you laugh.
And Steve Harrington thinks there are really no perfect things in this world besides your laugh. He loves it immediately. He wants to hear it again so he cracks another joke and sure enough he gets to hear the sweet music.
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mxtantrights · 1 year
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Eddie Munson who knows color theory. Don't ask how or when but this guy just knows the ins and outs of color theory. The main reason why, or the reason he'll tell anyone who asks, is because of Dungeons and Dragons. He's gotta know what color is what and what it pairs well with for the sake of the game.
Eddie Munson who uses his color theory to dress. Of course his wardrobe is mostly black with hints of red and blue. But you'll never see him in different shades of black. He knows the difference between midnight, onyx, crow, ink, etc.
Eddie Munson who is hanging out with Dustin, Lucas, Mike, Will, Max and Eleven when they bring up they saw you making posters for the upcoming carnival with no help at all.
Eddie Munson who shows up to the next carnival meeting with his color theory skills and a bagged lunch from Wayne. He clicks with you instantly and you two start coloring together.
The two of you hangout outside of carnival prep. He asks if you would be willing to do art for his D&D campaign, which the kids have already brought up with him, and you agree. You sketch some monsters and he colors them.
Eddie Munson who tells you one day while you two are just fooling around in the park (as friends), that he wanted to learn color theory because he wanted to help his Uncle Wayne at work. At the factor you have to know your colors and he helped him study until he got it on his own.
You invite him one day to just sketch in the park, weeks after the carnival ended and you two end up fooling around (as more than friends).
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mxtantrights · 1 year
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Steve Harrington likes talking about Star Wars even though he knows the most basic information on his best day. He knows who Han Solo is, how could he not that's like his go-to costume on halloween.
Steve Harrington should know more about Star Wars considering his best friend is Dustin Henderson. Dustin can write out an essay with the whos-who and the intricate plots explained clearly and easily. Steve still can't lock it down. Dustin can host a marathon night with Steve but come the next week Steve will forget fifty percent of everything he saw.
Steve Harrington picks up subtle things while working at family video. When he gets to choose which film plays on the screens during the day 7 out of 10 times it's a Star Wars film. And in between checking in the tapes and stacking boxes in the back he picks up the name of those furry creatures.
Steve Harrington is picking up some body wash in the grocery store a day before halloween when he sees you in a resistance pilot costume. He has an out of body experience. He can't stop staring at you. And he actually goes up to talk to you.
Steve Harrington drops some minimal knowledge while flirting with you, two in one body wash in his hands as he does. He talks about the Ewoks and how he thinks Yoda is older than everyone thinks. And it's sweet, it's really sweet.
So sweet that you don't have the heart to tell him that you have no clue what any of the Star Wars movies entail. You're in this costume because your friend group decided and you lucked out. But you let him think you know exactly what he's talking about for now.
Steve Harrington doesn't ask for your number. It's not that he doesn't want to, it's just that you beat him to the punch. Luckily, you have your Polaroid camera on you. So you ask one of the passing ladies to take your picture together. And you scribble out your number,xxx-xxxx, in sharpie pen and pass the photo onto Steve.
Steve Harrington calls you on halloween and asks if you wanna marathon Star Wars.
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mxtantrights · 1 year
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yes my inbox is open to blurbs starting now. send in any ramblings or ideas you have! I’d love to answer and talk and create new things along with you all. or just gush over these characters. 
who I will write for 
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
(and maybe more, send me an ask and I’ll let you know)
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mxtantrights · 2 years
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Steve Harrington: 
the ballerina, the freak, and the king (complete)
damsel (incomplete)
how we met (complete)
(one shots/ two parters)
we could listen to Fleetwood Mac
i'm out of my mind (but only over you) 
Eddie Munson:
the ballerina, the freak, and the king (complete)
blurbs are tagged: #stblurbs , #harringtonblurbs, #munsonblurbs 
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