#starwatch cassidy
wildissylupus · 8 months
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I finished the design for Starwatch Cassidy.
In my mind his Rebel look is what he would look like in the majority of the Starwatch story. His Prince appearance only being seen before, during and slightly after the rescue mission. Basically if this were in game you would only see him in this outfit in cut scenes and comics, the Rebel appearance being what he would look like when he was playable.
I tried to have both outfits be references to the outfits that Qi'ra and Leia wear, and I'll probably make a past, street-rat design for him too at some point but I'll try and focus more on his current story and the designs for Pharah and Ana first.
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slashrabbitbunny · 1 year
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Couple overwatch things tee hee❤️🐰❤️
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nitewrighter · 1 year
Is Starwatch kind of what you were thinking about when you mentioned taking your fankids to a space opera original story?
Not that much? I mean there is an Evil Space Duke in my story, but he's a lot more understated than Space Emperor Sigma. My mental image of him was more of The Illusive Man from Mass Effect (And also David Bowie's Thin White Duke, obvs.). My big inspirations for my space opera are David Bowie's multiple personas, The Fifth Element, the movie "Rock and Rule," Becky Chambers' Wayfarer series, Mass Effect, and the French Sci Fi comics "Valerian" and "The Incal." This space opera seems to be leaning more into the "Space Pirate Harlock" elements we saw in the Space Raider skins we saw for Cassidy and Soldier:76.
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suicidalgamergirl · 10 months
OverWatch Missions
So I find out playing as Missions that are permanently out and the Underworld Limited Time Missions give out more EXP than in Quick Play. I'm 11 Tiers away from getting the Anna skin.
I can see why people suggested I should play Winston. He was pretty easy to manage and I didn't die in said missions.
Anyways back to storyline. Yeah, Blizzard has wonderful story aspects. It's why I picked up an artbook that discusses how they create their ideas. Cole Cassidy/Jesse McCree was an StarWatch character draft. Now he's is the well known cowboy everyone loves and adore from the series.
Okay, so fuck Talon. Oh yes, let's kill an Omnic political advisor so the robots will know their place. Surely, nothing bad would happen to the world, regardless of humans fearing these robots that want to live in peace.
Nothing bad will happen/sarcasm. *points to WW1 as an example*
Which gives Ramattra a pretty good reason to hate humans. And I agree.
(Don't shove me with Dobson and all those fedora wearing man-children saying they respect the opposition that is being oppressed. I swear, I'm trying to lose weight and my left eye fuck up on my vacation away from home.)
This just feels like Megaman X all over again.
It sucks you had pay for it. And I think Blizzard knows that give people those sweet interesting cut scenes and people will play it.
And it runs well on the Switch. So yay.
As a newb, I like the story modes. Plus new lore book is coming out next year.
Now can I go back to quick play to play as Illari and LifeWeaver?
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wildissylupus · 28 days
I've come back on my Starwatch bullshit.
Now I know that I've made a design for SW!Cassidy but if I had to give him an already existing skin I would give him the Space Raider skin. Mostly because it's the perfect blend of royal and rouge that I wanted SW!Cassidy since he would be the Leia reference to Ashe's Han Solo reference.
However what prevented me from saying that was the fact that Soldier 76 already had a Starwatch skin and the Space Raider skins are kind of tied together. Now, I could have just gone the easy way and ignored Soldier's Space Raider skin.
But when have I ever gone the easy way. So I thought of ways I could fit the Space Raider skin into the story have in Starwatch, specifically SW!Soldier and I came up with this;
SW!Jack goes on a "are we the baddies?" arc. Now to first define what this storyline is, "Are we the Baddies?" better known as the Heel Realization, is a trope were a character realizes that the side they are on might not have the best outcome in mind. In this specific instance with SW!Jack he would basically realize that there is no good result if the Empire wins. Leading him to go on a redemption quest and join up with Cassidy's branch of The Watchers.
Which in turn leads to him dawning the Space Raider skin.
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wildissylupus · 8 months
I was thinking about Starwatch, specifically what Cassidy's character would be in this universe when I realised something.
Ashe is very clearly a reference to Han Solo, her entire design and characterisation in Starwatch matches Han to a T.
Does that mean Cassidy would be a reference to Qi'ra if he was a part of Starwatch?
Cause I think the stories match really well, both in terms of the characters themselves and the fact that Starwatch is very much a side swap AU. I don't think it would be an exact story replica, specifically I think Cassidy would just be working for the empire instead of a completely different organisation, but I do think that could be who Cassidy is in that universe.
Either that or he's Leia, which is incredibly funny to me but I don't think it really fits that well.
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wildissylupus · 8 months
Starwatch AU: Cassidy, Pharah and Ana Lore.
Ok the votes are in and a combination of Leia and Qi'ra was the majority vote!! I've already come up with a design so while I try and finish that here's some backstory!!
Note; some info I used for allies and general world lore is from @cybernightart (they are actually why I started think about this AU lol) so check out their Starwatch Genji content please.
Anyway now for story.
Everyone knows of the Royal House of Amari, loved as much as they are feared. Cunning strategists, powerful warriors, several planets under their command, a family of many rumors. Some believed the family had mystical abilities, others believed that the royal family had access to technologies that other kingdoms and empires could only dream of.
All these rumors were overshadowed by the mysterious and sudden assassination of Queen Ana Amari. Her death threw the kingdom into chaos.
Many were worried about the state of the kingdom if the Crown Princess Fareeha Amari were to take the thrown. After all the Princess had stated time and time again about her disinterest in the politics and responsibilities of the thrown. She herself wanting to study for battle.
With the recent destruction of the Shimada empire, in combination with the Queens death, citizens were worried that with Princess Amari on the thrown that they would enter an era of war with the Infinite Empire, an era they wouldn't come out of alive.
Concerns changed when it was announced that Prince Cole Cassidy-Amari would be taking the throne in his sisters stead.
After that announcement reactions were mixed, nobles were appalled that a person with no history of royal blood would be taking the throne, while the less fortunate saw hope that one of their own would be in a position of power. Cassidy was named a savior, a false king and the beginning of an unpredictable future.
Due to the technological advances of the kingdom, the Infinite Empire sought ally ship with the House of Amari. The same could be said for the Watchers.
However, neither party achieved full ally ship, as neither of them could guarantee the complete safety of the Amari's people. As a result the planets that were under The House of Amari's command were made into a neutral ground.
Many saw The House of Amari staying out of the rebellion and the Infinite Empire as a good thing.
However behind closed doors the Amari siblings fought on the issue, Fareeha calling her brother a coward. Stating they need to join the Watchers, not want to associate with the Infinite Empire due to their shared suspicion of them being responsible for Ana's death. Cole, however, saw all the downsides of siding with either faction.
Eventually they came to an agreement and in secret, Cassidy entrusted 3CH-O (Cassidy and Liao were still close in this universe) to the Watchers. In hope that her advancements in robotics and AI would assist the Watchers in their rebellion.
As for the Infinite Empire, Emperor Sigma was not stupid, he was not going to ignore the possible threat that the Amari House presented. He placed several outposts and surveillance around to watch the kingdom.
After all was said and done, The House of Amari remained a neutral force between the Infinite Empire and The Watchers, if any suspicion were to arise about the Houses allegiance, of suspected treachery towards the Emperor, well.... Cassidy was always been known for being persuasive.
However a "sliver tongue" can only save you from so much.
After the capture and information extraction of 3CH-O, The House of Amari's involvement with The Watchers, was exposed. As a result, the capture of Cassidy was ordered. Empire Soldiers were dispatched and thought Fareeha, now Royal General Pharah, wanted to fight. Cassidy ordered her not to, giving her secret orders to contact The Watchers.
When Pharah contacted The Watchers, she was met with someone who's voice was familiar to her, but she couldn't place where she had heard it. She asked for assistance, for someone to help save her brother. The Watchers arrived as soon as they could. On a new mission to save the captured prince.
Here a little facts I left out of the story;
Ana is alive, you can probably guess she's the Watcher that Pharah contacts.
Cassidy was a street rat in the same place were Ashe is from, they both met on the streets but during a heist gone wrong, one that changed both of their lives forever. Cassidy was captured by guards and arrested, Ashe promised to come back for him as he yelled at her to get away. However, shortly after, Cassidy caught the attention of Queen Amari and Fareeha and he ended up being adopted. Ashe and Cassidy haven't reunited..... yet.
Mina Liao was the royal scientist, she died in the same assassination that "killed" Ana. She is still the creator of Echo.
Zarya (who is an undercover agent revealed in the Starwatch comic) and Baptiste (the bounty-hunter) both are allies of The House of Amari.
As I stated at the beginning of the post, Cassidy is a combination of Qi-ra and Leia, as a result of that and the knoledge that both of these characters either are taught by a force user or are force sensitive, Cassidy has access to whatever this universes version of the force is. He mostly uses it to improve his aim and help him sweet talk people. He also uses it to protect people from The Seer's influence.
From the previous point you've probably guessed the rumors are true, as stated before, Cassidy is basically force sensitive and Ana still had her cybernetic eye in this universe, though it was more advanced then it was in canon.
Pharah both acts as the Royal guard and a Royal adviser, there were also more reasons why she didn't take the throne other then just "she didn't want to", by all purposes Cassidy taking the throne was a strategic choice.
Pharah also blames herself for Cassidy's capture as she insisted on getting involved.
I'm definitely going to be posting more about this later on but for now you all are goin to have to wait for me to finish Cassidy's design for this AU.
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wildissylupus · 8 months
I know the vote I did for Starwatch Cassidy hasn't officially finished yet but I have already started drawing a design for him (2 designs technically), mostly because it's very obvious which one is going to win.
The reason I'm saying this is because Cassidy's hat is so hard to make look fancy-
Like, if this was my own AU I would give him a different hat, but this is a canon AU, which means I make myself follow the rules of the actual OW skins, meaning this man needs his hat.
I just spent 30mins trying to make his hat look fancy.
I think I've done it but it came at the cost of my sanity-
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wildissylupus · 8 months
Ok so with working on the Starwatch Cassidy AU there are a couple of things I'm still conflicted on, this is probably that last question I'm going to ask for Cassidy, but I do have questions for Pharah and Ana too.
So here it goes;
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wildissylupus · 8 months
Alright I've decided to continue on with my ideas for a Starwatch Cassidy but I am conflicted with the roles he could take, specifically because I kinda want to add Ana and Pharah into Starwatch as well.
I kept in mind that Ashe is basically a Han Solo reference in this universe so I have three options;
I have story ideas for all of them, I just have trouble picking.
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wildissylupus · 2 months
Continuation of my MW!Justice Siblings post, I fully believe that Cassidy and Fareeha are siblings in every universe and because of that I want to show you how they would be siblings in every universe;
I already went into detail about this but I think in this universe Cassidy would have helped Pharah escape Talon while Pharah is one of the few people that believes there's hope for him. Having seen the kindness that this version of Cassidy can show, however she does have an equal understanding that Cassidy is dangerous.
I already went into detail about this to but since Ashe was obviously a Han Solo reference, I think Cassidy would be the Princess Leia reference. Which would also mean that Pharah would be a Luke Skywalker reference, with the change that they still grew up together as royalty cause you can just keep Ana as their mum and the story would be the same.
Halloween Terrors
With last years Halloween Terrors giving Pharah a canon Halloween skin to the HT universe, I like to think that Angel!Pharah (I know that skin is a collab skin and technically has its own story but that story is another game so roll with it) just met VH!Cassidy one day and just decided "I like you, your my brother now", cause in HT VH!Cassidy is said to be extremely lucky. Maybe it's an angelic blessing?
I'm going to say this once, villain siblings. Pharah being a major villain for a QW 2nd campaign with Angela while Cassidy is a twist villain. I was also thinking that Cassidy's Undead skin could be his QW appearance cause undead in a race and enemy in dnd. (Add some tragedy in there of Cassidy dying an early death and Angela raising him from the dead as an undead.)
Cosmic Crisis
Honestly I don't know much about this universe cause I didn't play during this time, however I'm going to try my best. So from what I read it seems that Cassidy was taken be The Null in this universe being known as the Null Servant. Now there is no indication of Pharah in this universe other then the "Death from Above" game mode modifier, which likely means Pharah was also taken by The Null. Which makes sense considering that Ana seemingly gets her power through Vengeance; "Ana. Stay focused. Vengeance gave you this power, but you can't let it consume you."
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wildissylupus · 1 year
Idk if you've answered this before but what do you think the deadeye ability is? I've seen people say it's either a family curse or an experiment but I'd love to know what your opinion on it is !
OOOOO, I love discussions about his ability. I honestly have different takes on it, cause the Devs like to make AUs like Junkenstein and it scratches my brain. My personal take when it comes to canon is that it's just a representation of what he's capable of at peak performance. Like when he finally stops joking around and takes a situation 100% seriously.
HOWEVER, because of the AU stuff Blizzard does I am a firm believer that in any universe where he is never trained by Ana it is either something supernatural or cybernetic.
Such as in the Junkenstein Universe I headcannon that Deadeye is a gift from a pact Van Helsing/Gunslinger (Cassidy) made with The Witch (Mercy). Another part of this is that as a result of this pact he becomes the Undead skin. Cause I headcannon that the Halloween skins are all linked in the same story, but that's a Halloween post.
On the flip side, if Cassidy is ever added to the Starwatch story and that version of him never met that universes Ana (if she's also introduced) I would headcannon him as having a cybernetic eye.
If the same happens in Questwatch then I think Deadeye would be a spell, gift or curse, but I'll have to wait and see for that one.
But yeah, in context to cannon I believe Cassidy's Deadeye is just a dramatized version of what he can just do on his own. Though I always love reading fics where it's something else, purely because of the character driven storylines that people come up with because of it.
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wildissylupus · 9 months
General Lore of Halloween Terrors
Now before I get into the characters of Halloween Terrors let's start off with the general lore around the world of Halloween Terrors.
First off, what is the story?
Well the world of Halloween Terrors was initially a story told by Reinhardt during a Halloween party, in an effort to show up Cassidy's werewolf story;
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(Side note: I love this comic)
However, considering how the story has progressed, I don't think that is just the case anymore. I think at this point the Halloween Terrors Universe is on the same playing field as Starwatch, that meaning I believe it is it's own separate universe.
Now what is the general backstory of this universe? Well let's start off with a few foot notes.
Before the events of Junkenstein there was a war, a war that The Gunslinger and The Solider talk about in voice lines, no other character mentions this war so it can be assumed that this war only happened in America.
The world and countries of this world are exactly the same as our own, at least existence wise. There are no renaming's of any countries.
There is no question in this universe on whether or not magic is real, magic is defiantly real. However, alchemy and divine channelling are not considered magic. Alchemy is considered science and divine channelling is considered a separate thing from magic.
It's not just Halloween monsters that are real in this universe but fantasy creatures as well, such as dragons.
Now with that out of the way let's get into the surface level story of Halloween Terrors.
The first event is Junkensteins Revenge, after being scorned and insulted by the king Dr. Junkenstein tries to prove him and everyone wrong by creating life. With body parts he acquired from The Butcher, he created his monster. However bringing it to life was proving to fail time and time again.
Until The Witch of the Wilds saw potential in him and gave him a magic crystal in exchange for his service to her;
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After that Junkenstein's Monster was given life;
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However as a reaction to this rampage Four Heroes appeared, The Gunslinger, The Archer, The Alchemist and The Solider. Together they banded together and put a stop the Junkenstein, his monster, The Witch and her minion The Reaper.
There was peace for a time...
But the Witch was not done, she herself wanted revenge and so she plunged Adlersbrunn into an eternal night;
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Now initially four more heroes were called to aid, The Countess, The Viking, The Monk and The Swordsman. However, they were not enough as several other heroes ended up joining the fray. The Will-o'-the-wisp, The Outlaw, The Shield-maiden, The Renegade, along with the return of The Gunslinger and The Solider.
Eventually The Witch and her minions were defeated again and peace was restored.
Until Wrath of the Bride.
The Bride attacks Adlersbrunn and kidnaps the king, the only people to stop her? The Sleuth, The Outlaw, The Fortune-Teller and The Butcher.
Now I can't actually explain much about the story of The Bride without getting into theory territory and that's for another post.
After defeating The Brides allies and eventually The Bride herself, Adlersbrunn is once again at peace.
....But for how long?
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wildissylupus · 7 months
Words cannot describe how excited I am for the Mirror Universe so I'm going to make a bit of a prediction on what we might be getting with the battle pass;
I think it's safe to say the well be getting Reaper, Soldier, Widow and Tracer skins, Reaper, Soldier and Widow are actually my picks for the Mythic skin for that season.
However for the skins in total I think we would probably be getting;
Cassidy (this is more of a hope)
Even though a mirror universe isn't a role swap I do think that they would go with paralleling characters, specifically to show the difference between this universe and canon.
Game mode;
I think we'll also be getting an Arcade game mode similar to what we got with Starwatch, this game mode could take place in a re-skinned Watchpoint Gibraltar. Changing in from a Overwatch base to a Talon base, I could see this mission either being a rescue mission or an infiltration mission.
I think we could also be getting a new Map, either a Talon Base or another Overwatch Watchpoint.
I'm going to make a separate post about how I think the characters will be like and what the story of this universe is.
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wildissylupus · 7 months
You guys don't know how much I am hoping that if the writers and artists do end up putting Cassidy in the Mirror AU that they just don't do a "oh he runs Deadlock now instead of Ashe!"
I want to see a Villain Cassidy, I want to see a Talon Cassidy skin, not just a low effort role reversal pretending to be a Mirror AU.
I do have a lot of hope that they'll do a proper Mirror AU though because with the Starwatch AU they did genuinely do a good job of putting the characters in factions they should be in, like Ashe being a Han Solo reference, Jack and Sojourn being on the Empires side, Doomfist being a good guy. All those choices make sense to how those characters would develop in that environment.
So yeah, though I am worried we might just get a Role Reversal AU instead of a Mirror AU, considering how well the team did with Startwatch, I have faith they'll do a trope that has been done by science fiction and superhero media since Star Trek justice.
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wildissylupus · 1 year
Ok so my last two post were kinda a downer so I wanted to say the things I'm excited about for the next few seasons. Spread some positive, you know?
First thing is QuestWatch, I have been wanting a Overwatch Fantasy AU for a while now and this feels like it's going to be it!! Despite what people say when something like this and Starwatch come out I honestly enjoy it, because you can tell the dev team and voice actors had fun making it. The only thing I'm fully expecting is for Cassidy to play a part in it, you have the Mat Mercer in your cast, don't waste this opportunity.
Second thing is the new heroes, I'm hoping for Mauga for the new tank, it actually seems pretty likely too. As for Support I'm forever going to be hoping for Lynx 17.
Third thing is the Story Missions, I'm hoping they're good and progress the fantastic story that has already been established.
The Soujorn Cinematic is coming out next season and I'm really hoping it expands on her character more, hell, this might even be the Cinematic where everyone finally reunites, the Zero Hour crew, the New Bloods and Soujorn.
We FINALLY get to see Murphy.
On fire is back baby!!!
There are a lot of things that are coming that are keeping me positive!! I hope this helps you stay positive too.
There are plenty of games that have fallen into this rut of shareholders and higher ups just wanting money instead of quality (FNAF Security Breach, to name one), some of them survive and change, some of them die out. All we can do is share our criticisms and hope for the best!!
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