#stalker to stalker communication
miscmonstro · 1 year
working on a concept for a dpxdc fanfic.
Tim, 17, is at the tail end of junior year at Gotham Academy. During gym he typically ducks into the toilet stalls or showers to change. He’s a vigilante and he can’t exactly explain his bruises/cuts/scars without causing concern, thus he just avoids anyone finding out at all. Unbeknownst to him, one of his classmates was in the same situation.
Wesley Weston was always late to the class after PE, he was always the last out of the locker room. He always showered after class and was very meticulous about putting away and taking out his uniform. He’d even refold his gym clothes a few times and comb his hair until nothing was out of place. Some thought he had OCD, others thought he was vain, and others still thought he was fruitlessly trying to be accepted; Wes was a known loner. There was plenty of speculation when the gossip mill was slow but in reality, Wes always stalled so he could change as quickly as humanly possible, but only after the room was empty.
By pure chance Tim forgets to switch out his gym shoes for his uniform shoes after PE one day and when he gets back to the locker room, it’s locked. Makes sense, the coaches always lock the locker rooms when there isn’t a class using them. Not having time to track down the coach and not wanting to be late to class, Tim picks the lock and out of habit, slips in quietly. He rounds the corner and sees Wes changing. More than that, he sees that Wes is covered in scars and scrapes. And in plain view is the still raw and distinctive injury Damian gave a mysterious, non-bat/bird affiliated vigilante recently.
That is how Tim accidentally discovers that Wesley Weston is Spyris. Spyris who appears and disappears without rhyme nor reason, who sometimes will hunt down Batman’s rogues and who sometimes will walk right past them. No one knows what Spyris does or why, just that he’s there and he’s competent enough to evade the batclan for the several months they’ve known about him.
Maybe he notices then or maybe Tim confronts him about it later but in any case, Wes automatically threatens to out him as Red Robin if he says anything and Tim is shook. When did Wes find out, how long has he known, how did he figure it out. Was anyone else compromised? And what did Wes want? What was Spyris’ goal?
Overall I want Valerie, Sam, Tucker, Danny, and Wes to be vigilantes in Gotham for whatever reason (ghost stuff?) working as a unit, but Spyris is the only one the bats/birds are aware of.
Tim and Wes passive aggressively stalk each other back and forth.
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neneisadumbpuppy · 17 days
A man could stalk me, drug me, kidnap me, rape me and breed me and leave me shivering and bruised and I would still be happy he thought I was pretty enough to deserve such a special treatment, I would even beg him to keep me as his silly puppy
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mochixkisses · 5 months
be more obsessed with me. pay more attention to me. only me. get jealous. be possessive. threaten me. stalk me on everything. send me letters. send me death threats. i don't care as long as you want me. only me.
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cemetery-slvt · 4 months
hey babe, not to freak you out or anything, but i’m like. obsessed with you to the point of insanity. do you still love me?
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dollyslyfe · 24 days
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Stalking is the most romantic thing<3 you’re dedicating all this time to me? Only me? Saving little tokens to remember me by? Building a little shrine, devoted to me? A scrapbook?? I love you I will hand you my heart on a silver platter<3
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hardly-a-p3rson · 1 month
desperately trying to manifest a creepy stalker who spams me for my attention
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illicit-eclipse · 2 months
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miserablelove · 2 months
i just wanna be your favorite
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meinebiene · 5 months
babe wym you're not gonna follow me home n watch me in my sleep?? i even left the back door unlocked for you :(
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mochixkisses · 7 months
why aren't you stalking me!! i thought you loved me! don't you want to see what i say about you? don't you want to see how devoted i am to you, how i fawn over you?
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cemetery-slvt · 4 months
“i could fix them” “i could make them worse” yeah? well, i could love them eternally, unconditionally, and worship the very ground they walk on.
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desperatelosergirl · 2 months
Ooooooo im so vulnerable and pathetic right now ooooooo you wanna manipulate me so bad oooooooooo
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hardly-a-p3rson · 20 days
I dont want small talk. I want you to tell me how you'd kidnap and keep me in detail and then take a nap with you
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kneelingshadowsalome · 3 months
Am obsessed with the double trouble au with 2 readers and 2 königs <3 <3 It got me thinking, how do you think younger reader would interact with recruit könig? I feel like she'd honestly be terrified of him at first; he'd seem borderline psychotic (because he's practically drooling over her, always lingering around her and she might not be used to that kind of attention) but she might grow into liking him more once she discovers that she's into his annoying (maybe cocky?) antics.
CW: dubcon groping, dubcon kissing, dubcon everything
Hell yes she’s terrified.
This guy stalks her on social media, gropes her thigh under the table when they're out to eat, tries to move himself on top of her in the car when he leans to kiss her good night. Tells her the sweetest things before plunging his tongue in her mouth, one time he even flattens the passenger seat from under her so that she’s basically trapped.
Luckily he stops when she puts her hands over his chest and pushes him away: the drooly makeout session was getting out of hand, she sort of likes this crazy guy but she doesn’t want their first time to be in a car. Even if the said car is a nice black Hummer :(
He laughs when she escapes the vehicle – his little heartthrob is playing hard to get and it only makes König spiral further in love. He has an odd way of showing it though: sends her breathy voice messages in the middle of the night, so creepy, and one time she even hears a soft, slick sound in the background – is he fapping over there??
Young recruit König could be mistaken for a sadist but he really is just trying to make reader feel appreciated. Like… 24/7 appreciated… Fucked raw appreciated… Crying tears from overstimulation appreciated…
To König, love is not love if your partner isn’t shaking all over after you’re done with them and so the sex is bound to be a bit intimidating too, especially if reader is not that experienced. Poor young thing will be in constant fight or flight mode with him, and because König does the fighting, what else is left for her but to run? He always catches her though, and it takes months before she understands he’s not going to actually *hurt* her. Besides, König only enjoys her tears if they’re born from multiple orgasms.
If she’s crying because she’s scared, recruit König will become confused and oddly caring. So caring that she has to fawn or fake dead next because even this young man’s attempts to be nurturing feel like suffocation…
He asks, what’s wrong, did he hurt you, Liebe? There’s no need to be scared, little mitten. Shit, was he playing too rough…? Ah, you poor thing. Here, let him kiss it better…
…And before you know it, you’re squirming again, trying to get away from his mouth because there’s too much stimulation. König won’t let you go, hell no, you sound too cute when you’re squirming. Are you even trying to wriggle away or against him?
Then there comes the beautiful day when König is so tired from work he can’t even bother to chase her around the house and she’s like...
Do you even love me anymore?!
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miserablelove · 1 month
i want you to be obsessed with me. absolutely obsessed. a wreck without me. i’m sorry.
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illicit-eclipse · 2 months
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