#squirrel removal services
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We pride ourselves on providing the best service with the most value in the area. We are a no-nonsense company that provides clients, like yourself, with permanent solutions every day. We don’t use temporary band-aids but instead focus on long-term fixes that can last a lifetime. Standard construction practices and tolerances aren’t sufficient to prevent rodents and wildlife from gaining access.
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thecritterguy · 1 year
Disadvantages of Squirrel - Find out about Squirrel Removal In Ontario
The most frequent kind of squirrels in most areas of Ontario are gray squirrels, pink squirrels, and fox squirrels. Some squirrels have a variety of simply a few acres, however, others can tour extra widely, up to a hundred acres. Their diets encompass acorns and nuts as nicely as seeds, fruit, tree buds, fungi, bugs, and grubs. You can check out squirrel removal in Ontario now!
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Squirrels do grant big advantages to the ecosystems in which they live. They bury caches of seeds and nuts for future use, then on occasion overlook the place they left the food, so they without a doubt plant bushes and different plants. This results in the enlargement of forests and woodlands.
However, these advantages don’t lengthen squirrels that exhibit up at your home. The Critter Guy’s service notes that squirrels can raise illness that is transmissible to humans, most surprisingly ringworm and tularemia, or rabbit fever. They commonly raise fleas and ticks, which can cross from the squirrels to pets or even human residents of a place where squirrels are active.
Additional Risks of Squirrel Infestation
Squirrels additionally can do a lot of injury to gardens, bushes, and houses. They’ll consume simply about any meals they can find, consisting of ornamental plant life and human-grown fruit, as nicely as birdseed out of fowl feeders. When digging holes to bury their finds, they can tear up well-manicured lawns and cause irreparable damage to the root structures of flowers that get in their way.
If the squirrel populace in your region is giant enough that squirrels are struggling to discover food, they will bite the bark off of tree limbs, doubtlessly destroying the limbs and the tree. This additionally can make the tree an unpleasant mess.
Worse still, squirrels can get to the interior of your residence via knotholes, attic vents, or tiny holes in the roofing or wall structures. Once inside, they may additionally construct nests to breed greater squirrels, chunk up the house’s insulation and electric-powered wiring, convey in disease, and even die inside the walls.
Protecting Your Yard Against Squirrels
The pinnacle precedence in defending your house in opposition to squirrel infestation is to forestall them from getting in the house. Cut lower back tree branches that abut your partitions and roof to make it more difficult for squirrels to bounce from these branches into your home. Cover any gaps in the partitions with metal hardware cloth, and exchange any rotting timber in your soffits and eaves with new, healthful wood. If you can't forestall squirrel entry, name a humane pest manipulation enterprise for help.
To manipulate squirrel populations in your very own yard, cast off meal sources such as fowl feeders. Even the most cleverly designed chook feeders will drop seeds on the ground, which squirrels will pounce on. You can shield a squirrel-infested backyard by way of overlaying it with poultry wire. If greater drastic management measures are needed, such as traps or poisons, seek advice from nearby policies to decide what types of pest management are criminal in your area. You can lead to a great squirrel removal now
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urbanwildlife01 · 2 months
Expert Squirrel Removal Services Alpharetta GA
Squirrels in your Alpharetta home can be a real nuisance. They chew wires, damage insulation, and leave unwanted droppings. If you're tired of these furry acrobats taking up residence in your attic, look no further than expert Squirrel removal Alpharetta GA. Why Choose Professional Squirrel removal Alpharetta GA? While DIY methods may seem tempting, they often fall short of completely eradicating a squirrel problem. Here's why partnering with a professional squirrel removal company in Alpharetta is the smarter solution: Local Expertise: Alpharetta-based exterminators understand the common entry points and squirrel behavior specific to the area. Targeted Solutions: They can identify the species of squirrel and develop a customized treatment plan for your unique situation. Safe and Humane Methods: Professionals use humane and EPA-approved methods to remove squirrels, minimizing risks to animals, your family, and pets. Complete Squirrel Removal: They not only remove existing squirrels but also identify and seal entry points to prevent future infestations. Peace of Mind: With professionals handling the problem, you can relax knowing your home is in good hands.
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usa-local-services · 4 months
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Nurturing a Safe Haven: Squirrel Removal Services in Florida by Critter Control Solutions
Say goodbye to unwanted furry guests with Critter Control Solutions' top-notch Squirrel Removal Services in Florida! Our expert team is committed to creating a safe haven for your home or business by effectively and humanely addressing squirrel infestations.
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actionwildlife-blog · 8 months
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When squirrels become a nuisance in Mississauga, professional squirrel control is essential. These skilled experts use humane methods to safely remove and relocate these furry pests. Protect your property from their damage and ensure peace of mind by hiring a trusted service of squirrel control in Mississauga to address the issue effectively.
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Get the best squirrel removal service in Atlanta
In Atlanta, the squirrel removal service provides. Are you looking for wildlife control? So you can call this urban wildlife control company to remove the squirrel
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When danger is around, squirrels can hide anywhere, even in your gutter. However, squirrels can damage your gutter and other parts of your house with their sharp teeth. If your house is already infested with squirrels, hire professional cleaning services by Spencer Pest Services. We offer an extensive range of pest control and gutter cleaning, protection, and replacement services. Call 864-835-8792 to book us in SC & NC.
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cleolinda · 5 months
I am so fucking pissed. We’re hearing forecasts that we might get FIVE FUCKING INCHES OF SNOW overnight from Monday to Tuesday. In ALABAMA, where we have no snow removal equipment. Like I think we got one bag of sand for the whole town. No snow tires, I don’t even know what those are. This isn’t cute “Haha it’s just barely below freezing! Snowball fight!!!” snow. This is 14° Fuck (-11° Come the Fuck On) snow. FIVE INCHES? We get flurries and the city descends into madness.
What if we lose POWER. Everything runs off USB cord stuck in the outlet charging nowadays. This is why everyone used to run out and buy Milk Bread Batteries. Listen. I have this memory of the power going out during this wild snowstorm when I was a kid--I want to say it was Winter Storm '93. Ask anyone who lived in Alabama at the time. Like we had Desert Storm '92 the military operation one year and Winter Storm '93 the next. It was that serious in our minds, and I'm not sure you can blame us:
The storm dumped several inches of snow each hour on Birmingham, which ended up with officially 13 inches of snow.
Due to the high winds some parts of Birmingham reported drifts 5 to 6 feet deep. One state trooper reported that the roads were in the worst shape he had ever seen. "People can't tell what's road and what's not."
Low temperatures during the storm were in the 5-to-10 degree range on that Sunday.
IN A TOWN WHERE WE DON'T KNOW WHAT A SNOW PLOW IS. I think we had one for the entire county. Like I'm only kind of joking here.
And our power went out.
The snow was so heavy that it pulled down power lines either by its own weight, or by the tree branches its weight broke off. Meanwhile, the power at my house already went off every time a squirrel sneezed. I don't how many days this lasted; it was probably like, 2-3 days, but in my head, I was 14 years old boxed up with my family with no heat and it lasted two weeks. Maybe three years. The four of us slept in sleeping bags layered with quilts, huddled on the floor around a wood burning fire. (In the haunted house, no less.) The carpet was really nice, at least. We had a--do people still call them boomboxes? A big portable cassette player--battery-powered--with AM/FM radio. We listened to whatever TV shows were broadcast from the ABC station at night. We did have hot water; I took a lot of hot baths. We cooked food over the outdoor grill (which we moved to the comfortably large area under the deck, to hold off the falling snow), sometimes using aluminum foil as a kind of thin impromptu frying pan, and kept perishables like milk and meat in a cooler. Oh, did we have a bag of ice for the cooler? No, we used snow. God knows there was enough of it. Of course, I'm sure the refrigerator was perfectly serviceable even without power, because it was TEN DEGREES FUCK ALL.
I remember going outside a good bit and playing, as much as a teenager plays, in the snow with my seven-year-old sister. I remember that all the neighborhood kids got big rubber trashcan lids and used them as toboggans, going up to the top of the hill on our street and pretty successfully sledding down. Maybe it was "lmao snowball fight!!" snow when I was 14. I'm 45 now, and the cold makes me hurt. It makes me hurt all over. Maybe Winter Storm '24 will be a fun core memory for my nephew. I am pissed. And also charging all my electronics.
(ETA: It’s ‘24 now, isn’t it. My brain hasn’t clicked the date over yet. What is time.)
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thecritterguy · 2 years
Watch Out For Ontario Raccoon Removal Services To Make It All Safe And Sound!
Raccoons are smart, quirky animals that can be amusing to study from afar, however, theyre no longer creatures you need to proportion area with. Raccoons dig through your trash, spoil your garden and garden, harm your homes construction materials, devour seeds and puppy meals, or even transmit illnesses that may be risky for you and your home pets.
Fortunately, you mustn't stay with unfavorable raccoons forever. Here at The Critter Guys, we specialize in Ontario Raccoon Removal services.
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In this post, we`re sharing our pinnacle tip on the way to do away with raccoons as soon and for all. Let's dive in. Here are some matters we suggest retaining a watch out for:
Evidence of raccoons feeding: Raccoons are messy, starving eaters, and they depart a path in the back after mealtime. Common symptoms and symptoms of raccoon feeding encompass knocked-over trash cans, harm to your garden or garden, empty, spilled, or moved puppy meals bowl, disturbed compost piles, and empty or damaged chook feeders, amongst others.
Tracks: The tracks of raccoons and possums appear similar. Raccoons stroll flat-footed, like human beings do, and feature claws on all their toes. The differentiating component is that raccoon tracks flow in a diagonal tune sample like deer do. Their tracks have an extended heel at the rear foot and have a tendency to be 2-3” extensive at the front feet, and 3-4” lengthy at the rear feet.
Droppings: Racoon droppings are cylindrical with damaged or rounded ends. They have a tendency to be darkish in color, despite the fact that the color varies relying on the animal's diet. The scat normally consists of berry seeds and can comprise trash symptoms.
Strange sounds: You can also additionally observe abnormal sounds around your home at night. Raccoons make noises that encompass mewing, whistling, and growling.
Regardless of what raccoon symptoms and symptoms you observe, coping with the problem right away is critical. Raccoons may be very damaging, and ready too lengthy to cope with the hassle will simplest make the infestation worse.
How do Pest Management Experts Get Rid of Raccoons?
Sometimes, casting off raccoons is a process the simplest flora and fauna management experts can do. Here's how our group can help:
Initial Assessment. First, well start by assessing your hassle areas. Our skilled pest management technicians will investigate your home to decide how raccoons have come in, and what harm they're causing. Well pinpoint their access areas and make a plan to clear up them.
Trapping. While we're critical about casting off your raccoon hassle, we continually take the humane approach. To dispose of raccoons without harming or killing them, well set safe, stay traps to seize the raccoons. We display and take a look at those traps every day and could relocate the raccoons as soon as weve captured them.
Exclusion Methods. Finally, we`ll save you from raccoon infestations by putting in exclusionary obstacles to hold raccoons from coming back. We use business-grade exclusion techniques that maintain as much as the check of time and won't negatively affect your home.
Read more about Ontario Squirrel Removal services here!
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everlastingdreams · 5 months
The Weeping Monk x Reader : Born In The Dawn Chapter 32
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Story Summary: Locked inside a dark room in a dungeon, kept alive only for your power, you believed you’d never see the daylight again. That is until the Weeping Monk finds his way down and steals you from your captors. It is the beginning of a journey that leads you through hardship and newfound hope, but nothing is assured in a world that is changing for the Fey. The magic that runs in your veins is drawing out the worst the world has to offer, does it include the man who pulled you from the dark?
Chapter Title: What Once Was.
Notes: /
Warnings: Grief. Violence. Torture. Sexual Assault. Rape Threat. Gore. Enemies To Lovers. Pining. Trauma. Flagellation. Manipulation. Strong Language. Blood. Gore?. Misogyny. PTSD. Spicy and smut parts. Slight redemption arc.
Other warnings: Jealousy. Forbidden Love. Romance. Slow-burn…
Word count of this fic: +200K
Chapter:  32/40
When your eyes opened, dim sunlight was entering the room through the window. At some point in the night you must have turned in your sleep, Lancelot was still asleep behind you but had his arm greedily around your waist. It took a few minutes to pry his hand loose so you could slip out of his hold without waking him. If you did not leave his room soon, you might as well have shouted it from the roof that there was something between you and the Ash Man. Your father would murder him if he found you here.
For a blink second you considered borrowing his cloak to get to your room, but it would not make matters better if they saw you in your nightgown strolling around the castle with his cloak on your shoulders…
With regret you got up from the bed and looked back to see him still vast asleep. He was quite a striking vision like this, hair messy and the sheets no higher than his waist. You forced your eyes away from him, or leaving would become an impossible task. Barefooted you left the room, chasing the night before the dawn would make it’s presence known all over the fort. You passed Ciro and Squirrel’s room, hearing how they were clearly awake already, and tiptoed past the door. While turning a corner you collided with something solid quite hard.
“Lady of Dawn. My apologies, I did not see you coming.” Ser Florent caught you by the elbow to help you steady yourself.
By reflex you crossed your arms in front of you, feeling quite bare in just the nightgown.
The knight read your response to his presence well, and had removed his cloak not a moment later to put it over your shoulders, “Where to then?”
He wasn’t even going to ask why you were walking around the fort under dressed like this?
“I was on my way to my room.” You greatly appreciated the gesture.
He saw the way you were looking at him a bit uncertain and said, “I am a knight, I will not ask a lady about her personal affairs.”
“That is very gallant of you.” The other knights were far more nosy.
Ser Florent walked you all the way to your room and even helped prevent others from seeing you like this. At the door, you handed him back his cloak and thanked him again for his chivalry.
He bowed his head a little. “I will speak of this to no one, so do not concern yourself, my lady.”
You were beginning to see him as trustworthy. “Please, just call me ‘y/n’. I am no noble.”
“Perhaps not by blood, but by character you are.” He stated. “Have a good day, y/n. If there is anything you need, the knights of the Fey are at your service.”
This time he bowed his head further and let you go into your room to ready yourself for the day ahead.
Once you were dressed and washed up, you headed out the door for breakfast like nothing had happened. Squirrel and Ciro were in the kitchens, having had the same idea as you. First you greeted the volunteers of the day who were busy baking bread with the sacks of flower that had been acquired again.
“Morning, Little Moons.” You tore a piece of bread from a loaf and walked up to the children.
“We’re not little!” Squirrel piped up.
Ciro greeted you with a wide smile while explaining things to Squirrel. “It’s what they call Dawn Folk children, Squirrel.”
The boy hadn’t realized that it was a term of endearment and not an insult. “Oh…”
You gave Squirrel a hug, he still acted like he didn’t enjoy it.
Ciro on the other hand welcomed your embrace with open arms, “Can we practice with the bow again today?”
Mirena had not come to ask you for help with healing yet, so for now you had no plans.
You hummed pensively. “I’d have to borrow Lancelot’s bow.”
“Please.” Squirrel pleaded. “He won’t mind.”
“I’m not the best with the bow either.” You sheepishly admitted.
Squirrel grinned. “I am.”
It was hard to say ‘no’ to two children who looked so enthusiastic and hopeful. “Alright. I’ll fetch the bow. Eat something and meet me in the courtyard.”
They both began to collect some bread and fruit to eat. By the time you were out of the kitchen, they were chewing. You ate your bread whilst walking towards the stables to get the bow from Goliath’s saddle. At a cross-corridor, the Ash Man joined your side.
“Good morning.” Your grin told the secret between you.
His own matched it, “Good Morning. Where are you headed?” He began to walk beside you.
“To Goliath.” You told him. “To fetch your bow.”
His grin grew, “Should I be concerned?”
You snorted a laugh. “I’m fetching it because Squirrel and Ciro asked to practice.”
The smug oaf decided to ask, “I see. How is your skill in archery?”
Your eyes narrowed at him in warning.
He was clever enough not to single you out. “Some practice benefits everyone.”
You approved of his quick thinking. “Indeed. And some help from others too.”
He could tell that you were asking for some advising on archery. “You have but to ask.”
Of course he’d love to show off his skills…
You warned him. “If I catch you laughing-”
“I will not.” He answered quick. Too quick.
“Fine then.”
“Fine what?”
“You can show me how you use the bow.”
“I did not hear you ask.”
Swiftly you turned to him before he could open the door to the courtyard. It came out a bit arrogant, “Do you want me to say ‘please’?”
There was a lopsided smirk tugging at his mouth now, he looked you up and down with expectation.
You swallowed your pride, “Fine. Will you please show me how to use a bow?”
Every word came out more agitated than the previous.
“Gladly.” The smug twit said, and opened the door for you.
You moved past him closely, brushing against him on purpose.
In part of the courtyard, a group of knights was sparring. Matthew and Florent were among them.
Matthew saw you and Lancelot walk by them and approached, “Ash Man, care do join our spar?”
Lancelot looked at him, then at the knights who looked uncertain about the whole idea. “Perhaps another time.”
You were beginning to walk away when what he said next made both of you halt.
Matthew was still fueled by the spar and showed his true colors, “Wouldn’t it be good to see if we could stand our ground against one of the Church’s weapons?”
The other knights said nothing of the way Matthew still addressed Lancelot as one of the Church.
You saw the Ash Man bite his tongue, but you weren’t going to let that slide, “He’s no longer-”
Ser Florent groaned at his fellow knight, pushing some of his short light golden hair back in irritation, “By the gods, Matthew. Do not act haughty, some of us have seen how well you’d do against the Ash Man.”
Matthew glared back at him, the other knights hid their chuckles by pretending to cough. You looked at Lancelot, feeling like there was something you had missed.
Ser Florent approached you, respectfully tilting his head, then he quietly spoke to Lancelot, “If you want to show us your skill, we would appreciate it. But the choice lies with you.”
From the corner of his eyes Lancelot looked at you, seeking advice on what to decide.
There was a slight shrug of your shoulders, “It could help to see if they can stand their ground against someone with experience.”
He thought about it for a second, then gave Ser Florent a nod.
“I’ll wait here.” You witnessed up close how the look in Lancelot’s eyes changed, the prospect of a challenge had awoken the warrior in him. “Be careful.”
An alluring smirk appeared on his lips. “I will be gentle.”
You shut your eyes and pinched the bridge of your nose. He walked towards the knights with Ser Florent.
This knight proved to be one for settling grudges. “Well then, Matthew. Considering you were the one to invite him, I doubt you have any objections to be the first to compare your skill against his?”
He was growing to appreciate this perceptive knight…
Matthew failed to provide an honest smile and beckoned for the Ash Man. “No objections.”
Ser Florent whispered to Lancelot, “I know you two do not get along. Do try not to kill him. We are short on knights.”
He gave a respectful nod and drew his short sword whilst approaching the insolent ‘knight’.
Matthew had his sword ready to spar, “Shouldn’t you draw your other sword?”
Lancelot let some arrogance slip, “I need no weapons to disarm you.”
The other knights took a step back to give them the room to end this strange quarrel. Deep down you understood that there was some rivalry between them. It was as if Matthew believed he had a claim on you because he knew you before Lancelot did. And Lancelot was bothered by the attitude Matthew had displayed. The infatuation had blinded you from seeing the flaws in the honey-eyed knight, it became harder to stand his character day by day. The end of a friendship was painful, but maybe it was necessary if Matthew continued to be hurtful.
Matthew laughed a bit at Lancelot’s claim, “Better keep one in hand. I wouldn’t want you to lose an arm.”
Matthew was the first to lunge.
Lancelot parried the attack and pushed the sword away with his own, turning the blade pointing downwards to try and get Matthew to stumble when he pushed back. Matthew countered the maneuver and managed to get his sword free, attacking with an upward motion. The tip of the sword passed right by Lancelot’s chin, who had tilted his head back just in time. Matthew was acting too careless.
“Have you gone mad?!” You shouted at him.
Lancelot wasn’t amused by the reckless action in the slightest.
“He can handle a Fey.” Matthew sneered, aiming it at Lancelot’s past.
Matthew went to lunge at him again, but Ser Florent grabbed a firm hold on his arm.
Ser Florent seethed at Matthew, “What the bloody hell do you think you’re doing?!”
Matthew pulled himself free. “Gods, Florent. I won’t kill him!”
Ser Florent looked at Lancelot to see if he wanted to continue this. To your dismay, the Ash Man nodded. The knight stepped out of the way but kept a close eye on them.
Matthew attacked again.
Lancelot no longer played ‘gentle’ and hooked the crossguard of the short sword into Matthew’s, then elbowed him in the stomach. A boot to Matthew’s toes and a quick strong pull at the locked swords send Matthew face first to the ground.
An ‘oof’ sounded from those who had witnessed it happen.
Lancelot knelt down beside the fallen knight and whispered something to him, then stood again. Matthew took a second before pushing himself up from the ground, he wasn’t happy with the loss but made no attempt to continue the spar. You saw them share a look, filled with matters they seemingly refused to speak out loud to one another.
Ser Florent clapped his hands together once, “Well then, that was… educative. Care to do us the honor too, Lancelot?”
The knight gestured to the others and himself. Matthew stepped aside and let another knight step in his place.
Lancelot seemed quite willing to spar with them. And you were glad to see that others wanted to spend some time with him too. Finally, he was beginning to find his place here.
They matched their skill to his, one by one, and they would have fallen to the steel of the Ash Man had this been a real battle.
Helio had walked up to you, having noticed the spar happening. You kept quiet as your father stood beside you to watch the display, the knights had not noticed his presence yet, they were too busy having fun.
“He has talent.” Helio suddenly said.
“He has.” You agreed.
Helio kept his eyes on the spar. “I can see how he is holding back now. If he wanted to, he could kill them all.”
“He won’t!” You turned to him.
Helio did not look at you. “Those who live by the blade, perish by it. I admire his determination to seek another path in life.”
You watched the spar, it continued amicably. “He did not choose to be picked by Father Carden to become a warrior. Now that he is free from the Church’s hold, his true character comes to light.”
Helio hummed and saw how even when the knights fought with two against the Ash Man, his dual wielding of swords still proved quite the challenge against them. You saw Squirrel and Ciro walk unto the courtyard. They came up to you and the sparring was not sufficient enough to make them forget about their plans.
“Where is the bow?” Squirrel pouted.
The knights began talking for a moment and noticed the children present.
You put their worried minds at ease. “Don’t worry, I’ll go get it and be right back.”
Helio inquired, “Why do they need a bow for?”
“I promised the children to help them practice archery.” You told him.
“You?” Matthew said in disbelief after having heard it.
When the other knights looked at him, Matthew realized he had said something wrong. Lancelot could see your eyes spit fire at Matthew.
Nothing that would have come out of your mouth now would have been nice. How many times did he find it necessary to make a fool of you in front of others?
You walked away to go and collect the bow, and caught yourself thinking of using another target for practice instead of that straw-man.
A few minutes had passed where Squirrel proved to be quite the stern tutor when it came to archery. He stood close to Ciro, watching over every move your cousin made.
“Now, nock.” Squirrel watched Ciro’s shaking posture.
Poor Ciro barely managed not to drop the arrow to the ground.
You offered some encouragement, “Think of what Lancelot has taught you.”
It appeared that Ciro was more nervous to get Squirrel’s approval…
Ciro dropped the arrow by accident. “Ss…sorry.”
Squirrel picked it up for him and handed it back, “Nothing bad’s going to happen, you know. You’re not going to shoot someone’s eye out.”
It was a poor attempt to comfort Ciro, but it was an attempt. For Squirrel to do so, he must like Ciro.
Ciro held up the arrow for you to take, “Will you try it?”
He clearly needed a moment.
You took the arrow from him with a matching uncertainty, knowing that by doing so Ciro had also transferred Squirrel’s attention over to you. “I’ll try.”
The bow was handed to you next and you felt your own hands start to shake a little.
The Hidden had mercy on you it seems, because the Ash Man returned to you after sparring to his heart’s content. You had seen the knowing grin he had after seeing the bow and arrow in your hands and glared at him for it.
Squirrel looked relieved to see that Lancelot was there to handle the tutoring part in his stead.
Whilst passing by the children, he gave Ciro a pat on the shoulder to give the boy some comfort.
He came to stand behind you and gave the order right away. “Nock.”
You had such a firm hold on the arrow and bow that it would not touch the ground unless you were on it too. It looked so simple, but once it was time to do so it proved that one needed to learn certain methods to send an arrow flying through the air. You looked at Lancelot from the corner of your eyes, seeing how he was clearly waiting for you to ask for help.
That smug…
You forced it through your teeth, “How do I nock properly?”
It was so obvious he had been waiting for the question, his quick reaction gave it away. He brought your arm lower and corrected the way your fingers were on the bow. “Do not grip the bow so tight, it is not going anywhere.”
Was that last comment really necessary? You shot him a warning look, he pretended not to see it.
His hand came to your back. “Do not lean or bend.” It skimmed down to your lower back, “Straighten your back.”
You scanned your surroundings, and quietly told him, “Hands…”
The children were not looking for a moment, nor any other curious eyes. He could not resist.
Before he withdrew his hand, he playfully scratched at the spot in a discreet and quick manner. If it wouldn’t have drawn more attention, you’d have swatted the twit’s hand away. For the rest of his help, he only touched your hands, and even that…
Thank the gods that your father and the knights were busy training. The Ash Man danced on dangerous ice, and enjoyed doing so it seemed.
“Loose.” He ordered once he was content with how you held the bow and arrow.
The arrow flew across the courtyard and hit the straw-man hard in the ‘chest’.
“Good draw strength.” His brow arched at the sight.
“Whoa!” Ciro and Squirrel exclaimed.
It had gotten Ciro excited to try again and you handed him the bow whilst Lancelot retrieved the arrow.
“See. If she can do it, you sure can.” Squirrel continued to offer some encouragement to Ciro, this time it was more effective.
The joy you had felt at successfully firing an arrow was almost spoiled by the blunt comment of the boy. Lancelot returned just in time to hear Squirrel say it and swallowed a laugh. At least the boy had good intentions, just a poor choice of words.
“Percival is right.” Lancelot said to Ciro while grinning in your direction.
You pulled a face at him when the children did not see. Then the Ash Man looked behind you, something had drawn his attention. You looked back to see your mother approaching.
Mirena had crossed the courtyard to come and speak to you, “I need to discuss something with you, do you have a moment?”
“Of course.” You followed her to stand a little further away from the others.
She wasted no time to get to the point of this, “A blacksmith in Madrock has send me a letter. There is something waiting for me to be collected. Will you go for me?”
It was rare for your mother to ask for the help of others on matters like this. “Alright. But why ask me?”
Mirena gestured to you. “I am asking you to go, because whilst you’re there you can get some new clothes on the market.” She touched the damaged, bloodstained sleeve of your jacket. “This is ruined.”
You looked down at your sleeve sheepishly.
“Go tomorrow. Good?” She asked.
You nodded, and saw her calling the Ash Man over. He came closer to hear what this was about.
Mirena gave a quick explanation and a request, “Y/n is going to Madrock tomorrow to retrieve something for me. Accompany my daughter.”
“Of course.” Lancelot tilted his head respectfully.
“That is settled then.” She was content with the positive response from both.
Before she could walk away, you asked, “What exactly is this ‘something’ we have to go and collect?”
“Do not be so nosy, Little Moon.” Mirena said and walked away.
Ah, one was never too old to be scolded by their parents…
You saw the look on Lancelot’s face.
“Don’t say a word.”
He bit his tongue.
Helio spoke to Mirena for a moment as she walked by, then he walked towards you.
“Ash Man.” He called out. “It would be good to have the boys watch the spar. Seeing is learning.”
While Squirrel was excited over it, Ciro let out the deepest sigh and you went to pat his shoulder a little. Lancelot collected the bow from Ciro and walked with the boys towards the sparring knights.
He would have preferred not to teach them the flaws in the sword fighting of some of the knights.
You stood and watched for a while too, sighing quietly when you saw Matthew come towards you. Matthew came to stand next to you and watched his fellow knights continue to spar without him.
You kept quiet, being very aware of the tensing that had happened to Lancelot’s jaw when he had seen Matthew stop beside you.
“Why don’t we speak anymore?” Matthew suddenly asked.
Your reply was quite cold, “Because when we did, you decided to tell everyone of my personal affairs.”
“I told you I was sorry.” He acted a bit defensive, then sighed. “I don’t want us to fight.”
You crossed your arms, feeling uncomfortable. “Then I suggest you are more considerate towards others.”
“Are you still upset I rejected you for so long?” It sounded like a genuine thing he considered possible.
You swiftly faced him, stunned, “I am over it, Matthew.”
Hurt flashed in his eyes for a blink, he fixed his attention on the spar again. “Maybe it’s best then, that we don’t spend as much time together as we used to. We’re not children anymore.”
Now that you were no longer the infatuated woman there to stroke his ego, he saw no point to save the friendship between you. At least he was honest about how he saw things now.
Still, he seemed to mourn the past between you. “I’m sorry, y/n. I think we both know that what was between us once, is gone now.”
It did hurt to accept how things had changed, you had changed… you had grown.
You were understanding. “Some time apart will do us well.”
Matthew gave a respectful inclination of the head and joined the other knights again.
After all these years, you had come to see that Matthew was flawed, just like everyone else. But the things he sometimes said were hurtful, and in time those would have gnawed away any appreciation you had for him if you did not take a step away from each other now.
In that moment you withdrew in your thoughts, feeling the bitter pain of a friend that became no more than an acquaintance. Squirrel had been looking up at your face beyond your knowledge, he came to your side and curled his hand around yours when he saw the sadness. It pulled you back to the present, and seeing the sweet boy hold your hand made you feel a little better.
You saw Lancelot looking at you, and went over to him to take the bow from his hands. “I’ll take the bow back to Goliath.”
He knew you were only offering so you could have some time to yourself, and handed you the bow.
With an excuse to walk towards the stables, you hoped to clear your thoughts of the unpleasant ones. But the feeling would remain for a while…
In the late afternoon, you found yourself enjoying the little bit of sun there still was left with the children. It was going to be a short walk around the fort’s curtain walls, but once Squirrel laid himself down on the grass with his arms spread open like a bird, soon Ciro followed the example. After hesitating for a little while, you followed suit. Squirrel’s was on your right, Ciro on your left.
Squirrel squinted his eyes as the lowering sun was on them. “I like it here.”
You turned your head to look at him, “Do you?”
He nodded, speaking quietly, “I still miss home, and Nimue. But this feels like home too.”
His hand moved over the grass until it found yours and clasped around it. Squirrel turned his head to Ciro when he felt his friend do the same to him.
Ciro smiled at him, “You’re my best friend.”
“I’m your only friend.” Squirrel said without thinking.
“Squirrel!” You winced at the choice of words.
Ciro didn’t seem to mind and was just glad to have a friend, even a blunt one.
A chill began to set itself on your skin. “It’s getting colder. If we go inside, I can read to you from that book again if you want?”
“Can you read to us about the Snake Folk clan?” Ciro asked.
It would interest you as well. “Of course.”
You got up from the grass and helped them to their feet. Whilst walking back to the fort with them, most of the knights were not sparring anymore, they sat down against the wall to catch their breath. Only Ser Florent and Lancelot were still sharing information and tricks with each other on how to win in a fight. They were getting along quite well, the knight was the amicable and curious kind, he greeted you as you walked by with the children. Lancelot glanced at you and gave a polite nod, like you had not slept in his bed the previous night. With a secret smile of your own, you walked into the fort.
The book you needed was missing in their room for a few minutes.
“I put it on the chair.” Squirrel claimed.
So you found it under Ciro’s bed, still open on a page that spoke of the Faun Folk.
You plopped down on the floor between their beds, putting the book on your lap. “Snake Folk…”
You skimmed through the pages and found the chapter on the Snake Folk, one quick look at the next pages and you knew it would take a while to read all of it for them. Determined to keep your promise, you began to read from the book, it wasn’t long before they sat on the ground beside you to look at the pages as they were read out to them. Again your finger followed the words you read, so Squirrel could learn.
Time past far quicker than you had liked it to, it was nice to spend time with the children and see their young minds travel on the words of a book. At some point they had gotten into bed and you had been sitting with your back against Ciro’s bed, and that is how you woke up an hour later after dozing off with the book in your hands.
The children must have fallen asleep not long after you had. One look at the window told that night had fallen over the lands. You closed the heavy book as quiet as you could, and this time it was placed back on the chair. After tucking in the children, you left the room without waking them.
On the way to your room, you noticed candlelight coming from under the library’s door. You decided to go inside and pick out a book to read for yourself for on those nights where the past kept you from sleep. The Ash Man was in the library, head down over a book while a wall of stacked ones surrounded him. He was not as neat with books as you would have thought him to be it seemed.
You alerted him of your presence with a tease, “Did that book I gave you awake an appetite?”
An appetite for books, or…
It was deliberately ambiguous.
He shared one of his own, not lifting his eyes of the page being read, “I do not need a book for it, I have you.”
It left you flabbergasted, the wish to get him flustered had backfired.
He looked up for less than a second, amused to see your response.“I am curious to see if there is more of my clan hidden in these books.”
You brushed the thick layer of dust off of a book, “Any luck?”
He wasn’t gravely disappointed, like he expected that it was unlikely. “None yet.”
Lancelot closed the book and leaned back on the chair.
You searched one of the shelves for the book you wanted, ultimately finding it in one of the stacks he had on the table with him.
It sounded more like a statement coming from him when he saw what book you had chosen, “Again one on the matters of the heart?”
“What?” You shrugged your shoulders. “I like them.”
He was smirking up at you, “What do you enjoy about them?”
You swallowed the nerves down and tapped your fingers on the book. “I… uhm…”
Lancelot waited patiently for you to form a sentence.
“They were and are a safe way for me to learn what it’s like.” You admitted, “I know it’s not real, and it’s silly-”
“It’s not ‘silly’.” He told. “In books it is not our own heart that is at risk.”
It was nice to hear that he didn’t laugh, but rather understood. You hugged the book to your chest.
His head tilted a little to the side, reminding you of how a pup could look at someone.
When you saw him try to hide a yawn, you scolded him. “You should be resting, we’re traveling tomorrow.”
His quick wit was alert tonight. “Spoken by the one I am accompanying.”
He had a point.
You turned to leave. “Well, I am going to bed now. I don’t want to fall asleep on my horse.”
“Uhm-” Lancelot began but fell quiet.
There had been something he wanted to say…
“What is it?”
“It’s nothing.”
It didn’t feel like it was nothing, but by his expression you could tell that dragging the truth out of him would be difficult.
You offered a sweet smile instead. “Good night then, try not to get lost in the tales in these books.”
While heading to the door, the sound of the chair dragging back made you turn to him. It looked like he wanted to say something but failed to do so again. Upon seeing your inquisitive eyes, he folded his hands behind his back to hide their restlessness.
He could not ask so much of you…
You sighed a little in compassion at seeing how uncertain he looked. “Alright, spit it out. I can’t sleep knowing that there is something that you think you can’t tell me.”
His hands squeezed together tight behind his back whilst he got closer to you.
The hood of his cloak hid the hope in his eyes, his gaze did not lift from the ground.
“Last night was…” He struggled to voice his thoughts, “It…”
It was odd to feel your heart warm at his stammering. You helped him by saying, “I found it lovely.”
Visual relief crossed his face, had he been worried that you regretted it?
His gaze went past your shoulder, before dropping to the ground again, “Worth repeating?”
Your eyes widened slightly, it had been an indirect request to join him again tonight. After having fallen silent for a moment, you tried to string a sentence together. “I am tempted. But if we want to be well-rested to travel tomorrow…”
He gave a slow nod, understanding what you wanted to say, “Not tonight?”
You reached a hand out to lace your fingers in the leather that ran across his chest, pulling him closer. “Another night will come. And if you wish for it too, many more after it.”
It was not often that you saw the Ash Man silent, yet so loud with the look in his eyes he gave. You brushed your lips to his cheek, whispering to him, “Sleep well.”
With a playful shove to his chest, you send him a step back and let go. He looked so tempted to respond to it, but held back. It was half a miracle that he just let you walk out of the library after that.
Maybe he’d make you pay for it tomorrow.
@ourlazydetectivekitten​​ @the-great-adventures-of-me​ @linkpk88​​  @fxrchxldws​​  @elenaoftheturks​​ @slytherlight​​ @beananacake​​    @crystallizedtime​​  @moonlightaura03​​  @angrygardendeer​​  @have-aheart​​   @5am-cigarette​​ @arcanenature​​  @thewinterskywalker​​ @notyourwildestdream​​ @coloursforyourportrait​​ @koressecretidentity​​ @nike90​​ @n1ghtlux​​ @rachlovesactors​​ @luckyzipperscissorsbat​​ @morena-doing-stuff​​  @the-fangirl-diaries​​ @gipsydanger17​​ @heavenly1927​​  @phantasmalbeiing  @labyrinthonmymind  @asarcastic-thiamstan​​  @rainyv-skies @kissingandromeda @stclairesplace @​​katjusja @isla-bell-blog @beebeerockknot
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
Because of a unique foible in the squatting law, I was recently granted the right to ownership of the house in which I live. My house. All it took was waiting until my landlord died, then making sure nobody found out I was living here rent-free for a couple years. Luckily for me, his estate went through some kind of bizarre court battle between his step-grand-daughter and his third wife, twice removed, so nobody bothered to come by the house and find me hiding in the darkened living room, reheating TV dinners with an open flame after having stored them in the snow to keep them fresh.
Now that I had a house of my own, well, things were going to change around here. My first act as landed gentry was to serve an eviction notice to the mice that had taken up residence in a corner of the garage. Get out, you little rodent shits. And take your tamed housecat with you. After that, I wanted to celebrate. Time to decorate the house. I wheeled in a beat-to-shit Agrati moped, and put its two-stroke engine on the kitchen counter. I really like how the expensive marble countertop wipes clean of oil with just a little spritz of chlorinated brake cleaner.
I also decided to hook the power back up. The power company, now that they were dealing with a Homeowner, was surprisingly respectful, the diametric opposite of the time they showed up to disconnect service and I threw acorns and rocks at their meter guy while making what I believed to be “squirrel noises.” They didn’t even ask any questions about whether I had installed several jerry-rigged 240V circuits during the time it took them to show up, or if I was really planning to run a MIG welder in the guest bedroom. 
This was a grievous error on my part. As soon as the lights turned back on, some of the neighbours wanted to come by with gift baskets and fresh-baked cherry blintzes. One little old lady, Ms. Pollack from down the street, told me that she was so glad to finally have someone new move into the neighbourhood, to get rid of that terrible squatter who had so many awful cars that barely ran. I nodded and thanked her for the pastries, setting the plate onto a stray 318 that occupied the front hall landing. It’s true that people treat you differently when you own a house.
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femmefat-ale · 6 months
It’s hard to get work done in a library when you can hear your own thoughts so clearly. While planning some Yuletide recipes, I couldn’t stop looking at my boyfriend’s growing belly almost slipping out of a tight t shirt. Instead of my responsibilities, I indulged in writing down a bit of a fantasy. If my big bear keeps gaining at the rate he is, there will most definitely be a chapter two :)))
Ember’s Folly
Entering into the woods, the paper map crinkles in Ember's strong grip. “Do not stray from the marked trails,” it said in large blue lettering. But what was the woods without exploration, some pre-decided quest that fate may force upon you? Regardless, he intended on only a short walk, to the top of the mountain and back if you could call that short, just to watch the sunset for a while and head back. The first marker was a red ribbon tied around a tree, not to be mistaken for pink ones which indicated that a tree needed to be cut down. “Stay on the trail, and you’ll have a good time,” ominous words for a guide to the National Park. Walking along the mulched trail ahead of him, Ember basked in the afternoon sunlight and prepared his glutes for quite the workout. The incline hadn’t started yet, but it soon would.
Passing the first cairn was always a sign of relief, a sign you were headed in the right direction and that there were more ahead. It’s a shame that the parks service had ordered for their removal, and Ember couldn’t bring himself to knock over the carefully constructed tower. A traveler needs a sign of hope every now and again, a reminder that people have been here before them and will come after to the same spot.
The trail became steep, less of a paved trail and more a stone staircase winding for miles along the mountain. Ember wished there was a more direct way up; next time he’ll bring a harness and rope. Escalating slowly, the sun passed over him to the other side of the mountain, occluding him in shadows. The cool gray mist descended upon the trees and settled in the ground foliage. A small noise to his right, Ember turned to see a sweet silka a few yards behind him. Following a trail of fescue, the doe walked on barely noticing the wanderer. Off the trail she went, grazing her way past the treeline only to stop and pop her head up. After a moment of thought, she swiftly returned and ran off down the hill behind Ember. Funny, he thought. Perhaps the rules apply to fauna as well. It was then that he noticed the birdsong had died down, and was much louder on his left. Odd, but not disarming, the sun was on that side to be fair. He couldn’t blame them for chasing down the setting sun. The sun was setting though, and he had little time if he wanted to catch dusk at the very least. Time management is never easy, but one hour could cost you your life in woods like this.
Perhaps I should turn back, he thought. Otherwise, he could always camp out and catch the early sunrise. Preparations for that kind of excursion however were nowhere to be found. Time management and preparedness had never been his particular strengths. Shit, it was starting to get dark, and 6 miles lay ahead before the peak. The trail circled back around at least. As his stomach growled, his scavenger instincts kicked in. Perhaps he should track down another deer, but in reality a squirrel was a much more likely candidate. Unfortunate, he thought, digging in his pockets to pull out the wrappers of protein bars consumed hours ago. Maybe he was a bit gluttonous, and that should have been accounted for before he left the house.
Pressing on, Ember continued his way up the path, getting progressively more tired as the sun descended more. He was starving at this point; he should head back while there’s still a speck of light. Or, he thought, take a trail back to the lodge near the trail’s entrance. While looking at the map, Ember smelled something divine, too good to be real. Hallucinations, especially during times of need, weren’t uncommon, but this seems all too real. Past the aroma of petrichor and dirt, there was something sweet trailing in the air, cutting through the fog right to Ember head. Like the damned cartoons, the smell of apple pie wafting like smoke right above him. Apple pie, that’s what it was. Impossible, yes, but his stomach growled in desperation. Letting his eyes adjust a bit, a narrow trail made itself apparent, overgrown by grass and clearly unkempt. It wasn't marked either. Pulling out the map once more, there wasn't any indication of the path. The large blue lettering stood out once again, but he might as well be illiterate at that point because the smell only grew stronger. Fuck it, he was only human, and humans needed a warm meal and a fire. Screw the mountain, he thought, taking the first step off the mulch and the flora crunched beneath his boots.
A pathfinder was a noble job, and he was serving not only himself but the parks service as well. Maybe he should build his own cairn and mark the path himself. So far nothing felt off except the continually retreating light. Either it was getting darker or the fog was getting thicker. Nevertheless, Ember couldn’t be stopped, not now. He was hungry and too far into this to retreat. The sweet aromas only got stronger as he went, leading him right to salvation, he thought. He was surprised others hadn’t come his way yet with the air becoming nearly intoxicating. It was then he noticed the birdsong had died out. In fact, he could not spot a single squirrel or hare in the nearby surroundings. Odd, but not alarming. Were his senses being dulled? Who cares anyway? The smells were now all consuming, apple pie and vanilla, fresh coffee too. The fog was illuminated by a small light far in the distance, past where the trail had ended before his feet. Finally, a sign of life. Marching onward desperate as ever, the lights multiplied and a small stead was visible just a short walk away. Ember was feeling light headed, out of his mind with his stomach grumbling. Upon reaching the small cabin, he realized that this is why the trails were to be followed closely. It came upon him that this was someone’s home, not a lodge. Was he intruding? He did disregard the rules completely, but for good reason. He didn’t want to be a bother, but he was absolutely starving. Perhaps he could ask for a quick bite of bread and be on his way, but he needed more. An idea popped into his mind as his eyes wandered to the bountiful garden on the house’s side. Tall sunflowers, asleep for the night, surrounded bushels of lettuce, peppers, tomatoes, and what he only assumed could be an entire apothecary of herbs. Stay away from those, he thought. It would be one thing to intrude and ask for food. It was another to be poisoned and fall ill after stealing from the garden. Stealing from the garden. He wanted to. Surely a missing cabbage would be much less intrusive than asking for a whole meal. The crop was so plentiful Ember doubted the gardener would even notice. So he grabbed a cabbage. Without even wiping the dirt off, he took a bite from the top leaf. It was utterly bland. And shameful eating was not much of an enjoyable experience. He much preferred happily indulging himself. Eating was to be a joyous thing, he thought. But here he was, stealing cabbages, ravaging like a wild dog. Before he could make much of a dent, Ember heard a creek from the other side of the cabin. Fuck, he hoped he hadn’t been found out. He dashed to the backside of the cabin, cowering under the windowsill, looking past the corner. He wondered if he was about to meet the owner, his maker, or both. A loud metal clang was the last thing he heard before the last of the light went out, and it was all dark now.
It had been dark for a while, he thought, as he opened his eyes once more. There was light again, warm, yellow light, and heat too. The first feeling he had was that of comfort, of tiredness. Perhaps he could stay passed out for a little while longer and get some sleep. Passed out - he had passed out. Immediately, the images of the cabin and cabbages came back to him. Fuck, he should have just knocked on the door. He should have just stayed on the trail. That cabbage was definitely not worth it, and he was definitely still hungry. Taking in his surroundings, he was happy to see he was in the kitchen at the very least. There was a pot steaming on a wood burning stove that sat next to a pie cooling down. He was right about the pie at least. What was in the pot though? As he went to stand from his chair, Ember realized that he couldn’t move a limb. Just now thinking to look down on himself, he was tied to the chair entirely, arms and legs tied to pine wood with black rope. Also, he was naked. The rope was itchy too. Good thing his dick wasn’t tied up because it was steadily getting harder as he came back to his senses. Hearing once again, Ember noticed the crackling of a fireplace somewhere in the next room along with a high pitched whistling tune. Coming from the owner, he assumed, they didn’t sound very pissed. But then why was he hit over the head and tied up? As all the answers walked through the archway at the end of the kitchen, Ember snapped back and the anxiety poured all in at once. “I’m so so sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude, but I was walking along the trail and-”
“Shush,” replied the woman now standing beside him. Taking the opportunity to meet his captor, Ember glanced up and realized how fucked he really was. Standing over the stovetop were harsh eyes, staring directly at him. The woman was shorter, plump, wearing a calico dress and a messy apron tied loosely around her small waist. She was adorned with a green headscarf with a few red strands hanging in her face.
“You see, I had made the grave mistake of being underprepared, and I had run out of rations for my journey, so,”
“You went off the trail,” she interrupted. “You’re not supposed to do that.”
“Well, I was walking and I had smelled something nice, your cooking, I now realize had led me off the path, and I walked straight-”
“Into my garden.”
“I apologize, really. I didn’t want to be a bother, but I was absolutely starving.”
“I’m sure,” she replied, ladling stew into a cup.
“Truly, I am very sorry,” Ember continued on until the woman was standing right next to him.
“Then shut up and eat. That’s what you came here for, isn’t it?” Ember looked up, not lifting his head, to finally meet her eyes. She looked down at him, then at his stomach.
“I can’t-”
“Open,” she said, pressing the spoon to his mouth, and so he obliged. She lifted a bite of stew and fed it to him. The first bite was delightful, so much so he let out a small sigh. It must have been beef, deliciously braised in red wine. As she gave him a bite of potato, she said, “If this is what you wanted, you could have just knocked. I didn’t buy those vintage brass knockers for nothing.” Knockers, he laughed to himself, and a pair she had. He was leaking a little from the tip now, finally a little hydrated from the warm broth. It still tasted of alcohol. She probably didn’t cook it out on purpose.
“I really am s-”
“Keep eating,” she said, feeding him more of the delicious soup.
“Mmmmmm,” this was divine, or utterly satanic. He wasn’t quite sure. It tasted like whoredom and sodium, the worst of sins.
“Good boy.” Fuck, that turned him on even more, almost as much as the stuffing did. He kept eating, growing fuller and fuller each bite. She was stuffing him, maybe she was a witch, just fattening him up before he ended up in the stew. Before he knew it, the bowl was empty, but he could eat more. “Good good. All full yet?” she asked. Ember released his head back, noticing the herbs drying above his head. Definitely witchy behavior. As he stared up at the flowers, he heard footsteps and the woman was grabbing another mug. Instead of stew, she filled it with water from the kettle. He never heard it whistle, but it was steaming. More suspicion started to grow. She reached for some of the herbs above him, shoving her tits right into his face. She picked an assortment of leaves and put them in water, stirring clockwise for a minute as they sat in silence. He didn’t know what to say. “Drink,” she said as she brought the cup to his lips. It burned him. “Shit sorry,” she broke out. She seemed genuinely worried, bringing a finger up to his lips and patting them as she blew cold air onto the tea. It whistled with a musical chime. “Here, now it should be better. Make sure to smell the vapor too for full effect.” He sipped on it once more, then took a big gulp as it was now cooled off. It tasted bitter but earthy. It made him and his cock feel fuller, but there was a void in his stomach once more.
“Are you a witch?” He asked. Fuck, that was probably a mistake.
“Something of the sort,” she replied. He didn’t know whether to get worried or extremely fucking horny. “Nevermind it; keep drinking.” She held it up to his mouth until he finished the whole cup. She set it down and reached for something. Thinking that was the last meal before the demonic sacrifice ritual she had planned, Ember closed his eyes and turned his head towards the window. Instead, he heard a spark; he looked to see she was lighting a pipe. Taking a long, slow hit, she leaned over and blew smoke into his face. That was definitely weed, the good, smelly shit too. Those weren’t carrots in the garden after all. She grabbed hold of his hair and brought the pipe to his lips and he took a hit, immediately feeling it go right to his dick with no blood left in his head. He was swirling, probably would have fallen forward if it weren’t for the strong grip in his hair. “Good boy,” she chimed again, and Ember became less and less worried about his predicament, letting his anxiety float away with the smoke.
As she let go of his hair, she stuck the pipe in her mouth and walked back over to the stove, grabbing another cup of stew. He realized he was starving once again despite the fact he just had such a large helping. Maybe it was the weed, maybe it was whatever was in the tea. He didn’t care right now. He just wanted to eat. And he did, as the witch hand fed him a second and then third cup before the ropes grew tight, digging into his skin. His belly was swollen, dick barely peeking out from under it, even fully erect. She was fattening him up.
As he yawned, fearing a food coma would steal away his consciousness for the second time today, she looked Ember dead in the eyes and said, “Oh you’re not done yet. You think you can just come to my house and steal my food? We’ll see about that.” She placed a plate of apple pie down on the hardwood floor in front of her feet. He was confused and looked up at her, only for her to walk over, maintaining a cold stare. She untied him from the chair and shoved him to the floor with a thud.
“Poor thing,” she replied, completely unsympathetic. As he tried to get up, he found his hands and feet were still bound together. The pie laid a few feet in front of him, and he looked up at the witch for help. “Crawl, come and eat it like the dog you are.” And he did, wormed his way across the floor to the pie, realizing that she didn’t provide a fork, not like he could use it anyway, he supposed. She really did want him to eat like a dog. And he would, he would be her dog if she wanted. Looking up at her once more with uncertainty, she lifted her boot to press down on his head, “Eat, boy.”
He smashed his face right into the pie, smearing the filling all over his lips and chin. It was sugary sweet, soft and felt amazing in his mouth. He’d swear it was enchanted. The crust was buttery and crumbled easily, which made it impossible to eat. After a few bites, the pie was left a pile of mush. “Lick it up, doggy,” she said, still smoking from her pipe, eyes now hot on him, red and stoned. She walked behind him, reached under his hips and pulled him up to his knees and a puddle of precum gathered under him. “Fat dog,��� she cooed, “your stomach already reaches the floor.” Did it? Was he getting filled that much? Whatever; the food was good anyway. As he licked up the remains of what was once a pie, devoured by hunger, the witch raised her boot once more to rest it on his back until he finished. That turned him on so much his balls started to ache. She brought him a second plate and did the exact same thing once more. He was definitely full now. As if she could sense it, she lowered her pipe for him again, and he was hungry all over again. Then she just gave him the rest of the pie, left in the dish there for him, and he went at it like a beast, as if he were as hungry as before he stumbled upon this gluttonous dream. Gnashing his teeth, he inhaled soft apples and cinnamon right down his throat, making godless noises as he did. Within a minute, the entire thing was gone, the dish licked clean and spotless. Fuck, he still wanted more. As tight as his stomach felt, as full as he was, he wanted, needed more. “Good boy,” she said again, bringing a hand down to run her fingers through his long hair. It was probably as messy as he was, sticky and matted together like a mangy dog. He raised his gaze to meet hers again and whined. “Oh, poor thing, you’re still hungry, aren’t you?” she asked sweetly. “Fat dog,” she said less sweetly, and he whined again. “Aw, the dog wants more pie, doesn’t he?” Ember dropped his head. Immediately she pulled it up and repeated, “Doesn’t he?” voice lowered and tinted with lust. She let go and walked over to the pantry, and oh god Ember nearly came from the sight alone. The pantry was stocked, looked endless, filled with candies and crackers, every kind there were. She bent down to the bottom shelf, and Ember caught a glimpse of her supple ass before she stood up once more. “Well, I don’t have the ingredients nor care to make you another pie. I suppose you’ll have to make your own.”
She walked towards him again, and Ember perked up, thinking she would unbind him and let him cook and eat as much as he desired. Instead, she moved the pie dish and rolled him over onto his back, and straddled him. Oh, he understood a bit better now. “Are you going to be a good boy for me- well, what is your name?” That surprised him. Perhaps she wasn’t so cold; in fact, he was willing to bet she was quite warm. That made his dick jerk up and rub against her ass. Wait, she had asked him a question.
“Ember; that’s nice. Well, are you going to be a good dog for me, Ember?”
“Yes, yes - um, what is your name?” She slammed his head to the floor, grabbing his throat.
“You’ll call me m’am.”
“Ok, what?”
“Ok, m’am. Yes, m’am.”
“Good boy, now are you going to make yourself a pie?” He whined at that, bucking up in desperate search of some kind of friction. All he got was rough cotton. Then, she pulled her dress up and red panties to the side. Ember could feel the heat radiate from it. “Now be a good boy and fuck me, ok?”
“Yes, m’am, “ was all he could get out before she sunk her warm, slick cunt down onto his throbbing cock. God, Satan, whoever, this was perfect. He didn’t realize how desperate he was until he let out a loud gasp at his entrance. She sat down, put all her weight on him for a minute until she raised herself up, dick nearly slipping out.
“Well, puppy, are you going to fuck me or what?” And that was all he needed to start writing on the floor, pushing up as hard he could for the position he was in. Still bound, he thrust in sloppily as the witch moaned, and it was beautiful, harmonic even. Perhaps she was a bard. Ember kept whining until she reached over to stuff candies in his mouth to shut him up. That didn’t help much. He was a vocal lover and a vocal eater. The sugar melted on his tongue and he nearly cried at the taste. Now the witch was bouncing up and down on his dick, throwing her head up in ecstasy. Thighs trembling, she worked her strong thighs up and down again, squeezing down on him. Ember was getting close, his balls got tight as her round ass slammed against them over and over again. His overfilled tummy filled with warmth that traveled lower into his groin. “Good puppy, cum for me, will you? Fill me up with your fat cock.” And that sent him over the edge. He thrust up one last time before she slammed them both to the floor as sparks went off in Ember’s brain. Warmth spreaded down his thighs, an incredulous amount. Feeling it fall down his thighs as she shook on top of him, he realized she’d squirted. Fuck, he was getting wet. Maybe she’d make him lick it up. Mind wandering, he barely processed how much he was fucking filling this bitch, wait, witch. Was this her plan all along? Foxy devil. Reverberations kept shooting through his body short circuiting for a whole minute after as he laid there, trying to catch his breath. The witch was petting his head; he was a good boy after all. He deserved it. “Good boy, good boy,” she repeated as he came down. As soon as he felt like he might just fall asleep right there, full to the brim, lying on the kitchen floor, the witch got up, walked back to the table and plopped herself up onto it. Her plump ass folded on the edge of the table, and her thick thighs parted to reveal a dark pink pussy dripping with cum. She used her fingers to toy with it, spread it around, shove some of it back in. God if he didn’t feel so heavy, he’d get up to take her there again. All he could do right now was stare. Looking back up at him, she asked, “Well are you going to finish your pie, sweet pup?” And fuck, he was still hungry.
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mngwa5 · 29 days
Life is Strange EDH/Commander headcanons: True Colors Edition
AN: Not a lot of canon stretching for this one really. I can totally see Steph trying to organize a Haven commander pod and roping Alex and a reluctant Ryan into the fray.
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Alex Chen:
Has an incredibly cheese filled Jodah, Archmage list. While she and Steph snicker about the the thematic relevance of Jodah's emphasis on colors, what really attracts Alex is the fact that she can throw around huge, game-swinging spells at a steep, steep discount.
Absolutely uses her powers to read the other players at the table. If you feel sad and internally lament being mana-screwed, get ready to be targeted. If you're excited and getting ready to swing out for lethal or are on the verge of assembling your combo, don't be surprised if Alex suddenly starts politicking with the table to put you down.
On the topic of her own emotions, she will either be the picture of stoicism or a salty little gremlin who lets grudges run deep throughout the night. It really depends on the group, but God forbid if Ryan even swing at her with something as innocuous as a 2/2 squirrel token, you're all in for it.
Doesn't really like creature centric decks and when she does, they're usually being played in service of some other goal. Instead she values high interaction but utterly bullshit lists like Yarok landfall and Prosper tax fraud treasure, much to Steph's chagrin.
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Ryan Lucan:
Kinda like Nathan in the previous installment of this series, Ryan is another case of someone who would really let the in-universe color philosophy affect their out of game choice of commander.
He LOVES the entire concept behind mono-green and endures Steph clowning on him for it because he knows that Birthing Pod and Craterhoof Behemoth do not give a fuck what she has to say when it comes time to shuffle up.
Really enjoys playing ramp heavy stompy decks like Selvala. The more creatures he can shit out, the better.
You already know he has a bird tribal deck too. He started out with Derevi, but splurged immediately and wheeled it into a Falco Spara, Pactweaver list once New Capenna dropped because it combines his love of avian stuff and cheating creatures out.
Alex constantly harangues him about how he never optimizes, but to be honest, it's already pretty serviceable at the Haven Commander Night's power level. There's just something about removing a counter off Soulcatcher and in order to flash out Aven Mindcensor that soothes Ryan's soul.
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Steph Gingrich:
Oh Steph, where do we begin? Nerd queen supreme over here definitely makes routine trips into Denver to LGSs to pick up singles or just oogle fetch lands and art prints.
Isn't actually all that into Magic because she prefers more narrative driven modes of play like TTRPGs and LARPing, but will def throw down especially if it means she could school Ryan and Alex.
Once the AFR set dropped, Steph was suddenly ALL over organizing commander nights.
Once she got everyone together, she proceeded to debut a hum-dinger of a Captain N'ghathrod list much to the chagrin of pretty much fucking everybody in attendance (especially Ryan. Poor guy probably had to watch HER play more of his deck than he did lol).
I am 100% convinced every move she makes in-game would just be a subtle way of trying to flirt with Alex, which is both a great boon to those who can figure that out and a curse when it comes to making deals.
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