#spoilers rainworld
keziasorro · 30 days
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starryguykai · 3 months
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cain and abel, reunited
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yellosnacc · 3 months
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I was thinking about what features my pebble interpretation would have and I decided to do something more literal with the "both machine and organism". I'm thinking the puppet wouldn't have as hard of a time exiting the cycle if it was fully mechanical.
So anyway, "jello-coated" skeleton with blood and fuel tubes. This is not exactly what I imagined, it's more on the abstract side. But the pebble should be a little translucent.
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meawoo · 4 months
[ downpour spoilers ]
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sleep well
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vynnyal · 6 months
So let me get this straight:
Hollow knight is about the journey of a small creature possessing the corpse of a god's discarded child, and the character arc that unfolds as they realize they're more than the path they were set to take, eventually defeating the corruption instead of merely postponing inevitable destruction.
Rain world is about the journeys and experiences of many small creatures sent by a bunch of gossiping computers, and the efforts to help stop the destruction caused by a corrupted god that unfolds over hundreds of years, all to postpone his inevitable death.
Man, video games are fun!
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paradoxbeta · 4 months
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big sister moon
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pansear-doodles · 3 months
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Day 21
[ID: Artificer, Spearmaster, Rivulet and Hunter as musketeers. They are wearing similar garbs but in different colors and patterns, with different shapes of hat feathers and symbols that match their respective iterators. They raise their different spears, uniting them in the air. The overall color palette is warm and oldish. /End ID]
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raining-its-pouring · 2 months
A little tired of people saying Moon can’t stand up for herself. Like yeah I think one of the flaws she has is she is too lenient and forgiving, but also in her situation it’s VERY HARD not to be. And it’s very situational, usually manifesting with Five Pebbles.
She stops talking to you if you annoy her enough, and only starts again if you win her back over. You have to put in the work. She isn’t “rolling over” and letting things happen to her, despite the fact that she is in absolutely no position to bargain. As stated by her, her kindness and her words are the ONLY thing she has. So her taking those away from you, the player, is absolutely her standing up for herself.
Everyone brings up how she handles Five Pebbles (esp the comms thing) and it is incredible to me just how many people lay this entirely at her feet when the game states over and over again that even despite Moon’s intentional feather-light influence over him, he still resents her for being his superior. He seeks out a mentor who is her opposite.
He wants to be something more than what he is, wants to be detached from her, and she can’t do anything about that but do the best she can to exert as little influence over him as possible.
She is stuck between a rock and a hard place here, and was betting on her kindness to have fostered enough mutual respect that she wouldn’t have to resort to forced communications. She was wrong. He was driven by fierce desperation, something that she wasn’t privy to. And she paid for it.
Yes, this is a flaw of hers. But it’s not a universal one. (the rest of the iterators look to her for help- she’s the group senior for gods sake- and people act like she can’t take a stand) I genuinely doubt Moon would’ve waited so long to used forced comms if it were happening to anyone else. If it were being committed by anyone else. And that just makes the tragedy even sweeter.
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lembowe · 1 month
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i got it figured out!! he's real! you can download him Here !!!! this was very fun, i'm definitely making another one, probably moon first,, but after that im thinking sos or sigs
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neuronflyeater · 3 months
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your very onset will take someone else's place, someone else's ending will be our place to take
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ecliip · 8 months
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i like to think that rivulet is completely head empty when it comes to comprehending the vicious and eternal cycle
og memes below cut
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keziasorro · 1 month
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My 1yo comic from twitter about Rivulet :)
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moonsofmachinery · 4 months
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Pups!!!! pups!!! These are survs pups in the end cutscene and monk meeting them!! Surv is very proud of their little ones!
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lucettapanchetta · 4 months
I have not seen an AU of Rainworld that does this. So... here we go.
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saturncoyote · 9 months
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Something about Saint and breaking cycles
Personal interpretations and headcanons under the cut
I'm really not that big of a fan of Saint lorewise, purely because i feel like their story goes agaisn't what i believed to be the point of Rain World's story, or at least one of them, which is that life will continue to exist and evolve no matter how hard you try to erase it, that even though many creatures had gone extinct due to the snow storms, many others had adapted to the cold and were thriving, civilisations fall and rise, life goes on.
Because of that i am not really the biggest fan of the theory that Saint's goal is to ascend every living being so a new era can start anew, personally i see it as the opposite, a creature given the power that the Ancients and iterators so dearly wished they had is at the end of the day, nothing but an animal, and will continue to exist as an animal for the rest of it's existence.
Saint is not a saviour, nor are they a god, they're a slugcat, a creature, one that is not immune to instinct, it sees ascension as nothing but as a way to defend itself, it's not doing it for a sense of duty, it only does what it needs to further it's survival.
I think that's also one of the reasons why the ending of their campaign annoys me, mostly the fact that there is no other option but go to Rubicon, when in reality i think the most tragically beautiful thing would be for Saint to live it's life, for all of the Ancient's efforts to go in vain, for the Triple Affirmative to be lost to the wind.
Something about breaking cycles, but not the ones your creators made you to break.
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vynnyal · 5 months
OK, fair warning to the few people I actually managed to convince to try the game??
Rain world does NOT play like hollow knight, and you'll get your butt kicked if you approach it like that.
It's really hard. Like, really hard. Instead of the game literally giving you abilities in the form of power-ups and damage buffs, the only abilities you gain is from what you learn and your own ingenuity. You're a rat from beginning to end. If you just beef your way through it, it's gonna suck and you're gonna be confused and frustrated all the time. But if you pay attention, take it slow, and learn how the ai works and how everything interacts with each other, you can consistently get through and dominate situations you thought were impossible to do so when you first began. Now get out there, kill some lizards, and bully some old computers!
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