#spn giving me brainworms about the agency not only of characters but of actors in the modern network tv landscape
mybrainproblems · 3 years
Really it is kind of wild how much the CW has de-centered the writers and behind the scenes creatives from the narrative around the Supernatural finale and the confession (and the show in general!). Like yes we know that Misha and Bobo pushed for the Cas confession and advocated for it, but the conversation has centered SO MUCH around the actors rather than the people who actually wrote and developed the story.
I'm not saying that people should be directly confronting the writers or directors but there's a larger structure (which includes Singer and CW and a lack of diversity in the entertainment industry) to be criticized and pushed back on. And I think that's far more important to discuss that than knowing whether Jensen thinks Dean reciprocated or how he interprets it. I've seen a lot of people talk about the network silencing destiel etc so I know we're all aware that there are larger forces at work here than like, some silly little actor men's silly little opinions. But they're the faces that we know and the faces that have been put forward by the network over and over again to have to talk about this rather than say, putting fuckleming on the stand stage to discuss what the fuck the Lucifer call was all about. Why Atomic Monsters? Why lamp? Why [omitted]?
And these men are well paid and choose to go on stage but the truly hard hitting questions about story choices and destiel aren't necessarily their choices. We can talk about jacting joices but they're all filming day decisions, those joices were made after scripts were written and the plot set down by the writers, approved by producers and finally by the network.
I just feel like there's going to be a lot of hurt over whatever Jensen does end up saying because he's really not in a position to discuss those story choices as someone who you know, didn't actually write the story. (And also has a continued professional relationship with the WB/CW.)
It's been so normalized over the years that the actors speak for the characters and fans have been encouraged to see the actors as their characters and parasocialize with those actors to a sometimes unhealthy degree. I keep thinking of the clip where the actors and Carver are at Comic Con and they just refuse to answer about Charlie's death and let Carver take all the heat and that's honestly what is needed here.
Why should we give a fuck what Jensen has to say? He's a conduit for the story put down by writers and approved by TPTB. Yeah the man is the OG Dean kinnie but Dean isn't a real person, he's an amalgam of writers' choices and jacting joices. Which yeah! It's about the microexpressions but they are the micro details to the macro of the overall story direction. How can a character escape the narrative whims of the writer? A character doesn't have agency, they are the creation of an authorgod. A plastic ken doll with a (very pretty) malleable face.
Which! This is an insane show for insane people because that is the plot of seasons 14 & 15. How does a character escape the narrative of the creator and make their own choices? How can a character attain free will when they exist for their creator's amusement? Why do the actors have to take the brunt of the fandom's questions and criticisms about All That when All That is the result of like five different layers minimum of behind the scenes people making decisions?
I just feel like yeah, I also want to know what Jensen thinks about it but I think his sexy silence is also fucking brilliant. He said he thought the confession was important to people and he was happy about that, commented that he initially didn't like the ending for Dean and then peace'd out. The story wasn't his, and in the end he's just a vessel for writers and a conduit for network profits.
my brain is full of worms but i think that all made sense and is mostly grammatically correct...
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