masterdizzi · 5 months
Let's talk about Spacetoons Mineta...
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Spacetoons is an arabic channel that semi-recently dubbed MHA. Some may call it "Arabic 4kids," but as someone who watched a substantial amount of shows in a 4Kids dub. (namely SonicX), that's not a fair comparison. The only 4 kids dub I actually enjoyed was that of "Kirby: Right back at ya"
Anyway, the BokuNometaAcademia sub brought to my attention the way that Mineta is written here. I have always hated how Hori used Mineta to live out his weird fantasies. The inclusion of Mineta's "comedy" turned a lot of people, me included off and honestly, why wouldn't it.
Spacetoons is more child-tuned so they did a lot of censorship, for example, look what they did to Momo
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(They also greatly improved her character)
You may be asking, "What did they do with Mineta?" Valid question considering 70% of his character is horny jokes. Well, the completely removed the perv aspect and made him a loveable kid who wants to fight his insecurities and be great hero.....
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I have always said it, Mineta holds some great potential. His moment during the USJ arc was a great stepping stone for some great character growth. The idea of a coward pushing to become a true hero is so different from the norm, but as we know, when it comes to MHA, potential don' get used.
From what I hear from spacetooneta, he is actually really likeable. He is so different from Canoneta that people mistaken him for a girl. The scenes where he is being pervy are either edited out completely or altered convincingly.
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They changed the scene from season 3's filler episode so that the context is as follows:
Kaminari and Mineta want to goof off at the pool
Mineta has overheard that the girls have booked the pool too
They convince Izuku to come w/them so that they can get there before the girls
Izuku invites Tenya and the others and Tenya makes them train instead of goofing off
The girls are here, goofing off while they have to train
The most nuts part is that viewers of that dub absolutely LOVE HIM. He suprassed Bakugou in popularity even. This shows that Hori could have made one of the most loveable characters in Shounen. Think about it, his design is already cute, just slap a cute personality on and everyone would love him. But no, he had to be a creepy perv.
Canon Mineta sucks man
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dreamyriot · 1 year
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hattoriscap · 4 months
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laylagain · 4 months
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m40u · 1 year
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🌟🎶رسمت بيتا صغيرا أسميته الأحلام🎶🌟
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miirnamagdy · 2 months
ماذا اريد…ماذا اصير هذا هو السؤال؟
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Forever appreciating how perpetually nostalgic Arabs generally are, because Romeo's Blue Skies is airing again on SpaceToon. Classic anime just airing on TV, casually…
Arabs are so nostalgic, there's multiple channels dedicated solely to airing old shows and movies again. Space Toon has plenty of new shows, but it also has old classics fairly regularly.
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itsgerges · 2 months
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manarshehabi · 11 months
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سبيستون | Spacetoon‏
قناة شباب المستقبل🌷
Logo analysis in course fa222
تطورات شعار سبيستون بين الماضي والحاضر
لقد خضع شعار سبيستون إلى العديد من التطورات في شكلة وطريقة خلال السنوات السابقة في القناة الإنجليزية والعربية، ففي السابق كان الشعار بسيطاً جداً ولم تكن فيه تلك الحَلقة الدائرية التي تميزه الأن.
تحليل الشعار الجديد
هاذه الشعار قديم ويرسخ في الذاكرة ولاسيما انه مركز الهام واستمتاع الكثير من الأجيال.
- الشعار ممتع من الناحية الجمالية، فالالوان مختلفة عند كل حرف مما يولد التناغم اللوني المنسجم، وحرف (S) يبدو وكأنه توقيع يمتد على الحروف الأخرى، فهو يجذب أنظار المشاهد؛ لأنه البارز بين جميع الحروف والكلمة كأنها تدور حول حلقة مدارية في الفضاء.
- هناك الكثير من الألوان الأساسية والمكملة : كاللون الأصفر والبنفسجي والأزرق والأخضر.
- خلفية الشعار تحتوي على نجوم في الفضاء وكأنها تعبر عن معنى الكلمة.
- شعار سبيستون وظيفي، فهو يعبر ويرمز عن فكرة القناة وهنا تكمن أهمية الشعار في تعريف المشاهد على شعار ومحتوى القناة فهو يتميز بالبساطة بعيداً عن التعقيد.
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I learned to read arabic fast and properly from watching movies cause for some stupid reason I need subtitles to be able to understand movies and just dialogue,and we always had arabic Subtitles on movies and for my little pea brain to understand the plot/ dialogue I had to adapt which means try ing to keep up with the arabic subtitles. Some of yall will be like but "JoB isn't aRaBiC iS YouR fiRsT LAngUagE it cAnt bE ThAt HARD " well dear Non-Arab , Spoken arab ≠Written Arabic unlike English which if you can speak it then you can most easily understand it as the grammar isn't that different and it doesn't have that many made up words. Arabic is a languge that has a lot of native speakers but since the area is pretty spread up the areas will have their own dialect that's most likely completely different than the other areas for example people of the levant might easily understand each other they would have a difficulty understanding North Africans and vica versa with the other areas.So reading and writing MSA (modern standard Arabic AKA fos'ha) is kind of like learning another language especially for people whose dialect is very different than MSA. Personally I was kind of lucky as the dialogue I spoke is quite similar to MSA and was raised on dubbed shows/animes where they spoke either MSA or the Egyptian dialect (which is like one of the most understood dialects around the arab World ) there was also a phase where | would only talk in MSA due to all the dubbed shows I watched kind of in a similar way as that girl that spoke in a british accent because of peppa pig.
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wicaphi · 1 year
Here's some anime I watched growing up because i keep forgetting their names.
Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water
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Tico of the Seven Seas
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Idol Densetsu Eriko
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Romeo And Black Brothers
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Princess Sara
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Sgt. Frog
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Magical Princess Minky Momo
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Aoki Densetsu Shoot!
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Les Misérables: Shōjo Cosette
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I can only add 10 pics so I might make another part later.
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orangeflowerkitty · 6 months
ARAB WORLD NEWS: The all-new episodes compilation for Season 2 of The Smurfs (2021 Reboot) distributed by Spacetoon Pictures will be released in selected Arab countries in theaters on November 16 + Trailer
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It's back!
After the Season 1 compilation (titled The Smurfs: Next Adventure by Spacetoon Pictures) was released last year, it's time for Season 2!
The all episodes compilation for The Smurfs (2021 Reboot) Season 2 (titled The Smurfs: Timeless Adventures by Spacetoon Pictures) has been announced!
Distributed by Spacetoon Pictures, it will be released on November 16, 2023, in the Arab theaters in UAE, Egypt, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia.
The compilation will only have an English dub just like the previous one.
NOTE: It's NOT a film or movie, it's just a compilation.
Here's the trailer that has been posted by Spacetoon Pictures on social media.
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laylagain · 4 months
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vitagioco · 10 months
قناة سبيستون بطاقمها وبتاريخها الحافل بالانجازات, كان هدفها الأساسي هو تكوين جيل المستقبل الذي يعتمد عليه في الشدة قبل الرخاء .
 السؤال الأهم هل شباب المستقبل لا يزالون على العهد ؟ عهد الوفاء والإخاء وحب الخير للغير ,عهد العلم والتعلم والصدق. ما نتمناه حقا ألا تشوه الأيام اجمل ما فينا ألا يدمر العالم ما بنته تربية العائلة والمدرسة وهذه القناة الطيبة.
بجوارك باقون دمتي ياسبيس تون  .
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biars · 1 year
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