soulreapin · 4 months
happy valentine’s day klancers here’s our favorite tragedy getting to be happy for once. xoxo soul
Keith wakes up to the sharp, pungent smell of roses in his nose.
That’s not always as alarming as it is right now, sometimes Lance gets flowers from the farmer’s market and sets them in delicate clear vases all over their apartment (Keith will always hate the smell of daffodils), but the farmer’s market hadn’t been in town for a number of weeks.
He sits up in bed, pushing the red flannel comforter down from where it was safely tucked up underneath his chin and looks around wildly. Their comfortable bedroom has a vase of red roses on every surface, even on the vanity tucked in the crook between the wall and the door of their ensuite bathroom.
They look fresh, vibrant and sweet in the low light.
He glances to his side and Lance’s side of the bed is noticeably empty. That should’ve been clue number one that something was up, not the smell of roses, but apparently it hadn’t been long enough since his time in the desert that waking up with his arms wrapped around himself and his knees tucked into the crook of his chin wasn’t considered abnormal yet.
A splay of his palm against the sheets tells him Lance has been up for some time. Something ugly and foreign squeezes itself around his heart, but Keith, under any circumstance, does not give himself time to figure out what it is and slides out of bed, stepping into his red lion slippers and following the apparent trail of red rose petals on their usually pristine wooden floor.
His slippers scuff on the wood as Keith trails down the short hallway into their living room, and if he thought their bedroom was bad, this is catastrophic. Floral arrangements sit large and pretty on their dining table, on their kitchen counters, on the coffee table where instead of fake fruit they set their feet in the middle.
Varying shades of red and pink and white flourish in the home Keith worked so hard to build for him and Lance, the life they hold on to with tight grips and locked elbows decorated with pretty scalloped petals and white lace keeping them all standing at attention.
On the center of their dining room table, where there are pencil marks thoroughly worn into the wood from hours doing homework for Lance to get his masters, are several fake candles set up around a red envelope, and from this distance Keith can’t tell if it’s sealed with wax or not, but he’d bet his braid that it was.
As Keith is walking over to the envelope, he panics. “What did I forget? Our anniversary isn’t until October, his birthday is in July, it’s February—oh. It’s February.”
He reaches the letter at the same time he has the realization. Today is February 14th, it’s Valentine’s Day, and Keith did not forget. There are reservations in his name tonight for their favorite mexican restaurant, the one Lance picked himself because it tasted the most like home, and he’s got a heart-shaped box of chocolates and a hand-written card tucked into the back of their closet because he knows Lance doesn’t look back there.
So he picks up the envelope with steady fingers, pops open the definite wax seal and before he can judge it, presses a kiss to the cold wax with the reminder that Lance’s careful hands had poured and pressed it into a heart shape, and slides a thin, white paper card out of the envelope.
In Lance’s scraggly, all-caps looking handwriting, he’s written, ‘good morning, keithy cat! happy valentines day. i know you freaked this morning when you saw all the flowers. mad i missed it. anyways i didn’t have to go into work like you were thinking. you’re going looking for me but because im SO GRACIOUS and an AMAZING HUSBAND ill give you your first one free, go down to nightsky florals. love, loverboy,’
Despite it all, it brings a small smile to Keith’s face. He folds the note delicately and tucks it back into the envelope, deciding to leave the battery-powered candles running.
“Damn you, Lance,” Keith mutters, but trudges back to their room and changes into simple, loose-fitting Lucky jeans and a red sweater. ‘Tis the season, and all that.
A small bell rings over Keith’s head as he pushes the door open to Night Sky florals. Shiro must have installed that after he went off to college, but the rest of the shop was still the same. Wooden bins of flowers sit on racks going all the way up to the ceiling, there are displays in the center with red roses and assorted bouquets on them, and greenery climbs up the sides of the racks and up the counter near the back of the room.
It’s light and homey. Keith spent a lot of time in Night Sky florals, sitting behind the counter and doing his AP Lit homework, staring daggers at To Kill a Mockingbird and scribbling down Quizlet-approved bullshit answers.
Now, Shiro is sitting on a stool behind the counter, assembling a small array of red roses, baby’s breath, and camelias. He looks up and sees Keith standing in the doorway, “Hey, kid!”
“Hi, Shiro,” Keith grumbles, smiling despite himself, skirting around the center displays to get to the counter, “How’ve you been?”
“You were at my house for dinner a week ago.” Shiro stands up and comes out from behind the counter to wrap Keith in a hug that basically breaks every rib in his body and eliminates a need for a chiropractor. “I think you know how I’ve been.”
Keith shrugs in his hold and hugs him back, “I don’t know, it might have changed in the week I haven’t seen you. Forgive me for caring about my brother.”
After a few more bone-crushing seconds, Keith is let go and allowed to expand his lungs to full capacity again. Shiro tosses over his shoulder as he turns away, “Denied. Back to the desert with you, creature.”
“You’re so odd,” Keith shakes his head and picks at a piece of stray fuzz on the sleeve of his sweater, “I was here for something. Lance sent me here. Is there something here for me?”
Shiro’s face lights up and he disappears off into the back. “He stopped by this morning! This is so cute, Keith I almost kind of hate it, I’m so glad you guys are happy together—aha! Found you, fucker.”
“I’m almost a little nervous about it,” he admits, “Like, he’s doing this for me, what if dinner and chocolates and a card isn’t enough?”
Something clatters to the ground in the back and Shiro reappears holding another red envelope with a pressed wax seal and a small, thin piece of paper. “Keith, I promise you, if you got him a pair of socks and a bag of cherry cordial Hershey’s Kisses, he’d love you forever.”
He accepts the letter and the small piece of paper, his face screwed up, “Those are absolutely disgusting, they taste like cough syrup. The peppermint ones are so much better.”
“Cough syrup aside,” Shiro comments, shaking his head like he can’t believe Keith has a correct opinion, “You know what I meant. He’s happy just having you.”
Keith sighs, a little dejectedly, and slides his thumbnail beneath the wax circle.
It reads, ‘congrats, keefers, you made it! this is the place we met for the first time. i bet you remember it. i came in to get funeral flowers for hunks robot and you insulted me various times all while giving me the most beautiful flowers i had ever seen. i thought you were beautiful too with your shitty ponytail and your silly looking apron. you had a pansy tucked into the pocket i think. ‘
“It was a rose.” Keith says, out loud, without even meaning to.
Shiro glances up from his bouquet in progress, “Congratulations?”
“No, um,” Suddenly embarrassed, Keith scratches the back of his neck, “The day I met Lance here, I had a red rose tucked into my apron. He said it was a pansy.”
“Are you blushing?” Shiro exclaims.
“Shut up, Shiro, go back to your flowers. In the time you’ve spent insulting me three more people have either died or gotten engaged and you are holding them back from their floral arrangements,” Keith sasses, looking back down at the letter.
‘whatever it was i thought it was really cute. im glad we ran into each other that day. rip hunk but if his robot hadn’t died i wouldnt have married this beefcake so who really won here (me its me i won). anyways. the little white paper shiro should’ve handed you will give you a little clue as to where to go next. love, lancelot.’
He slides the letter back into the envelope and flips the small paper over. On it are two dragons intertwined, one small and red and the other bigger, black, and missing its right wing. Keith knows this image; this image sits squarely over his spine.
“So, where are you off to next?” Shiro asks casually.
Keith glances up at Shiro, missing his right arm, and offers a small smile. “Ocean Waves Tattoo Parlor.”
“That’s right across the street from us–oh, that’s where Lance used to work when you two met, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, that’s the one. I’d better be off now. I’ll see you for dinner next Wednesday?” Keith starts to move around the store, picking flowers out of bins and collecting them in his right hand.
“Same day, same time,” Shiro confirms, “Adam’s making pasta salad, I think–what are you doing?”
Keith has gathered a full bundle of red roses, pink carnations, greenery, and forget-me-nots. He drops a handful of cash onto the counter that seems like a vague approximation of what the total should be and waves goodbye, hurrying out of the shop before Shiro can throw his money back at him or realize Keith had probably underpaid.
After his brief stop at Night Sky Florals, Keith went to two more places. Ocean Wave Tattoo Parlor, where Lance used to work and coincidentally where he got his back piece done in Lance’s chair, the ice cream shop where they went on their first date to receive another letter from Romelle, and even at the library on the other side of town where Keith had dedicated hours of his life to helping Lance review for a final (that he passed with flying colors).
He ends up at Fortune Coffee House, their favorite spot to grab a drink or a muffin and just eat breakfast together before they go their separate ways. Keith had stopped at home first and dug the card and chocolates out from the back of the closet, since he had a feeling he’d be seeing Lance here, as this was supposedly the last location.
The door creaks closed behind Keith as he steps into the warm air of the coffee shop, a floor-to-ceiling shelving unit cordoning off the counter from the rest of the shop. Fortune Coffee House is decorated in warm shades of brown and cream, reminiscent of Keith’s college days.
“Welcome in–Keith Akira Kogane, where have you fucking been?” Pidge yells from behind the counter, pushing her glasses up her nose.
Right. Pidge Holt, Keith and Lance’s oldest shared friend, had ended up with a job at Fortune Coffee House, and Keith had been neglecting going out for a beer with her, Hunk, and Lance. Copyediting kept him busy, what can he say?
He sighs and walks up to the counter, flowers, card, and chocolate all balancing very precariously in the crook of one arm. “Hi, Pidge.”
“Don’t hi, Pidge me, you dirty fucker. I missed you!” If she could, Keith would bet every dime he had that she’d throw her pen at him. “Your hair is longer.”
Automatically, his hand shoots up to fidget with the end of his braid. She’s right, it has gotten a little longer, the tail now dangling over his heart instead of at his collar. “I guess it is. What’s new with you?”
“I got into AST.” She says nonchalantly, looking up at Keith with a devious grin.
“That’s great—holy shit, that’s great!”
AST, or Altea State Tech, was the best college in the entire area if you wanted to work on rockets one day, which Pidge did. Her grin is so bright, it blinds him a little, but he leans over the bar and wraps his free arm around her shoulders in an awkward hug.
“I know, isn’t it?” She gushes. “I start in September in the astronautical engineering program, the one Matt did, it’s going to be so, so great!”
“You’ve gotta tell me everything once you start,” Keith says when he pulls back, shifting all of his items between arms, “Has Lance stopped in today?”
“Basically used an entire giftcard stress-drinking iced green teas. He’s been here since eleven, so not very long.” Pidge snorts and picks up her mug with some silly science joke on it, taking a sip of whatever she’s concocted now. “I think he might’ve worn a hole in the floor. Same table as usual.”
“Oh, great,” an exhale rushes out of Keith’s chest, “Can I get a—”
“No, shut up. On the house.” Pidge points at an admittedly very large sign that says, Coming in with a special someone? Your first drink is on us!
“Well, I tried. Seeya, Pidgie. Have fun at AST.” Before Keith leaves, he drops a five dollar bill into the tip jar and slides between tables to get to the second, library-like room.
Fortune Coffee House had two spaces, the actual coffee bar and a second room with tables, an assortment of armchairs, and couches for studying, worship, or just to chat quietly. Keith slips through the doorframe and sees Lance sitting in his usual armchair, tucked into the alcove created by two windows. An empty plastic cup sits on the low table behind them.
Lance looks just as beautiful as the day Keith met him. His hair is longer and curlier, better taken care of, and freckles make their homes loud and proud across his face, but the Pacific ocean that sloshes around his pupils never changed, nor did the tilt of his smile or the slight scrunch of his nose when he laughed. Keith has kissed that scrunch on several occasions, to no fault of his own.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, blue,” Keith says as he approaches Lance, pressing a kiss to the top of his head, “Got these for you.”
“Keithalicous, Keith, god, you scared me!” Lance exclaims but accepts both the kiss and the gifts he’s handed, running a gentle finger over the rose petals. “Did you get here okay?”
Keith thinks back on all the running around he’s done today and can’t tamp down the laugh. “As okay as I could’ve been. I liked the little game you sent me on. It was nice to go back to St. Taffy’s. Romelle still works there, yaknow?”
“I was just there this morning, goober.” Lance reminds him gently, setting the flowers and the chocolate on the table, working on opening the card. “I’m glad you liked it. I wasn’t sure.”
He remembers what’s written in the card. It was written late at night when Keith couldn’t sleep and instead spent precious minutes watching Lance’s sleeping face shift. “Right, yeah, ‘course, ah, I knew that.”
“Wow, did your code just stop working?” Lance jokes as he finally gets the sealed white envelope open (it was spit-sealed, Keith didn’t fuck with wax,) and pulls out the card.
Keith had found it months ago. It was a deep green and pictured a featureless white deer, standing small amongst towering trees. He found it pretty, and by the way Lance traced a reverent finger over the spiny branches of the trees, he did too.
The card itself wasn't a problem. It was what was written inside the card, or more rather, how much was written inside the card. Keith had used every available inch of space from the top edge of the right side to where the small inscription was on the left.
While Lance reads, Keith pulls at a loose thread in his sweater. It pools in his hand by the time Lance glances up at Keith and slowly folds the card shut. His crystal-clear eyes are glassy and wet with tears.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—”
“Shut up,” Lance cuts in, “Shut all the way up. You’re such a gifted fucking writer, oh my god. That was beautiful. I love you too, Keithers.”
His hammering chest eases up and is replaced with birdsong and unbridled joy. “I’m glad. Did you…have a favorite part?”
Lance pauses, “Hm. I think it might’ve been ‘The stars could love me and the moon could cry for me, but I’d still choose you. Every time.’ Or ‘You are my north star over the ocean guiding me home and there is nowhere I would rather tilt my chin than up to your light.’ I told you, Keith, you’re a brilliant fucking writer.”
Keith doesn’t respond, but he does reach across and link Lance’s hand up with his. Lance tightens his grip, the gold metal of his rings digging into Keith’s fingers, and pulls Keith forward into a kiss that he wasn’t entirely sure was coffee shop appropriate.
“Can you cut that shit out? People read the Bible in here.” Pidge calls from the doorway.
“Sorry, Pidgie,” Lance says sheepishly, pulling away from Keith, “Thanks for the coffee.”
His mouth tastes like Lance’s strawberry Carmex and green tea. Keith accepts the hot strawberry mocha that’s handed to him and takes a sip, but he’s watching Lance like he’s the only star in the sky.
To Keith, he might as well be. There wasn’t room for much else in Keith’s night sky, anyways.
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soulreapin · 4 months
The door swings open and a warm golden light bleeds out. Keith and a black, furry mass exit, and the figure of a taller, buff man stands in the doorway. They go back and forth for a minute until the door shuts and Keith comes down the front walk, opening the side door and letting Kosmo into the backseat, saying, “Careful, booger, don’t climb all over ‘im.”
Kosmo doesn’t necessarily heed this warning, because as soon as all four paws are in the car, Kosmo is nosing at his shoulder and pawing at his side and licking his ear. Keith tries his best to reign in the wild dog, but Lance just laughs jovially and buries his hands into his fur, scratching behind his ears and telling him nonsense about how handsome he is and how good of a boy he is.
“I’d say he’s not usually like that,” Keith opens the driver’s side door and slides into the seat, “But he’s a sociable creature.”
“Polar opposites attract, don’t they bud? Oh, yes they do, oh you’re so cuuuttee, you’re so much nicer than your dad,” Lance babbles to Kosmo, who woofs happily and knocks heads with Lance.
Keith pulls the car into drive, “Damn traitor dog. You’re sleeping on the floor tonight.”
“So, we’ve got your dog,” Kosmos woofs again, “What now?”
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soulreapin · 5 months
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i reblogged that literally four seconds before you sent this ask
Lying face-down on couches brings Keith a lot of joy. He couldn’t tell you why, but something about his nose being tucked between couch cushions is soothing.
Keith has had a long couple of days. Mission after mission of dealing with anyone and anything that could possibly get in his way. Red was pissier than ever, jostling the cabin in response to his own aggression.
So he tucks his face into the couch cushions late into the night, so late it was considered morning, and heaves out a breath to try and catch some modicum of sleep.
“Hey there, Ace.” Lance says above him.
Keith murmurs something hateful into the couch, something about Lance fucking off and dying. Unfortunately, Lance does not catch this and if he did, he does not take the hint, because he can feel the slight warmth radiating off of the blue paladin’s thigh into the top of his head.
Lance goes quiet, the only sound coming out of him is the slight whistle and heave of his breathing.
Resettling back into the cushions, Keith tries to go back to sleep.
Key word: tries.
Amidst all that trying, ignoring Lance’s thigh nestled against the top of his head, Keith feels crafty fingers built for a blaster start to thread into his hair.
His breath hitches and Keith feels something in his spine yank tight, looping around the gaps in his vertebrae and squeezing until he can’t breathe.
The fingers don’t pull away from his hair. Mussed and sweat-ridden from hours beneath a space helmet as it was, Lance’s careful fingers don’t stop moving through the dark strands with a careful, practiced ease.
It’s not…world-ending. Keith finds himself inching a little further into it, his nose leaving the safety of the crack in the couch cushions just a bit so Lance can rest his palm on the top of Keith’s head.
Touch is seldom-known to Keith who grew up bounced between houses, never homes, who would rather tuck his knife up his sleeve than take off the jacket. Shiro did his best to initiate physical contact, but after The Incidient, touch fell off the table.
The two of them go on like this for hours, Lance playing with the strands of Keith’s hair and Keith relishing in it like a cat lying on a rock in the sun. Keith shifted his cheek onto Lance’s thigh, moving his arms so he can hold onto his pillow’s other leg. He falls asleep like this. And its the best damn sleep his ass has ever had in his life.
Everyone on the castle takes a scrapbook’s worth of pictures. Lance’s are the most coveted, taken one-handed as Keith sleeps contentedly in Lance’s lap.
i hope u like this i think i cooked
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soulreapin · 5 months
hello hello‼️
it's me again and i would like to suggest to you
keith being weirdly good at card games bc in the foster home he used to play them with the younger kids when they couldn't sleep
stop i love good with kids keith. im gonna cook hold on just you wait.
“That is the fucking fourth time you’ve won in Go Fish, Keith!”
Keith shrugs and gathers up the deck of cards to shuffle them between his two thumbs and forefingers.
Zarkon has decided to give the Paladins a night off from the war raging its path around the universe, so on their off day they sit in a loose circle on the main deck of the ship.
Originally, they had tried charades, but one too many altean animals from Allura had killed the mood.
They were at a loss for a while, bickering quietly, when Keith produced a worn pack of playing cards from the inside jacket of his pocket and put together a quiet game of Solitare for himself.
Lance glanced over and saw him shuffling those cards like a pro, and his brief moment of silence was crushed to bits when Pidge suggested they play card games.
“I’m sorry you’re bad at Go Fish,” Keith offers blandly as he shuffles, sounding not at all like he’s even remotely sorry, “But I’m not and you just have to live with it.”
Hunk glowers at him.
“Are we sure his cards aren’t rigged?” Lance comments, leaning towards Pidge for support.
Keith’s nose wrinkles as he shuffles, “How would you rig a fuckin’ deck o’ cards, huh?”
“I—I don’t know, maybe you carved shit into them!”
One single raised eyebrow and Lance’s defense crumbles with a huff.
“How are you so good at these human cards, Keith?” Allura asks, leaning forwards with interest.
Her hair is down and shifts like the steam curling off of a waterfall down over her shoulders.
Keith shrugs. “Go Fish again?”
All of them nod in ascent. He begins to deal out the cards evenly and methodically, and while he does, Keith gradually dredges up the memories associated with his bent and worn red playing cards. “I grew up in an orphanage, yaknow? And nobody really looked at a little ol kid like me, so I had to find ways to entertain myself.”
They begin to play while he talks. Keith stringing together more than six words in a sentence in a normal speaking tone outside of a mission was basically unheard of. “I found a deck of cards one day. One of the older kids taught me how to play Go Fish, and whenever we had time thats what we did. And cards was my only social skill.”
Quietly, Shiro asks Hunk, “Any sevens?”
“Go Fish.”
“I eventually picked up Solitare from the old folks home we visited as community service. All the younguns seemed to really like playing cards with me, so when one of them couldn’t sleep they’d come get me and we’d play a game. Somethin’ easy, even just Solitaire while I sat with them. Shiro, you’ve got a nine, give it to me I know it.”
Begrudgingly, Shiro hands over not one but two nines.
“That’s quite sweet. But I assumed you weren’t fond of other members of your kind?” Allura shakes her head when Lance asks for a six.
Lance gives Keith the finger when Keith mouthes skill issue at him. “Mostly, I ain’t. But little kids are different. They haven’t done anythin’ to deserve being disliked yet. And I know that when I was their age, I needed someone to stay up and play cards with. So I figured I would be that person for them.”
Small tears are beading in Shiro’s eyes.
Playing cards becomes tradition between the seven of them, whenever they get the chance, even if its four in the morning. Keith and his cards are always a comfort.
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