#sorry this is a lil messy HAHA but i feel like it answers ur questions!!
inkykeiji · 2 months
What is your Alastor’s goal? Like if the reader became so broken by him would he throw them out? Is he hoping for a balance of obedience as well as disobedience? We all know he gets bored very quickly so I’m wondering what’s your thoughts on this? Where is that fine line between entertaining to boring?
ah okay so!!! beware, i kinda rambled on beneath the read more ahahaha (*ノωノ)ᵉᵉᵏ
well if i’m going to be completely honest with you, he doesn’t necessarily have an overarching ‘goal’ since i’ve only been writing little fragments of their lives together/their relationship. he has a goal in each piece, obv, and they’re all very simple of course, because more than anything i write for myself and to explore a character i really love in silly lil scenarios my mind creates ehehe. but if i had to give him a larger goal that encompasses all of the fragments, it would be companionship.
as i mentioned in this ask, he’s drawn to reader because of her extreme devotion to him without the need of a contract; how she’s willing to do anything for him, to quite literally be his obedient little pet and always stares up at him with stars of worship in her eyes, all on her own. it’s pure, it’s real, and he loves that. but just because she is unwaveringly subservient, doesn’t mean she is incompetent or unable to do things on her own + be independent. she won’t cling to him unless he wants it.
he does give her tasks to do and hobbies to take up (certain books to read, certain activities to do etc.) because his pet needs to be well-read + intelligent and all of that. she has her own errands + duties to attend to as well, so she’s more than a mindless little doll (because you’re right, he would get bored of that SO fast); it’s more just that she has to be (and is) willing to drop everything for alastor the moment he wants her to—and he is absolutely drunk off of the potent power this grants him. there are an infinite amount of scenarios he can throw her into in order to play with this extreme level of ownership and control, which means he can always find a way to keep things interesting, fresh, and fun.
i write alastor as an extreme sadist and as someone who is only aroused and able to get off on serious sadism, right? her pain (physical, mental, emotional; any kind) is what ‘turns him on’. additionally, we know that alastor is extremely shady and manipulative, and has a bit of a sick, twisted ‘playful’ side to him—with means he isn’t above playing dirty, provoking reader into misbehaving or tricking her into breaking a rule, solely so he has an excuse to punish her or otherwise hurt her. he doesn’t need an excuse, obviously, he knows she’ll ultimately let him do whatever the fuck he wants to her, but it’s more fun when she unintentionally breaks a rule, because there’s an extra layer of psychological pain there; shame and guilt for disobeying her master.
he knows she loves it too, though; she loves playing that foul little game just as much as he does, and she isn’t entirely meek either; she will speak back to him on occasion, will beg him to stop or let some snarky little remark slip (she almost does this in the piece about alastor dressing you in white) or shove at him etc, but it’s really just this messed up little cat-and-mouse routine that comes with the 100% guarantee that she’ll never escape or leave him, no matter what he puts her through or how much she pretends to push back. i mean, she’d have to have some sort of streak of vile wickedness running through her blood to be as insanely attracted to him as she is.
so, really, that’s where the line between obedience and disobedience is drawn; she may be playfully bratty back, but never to the point of actual disrespect, and never for real. she might whine a bit about him intentionally tricking her into breaking rules etc, but she’ll also play up that aspect of guilt etc because she knows he gets off on it, and she gets off on serving + pleasing him.
wHEW okay, hopefully this answers ur questions!!! thanks for taking an interest in my iteration of alastor, that’s really cool and it makes me feel so aaaah happy n warm hehehe <33
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angelpuns · 10 months
Ranting anon is actually v interested in ur new au- so they are gonna make a lil list of questions-
Do any of the dudes have a specific thing abt their design that's special to them and like actually has a lil meaning
Does splinter particularly dislike anything about each of them
How often do you think they'd go out together
Do any of them have specially unhealthy and noticeable habits
Who's the quietest and loudest
Who spends the most time alone or with others
Who do u think is more willing to go out in public
Do any of them have a specific interest they can't seem to shake
Fav water brands (bc there is a difference! Nirvana and Aquafina SUCK!!!)
that's all for now :3 have a good day, drink some water, treat urself, don't forget to go outside every once in awhile <3 <3 (I am not rereading this so sorry for any mistakes, brain is still taking a vacation)
I'll go one by one for the first one ( they don't have super special meanings or anything, just things they like )
Leo ofc has his stars! He just really likes space and the star motif is super cute!! He also has his scarf, its just got all their colors on it - he sewed on the little bits himself.
Mikey likes to make bracelets and has a MASSIVE collection, so he's always wearing em.
DONNIE HAS A TOOLBELT!!! It holds all his stuffs!
Raph has his ripped pants - which he wears exclusively to spite Leo. Also has some dogtags that he found on the ground and decided he was gonna keep forever ( for funsies )
I think Splinter probably thinks that Leo is too...irresponsible? He expects a certain degree of responsibility that Leo doesn't really hit. He also is transphobic :)
For Mikey he definitely seems to blame him for things that aren't his fault. On the other hand, Mikey is also very messy, hates doing chores and Splinter can't stand that.
Same sort of thing for Donnie, but much less so. Excuses it away with compliments and stuff. He is the favorite child after all.
For Raph its like he doesn't even know he exists. He barely talks to Raph or really??? Worries about him?? He's just overlooked due to being the same age as Donnie ig
They go out together all the time! They usually end up arguing, but its always a lot of fun! Sometimes Raph n Donnie stay at home, but almost always its all four of em. Raph and Mikey also go out on their own ( separately ) a lot.
Uhhhhhhh I am actually gonna hold off on answering that cause I have a comic I wanna make about one of Leo's habits ( tee he its just one of my habits but anyway ).
Raph chews on his mask tails. Not really unhealthy but def noticeable. Mikey chews his nails like so so bad. I'll add more when I think of em :)
Quietist is Donnie for sure, Raph is the loudest. Mikey is the second loudest. Leo can be loud if he needs to.
Leo spends the most time alone, he doesn't really have much going on as far as a social life. Raph has a lot of friends and that's usually who he's hanging out when he's out.
Raph is the most likely to go out in public. Sometimes its to spite Leo and sometimes he just wants to go hang out in the city. Occasionally he'll drag Mikey out with him.
Leo has been into space since he was a kid and he hasn't been able to shake it since, Mikey n Raph ofc have their art. Donnie has his tech. The last three are more like just huge aspects of their personalities at this point. Mikey has been watching Project Runway nonstop for like 2 years ( Leo got him into it )
I don't know any water brands- Raph and Mikey are the only two that actually drink water and I think they drink a store brand? Leo drinks tap water :) Donnie is eternally dehydrated
I feel a LITTLE bad posting about them so much when Kid Leo isn't over but its my coping mechanism <3333
Enjoy my rambles haha
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erwinsvow · 3 months
My day was pretty good but college is kicking my ass so badly rn it’s embarrassing…
On another note, just wanted to let you know how I found your blog! It was through another blog (can’t remember which one sorry) recommending their favourite obx writers and that’s a statement I absolutely agree with🫶 You’ve developed a consistent characterization of Rafe that I believe is recognizable and belongs to your blog (idk if that makes sense) I think it’s extremely natural to compare yourself to others but please remember that you’re doing an amazing job!!
Sorry for the word vomit but you’re just so kind every time you interact with anyone and your writing is just SO good I wanted you to know how I feel
Also was curious to know how you feel about dark Rafe because I can’t stop thinking about ghostface (but he could also be sweet in a more twisted and obsessive rafe way)
omg i remember college like it was yesterday and it kicked my ass too😭😭😭 you got this bae!! it'll be over before you know it but stay focused on the grind 🩵
also stopppp that is so sweet. you are so nice because im so new to writing for obx! n that is so generous of you to say because i really love writing for rafe and bouncing btwn mean n sweet rafe... he's such a tough cookie to write but that makes it so fun! you are so so so nice im gonna cry <3 will remember this everytime i feel iffy :( also i always try to reply to every anon how i would want someone to reply to mine!!!! i remember so vividly being in someones inbox and pouring out ideas or love for like a short reply lol which would hurt my feelings even tho it is not that serious at all haha
but its srs to me now <3 i love replying to ppl on here especially sweet angels like u !!! 💓
ur fucking cooking... you may or may not have seen that my entire blog used to scream themed because its fully one of my favorite movie series EVER<3 ghostface!rafe is SOOOOO yummy. tw murder and a whole bunch of psycho stuff lol
he's soooooo sick n fucking twisted!!!! if he was a true ghostface, he'd be insanely protective over you, telling you it's dangerous to go out alone at night, that you shouldn't even stay at home alone if he's not spending the night. his lil killing spree would start with people trying to break the two of you up, people he knows are actively trying to get into your ear and tell you that rafe is dangerous, that's he's bad for you.
n you defend rafe with all your heart!! your boyfriend is so caring, doesn't even allow you to drive home alone, chauffeurs you around in his car, drops whatever he's doing to come get you if you call.
a couple times he's a lil late.. shows up to your door all sweaty, looking tired n messy, and you ask where he's been all night. doesn't really give you a real answer, just tells you he was with the boys. (he was gutting this boy from some party the other night that wouldn't leave you alone). you hear the news the next day, and when people in town start questioning some of the young men, you valiantly protect rafe, saying he was with you all night (which he was... kind of..) and the way he beams at you when you do this guarantees that you would never voice your suspicions no matter how prominent they become.
ur big friend group tries to figure out what's going on... pretending to be detectives, one of them even questions if youre the killer, saying your sweet personality is the best alibi n that no one would suspect a thing. you laugh, then rafe laughs, so everyone laughs, but the friend who said it is next on his list.
consoles you when ur crying, sick n tired of feeling so scared all the time, wanting life to go back to normal! you love spending time with rafe but everything is getting to be a little bit... overwhelming. you're never alone anymore, never have time or the chance to just be with your friends. it's a lil suffocating but then someone else turns up dead and you retreat into safety, into what you think can protect you: rafe.
the big reveal is the make or break. in the real world youd run screaming for your life. but in shea's world ur just as crazy as he is, still believe he did everything for the right reason, brainwashed enough by him and his charm and his love for you that is so apparent he would kill for you and you let it sway you.
that was a lil dark even for me, but canon rafe is literally a killer n i just be ignoring that part like damn kill me too!! i love u!! biggest fan i'd be ur alibi!!
this getting hella long but rafe with ghostface tendencies is also.... so hot....just lots of overprotectiveness and stalking and if he's part of a duo, just trying to keep you out of everything and protected. doesn't want you anywhere near this stuff, freaks out if you end up hurt or realizing what's going on. but he knows you won't snitch, won't leave or even try to run. he's got you wrapped around his finger <3
and yes he fucks you with the mask on. sneaks into your house while ur leaving him a cute msg saying goodnight. fucks you all crazy and half way through you realize it's rafe. you don't stop tho n beg him to keep going <3
was this too much? maybe. do i care because this is my blog? yes i do care a little. don't want you to judge me LOL
hope this was fun for u to read bc it was fun for me to think!!!!
come again soon!! <3
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sarohara · 4 years
You both like dance.
Stranger: M
Stranger: not here for nudes
You: Hey
You: Neither me ahahha
You: that zzzzzz
Stranger: hahah
Stranger: nice meeting you
Stranger: what's your name?
You: nice meeting youu dude
You: Sarah it's my name.
Stranger: Nice meeting you Sarah
You: Actually Alie Sarah
Stranger: how old are you?
You: um. i'm 17.
You: how old r u?
Stranger: 18
Stranger: wanna play 20 questions?
You: yea why not
Stranger: Dogs or cats
You: wait. i didn't ask ur name. whats ur name?
You: Cats>>>
Stranger: Im jon
Stranger: not snow
You: Not snow AHAHHAHA
Stranger: I have a cat named Hope
You: Oooh hope
You: It's an amazing name
Stranger: She's so petite that she falls asleep on my tummy everyday
You: ahahahahhahahahahh aw!!!
Stranger: hahah she's AWWDORABLE
You: okay lemme rephrase
Stranger: hahahhaa
Stranger: your turn to ask
Stranger: I like your vibe tbh
Stranger: you are fun
You: Actually, ur fun.
You: hahahaha
You: um okay
Stranger: haha thanks
You: indie or rock?
You: or none of
Stranger: Hip Hop
You: ohhh i dance hip hop!!!
Stranger: damn, that's hot
You: hot? AHAHAHHA if u say so
Stranger: I love Hip hop dancer
Stranger: dancers
You: oh thanks then :))
You: we appreciate that
You: ahahha
Stranger: hahhaa
Stranger: walk on the beach while holding hands? yes or no
You: nah, just if ur my boyfriend or best friend. ahahah
You: or mom. who knows.
Stranger: hahaha okaay
Stranger: do you have a bf?
You: good question.
Stranger: answer will be even better
You: um, i would say,.. i have someone. but i dunno if it's my bf.
Stranger: aw okaay
You: what about u?
Stranger: He's definitely missing out on something fr
Stranger: Nope
You: do u think so? i don't think so ahaha
Stranger: yes, you have a great personality
You: But how can u know that? ahah
Stranger: My gut feeling
You: Ooooh whoah
You: That's funny
You: and thanks :)
Stranger: hahah your welcome hon
You: what u doing here?
You: btw
Stranger: I wanted to talk to someone
Stranger: I get lonely sometimes
You: oh i feel you. sometimes.
You: do u wanna talk about it?
You: idk. just open up.
Stranger: Yeah i mean it gets depressing
Stranger: this life and shit
You: what's going on with life?
Stranger: I want to be a musician and nothing is going as planned
Stranger: so it gets tough sometimes and I dont have many friends to share this with
You: oh musician. that's awesome. but u know right...nothing's easy..but u can do it. i believe in you.
You: hey, what about me
You: i'm your friend now ahahah
Stranger: Thaanks, see I told you, That guy is missing out on something amazing
Stranger: yess you ARE <3
Stranger: THANKSS
You: Awwwww my goodness
Stranger: cuddling on top of a mountain under a million stars? yes or no
You: Yeaa 100%
Stranger: sooo romantic <3
Stranger: under warm sheets, near a bon fire
You: yea quite romantic ahahah <3
You: i'm not that kind of person btw but yea
Stranger: what kind?
You: romantic
Stranger: ah okaay
Stranger: i undestand
You: yea yea yea
You: what time is it?
You: random question
You: ur from texas right.
Stranger: 10pm
You: lemme say something
You: u skipped me. when i was about to show u a song. i got sad aahhaha but no hard feeling
Stranger: am*
Stranger: really?
You: yeaaaaa
You: disconnected? i swear
You: i thought u skipped me
Stranger: yess
Stranger: No, wtf
Stranger: i was waiting for the link
Stranger: and the server went off
You: omegle sucks
Stranger: yeahhh
You: can i show the song now?
Stranger: can you send it now?
Stranger: yes
You: yea for sure
Stranger: oblique
You: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoY6nmmjnHM
You: idk you yet by alexander 23.
Stranger: wait
Stranger: let me listen
You: take your time
Stranger: how can you miss someone you've never seen
You: oh my goodness. i felt that.
You: i miss you too
Stranger: you cutieeee
You: ahahhahahaha
You: u know
You: I really like this song. it's a pity I can't show it to the whole world. but i could show u.
Stranger: yes im glad you shared it with me
You: yea i'm glad u like it.
Stranger: i loved it
You: aw, even better.
You: your turn. u should show me one.
Stranger: kisses on cheeks or forehead?
You: can i say both?
Stranger: yess you cannnn
You: both!!!
You: but forehead>>>
Stranger: I love kisses on forehead
Stranger: giving mosty
Stranger: mostly
You: that's so sweet
Stranger: feels so secure
You: yeaaa exactly!!!
Stranger: soft whispers during a back hug? yes or no
You: Aw yeaaa !!
You: what do u think?
You: yes or no
Stranger: I love it
Stranger: it's so romanticccc
Stranger: and sexy tooo
You: Well, lemme say.
You: She will be lucky.
Stranger: I Hope so
You: I'm sure
Stranger: can i keep asking?
Stranger: Im loving this convo
You: Yea go ahead. i have no plausible question but go ahead.
Stranger: kisses on lips or neck?
You: um. lips bc I have tickles ahahha
Stranger: hahahh so cute
Stranger: i love kissing on lips too
You: Yea, well, everyone does. i guess ahahah
Stranger: hahah
Stranger: I hope my questions are not making you feel uncomfortable
You: nah ur fine ahahah
You: if I feel uncomfortable, i'll let u know.
Stranger: Lip biting while kissing? yes or no
Stranger: yes please do
You: Yea. I mean, yea.
You: abhahaha
Stranger: hahaha dont be shy
Stranger: you can be open to me
You: well, i mean...it's natural u know, u just don't think before u do it, you just do it.
Stranger: ikrrrr
You: yeaaa
You: and i'm not being shy oke ahahah
Stranger: hahah
Stranger: yess okaay
You: yessss so whaaat
Stranger: French kissing? yes or no
You: well, what that means?
Stranger: kissing with tongue
You: is it french kissing? ahahah i didn't know that lol
Stranger: Yes hahaha
You: I mean, in Brazil we always do it. ahahah good to know that it's from French ahgah
Stranger: hahaha
You: france*
Stranger: do you like kisses with a lot of spit?
You: ahahahhaha i have no clue!!!
Stranger: hahahah okaay
You: what about u?
Stranger: Yeah i love me
Stranger: in *
Stranger: I like it messy
You: oh okay then. so yea as well ahhaha
You: messy? lmao
Stranger: yes with a lot of saliva and tongue
Stranger: really dirty
You: Oh i get that ahah
Stranger: hahaha sorry, too much info ig
You: ahahah a lil bit
You: ur fine ahah
Stranger: haha thanks
Stranger: cuddling on bed or couch
You: and does it make any difference?
Stranger: hahah ig not
You: i mean, bed seems more comfy.
Stranger: ik, more space more love
Stranger: fav cuddling position?
You: the position that's most comfortable lol ahahha
You: nah i'm kidding.
Stranger: hahaha
You: i dunno. i mean, whatever, cuddling is cuddling.
Stranger: yeah makes sense
Stranger: kissing while cuddling?
Stranger: yes or fuck yes
You: aw ahahha hell yea
Stranger: it's the best
You: ikrrr
Stranger: a place you love being kissed?
You: Forehead? Lips? both.
Stranger: hahah i love it
You: aahhaha yea i know that
Stranger: hahahha
Stranger: feeling eachother while cuddling? yes or no
You: how is it possible, i mean, cuddling without feeling each other?
Stranger: it is lol
Stranger: he can wrap his legs around her pull her closer and feel her with my hands
You: Oooh
You: Yea sure
Stranger: his* ooops
You: Yea yea i get that ahaha and hell yea
Stranger: massaging your booobs from the back? yes or no
You: uuum. i dunno. i mean, yea?
Stranger: hahah okaay
Stranger: too much?
You: maybe
Stranger: sorry shit
You: ur fine
Stranger: you are super fine like fine wine
You: like fine wine? HAHAHA whatever that means. im fine
You: i mean, just don't make it too awkward
Stranger: yeah I wont
Stranger: you ask me a few
You: i have no ideia. i mean, u already asked everything ahahah u know,
Stranger: guys in underwear or boxers
You: boxers?
You: yea
You: sounds good
You: ahhahah lmao
Stranger: hahhaha you dirty girl
You: I ammm nooot
You: lmao
Stranger: you sure?
You: i'm preeetty sure
Stranger: okaay hahahaa
Stranger: i can make you one
You: make what?
Stranger: girl <3
You: nah im fine like that ahaha
You: oh ahjahahha
You: my girl**
Stranger: hahah yesss
You: sounds a quite better like that
Stranger: okaay
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11 questions
Heyoo I was tagged again by @peraltiagoisland and also by @amy-dancepants omg can you believe this benches making me do STUFF??? Ugh I hate them (jk I love them they are the bestt tags are fun bless them for tagging me)
(this is gonna be long so here’s a cut)
Rules: Answer the questions given to you by the tagger, write 11 questions of your own, and tag 11 people 
Questions by @peraltiagoisland 
1) what are you wearing ;)
Today’s coord consists of Omocat’s NURSEBUNNY sweater (aka fave sweater) combined with Kawaiigoods’ Painfully Hurt Bunny purple & pink tights and pink shorts with also a bunch of jewellery from ZombieUnicorn I’m too lazy to list bc her stuff is amazing and I wear it A LOT. I was going for a “cute sick menhera bunny” look today ♡
2) where do you LIVE
I’m from a small village in Mallorca but I’m studying in Barcelona and living in a Students’ Residence in Sabadell for this year. 
3) is ur muffin buttered
W-what does that mean....?? I have uh no idea ^^;;
4) do u need someone to butter your muffin
?? Sorry I... what?? I’m DUMB u gotta be more direct with me
5) hummus. thoughts?
I have... no thoughts about hummus. 
Literally. Because I’ve never had hummus in my life. Sounds nice tho?
6) so how was school today? :)
It was a little slow since I only had theory classes but they were very boring subjects today. LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT LAST WEEK THO bc I had histology practise at the lab and I got to see some COOL TISSUES and blood cells on the microscope. Also got to do practise with The Crush (Gay Sience™) and spend the day at uni with my classmates it was FUN ♡
7) there’s a thunderstorm outside. you’re tucked safely in bed and you’re slowly falling asleep. you’re in utter bliss because you haven’t slept in days. bread is baking in the oven and that smell combined with the petrichor scent from the rain has you feeling drowsy to no end. you start to hear scratches on your door and soft thuds against the wooden frame. what do you do?
Ignore it!! I’m too tired and comfy to move >~<
8) you now find out there’s a litter of starving puppies outside the door. but your family is begging you not to open it. what do you do?
9) the starving puppies turn out to be a SCAM and you let in a bunch of MURDERERS who STEAL ALL THE PUPPIES YOU ALREADY HAD IN YOUR HOUSE because you regularly get puppies outside your door and your family is in hysterics. what do you do?
♡ K I L L T H E M ♡
Or, alternatively:
Me & my sister chase them down with my grandpa’s escopeta and get the puppies back ♡
10) the bread fucking burnt to a crisp and inside the bread was a GPS tracker that could’ve tracked the puppies because the pups all have tracking chips on them and now you’ll never find those puppies again and your entire family hates you. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?
11) so how old are you? :D
I’m 18!! ♡
Aaand now questions by @amy-dancepants
1) Have you ever broken a bone?
Nope, which is weird given how clumsy I am and how much I love Adventuring in places I shouldn’t get into. Like, srsly I live in the country-side and I go to explore and get into some wierd-ass places lmao.
2) Is there anything you never leave home without?
My small piece of cloth to clean my glasses (idk the name they have in english) which has a Dalí painting printed BCS I’M A NERD. Also my mobile ofc.
3) Do you like pineapple on pizza?
Yes!! ♡ (pls don’t kill me)
4) Weirdest dream you’ve had?
I remember as I child I used to have a repetitive dream where I was with a bunch of other kids and we were watching tv and in the tv there were a man and a woman and they would be saying stuff and telling us “pls don’t yell ‘sheep’ “ and then I suddenly would yell “SHEEP” (bcos I’m a lil shit) and the second after that a whole stampede of sheep would come and destroy everything. So that’s the main thing.
5) Last book you read?
Does @peraltiagoisland ‘s drama club au count??? 
6) Favourite mythical creature?
D R A G O N S & U N I C O R N S 
7) Cats or dogs?
(Okay I love cats and dogs too but cats are my 2nd fave animal)
8) Have you ever had a DIY project gone wrong?
I make a lot of my own jewellery for my coords so I’ve had some turn out pretty messy specially when I was just starting ^^;;
9) Do you like being outside in the rain?
Yes!! I love playing and dancing in the rain!! Also when it rains I often settle on the table at the terrace and draw bc rain inspires me ♡
10) Are you multilingual?
Yes!! ♡ I speak catalan (mother language, specifically mallorquí dialect), spanish (duh!!) and english (also duh!!)
11) Favourite book genre?
♡ My 11 Questions ♡
♡ 1) Do you play any musical instruments?
♡ 2) What do you study/work as?
♡ 3) Why did you choose to study that/ why did you choose that job?
♡ 4) Do you love and appreciate snakes? (pd: you have to say yes otherwise I’ll hate you forever ♡ )
♡ 5) Do you believe in unicorns? (pd: you also have to say yes ♡ )
♡ 6) What do you love the most about yourself?
♡ 7) How much do you love girls? (pd: only answers going form “A lot” or above are accepted)
♡ 8) Who’s your hero/idol/inspiration? 
♡ 10) What’s a song that never fails to make you happy?
♡ 11) Do you have a preference over Marvel or DC?
Tagging: I’m way too Anxious™ to really tag anyone but hey if you actually read through all of this garbage and you wanna answer my questions go ahead!! Fairy will be so happy if you do!! ♡
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