#sorry for the jambled response
stix-n-bread · 3 years
1/? Okay so first, in this Au we've made so that after Merlin created the Amulet of Daylight he thought for a bit, and realizing just how much hell every Trollhunter was going to go through for a long time, made it a sister amulet. The Moonlight Guard Amulet. Much like it sibling it has a will of its own and with the power of Moonlight it is to choice the Guardian of the Trollhunter whos duty is to protect, help and be the Trollhunter's battle partner.
2/? Each Trollhunter can only have one Guradian. No more no less. When either of them die before the other, the remaining hunter or guard is to help train new successor of their former partner. Kanjigar had one partner, whom we're still getting a solid concept for, who died a few decades before Jim was born. And guess who the new Guardian was after Kanjigar lost his. Draal was choice much to Kanjigar's shock and horror. For Draal was not feeling much better, as it felt cheated for lack of a word
3/? However after a while, Draal took he's new duty to heart, even it hurt for sometime that he would not become the Trollhunter after his father, and trained under Kanjigar's ( who was far from happy in this and it have lead to a whole nother drama between them), Blinky, Argh and Vendel to prepare him for whats to come. And then the day came finally came. However, its not Blinky and Argh who Jim meets first, its Draal as the troll is able to feel when the Daylight Amulet have made its choice.
4/4 Cue Draal goes to meet he's new partner, with Blinky and Argh not far behind to make sure Draal those not do something stupid. And it was a good call as Draal lost it when he meet Jim. To but it simply. This is a somewhat shorten vers of what we have planed so far. We are open for any questions that you might have.
okay !!!! i REALLY enjoy this concept :0 knowing that this just puts additional family drama (as you put it) between draal and kanjigar also kinda supports more of draal’s ire for only being ‘second best’ and continuing to be ‘second best’ in his eyes when jim is chosen… i’m also interested how exactly when he starts warming up to jim, without any big battle catalyst (i assume?) like in canon 👀
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arr-jim-lad · 5 years
i need to self-impose rules and schedules to make sure i don’t just draw DIO all the fucking time, and i need friends to enforce these rules and scold me if i break them. i’m gonna try to make my weekends for OC content only, i really want people to get to know these guys that popped out of my brain!
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themikeymonster · 7 years
Whoops, ignore the recs I sent a few minutes ago, I missed you specifying Naboo, and maybe some of esama's fic mention it, but I don't think so. And I'd just like to add that I've thought of tcw as a propaganda thing too, haven't watched it, but as much as I like how people write the clones, I always imagined them coming off Kamino like the Marvel Movies' Winter Soldier, completely brainwashed. Sorry for the digressions and good luck fichunting.
While I mostly want Naboo, I also mentioned Tatooine, Slave Culture, and in general I would love links to all political/economical worldbuilding fics in the Star Wars universe! So you did good! I brief glanced at the fics and they seem to fall in line with what I want! (I have to leave for work immediately so a short look is all I could afford)
As for TCW, around episode 15 they seem to have hit their stride, but I’m still not sure how much I accept them as canon or will consider anything but for the clones and Ahsoka for my fics. The characterization of both Anakin and Obi-Wan still seems strange, and now that I can identify it as the source of the weird characterization of Anakin and Obi-Wan I’ve seen in fandom so much more makes sense.
I don’t have beef with it, it’s just not to my tastes.
I think your thoughts on the clones is very in line for the movies, though!
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hoseoksuc · 4 years
Like What You See?
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summary ➣ after several months of not being able to see your boyfriend yuto, you decide to surprise him at his dorm, and let’s just say he wasn’t the only one surprised when you got there
genre ➣ fluffyish
warnings ➣ weight loss??
“so are you sure it’s alright if i spend the weekend with you guys?��� you nervously buckled your seatbelt as you listened to the drastic sigh that was released on the other end of the phone call. “yes Y/N, i’ve told you for the hundredth time that it’s ok. i checked with our manager and he said it’d be a great stress reliever for yuto.”
relaxing your muscles, you laid back on to the soft fabric of your drivers seat. it seems like you haven’t seen yuto for ages and to add on you’ve never been to the dorms without his guidance. the whole situation made you a nervous wreck but you really wanted to surprise him after such a long time.
“Y/N, are you still there?” hui’s voice echoed throughout the speakers within your car, “yeah yeah sorry, i’m still here hui.” your thoughts were so jambled you forgot you were still on the phone. with your startled response you could hear hui chuckle at you from the other side, “listen, he’s gonna love to see you, don’t even stress about it. it’ll be great i promise.” you and hui had been friends years before you and yuto even started dating. he was like an older brother you never had and he always knew the right words to say.
exchanging brief goodbyes you hung up the phone, pulled out of your driveway and began the dreaded 45 minute drive to cube entertainment. the entire ride there you had to constantly fight back your anxiety. why were you so anxious? you guys had been dating for more than a year and you’ve never been uptight about things like this, so why now?
trying to take deep breaths to calm yourself down, you began to quiet the rising anxiety that had been creeping on you for the past hour. to distract yourself even more you rolled down the windows and turned up the radio to drown out any wondering thoughts still left. focusing on your driving you realized you only had a little ways to go before you reached your final destination. the thought of being able to physically see yuto again immediately put a smile and your face and you returned to your bright and happy self. “it’s all gonna be alright” you thought to yourself, “it’s all gonna be alright...”
after about 50 minutes of traffic from hell, you were finally able to send hui the text telling him you arrived safely and were waiting for him in the parking lot. about six minutes passed before you saw the medium sized black haired man appear from a set of white double doors dressed in a jersey and blue jeans. if his outfit wasn’t enough to identify him, his smile would 100% give away that it was indeed Mr. Lee Hoetaek.
“well well well, if it isn’t the one and only Mrs. Adachi.” taking a low bow in front of you, you smacked the back of his head. “ah hui, what did i say about calling me that” you whined as he laughed and stood back up to your eye level. “cmon, i know you like it” you waved that little annoyance of a man off and ignored his teasing. “am i gonna have to deal with your teasing this entire weekend?” you asked as you already started to walk away.
“well, no, technically you’ll have to deal with...” he quickly counted a number out on his fingers before finishing his statement, “eight, eight people’s teasing this weekend”. you chuckled at hui’s words, damn, you really missed being around him and the boys. they were like family to you, it’s hard to believe how much they really meant to you.
“so i’ll take your bags, let the boys know you’re here, and you can go find yuto, sound good?” hui already began to strip the light luggage you brought from you and slyly leave you behind. “hey! can you at least tell me where he’s at?” you yelled at him from halfway down the hall, “now if i told you what’s the fun in that? plus i’m not really sure where he’s at.” hui then turned around and scattered along with your overnight clothes. “sometimes i just really really despise that man.”
the cube building was HUGE, even though you weren’t a huge fan of the company you had to admit it was really pretty on the inside. but with cube being such a big building it made navigating much harder. yet on the bright side, hui had you park on the dorm side so you had three basic places yuto could be: the small practice room, the gym, or genuinely just inside pentagons dorm.
before you set off on your little yuto scavenger hunt you went ahead and sent wooseok a text asking where yuto was. you knew he wouldn’t answer immediately so you wanted to give him enough response time so you weren’t just wondering every where on cube property. but your safest bet was that he was down a couple hallways in the practice room, he had been talking about how he kept messing some footwork up on their latest choreography and how he’d been spending extra time practicing. you were kinda hoping he wasn’t practicing right now, just because you thought he was starting to overwork himself these days. he always strives to make himself better which you loved and hated about him, just sometimes he doesn’t know when to stop.
just a few steps away from the room you could already see there were people inside the practice room whether one of them was yuto or not. putting your hand on the door knob you told yourself just to act normal just in case he wasn’t actually present in the room. when you turned the handle you made immediate eye contact with three guys, none of which were yuto. a sigh of relief exited your body and a loud scoff could be heard.
“well hell are you not surprised to see us or something?” you instantly matched the voice with shinwon and a smile stretched across your face. “yea what the hell Y/N”, the second voice could be matched up with kino who had his arms crossed in front of his chest. you turned around and closed the door but before you could even get a word out a pair of long dangly arms picked you up off the ground.
“AH Y/N ITS BEEN SO LONG, I THOUGHT HYUNG WAS KIDDING WHEN HE SAID YOU WERE VISITING!” and this happy boy can easily be recognized as wooseok. you laughed and patted for him to put you down which he did once his energy levels dropped a bit. “no, no, i’m happy to see you guys i really missed you all. i was just hoping yuto wasn’t in here overworking himself.” the three boys let out a long ahh and shook their heads in agreement.
“so you’re looking for king of japan huh?” shinwon slipped in while making his way to lean on a wall. you nodded in agreement and looked at wooseok and kino for their responses. “well i’m pretty sure he’s in the gym working out right now.” wooseok added, “he’s been working out recently so your best bet is there.” hmm so he has been overworking himself a bit...
you had light conversation with the three and thanked them before going to check the gym to see if yuto was there. you enjoyed being able to talk to them, they’re some of the members who are closest to your age so conversation and interests were easier to talk about.
the gym was only a hall and two rooms over from the practice room, hopefully he didn’t hear wooseoks loud ass from the practice room or else the surprise would be ruined. as you got closer to the door the pain in your chest started to rise and you tried your best to ignore it. instead you tried focusing on the booming music that was leaking from the blurry door leading into the gym.
you couldn’t recognize the music to be yutos but you didn’t exactly know what kind of music he listened to when he would work out. so slowly you cracked open the gym door, allowing the music to grow louder and make your thoughts incoherent. you looked around a little until you saw a shirtless guy with glistening honey skin curling some weights in the corner. making your way in fully and shutting the door you tried finding the source of the loud music to turn it off. unfortunately you were unable to find any noticeable off switches so you decided to just sneak up on him.
the closer you got, you realized how buff and toned this guy was. maybe it wasn’t yuto? your thoughts all started to doubt each other and now you had to decide whether or not you wanted to take the risk of embarrassing yourself because you thought some random trainee was your boyfriend.
but while your thoughts started eating each other up the music had stopped and the man had put down the weights. you immediately snapped out of your confusion and just waited for the man to notice your presence. that’s when he finally got up and turned around and at that moment you thought you were for sure going to pass out.
“Y/N?!” but at least your first instinct was right, it was indeed yuto, but a very toned, more muscular, sexier yuto... in that moment you forgot how to speak the only thing you were capable of was scanning every inch of yutos body.
“You like what you see?”
his deep cocky voice instantly flooded your cheeks bright red as he made his way over to you.
“s-surprise!” you managed to choke out before sweaty yuto enveloped you in a tight hug. all he did was chuckle at you as he placed a quick kiss to sit on your forehead. “why didn’t you tell me you were coming? i could’ve been ready and we could’ve went to go get lunch!” he let you go and pouted his lips at you.
being the dumbass you are, you still couldn’t bring yourself back to reality after seeing buffed up yuto. “hellooo, earth to Y/N, anyone home? don’t make me tickle you.” finally you snapped out of it and came face to face with your boyfriend. instinctively you hugged him again which jerked him backwards a little bit but he gladly hugged you back.
“ha well someone was dazed a little bit.” he chuckled while you continued to embrace him. “i’m sorry, i was just a little shocked.” he looked down at you and raised an eyebrow, “hell out of all the people here i should be the one shocked.” you both let out little laughs at each other before you loosened your grip and yuto moved just hands down to your waist.
“well i’m glad i surprised you, it’s what i wanted. but you just surprised me with all of, well you know, this.” you dragged your hand lightly down his chest, drawing a straight line down his toned abdomen. “you look like you’ve lost a lot of weight hun” yuto scrunched his nose and randomly kissed your cheek, “ive been working out for the past couple months baby, just trying to make myself look better”. you reached your arms up to yutos neck and looked at him in disbelief, “yuto you were already the hottest, sexiest most perfect man on the world. you didn’t need to change yourself.”
a small smile pricked his lips and he reached down to kiss yours. oh how you missed his gentle kisses and just the feeling of being close to him again. “do you not like how i look now?” he asked jokingly which earned him a light slap to the chest, “of course i like how you look now, you’ll always be perfect in my eyes. i just want you to stay healthy, i can’t monitor you all the time now yuto. i just worry about you overworking yourself.” you rubbed his cheek and gave him a small smile. “i promise you im fine, i just wanted to gain more muscle that’s all, i promise. i still eat all the cookies and goodie bags you send me.” you laughed at each other and it made you feel a little better knowing that he wasn’t trying to unhealthily force himself to workout.
after a small moment of silence yuto finally speaks out “i missed you Y/N” he whispered as he pressed his forehead against yours, “i missed you too yuto.” you connected the space and kissed him again but this time it lasted longer than the first, it was more passionate and deeper. when you both pulled away it caused you to laugh and fall into his arms. moments like these are what makes you miss him every time he goes away...
now that yuto knows you’re here, you both decide to make your way back to the dorm and get yuto all cleaned up and you must say, the man smells much better now. laying on his bed playing on your phone you waited for him to return from his brisk shower. suddenly without warning a big plop landed right next to you. the strong scent of old spice rolling off of him. you had never forgotten that distinct smell of body wash since you were the one to buy him that specific brand.
“im.so.glad.you.came.to.see.me” moving around, yuto placed kisses all over your face as he spoke to you which made you a giggling mess. once he stopped he calmed down and pulled you into his chest. of course he still had no shirt on, but you were never one to complain.
“yuto” you said which made the wet red striped haired boy look down at you. “Y/N” he replied sarcastically, “is it weird that on my way here i just had a nervous gut feeling that something was gonna go wrong today?” the little smile on your face turned to serious as you asked yuto the question you had been wanting the answer to all day.
even though you couldn’t recall the memory at the moment, yuto knew exactly why you were so anxious about seeing him after such a long time apart, “you know i would never do to you what he did to you, right?” he played with a strand of your hair while you tried processing what he had just said. and then it hit you.
your ex, he had cheated on you, after he went on vacation for awhile and met a foreign woman and slept with her... it was your last relationship before you dated yuto and it was something you always told him that bothered you. it explains why you were so anxious to go see him, you were just in terror that you’d find him cheating or find out he’s been cheating and half to drive 45 minutes back home all broken-hearted again.
you made eye contact with yuto and faintly smiled. he has made you realize that you can trust someone and fall in love again without having to second guess his every action. you really really loved him and you couldn’t ask for someone better.
“i know, i know you would never, i guess i just get paranoid sometimes.” he rubbed a little circle on your cheek and smiled, “i would never do anything to hurt you, i love you a lot Y/N, there’s no one in this world other than you that can make me feel like i own all the stars in the sky.” for a moment you felt tears prick your eyes but you held them back, this time you just dug your face into his chest and let him hold you. this is truly the thing you had missed the most, just being able to rest in each other’s presence.
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