#sorry for making it so happy at the beginning but sal mentioned a thing abt stealing slippers and i love that so much-
vaindumbass · 3 years
till forever falls apart by ashe and finneas
okay first of all: damn. d a m n  what a song. second of all: 
this is the ideal song for a jily wartime wedding
I think I’d start it off with the saat phere (as I’ve learned, a hindu wedding tradition where the couple circles a fire (symbolizing agni) seven times, reciting their vows while tied to each other) 
to be more precise, in the sixth round of the saat phere, where the bride and groom ask for a peaceful long life with each other, bc i enjoy irony & pain
but u know it would all be very happy!! maybe just a little simmer of the war going on, a mention of a few empty seats at the wedding but not much aside from that
we all know that lily’s sister is shit so instead of petunia stealing james’ shoes (joota chupai) we’re going with the found family route so it would be Sirius, Remus, Dorcas, Marlene and Mary (and Peter) hiding the shoes 
it’d be absolute  c h a o s  
they were planning on scouting out the wedding venue beforehand to find a good place to hide it 
but hadn’t gotten around to it (too much order missions) 
and so everyone’s looking for a good hiding place at the very last minute
Marlene, however, has a plan
She goes up to euphemia potter and says: ‘isn’t it a lovely wedding? Such a shame that I don’t have sunscreen, I burn so easily,’ 
‘Oh dear,’ Euphemia says, ‘no need to worry, here, take my keys, I’ve always got some in my car,’ 
(marlene knew that already) 
(marlene is planning a heist)
(or, at least, that’s what she likes to call it in her head) 
she hides the shoes in James’ car
when she comes running back, there’s practically no time before dorcas takes her arm and apparates them
there’s been a death eater attack
lily and james are on the front lines, still in their wedding attire, although james has lost his dupatta and they aren’t tied together anymore
there’s debris everywhere and they’re busy shooting spells 
and they’d been living in a bubble for a bit, and lily can admit that but it’d been so nice ignoring everything that was going on 
‘can’t believe i have to share you with dumbledore on my wedding day,’ she says
james scoffs a bit, and he’d love to engage in some fun banter but he’s a bit busy evading a stunning spell
‘that almost sounds as if you aren’t having a good time right now,’ 
lily laughs, ‘well, i had the best time falling into love, nothing can really top that,’ 
‘yeah,’ james says, a tad wistfully, ‘for a while i was all yours,’  
‘fucking dumbledore,’ 
‘fucking dumbledore,’ james agrees, ‘but at least I’m not married to him,’ 
‘luckily for me,’ lily hits someone who was about to attack james, ‘but i know it’s only a matter of time before you leave me for him,’ 
‘what?’ james gasps, affronted, taking her hand and running to where they can see remus and sirius sitting (they haven’t seen mary for a bit. they don’t mention it), ‘don’t say that, i’ll be yours forever’ 
till forever falls apart, lily thinks, but she doesn’t say it out loud
‘finally you’re joining us,’ sirius calls out, ‘what were you doing back there, having a romantic date?’ 
he says it the same way he used to in school, eyebrow wiggling and all
‘oh, we were,’ james says, ‘but we realized there’s nothing more romantic than dying with your friends,’
and it shouldn’t be funny, because it’s just a little too close to the truth
but they laugh, what other option do they have? 
(crying in the midst of battle isn’t a good idea) 
and this fic would end
we all know how it ends, don’t we?
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