#sorbet mystery
sorbetmystery · 1 year
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I thought this would be a fun crossover. Ryuko definitely gives me some Veronica Sawyer vibes. Satsuki is totally the Heather of  Honnoji Academy
Kill la Kill owned by Studio trigger
Art by Sorbet Mystery
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the-werewolf-prince · 8 months
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Exclusive Art Promare III
If I ever get the chance to choose an animation studio to bring TWP to life, it's either Studio Trigger, or Titmouse Inc. Whoever would like the story more I guess. I love all the color of Promare and hope to emulate it in TWP. Check out more exclusive art for just $5  a month on patreon! https://www.patreon.com/thewerewolfprince/membership The Werewolf Prince is a passion project 10 years in the making. It is a silly, derivative, and sincere story born from my love of monster of the week TV shows, survival horror video games, gothic literature, campy films, seinen manga, 90's animation, shonen anime, and homoerotic art throughout history. I truly hope you enjoy it. And please, let me know your opinions in the comments. Stay Classy Read the comic! A free way to support the comic is to enjoy it and subscribe! leave a comment, share with someone you enjoy reading comics with! Webtoon: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/the-werewolf-prince/list?title_no=393305 Tapas: https://tapas.io/series/The-Werewolf-Prince The Duck: https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/The_Werewolf_Prince/ Or purchase a copy of the Werewolf Prince issue one on my etsy! https://www.etsy.com/listing/1277580432/the-werewolf-prince-issue-1 Promare Owned by Studio Trigger
Art, characters, & Story © Sorbet Mystery
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tea-stained · 3 months
I honestly love La Squadra so much. Their designs are so weird. You have:
BDSM enjoyer/leather daddy with fucked up eyes
Italian mafia man walking stereotype [but like. make it into a porn parody]
Carrot top boy with no chin and a black-pink onesie. also he's big
Androgenous half-naked purple person who is unbelievably pretty
Angry blue-haired ice kitty in a whimsical tinkerbell-ass outfit (god bless i love him just a normal amount)
Lesbian guy with the best, thickest, cuntiest hair and red eyes and a weird-ass fancy pillow/matress-pattern clothes
just. some guy. he has a buzzcut, good for him. looks [and acts!] like someone's uncle
The Gays™ (note: gelato actually looks normal and nice, while sorbet's widow peak is a class of its own, bless their souls, rip kings [*])
And they are like. The fucking assassin team! So you better take them seriously!
i'd commit fucking tax fraud for them i love them so much it hurts
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yeowninefive · 6 months
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The Clock Robin Caper - Frame 13
The Clock Robin Caper is an art project depicting a fictional mystery/thriller film featuring mine and others' OCs, represented by a series of artworks depicting film posters and "frames" from the film.
Characters and their respective creators (left to right):
Aero: Yeow95 (myself)
Sadie: @matsart (Mat L) / @limeth
Momoko: matsart / limeth
Sorbet: @fernalredart / @fernal-red
Previous entries: Teaser Poster - 01/02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07/08 - 09 - 10 - 11/12
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sualne · 4 months
Crocodad AU Story overview from mid prologue to the end of Arc 2, checks out the current timeline of published comics to remember where we left of. Does not include the Strawhat whereabouts. Anything is up to change but that's the gist of it.
Warning for blood, injuries and general angst.
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Luffy is easy to read as autistic and dyslexic in canon, i wanted to see what it would be like accumulating learning disabilities in an AU where he's expected to study, the struggles that comes from it. Again, disabled ppl being disabled is important to me, all that.
Not mentioned here but Luffy is upset with his father already with his constant plotting, all the plants are dead now and there's a lot less ppl outside when he goes out with Robin. He doesn't fully understand what's going on but know it his fault and in order to take over Alabasta. On multiple occasions he makes it clear he doesn't want to be prince or have anything to do with Baroque Works.
That feeling of helplessness born from Crocodile's disregard for his feeling and really, own sense of personhood, is a problem through the whole of the story until Arc 7 when Crocodile has to face the fact that his kid is a whole person. The actual quote in my note is "once again he's incapable of seeing luffy as his own capable (unhinged) person".
Also Miss Mini Sorbet gets injured trying to protect Luffy when he's being tied up, that's how she gets her scar and why Crocodile insist she's not a bodyguard.
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Unlike in canon Luffy doesn't magically recover from being stabbed, he still magically survive and recovers pretty well considering he's been impaled but still, i like when things have a little bit of consequences health wise. The exact nature of his new condition stays a mystery until Arc 4, though there's plenty of clues through the arcs.
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Arc 2 is all text. I didn't want to draw an entire crowd of ppl fighting but there's lots of vivid imagery in my mind.
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strawby-fields · 1 year
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Novice investigator, Narancia Ghirga! (From a Mystery AU by me and @sorbet-and-gelato !)
An arrow has been stolen from Polpo’s museum… Can Narancia find out who the culprit is (with the help of his mentor, Abbacchio), or will he fail?
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sungbeam · 28 days
BIRD HUNT — five
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nonidol!choi line x f!reader
gotham city is a gutter running rampant with the ill, corrupt, and the insane. at times, justice and vengeance must be served by one's own hand... no matter the lengths one must go to do so.
▷ genre, au, etc. bat family au, dc comics inspired, dark, vigilantes au, slow burn, ceo/billionaire au, cat woman!reader, murder mystery au, action, suspense, angst, slow burn-ish?, love square??; choi line inspired by dick grayson (csb), jason todd (cyj), and tim drake (cbg), including bruce wayne for choi minho and damian wayne for nishimura riki, inspired by 2022's The Batman
▷ chapter warnings. swearing, mentions of death/suicide/murder, mentions of weaponry, depictions of violence, mentions of corruption, feelings of guilt
▷ word count. 4.0k // taglist. open
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a/n: i... did Not finish chapter 8 or fix chapter 7, but we ball
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FILE_05 : fall where they may
gotham city.
[The funeral ; ten days since your mother was murdered.]
The guilt had been eating away at his heart, chipping away at the bones of his ribcage to expose the most important organ in his body. The ancient Egyptians had once believed that the heart was the seat of the mind; a person did not make decisions purely based on logic, but on what their heart urged them to. And that had been exactly Beomgyu’s downfall as he smiled a little too wide, laughed a little too loud, enjoyed the twinkle in your eyes just a little too much. When that emotion filled his lungs like a gas, he could see nothing but the blurred tunnel focusing solely on you. On what you and him used to be. 
“You’ve done well for yourself then,” he said, his cheeks aching from the grin on his face. His stomach and his chest felt tight from the mixture of hard laughter and ice cream and this terribly well-tailored suit. 
Your expression subdued at the thought of work, and for a moment, Beomgyu’s heart stuttered, fearing he had said the wrong thing. It was strange—he never had to be scared of saying the wrong thing, but for some reason—no, wait. Of course, he wanted this to work. You were someone very important to him. 
You cleared your throat. “I guess I have.” You paused, reconsidering your words. “Well, I’ll probably need to find new employment unless Mrs. Lee has something for me to do, but—”
“Come work for us,” he blurted. It had just… slipped out of him. But there was this thrill racing through his veins and he was not about to regret his words. Your eyes widened just slightly, and he reiterated, “I’m serious, y’know. If you need a job, you’re probably more than qualified for the positions we have open at the enterprise.” 
His knee began to bounce under the table, and the ice cream parlor was suddenly too quiet, too small, as he awaited your reply. 
You licked your lips in thought. He couldn’t read you; why couldn’t he read you? “Beomgyu, did you know that I applied and interviewed for a position at Choi Enterprise?”
Yes. He tilted his head to the side, feigning innocence. “Oh, really?” Tell me what happened, so I know whose ass to kick. 
There was that noticeable narrowing of your eyes and he wondered if you knew that he knew. You were smart, so he wouldn’t be surprised if you figured it out. “Yeah… Soobin didn’t tell you?”
He blinked, breathed. “Soobin? No, he didn’t tell me jack shit—”
“He was on the interview panel,” you said to him as you idly began stirring your spoon around your paper cup. There were only the remnants of a raspberry sorbet at the bottom. His eyes flickered over your bruised finger tips. When he had asked about it earlier, you had made up some excuse of "being mad at the world." He couldn't exactly call you out on it; he'd once thrown a physical fit and gotten a firm scolding from his dad. “Well, I think he was more just sitting in, but I don’t blame him for anything. He couldn’t have had that much say in who would be hired or not anyway.”
Oh, Beomgyu was going to murder Choi Soobin. 
Beomgyu coughed. “Yeah no. Definitely not.” Totally not because he was one of the heirs to the company or anything. Soobin couldn’t have been older than nineteen or twenty, but like Beomgyu himself, he had been trained from an early age to carry out the duties of a company executive. “And after that you interviewed with Lee Sungjae?” 
You nodded. “Somebody recommended me to his people, and I was hooked up with an interview. They must have passed along my resume or something.”
Now that sounded like something Beomgyu’s older brother would do. But why hadn’t Soobin overridden the interview panel’s verdict? Beomgyu trusted that they made a good decision, but could they not have referred you to a different open position or department in the company? There were plenty of positions to go around. Why recommend you to Lee Sungjae’s office? 
"I'm sure there was a reason for—"
"Gyu—" you cut in with a slight smile on your face, and your eyes were alight again like earlier with something like silent laughter, "—I'm not mad about it. I don't hold a grudge against you or your family or Choi Enterprise."
Beomgyu opened his mouth, then reconsidered. He wanted to tell you, god, he really wanted to. He wanted to tell you it was going to be okay. He wanted to take care of you like you and your mother had done for him those years ago. He'd felt loved and warm and… his chest ached. Dear god, his chest hurt so bad. 
He finally said, "I'm just glad you're okay." Even after I smashed your face into the floor and you knocked your head into my face and sprayed my mouth with pepper spray. 
You smiled then, the corners of which were soft and assuring. "I'm glad you're okay, too."
A grin bloomed on his face then like the spring that Gotham never saw. Flowers and shit. Gotham had all of the allergies, but somehow no flowers. That stuff came from just outside the city limits, but Beomgyu hadn’t minded spending all that gas to find those calla lilies for your mother. 
Beomgyu wondered if you'd like to come by the manor for dinner. It had to be time for supper by now; he didn't like the idea of you being alone in that apartment, even with all the cats—
The shrill sound of his ringtone sliced through the comfortable atmosphere, and Beomgyu swiftly pressed the phone to his ear with a groan after catching a glimpse of the caller ID. You lifted an eyebrow at him curiously at the sound of his generic ringtone—it used to be this one, very loud Green Day song. 
"What?" He bit out.
A chuckle met his ears, followed by Soobin's separate grunt, "You've had your fun, Beom. There's been another murder."
Beomgyu exhaled roughly and dragged a hand through his hair. He caught your eyes then glanced away. "Where?"
When Soobin said the name into the speaker, Beomgyu let out another haggard exhale. He cursed under his breath, hand coming up to his face to massage the pressure points between his eyes. “You’ve gotta be shitting me.”
The call did not last long after that, with Beomgyu promising his older brother that he would be there in fifteen minutes. He needed to take you home, after all. When he tucked his phone away, you were already giving him that smile of understanding, as if you had listened into the entire conversation through just his facial expressions and reactions. He hated that you knew that he had to go—he hated that he actually had to go, most of all. 
“Duty calls,” you said first. “Is it work?”
He lifted a shoulder in a lazy shrug, the corner of his lips curling upward in a sheepish sort of smile. “Yeah, you can say that. Hey, but I can totally give you a ride home. My brothers can wait.”
You laughed as the two of you stood together to throw away your trash and head out. 
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It was a good thing that Beomgyu had the sense to stay in the shadows beneath the bridge as he brought his shiny, black BMW to a stop. The sidewalk outside the entrance to the Iceberg Lounge was beginning to fill up with clubbers dressed in their finest and skimpiest cocktail dresses and button-up shirts. Some of them laughed with their heads tilted to the poisoned Gotham night sky while others let their big mouths run wild to the pretty face hanging off their arm. Maybe you shouldn’t have had Beomgyu drop you off here, but you needed to see your father about something, and you hadn’t the energy to go from one end of the city to the other twice. 
Beomgyu’s jaw was set as he surveyed the outside of the club. “Yn, I know I shouldn’t ask…”
“I just have business to wrap up,” you told him while gathering your things at your feet. “My mom had a… connection here.”
“I don’t think you should go alone.”
“And who’s gonna accompany me?” When you glanced over at Beomgyu, he was already staring back at you with that steely gaze. It was defiant, telling you what you already knew—he would definitely drop whatever work thing had come up to accompany you through the Iceberg Lounge. “You have business to attend to, and I’ll be fine. I’ve been in a couple times anyway and the guys at the front know me.”
His eyebrow shot up. “They know you? That really doesn’t make me feel better.” 
It was so odd, you realized as you took in the full view of Beomgyu’s crisp black suit and his gold Rolex and his characteristically chiseled “Choi” features side by side with the outside of the Iceberg Lounge. The silver-blue neon sign cast an almost ethereal glow across his face, like an angel. But angels didn’t exist in Gotham, at least, not the good ones. You wondered if what your father had told you about the Chois were true. 
The corner of your lips quirked upward. “I’ll be fine, Beomgyu. You have my number now, so you can even text me later and I’ll confirm that I’m completely fine.” You pushed your car door open and welcomed the icy Gotham night across your skin. 
Beomgyu leaned across the car’s center console, the shadows now dancing over the pretty shapes of his face. “You better answer then.”
“Promise.” You grabbed the top rim of the door, primed to close it. “Now you should probably get out of here before somebody recognizes you.”
A flash of admission in his eyes. “Hey, listen. You wanna hang out—you just let me know. Like any time, okay? I—” he pursed his lips then nodded, “—yeah, I missed you a lot, Yn. I missed this.” 
Whatever this is, you wanted to say. Because… well, what was this? You didn’t know why your heart stuttered at the idea of texting him and hanging out with him again. Maybe it was the little teenage girl inside of you banging on the bars of her cage, begging to be let out at the taste of what used to be. That was what this had been—just a taste. 
You could only bob your head. “Get home safe.”
“You, too.” 
You slammed the door to the car and, without so much as a glance backward, you made your way across the street and into the neon light of the Iceberg Lounge. But seconds before you slipped into the raging nightclub, you peered over your shoulder to watch the BMW pull out from the shadows beneath the bridge and slowly begin to drive away. 
Less than five minutes later, you were seated in the living room of your father’s apartment, wondering how thick the floors and windows were if you could not even feel the bass from the floors below. It was a marvel; how much force would it take to break? If you ever had to break in, some way other than the door, then how could you do so?
Tonight, your father nursed a little, white and blue teacup with some kind of dark brew swirling in its innards. There was some kind of piano ballad playing in the background and a bookmarked novel sat in your father’s lap. 
“Where did you even get the idea that the Chois were backing the vigilantes anyway?” You asked him as one of his assistants emerged from a secret doorway in the bookshelves to hand you an unopened bottle of water. It was one of those brand named bottles claiming to be bottled straight from the blood of Fiji—or something of that sort. Water was water, but why weren’t you surprised that he owned this kind of luxury? “I don’t really see how or why. Thanks,” the latter statement being directed to the assistant, who promptly disappeared once his purpose had been served. 
Your father took a sip of his beverage. “Yn, dear, everyone in this city has an allegiance to someone to remain alive, whether they know it or not.” He considered the dark surface of the tea as if he could read the tea leaves lying at the bottom of the cup like corpses. “They do not answer to me, so they must answer to someone else.”
“Couldn’t you just—I dunno—look into their finances?” As soon as you said it, you backtracked, “No. Wait, don’t do that.”
He chuckled and the sound always sounded so oddly hollow. “Ah, still attached, are we? I seem to have noticed that you did not take your usual form of transportation tonight.”
“So you were spying on me?”
“I was merely looking out the window,” he replied while feigning an innocent look on his face. “But back to what we were discussing: you probably already know that men with money don’t like getting their hands soiled.”
You cracked the water bottle open. “So they flick their money in certain directions to make people get their hands dirty for them. That’s just common sense.” After you had taken a generous gulp of your water, you continued, “But you haven’t even the faintest piece of solid evidence that the Choi family is allied—or at least—employing these vigilantes, do you?”
Something flashed across your father’s face, and you realized that the warm and fuzzy feeling in your chest was satisfaction. Oh god, it purred and circled in your chest until it settled there upon your sternum. It felt good to see your father stumped for once. (And frankly, the fact that you knew something he didn't also gave you that fuzzy, feline feeling. No, you had not cared to divulge that Choi Yeonjun was most likely the Red Hood. Something told you it was a secret you would do well to keep.)
At the dawn of your sly satisfaction, your father steered the conversation elsewhere. “Speaking of evidence, I have another lead.”
Immediately, that warm, fuzzy feeling was smothered and your posture straightened. “What is it?”
“But you have to do something for me.” Of course, because what was a lead without you doing another favor for him? You didn’t even prompt him. “The Commissioner of police—you know him? This Kim Namjoon character.”
You nodded. You knew of him, and you had even spoken with him, but he had seemed like a nice man. Then again, there weren’t a lot of nice people here. “He’s your lead?”
He scoffed into his tea cup. “No. That man is irritatingly difficult to persuade—”
“You mean ‘to corrupt.'”
He flicked a hand in dismissal. “Yes, yes, to corrupt. Either way, information will not come from him, so I need you to take it yourself.”
Your eyes shuttered as the statement processed in your head. “I will not kill for you, I hope you know that. I am here for my mother.”
His harsh gaze cut across to you and you suddenly felt so small beneath his stare again. Where had that satisfaction from before gone? You missed the comfortable weight in your chest, but now, all you felt was the thick viscosity of blood choking you from the inside out. “This is for your mother, Yn. If you want something, you have to take it. That is something your mother and I disagreed on, and look where that got her.”
The room descended into silence. 
Your heart thundered in your chest, your ears. It threatened to leap out and rip your so-called father to shreds. “Go fuck yourself. And you say you loved her?” You hissed. You ripped yourself out of the armchair, turning on the balls of your feet to get the Hell out of this place. 
“I did not want you to kill anyone, Yn.” 
His voice didn’t stop you as you continued down the corridor. Maybe this would be good. You could totally do this on your own, right? Wrong. And this awareness had you still listening to his words. 
“All you must do is sneak into the commissioner’s office and steal the report from your mother’s case.”
Your feet stopped moving. “And why can’t you just get one of your goons to do it?”
The sigh that fell from his lips sounded tired, but you sensed the exasperation lacing it. “My man on the inside is close to being found out. Plus, I know that you are capable of getting in and out without being caught. You’re more competent than all of my men.”
You abhorred how your pride swelled at the comment. It was hardly a compliment, but here you were, turning back around. Who were you trying to fool? You couldn’t do this on your own. “Fine. What am I getting again?”
Your father leaned forward to set his now empty teacup on the table. “The file must have a record of the casing from the bullet she was murdered with—the one that was found at the scene. From there, we can track down the make and model, who owned the weapon, and such. A lead, as I said.”
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You had only been stationed outside the window of the commissioner’s office for seventeen minutes, but the guilt and pity was raging for this poor man. Commissioner Kim Namjoon had seemed like a nice enough man—a professional enough man—when you had spoken with him that day at the Lees’ home in the suburbs. As your father had said, he was one of the few irritatingly stubborn people in this town who refused to be corrupted by anyone. This one was a good egg in a bad nest. You suspected that he actually sought justice and had a good moral compass, and you also guessed that was the reason why there was a massive stack of paperwork on his desk. The man had been hunched over his desk for the entire time you had been stationed outside waiting for him to leave his office. 
“Take a damn break, man,” you muttered lowly to yourself, but also secretly hoping he would hear you and move his ass. If not for you, then for the sake of his own hair because you were certain he was this close to uprooting all of his hair follicles. 
It seemed the dark angel looming over your shoulder would grant your wish, and Commissioner Kim’s coffee cup had run dry. He rubbed his palms down his face, then stood to stretch his back and grab the emptied mug to head out of his office to get a fresh cup from the pot. 
You saw your opportunity and took it. Swiftly, you maneuvered your lock picks into the window lock, then lifted the pane up and open. You didn’t have a lot of time, but your father had assured you that his alleged “man on the inside” would find a way to distract the commissioner should he finally leave his damned office. You couldn’t really rely on that, so you scrambled over to the wall of file cabinets as quietly as possible and began to shuffle through them. 
Because the responding officers on the night of your mother’s murder had classified the crime as a simple suicide, you could probably guess that the officers in question probably got it thrown in a closed case file. You really wished you had been given more head’s up about this, or even a file number, because while the commissioner’s filing system was awfully organized, each file was categorized and labeled with a set of numbers and letters that did not help your timing. 
Why hadn’t your father’s “man on the inside” let you know which cabinet it was in, at least? (Right, they had given you some dumb explanation like “he works in robbery, not homicide." Well, your mother’s death wasn’t even a homicide, so it shouldn’t matter much—? God, you fucking hated this.)
Your heart hammered against your ribcage as you picked up the sound of nearing voices and footsteps. 
Clock’s ticking, Yn. Come on, let’s find this thing and get the Hell out of here. 
Sweat began to dampen the fabric of your mask, and you could feel your fingers begin to shake. The voices had faded along with the footsteps, but you still could not find the file—
The door to the office crashed open, the handle slamming against the wall as the words “FREEZE!” erupted. 
Guns were pulled—the barrels of the Commissioner’s and an officer’s in your face, and the barrel of yours… you couldn’t—you simply could not decide who to shoot. And maybe it was that hesitation that spelled out your fate. 
Or it was the commissioner’s order for the officer to unmask you. 
Fear filled your veins like a drug, and that drug pumped action into your limbs, forcing you to do something. They needed you alive, damn it; at least, that was what you told yourself in some weak attempt to assure yourself as you slowly lowered yourself and your gun toward the ground. 
Your mind raced—the officer—the officer looked so familiar. Why did he look familiar to you?
Do it. Do it NOW. 
You flung yourself at the officer’s twig-like legs, arms wrapping around his knees to send him folding and doubling over, body crashing through the doorway. The commissioner’s shouts were loud, but for some reason, he wasn’t shooting you like you thought he would—or did you know he wouldn’t shoot if you didn’t first? The gun in your hand became a hammer as you smashed it across the officer’s face, your knee landing oh-so-sweetly in between his legs.
You got in his face; you knew why he looked so familiar now. “You cunt,” you sneered in his face. This was your father’s “man on the inside,” the assistant from earlier. 
Blood spilled from the gash you had dealt to his face. He bared his teeth. “Doing my job, bitch.” And with a bout of strength, he flipped the two of you over and made a grab for your mask. 
You were ripped out from under the two-timing son of a bitch, the both of you heaving for breath as you were forced apart. 
The commissioner’s voice came from just behind you, and the realization that he was the one restraining you had you cursing inwardly. This couldn’t get any worse, could it? “Young, go get cleaned up, and for God’s sake, calm yourself, man.” He then addressed everyone else to scram, before hauling your arms behind you. You heard the telltale click of the handcuffs, your coffin lid closing into place. 
Namjoon nudged you in the direction of a hallway just to your right. “Come on,” he said, his tone tired. “I won’t unmask you out here unless you don’t cooperate.”
But he was still going to unmask you, right? Nonetheless, you cooperated, and let him walk you down the hallway into one of the interrogation rooms. When you had settled in the cold, steel chair, with your hands cuffed to the bar on the table, the commissioner settled in the seat across from you. 
“Would you like to call anyone before we begin?”
You shook your head. You didn’t even know your father’s new phone number, and he had never deigned to give you an outside way to contact him. There was this bitter twist of shame in your gut and the question of why you felt so ashamed to be caught loitered in your head. Was it because your father said you were supposed to be competent enough? 
He raised an eyebrow at you, incredulous. “You sure, kid?”
Your fingers curled into a fist, then unfurled. “I don’t have anyone to call,” you forced out.
You saw the pity in his eyes—hated it. He was standing up now, walking around the table to stand next to you. It was like slow motion. The mirror across from you gave you a front row seat to your own unveiling, as Commissioner Kim grabbed one ear of the cat mask and ripped the entire thing off your face.
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a/n: listen... it's not as pathetic as it looks... okay maybe it is
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permanent taglist: @flwoie @vatterie @seomisaho @hqrana @ja4hyvn @outrologist @meosjinnn @hyunjaespresent-deobi @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l @gyulfriend @polarisjisung @jaehunnyy @shakalakaboomboo @soonyoungblr @loveliestfelix @zhaixiaowen @justanotherkpopstanlol @w3bqrl @kangfication @fluorescentloves @haechansbbg @super-btstrash-posts @http-gyu @mvvnsseul @mars101 @kflixnet @rikizm
series taglist: @winterchimez @mosviqu @boba-beom @strawbrinkofdeath @baek-at-it-again95 @todosmash @loveforred @rocarecs @megseungmin @arsjeong @woncheecks @vicurious28
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kookoofufu · 7 months
Spoilers for Chapter 1097
I've read the unofficial TCB fan translation of chapter 1097 (thank you @hades876!), here be spoilers. Oda is cooking once again 🔥
This chapter goes over the next 24 YEARS of Kuma's life from childhood in the Sorbet Kingdom to working as a humble pastor to becoming a leader in the revolutionary army. Oda continues to skip a lot but we get very very interesting details.
The thing that gets me is Kuma taking on the pain and suffering of the townsfolk to help them at just 17 years old. It's unclear how long he's been doing it, and he continues doing so for another 8 years. He also implies this happens every time he repels pain, so it makes me wonder about the previous chapter when he repelled the pain of the boys Ginny hit. Did he take their pain too? If so, his little smile is heartbreaking.
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This chapter also makes me side-eye Bonney as Kuma's biological daughter. Kuma seems very worried about his child having Buccaneer blood, to the point of not marrying Ginny. Once again, Kuma is sacrificing his own happiness for the sake of others.
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The Sorbet Kingdom is interesting because it seems Kuma never became king, instead giving Sorbet over to the people after he, Ivankov and Dragon overthrew King Becori. I bet the World Government pinned Becori's crimes on Kuma - maybe after capturing him? In that case I think Kuma will give himself to the WG to save Ginny given his self-sacrificial nature.
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Kuma joins Dragon and Ivankov 22 years ago post-timeskip. The manga mentions this, but for context, Roger's execution was two years ago and Ohara's destruction literally just happened. Ginny joins the revolution, Dragon confirms he was a Marine, Kuma visits Sorbet sometimes. Then Oda skips another 8 years and Ginny gets captured lmaoooo
At this point, I think Luffy is around 5 years old? He hasn't even met Shanks yet! Dragon also gets his tattoo in this 8-year span. The design is three X's. Before his tattoo he had three X's on his trousers and three stars on his shirt. His ship has three X's. What does it mean???
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I desperately want to know the adventures they had during this 8-year span, but I guess that story is for a spinoff.
Another reason Bonney may not be Kuma's biological daughter is the timeline: she would need to be born in this 8-year span to be an adult/teen now, but there's no mention of her. Would Ginny and Kuma continue being in the Revolutionary Army if they had a daughter? Plus, Kuma and Ginny don't seem to be together, Ginny just got captured, and she probably dies. So how could she give birth to Bonney? Mysterious....
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Hexsquad Halloween Party Headcanons 🎃 🍭 🍬 🏚️ 🎉
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• She's dressed up as The Good Witch Azura. 💚
• The Party Host.
• Sets up a pleasant scavenger hunt for her party guests.
• Conducts a costume contest and declares that everyone is the winner by the end of it.
• Bakes Halloween cookies with Amity.
• She's dressed up as Hecate. 🧡
• EXCITED about Luz's decision to dress up as Azura. 💚
• She gives cute temporary Halloween tattoos.
• "Abomination" punch was prepared by her for the party in a cauldron punch bowl (The mix consisted of grape juice, fizzy soda, and raspberry sorbet).
• Together, she and Luz carve a heart into a pumpkin and add their initials.
• She's dressed in a black devil costume.
• Takes pictures to add to her scrapbook.
• Participates in a murder mystery and zombie apocalypse game.
• Comes across pumpkin flowers while outside and places them in a little pot.
• He's dressed up as Chief O'Bailey.
•Flapjack's presence at the party makes him very happy (he's alive and well).
• Is fond of all the sweet Halloween treats at the snack table.
• White boys it up on the dance floor!
• Cheers Willow on when she's bobbing for apples.
• He's dressed up as Captain Avery.
• The party's DJ.
• Participates in Halloween trivia.
• Matt Tholomule is the victim of his pranks.
• Appreciates the cheesy horror films of the human realm.
• She's dressed up as a pumpkin!
• Makes Halloween bracelets.
• Plays truth-or-scare with Masha and their friends.
• Aids Camila in passing out candy to the trick-or-treaters who arrive at the door.
• After the party ends, she and Masha (who's dressed as a scarecrow) go out and enjoy pumpkin lattes together at a coffee shop.
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velvetcider · 8 months
Idea(s) for a modern/satirical Vento Aureo AU because it big funny.
I think it would be really funny if Diavolo was a faceless YouTuber.
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(A sketch I made in class a while back that I want to turn into a colored thing.)
King Crimson would definitely work in video games, automatically making him unbeatable.
Passione is just some massive content creator company, maybe.
Stand users within Passione usually make their stands their mascot.
Giorno's dream is to be one of the best gamers.
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(A terrible sketch of Giorno)
Doppio is Diavolo's editor.
La Sqaudra is straight-up a content house (which probably lasted longer than most content houses).
What content some La Squadra members make:
Risotto - Probably mostly playing intense/strategy video games.
Melone - Maybe a drama channel mixed with some really weird video games.
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Ghiaccio - You can't look at me in the eyes and tell me that he wouldn't have a channel based on ranting and reviews.
Sorbet & Gelato - Most likely share a channel.
(That's all the ideas I have for La Squadra channels)
Team Bucciarati channel ideas:
Giorno - Probably mostly plays fighting/FPS games, RPGs, and occasional sandbox games.
Mista - 1000% plays FPS games.
Narancia - Fighting games along with occasional vlogs.
Abbacchio - Since this AU is a joke, he does makeup.
Fugo - Occasional gaming, mostly commentary.
Bucciarati - I don't know man. Maybe something boring like life advice and stuff.
(help me why am I doing this)
Diavolo has the highest amount of subs because people like faceless YouTubers for some reason.
Polpo's treasure was actually his account passwords.
Crimes are still committed in this AU.
Apologies for the trash art, I am trying to get better at my human art and stuff.
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(In fact, it was more than one mystery box.)
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kjngdomheartz · 11 days
jjba part 5 matchup for @lady-of-endless 🐞
thank u so much also for doing another matchup with me!! i hope i wasn’t too much of a nuisance, especially with your rqs closed 😭 i hope you enjoy!!
gifs aren’t mine once again- thank you creators!
i match you with…
2 of the La Squadra boys, your choice!
it’s a battle between the two for you, but the only one who can settle the conclusion is you!
and if you want both of them, then i guess if they don’t find out right—
first up..
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-For Ghiaccio, he’s just 100% explosive. Even when he’s talking normally, his tone of voice is always sarcastic or booming, but for some reason you’re always able to tell it apart. He’s such a sucker for that since you’re the only person that can do that, and when you recognize his intention to be gentle with his words, he’s ecstatic. He feels like you’re the only person who can read him, and because of that he notices you first everytime out of everyone in La Squadra, and you’re always the first one he looks for during battle and missions.
-Like him, he admires your stubbornness and likes that you reflect him in a way. He would honestly get kinda frustrated with someone that didn’t have your stern characteristics. Though he’s aware of your more soft and affectionate traits and it makes him melt. He’ll only show it with you, privately, and when he does, he’s like a puppy kicking its leg happily.
-Protectiveness is a competition. With a stand as powerful and abusable as his, it’s his first instinct to create an ice barrier between you and the enemy, taking on the lead as your big strong knight. He’ll let you defend yourself as well, but the second he senses uneasiness in your combat, he’s going apeshit. Expect this a lot, along with his complaining after your lectures about how you’re also in La Squadra for a reason. But of course, one day you decide to show him with your actions rather than words, and absolutely demolish an enemy stand user with very minimum help from him and La Squadra. He grumbles to himself a bit and lays off the knight in shining armor play for a while. (only a while, he’s back on track soon enough ;)
-He’s the type to express his emotions 24/7, 365 days a year. He thinks it’s nothing to be ashamed of, even though he lets his anger get the best of him all the time. Just being around him makes you want to blow off some steam, and he’s all for it. Though communication isn’t a key factor for him, he’s not good at it without letting his anger drive it. Which is another reason he loves you so much, your touch is like a stress toy to him. A lot of the time when he notices you getting overwhelmed, he tries to aid it with pep talks and your favorite snacks. He has a hard time comforting people himself, but for you, he’ll sure as hell try.
-He doesn’t mind your style at all, and while it’s different than what he’s used to, it reminds him of Risotto so he validates it (as he should).
option 2, Risotto
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-Risotto is always just so intimidating. Though this didn’t bother you at all, and it didn’t stop you from interacting with him a bit. From the start, Risotto took note of your gentle and mysterious nature (with the assistance of your style) and was glad you did the same. He was rather pleased with your arrival to La Squadra, in which Sorbet and Gelato pick up on immediately with a few glances to eachother.
-Believe it or not, Risotto just wants a cuddle session with you. He has so many worries that he’s a little too good at hiding, and when he’s just in your embrace alone with your hand tangled in his hair, it gives him moments of peace and silence. He prefers you over any sort of drug, he’s the type to get panicky when under the influence. It took a while to crack this out of him, given his blank manner. He dies for physical affection whether it says it in his face or not. Just no PDA. It’s not that he’s ashamed of you, it just makes him feel weird. His expression when he’s like this is always calm and the same as how it always is, he’s not an expression guy. Despite this you always just know, and a lot of the time when he wants this he just pulls you in without a word.
-He enjoys both of your sides, angel or devil. Both are beautiful and admirable to him, and he’s glad you’re hardened enough to handle everything in La Squadra. Though again, he knows how dangerous everything is and even you being apart of the squad adds another worry onto his plate. He’s even tried to convince you to leave before. You always tell him not to worry and that you can defend yourself, so he listens to you but lets the worry linger. Of course, all of this is all pent up though. It’s something you both struggle with.
-Your medical expertise comes in real handy with Risotto, he bleeds a lot after combat. How could he not, with a stand so extreme?
-Risotto doesn’t mind taking the lead at all. In fact, he’s used to it and is more than willing for you. Count it as an act of service, though to him it’s just common decency.
-His idea of taking you out is just spending quality time together, no matter what you’re doing. Despite him being a match for nobody, (besides Doppio) he wants you close to him and away from any possible threat.
-Your style is very close to his favorite part of you. Screw the opposite aesthetic couples- you guys are like Morticia and Gomez. It makes him feel like you guys were made for each other, and that brings him at ease more than anything.
i also think Bruno would take a liking to you. He would quickly analyze you in battles and for some reason unknown to you, avoid attacking you but willing to take hits from you. He’s intrigued with your character and though he won’t admit it, wished you weren’t on an enemy side to get to know you better.
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sorbetmystery · 1 year
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I had to make a little something for my favorite spooky ride. I figured the hat box ghost and Madame Leota would have a lot in common, if not some good heads for spooking it up. 
What’s your favorite theme park ride? Why?
art by Sorbet Mystery
characters owned by the Disney Company
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the-werewolf-prince · 8 months
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Exclusive Art Promare IV
This scene is what cemented Promare as one of my favorite anime of all time. More gay kisses in anime!!!!
Check out more exclusive art for just $5  a month on patreon! https://www.patreon.com/thewerewolfprince/membership
The Werewolf Prince is a passion project 10 years in the making. It is a silly, derivative, and sincere story born from my love of monster of the week TV shows, survival horror video games, gothic literature, campy films, seinen manga, 90's animation, shonen anime, and homoerotic art throughout history. I truly hope you enjoy it. And please, let me know your opinions in the comments. Stay Classy
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Or purchase a copy of the Werewolf Prince issue one on my etsy! Supplies running low!!!
Promare Owned by Studio Trigger
Art, characters, & Story © Sorbet Mystery
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lonelysouffle · 2 years
Hello a new blog it nice to see this so can I’m be your first person to request can I’m have dark choco cookie captain caviar cookie and cream unicorn cookie x reader who is overprotective over sorbet shark cookie cookie and ask them if they can adopt them please sorbet they have been alone in the ocean for years I’m want them to be happy headcanons please
hello anon! your wish is granted <3 (also thank you for being the first ask! :])
"Geysers and Gullies" gn reader, uses they/them pronouns , reader does have motherly undertones, you can understand sorbet shark when their not in water, dark chocos part turned out longer than intended oops, reader and love interest dont outright adopt sorbet nor explicitly ask them if they want to be adopted,,,they do some family stuff though, NOT PROOFREAD
features dark choco cookie, cream unicorn cookie, and captain caviar cookie
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Dark Choco Cookie
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when taking a stroll on the beach the last thing you expected to see was child, seemingly only a couple years over the age of 10
the child was shivering and it noticed you, they clung onto your clothing
it was, (to no ones surprise) that you took this child with you to your contemporary place of stay to nurse them back to health.
you started by giving them blankets, to warm themselves up in for the sake of comfort or whatever else they might need the blankets
you began prepping raspberry jellies, a delicacy from your homeland, so they could have at least something in their system.
as you watched them stare at you, you asked them how they were feeling. mix of garbles came from the kid, which to your surprise, you understood.
"Really? Okay, I'm glad your just feeling tired and hungry. Here, some raspberry jellies, their a delicacy from my homeland!"
watching sorbet shark cookie eat, to make sure they didn't end up hurting themself, you listened to the door being opened, coming inside was your s/o, Dark Choco Cookie.
"Good evening, my love." he said, kissing the top of your head.
you giggled a little. "Good evening, my dear Dark Choco!"
dark choco noticed sorbet shark cookie, thus began the conversation, such as where you found them, why they were in your home, the works...
"i see. my darling, if your so intent on letting them stay, i fear as if i can't do anything to change your mind..." he sighed. you smiled, noticing the smaller dark pink-ish cookie had curled themselves in you lap and had begun to talk to you.
"A story to help you sleep? Hmm...well, let me tell you of a confident hero who always wore an eerie smile. Her strength and her home-country were shrouded in total mystery...."
a family made up of trust will always be more comforting than a family who relies on their blood to keep the trust moving forward.
Cream Unicorn Cookie
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a romantic stroll on the beach, is what this was originally supposed to be. until you spotted the small body in the sand. cream unicorn looked at you and you looked at them, as if the same idea had been lit up in your minds.
you sat sorbet shark on your couch, cream unicorn in the kitchen cooking up whatever sort of mouth-watering blessing imaginable
you watched sorbet shark wake up and curl up next your figure. a garble of sound emitted from them, and you began to pet as a way of comforting them.
cream unicorn emerged from the kitchen, a plate of food in their hands intended for sorbet shark cookie
as you watched the child scarf down the food, you asked them where they were from, you were given a small, sad, garble.
you sighed, looking at your spouse. "Cream Unicorn Cookie, they have nowhere to stay. Do you...think we could take them in?"
Your spouse looked at you before smiling, "I see no reason not to. If they would like to stay with us theirs no reason for us to deny that."
You asked sorbet if they would like to stay with you, a barrage of "oOoOoo!" 's emerged from him.
the night was filled with happiness and laughter <3
Captain Caviar Cookie
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ok, so this one is kind of funny
you were minding your business, looking out to the sea on your (OUR) mans ship
when all of a sudden you see a body of a literal child floating in a barrel
and you just...dive in
and when you pull you (and sorbet shark cookie) out of the ocean, hes all like
"what the fuck were yer thinkin'?! i could've lost ya darlin'..."
"oh. i found a child in a barrel." "YOU FOUND WHAT-"
and now sorbet shark is your charge. yippee
captain caviar lets them do whatever they want. the cool dad
and your about fling yourself--once again-- into the ocean because "why would you let sorbet shark cookie have a knife???"
tired soccer mom and cool dad vibes but there's also so much love in the relationship
house husband captain caviar teaching sorbet shark how to clean. that's it. that's the bullet point.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 2 months
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Next up? The Jewel of Sorbet. Bonney, Bonney...Bonney BONNEY!! Seems like you were just one more helping hand. Ooh, BTW if you haven't taken the plunge on Beyonce's country album check it out for a much more menacing, warning take on Jolene. Certified bop. Egghead though, today's subject is Jewelry Bonney.
Bonney was an intriguing one because you were one of the last Supernova to get your spotlight but it's huge. I looked at you right when you came out of the bubble and mentioned the idea your powers make for a great inheritor of that quiet thread Kiku stretches into a parenthetical around Wano's main plot. The one that really (well, next to Sanji) connects it back to Whole Cake.
The fact we've expanded on that so much with Kuma and Ginny and the impact of making you 12? Damn girl, you are so on point it is unreal. At the same time though, we've talked about this the whole way through as well. You took a while in this arc to really get going, notably getting the Kuma connection exploration while the mystery of last night is going on. You didn't really jump up and take on a huge role against the Gorosei, honestly getting swept aside by the arrival of the Giants. Which makes it feel a lot more like you were yet another one of Egghead's aspects it built up hard before casually moving on from. Kinda like doing several smaller Yamatos.
I'm just assuming the Giants will do that until proven otherwise. At this point it's another observation I've noticed more and more is gaining traction on its own; is there someone who can thread the needle on all of these? If these scattered threads start making sense on their own, time will be rewoven. You know my thoughts on who could cast that kind of shadow. For now though? Of course Bonney's here and can always surprise us again...but between your trajectory and getting really invested in Nika more than Luffy I'm putting you in Yamato's red herring bucket.
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jellyluchi · 2 months
What are focaccia's relationship with other LS members?
Ohhh I believe I have some of it saved up. As her lore progressed, not much has changed about how I initially felt on her relationships with the rest of LS so here they are!
Risotto: finds him the most intimidating at first for obvious reasons. But as she gets to know him she founds out he's actually pretty kind. He doesn't hurt civilians and gives her a space to stay never forces her and makes his intentions clear plus gives her the opportunity to better her stand. She sees him as a benevolent man eventually, feeling bad about how he got into passion and supporting his cause to take it down. They become good friends after finding out their both prefer silence and a good book in each other's company.
Prosciutto: 2nd most intimidating, mostly bc of is personality. At first she thinks had he not been the way he is she would think he's a nice guy and fall for him. Over time his more nurturing side is unveiled (during 'training') which brings out really strong emotions in her. She's definitely never had a proper mentor figure and she quickly figures out she really likes his approval and praise. She mistakes it for wanting to get better at her stand power but it quickly becomes unrelated to that. Like wanting to make him feel better when he's stressed, wanting to make him laugh, see him smile, kiss him- oh no.
Pesci: Her first true friend! She finds out he's also under Pros' wing and isn't very experienced with his own stand. Plus, he's much more nicer to her than the rest of the guys. They both like drinking milk (Pesci bc of health reasons) and she defends him against the dudes when they make fun of him. She supports Pesci when he's insecure and vice versa so they got a lot of mutual support going on and he likes to bake while she likes to help him during that which is always fun. Hangs out the most together as friends.
Formaggio: She thinks he's the typical sleazy guy and she should stay away from him. But he def makes her laugh quite a lot and she starts enjoying his company. He's one of the ppl that make her feel more comfortable around LS as she gets to know them and she eventually finds a good friend in him too with his laid back nature he's pretty easy to talk to and a lot of the times he initiates contact which is why she eventually doesn't mind initiating contact with him either he kind of brings out the more carefree less reserved side of her.
Illuso: at first bc he's pretty quiet too she thinks maybe they could be similar and maybe she'd find a friend in him but he opens his mouth and his arrogance falls free she doesn't say anything but internally she thinks he's annoying for that but as she gets closer to LS she enjoyed hi company too next Formaggio but she doesn't like when those two argue unless it's a silly argument.
Melone: At first she thinks he's creepy obviously but finds out he's really easy to open up to and talk to. He's not judgmental and likes to talk about literally anything (and also stuff like zodiac signs etc) so she finds herself taking to him for a long long time. It's very unexpected for her to find friendship in him bc of how she saw him at first. Even after finding out how his stand works she still saw a genuine person in him.
Ghiaccio: oh man she's intimidated yes but also irritated as hell she really doesn't kike shouting and she tolerates his presence at best. Usually when he's not shouting he's not bad. But she finds herself walking on eggshells bc of him and she doesn't like that. She has to leave the room if he shouts and makes it clear how much shouting and yelling triggers her anxiety (smth both Ghiaccio and pros work on later)
Sorbet and Gelato:. They don't pay her much mind but are friendly hey enough with her. They're the only two members that confirm to be a mystery to her especially bc she thinks of they're already so wrapped up in each other she couldn't even have space for friendship in there but they've showed her some kindness here and there helping her out sometimes. Though some of the stuff they say still creep her out.
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