#sooubway answers
bylaudelekha · 3 years
How would you feel if Mercedes and Claude had a support chain in the game proper?
omg i would love that! these two are both 'outsiders' in a way, with mercie coming from the empire, and claude being.. well. claude. ;)
i think they'd fit together really well. this would be amazing and i would pay actual money to see these two get over their trauma together :)
come now, anon.. you're giving me ideas ;)
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Dearest V,
it's been almost one year since we last spoke, so I guess our lives might have changed a bit since then...
I hope you've had a peaceful holiday season with your family – speaking of whom, the warmest of greetings and best of wishes to them – may your parents and your cat have a wonderful and healthy start to this decade.
I went head-first into last year thinking I'd see greater changes by the end of it, but, as Oli put it quite concisely, "then I found out how hard it is to really change" – for example, I had quit smoking weed in summer and started to enjoy life free from it, only to start toking again three months later when my mental wellbeing started spiralling downwards again... in the end I have to admit that while I may have felt like I could make a meaningful change in my life, I'm still sitting around trying to find out of my depressive ways, and I'm growing more and more unsure by the day that going back to who I once was is an option at all... after all, people grow up, and I guess part of who we are is determined by our experiences... I should definitely try to seek professional help this year, so maybe over time I'll be able to create the version of myself that I need to be so I can finally stop being down all the time. While that means I may not exactly be "past me", I sincerely hope you'll like whatever person I'm going to be then.
The years we've spent side by side have shaped me in a number of ways, some healthier and some unhealthier. On the upside, obviously, there's the hundreds of memories that we've shared and that I still like to look back on every once in a while (even though I'm slightly concerned about how many of those involve weed and / or booze), the music you've introduced me to (I still enjoy your Spotify mix every now and then) and so on. What's probably more on the unhealthy side of things and might sound a bit crazy is that, interestingly enough, I still sometimes feel like you're watching my every move, judging every single thing I'm doing, and it's driving me nuts. I don't know the exact reason and it confuses me... on the one hand it's kind of annoying and a bit restrictive, and on the other hand I just want to figure out where exactly that comes from. I guess part of it is because of what I've experienced over the past years, the numerous occasions on which you've trash talked the time I've spent in relationships with other people to feel better about yourself. Then again, maybe part of me just wants you to still care, when the rational part in me reckons you probably you don't care about me anymore – I mean, why would you, you can do so much better. I don't think I'll find answers for now, more stuff to discuss with a therapist once I've found one, I guess. Then again, maybe it'll help me make saner decisions for the moment, I don't know. What I do know, though, is that I'm done with this whole trash-talking business, that is, if we start talking again, please just let me decide for myself what to make of my past... I hope this didn't sound too harsh, it's just something I might've left unsaid for too long. Oh well, and speaking of long-lasting impact, then there's like hundreds of things that still evoke your memory anyway, whether that's any mention of anything related to law school, or the former capital, or still wearing the things you gave me, or, oh yeah, living in the same flipping part of town. Also reminds me, I still haven't touched the new BoJack episodes or the Chris-chan documentary yet... watching TheOdd1sOut's Sooubway part 4 without you feld weird enough, somehow. I guess it goes without saying that there has hardly been a day this year that I haven't thought of you at least in some way, mostly thinking about how awkward it would be to run into each other on the streets, whether we'd exchange words and what the hell I'd have to say about how my life was going and what I've learned or accomplished and so on if that became the case. It obviously didn't, but I still spent some time thinking about what I'd have to say and it was interesting to observe how it changed over the year. I guess you were right about some things, first and foremost about how I should try to get myself up from the fucking ground first before attempting to build up anything in life.
That being said, there are two major milestones I've reached last year, and I hope you're at least a bit proud of me – I've used the spring semester to finally complete my mandatory internship, coding for a software company that was a pleasure to work for, and they offered to hire me as a working student right away and as a proper engineer once I finish uni. Anyway, since the office isn't exactly close to uni, I've decided for now to keep working at uni for two more years. They have been quite understanding and the offer to hire me again still stands. Since I could definitely see myself working in software development after uni, I have started working towards a proper computer science bachelor's degree which I'll pursue in parallel with my usual master's. And, what might surprise you even more, believe it or not, I've been smoke-free for more than 7 months now, and I'm making damn sure I'm not touching another cigarette or anything else containing nicotine again – fuck off, big tobacco! I almost also managed to finish my bachelor's degree, but my assigned thesis topic was so cryptic and far off from what I expected that I ended up not handing in anything at all... but I'm making sure to finish in a second attempt before the next semester starts, wish me luck!
Anyway, how's your 2019 been? Is everything alright at uni? Have you passed the bar yet, and how's your internship situation (been) going? Also, I've heard that the houseshare didn't work out (it really sucks to hear that), did you find another nice place to stay near uni and how do you like it? How's your bass journey coming along? I hope you're still having fun with the bass and I'd love to hear some of the riffs you've been rocking out to one day. (Speaking of rocking out – I don't know whether he told you, but Sebi and I have been trying to start a band for a while now. While we somehow procrastinated our way around it almost all year until recently, we've started jamming and recording voice memos, so who knows, maybe we'll have written some kick-ass tunes soon.)
Lest I forget, speaking of 2019... a very belated happy birthday! Whether or not to contact you for your birthday was a harder decision than you may think... in the end I decided to keep at a distance and not leave a message, I still hope you've had a great time (at least it probably won't have been a disappointment like the times I've been involved) so make damn sure to enjoy your remaining time at 22... because you know what Blink-182 has to say about them darned 23-year-olds.
Quick change of topic, politics is the same clusterfuck as always, isn't it? When the 12/12 general elections were announced, I was hoping so badly that Great Britain might be coming to its senses... and then the results were out, oh boy. Well, if this is what the Brits truly want, then good riddance, I guess... also, I hope the Americans won't make the same mistake this year but I'm not too sure about that... but at least the old fucker finally got impeached, about time. I know senate is likely to acquit him, but I don't want to think about that just now... for now, let's just stick with "they've finally got him."
Enough for now, I hope this note reaches you someday – if you feel like replying, just interact with this post, leave me a PM or so, you'll find a way. Just know that I still don't quite feel like I'm ready to take contact back to a normal level just yet, so it might take me the usual couple of weeks to reply in case there's anything you want me to reply to... until then I'll just go back to lurking in the shadows, trying to figure out my life while checking in on your Tumblr every once in a while to know you're okay. (Oh well, it's your Tumblr we're talking about, maybe "being okay" doesn't exactly cut it, but you get the gist.)
Best, L
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its-umbr-ella-blog · 7 years
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NO THIS IS JAMES/THEODD1SOUT!1!!! -------- Made this comic about James/@theodd1sout in Sooubway, and James does that one scene in SpongeBob where Patrick answers the phone then they ask if it’s the Krusty Krab then Patrick says, “No, this is PATRICK!”
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bylaudelekha · 3 years
although to be fair if you stick me anywhere colder Tun 60-50° (Fahrenheit) i will Die
(60-50 is 15-10 in celsius? pretty sure)
honest to christ that is how cold it gets in british winters lmao
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bylaudelekha · 3 years
hcs for claudeleth? :)
i.. don't have too many, but i'll share the ones i have!
claude would definitely want an almyran wedding (they would prob have two? a big one in fodlan and a smaller, more intimate one in almyra?)
their relationship is much affection, lots of cuddles
they raise wyverns together after the war. almyran and ones from fodlan.
that's all i can think of for now haha
thanks var, appreciate it!
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bylaudelekha · 3 years
eyyy nice icon **finger guns**
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damn... i wonder why i have this from jade in my inbox..... totally not like they made it for me noo.... /lh
haha i love it too tysm friend :)
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bylaudelekha · 3 years
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^ smarties
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^ sweettart hearts
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and i haven't heard of the second one either????
what in the everloving fuck is america doing i'm so confused
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bylaudelekha · 3 years
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what the fuck? are they something different????
(i might have looked at the sweets wrong but i'm pretty sure i got it right)
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bylaudelekha · 3 years
For the character ask thing, Felix?
oooh of course! always open to talk about my first s support <3
sexuality headcanon: (sex and romance indifferent, maybe?) aroace!
gender headcanon: oooh, i always love seeing transmasc felix headcanons so that's what i'm going with! transmasc enby, they/he
a ship i have with said character: never really shipped him with anyone, but i am extremely soft for netteflix their supports are adorable
a brotp i have with said character: i really love platonic sylvix... friendship goals or him and bernadetta as it is a crime that they didn't have interaction, these two needed aroace rights
a notp i have with said character: probably him and dimitri. i just prefer their platonic (or antagonistic, if we're going cf) relationship over their romantic one
a random headcanon: he absolutely loves spicy food. it's all he eats lol
general opinion: one of my favourite lions for sure! his character development is something wonderful to witness, and i love his relationships with the rest of the lions. his supports are really great and yeah. just think he's great :)
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bylaudelekha · 3 years
aroace felix qpp with aroace bernie :O
imagine all the cats they'd have in their home lol
omg amazing yes, two aroaces bonding over cats
i wanna write this now.. in a modern au or something.. damn
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bylaudelekha · 3 years
omg you have new claude icons AND new pronouns? that’s very gender of you to do that. have fun with your sweet new pronouns king <3
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i love these new things! it feels extremely gender
i will, don't worry about that one ;)
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bylaudelekha · 3 years
oh look it's lekha! he's so cool! i hope they're having a nice day!
(just trying to help, pronouns are hard friend)
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ahhh thank you friend!!
these new pronouns are very gender <3
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bylaudelekha · 3 years
For the character ask thing, Mercedes?
mercie! of course, anon!
sexuality headcanon: bisexual as she is in canon <3
gender headcanon: oooh, maybe transfem she/they?
a ship i have with said character: her and sylvain! their supports are the most adorable thing i've ever seen or her and f!byleth. i love their relationship and their supports. their ending is absolutely adorable <3
a brotp i have with said character: this one really is a brotp huh? hehe her and jeritza. i know that jeritza's only available in cf but their supports are absolutely wonderful
a notp i have with said character: her and annette, i guess? love their platonic relationship though, they deserve to stay cozy besties
a random headcanon: after the war, she still visits garreg mach and the officers academy. she becomes a frequent face, and her visits become much anticipated. everyone is happy to see her, and she teaches healing classes once in a while as well.
general opinion: i love her! she's such a great character and her relationships and her supports with the game's cast are great! i can't believe i haven't s supported her yet..
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bylaudelekha · 3 years
Hm. Unpopular opinion: dimitri and byleth have the strongest written lord/my relationship especially in regards to how their views on the necessity of violence and personhood/dehumanisation change. it ties so neatly into Dimitri’s character arc and actually provides a distinct emotional conflict between them
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strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
i haven't actually heard this one before! but now i'll be thinking about it for a good few hours now, thanks tunes lol
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bylaudelekha · 3 years
(claudemysunshine) hcs for hilda x claude? \|•O•|/
(this is less romantic and more platonic, hope you don't mind!)
thanks! i'll give it a go:
they were already good friends in the academy, and the war only got them closer
claude would try to get her to actually go to lectures ('it's too much work' *pouty face*) but eventually they would both end up slacking off
hilda 100% supports claude making his poison
prob helps him with pouring it into lorenz's tea
and then they both run off giggling and laughing
claude picks her up and spins her around (mate have you seen that height difference?)
holst is very enthusiastic about a hilclaude marriage haha
that's all i can think of for now! thanks onyx! (you don't mind if i call you that, do you?? just checking)
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bylaudelekha · 3 years
OMG CONGRATS ON THE PRONOUNS BEING A HE/THEY IS SO AWESOME AND COOL ACTUALLY ❤ i hope they make you feel amazing you deserve it!!
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these new pronouns are so gender i love them
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