non-binarypal7 · 5 months
In honor of the two year anniversary of the legendary rooftop scene, here’s the soonvijarn reaction for anyone who hasn’t seen it or wants to watch it again (I love how P’Aof acts like a conductor of an orchestra 😭❣️❣️❣️). You can watch their full reaction here:
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inventedfangirling · 10 months
just watched the soonvijarn reaction video of bad buddy episode 4 for the first time and my words...... i was NOT expecting p'aof to start fricking tearing up because of that insanely great scene at the end (nanon you absolute absolute legend i don't think i could ever get over his performance here).
i mean of course i and you and everybody teared up when we watched it but i just did NOT expect the frigging director who had shot the scene (and who had probably seen the edits and the cuts multiple times) to do that.
throughout that part i wasn't looking at anybody else on that screen not even patpran cos here was the guy who brought them together on the screen who was behind the scenes who made this all possible viewing his show from the point of view of a passive audience member and feeling moved for his own characters and perhaps seeing his own queer self there too (idk if he has spoken about why he teared up or we know more about this from somewhere else) but with no other context this legit made me (as a queer person who writes queer stories) tear up and i had to pause and take a second to appreciate just how much this show is doing for queer people even outside the show.
it's all just a lot for my tiny fragile heart. i love bad buddy so much yall its made such a special place in my mind i could cry.
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ahhh look at his eyes all welling up with tears arghhh I CANNOT
in hindsight though it was funny cos here i was tearing up over p'aof tearing up over pran tearing up over pat. it was inception but with tears, it was a tearception. alright thats it goodbye i will see myself out.
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justafriend-ql · 1 year
interview with pondphuwin on soonvijarn
soonvijarn is a youtube channel where gmmtv director P'Aof and his friends react to their series. currently, they're reacting to P'Jojo's series Never Let Me Go, and they invited Pond and Phuwin as guests during their viewing of episode 6. after the episode, they talked to Pond and Phuwin about the process of getting into their characters and how they've grown since filming their first series, Fish Upon the Sky. you can watch the whole video here.
I've written the transcript of the "interview" portion below the cut, with minor edits for clarity and grammatical purposes. note that this transcript is based on the english subs provided by soonvijarn and is, as always with translations, subject to error.
What have you guys learned from your characters?
Pond: In the first five episodes, Palm had to bear something. But in the first episode, when he was at sea, a fisherman, he was like this [the way he is in episode 6]. When his father ordered him to come to Bangkok, he became a calm, silent man. While performing, I felt uncomfortable feelings, feelings I’ve never had before in real life. This character will be with me for a while. I returned home and became a person who rarely smiled. But lately, I’ve been able to manage my  feelings.
Phuwin: For me it affects a lot - my whole life, my mental system, and my emotions too. My previous characters didn’t have an effect like this. But with this character, I saw clearly that I became more sensitive. The character Nueng is sensitive and quite responsive to everything around him. For example, if someone does something, he will keep thinking to himself about it. I noticed that during the past months I’m more sensitive. I’m a person who doesn’t cry for anything and am not sensitive to little things. After a month in this role, I suddenly cried while watching a movie, even though I had never done that before. It has a lot of impact. Because my personality has changed. I have become more sensitive. 
Working together for a second full-length series, what was it like growing up? And what do you want to talk about?
Pond: It’s peace of mind. The series Fish Upon the Sky and Never Let Me Go are about a year and a half apart. Coming back to the series together, we hardly had to tune in. Workshops are not required. [Jojo objects.] We have workshops, but they’re required because the character is difficult. Just have to tune in to the character at first. But once it’s done, it’s smooth. The romantic scenes we played together, Jo appreciated that they were good. Drama scenes can be difficult. But when [the characters] are at sea, everything flows. With our sweet scenes, Jo likes to say, “Why with this scene you can do it with just one take?” Why? We are familiar with each other. But if it’s a dramatic scene we have to sort out the emotions and rehearse. It’s our comfort zone. We get used to each other because we often live together. We know how to play and how to act. 
How have you seen each other change the most?
Phuwin: His willingness to work and concentrate on work. He’s usually very determined; he will always crash into his goal. But for this series, he concentrated a lot on it and was very calm. For example, if it was in the past, the scene filmed with Jo [a deleted cameo scene], there’s no way he could film it. But now, he was able to keep himself still and focused. He can concentrate on ten minutes of scenes and scripts, which makes the expression look very good. 
Pond: He grew up a lot and saw many changes in various fields. For this series, he was very determined too, because he didn’t just do this series. He has movies and studies and exams. I never heard the word 'tired' from his mouth. I asked him if he was tired, and he replied that it was “something [he] had to take responsibility for and do.” We have a concert together and come to film the series and then he had an exam; he didn’t rest at all. He had to wake up at six in the morning several weeks in a row. But if I don’t ask [if he's tired], he won’t say. 
P’Jack (Pond and Phuwin’s manager) wants to add a few words:
Pond and Phuwin were the first BL acting couple that I took care of, and I wanted to take care of them. After actually working together, what I really like is that they put a lot of effort into their work. And they support each other. I think it’s important that BL actor couples help each other. For this couple, they always help each other in doing things. They look into each other’s eyes and help each other go all the way to every task they do. It made me love them even more.
I work with them on events, series, concerts. The concert is an event that shows that they work very hard. Pond loves to dance very much, and Phuwin loves music. But it requires rehearsals, and there’s filming for series. Phuwin has exams too. I know that I put a very heavy schedule for him. I told him, ‘If it were me, I’d cry. It wouldn’t work.’ But we talked about putting together a schedule like this from the beginning. He fought to do it, and he never complained.
What I really like is their determination. It makes me love them. And we are exhausted together at every event, until today I saw them succeed. Halfway through the series, everyone saw their intentions. I’m proud to take care of you guys. 
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celestial-sapphicss · 11 months
i have NEVER needed a soonvijarn episode more than them reacting to our skyy bb x atots like CAN YOU IMAGINE THE CHAOS
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dribs-and-drabbles · 1 year
This is a PSA that if you haven't seen any Soonvijarn react/recap videos then you should check them out.
This, for example, is them reacting/recapping the GMMTV 2023 QL trailers and it's such a joy to see them talk about the shows, the actors/actresses, and the little bts details. Some of the things they say makes me even more excited for the series...if that's at all possible.
Soonvijarn are a group of friends who either work in the Thai TV/film industry (Aof and Jojo are directors of many series you know and love) or nearby (e.g. one is a management agent to some of the actor/actresses, one is a singer/songwriter, etc...). They have a wonderful rapport with each other and banter about the ql series, themselves, and each other.
I got to know them during Bad Buddy, when they would react and then recap each episode (the videos have approx. 200,000 views each - the ones with Ohm and Nanon guesting have two and four times that respectfully), and I think the first one they did was A Tale of a 1000 Stars. After a long break, they are back with react and recaps of Never Let Me Go (as brought to my attention by @jemmo), and I highly recommend you watch them alongside the series (they'll eventually get english subs, we just have to be patient!).
It will enhance your enjoyment and appreciation of the series immensely, I pinky promise.
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shortpplfedup · 1 year
Watching Soonvijarn react to the GMMTV 2023 trailers and man did I clock the influences on and impetus behind Only Friends 100%: Jojo is trying to go back to his roots and do a GMMTV-style GayOK Bangkok. I am so excited because I fucking LOVE GayOK Bangkok.
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placetneplacet · 1 year
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I am utterly kindred spirits with this group, because I too exclaimed “Podd!” when he appeared in this trailer…
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grapejuicegay · 1 year
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i’m not ready but i’m SO READY
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mahuhumaling · 9 months
why the award-winning scene is one of my top 5 fav bbs scenes
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now in contrast to the bus stop scene in episode 3, i had a hard time understanding why i really like this one.
in every piece of media, there has to always be at least 2 Levels of Meaning: what the audience is told, and what the audience is shown.
of course, it's quite similar to the classic writing principle of "show, don't tell." the writers, actors, and everyone inside the show only have to lay out the story's puzzle pieces for the viewers, but the viewers have to solve it for themselves, or else it wouldn't be a good story.
sideline: tumblr user shortpplfedup made an analysis to this scene and it's excellent. i've been obsessed ever since it was posted. a perspective from someone who has read the novel.
so back to the scene: gosh, where do i start.
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there was supposedly a scene before this, showing pat drunk with his friends, but it got cut. i assume it's because of pacing. the entire point of that scene is only to show pat drunk anyway, so scrapping it is not a huge loss.
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the effect is better though. by removing that obvious scene, we have our own realization that pat is not exactly sober: whether it's the way ohm chose to drop the water bottle cap off haphazardly, or wash his face, or the rugged sighs. we're already setting up that because of his demeanor, pat won't be himself any more than he would be if he was sober (because of the recent realization >> romantic feelings boiling over).
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ENTER PRAN and WAI on a motorcycle.
they're also drunk. okay. so the drunken element will be this scene's primary motivation.
"I never thought I would see this version of Mr. Pran."
wai speaks first. to indirectly provoke. of course. 😒
fine, let's talk. even if this isn't the right time to do so.
"What the heck do you want?" "..." "Why? Is it so hard to accept defeat?"
pran puts up a front: hostility. It's the only safe way he can talk to pat with, that he knows wouldn't put wai in a suspicion. but since pat is drunk AND does not currently give a fuck, pat answers with something that completely throws pran off.
"Defeated by that lousy song. Why would I feel anything?"
damn, okay.
this line is something pat is in fact trying to tell himself, not to pran. pran seems to catch on that something is up with pat, though he doesn't know exactly what, so he signals pat to leave before the latter says any more shit that is revealing.
"...Just go."
so, pat doesn't say anything.
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instead, he tries to kiss pran.
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now i'm not 100% certain so this remains an interpretation, but the fact that p'jojo also thinks the same in the soonvijarn reaction, and the fact that ohm steps forward, leans in, eyelids drop, and looks down at the direction of the lips all say a lot.
either way, splashing water in the face clearly didn't do pat any good, because he's acting so impulsive.
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pran stops him regardless, and in that moment of closeness is safety — they are having a completely different conversation. they're whispering: pran warning that this isn't the right time with wai around, and pat insisting that that's exactly the reason why it's the right time.
i love the fandom reading of "pat isn't jealous of wai because he thinks wai could be a competition of pran's romantic affections, but because of what wai represents." which is why it's brought up in the rooftop scene consequently: that even as friends, they cannot be.
"We are not even friends." "...That's right."
unlike wai. wai who sleeps over without pran complaining every five seconds, wai who gets to be near pran all the time, wai who gets to be let in pran's space, wai who compliments dissaya's cooking, wai who gets to be in a band with pran and no intrusive parent will come to transfer them.
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pat? pat doesn't get to have any of that! he doesn't even get to be openly honest in this moment.
so what does he do?
he gets angry.
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in psychology, anger is always a secondary emotion because it's a resort when we don't deal with primary negative emotions directly. in pat's case, his first emotions are hurt and frustrated. the second is anger.
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i mean... look at the tears forming in the corner of his eye.
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i don't remember who it was anymore but someone noted pat's "tell him" to pran as a double meaning for
go ahead. tell wai what our relationship is; but also,
tell me. because we can't keep dancing around each other. because i don't know what we are either.
meanwhile, wai cannot figure out what the hell those two are whispering about, so he's merely observing.
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notice how wai doesn't have a visceral reaction until after he sees pran push pat like that.
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he has ZERO idea what is happening — he's only gauging the situation via pran. the reason why i mentioned shortpplfedup's Anatomy of a Scene post on this dorm fight is because of the "wai knows 0%, pran knows 50%, and pat knows 110% of the situation" reading. thinking about it from that perspective makes this scene so tight and pressurized. you understand why it bubbles over. wai knows nothing, pran thinks he knows everything when in fact he only knows half of what's happening, and pat knows too much of what he can handle.
the tension escalates to what's barely a fight. two punches.
of course the camerawork is also incredible, handheld to capture the shakyness and blur feeling of the fight. it's overwhelming, and accurately so.
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+ the performances! nanon's shout stunned me. i think i would sober up too if i got yelled at like that.
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not to mention this. the delivery is god tier. pran shouts first,
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then gets all up in wai's face to prove he's serious.
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then reiterates. low and hard.
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jimmy's improvised line "are you sure there's nothing going on here?" comes back to bite pran in the ass in episode 8,
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but wai leaves because pran asks him to. because he trusts him.
(In no actual order)
3 - Broken Bus Stop Redesigning
5 - Fight in the Dorm Parking Lot
10 - Pran Sings "Our Song" Draft
10 - InkPa in the Darkroom
12 - Dissaya Watches Ming
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bengiyo · 2 months
Hello hello~~
I hope you're having a wonderful day~
I was reading your reblog of @waitmyturtles ITSAY review and a question came to mind.
Love of Siam was one of my first contacts with Thai media, and to this day I think of as special. One interesting thing I saw once, was how the Soonvijarn crew (p'Aof and friends, for those who don't know) talked about it. Idk if you've seen that video but if you haven't I highly recommend it.
They talk about how Love of Siam had been marketed as a coming of age straight love story, iirc. And how the public reacted to the "surprise they're gay", and how some had used that movie as a stepping stone to come out to their parents.
I feel there's a lot to be said about how Love of Siam, by itself (regardless of the plot (of which there's a lot to be said) and just taking the presentation of its characters), impacted Thai society and Thai Queer Cinema (and by extension BL) in the way it talks about or shows queer people.
But I am no film major, nor do I know enough about the reception of Love of Siam to articulate this. So I guess my question would be what are your thoughts on that?
I hope this makes sense cause maybe it doesn't, but in any case I just am dying to talk about this movie xD
I think it's hard from outside of Thailand to see exactly where these things go. At least from within America, I remain frustrated about what is genuinely possible from movies. I thought Moonlight (2016) would be a huge moment that led to a new wave of queer media, and it just doesn't exactly feel like we've felt that wave.
As for Thailand, I don't know what other factors were moving before Love of Siam frustrated a generation of audiences with its ending, but the fact that we've had well over 300 Thai BL productions since 2014 says a lot about where the culture was headed.
I think I will always have complicated feelings about this film, and I'm glad that the ending of ITSAY helped me put some of those feelings away.
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casualavocados · 2 years
thinking about how the rooftop kiss was filmed in one take and how ohm felt that pat needed to cry during that scene and how nanon continued to cry afterwards and feeling like i need to curl into a ball.
does it ever actually just hit you. like. Hit you hit you. how much goddamn love and care and effort went into telling this story. it’s not just “ohm and nanon are good actors” it’s “ohm and nanon have both said they’ve never worked so hard at delivering a role before”. 
it’s the entire cast saying this series will be one of their most cherished experiences for life. it’s p’aof and the soonvijarn group analyzing details after every episode and discussing their own queer experiences in relation to it. it’s the bts scenes full of laughter, the improvised phone call lines and ketchup kiss. it’s not just ohm and nanon giving each other little pecks behind the scenes it’s jimmy and drake and all the others kissing each other and being so touchy with each other too. it’s the way they all hang off the director and hug and kiss p’aof. it’s p’aof saying during rain at the beach that that’s the price to make something beautiful and how that message can be applied to the entire show as a whole. it’s ohm’s pride in being able to play thai xylophone on screen. it’s nanon saying “i just know that i love you”. it's jimmy saying he wanted to cry after filming the ep5 fight scene and p'aof being proud of the way all their performances built off each other to make it an award-winning scene.
the metaphors....the thought and intention behind every detail....like i want to sit here and cry about it because it feels like people just dont DO that anymore - put that much effort into something because they love what they’re creating. and like. it all comes through...it all reflects into what’s shown on screen. and then you see it reflected again through the people that watch it and experience it and it makes the love grow that much more
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dribs-and-drabbles · 2 years
It feels wrong to say every week how incredible that was, how much it has wrecked me, how speechless I am, because my words will end up becoming meaningless. But the show has topped itself AGAIN (no pun intended) and I am yet again wrecked. I honestly won't survive if it continues like this...for SEVEN more episodes. I need 6000 years to process. And even then I probably won't come close to articulating how this show has made me feel.
That ending though? It was too much for me (in a bad and a good way, if that makes sense). I felt privy to something I shouldn't have been. It was way too intimate for outside eyes. It reduced me to a blushing maiden, drawing my body in on itself, and watching through my fingers. If I blushed any more my cheeks would explode.
God, Mile and Apo deserve ALL the awards. Fu*k.
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
Just in case anyone missed it from yesterday: one of the most amazing conversations took place yesterday about the developments and trajectories of BL/QL tropes and styles of storytelling. The thread got really long, so I’ll offer a couple links and I encourage anyone reading to also check out the comments. @miscellar, @shortpplfedup, @bengiyo -- besides giving you SO MANY THANKS for the conversation and EDUCATION, it also sounds like I need to add Lovely Writer to my list to find out what I’m missing!
As someone still very new to the head-spinning world of Asian QLs -- very particularly the recent progressive developments in Thai QLs vis à vis Jojo and Aof -- I think these threads are necessary educational reading for setting context into what I’m/we’re watching. I almost feel like I have to do a rewatch of Bad Buddy already just to catch the subversion of BL tropes, but I don’t know if my heart can handle it in the short term after writing that huge thesis. 
Anyway: here’s the original thread from yesterday, with an incredible dialogue between @miscellar and @shortpplfedup about the differences between Lovely Writer and Bad Buddy; and the comments, particularly by @bengiyo, about how Thai styles are in part influenced by European frameworks (@bengiyo, your bildungsroman comment gives me more confidence that my read on Hegel’s framework in Bad Buddy was likely accurate).
@airenyah also linked to a few of @miscellar‘s past analyses regarding the subversion of BL tropes in Bad Buddy here and here, with the second link being an utterly FABULOUS dissection and history of how Bad Buddy subverted BL tropes that were SPECIFICALLY tailored to be reflective of het/cishet romcom references. It gives me the SHIVERS to think of how deep Aof went with Nanon and Ohm to dig into all kinds of Thai drama history and BL tropes simply to turn them on their head in Bad Buddy -- and @miscellar’s original answer at the top of the parent thread also deeply references this (and, AND, I discovered Soonvijarn in the process, the videos of which I cannot WAIT TO DIVE INTO, because I can’t get enough of the EDUCATION here!). 
I LITERALLY do not have enough time during my work day to spend the hours I need to spend learning about all of this, BUT: my heart is full for knowing where I need to go to get more context into what I’m watching, and I’m thanking goodness that GMMTV is giving to me now the way that TV Tokyo did when I first discovered BLs a few years ago. TUMBLR FAM, I LOVE YOU ALL SO SO FREAKING MUCH!
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placetneplacet · 1 year
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I had resigned myself to never again, but they came back!!
@absolutebl did you see our solstice miracle???
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justafriend-ql · 1 year
do you ever think about how the dream palm has of dancing with nueng in episode 3 wasn't in the original script. it was phuwin's idea (according to jojo on soonvijarn). how because of it we get to see straight into palm's soft, longing, wistful core right away. how ambiguous and maybe even frustrating palm's behavior might have been had we not gotten confirmation that he liked nueng already by episode 3. because i do and it makes me crazzzyyy. thank you khun phuwin i'm indebted to you forever.
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