purble-turble · 2 years
(Prince red au) So when mk busts out his monkie mech again only with the combined strength basically pulling a xenoblade (with the final boss btw) and the mech becoming a hundred times bigger than it was in the pilot episode and the nezha busting out his rings to add to the mech with mk, mei and a prince red who is currently remembering his first reaction to the mech on the big screen and now being apart of the fight inside the mech with his sweetheart, and with an epic grin along with mk's might I add, things have made quite a big turn for the sweet prince as well making him love mk and grow even more affinity towards mei to becoming best friends as well, just wow!!!
Yes, I love imagining the rest of the canon plot but with Prince Red instead. Some things would be drastically different, while others would basically be the same.. the final scene with the Traffic Light Trio in the mech would definitely be one of the things that were the same. Especially that look that MK gives to Red, except that Prince Red would be giving it back to him.
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neatsaviors · 2 years
What's harder; fighting bass or yourself in a fight?
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artisyone · 4 years
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sorry I got to these kinda late but thank you guys sooo much! 💖💖💖
I finished off my birthday with some chocolate cheesecake and some rum and coke. All and all, it was nice of my parents to do that.
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blue-hero-shipping · 5 years
Hey what do think about sonic's redesign for the sonic movie? I personally think it's much better compared to the first design.
He’s adorable and I hope the movie does well. I’m just not happy at how much the fans overreacted for this to happen. But that’s another story. I hope more people will be willing to go see the movie now.
- Mod Britt
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thebig-chillqueen · 5 years
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I present-eth to you a ro-dad!
I’m afraid Papá Héctor has him beat there, but Robo-Dad is a very close second!!!
This is a super adorable sketch, btw!!! I love the shading!
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The Blog is Being Archived
This is mostly due to the fact that Tumblr is weird and for some reason I need to logout to go anon if I want to ask anyone anything. Which is annoying.
I am moving over to @writingamongther0ses as my main and that is where I am following from. My fanfic side blog, @starsfics, is where I’ll be continuing my fanfics. I will finish everything in my inbox and that’s the end.
Here are some mutuals, off the top of my head:
@lizwuzthere, @winterpower98, @kitkat1003, @skellebonez, @qatheauthoress74, @nightfury-fury, @megxolotl, @beckyarteest, @mage-of-words, @snow-flame, @beans-and-sand, @violetwrites, @sonicmegaman72, @torture-teeth, @kittydemon9000, @themagicheartmailman, @vegalocity, @mexcraziness, @anonymouslylovesyou, @boom-fanfic-a-latta, @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi, @theballetslippertheblackhoodie, and @ldhedgehog.
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8-bit-britt · 4 years
My Danny Phantom fanart
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I really love how you draw danny as well as timmy turner!
Art belongs to sonicmegaman72
These are cute! Very nice work!
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purble-turble · 2 years
You know what? Demon King Red is the same as Homera from "Yashahime: princess half demon".
As a little background, Homera is a evil mountain God who can create fire. And one look at him instantly reminded me of King Red. Here's what he looks like.
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You see what I mean? It's uncanny!
I had never heard of this before but I went and looked up the specific episode and it's fucking uncanny how much this guy is like King Red XDDDD Like oh my god he even burns up people who even dare to look at his wife, it reminds me so much of the Prince MK bad ending it's incredible.. thanks for sending this :D
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purble-turble · 2 years
So here is an ask or rather a story regarding the prince red au.
It starts off like any typical Monday morning with mk meeting with his best friend mei and making his daily rounds of noodle deliveries. House to house, person to person the noodles went. 🍜
when mk comes back he is quite thirsty and decides to grab something to drink at a nearby vending machine. There are many assorted drinks all of which caught his attention. However, he only had enough money 💰 for one drink. It took him about 5 minutes until he made up his mind and decided to try something new. There was a milk can🥛 on the top left of the vending machine. And it was enough money to get. The milk was called "refreshing cactus 🌵".
Without any hesitation he bought the drink and drank from it right away!
" Finally, something to cool me off and satisfy my thirst!" Mk let out a relieved sigh from drinking the cactus milk. And with that he head back to his place just above pigzy's noodle restaurant. He was pretty tired from the noodle run so he decided some sleep would do him well.
After about a 5 hour nap, mk woke up feeling a little.....off. He started seeing so many colors and cute chibi animals with squeaky voices. He bolted to the mirror 🪞 to check what's wrong and his eyes started becoming SUPER DIALATED like when a cat is about ready to pounce on its prey. He didn't freak out at all though. As a matter of fact, he had this doofy look on his face and greeted everything inanimate, real, or not with a smile, a hello, and a hug.
Mk gave everyone I'm the restaurant with a hug and hello respectively. Eventually, in his doofy stupor, he decided to drop by to see the prince. He somehow made through unseen by DBK and PIF. And he did a little eavesdropping on his sweet prince. The prince was tieing up his hair in his cute pony tail that mk loved so much while humming a familiar tune.
Mk drops in on the prince and catches him by surprise making him let out a soft audible gasp. Mk quickly put his hand over the surprised prince's mouth shushing him. He soon spouts out some pretty nonsensical stuff.
" Shhhh!!! Be careful!!"
"Be careful of what??"
"Because the unicorns are after the corns!"
"???? I'm sorry, what???"
"Shhhh! Tamado, tomatoes 🍅, remember how to get the silver dust!"
And with all that said, mk with his eyes as big as the moon and his mind as high as a kite, jumps out the window with one last thing to say before heading on home.
"Flying Globberjobs!!!"
Not knowing how to properly react to what just happened, prince red simply stood where he was with a baffled and beyond confused look on his face with a small blush from mk touching him and simply catching him by surprise.
The next day, mk woke up from bed as if nothing happened and simply continued on like any other day, however when he came down to greet tang, pigzy and mei good morning he was confused to see not only the three previously mentioned but also the prince with with confused yet small smile breaking through their confusion. This is due to mei having recorded a good chunk of what happened yesterday. 😳 Mei, pigzy, tang and the prince explain what happened and with that, it left mk blushing feeling silly and embarrassed of what he did. Mei showed him the video with the prince too and that basically left him to faint. But it's okay. The prince caught him before falling on the floor and stuck by him regardless and even chuckled on how funny and cute on how mk reacted.
Haha MK on cactus juice, that's amazing 🤣 I'll only add that it was probably some kind of Jin and Yin plot that went awry somehow (as all their plans do lol)
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purble-turble · 2 years
I dunno if it's just me but, I've always seen nezha as a big brother figure to mk as he knows wukong as much as he does, if not more. And.....just his soft smile and tone when looking and speaking with mk as well as being protective adds to it as well. It's so sweet.
That's super cute! I've seen a lot of people putting Nezha in the role of big brother to basically the whole Traffic Light Trio, which is very sweet. Gotta be honest, though, I don't really care about Nezha very much lol
I don't dislike him or anything, it's just that his character in LMK isn't very interesting to me. Probably because there are other versions of Nezha that I've seen in media that I like more, and he only really exists in LMK as a story catalyst.. but in any case, he's not a character that I really think about much aside from finding the fanart I see of him to be very cool at times. :U
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purble-turble · 2 years
When shan first joins the battle nexus, each red has their own reaction to her. For example:
Demon King Red will showers her with welcoming gifts and will do whatever he can to impress his baby girl and pretty much just a devoted father and gives her many hugs and kisses.
Prince red is a little milder but he also gives her all the attention as well. His eyes get so big with misty eyes with a dopey happy smile on his face while shan gives him hugs and kisses too.
Tt red is protective of her and often keeps her close and often deters her from seeing the demon king and also shares with tt mk as well.
Yandere red is pretty much like the demon king with showering her with love and gifts alike.
Prisoner red son will be very protective with keeping her close and keeping an eagles eyes on her to make sure that yandere mk or the demon king gets to her.
Yes I agree with all of these! Most of them will be very protective of her to keep the creepy ones like DKR and Yandere MK away from her, so she'll be perfectly fine at the Nexus with so many versions of her dads keeping an eye on her lol
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purble-turble · 1 year
Hey I letting you and other people know that a user called ashley (there were numbers to it too, but I forgot since I blocked them) who insulted my art as "desgusting." They were either a troll for hating others' art just cause or they're homophobic since they hated my art of spicynoodleshipping with red son and mk. I didn't pick a fight and just blocked them. If anyone by that username insults your art with bad Grammer and lack of schooling, might I add, block them immediately.
Sorry you're having to deal with that. But yeah, it's always best to just block a person and try to ignore it. That's the only real way to make them go away since they are looking for a reaction.
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purble-turble · 2 years
So you remember the tournament chart of the redsons? Well, how about we have a tournament thing for all the mks. I'll bet the the finalists are prisoner mk and tt mk as a contrast with the battle with tt red and the demon king.
Oh yeah, that Red Son tournament was the first post about the Battle Nexus idea. I think there was also an MK tournament version, but I didn't make a chart for it. Also there were fewer versions of MK to use at the time, so it wasn't very extensive.
Now that the AUs have been expanded a bit more, I think you're right about the finalists being Time Travel MK and Prisoner MK. In this case though, Prisoner MK would definitely win. He's been fighting off Demon King Red for so long that he's much more practiced than Time Travel MK who (while a little bit more advanced than classic MK) is still not anywhere near the level that Prisoner MK has been forced to reach due to the constant threat he is under.
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purble-turble · 2 years
Happy 4th of July!! Happy Independence day!!!! I hope you and everyone are enjoying the fireworks as much as I am! 🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨
:U I am very far behind on my asks lol
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purble-turble · 2 years
Number 7 and number 38 for prince red au pretty plz!♡
 7. Lightly kissing on top of a freshly formed bruise.
38. Letting them warm their cold hands under your shirt.
Decided to write a bit of a Season 2 Prince Red scenario, since that's something that's never been touched on before. So Prince Red has left his parents and is now a part of MK's team full time as his boyfriend.. Still, hard to let go of that protective nature, though.
The Monkie Kid was getting stronger.
There was no denying it- it was as obvious as staring at the sun. Each new threat, each new demon that threw itself against Sun Wukong's successor, was quickly met with how powerful he had become. It seemed like he unlocked a new power every day. He wasn't some green horned boy catapulting into danger anymore; now he was a force to be reckoned with!
It was a relief.
Or at least it should have been.
If asked, of course, Prince Red would say it was a good thing that MK could look after himself. Despite the fact that Red freely admitted to wishing MK hadn't taken up the job of being the Monkie Kid in the first place, finding it extremely dangerous for a mortal (especially such a cute one). That didn't matter anymore, though; he was long past being able to do anything about it. MK was well on his way to being even more powerful than him, even without that (irresponsible) mentor of his around to offer lessons.
Eventually, MK probably wouldn't need the prince around at all. He could protect himself from pretty much all the demons in the city by now. At the rate he was improving, even the stronger ones would find themselves soon outmatched.
And that was... good.
Except for the fact that Red HATED it. He knew it was selfish, and he knew it was a terrible thing to wish for his boyfriend to be weaker than him... but he couldn't help himself. He wished MK still needed his help out on the battlefield. He wanted to be there to protect him, to make him feel safe, and to demonstrate just how much he loved him. As things were going now, Prince Red was becoming more useless to the Monkie Kid every day. And he just couldn't take it.
These thoughts had been clawing at Red all day. Since MK had left that morning for work, loudly and excitedly declaring that he was going to get a hold of the Monkey King and learn a new power today, and Red had been left alone. He thought to go downstairs and give Pigsy a hand in the shop, but he seemed stressed today (something about a new food critic coming by) and Red wasn't in the headspace to deal with the demon chef's shouting. Not at the moment.
So instead, he busied himself with meditating, or at least trying to. His thoughts were a muddled mess, though. He kept circling back around to how he just wasn't useful to MK anymore... he had lost the safe refuge of his court when he'd turned against his parents, he no longer had access to the resources or wealth of the Demon Bull Estate, and now his strength wasn't even of use because MK could protect himself just fine.
The prince's eyes shot open, and he let out a huff of aggravated steam.
Meditating was not doing him any good.
He would just have to find something else to distract him. So, he stood up and brushed off  his pants. That led to him noticing how dirty the floor seemed to be, so he hurried over to the closet and grabbed a broom and got to sweeping. And of course to do that to any effect he had to pick up MK's clothes strewn about on the floor. May as well throw them in the laundry while at it. Oh, and MK's shelves were a bit dusty, weren't they?
Suddenly he had lost track of the time and the day was over, and the apartment was spotless.
Well. Good to know he could be useful for one thing. Though, it didn't make him feel that much better to know his assets could be replaced by a good Roomba or a hired maid. At least he hadn't spent the whole day moping.
Just as Red was tucking some cleaning sprays under the sink, he heard the front door open. The fire demon perked up, listening for MK's typical, spirited call announcing he was home. Strangely, it didn't come.
He poked his head around the corner and saw MK trudge into the flat, his eyes downcast with a grim look on his face.
"Noodle Boy?"
MK looked up at the nickname and met Red's gaze. A weak smile crossed his face when he saw the demon. "Aw, hey Red."
"Is everything alright?" the prince asked, stepping closer. As he did, a rank stench suddenly wafted his way, making him pause. "Oh..." he covered his nose, "were you thrown in a dumpster?"
"Oh... no, it was, uh, the sewer." MK's smile faltered as he looked down at his hands, a layer of grime quite evident on them. "I um, learned a new power and fell down a drain."
Ah, so MK had achieved his goal and learned a new power that day. Not surprising. He had spent all day fretting about how quickly the Monkie Kid was growing into the power. What was surprising was his lack of enthusiasm about it.
"Uh huh." Prince Red stepped behind his boyfriend, taking a hold of the dirty work shirt and helping him shrug it off his shoulders. After tossing it promptly in the (now empty) laundry bin, then gently nudged him towards the bathroom with his elbow. "Why don't you tell me all about it while you wash your hands?"
MK looked down at his free hand, seeming to notice the dirt on it as well. "Oh, yeah... sorry," he mumbled, "I was just... sorry."
The way the Monkie Kid's eyes darted around for a moment as he paused didn't escape Red. Clearly he had something on his mind he wasn't sharing. Of course, Red also knew better than to try to force a serious conversation... better to make sure MK felt comfortable and safe before he tried to poke that nest. Otherwise, he'd just bury it deeper and never share. It was a little quirk that he'd picked up early on while courting the Monkie Kid: he never wanted to burden anyone with his problems, even when the help was freely offered. It made Red's attempts to protect him all the more difficult.
He watched from the doorway as MK stood at the sink and scrubbed his hands and all the way up his wrists to his satisfaction. Then, with a wearied sigh, he turned off the faucet and turned to step out of the bathroom.
"Today has just been... a lot," he said at last. MK headed straight for their tiny bed, clearly looking to flop down on it and pass out. Seeing where he was going, as he passed by, Red quickly took hold of his shoulders and turned him instead towards the dresser. Taking the hint, MK let out a quiet groan of acknowledgement, kicked off his shoes, and pulled the undershirt still clinging to him off before opening the top drawer and taking out his pajamas.
"You want to just go right to bed tonight, then?" Red asked this easy question instead of all the others brimming at the tip of his tongue that were sure to be rejected.
"Yes," MK sighed, "desperately."
As his Noodle Boy pulled on the soft sleep shirt, Red noticed something that made him frown. The skin right along the side of MK's neck was a slight shade of blue, like the ghost of a bruise forming there. That was suspicious, and definitely alarming. He must have gotten into a fight down in the sewer... Ahh, right. The sewer was the domain of the Spider Queen. That would explain the gloomy attitude; for as strong as he'd been getting, MK's phobia of spiders seemed to be just as strong. Just the other day, he'd nearly cried as he begged Red to squish one of the little pests that had made a harmless little nest in the ceiling corner... one more small, silly thing the prince could feel useful for. (Although even then he had just put it under a cup and thrown it outside, much to the Monkie Kid's displeasure.)
Rather than mention how he'd figured out what was bothering his boyfriend, he instead stepped up behind MK and pressed a short kiss to the back of his head before untying his bandana for him and letting his hair down. This was met with another sigh, though one that sounded less drained and more appreciative of the gesture. Red took that as permission to continue, so he began peppering kisses down the back of the Noodle Boy's head, trailing down towards his neck until he was pressing a gentle kiss to the bruising just below his ear. As his lips briefly touched skin, he suddenly paused, surprised by what he felt.
"MK," he said, leaning forward and wrapping his arms around him, "you're freezing!"
"Oh, am I? I hadn't noticed."
Oh, his poor Noodle Boy. He was so worn out from his fight with the Spider Queen, he wasn't even paying attention to himself. Of course not, he hadn't noticed the mess on his hands and shirt either, but to be too distracted to notice your own body temperature was a bit much. The fight he'd gotten into must not have gone in his favor... knowing this didn't make the prince feel any better. In fact, he even felt a little guilty. He'd been feeling sullen all day about MK not needing his protection, but of course it was far, far worse to see him not succeed on his own. He'd have to learn to be happy to see each new power the Monkie Kid unlocked, even if it meant he wasn't needed anymore.
Taking in a deep breath, Prince Red began to slightly raise his own temperature. Not near enough to burn or catch fire, but just enough to be a warm, cozy source of heat. The effect was near immediate, MK letting out what was practically a moan as he melted into the arms surrounding him. The warmth seemed to evaporate the cloud of misery that had been hanging over MK since he walked in, and he turned around to face the fire demon, snuggling his face into the crook of his neck and wrapping his own arms around him. He even tucked his arms up and under Red's shirt, planting his cold hands directly on the demon's back, which Red was more than happy to oblige. They stood there for a few minutes, allowing MK to soak up some of the prince's warmth, and soon enough the frigid skin was starting to feel less chilly.
With a pleased hum, MK leaned even more into his boyfriend, pressing a kiss of his own to the fire demon's neck. "Thanks Red," he mumbled, "what would I do without you?"
"Well, I don't know. Get a space heater?" the prince chuckled.
With his face still pressed into Red's neck, MK shook his head. "No, not like that," he corrected, "I mean... y'know. Thanks for, like, looking out for me and loving me and junk... cause I kinda needed it tonight."
Red lifted a hand from where it was comfortably resting on MK's shoulder blade and began running it through his hair. "Of course, I'd do anything for you, you know."
"Yeah, I know." MK's hands pressed against his back, pulled into fists, and he squeezed Red tighter. "Today, down in the sewer..."
There was a momentary pause, but Prince Red resisted the urge to goad him on, to talk about what upset him, waiting instead for MK to open up on his own.
"I saw... uh," the Monkie Kid mumbled, just barely audible despite his mouth being right next to Red's ear, "there... was..."
Suddenly, and despite still being held flush against his warm demon boyfriend, MK shivered, like a chill had gone through his whole body.
A moment later he sighed, sounding exhausted again, and continued, "...there was a lot of spiders, is all."
Prince Red nodded, rubbing a comforting circle into his Noodle Boy's back. "Don't worry," he said, "some spiders are no match for the Monkie Kid."
"Yeah. No match" MK repeated, still in a mumble, clearly succumbing to his exhaustion, "I just... need to get stronger."
"You will." Red assured him easily.
It was true, after all. MK was well on his way to being a worthy successor of the Monkey King, and someday he was going to carve out a legend of his own. But right now it was bedtime, so Red half carried and half led his boyfriend over to their bed and helped tuck him in, laying next to him and keeping one arm slung protectively over MK to continue keeping him warm. For now, he could at least do this. And if MK did ever need him someday, he'd be sure to be there.
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purble-turble · 2 years
Number 2 and 15 for tt red au pretty plz!
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Holding their hands when they are shaking.
Tucking the sheets around them when they stir during the night.
Calming them down when they have a bad dream.
Combining these two prompts since they were somewhat similar
MK used to be a very heavy sleeper. So much so that only his alarm could wake him on most days. Sometimes not even that. (Pigsy sure had words for him whenever that happened.)
It wasn't that he was lazy, it was just that he liked sleep. If asked, he might have even said being woken up before he absolutely had to be up was the worst thing ever! His bed might have been small, but it was soft, and most of the time MK would have nice, unremarkable dreams that made sleeping enjoyable. Also, the most recent addition to his bed, a certain fire demon, made it especially warm and cozy, which made spending long hours huddled under the blankets feel extra appealing.
However, lately, he'd been actively trying to be a bit easier to rouse- ever since Red Son had his time traveling incident. Poor Red didn't have the kind of satisfying relationship with sleeping that MK did. Even before his little adventure into the future, he hadn't ever slept for as many hours as MK. Now, afterward everything he'd gone through and the effects it had on him, that bad habit of not getting enough rest was clearly not a conscious choice anymore.
Red had been suffering from nightmares. And yes, suffering really was the best word to describe it.
MK wasn't sure when exactly it had started. It might have been ever since he got back. Unfortunately, due to how heavy a sleeper he was, at first, MK either hadn't noticed or had dismissed the sudden change in his boyfriend at night. He did remember the first time he had been woken up by one of Red Son's nightmares. It must have been a particularly upsetting one, because the demon had awoken very suddenly, bolting straight upright and nearly knocking MK, who had been partly draped across him, clean off the bed.
Looking back, he was ashamed of the reaction he had: he just grumbled something in annoyance about trying to sleep or having work in the morning and rolled back over. Red Son had slipped out of bed and he'd heard the bathroom door shut, so his tired brain decided that his boyfriend had just needed to use the bathroom in the middle of the night. The grogginess of being woken up caused him to not really take in how distressed Red had been. He regretted that moment so much when it happened the next time.
It wasn't even a week later when he woke up in the middle of the night again. That time he was pulled from sleep because he suddenly felt cold. Once he shook of the lethargy of just waking up, he realized it was because Red Son was missing from the bed. That was alarming.
The concern that Red might up and leave in the middle of the night was a very real one. During his low moments, he talked constantly about how MK was better off without him and that he was afraid of hurting him. He'd even had to tell Red to stop trying to convince MK to break up with him once or twice. He didn't take it personally; he knew it wasn't that Red actually wanted to break up, he'd just gone through some messed up stuff in the future and now he thought he was a monster who wasn't good enough for MK.
It was ridiculous, obviously. MK knew Red Son wasn't going to hurt him, and he knew that it would hurt both of them more if he were to run off. Of course, he could say it as many times as he liked, but getting Red son to actually believe it was another thing entirely. It wasn't his fault. Trauma will do that to a person.
So, when he awoke to find Red Son missing, his mind immediately jumped to the worst. MK leapt out of bed, fully awake now, and intending to grab his jacket and go searching for Red immediately. In his haste he actually fell straight out of the bed and rolled across the floor a bit. It was actually a good thing, because instead of him running straight to the window, falling got him to notice that the bathroom door was closed and a faint light shone out from the bottom.
That was definitely a relief, but still there was an annoying feeling at the back of his mind making him worry. Good thing, too, because as he went to investigate he realized there definitely was something wrong. Through the door he could just make out what sounded like fast, heavy gasping for air. That made it clear to MK what was happening; after all, he was pretty familiar enough with that pattern of breathing now, considering how many panic attacks he had coached his boyfriend through.
MK ignored his urge to go bursting in to get to Red as fast as possible. He knew by now that he had to be more gentle than that, so he knocked on the door and called Red's name first, to make his presence known before going in.
Inside their tiny bathroom, Red Son had managed to wedge himself in the space between the toilet and the sink, like he was trying to hide. He had his legs curled up to his chest, and his whole body was shaking from a combination of his strenuous panting and the stress of whatever had caused the attack in the first place.
"Hey Red, hun, I'm here." MK knelt in front of him and placed his hands softly on Red's. The moment he made contact, Red's grip quickly shifted from clutching tightly to his own legs to holding the offered hands and squeezing tight, desperate for the contact.
"Sorry… so sorry," he mumbled out between breaths.
"Shhh, it's alright, you don't have anything to be sorry for." MK was pretty used to saying that by now. Since his brush with the future, Red Son had been apologizing for every little thing, even stuff that wasn't his fault. "What's wrong? What happened?"
"It was… just a nightmare… 's nothing…" Red Son panted out, "you can go… back to bed… m'fine…"
Despite his words and how he hid his face in his knees, his hands were still holding fast to MK's own. Red had also become much more clingy since he got back, and every time he tried to push MK away with his words his body always betrayed him.
"Yeah, I'll go back to bed, but not without you." MK squeezed Red's hands in turn, trying to help the shaking stop. "So, let's calm you down and then we'll both head over there, okay?."
Red Son looked up at last, his eyes had dark bags underneath that had become somewhat typical for him lately, and his face was still wet as a flood of tears continued to rush forth. It hurt MK in ways he could barely express to see the boyfriend he loved like this, but the thing Red said next was what really broke his heart.
"No… no, don't wait for me…" Red gasped, " I'm just… being stupid… I… I don't want you to be tired…"
That caused MK to think back, remembering earlier in the week when Red Son had woken him up and gone to the bathroom. At last, he put the pieces together. Red Son didn't want to keep him up, so he'd sequestered himself off in the bathroom to have a panic attack where he wouldn't bother MK. In fact, now that he was thinking about it, he wasn't sure that Red Son ever returned to bed that night. He woke up in the morning and Red was already up and using the bathroom… unless he wasn't using the bathroom. Maybe he had just never left it. The thought of Red Son riding out one of these fits all by himself, crammed into a tiny crevice in the bathroom and struggling even to breathe out of terror, and then staying hidden there for hours afterwards- that was just unacceptable!
MK released one of Red's hands and used it to cup the side of his face, wiping away the falling tears with his thumb. "Red, I don't care about sleep," he said, maybe a bit more forcefully than he intended, but he really needed Red Son to listen this time. He wasn't going to let this happen again!
"I care about YOU," he continued, "you're way more important to me! I'm sorry that I made you feel like that wasn't the case, but I'm here for you now."
Red Son didn't say anything, but he did nod just ever so slightly and lean his head into the hand on his face. MK could see the understanding sparkling in his watery eyes, and he hoped that meant that his words really would stick this time. If they didn't, then he would just keep saying them until it did. Leaning forward, he pressed a tender kiss to the hand he was still holding, saying again, "I'm here for you," and "I want to be with you," over and over.
Eventually, Red Son's heavy breathing had slowed to a more reasonable pace and he seemed calm enough that MK was able to coax him out from his hiding spot. Red was always especially pliant after a panic attack, so he let MK pull him up and lead him back to bed with no fuss. MK settled him down and cuddled up next to the fire demon, pulling up the blanket to tuck them both in. Then he moved his head to be resting against MK's chest, hoping that holding him tight and letting him listen to his heart and his own breathing might help him sleep easier. He was careful not to fall asleep himself until he was sure he could tell Red Son had drifted off, just in case he had another episode. Thankfully, that wasn't the case this time.
It certainly wouldn't be the last time he was awoken by one of Red Son's nightmares triggering a panic attack, but it was definitely going to be the last time MK let him think he needed to hide away in the bathroom because of it, even if it meant interrupting his usually deep sleep.
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