#sonic sea3on
rabbotred · 1 year
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Salad sez go donate to the Sea3on Patreon y'all!
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cheapfinish · 1 year
Team Sea3on Needs You To Be 'Way Past' Helpful
Team Sea3on have been in contact with several potential studios to help finish off the pilot episode of their project and get it ready within the year, but the quotas they have are still quite steep, and they only have $24 K in the bank. They are considering opening an additional Kickstarter campaign to raise more of the funds required.
Here is their press release:
WE NEED YOUR HELP! Hey Freedom Fam,
We wanted to take this opportunity to update you on the progress of our project. As you know, we have been working hard to create a 2D Animated Pilot for Sea3on, but we are facing some roadblocks in terms of keeping up with demand.
We have been actively trying to source out studios to complete the project, and have reached out to various studios across all continents. Unfortunately, the quotes we have received are all very expensive, making it difficult for us to proceed with our limited budget. To give you an idea, we have attached actual replies with dollar values so that you can see how much a 22 minute 2D animation pilot will cost.
Currently, we have about $24K USD in the bank, which is not enough to send to a studio to complete the project. However, we are determined to continue working on the project despite these challenges and limited time. We hope that you can continue supporting us by spreading the word about the project and asking others to help out.
We believe that with the help of a studio, we can complete the episode within the year. Additionally, we are considering a Kickstarter to raise the funds necessary to complete the project.
We want to express our sincere gratitude for your support and commitment to the project. We are hopeful that together, we can overcome these challenges and create a successful pilot. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
Thank you again for your continued support and encouragement.
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soniccommunistforces · 10 months
Okay, I don’t know how many of you here are SatAM fans, but I speak from the heart when I say this series has a very special place in it. As many of you already know, Season 3 of the Saturday morning Sonic cartoon was cancelled, the series left on a cliffhanger ending that would never be followed up on. The final episode was satisfying yes if you ignored the last minute cliffhanger, but still, there was a lot left there untouched and uncovered that was in the works that sadly never even got a chance because of the cancellation.
But that’s not entirely the end of the story. Like how fans took it upon themselves to pick up and continue the beloved Sonic The Comic run, there’s a small but very dedicated group of people who are currently working on, you guessed it, a fan made Season 3 to the beloved Saturday Morning cartoon! Isn’t that incredible?! I’ve known about them for a while to be honest, and I’ve only dipped my toes into it, but gee whiz! Look at this!
Isn’t that just incredible? Absolutely wonderful. I encourage you who have the money to spare to donate to this project. I feel a little bad because, I don’t have the money to donate to this project, but regardless, I think these people deserve the support, and I want to get at least one extra pair of eyes on this project.
The show’s been discontinued for 30 years, and a lot has happened since then, with people, the world, the Sonic franchise and fandom, it’s been a wild ride and a lot has changed, so it may seem silly, clinging on this hard to what could have been if the SatAM team were given the chance, but this is more than just what-if-ery, this is a passionate and loving fan project that’s been in the works for a while now, carried forward by the long lasting love and memories people have of the show, and it’s inspiring to me seeing this happen. Sorry for getting a little emotional there, if you want any extra information on the project, there’s a couple links you can follow from the about page on their youtube channel.
I again encourage you to look at their stuff and possibly donate some bucks to the project. I’m not working with the team, nor am I affiliated with them in any way, I’m just very moved by their efforts, it’s unmistakable the passion that’s poured into what they’re doing, and if I can get a few more people to recognize it, that would just about make my week.
Anyway, sorry for all the umm, heh, ramblings there, big feels big paragraphs you know? Heh, anyways, thank you for reading, and good morning, day, evening, or night to you, comrades,
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craftyandy · 2 years
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Sonic Movie 2 Poster Finished and Video Color By CraftyAndy
The Sonic The Hedgehog Growing Up Experience CraftyArts  https://youtu.be/9jXMqKJ35Nc I couldn't fit the credits in here so here is a google doc that lists everything I used, links included  (CREDITS)  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Tr86SRShIHQ6JzS_Fy_MVtxFlS0z-IANDK3jxmJRi3o/edit?usp=sharing I did Find enjoyment looking back on growing up with sonic the hedgehog. I didn’t want to do just a retrospective because that has been done to death and I doubt  I could add anything to such a thing without it coming off as boring. This was all about the frustration of liking a character and their established world then  seeing it being stripped and deformed into something unrecognizable.   In the future there will be more CraftyThoughts episodes as well as more original and  personal projects of mine. I want to do more story telling involving the experiences I’ve had over the years. I feel like it’s the only thing I can do that would  come close to anything unique. I appreciate your time, subscription and potential patreon. Get early videos & finished art pieces.  Return To Robotropolis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzJBq-fPrF4 Team Sea3on  Patreon Early episodes and artwork are posted early at high resolutions for download. https://www.patreon.com/craftyandy
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greenyvertekins · 2 years
I seem to recall that Ian posted almost the same tweet 5 years ago. Saying that he was pushing when he could to bring the Freedom Fighters back...And it seems that they didn't listen to him...He is saying it again taking advantage of the fact that there are more people hyped with things like Sea3on? Or taking advantage of the fact that it has gained more influence? You know, in case he has a lucky break with the help of even more fans than before
Probably both. The thing is, it's mostly self-serving. These niche characters only ever scored an audience within a subset of the fandom who just so happen to believe that the series should pander to them via their inclusion in the games. To be canonised in the most important continuity would garner them an importance they never even remotely had before. It's not enough that they had a cartoon and a comic that lasted over 20 years revolve around them, their inclusion in the thing with far, far more prominence and popularity is the ultimate goal. The main issue I take is that these characters were shameless spotlight-stealing leeches in their home continuity and their diehard fans have a propensity for shitting on game canon characters to toot their horn. I'd rather not see them be satisfied. Nor Flynn have any opportunity no matter how remote to turn "Sonic the Hedgehog" into "Princess Sally and the Freedom Fighters. Starring SEGA'S Sonic the Hedgehog!" AKA SatAM 2.
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gojira007 · 2 years
Hello iam a big fan of satam series and a big fan of sonic and sally as a couple . But I've heard heard Ben Hurt planned for sonic and Sally's break up with sally having a new boyfriend . Being romance with somebody else . And seeing how you are closly tight with sea3son I wonder if you know something about ot ? Or am I missing something
While I appreciate the show of confidence, we at Team Sea3on are a Fan Group and don't have any special information about the unproduced third season of the original show. That said, I think you may be getting a slightly-distorted picture of what we do publicly know about Mr. Hurst's plans for the show's intended third season, which you can read for yourself here; amongst his narrative ideas/notes, there is indeed a notion that a "rival for Sally's affection" would be introduced in the form of a new not-yet-defined "Freedom Builder" character. Critically, however, the only context we have here is that Sally would single him out for praise at one point (which, while not specified in the notes, would probably set Sonic off given we know he can be prone to jealousy in SatAM); there's no real sense of where that plot thread might go beyond that, so saying that Sonic and Sally were intended to be "broken up" doesn't feel accurate. More likely we'd get something akin to what we saw in "Warp Sonic" where Griff's attempts to woo Sally set Sonic off: a source of interpersonal conflict between the two, perhaps, but one that would ultimately resolve with their relationship reinforced rather than broken up. That's just a guess on my part, admittedly, but even so it seems unlikely that Hurst seriously intended to break the pairing up in any permanent way.
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brucenorris007 · 1 year
While I’m still idly archiving Sonic related things (and my brain is fighting my reading reviews)
Anyone have any recommendations?
The fan works I’ve got so far are:
Sea3on Sonic Legacy Sonic Retold StH Online StC Online (Most of) Sonic the Continuation
I’m also going to work on Ghosts of the Future and Heart of a Monster.
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memelzebub · 2 years
an exciting time to be a sonic fan yet again lads
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signor-signor · 2 years
I finished watching Wander Over Yonder for the 6th time on Disney+. Does the series really have to stop after The End of the Galaxy? If you still believe that, you’re still a total ignoramus. As I pointed out time and again, there’s an ape in a crash-landed space pod and we didn’t get to see what became of the other villains (namely Emperor Awesome, the Schmartians, Kragthar, Sourdough, chicken bucket General McGuffin, Mandrake, Little Bits, Dr. Screwball Jones), the bounty hunters from The Bounty, Janet and Maurice, Buster, or anyone who didn’t appear in The End of the Galaxy. Also, Lord Hater has not yet warmed up to Wander like Major Threat did before he was introduced.
Is it wrong to want to know what happens next? Of course not! Is it wrong to dis people who want to know what happens next? Yes, it is. Is it wrong to leave a show alone even if there’s still more to tell? That depends on your conscience. Mine is driven by the fact that the cliffhanger has an animal in distress as well as the fact that shows like Fish Hooks, SvtFoE, DuckTales, Big City Greens, and Amphibia got more than 2 seasons.
Believe it or else, social media has been taking a liking to Sonic SatAM’s fan-made revival (check out Team Sea3on’s website if you haven’t already). I can fully understand why people wanted it to continue after S2 - Snively is raring to take his Uncle’s place and he has Naugus behind him. For that reason, I contributed to this cause on Patreon for at least a year. I, too, am eager to observe what happens next.
It takes a big heart to commit to leaving no incomplete show ignored, and Wander Over Yonder is definitely no exception. It takes an even bigger heart to make predictions - when Craig brought up Star Force Enforcement Force, I gave it my all to guess what they might look like. I still wish he’d give me some feedback acknowledging my curiosity, like, “That’s a very good guess, but that’s not what they look like.” Nevertheless, I still push on. Once May comes, it will have been one year since the show was added to D+, and my watching spree will begin anew. I’ll keep up the pace of one season per month until the higher ups finally come to grips.
For those of you who started following me in the past couple of months, I have a special treat for you to check out: a WordPress post version of my idea for Eye on the Galaxy! You needn’t put up with ads when you check it out. At the end of each transcript, I threw in a voice cast section, so you’ll pretty much get an idea of who’s who.
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smugbugunderarug · 2 years
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riggo-draws · 3 years
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Sea3on stream doodles
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thesonichub · 2 years
Something different this time! I am so hyped for this project, I hope you guys check it out if you haven't already! Watch the trailer here!
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jeremys-blogs · 2 years
If ever there was a show from my formative years that was cut short or unfinished that I feel deserved to be given a proper occlusion, it’s SatAM. Best of luck to these guys and what they’re trying to do 😊
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vulturevanity · 2 years
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craftyandy · 2 years
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Tumor Hog by CraftyAndy Plus Video
The Sonic The Hedgehog Growing Up Experience CraftyArts  https://youtu.be/9jXMqKJ35Nc I couldn't fit the credits in here so here is a google doc that lists everything I used, links included  (CREDITS)  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Tr86SRShIHQ6JzS_Fy_MVtxFlS0z-IANDK3jxmJRi3o/edit?usp=sharing I did Find enjoyment looking back on growing up with sonic the hedgehog. I didn’t want to do just a retrospective because that has been done to death and I doubt  I could add anything to such a thing without it coming off as boring. This was all about the frustration of liking a character and their established world then  seeing it being stripped and deformed into something unrecognizable.   In the future there will be more CraftyThoughts episodes as well as more original and  personal projects of mine. I want to do more story telling involving the experiences I’ve had over the years. I feel like it’s the only thing I can do that would  come close to anything unique. I appreciate your time, subscription and potential patreon. Get early videos & finished art pieces.  Return To Robotropolis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzJBq-fPrF4 Team Sea3on  Patreon Early episodes and artwork are posted early at high resolutions for download. https://www.patreon.com/craftyandy
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greenyvertekins · 1 year
The guys behind SatAM Season 3 are now asking for money to finish the /pilot/. How is this any different to Sonic Omens? Why are people calling out Omens for doing this shit but if you mention ANYTHING about Season 3 begging for money you'll just get "they're really good and passionate people"
To my knowledge, Sea3on people have never acted like the Omens guys.
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