#song is Love is All Around by DJ Bobo
friedfisha · 10 months
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Lyrics by DJ Bobo
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bearlythere · 2 months
will not shut up about how bluey's 30 min episode gave us so much more lore and references to the real world
the writes really made so much literal and euphemistic use of the word "sign" in this episode
in chronological order! and spoilers below!!
do let me know if I missed anything out!
FRISKY AND RAD'S WEDDING!!!! in the iconic heeler house!!
bandit's bully bucky dunstan being the real estate agent selling his house
English sheepdog buying the bluey house (emigration - would be nicer if they got english voice actors to voice them though)
the bluey house was actually for sale on an Australian real estate website! and as per the time of writing this post, it's been "withdrawn from sale" - the bluey digital marketing team AMAZES ME.
I wonder which city bandit got a new job in - don't know if they'll explore that in future seasons
bluey's friend the brown dog (I'm sorry I don't know his name) having 2 mums!
winton talking about his divorced parents and the terriers' saying their mom likes winton's dad!!!
jack and his army interest! him and rusty playing army!!
the sitting in a tree, kissing thing that kids do
Jeremy the gnome
bobo being the car's name
frisky's licence plate being fr15k
the first time kids sit in the front seat of the car
police officers pulling people on the road over LMAO
rad's profile picture being him goofing around with his 2 brothers
how realistic it is trying not to lose someone you're following on the road
the butterfly from slide!! 🦋 it has a name! flappy!
everyone being afraid of the butterfly except bingo because we know she loves insects!
chilli reminiscing how she and frisky used to go to the lookout to "think" when we all knew she meant drink LOL
frisky's 3rd friend appears!
the canon in d rendition as bgm
the busker being the priest??
also they got mort and maynard to come attend the wedding too!!
frisky's father is a typical surfer dude lmao
we see trixie standing amongst the girls during the bouquet toss. and then we see stripe come in to intercept the toss. does this mean that stripe and trixie are not married yet and have just been cohabitating? stripe grabs the bouquet and celebrates, but we see trixie face palm... what does this mean??
love the photo montage and the huge family photo, how it shows that you can't get everybody to be ready for the photo
GRANDPA BOB WENT TO INDIA TO FIND HIMSELF 😭 man needed spiritual rediscovery
the busker is the music dj too!!
uh oh... stripe and trixie are fighting... perhaps it was about the bouquet toss? and we see socks playing with the cake toppers - possibly mimicking her parents actions
awww Radley quit his job so that frisky could stay in a city she loved ❤️
they brought back the music from dance mode!
chattermax randomly appearing 😭
bingo getting stuck in the railing again
bingo being sad because she has to move and lila won't be able to follow. which is also the moment I realised they won't be moving in the end, because of the montage at the end of daddy drop-off episode where bingo and lila grow up together and be friends "forever and ever and ever"!
the 2 English sheepdogs pushing their fluff away from their eyes to see haha
seeing the iconic bluey house empty, with spots where furniture used to be somehow makes me feel a little empty and nostalgic
the montage of them saying goodbye to their old neighbours, bandit having one last chat with pat, the girls and chilli saying goodbye to judo and her mum
Judo still has short hair!
chilli reminiscing the kitchen because bluey took her first steps there
you can tell how much chilli didn't want to move as she was the first one out of the car running over to hug him when she realised bandit didn't want to sell the house anymore. and the shoulder shakes shows that she was fully sobbing too
iconic kiwi rug! loved the simplicity of the last scene, where even if there's nothing around you, as long as you're together with the people you love, eating the simplest meal, enjoying the moment, that's family.
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scarriercontribution · 9 months
DJ BoBo - LOVE IS ALL AROUND (Official Music Video)
my youtube comment from approximately at least 6 years ago andor longer
I would have to put first hearing this uplifting song of Love is All Around by DJ Bobo around 2006/2007.  One of the reasons why I enjoy still listening to this song to this day is because I take this to be a blissful song about what love represents in its various forms.
my most recent comment
This Love Is All Around song by DJ Bobo is elicits a feeling of music elation.  The lyrics and music playfully enhance the Love Is All Around Theme in a music enjoyment type of way.
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Bula, Fiji - on a shoestring!
I started my Fiji adventure with a minor offense. Entry required a proof of return or onward trip. As I wanted to stay flexible I put my photoshop skills to the test and forged an outbound flight confirmation. It worked like a charm and I was ready for some nice sandy beaches. Everyone recommended booking an island hopping trip across the Yasawa islands and that’s what I wanted to do. Until I checked the price tag which was outrageously outside of my budget or frankly anyone else’s who wasn’t the CEO of an international company with their shares listed on the New York Stock Exchange. In hindsight that was great which let me explore places off the beaten path. I had to adjust my plans and opted to go to the minuscule Beachcomber island just a stone’s throw from the airport and then known as Fiji’s party island. The gorgeous islet’s only resort featured a comfy one hundred man dorm (no joke), which was open air! Thank god it was low season and the dorm was “only” a quarter full. Given the limited space, very quickly a family atmosphere arose among the backpackers. There were common dinners, card games and in the evening also debauched parties. One highlight was certainly the hermit crab race, where you could choose a crab that represented your country.
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There I also met Raj, a young, very shy local guy, who worked on the piping system. We chatted every day and once his job on the island was done, he invited me to his home. He stayed with his family in Ba, a small town in the northwest of the main island. I actually had no plans to travel to this area, but an opportunity like this doesn't come along every day, so I accepted the invitation, albeit cautiously. 
Before that, however, I decided to explore Mana island just a short but expensive boat ride to the west. The island was considerably bigger than Beachcomber and even featured an airstrip but again there was only one place to stay which was thankfully relatively affordable, three meals per day included. It’s been eight years and somehow I remember the especially tasty homemade bread rolls. I spent my days enjoying the pristine white beach, crystal clear blue waters and accompanying locals for a spearfishing session to a nearby sandbank. Did I mention the most spectacular sunsets ever? I didn't have a romantic date at hand. However meeting Nicolas, a very friendly Swiss dude from my hometown on the other side of the world on this remote island, was more than a worthy replacement. To this day I have three framed pictures hanging on my bedroom wall, one of which is from that paradise beach. 
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Back on the main island, Viti Levu, I hopped on the overcrowded bus and arrived in Ba in “no” time. Bus rides in Fiji are something else. First of all, there’s always loud music blasting throughout the vehicle. Thank God, it mostly matched my music taste (unlike the dull, unoriginal, lazy, sloppy, repetitive, reductive (to quote Madonne here: “look it up”) and unbelievably enervating Reaggaton nonsense I have to endure right now here in Latin America). I mean, I was delighted to hear such masterpieces like “Gotta Go” by your very own local matador and Swiss Eurovision sensation Dj Bobo, then still untattooed teen heartthrob lesbian Justin Bieber or the actually lovely song called Kuchi Kuchi by Nigerian gospel artiste J’odie. While on stayed a couple of nights at a super remote hostel where the bus to reach said hostel had its final destination and it was always the same driver and in those places a bus arriving is a major event during the day. Back in those days the music was played from a USB stick, so I had a little conversation with the bus driver and what can I say, I am the proud owner of THE hottest February 2014 Fiji public transport music collection, period! Second, the bus seats are plastized so you either stick like glue to them or slide around in a pool of your own ass-sweat. Grandma Yetta from the Nanny highly approves though! IN addition, some of them don’t (or can’t?) switch their headlights on at night and are as fast as Usain Bolt with diarrhea spotting a toilet. I once got almost run over by one of them but the driver was kind enough to stop and give me a lift. It’s not everyday you run amok in a bus with breakneck speed at night while “Like, Baby, baby, baby, no” is ripping your eardrums apart.
Anyway, my stay with Raj’s family was something to be remembered. They are Indo-Fijians and were extremely welcoming. I had my own room and Raj’s mother would go to great lengths to prepare great meals for me. However and obviously, my eating habits got in the way. They couldn’t believe I didn't eat chicken (let’s be honest, whoever reads this doesn’t either). I was asked a thousand times if I might eat it prepared in this or that way. My pitiful attempts to point out that I “was” a veggie didn’t help either. Raj’s father was a serious man and visibly proud of their property. They grew their own passion fruits, starapples, coconuts, lime and sugarcane, all of which I was offered to taste. They knew Switzerland from various Bollywood movies and said it’s what paradise must be like. Sort of what we think when we hear “Fiji”. In the evenings Raj and his friends introduced me to Kava, Fiji’s national drink. Basically it's a mildly narcotic and sedative drink made from the crushed root of the yaqona strained with water. It is served in a large communal bowl as part of the traditional kava ceremony. When drunk, it creates a numb feeling around the mouth, lips and tongue, as well as a sense of calm and relaxation. The taste is unpleasant to say the least. Also it aptly resembles sewage water. But hey, when in Rome. 
After a couple of days it was time to move on. I decided to get Padi certified in advanced diving and Fiji was obviously the place to be. The rather remote island Taveuni to be precise. A quick 18 hour overnight ferry ride would do the trick of getting there. An excellent choice of transportation if it wasn’t for my stingy attitude. No way I would be paying for an expensive first class seat or god forbid a 20 Dollar mattress. Sleeping on the actual floor it is. The fact that the entire Fiji population has a serious snoring problem didn’t help either. Fiji’s “Garden” island didn’t disappoint. The diving was spectacular, yes. The adrenaline-inducing natural Waitavala water slides and the Lavena coastal walk featuring spectacular double-waterfalls and natural pools at Bouma National Park however were no less fascinating (thanks Udo for bringing the GoPro along). That was also the only time I hitchhiked, which involved asking some guards for directions, who were standing at the side of the road and supervising prisoners doing push-ups. At the hostel I was yet again invited for an evening kava session by three elderly locals, who decided that bad-ass synthesizer sound would be the perfect music backdrop. Obviously I ended up being the last man standing, or rather sitting. As a result I was offered beer (perfect, more alcohol) and “abducted” to the beach. Speaking of the beach, in a moment of insanity, and because the hostel provided amateur fishing rods, I somehow decided to try fishing by myself during low-tide, on razor-sharp rocks with nothing but bread crumbs which immediately dissolved once submerged. Needless to say that I almost strangled myself with the fishing line. And no fish were even close to being harmed in that pathetic process. 
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My last stop in Fiji was tiny Caqalai island. I have no recollection of how Katja, a girl I met on the infamous ferry back to the capital Suva, and I decided to check this gem out, but I am glad we did. Google doesn’t even show it on their maps service and getting there was no easy task. The island hosts just one resort consisting of a restaurant and four simple yet charming huts with straw roofs. Electricity was exclusively provided through a mobile solar panel and battery, just enough to charge our phones. The weather was rather unstable so we mostly spent our days reading. On the rare sunnier days we snorkeled around the beautiful intact reef and I practiced climbing palm trees and picking fresh coconuts. One day I helped the entire island population of men (like four-ish) salvaging a half-sunken boat, another I decided to swim to a sandbank, all by myself. Katja was worried for me so she made me tie a buoy to my waist. One always underestimates distances when swimming. It took a whopping 30 minutes to reach the bank, so I was glad she insisted.
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After a month of Fijian paradise it was time to cross the date line and fly back in time to Los Angeles. My Fiji adventure ended as it had started; with a thrill. Getting to the airport meant a private boat transfer to the main island and a public bus (again). Once on the bus I believed myself to be safe but at some point it halted and wouldn’t move for ages. Due to the persistent rainy weather the main road was partially washed away! Gone, adios, see you never. Unfortunately Sandra Bullock was unavailable to get behind the steering wheel, accelerate over 50 miles an hour and drive over the huge gap. A considerable detour later and several near-nervous breakdowns, I just about managed to catch my flight to L.A. where I met up with relatives and had the most bizarre Hollywood Boulevard experience.
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a-silent-symphony · 4 years
Nightwish’s Tuomas Holopainen: 10 albums that changed my life
The First Record I Bought Was…
Kiss – Asylum (1985)
“I got Asylum on cassette. I bought it in the mid-80s around the time it was released. My big brother was listening to Kiss and I just wanted to follow in his footsteps. I remember I didn’t really like the album back then! I wasn’t the metal guy or rock guy at all; I just bought it because my big brother was listening to it.”
The Best Album Artwork Is…
Tiamat – Wildhoney (1994)
“It’s in the top five of my all-time favourite metal albums, and the photography and the artwork – not only the cover, but also inside the booklet – is really fitting to the trippy mood of the album. It’s fantastic in every sense of the word.”
The Album I Break The Speed Limit To Is…
Pantera – Vulgar Display Of Power (1992)
“It has to be a Pantera album. It’s between Cowboys From Hell and Vulgar Display…, but Vulgar’s my number one Pantera album, and it has the song Mouth For War, which has the best guitar riff ever written by anybody.”
The Album I Wish I’d Made Is…
Vangelis – 1492: Conquest Of Paradise OST (1992)
“It’d probably be my desert island album. There isn’t a dull moment on it. I was just talking with [author and scientist] Richard Dawkins about that, because it’s his desert island disc, too. It’s funny that we have that in common.”
The Album I’d Want Played At My Funeral Is…
Howard Blake – The Snowman (1982)
“Walking In The Air is still my all-time favourite piece of music. It had a big influence on my musical awakening. It was the first piece that made a big impact on me musically, when I saw The Snowman for the first time on TV in 1983.”
The Album That Should Not Be Is…
Mike Oldfield – Tubular Bells III (1998)
“I’m a huge Mike Oldfield fan, and the best stuff that he does is just fab; it’s the best music there is. But the bad stuff he’s done is equally bad at the other end of the spectrum! You can never trust what he’ll do next. Music Of The Spheres a few years ago was fantastic, and then he does an album like Tubular Bells III, which is like, ‘What was he thinking?’ You really have the extremes of doing the best music in the world and crap.”
No One Will Believe I Own A Copy Of…
Aqua – Aquarium (1997)
“In the 90s I was a sucker for 90s disco. I still find it enjoyable, like DJ BoBo and Mr President. I bought this CD for €1 at some gas station.”
The Album I’d Want To Be Remembered For Is…
Nightwish – Endless Forms Most Beautiful (2015)
“I will maybe give you another answer in five years, but at the moment that’d definitely be it.”
The Album That Broke My Heart Is…
My Dying Bride – The Angel And The Dark River (1995)
“I’d just discovered the beautiful world of metal in ’92, ’93, and I was into bands like Metallica, Pantera, Ozzy and Megadeth, and then I found the darker side of metal and started to listen to bands like Paradise Lost and My Dying Bride. I loved my metal served dark and melancholic for a long time. That album – and any album by MDB – broke my heart. In a positive sense!”
The Album That Reminds Me Of School Is…
Metallica – Metallica (1991)
“It was the first metal album I bought. I was kind of a late bloomer finding metal. I was 15, living as an exchange student in Kansas for a year. I saw Metallica and Guns N’ Roses there and that was the turning point. I wasn’t keen on going to that show because I had a lot of prejudice towards those bands, but that one night pretty much changed my view on music. I became an instant Metallica – and metal – fan.”
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siyeonjisoo · 5 years
I went to see Miyavi today and it was absolutely one of the hottest days I have intentionally spent outside without being at the beach or pool or something like that.  I woke up at 6 and left my house by 7:15 so I could line up early.  I only had GA so I wanted to make sure I was gonna have a good spot in the line but I also wanted to be up close with my friends who also usually camp out all day. 
Got there at like...9-ish and was the actual fourth person in line.  Among the folks who had GA tickets, I was actually second cuz half were VIP and half were GA. This was the first time Miyavi had performed in NYC but not at Irving Plaza or at a special event somewhere else so I was joking around that maybe the rest of the line was actually there by mistake lol.
Another 2 people showed up over the next 3 hours before Miyavi got to the venue.  So he got out of the van and he came over. Almost didn't stop to greet all of us individually. Like we were right next to the door and he looked like he was gonna say hi while walking in but then he recognized at least 2 of the people in the line and thought better of it. Shook everyones hand and had something slightly different to say to each of us before heading inside.  All in the spirit of thanking us for being here or asking if we were ready to rock and what not. Like 10 minutes later, the next few folks joined the line and we were screaming over him coming by still and they were so upset they missed him.
I spent the rest of my day just chatting and catching up with my friends that I really only end up seeing like once a year at Miyavi shows and seriously hate it. I need to see y'all more often!  I honestly almost cried on the train ride home thinking about how I'm gonna miss y'all. </3
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The girl who got in line directly behind me ended up being one of the most amazing human beings I could have met that day.  Her friend bailed on her after she had bought two VIP tickets so she had an extra one. WHICH SHE GAVE TO ME. So I got to go inside and have the meet and greet experience before the show!  I kind of was so much in shock that I didn't really tell him much of anything other than thanking him and telling him I look forward to rocking with him.  We were told by security that we weren't allowed to touch him but he extended his hand before I could even say hi.  And he like put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me flush against his side for the pictures.  I had ZERO space between me and him in that picture and it was done by him, not me creeping on his personal space.  lol.
It wasn't until this afternoon that the full weight of HAVING MET HIM AND BEING ABLE TO SPEAK TO HIM FOR LIKE A FULL MINUTE is a THING THAT HAPPENED crashed on me and I just started crying while sitting on my couch.  I just remember the first time I saw him and it was just overwhelming to be in the same room as him with hundreds of other fans.  This time, it was literally me, Miyavi, two photographers, and maybe a manager and security staff somewhere behind the lights that I couldn't see.  I couldn't quite get out the words I wanted to.  I couldn't get up the nerve to thank him for giving me something to pull myself out of my depression when I was a teenager.  I couldn't get up the nerve to tell him he is going to be the inspiration for my next tattoo that is going to be a companion to my the GazettE tattoo.  So I'm a little bit bummed at myself for that but I still got the pictures and the as-close-to one-on-one time I will ever get with him unless I run into him on his free time and I am thankful for that and will choose to focus on that instead.
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Leave the m&g and walked in a daze up to the barricade where my friends are waiting.  looked at the pictures and they both turned out surprisingly good.  I went to check out getting merch but the line for that was WAY too long and there was only one person behind the table selling stuff so I gave up when I saw the people I recognized to be the front of the GA line coming in.  I knew it meant I might have trouble getting back to my friends who were saving my place at the barricade and I don't need to be buying merch, I'm okay without it.
Stood around chatting with folks and making even more new friends for the next 2 hours but it seemed to FLY by.  Almost.  When the show started I expected to get crushed against the barricade but I didn't.  I actually had a few inches to move on all sides around me so I was able to keep my feet from growing numb like usual.  I had stashed my bag in a friends hotel room nearby so I didn't have to worry about stepping on that or anything and my phone was secured in another friend's bag so I was completely free to enjoy as much as I wanted.
And enjoy I did.  I was positioned on the drum side of center but still 3 people off of the dead center.  I was on the barricade. I screamed and cheered and sung my heart out.  I headbanged when I could.  I have the bruises on the back of my upper arms to prove I was on the barricade and resting my arms on it throughout.  Miyavi kept teasing us with his sexiness that somehow only gets stronger the more times I see him.  I can't explain it.
We taught him some English slang, you're the sauce. He was so confused "s.a.u.c.e. sauce?" Spelling it out. Asking DJ johnny. Said he would Google it later since he still didnt fully trust us to be honest with the meaning we gave him lol.  Someone in the crowd shouted about wanting pizza and Takamasa Lee Ishihara replied "pizza? no, I prefer Whole Foods" and I almost peed myself from laughter.
He also is so sexy I actually went weak at the knees when he did some shit.
In the chats I had with my friends before, I convinced them to help me get Bobo (the drummer)'s attention.  So when he came out we all screamed like crazy for him instead of Miyavi.  And we were right in front of his drum set so they knew we were there.  Every time it was quiet enough after songs, I started a Bobo-call. First two times it happened Bobo sat there with zero emotion on his face, staring at the wall across from him.  Miyavi was watching it unfold with amusement and would say something to Bobo but not into his microphone so no clue what it was but he would say something and then laugh.  I had kinda given up hope that I would get properly acknowledged until the very end of the show.  After they all bowed after encore, I kept calling him instead of Myv and giving him hearts and he noticed and looked so cute and embarrassed and like nodded/hands together bowed at me. He is just the most precious.   
My friend got a copy of the setlist so that's attached here. This man is a fucking beast and I love him so much.
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I also love all of my friends who were there.  Thank you all for loving me and accepting me into our lovely #concertfam 
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carolinabronova · 6 years
30 Seconds To Mars The Kill (Burry Me)
99 Souls The Girl Is Mine (ft. Destiny’s Child)
ABBA Lay All Your Love On Me
Adam Lambert Fever If I Had You
Adele Chasing Pavements Rolling In The Deep Send My Love Someone Like You When We Were Young
A-ha Take On Me
Akon Don’t Matter I Wanna Love You (ft. Snoop Dogg)
Alicia Keys If I Ain’t Got You No One
All Angels The Scientist
Ana Carolina É Isso Aí (ft. Seu Jorge)
Angus & Julia Stone A Heartbreak Big Jet Plane Big Jet Plane (Acoustic) Draw Your Swords Just A Boy Paper Aeroplane Yellow Brick Road
A Perfect Circle Counting Bodies Like Sheep To The Rhythm Of The War Drums
Arctic Monkeys 505 Brianstorm Do I Wanna Know? Fluorescent Adolescent I Wanna Be Yours One For The Road R U Mine? Stop The World Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High?
Aretha Franklin Say A Little Prayer
Ariana & The Rose In Your Bed (Kevin Drew Remix)
Ariana Grande Almost Is Never Enough Bad Decisions Be Alright Be My Baby Best Mistake Dangerous Woman Everyday (ft. Future) Greedy Into You Jason’s Song (Gave It Away) One Last Time Right There (ft. Big Sean) Side To Side Sometimes
Athlete Rubik’s Cube
Austin Manuel I Just Want You To Love Me
Backstreet Boys If You Want It To Be Good Girl (Get Yourself A Bad Boy) I Want It That Way
Banks Drowning
Bee Gees How Deep Is Your Love More Than A Woman Too Much Heaven Tragedy
Ben E. King Stand By Me
Beyoncé 7/11 Baby Boy (ft. Sean Paul) Best Thing I Never Had Blow Countdown Drunk In Love Ego Formation Hold Up Love On Top Partition Sandcastles Sorry
Biel Demorô
Black Keys Howlin’ For You
Blue Öyster Cult Burnin’ For You (Don’t Fear) The Reaper
BoA Eat You Up
B.o.B So Good
Bon Iver Creature Fear Perth
Bonnie Raitt Can’t Make You Love Me
Bonnie Tyler Total Eclipse Of The Heart
Breaking Benjamin I Will Not Bow
Bright Eyes First Day Of My Life
Britney Spears 3
Bruce Springsteen Dancing In The Dark
Bruno Mars 24k Magic Calling All My Lovelies Chunky Gorilla (ft. Pharell Williams and R.Kelly) Locked Out Of Heaven Talking To The Moon That’s What I Like Treasure When I Was Your Man
Bryan Adams Heaven
Calvin Harris Feels (ft. Pharrell Williams, Katy Perry and Big Sean) This Is What You Came For (ft. Rihanna)
Camila Cabello Havana (ft. Young Thug)
Captain & Tennille Love Will Keep Us Together
Carly Rae Jepsen Run Away With Me Your Type
Cary Brothers Loneliest Girl In The World
Cash Cash Overtime
Charlie Brown Jr. Me Encontra
Charlie Puth Attention How Long Marvin Gaye (ft. Meghan Trainor)
Charli XCX Boys
Cheat Codes Let Me Hold You
Chet Baker My Funny Valentine
Chris Brown Liquor Show Me (ft. Kid Ink) Strip Take You Down
Christina Grimmie Must Be Love
Christina Perri distance
Chromeo Come Alive (ft. Toro Y Moi)
Ciara Body Party
City And Colour The Girl
Claudinho & Bochecha Fico Assim Sem Você Quero Te Encontrar
Clean Bandit Tears (ft. Louisa Johnson)
Coldplay Charlie Brown Hymn For The Weekend (ft. Beyoncé) Swallowed In The Sea Violet Hills Viva La Vida
Colbie Caillat Bubbly
Counting Crows Accidentally In Love
Cyndi Lauper Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Time After Time
Daft Punk Around The World Digital Love Harder Better Faster Stronger Lose Yourself To Dance One More Time Something About Us Technologic
Damien Rice 9 Crimes Delicate Rootless Tree The Blower’s Daughter
Danni Carlos Coisas Que Eu Sei
Daughter Landfill Medicine Run Touch
David Guetta Bad (ft. Vassy)
Dawin Dessert (ft. Silento)
Demi Lovato Sorry Not Sorry Stone Cold
Destiny’s Child Bills, Bills, Bills Bootylicious Independent Women Say My Name
Disclosure Latch (ft. Sam Smith)
DJ Snake Leon On (ft. MØ and Major Lazer) Middle
DNCE Cake By The Ocean
Drake Fake Love Hold On We’re Going Home How About Now Marvin’s Room One Dance Passionfruit Too Good (ft. Rihanna)
Dua Lipa New Rules
Duke Dumont Ocean Drive
Earth, Wind & Fire After The Love Has Gone Boogie Wonderland Fantasy Let’s Groove September
Eden Project drowning.
Ed Sheeran Cold Coffee Drunk Give Me Love Grade 8 I’m A Mess Kiss Me Little Bird One Night She Small Bump U.N.I The Man Wake Me Up
Ellie Goulding Love Me Like You Do On My Mind
Elvis Presley Can’t Help Falling In Love Suspicious Minds (You’re The) Devil In Disguise
Erasure A Little Respect
Escape The Fate Zombie Dance
Etha Franklin At Last
Evanescence My Immortal
Fetty Wap 679 (ft. Remy Boyz) Again My Way (ft. Monty) Trap Queen
Fifth Harmony All In My Head (Flex) (ft. Fetty Wap)
Flight Facilities Crave You Crave You (Adventure Club Remix)
Florence + The Machine Cosmic Love Caught Drumming Song Never Let Me Go Seven Devils
Flo Rida I Cry
Francoise Hardy Voila
Frank Sinatra Fly Me To The Moon If I Had You Moon River
Gabrielle Aplin Home Please Don’t Say You Love Me Start Of Time
G-Eazy F**k With U (ft. Pia Mia) Lady Killers (ft. Hoodie Allen)
George Martin Pepperland - Remastered
Gilberto Girl Vamos Fugir (Gimme Your Love)
Glen Hansard All The Way Down Falling Slowly Lies Say It To Me Now
Grayscale Palette
Gym Class Heroes Cupid’s Chokehold
Halsey Gasoline
Hozier Someone New Take Me To Church
Hudson Thames How I Want Ya
Hurts Illuminated Somebody To Die For Stay Unspoken
Ingrid Michaelson Can’t Help Falling In Love You And I
Iron & Wine Flightless Bird, American Mouth
Israel Novaes Vem Ni Mim Dodge Ram
Ivete Sangalo Quando A Chuva Passar Se Eu Não Te Amasse Tanto Assim
James Blunt You’re Beautiful
Jammil Praieiro
Jeff Buckley Hallelujah
Jeremih oui
João Bosco E Vinícius Chora Me Liga
Joe Walsh Turn To Stone
John Mayer Free Fallin’ Gravity Slow Dancing In A Burning Room
Johnny Cash Hurt
JoJo Beautiful Girls
Jon Secada If I Never Knew You (ft. Shanice)
Jordan Fisher All About Us
Jorge Vercilo Que Nem Maré
Jota Quest Blecaute (ft. Anitta and Nite Rodgers)
Justin Timberlake My Love (ft. T.I) Summer Love
Kanye West Bound 2 Power
Kate Nash Nicest Thing
Katy Perry Birthday
Kendrick Lamar DNA King Kunta Loyalty (ft. Rihanna) Poetic Justice (ft. Drake)
Kid Abelha Como Eu Quero
Kina Grannis Valentine
Kings Of Leon Pyro Sex On Fire
Kodaline All I Want
Kyle Edwards Starboy (Harder Better Faster Stronger Jersey Club)
Labrinth Jealous
Lady Gaga Bad Romance Do What U Want (ft. R.Kelly) Edge Of Glory G.U.Y Just Dance Marry The Night Million Reasons Monster Perfect Illusion Speechless The Cure You & I
Lana Del Rey Born To Die Dark Paradise Freak High By The Beach Love Religion Ridin’ (ft. A$AP Rocky) Sad Girl Serial Killer Video Games West Coast Young And Beautiful
Lauren Aquilina Wonder
Leonard Cohen Hallelujah
Leona Lewis Bleeding Love
Lil Dicky Lemme Freak
Lil Wayne 6 Foot 7 Foot
Linda Ronstadt I Will Always Love You
Lionel Richie Just Go (ft. Akon)
Lissie Everywhere I Go
Little Big Town Girl Crush
Los Hermanos Anna Julia
LS Jack Ô Carla
Lulu Santos Como Uma Onda Sereia
Lykke Li I Follow Rivers Until We Bleed
M83 My Tears Are Becoming A Sea
Madonna Material Girl
Maiara & Maraisa Medo Bobo
Mariah Carey #Beautiful (ft. Miguel) Emotions Obsessed Touch My Body We Belong Together
Marianas Trench Haven’t Had Enough
Marina & The Diamonds How To Be A Heartbreaker Oh No! Primadonna Teen Idle
Marisa Monte Depois
Maroon 5 Feelings Makes Me Wonder Stutter What Lovers Do
Marvin Gaye Sexual Healing
Maskavo Um Anjo Do Céu
Matthew Perryman Jones Only You
MC G15 Deu Onda
MC Leozinho Se Ela Dança, Eu Danço
MC Marcinho Glamurosa
Michael Sembello Maniac
Miguel Adorn coffee Simple Things Sure Thing
Mike Posner Cooler Than Me I Took A Pill In Ibiza Looks Like Sex
Miley Cyrus 23 (ft. Mike Will Made It, Wiz Khalifa and Juicy J) Wrecking Ball
MKTO Classic
MØ Fire Rides - Night Version
Mumford And Sons Little Lion Man Sigh No More White Blank Page
Muse Neutron Star Collision Plug In Baby Resistance Starlight Supermassive Black Hole Undisclosed Desires
My Chemical Romance Helena (So Long & Goodnight) I Don’t Love You The Light Behind Your Eyes
Natalie La Rose Somebody (ft. Jeremih)
Natiruts Me Namora
Nelly Dilemma (ft. Kelly Rowland)
Neon Trees Animal Everybody Talks Mad Love
Ne-yo Closer
NF Got You On My Mind
Niall Horan Slow Hands
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds O Children
Nick Jonas Jealous Teacher Wilderness
Nigahiga Bromance (ft. Chester See) Nice Guys (ft. Chester See and KevJumba)
Ninja Sex Party FYI I Wanna F Your A Peppermint Creams Sex Training The Decision
Oasis Wonderwall
Olivver The Kid Attica ‘71
Olly Murs Dance With Me Tonight Kiss Me
Omarion Post To Be (ft. Chris Brown and Jhené Aiko)
One Direction Fireproof Happily Night Changes No Control Perfect Stockholm Sydrome Strong You & I
Outkast Hey Ya!
Panic! At The Disco Death Of A Bachelor Nine In The Afternoon
Papas Da Língua Eu Sei
Paramore Ain’t It Fun Misery Business Still Into You
Passanger Let Her Go
Paula Fernandes Não Precisa (ft. Victor e Leo)
P.Diddy Last Night (ft. Keyshia Cole)
Pentatonix Can’t Sleep Love Fantasy I Need Your Love La La Latch Love Again Natural Disaster
Pink F*cking Perfect Please Don’t Leave Me Sober So What Who Knew
Player Baby Come Back
Post Malone Rockstar
Psirico Lepo Lepo
R5 Dark Side
Rae Sremmurd Black Beatles
Raleigh Ritchie Bloodsport
Redfoo New Thang
Rich Homie Quan Flex (Ooh, ooh, ooh)
Richie Campbell Do You No Wrong
Rihanna Can’t Remember To Forget You (ft. Shakira) Don’t Stop The Music FourFiveSeconds (ft. Kanye West and Paul McCartney) Love On The Brain Needed Me Russian Roulette Te Amo Unfaithful Where Have You Been Wild Thoughts (ft. DJ Khaled and Bryson Tiller)
Rise Against Savior
Roberta Campos Minha Felicidade
Robin Thicke Get Her Back
Robot Koch Nitesky (ft. John Lamonica)
Ryan Adams Wonderwall
Sam Smith Nirvana Palace
Sarah Jaffe Clementine
Scorpions Rock You Like A Hurricane
Scott Bradlee’s Postmodern Jukebox Stacy’s Mom
Scouting For Girls Heartbeat
Seal Kiss From A Rose
Selena Gomez Bad Liar Fetish (ft. Gucci Mane) Good For You Hands To Myself Perfect Wolves (ft. Marshmellow)
Seu Jorge Carolina Mina Do Condomínio
Shania Twain From This Moment On Man! I Feel Like A Woman You’re Still The One
Shawn Mendes There’s Nothing Holding Me Back
Shura Touch (Canvas Remix)
Sia Cheap Thrills Elastic Heart
Simon & Garfunkel Bridge Over Troubled Water
Skank Ainda Gosto Dela Tão Seu Vamos Fugir Vou Deixar
Sleeping At Last As Long As You Love Me Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic Venus
Snoop Dogg Sensual Seduction
Stevie Nicks Edge Of Seventeen
Stevie Wonder Isn’t She Lovely
Story Of The Year Until The Day I Die
Talking Heads Psycho Killers
Taylor Swift Blank Space Love Story Safe And Sound (ft. The Civil Wars) Style Wildest Dreams
Tears For Fears Everybody Wants To Rule The World
The 1975 Chocolate FallingForYou Somebody Else UGH! The Sound
The Archies Sugar, Sugar
The Barr Brothers May 4th
The Bird And The Bee How Deep Is Your Love
The Black Eyed Peas Meet Me Halfway
The Black Keys Howlin’ For You
The Beach Boys Good Vibrations Wouldn’t It Be Nice
The Beatles Hey Jude Yesterday
The Black Eyed Peas Meet Me Halfway
The Cataracs Ready 4 The Weekend (ft. Icona Pop)
The Civil Wars Poison And Wine
The Cure Boys Don’t Cry
The Glitch Mob Between Two Points (ft. Swan)
The Irrepressibles In This Shirt
The Jackson 5 I Want You Back
The Killers Human Somebody Told Me When You Were Young
The Last Shadow Puppets Miracle Aligner
The Lonely Island 3-Way (The Golden Rule) I’m So Humble (ft. Adam Levine) Jizz In My Pants Spring Break Anthem
The Maine I Must Be Dreaming Into Your Arms
The Middle East Blood
The Neighbourhood Daddy Issues #icanteven (ft. French Montana)
The Platters Only You (And You Alone)
The Police Every Breath You Take Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic Roxanne
The Pretty Reckless You Zombie
The Script Breakeven
The Turtles Happy Together
The Weeknd Acquainted A Lonely Night Earned It I Feel It Coming Often Or Nah (Stwo Remix) Starboy The Hills Wicked Games
The White Strips Seven Nation Army
The Zombies Time Of The Season
T.I Whatever You Like
Tim Maia Descobridor Dos Sete Mares Gostava Tanto De Você Não Quero Dinheiro (Só Quero Amar)
Tinashe Superlove Quit You (ft. Lost Kings)
Tom Odell Can’t Pretend
Toni Braxton Un-Break My Heart
Toto Africa
Tove Lo Cool Girl
Tribalistas Aliança Já Sei Namorar Velha Infância
Troye Sivan Fools for him. Wild (ft. Alessia Cara)
U2 One (ft. Mary J Blidge)
Usher DJ Got Us Fallin In Love Hey Daddy (Daddy’s Home) U Remind Me
Van Halen Why Can’t This Be Love
Vinicius Cantuária Só Você
Wesley Safadão Aquele 1% (ft. Marcos & Belutti) Camarote
What So Not Jaguar
Whitney Houston I Have Nothing I Wanna Dance With Somebody I Will Always Love You
xxyyxx About You
War Why Can’t We Be Friends
Yvonne Elliman If I Can’t Have You
Zara Larsson Ain’t My Fault I Would Like So Good
Zella Day Hypnotic (Vanic Remix)
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every odd number :B
Ok, there we go (under the cut bc its super long)
1: Which canton are you from?Solothurn
3: When you tell foreign people where you are from, what do you say to them?Switzerland, I live near Basel
5: If you had the opportunity to move to another canton, where would you go, and why, or would you stay where you live now, and why?I’m currently living in two places in Solothurn, and I will move to Geneva for university this September
7: What’s your least favourite dialect?The extreme versions of Züridüütsch and Baslerdytsch are super annoying, but moderate versions are nice as well
9: What so you consider to be the dialect most difficult to understand, and why?Valser dialects
11: Do people sometimes mistake you for being from a different canton, and if yes, from where?Baselland probably bc I speak the dialect
13: Do stereotypes people have about Swiss people apply to you?I’m super punctual and I love chocolate so there is that 15: What’s the stereotype people have about Swiss people that applies least to you?Idk, I’m probably not as bünzlig as ppl expect swiss ppl to be 17: What’s your favourite Swiss tradition?I spent the last week filming the Fasnacht in the city of Solothurn and it was super nice. 
19: Do you celebrate the first of August?Mostly not, a lot of times I’m away from Switzerland during the beginning of August
21: What tradition do you consider the most ridiculous?There are so many… Maybe the throwing burning logs from mountains to welcome spring one
23: Who is your favourite Swiss musician?Zeal & Ardor is amazing, I also really like 
25: What is your favourite Swiss band?Tryptikon probably, I also like Redeem tho
27: Züri West or Plüsch?Züri West
29: What do you think of DJ Bobo?Ehhhh…. It’s impressive that he still makes music and is still somewhat famous for it
31: Do you like songs which include yodeling?Most if not all are awful
33: Can you yodel?No (but it would be cool if I could)
35: Who do you consider the best known Swiss musician/band nationally?Uhhhh… i think pretty much everyone knows Mani Matter and Stephan Eicher
37: Your least favourite song made by a Swiss musician/band?Pretty much anything by Oesch’s die Dritten is what nightmares are made off
39: An overrated Swiss band or musician?Eluveitie is overrated, I mean, they are good, but not that good
41: Who is your favourite Swiss athlete?Giulia Steingruber bc gymnastics is one of the few sports I actually enjoy watching
43: Which athletes can Switzerland be most proud of in your opinion?Nicola Spirig I guess?
45: If you watch the olympics, are you proud of being Swiss? Why or why not?Sometimes I guess
47: Which athletes make you proud to be Swiss?Man, idk
49: What’s your least favourite Swiss movie?That’s hard, I cant recall anything specifically bc I dont watch movies that often and I can’t remember the exact titles. But im pretty sure that there are too many bad swiss movies to even be listed
51: Did you watch Pingu when you were younger?No, we didn’t (and still dont) have a TV
53: If you could redo any Swiss movie, which would you choose, and what aspects would you change?Das Missenmassaker, and make it worse. Just. way worse. bc thats what its good at. being super bad and cringey, and this is also why i like it
55: Your least favourite [Swiss dish]?Flour soup and onion soup is super weird and???
57: If you could pick any dish and make it the new national dish which would have to be eaten every 1st of August, which would you take?Risotto with a lot of mushrooms and vermicelle with meringues for dessert
59: Swiss cheese, or cheese from other countries?I love most Swiss cheese, but I also love Halloumi cheese, feta, parmesan and all the soft cheese from France. The Netherlands, the UK and the US suck at making cheese tho
61: How high is you monthly consumption of chocolate?HIGH
63: Swiss chocolate or are you a traitor (just kidding)?Swiss chocolate. A lot of chocolate is either too sweet, or they fill it with stuff that I’m allergic to
65: Black, white or milk chocolate?Black chocolate. I like white chocolate with caramel, cinnamon or dried berries tho
67: Do you like chocolate with alcoholThis is probably the only way I consume alcohol tbh
69: Are you politically involved?Not really (also I can’t rn so yeahh)
71: If you could start an initiative right now, what would it be about?Taxing stuff differently, 
73: If you had your own party, what would your party platform be?Super gay and super left probably
75: Do you like Michelline Calmy-Rays haircut?It’s iconic and thats all that counts
77: Would you swap bodies with Christoph Blocher for a day?Why not, you could do fun stuff with it. Like walking around naked in down town Zurich
79: Do you like the form of Democracy we have?Yeah I guess, at least to a certain extend
81: Can you name all 7 federal councillors without looking them up?AHHHHHHH why are there so many: Guy Parmelin, Simonetta Sommaruga, Doris Leuthard, Ueli Maurer, Johann Schneider-Ammann, Alain Berset, Didier Burkhalter (I had to look up whether Sommaruga is written with one or two M jshfhskhj)
83: Do you think that voting should become mandatory?I think that positive reenforcement might be better in this case instead of punishments such as fines, and that voting should be encouraged more overall
85: Do you think that immigrants are important for Switzerland?Yes, but I hate it when people say that they should be taken in for economic reasons bc I hate it when people degrade human beings to their economic contribution to society
87: Have you ever been attacked by a cow?I once rode a cow, but I have never been attacked (I think)
89: Do you support Swiss tourism regularly?Ehhh…. I guess… But not as frequently as I support other country’s tourism
91: In which part of Switzerland do you like to go to vacations the most?Grisons is super nice
93: How many cantons have you visited?i think I was in pretty much all cantons except the two Appenzells
95: Can you imagine to visit the town/city you live in to be interesting for tourists?(ignoring the nonsense that this formulation is) No lmaoThere were texans here once and they totally flipped their shit when they saw a cow and the green grass it was hilarious and everyone talked about it
97: If you could, what national language would you make mandatory for everyone to learn?Uhhhmmmmm German already is? idk tbh
99: Do you consider Swiss German a different language than German, and why or why not?Linguistically speaking, no. Also, recognising Swiss german (or whatever you wanna call it then) as one language would make it super difficult to maintain the dialect diversity that we have rn
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avaliveradio · 5 years
New Single from Henky Gimme Luv Luv Luv
Artist: Henky
New Release: Gimme Love Love Love
Genre: Dance; Pop
Sounds like: Avicii, Yello, Laserdance, Armin Van Buuren, DJ Bobo.... this is so hard to specify... some people say I have my own style and call my music Henkystyle... I am bits and pieces of a lot and nothing...
Located in: Stockholm, Sweden
It all started when I was around 3 years old and I played my grandparent's piano. I found I loved the tones I was hearing. When I was about 5-6 years old I found out I could hear a song on the radio and then play the melodies on the piano. I knew music was not just an ordinary thing for me. I have been writing melodies and songs my whole life but lacking confidence and having a hard time believing in myself I always put this dream aside and thinking I will do it later.
My dream has always been to do music full time. It has been a lot of obstacles in my way to reach that dream and 2 years ago, in 2017, I thought it all was about to end. I got a major stroke with bleedings in the right side of my brain. I have been struggling my way back since that day, little by little. My music has been my driving force and a healing source to get back to a normal life. My wonderful wife has also been by my side, helping me and believing in me and my music. Without her, this would not be possible and I’m thankful to have her every day!
Today I’m almost back to normal and my heart and desire are to do more music for the world to hear.
Live your dream before it is too late like it almost was for me. Music is everything to me and I will never stop following my dreams!
My music is melodies and rhythms. This song is a happy melody I came up with when thinking of friends, summer and parties. The world needs more music with good melodies that get stuck in the head! 
Something that feeling sustains even when the song reaches the end.
Music is my passion and my heart! Music is my language! Music will live forever! The feedback I get from fans and listeners is giving me the fuel and energy to keep on making new music.
There are so many unfinished gems on my hard drive that need to be finished! A lot of new music will come soon!
LINKS:  https://open.spotify.com/track/2TBOeH5Mpp5m94SlSKWJBx?si=sl3Ufr8lQu-X8l1h5DTung https://www.facebook.com/Henkysweden https://www.instagram.com/dj_henky
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dreadedxuk · 6 years
Cypress Hill – Manchester Academy 30/11/18
Soul Assassins breach UK shores for Elephants On Acid tour...
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A massive band in the world of Hip-Hop in Cypress Hill finally come back to the UK for their first full tour on these shores in eight years. The last time they were here for more than one or two shows was in support of their last record Rise Up (2010) which didn't even include a show in the North West.  So it's been a while! Now on the road in promotion of this years Elephants On Acid record, the Soul Assassin warriors return to bang out those expertly crafted tunes all we fans know and love.
Supporting tonight was a hand-picked artist from Cypress themselves. TY (BenChijioke) is a Nigerian British rapper who has been active since the nineties.  He and his DJ accomplice provided us with around forty minutes of  Hip Hop from his back catalogue before the real feast began.
Cypress Hill were without regular DJ Muggs tonight and replaced him with the legendary DJ Lord from other massive American Hip Hop group, Public Enemy. Not a bad replacement! The rest of the line up remained the same with Eric Bobo on drums and of course the mighty Sen Dog and B-Real. About ten minutes prior to the band coming on stage DJ Lord showed up and showcased an array of samples as a prelude to the other members arrivals. When the rest of the band joined the stage they preceded with a string of hits stretching right back to the first Cypress Hill self titled record. With such a wealth of material to choose from and now nine albums in, it was always going to be a happily varied state of affairs! It was their massive second record, Black Sunday (1993) that flaunted the most tracks tonight with a total of five. 'Cock The Hammer', 'I Ain't Goin' Out Like That', 'Insane In The Brain', 'Lick A Shot' and 'When The Shit Goes Down' all proved to be big movers in a packed out Academy. Their debut, self titled album gave us the thrilling 'Hand On The Pump', 'How I Could Just Kill A Man' and the calmer 'Latin Lingo'. Temples of Boom (1995) sounded three tracks in the form of 'Boom Biddy Bye Bye', 'Illusions' and 'Throw Your Set In The Air'. Newest venture, Elephants On Acid (2018) also provided three songs. 'Band Of Gypsies', 'Put Em In The Ground' and the funky sounding 'Crazy'.  As for the rest there were a couple of tracks played from IV (1998). 'Dr. Greenthumb' and 'Tequila Sunrise'. 'Latin Thugs' was the only song played from Till Death Do Us Part (2004). One song that I hadn't heard before was actually taken from the soundtrack to the 1995 film, Friday. 'Roll It Up, Light It Up, Smoke It Up' was played during the middle of the set.  The last song of the set went to be one of the bands biggest hits and certainly the biggest from Skull & Bones (2000). The anthemic '(Rock) Superstar' pounding out capped off a fantastic night of music from these Hip Hop legends.
I waited a long time to see Cypress Hill in all their glory and although I was hoping for a slightly longer set, it was worth the wait. Just to see those two iconic figures leading the charge on stage, B-Real and Sen Dog just kill it! Overall the set was varied and well spread but it just left you wanting more. They graced the stage for around an hour and twenty minutes, mesmerising the crowd with their raps and treating us to renditions of classics that will never be forgotten. An honour to witness their might. I just hope this isn't the last time they grace Manchester with their presence.
Trick – Nothing played from Stoned Raiders (2001) or Rise Up (2010).
Treat – B-Real and Sen Dog simply amazing.
            DJ Lord filling in on the 1s and 2s!
            Strong set with varied hits past and present.
            Great crowd.
            'Insane In The Brain' sounding....INSANE!!!
0 notes
eliashiebert · 6 years
Instrumental Soul
Rolled by: Me For: A., J., D. and the rest Late Summer 2018 TRT: 1h19m21s
There are a few instrumentals I’ve been putting on evry tape for years…Bar-Kays’ “Knucklehead”, Kool & The Gang’s “Street Corner Symphony” and Ike Turner’s “Funky Mule”.  For awhile I’ve been thinking about a mixtape of all instrumentals.  Normally I like making tapes that go off in all directions.  I don’t usually do themes, altho I think of a lot of them.  I have almost never done a tape of tunes from mostly just one genre.  I like this one a lot tho.  Maybe I’ll do more.  Settle down a bit, stop childishly trying to impress you with my hard lefts & flying leaps. 
Once I finally started, this tape came together super-quick.  It wasnt hard to find another hour of funky jazzy soul-ey instrumental toons.  I assumed, as you might, confronted with a mix calld Instrumental Soul, I’d eventually get around to some Booker T. and the M.G.’s.  Somehow, tho, they are not here…but their influence is defnilly present. 
I usually try to make my mixes fit on an old-school 74-minute ceedee…you know, just like the 9th Symphony.  I like to use the most restrictive definition, even tho I’ll ultimately be dumping it onto an 80-minute CDR.  Or, these days I’d as soon keep it as file, but my friends they all still like getting the “physical” disk, don’t ask me why.  Anyway, this is all to say I broke that rule this time around.  I already weeded out a bunch of stuff I wanted to put in to get it under the 80 minute mark (yes I’m already planning a Part 2), and I didnt want to lose any more. 
Another thing I did different with this one is give the songs some room to breathe with a couple seconds of silence between each one instead of running them all together like I usually do. 
Here we go…. 
Roger & the Gypsies “Pass The Hatchet Pt. 1” Seven B 7001 (1966)
Happy hypnotic groover from New Orleans funkmaster Eddie Bo, a dude with really excellent hair.  Like a lot of what’s on here, he came to my attention originally thru Funky16Corners.  The original 45 costs mad cheddar but it’s on lotsa collections…various little indie N.O. funk comps and even the Desperado soundtrack.  I took it from Mojo’s “Southern Soul” disc.  I don’t think it’s on any of the main Eddie Bo collections, Funky Delicacies’ Funky Funky New Orleans or Vampisoul’s In The Pocket with Eddie Bo or etc.  It’d be nice if there were something truly comprehensive out there, but ya know. 
The J.B.’s “Pass The Peas” From Food For Thought (People 1972)
Maybe part of the reason the JB’s have been looped so often is that they sound like a loop to begin with.  No one can lock like they could.  Long solo from leader Fred Wesley…I love a good trombone solo, but the player has to have a fabulous tone and mad technique, both which of course the legendary Fred Wesley has by the bucketful.  What he doesnt have is the vocabulary of a jazz player—it’s pure funksoul; it stays inside its box.  You might find that a little repetitious after some 36 bars but I don’t care I don’t care.  Some organ in the background from the Creator himself.  I playfully referred to the instrument as the “pipes,” as in, “Is that James Brown on the pipes?” and Jen would not have it.  “It’s a Hammond organ!” she yelled, “There’s no pipes!!” 
Some of my sources for this tape are vintage elpees and some, like this one, are slightly suspect vinyl re-issues.  They look good but questions like Are they properly licensed? and Were they mastered from the original tapes or some inferior copy? are anyone’s guess.  I don’t know, it sounds good to me.  That’s how a lot of this type of material is available these days.  Many of these albums never got any official re-issues, digital or analog.  You can’t be too picky unless you want to lay out for first pressings. 
Dizzy Gillespie “Matrix” From The Real Thing (Perception 1970)
The jazz legend (is legend a strong enuf word?) ’s soul-flavord The Real Thing album gets my highest recommendation.  A heat rock if ever there was one.  You wanna hear Dizzy Gillespie and his fine collaborators blow over hard beats from a funky rhythm section?  Yes you do. 
Eddie Harris “Listen Here” From The Electrifying Eddie Harris (Atlantic 1968)
Some cool elevator jazz from the electric saxophonist once referenced in a Beastie Boys hit.  Is it fair to call it elevator music?  Does that term even mean anything other than an offhand dis?  When I say it, I’m talking about something specific, at least in my own head.  Elevator music, like disco, is something I wasnt supposed to like but which I now have a growing appreciation for.  Maybe I shud make a tape of all elevator music, like the stuff I used to hear at Kohl’s when I was a kid.  Maybe I’ll make it for my friend J. who likes to listen to the smooth jazz station when he’s hungover. 
This tune evokes a train moving underground, and it might inject some joy in yer commute if you put it in your headphones. 
J. C. Davis “A New Day (Is Here At Last)” New Day 1373 (1969), remixed and re-issued on A New Day! The Complete Mus-I-Col Recordings Of J. C. Davis (Cali-Tex 2005)
My brother A. put me on to this dude.  The saxophonist and bandleader (not to be confused with the other J. C. Davis who played guitar with Hank Ballard and the Midnighters) backed James Brown in the early 60s and around ’69 released a few singles on his own label.  Around ’05, Josh Davis AKA DJ Shadow went back to the studio in Columbus, Ohio, where those records were made and he remixed them “on the original mix board” because he’s the king of the nerds.  That irresistible smooth, slightly edgy sax sound crooning over haaard mutherfuckin drums begging to be sampled—and they have been!—with that cool 60s chickenwing funk guitar & organ. 
Tom Scott and the L.A. Express “Sneakin’ In The Back” Originally from their self-titled album (Ode/Epic 1974), later appearing on volume whatever of the Ultimate Breaks ’n’ beats (Street Beat 1990)
A little misterioso now.  This smoothie I got from my bootleg version of Lenny Roberts & Lou Flores’ collection of evry essential breakbeat ever.  No doubt Tom Scott & the L.A. Express would find their way to my elevator music tape too. 
Willie Bobo and the Bo-Gents “Do What You Want to Do” From Do What You Want To Do… (Sussex 1971)
Of course it was Larry who first introduced me to this album.  Try to be unhappy listnin to this sawng.  Try.  Classic example of that East Side salsa n soul I love. 
Freddie Hubbard “Backlash” From Backlash (Atlantic 1967)
Again, a great jazz artist doin’ a record in a funksoul-influenced style.  Freddie Hubbard is one of my favorite trumpet players, and this tune scorches. 
Bar-Kays “Knucklehead” The flip side of “Soul Finger”, Volt 168 (1967)
I bought the Soul Finger album (yet another suspect re-issue) becuz the title track is essential, but this hard hitter is my faverit tune on it.  The B side wins again! 
Dizzy Gillespie “Soul Kiss” From The Real Thing (Perception 1970)
Another tune from The Real Thing, a more frantic one, with kissy noises from the trumpet.  By the way, if you sound like this when you kiss, I’m pretty sure you arnt doing it right. 
The Mohawks “The Champ” Pama PM 719 (1968)
It’s called “Champ” but it sounds more like “tramp” a la Carla Thomas.  The band is doin’ the Booker T., and that screamin organ riff by Alan Hawkshaw (sampled many, many times of course) over top of it is un dee nigh uh bull. 
Zap-Pow “Soul Revival” Jaywax 45 (1974?). Also on the album Revolutionary (Roosevelt 1976?), but most likely to be found on the compilation Funky Kingston: Reggae Dance Floor Grooves 1968–74 (Trojan 2002)
Another gem brought to my attn by Funky16Corners.  Heard it on the blog and had to run out right away and buy the comp just for one song.  Probably the tightest record on here next to the JB’s.  Usually filed as reggae due to its place of origin, but this is str8 funksoul. 
Kool & The Gang “Street Corner Symphony” From Light Of Worlds (De-Lite 1974)
I love it when Kool & The Gang does their fake jazz thing.  Got soul-jazz from both sides of the fence on here.  At the end the sax quotes “My Favorite Things” (a nod to Trane I assume) which always cracks me up. 
Ike Turner & the Kings Of Rhythm “Funky Mule” From A Black Man’s Soul (Pompeii 1969)
Ike & Tina Turner made a lot of really cool records and a lot of mediocre ones (and I wish I knew which was which), and these days they are scattered across a hundred seedy bargain compilation ceedees.  The act has never been anthologized properly, maybe due to Ike’s reputation (which I’m sure is well-deserved…recent attempts to rehabilitate him kind of piss me off…tho also irritating is the popular image of him as a cartoonish monster, mostly due to the movie, which even Tina said didnt happen like that.  Evrybody does good and bad things in their life.  The good things don’t take away the bad things and vice versa, and you can dig music with eyes open to the fact that some of the ones who made it were not cool people).  I pickt up one such random comp choosing it mostly for the title: I Smell Trouble!!! (yes with three exclamation points !).  It included this hard funk instrumental that cracked my head open wit a axe.  It’s one of those songs where they just crammd in evry badass riff they could think of.  Again, hard, hard muthafuckin drums, driving horns growling and belching smoke, funkee geetar, a busy bassline dancing underneath it all.  Wish I knew who the players were but no credits given. 
Dr. Octagon “Bear Witness” From Dr. Octagonecologyst (Bulk 1996)
Dr Octagonecologyst is a goofball boom-bap classic.  I remember hearing Blue Flowers on AMP.  For a while that was the best or one of the only good things on MTV, and it turnd me on to a lot of cool stuff.  This instrumental showcases DJ Q-Bert’s scratching and a bevy of funky breaks.  The sampled battlecry, “Creating rap music ’cause I never dug disco” sure sounds like Chuck D (thanks to some processing) but it’s actually an obsure MC from the 80s called 4-Ever Fresh.  Automator and a supercrew of DJ/producers including Prince Paul & Shadow would revisit this track a few years later on Handsome Boy Modeling School’s equally classic first album. 
James Brown “Spinning Wheel” From Sex Machine (King 1970)
James Brown’s mellow organ version of Blood, Sweat & Tears’ Spinnin Wheel is an unsung classic. 
Bill Doggett “Honky Tonk Pt. 2” King 4950 (1956)
Long ago, my former coworker K. turnd me on to Bill Doggett and this much-coverd happy, handclapping, sax-driven early rocknroll hit.  I took it from this comp. 
Doc Bagby “Crazy Chemistry” Okeh 4-7098 (1958)
My good, good friend M. once gave me, for my birthday maybe, when I was like 20, a big stack of 45s from his own collection.  I still prize them to this day.  This was one.  Demented carnival music with Wurlitzer organ and bouncy guitar. 
The 45 King “Get Funky” On The Lost Breakbeats Volume 1 & 2 (The Yellow Album) (45 King Records 1983)
Super duper beat maker the 45 King.  Lotsa gems on this collection, which I got on bootleg download. 
Hugh Masekela “Grazing In The Grass” From The Promise of a Future (Universal City 1968)
It’s a gas.  The original, instrumental version by South African trumpet player Hugh Masekela.  Only 2 anna half minutes.  Supposedly recorded just to fill time on the album.  Huge hit.  Gotta have more cowbell, more overdriven brass, more POP! 
The Meters “Sophisticated Cissy” Josie 1001 (1968), the band’s first single I think. Also on The Meters
Aww, such a badass slow groove, makes you say “UH!”  KRS-One and Scott LaRock sampled this on “Essays On BDP-ism”, a very cool record made just before Scott LaRock’s death in 1987 and unreleased until 2000.  I’m surpised it hasnt been sampled more.  Great way to come in for the close. 
Ray Charles “Doodlin’” From The Great Ray Charles
Ray Charles and his associates do a sweet version of the Horace Silver tune, with a muted trumpet by John Hunt and tenor sax David Newman.  I was first introduced to Ray Charles’s jazz material and this tune in particular via a tape in my brother’s car he was way into around, oh, twenty years ago.  A tape he got from his friend G. probably.  Ray Charles made a couplefew jazz albums.  Highlights from them appear on this odd artifact, with its yellow cover and monochrome portrait that looks like a zeerox.  With a title like The Best of Ray Charles, you might expect material like “What’d I Say” and “Georgia” rather than 6 instrumental jazz tunes.  Nevertheless it is highly recommended. 
0 notes
Various Creative Fiction Afterlife Freestyle Short Stories part two by Stella CarrierJuly 09, 2018
Various Creative Fiction Afterlife Freestyle Short Stories part two by Stella CarrierJuly 09, 2018Various Creative Fiction Afterlife Freestyle Short Stories part two by Stella Carrier I Stella Carrier Humbly Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future. I also welcome any and all forms of spiritual assistance and divine intervention in all areas of my life both present and future.Affirmations I am creating heaven on earth. I am learning to be in the right place at the right time at all times. I am learning to live all areas of my life in alignment with my divine life purpose for both the present and future My psychic/intuitive abilities, creativity/imaginative abilities, and my ability to tap into my wisdom are expanding each and every day. I am in the process of manifesting and ensuring a bright future for myself I see through various situations with great wisdom and clarity with discernment as to what information to go by I am in the process of simultaneously sharpening both my logic decision making and the imagination helpful to think outside the box for solutions in various areas of my life. https://www.orindaben.com/pages/rooms/affirmations_room/I love and honor everything I create. My life is full of miracles. I am free to do those things that bring me joy. My soul guides me on my path.I ask for and receive a seed of inspiration to bring me answers and solutions. I now know what to do.Once I make a decision, all the forces in the universe are mobilized to bring about my highest good. I ask my higher self and soul to show me answers and solutions.My sixth chakra is awakening. I see through the eyes of my soul.My mind is tuned to the higher planes of reality.I have wonderful, supportive friends. I know that I have posted this before. However, my creative intuition is influencing me to post this again-(source from my Stella Carrier Law of Attraction Script 30 section from August 2017) I preface by making it clear that I am definitely not telling anybody how to live, Rather I am doing this for my own writing passions and spiritual creativity/spiritual evolution, as a healthy and constructive spiritual and creative art therapy outlet for the various dreams and desires that I discovered can be channeled into artistic writing therapy. Additionally, I am following both my intuition and logic in doing what I consider this activity to be fun/exciting as I have a strong instinctive feeling that this activity ties into my destiny andor life purpose in various ways that I may only fully understand after my current lifetime. Additionally, my social life is such to where my heavenly husband actually is happy for me and rejoices when I go out with a friend because I admit to needing to encourage myself to go out more. Yes, I married young (age 23 in 2004) after meeting my amazing husband in the navy and fortunately we are still happily married over 14 years later. Additionally, I have had plenty of opportunities and time to have fun both in my younger years and now.  Additionally, I have been fortunate in both my marriage and career front. You can say that for me this creative fiction writing is one of my types of healthy outlet fun as I continue to nurture my marriage with my sweet husband and balance my goals in other areas of my life as well. It is the year 2134 and My name is Roosevelt Powell and I am a spirit guide and guardian angel assistant to over 700 earth based male and female spirits living in various parts of the world. My most recent earth lifetime was spent mostly in Geneva Switzerland. However, I have been privileged to travel around various parts of the world during my most recent earth based lifetime. I Roosevelt Powell transitioned here to the celestial realms less than 20 weeks ago. Tonight I Roosevelt Powell am about to meet up with over 830 various spirit guides, guardian angels, muses who have benevolent intent to set up campground settings for over 9000 male and female spirits who have just passed over from the earth realms within 4 days ago andor less. This camp is going to feature a celestial assistant to spirit guides who help oversee various sleeptime dreams of multiple male and female earth based spirits who are in the process of mastering career, money, andor ideal body goals. The background currently being set up by over 130 spirits as I speak is almost similar to the background of  the campground area in the Good Time music video by Owl City and Carly Rae Jepsen. Already over 1100 tents of various bright and beautiful colors are being erected for the celestial camptime visitors ranging in ages from 28 to 152. Tomorrow there is going to be something organized for male and female spirits who are younger. However, the reason why the 830 male and female spirit guides agreed to have the recent arrivals from earth range in ages from 28 to 152 stems from the fact that over 8000 additional spirits who are still residing on the earth realms and are also working on their weight loss, career, andor money goals have been approved to visit an hour long event in this campground that is going to be a law of attraction how to class on manifesting your ideal body andor certain career andor money objectives. Because running and walking are going to be discussed we are also going to feature speakers who were either walking andor running aficionados in their most recent earth lifetime. There is also power in being a copycat for benevolent reasons when it comes to gleaning inspiration from various weight loss, career, andor money success stories.  One of the tools that are going to be shared in the workshop is incorporating certain success stories from a creative fiction show related to this that is going to be shown on a 98 feet high viewing screen that is colorful. The earth based spirits visiting this place in their sleeptime dreams are going to view a different screen in a different celestial mansion compared to new arrivals from earth for reasons I have been asked to avoid explaining. However, what I can share for everyone involved is that there is going to be a celestial fair afterwards of over 140 celestial spirits who are going to feature career advice, mentorship from multiple celestial psychics, and meet multiple men and women both who have already passed and those still living on earth who have achieved either a career andor money success story/victory andor weight loss success. Last yet far from least, on this celestial campground are going to be over 45 events featuring shows themed after halloween andor christmas andor with music for those who choose to see this shows-both earth based spirits visiting in their sleeptime in their earth lifetimes and for the celestial spirits who are new arrivals from earth. These shows also give ideas to both celestial and earth based writers for their story ideas. Many friendships and a sense of belonging andor inclusion is also forged here as during this campground event there are mixer events for male and females who are simply looking for platonic friends. Many of these connections are often made between earth based spirits in these sleeptime dreams at times weeks, months, andor sometimes years before they finally meet on the earth planes. For instance, 62 female spirits who all connected together in a platonic social group finally met each other on the earth plane over 68 months after they first met each other in their sleeptime dreams though for good reasons I am being told to avoid explaining why  at least for now. In the celestial realms that I now reside each male or female spirit manifests at least 8 to 9 platonic friendships and they even go various places together socially in the celestial spirit realms-fly around to different worlds together in the celestial airports and other forms of transportation, attend writing andor music events together hosted by countless spirits across various celestial countries, sometimes they meet up together to organize writing andor other types of celestial events including ones that include sleeptime dreamers during their sleeptime on earth and much more. Resources; songs for me to keep in mind;Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana, Burnin For You by Blue Oyster Cult,Beautiful Day by U2,Lollipop by Aqua, Eye of the Tiger by Survivor,Dangerous by Big Data feat. Joywave, Secrets of Love by DJ Bobo and Sandra, Heathens by Twenty One Pilots, One Foot in Front of the Other by Walk the Moon, Stars by Paris Hilton, Come on Over by Samantha Mumba, More Human Than Human by White Zombie, Revolver by Madonna feat. Lil Wayne, Rock N Roll by Bob Seger. Blue Jeans by Lana Del Rey, You Can Do Magic by America, Wolves by Selena Gomez, Breathe by Faith Hill https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/20th-century-english-names.php Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook by Bruce Moen Hiring the Heavens by Jean SlatterAngel Protection Magick book by https://www.laughingplace.com/w/page/halloween-time-at-the-disneyland-resort/ Halloween Time at Disneyland Resorthttps://www.laughingplace.com/w/page/halloween-time-at-the-disneyland-resort/ Pop up libraries sounds likes a fascinating concept. https://pilotonline.com/entertainment/books/article_0748ff56-82de-11e8-8958-dbe00b71b67d.htmlSlover Library Pop Up Libraries by Amy Poulterhttps://pilotonline.com/entertainment/books/article_0748ff56-82de-11e8-8958-dbe00b71b67d.html https://www.extension.harvard.edu/professional-development/programsHarvard University Harvard Extension Programshttps://www.extension.harvard.edu/professional-development/programs https://www.thegreatcoursesplus.com/so-month?utm_source=US_DisplayAds&utm_medium=DisplayManagedMisc&utm_campaign=162758&mkwid=c_dc&pcrid=274182242566&pkw=&pmt=&c3apimn=274182242566&intent=&gclid=CjwKCAjwj4zaBRABEiwA0xwsP3qSrKa9c_bn6InZf6QWKDZMj3YuZfgRkcnSqpxTZguPCFiUa4l-qRoC200QAvD_BwEhttps://www.thegreatcoursesplus.com/so-month?utm_source=US_DisplayAds&utm_medium=DisplayManagedMisc&utm_campaign=162758&mkwid=c_dc&pcrid=274182242566&pkw=&pmt=&c3apimn=274182242566&intent=&gclid=CjwKCAjwj4zaBRABEiwA0xwsP3qSrKa9c_bn6InZf6QWKDZMj3YuZfgRkcnSqpxTZguPCFiUa4l-qRoC200QAvD_BwE https://buschgardens.com/williamsburg/shows/halloween/Busch Gardens Williamsburg Virginia Halloween Showshttps://buschgardens.com/williamsburg/shows/halloween/ I have served many friendly customers handling vegan food this year as part of my employment with the company I am currently affiliated with. This influences why I can easily understand why the company of Costco is being more inclusive in keeping their vegan customers in mind for business. However, as someone who has enjoyed the Costco Food court hot dog since becoming a Costco customer in 2013, I wonder if there is a way to at least still make the hot dogs available in the food court at least a few times a week while still also keeping the vegan customers in mind with the expanded vegan menu.https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/m/e764a3ab-2b12-3b17-9752-21f731513e7d/ss_costco-is-slashing-one-of.htmlCostco Is Slashing One of Customers Favorite Items From Its Food Court Menu and People Are Furious by Kate Taylor of Business Insiderhttps://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/m/e764a3ab-2b12-3b17-9752-21f731513e7d/ss_costco-is-slashing-one-of.html http://www.businessinsider.com/costco-polish-hot-dog-removal-sparks-backlash-2018-7?yptr=yahoo&r=UK&IR=T Costco Is Slashing One of Customers Favorite Items From Its Food Court Menu and People Are Furious by Kate Taylor of Business Insiderhttp://www.businessinsider.com/costco-polish-hot-dog-removal-sparks-backlash-2018-7?yptr=yahoo&r=UK&IR=T The brie, apple slice, and kielbasa with onions hot dog looks tasty along with the hot dogs pictured in the Business Insider article of the International House of Hot Dogs. https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/f2c294c1-4c27-3dfc-a189-ee7d6f8596b2/ss_the-10-best-hot-dogs-joints.html The 10 Best Hot Dog Joints In the US According To Yelp by Allana Akhtar Moneyhttps://www.yahoo.com/news/m/f2c294c1-4c27-3dfc-a189-ee7d6f8596b2/ss_the-10-best-hot-dogs-joints.html http://www.businessinsider.com/the-10-best-hot-dogs-joints-in-the-us-according-to-yelp-2018-7?r=UK&IR=T#7-holydog-7The 10 Best Hot Dog Joints In the US According To Yelp by Allana Akhtar Moneyhttp://www.businessinsider.com/the-10-best-hot-dogs-joints-in-the-us-according-to-yelp-2018-7?r=UK&IR=T#7-holydog-7 washington post cookiesI just baked some cookies less than 28 hours ago, one batch was chocolate chip betty crocker brand from the family dollar store with andes mints and some vanilla and chocolate pudding. The second batch of baked chocolate chip cookie mix had mashed up cinnamon toast crunch pieces and banana. My husband liked the banana cinnamon toast crunch mashup more. This Washington Post article of the top 8 cookie recipes of the holiday season by kara elder makes me curious to try the lemon ricotta buttercream sandwich cookies. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/food/wp/2017/12/21/the-top-8-cookie-recipes-of-the-holiday-season/?utm_term=.40fe22421b12 The top 8 Cookie Recipes of the Holiday Season by Kara Elder December 21, 2017 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/food/wp/2017/12/21/the-top-8-cookie-recipes-of-the-holiday-season/?utm_term=.40fe22421b12 popular grocery yahooIn all fairness, this article does list a wide variety of grocery stores such as Food Lion, Target, Giant Food Stores, Whole Foods Market, Costco, and more.https://finance.yahoo.com/photos/every-grocery-store-america-ranked-222116427/Every Grocery Store in America Ranked by Popularity by Eat This Not That June 18, 2018https://finance.yahoo.com/photos/every-grocery-store-america-ranked-222116427/ The popular listed recipe for Maryland it is the crab dip, for the district of Columbia it is the crab cake, and for Virginia it is the salmon cake. https://food52.com/blog/22673-the-most-popular-summer-recipes-by-state-according-to-googlethe most popular recipe in every state according to google by Valerio Farishttps://food52.com/blog/22673-the-most-popular-summer-recipes-by-state-according-to-google https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/foodnews/the-most-popular-recipe-in-every-state-according-to-google/ar-AAzGtZ9the most popular recipe in every state according to google Valerio Farishttps://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/foodnews/the-most-popular-recipe-in-every-state-according-to-google/ar-AAzGtZ9 This health benefits article is a motivational reminder for some of my walking and eventual running goals. I intuitively understand it is important to avoid comparing my progress to others. However, I am keeping this article as a helpful resource to copy from to further my knowledge for both fitness and spiritual/wisdom evolution.https://www.thegreatcoursesdaily.com/health-benefits-of-walking/ The Many Health Benefits of Walkinghttps://www.thegreatcoursesdaily.com/health-benefits-of-walking/
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2274 freestyle Story by Stella Carrier
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
2274 freestyle Story by Stella Carrier2274 freestyle Story by Stella CarrierStella Carrier imaginationbuilderstories series to start today Wednesday October 25 2017 and continue through ideally at least Saturday November 18 2017 andor later,Quick 5 to 8 minute freestyle storyStart time 1214 pmCompletion time 1225 pmOkay it turned out to be around 11 minutesIt is the year 2274 and Leslie Brewer is hauling off the money collected to pay the rent on some car houses and ship houses that have been built in both the Hampton Roads Virginia area and the Washington D.C. area. A coalition of various businessmen and businesswomen got together by the year 2100 and convened meetings in both the Hampton Roads Virginia area and the Washington D.C. area to discuss making decommissioned naval ships and older vehicles transformed into affordable housing.Less than 5 miles from where Leslie Brewer is hauling rent money off to a combined theme park and bank area in Norfolk Virginia is Ellen Erickson helping to organize a community party being  organized to welcome both new and current residences of a housing community that has hundreds of affordable housing units made from decommissioned naval ships and older cars. Ellen Erickson is helping to organize an event that is going to feature car racing, a theme park fair, and tribute music performances for the artists and songs that feature Imagine Dragons, Toadies, and Leona Lewis as the theme of the party is going to be 1990s to the 2010s. Many of the hybrid car and decommissioned naval ship housing units being built are on average 5000 American Dollars to 1000 American Dollars in today’s money and are sometimes priced on a sliding scale basis depending on a person’s income.
A sampler of some of the songs from my iheartradio sensual male playlist shuffle mode
A Sky Full of Stars by ColdplayMore Than Just a Dream by Fitz and the TantrumsStart Ne Up by the Rolling StonesGive it To Me by Jay-Z and Pharrell WilliamsEverything She Does is Magic by Sting and the PoliceNo One Like You by the ScorpionsWonderwall by Oasis Come Undone by Duran Duran Perfect Drug by Nine Inch NailsYou Might Think by the Cars
From my luckystellaiheartradio stationBleeding Love by Leona LewisPossum Kingdom by the Toadies
Source I prefer to keep secretWhatever It Takes by Imagine DragonsBest Day of My Life by American Authors
Amazon music storytelling playlist shuffle modeCake by Flo Rida and 99PercentBodies by Robbie WilliamsLove Me Harder by Arianna Grande feat. the WeekndStrangelove by Depeche ModeShe Works Hard for the Money by Donna SummersLet’s Dance (1999 Remastered Version) by David BowieCandyman by Christina AguileraI Can’t Stay Away by the Veronicas
Pharrell Williams probably easily sees that what is discussed in this article is a good investment as the Virginia Beach Virginia area and the surrounding cities are becoming more popular.New plans for old Dome site involve Pharrell Williams and a surf parkBy Alissa Skelton and Stacy Parker
I like that this Virginian Pilot article by Cindy Clayton features some restaurants from Virginia Beach Virginia, Portsmouth, and Norfolk Virginia.Do you remember these 5 local restaurants?By Cindy Clayton
I was at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard for part of 2008 because the ship I was stationed on-the USS Eisenhower was temporarily docked there. However, I am surprise by the premise of this article as the Norfolk Naval Shipyard appeared to bring lots of jobs for even men and women outside the military from what I had seen during my time temporarily based there.Norfolk Naval Shipyard wasted $21 million for unauthorized security force, report saysBy Courney Mabeus
The 10 sexiest bedrooms in the world revealed: From a cliff-face suite in Spain to lodgings in the Maldives with a private water slide, these are the dreamiest places to spend the night by Ted Thornhill
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These Vegan Apple Cider Donuts look good yet I confess that I am more or less keeping this link for a quick freestyle story today.
These Vegan Apple Cider Doughnuts Are Your New Fall Go-To
I Stella Carrier intend to add more writings and content within the next 88 hours or less and I feel blessed for everyone who visits my online blog entries.
Thursday October 26 2017 Resourcesfrom PandoraSummer by Calvin HarrisCross My Mind by ArizonaFeel So Close by Calvin HarrisHotel Room Service by PitbullIn My Head by Jason DeruloWe Will Rock You by QueenSay You Won’t Let go by James Arthur Sources I prefer to keep secretWicked Garden by Stone Temple PilotsPoint of No Return by ExposeCome Go With Me by ExposeTake My Breath Away by BerlinBehind Closed Doors by Lana Del ReyGet It On Bang A Gong by The Power StationCandyman by Christina AguileraAngel by MadonnaAddicted by Saving AbelSail by AwolnationBeliever by Imagine DragonsAmazon music playlist shuffle modeAdventure Of A Lifetime by ColdplaySecrets of Love by DJ Bobo and SandraCan’t Hold Us by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis feat. Ray DaltonShe Works Hard For The Money by Donna SummerSwalla by Jason Derulo by Nicki Minaj & Ty Dolla $ignSpaceman by HardwellMedicine by Kim LeoniWarrior by Havana BrownLeather by Tori AmosSussudio by Phil CollinsC’mon Catch’Em by Surprise by Tiesto feat. Busta RhymesHeaven on Earth by Britney SpearsFable (Message Version) by Robert MilesFeel Good Inc. by the GorillazThe Power of Love by Huey Lewis and the NewsWho’s That Chick by David Guetta feat. RihannaHeaven by JesTimber by Pitbull feat. KeshaMove Ya Body by Nina Sky feat. JabbaVogue by MadonnaStart time; 911 pmCompletion time
Completion time definitely by 920 pm or sooner as it was a quickie freestyle story Maya Holmes resides in the year 3900 Switzerland. The area she resides in resembles closely a real life version of the cartoon Hoodwinked. There is actually harmony in these future Switzerland and many of the other countries such as the U.S. have instituted similar government structures. One of these features is allowing many adults of various intellectual abilities the option of owning a restaurant, with many of them fashioned from former houses andor airplanes. Some restaurant owners in a forest/suburb hybrid area of Switzerland specialize in just one to five different foods, other owners specialize in many foods. Some of the following states in the U.S. following this model; California, Virginia, Florida, Colorado, Las Vegas, Maryland, New York etc. Resources https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/http://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/english_names.php#.WfKHjFtSzb0
I would prefer to avoid getting into specifics yet even I know that the advertising industry is not unique to the premise discussed in this article. Getting more women to come forward is not culture blind and socio-economic blind. Fortunately, the present place I am currently employed at is sexual harassment free when it comes to how workers and leadership treat each other. However, I spoke up on a legitimate issue at my previous place of retail employment that had little to do with sexual harassment with great professional risk. I am fortunate in the fact that I rebounded with a better job but I had to learn the challenging way that speaking up in the workforce is far from the same for every woman because this well-meaning article overlooks socio-economic factors and a woman’s physical appearance, i.e. it is going to be easier for a woman in the military to speak up more for both herself and other women compared to let’s say some women working in some retail fields depending on their physical appearance andor socio-economic status. Sexual harassment ‘is a systemic cultural problem in the advertising industry’By Lucy Handley of CNBC
https://finance.yahoo.com/news/sexual-harassment-systemic-cultural-problem-122256509.html ��E restaurants made out of houses
20 Awesome Converted Airplanes
By Mira Mila
This informative article on heightened security measures in aviation make me wonder if this policy is probably going to be here to stay.US-bound travelers face heightened screening amid 'web of threats to commercial aviation' DAVID KERLEY, WHITNEY LLOYD and ERIN DOOLEYhttps://www.yahoo.com/gma/us-bound-travelers-face-heightened-screening-amid-threats-213604337--abc-news-topstories.html
All of the people featured in this article who are pro Hillary Clinton have had very successful/accomplished careers and came from different backgrounds. I am glad that yahoo featured this feel good article because I do believe that Hillary Clinton was robbed of the presidency. Yes, I understand that I must support President Donald Trump. It is just that I felt that Hillary Clinton would have been a brilliant president who would be inclusive towards  men, women, and children from all socio-economic classes.
Hillary turns 70: Celebs who are still with her
By Raechal Leone Shewfelt
Hugo Boss Brand
Cola flavors you've probably never heard ofBy Anna Bailey
I’m just posting and sharing for both present and future reference as an educational reference to increase my knowledge of the world around me.
What the governor gets paid in every state
By Donna Freedmanhttps://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/what-the-governor-gets-paid-in-every-state/ss-AAtzpim The Great Courses Website
The month of September in restaurant openings and closings by Kara Elder
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/going-out-guide/wp/2017/10/02/the-month-of-september-in-restaurant-openings-and-closings-2/?utm_term=.aca80276dcbe PHOTOS: Bill Murray Danced in the Kitchen at Le Diplomate Wednesday NightBy Erica Sloan
https://www.washingtonian.com/2017/10/26/bill-murray-dc-le-diplomate/ Take to the Skies in Singapore’s $80 Million Penthouse
By Bekah Berge
http://robbreport.com/shelter/homes-for-sale/singapore-highest-penthouse-wallich-street-2753529/ Important Photographs To Be Auctioned at Phillips on November 2By Angela M.H. Schuster
Historic Wardman Tower Reopens as the Most Expensive Condominium Residences in Washington, D.C.By Connie Cousins
http://robbreport.com/shelter/homes-for-sale/historic-wardman-tower-washington-dc-2754899/ Holland Website
The Best Breakfast in Every State Slideshow https://www.thedailymeal.com/best-recipes/best-breakfast-every-state-slideshow/slide-
47Things to Do in DC This Weekend (October 26-29): Pets in Costume, Pumpkin Painting, and The Blair Witch ProjectBy Catherine P. Lewis
I am intuitively and logically aware that I may be in the minority for the way I feel about this helpful article by Shawn M. Carter in his interview with Tom Corley. The reason being is because Corley gives a good and attainable goal of how percentage wise to spend on housing maximum wise, entertaintment, and savings. The savings goal is especially helpful for me as I am blessed to have a good paying job that offers me both good working conditions and stable hours to be able to obtain more schooling. However, Corley’s advice helps me understand that I am probably going to need to aim for at least 25 percent for my husband and I. I’m actually grateful that this practical article was published and made available for general public viewing.Here's the trick to 'becoming wealthy,' says man who studies millionairesBy Shawn M Carter CNBC
Here's the trick to 'becoming wealthy,' says author who studies millionairesBy Shawn M. Carter https://www.cnbc.com/2017/10/25/heres-the-trick-to-becoming-wealthy-says-tom-corley.html 3 habits that require 'no willpower' can 'almost guarantee' success, says author who studies millionaires
By Shawn M. Carter
Arizona State University Onlinehttps://go.asuonline.asu.edu/lpppc-brand/?utm_source=pandora&utm_medium=internet&utm_term=pursue&utm_content=1percent&utm_campaign=webaudio I Stella Carrier intend to add more writings and content within the next 103 hours or less and I feel blessed for everyone who visits my online blog entries.
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djgoodblood · 7 years
Naija Music - Best of 2016
Making a “best of the year” list of Nigerian songs felt really challenging because there were so many awesome tracks and so many popular tracks. Leaving songs out of the top 10 was really difficult. The list could look different if I used different criteria. Now I tried to reflect the level of impact of the songs and highlight songs that were actively played by me at afrobeats parties here in Finland during 2016. They are songs that now associate with good memories from those parties. The year started with massive hits from late 2015: “Final”, “Romantic”, “The Money”, “Pick Up” and soon came “Oluwa Ni”. The biggest summer hits included “No Kissing Baby”, “Fada Fada”, “Who U Epp”, and to some extent also “Mama” and the fresh “Eleko” from the upcomer of the year, Mayorkun. “I Like The Way” by Timaya was an all-around nice party track that stayed on rotation during the whole year.  The final part of 2016 was dominated by “Pana”, a song that deserves its no.1 position thanks to its infectious beat that brings something new to the table. Taking a look at last year’s list, we can say that at least around here, “Duro” and “My Woman” stayed in rotation much more than “Bobo” and any other track. Also “Sanko” from 2014 remained a staple at parties in 2016. My most played "underrated” song was probably “Do What You Want” by Pheelz. It was interesting how fast the early 2016 track “Coded Tinz” by 2Baba got forgotten and “Shabba” by Wizkid was surprisingly short-lived as well. In 2016, the Ghanaian influence on beats was clear on Naija songs such as “No Kissing Baby”, “Omo Alhaji”, “Koffi Anan” and many others. The most impressive artists of the year included Tekno, Kiss Daniel, Adekunle Gold, Patoranking. 1. Tekno - Pana (Prod. by Krizbeatz) 2. Patoranking feat. Sarkodie - No Kissing Baby (Prod. by GospelOnDBeatz) 3. Wizkid - Final (Baba Nla) (Prod. by Legendury Beatz) 4. Davido feat. Olamide - The Money (Prod. by Kiddominant) 5. Mayorkun - Eleko (Prod. by PuffyTee) 6. Adekunle Gold - Pick Up (Prod. by Pheelz) 7. Reekado Banks - Oluwa Ni (Prod. by Altims)   8. Korede Bello feat. Tiwa Savage - Romantic (Prod. by Don Jazzy) 9. Olamide feat. Wande Coal & Phyno - Who You Epp (Prod. by Shizzi) 10. Phyno feat. Olamide - Fada Fada (Prod. by Masterkraft) + Kiss Daniel - Mama Patoranking - Make Am DJ Spinall feat. Mr Eazi - Ohema Masterkraft feat. Flavour & Sarkodie - Finally Pheelz - Do What You Want Adekunle Gold - Ready   Timaya - I Like The Way Kiss Daniel feat. Wizkid - Good Time (Wizkid Version) Lil Kesh feat. Patoranking - Is It Because I Love You Humblesmith feat. Davido - Osinachi (Remix)   D’Banj - Emergency Adekunle Gold - Ready Tekno - Where Mayorkun, Dremo, Ichaba & Davido - Back 2 Back Ajebutter22 feat. Falz - Bad Gang Solidstar feat. Davido - Wait  Burna Boy - Pree Me Mayorkun - Yawa YCee - Omo Alhaji  Yemi Alade - Koffi Anan Timaya feat. Don Jazzy - I Concur P-Square - Bank Alert Olamide - Abule Sowo Wizkid - Shabba Dotman - Akube UK/NAIJA 1. Maleek Berry - Kontrol 2. Moelogo feat. Adekunle Gold - Rora Se Late 2016 songs that will count as 2017 songs 1. Runtown - Mad Over You 2. Tekno - Diana 3. Wizkid - Daddy Yo 2015 tunes that stayed relevant in 2016 1. Tekno - Duro 2. Patoranking feat. Wande Coal - My Woman
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