#son yeoshin
madememory · 2 years
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estournel · 4 years
Watch carefully,
the magic that occurs, when you give a person,
just enough comfort to be themselves.
— a t t i c u s
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marcellason · 4 years
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200521 - Show! Music core💙
Naeun (Apink/Y.O.S)
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eunjisfriend · 7 years
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Triggered af
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jeoseungsaja · 2 years
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shin @ Yeo ofc >:333 (I've been!! TRYING!! To send this for days and I've finally defeated Dumblr, HA, nothing's strong enough to defeat Shin's Simp Agenda™)
@mythvoiced ♚ from x.
♔ ———–
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↑ Me, when I have the chance to scream about how much I FREAKIN’ love Yeoshin and everything they are and everything they’ve become---
NEEDLESS TO SAY THAT!!! This fox right here, this gumiho, this nine-tailed fox by the name of Wang Yeo also has the most MASSIVE crush on Kim Shin, the most gorgeous creature he’s ever seen in his entire life, everything about him is undeniably perfect in Yeo’s eyes and if someone DARES to say something against this, he has his sword READY!!! LENA, LENA!! HE!!! He loves him so much; so hopelessly devoted to him, WILLING TO LEAVE ALL WORRIES BEHIND FOR HIM, Shin says: ‘Run away with me?’ and Yeo will say: ‘Where to?’, PACKING HIS BAGS ALREADY; NAY, GOING WITHOUT BAGS IF NEEDED (he already responded like this in an ask, sO I’M JUST REITERATING---)!!! 
I ADORE!!! I adore their story, how they came to be, how they began with hesitance in the beginning, with tightened shields against their chests due to the lives they’ve both carried --- Shin, who’s dealt with sour experiences, the death of loved ones as he keeps on living; the incessant search for his bride as to end the curse of sword, how he...feels sometimes that he doesn’t have time to live anymore because he’s lived enough, because what else is there but the pain gathering in his heart, where the blade is stuck. And then you have Yeo, with his wall as well, this fortress he’s built after dealing with guilt for so long and the wish to atone; burdens carried even if he could’ve left them behind a long time ago but cannot. THESE TWO, FACETIOUS WITH ONE ANOTHER IN THE START AND THEN??? SLOWLY??? FALLING FOR EACH OTHER, TO THE POINT WHERE YEO CANNOT SEE HIMSELF WITHOUT SHIN, HONESTLY--- 
How they CHOSE to fall in love with each other, to say ‘here’s my heart, it’s all yours; take it without conditions’, how they started to realize that they couldn’t look elsewhere / ‘take my hand through it all; stay with me entirely, dearest, stay with me as you are’, how their sentiments bloomed and created a garden that keeps on growing. They took this decision without them being certain if Yeo was supposed to be the bride or not, with Yeo’s initial uncertainty and worry because he couldn’t see the sword at first, which meant that perhaps this love could end so Shin could go and find the fate the gods made for him, and Yeo would let him if that’s what he wanted, because he’s no one to keep him where he wouldn’t like to be IWUEHIDUHUEIH, bUT IN THE END HE??? YEO SEES THE SWORD AND IT’S BOTH RELIEF AND PAIN BECAUSE OF WHAT THIS ENTAILS AND *CLUTCHES CHEST AND FALLS TO THE GROUND*  
AND I LOVE, I LOVE how passionate they are to each other in all regards, how they support and love and encourage and respect each other!!! HOW THEY’RE!! Both powerful in their own ways but they’re still willing to shield each other from damage if needed (still can’t get over Shin’s worry; Shin carrying Yeo to his home so he can heal; Shin getting better at bandaging wounds because of this redhead dumbo---), hOW THEY BRING EACH OTHER PEACE AND CALM AND?? REALLY, REALLY, Shin’s love, SHIN HIMSELF has made Yeo less...reckless, more thoughtful when pursuing certain things, he’s still precipitous here and there (old habits die hard, am I rite--) but he’s always with that thought of ‘I have to come back alive, so I can return to him--’ aND JUST???? Y’KNOW, I LOVE THEM AND I LOVE YOU, THANK YOU FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK---
I said I’d answer these entirely OOC but Yeo is a menace and he---
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  “A crush? What is that supposed to mean? That he’d like me to crush his lips with mine? Because I will, more than once; where is he?”
———– ♔
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eunjiswife · 7 years
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Someone, someone, someone new,
That I never new,
Yes I want some new face
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wangshurp · 3 years
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Moon Yooah
@wgs_yooa FACECLAIM: Son Naeun DATA DE NASCIMENTO E IDADE: 18/02/1997 - 24 anos NACIONALIDADE: Coreia do Sul ETNIA: Coreana GÊNERO: Feminino ORIENTAÇÃO SEXUAL: Bissexual ATIVIDADE: Acompanhante feminino - Lotus LOCALIZAÇÃO: Sudo/Old Town TEMAS DE INTERESSE: Angst; Crack; Fluff; General; Romance TRIGGERS: Injeções
PERSONALIDADE: Devido aos acontecimentos de sua vida, YooAh se tornou uma pessoa receosa, um tanto tímida e fechada para conversar com pessoas desconhecidas. Quando se aproxima da pessoa, mostra sua personalidade mais animada e simpática como costumava ser antigamente. Embora se sinta desconfortável com pessoas olhando para si, ela ama tirar fotos e sente falta da carreira de modelo. No trabalho, a coreana é boa em fingir sentimentos que não possui, assim está sempre sorrindo para os clientes e funcionários, como se não tivesse preocupações na vida.
JUSTIFICATIVA: Moon YooAh se considerava a personificação do padrão jovem coreana de classe média alta. Desde pequena possuía uma bela aparência física, devido a esse fato, sua mãe levou a garota para diversas audições, se tornando assim uma modelo infantil. Durante a infância, participou de comerciais e apareceu em revistas de moda. Mesmo quando jovem, continuou modelando para pequenas oportunidades que surgiam pelo caminho. Durante a escola a aovem era a típica estudante que possuía mais canetas coloridas que necessário, com cadernos cheios de resumos, e se esforçava para se manter acordada em certas aulas, mas sempre obteve boas notas devido ao esforço, mas não perfeitas. Aos 16 anos, criou uma conta no instagram, a qual ficou bem famosa devido a sua aparência, estilo e fotos padrão de “influencers”, uma completa e-girl, nessa época foi quando sua carreira de modelo começou realmente dar certo.
A coreana sentia-se como se estivesse realizando um sonho, mal sabia que seu sonho iria se tornar um pesadelo em alguns anos. Em uma confraternização, aos 18 anos YooAh conheceu um dos modelos mais famosos do país, e aproximou-se do mesmo como uma fã. Não soube dizer quando aquele encanto e admiração se tornou uma paixão, e para sua felicidade – ou nem tanta – o modelo se interessou por ela também. Estava tudo perfeito, exceto pelo fato de o homem ser casado.
YooAh era apenas uma garota boba que achava que sabia sobre o mundo, e achava que o amor estava acima de tudo. Foi iludida por todas as declarações de amor, presentes e principalmente promessas que trocaria sua esposa por si. Ela acreditava e esperava por esse dia, porém o único dia que chegou, foi o dia em que a mídia descobriu sobre sua posição de amante, e então o pesadelo se tornou real.
O homem que jurava amá-la para sempre declarou que ela havia o seduzido, deixando-a sozinha contra o mundo enquanto se fazia de vítima. Com o ataque constante da mídia e das pessoas em redes sociais, YooAh decidiu sumir do mapa, durante suas pesquisas para onde ir descobriu a ilha Wangshu e assim uma nova fase da sua vida se iniciou.
Quando YooAh se mudou para Wangshu, já possuía seus 21 anos. Havia deletado todas suas redes sociais e se isolado completamente do mundo. O único momento em que saia de casa era para fazer comprar e manter o mínimo que precisava para sobreviver. Durante quase três anos viveu trancada apenas gastando suas economias que havia guardado durante seu tempo como modelo.
Certo dia, cansada de tudo que sentia, Yooa foi a uma loja de conveniência para beber e esquecer seus problemas pelo menos por uma noite. Não soube o que aconteceu naquele dia, mas de alguma forma recebeu ajuda de um vizinho seu, que lhe apresentou uma oportunidade de emprego na ilha. Não queria sair de casa, não se sentia recuperada para conviver com pessoas novamente. Mas seu dinheiro estava acabando e precisava de um emprego novo, mais do que isso, precisava seguir em frente. Por fim, após pensar muito sobre o assunto, resolveu aceitar a oportunidade de um novo emprego. Aquele seria um ponto final em sua história, e um novo parágrafo.
PRESENTE: Após passar seus três anos trancada em casa, YooAh conseguiu o emprego no restaurante Lótus atuando como Yeoshin, mas a garota não conseguia esquecer o passado que tanto assombrava.
Depois de alguns problemas com clientes, especificamente com a mulher de um dos seus clientes lhe acusando de sair com o marido, YooAh pediu demissão após ter uma crise de pânico e voltou a se excluir do mundo. Porém alguns amigos a aconselhou passar por um profissional para que pudesse voltar a sua rotina comum. Alguns meses depois, mais estável mentalmente, YooAh resolveu retornar para o trabalho e tentar conviver com as pessoas normalmente, por mais que aquilo ainda a assustasse um pouco.
DESEJOS: Se tem algo na vida que YooAh não deseja, é um novo romance. Seu objetivo de vida é superar seu passado, viver como uma pessoa normal e quem sabe um dia, voltar com a carreira de modelo. Como esse é um sonho distante, e ainda possui medo das críticas, YooAh pretende manter uma pequena conta privada no instagram para postar suas fotos.
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musicenthusiastgal · 6 years
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Apink Son naeun " barbie doll yeoshin " do not edit/remove logo
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apink-gifs · 6 years
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wow son yeoshin...
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ofthedivinekrp-blog · 6 years
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Did you hear? BANG JAEHYUN, the nineteen year old STUDENT/BARISTA, was spotted in downtown Yeoshin. We heard they’re a descendant of VENUS is known for having the ability(s) of LUST EMBODIMENT. If you look closely, they have an uncanny resemblance to BTS’ JEON JEONGGUK.
* . ✧ ˙ ˖ — and deep down in the soul, something rises, knowing well that what made us is what could be our demise.
Venus is the Roman goddess whose functions encompassed love, beauty, desire, sex, fertility, prosperity and victory. In Roman mythology, she was the mother of the Roman people through her son, Aeneas, who survived the fall of Troy and fled to Italy. Venus was central to many religious festivals, and was revered in Roman religion under numerous cult titles.
The Romans adapted the myths and iconography of her Greek counterpart Aphrodite for Roman art and Latin literature. In the later classical tradition of the West, Venus becomes one of the most widely referenced deities of Greco-Roman mythology as the embodiment of love and sexuality.
* . ✧ ˙ ˖ — we are capable, pressured into valiant things, able to do what others can’t in this foreign land.
Jaehyun has the ability of Lust embodiment, the ability to embody all forms of sex, lust, and arousal. From this, he’s able to gain power from the apparent lust emanating from others, as well as himself. While Venus was the Goddess of a vast amount of qualities, Beauty and Sexual Desire were two of her main abilities. She was a pillar for many in this regard, though Jaehyun’s own doesn’t hold a candle. While he’s well-aware of capabilities, the youth is still learning, and has only since barely mastered its main properties. There’s a certain selfishness that comes to his abilities, mixed foul with his traits and he knows it. But from what stems of this power, many would consider him a sexual master, due to further applications that derive from it–spanning from heightened stamina, to sex specialty.
Despite having mastered some of its applications, the power can quickly go out of his control depending on the situation. Particular in light of emotional circumstances, or high powered ones, Jaehyun can unintentionally invoke its applications and find himself falling into its whole. He can become a mess of emotion and a sex addicted monster at the best of times.
* . ✧ ˙ ˖ — as stories told, legends passed, languages spread, we start to forget who were before.
triggers in the following passage: Depression, mental instability, suicide, death, adoption, bullying, sex addiction.
His parents were your picture perfect couple, the type bragged about in lifestyle magazines–with their expensive yet humble possessions, gleaming smiles and eyes that lit up the world when they shared a glance. A couple of dreamers, who wanted nothing more than a child to call their own, to further their romance and install some spare love into another being. They had succeeded in the process, of course. It had been steady, Doctors telling them that they were to birth a healthy child–that complications were of no concern. They were nothing but smiles and sweet laughter, until the nine month mark hit and that twinkling laughter turned to sobs. Jaehyun had been born, as healthy as a newborn could be. But at a cost, his mother had died sometime after labour, after having held her child for a matter of moments.
Thus left two. Has father had succumb to grief, hardly having time to look after his child. He became forgetful, reserved. Family friends were usually the ones to come over, simply to look after Jaehyun through his stages of development. He was thankful for that, for those who spared their time to think of him while his father had neglected to do so. But, it didn’t take long before his father had had enough. Days spent without his “soulmate” had hollowed him out entirely, made him forget that the world existed without her and for a moment, he’d considered ending it all. Except it didn’t stop at consideration. And that’s when Jaehyun, only just old enough to speak full sentences, had found his father laying on his bed, not breathing and as pale as snow. Suspected suicide, they’d called it.
From then on, Jaehyun was sent to an orphanage. The relatives that had once looked after him, had not signed for care, and thus laid the only option left. It didn’t affect the boy, though. In fact, being forced to interact with other children his own age was a benefit. He’d been socially inept before, due to his withdrawal from his father. Conversation had never flowed then. He wasn’t the most social of kids during his time at the orphanage, but he’d gotten far better. That didn’t stop the bullying, though. As with anything, there’s always a hierarchy. It just so happened Jaehyun was at the bottom of the food chain here. The elder kids felt it best to consistently tease his inability to socialise, to pick on his background, to throw him down as a lesson. He’d just taken it, without moving a muscle nor speaking against it. A blank slate.
It continued as such. Bruises painting his porcelain skin constantly–to which didn’t help when it came to bullies twice as difficult in school. Only when it came to high school, did he develop a backbone. During the first years, he’d been painted as a bad boy due to his apparent social phobia. He’d spend every moment alone, and would remain silent during class. Decked in dark clothing, completely oblivious to the world around him. It was because of this mysteriousness, he was dubbed a problem child. He’d still keep his mouth shut in light of those same bullies, but he was stronger now, physically. He could counter demand, and avert attention with little more than shoves and the like–the occasional punch when necessary. Lord knows how many times were was temporarily suspended due to the amount of fights he’d gotten into. Perhaps a trigger for his depression. The loneliness of it all. As if the world was against him. And maybe it was.
That’s when his power had made itself obvious. Instead of seeking out conversation, he instead took to seeking out company through sexual means. Meeting upperclassmen behind the school with a quick five minutes. Pulling boys out of the corridor into closets. He’d garnered a reputation for himself. The consistent one-night-stands and quickies weren’t helping with the names. With the quick jabs sent his way. He seemed to manifest sexual attraction no matter what. Even the straightest of men would find himself taken by Jaehyun. And he revelled in it, couldn’t help but feel good about it. Fed his ego like nothing else, and he ran with it too well.
Towards the end of high school, he was a near completely different person. Cocky and proud, disruptive. The school playboy. He lived up to the name and then some, used his apparent power to his own selfish and greedy needs. Until he was caught. It was funny, really. How the headmaster had walked in on Jaehyun and his teacher, the latter bent over a desk. Of course, the teacher got fired for sexual misconduct. Jaehyun suffered a similar fate. Luckily, it had happened little before graduation. Luck was seemingly on his side.
But he couldn’t stay. He’d had enough of repetitive routines, having already left the orphanage after surpassing legal age. The next step was obvious, and he’d found himself finding education at Yeoshin. His old self remained, though. Entirely too self-worthy, sarcastic and sex addicted. Most of which was used as a mask to shy other away from the timid boy beneath. He’d found work, dedicated himself to study, found himself craving sex far too much for words. And it was that same addiction that was quickly becoming his downfall. While he could control some attributes, he struggled with most. The power was more-so controlling him over anything.
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madememory · 2 years
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estournel · 4 years
Perhaps you ache for freedom
For the blue that's in your eye,
Was given as a present.
From the fabric of the sky,
And when you're gazing skywards,
It's no wonder that you yearn,
When part of what you're made of
Always wishes to return.
— e.h
© Song: Sunset Lover — Petit Biscuit
In frame : APINK NAEUN.
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cikbella5 · 7 years
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Son Yeoshin Cr:in pic
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monglin98 · 5 years
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Happy birthday to my son yeoshin unnie @marcellasne_ ❤ unnie you will always being my role model..i hope you will always be happy and healthy..lets be together forever💖🐼 #thenaeunday #happynaeunday #sonyeoshinday #apinknaeunday #10february https://www.instagram.com/p/BtqpPfXhhAY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rnq3ef95zme2
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askandanswerbot · 6 years
do you believe in “masculism” ?
— 𝑴𝑨𝑫 (@groupielwt) Sun Jul 01 22:57:49 +0000 2018
NO, SON YEOSHIN. make it back to the tl safely, okay? :(
— tcc!chorong (@softnsana) Sun Jul 01 23:20:59 +0000 2018
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