#sometimes i also think of him taking soldiers place in a beautiful tf2 world but thats more nebulous
gooopy · 7 months
can i know abt scully!!!
!!!!!! OUUPIOUOOUUUGHHH GHOOGGHHG !!!!!! TYYY FOR ASKING!!!!!!!!! scullys awesome he is an oc ive had for a bit and had a lotta time to develop and is also a revamped version of an old oc from when i was young trying to avoid making mary sues!! ohh i likesss him hes awesome
so scully is a he/him butch lesbian with soso many issues and problems and shit. he was raised by his pa, a stern bitter old veteran, and scullys ma ran off after he was born. his pa was hard on him, he wanted a son anyhow and when scully started acting masculine he thanked God for givin him a broken daughter and started teaching scully how to be a man. unfortunately this included such beautiful wonderful things such as 'men dont cry' and 'caring for animals makes you look weak' and stuff like that. as a kid scullys pa started getting sick, and they were too poor to do anything about it living in a shack that his pa built, so scully dropped out of middle school and picked up an apprenticeship with a local butcher!!!! his pa was bedridden, so scully took the laz-e-boy that his pa usually slept in, started working, started smoking, and started cooking. his pa told him that cooking was a womans job but he was busy dying in bed and scully was able to steal the scraps from his job so they got by. scullys dad died, and scully dug his pa's grave and nailed together two boards to make a cross and he didnt cry. he just started sleeping in the bed again
but thats all background shit because nowadays this is whats important: scully would throw himself into a volcano if a woman told him to. he falls so utterly head over heels for any gal who so much as looks his way its FUCKED. in school the gals realized this and got him beatin other people up for their lunch money and scully was happy to do it. nowadays he would give a lady the shirt off his back for a kiss blown his way. he holds doors for people and he stumbles over his words and he talks while he smokes by tucking the cigarette in the corner of his mouth. he cooks a lot now, the kitchen in that little shack slowly taking over the whole place like a mold, and he feeds the scraps and bone and gristle to the stray dogs and cats.
he was an angry cruel kid and he was tempered into a kind, awkward, super mega autistic adult. AND! he brews the scariest hooch ever in his house its so scary looking dont drink it. he can still hold his own in a fight but will just take the hits unless its to help a lady, in which case he is letting out years of trauma and anger on your face to turn it into ground beef. hes awesome he has so many issues and he sucks and i love him. i havnt managed to shove him fully into the ebautiful world of tf2 yet (he originated from disco elysium!) but i think it would be funny if hes dating scouts ma and now scout has a new stepdad who keeps trying to be his pal but doesnt got a handle on the whole 'fatherhood' thing as a concept yet.
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I DONT HAVE AN UP TO DATE REF OF HIM BUT YOU MUST KNOW THAT HE HAS BIG BEAUTIFUL BROWN COW EYES !!!!!! hes awesome hes fucked up. i have another drawing of him beating someone up but ill post that seperately because its got blood
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tf2-hellhole · 4 years
TF2 Mercs with a pregnant Fem!S/O and even though the pregnancy is super hard on her, they're still really excited for their own kid. When they find out, they have to gather everyone and let them know and ask if they can help out when they can. When she gives birth, everyone is on the other side of the door waiting to see because hey, they have to live with a kid now and that's gonna be super different.
This poor boy is so unbelievably excited, but he’s also really terrified. Because he never had a dad, he’s convinced that he’ll probably be a horrible parent. He’ll probably cry about it a few times until his S/O comforts him and tells him that she thinks he’ll be a great dad.
He feels really bad about the difficulty of the pregnancy. Sometimes he just pulls them into a hug and apologizes; somehow he feels like it’s his fault. He does his best to help out when he’s home but he’s not the best at chores.
When the baby is finally born, Scout is really emotional. He bursts into tears as he’s handed his little girl. Once he and his S/O hold the baby, the very first person he shows her to is his mother (Spy is right next to her). After that, he has to show all of his brothers and the other mercenaries with a big grin on his face.
For a while, he just sits by his S/O’s side as she holds the baby, and he can’t take his eyes off of the two of them. He wipes his eyes and looks down at his child to tell her how much he loves her.
Soldier is just as excited as his partner about the baby. He’ll always be there helping when his S/O is trying to plan for the baby, though a lot of his ideas are absolute garbage. He actually had a few good ideas though.
He knows how rough this is on his S/O, so he makes absolutely sure she will never have to lift a finger the whole time. He makes a lot of mistakes, but he tries so hard to keep her healthy and happy. It’s super sweet.
When the baby comes, he’s so excited. He’s at her side the whole time, yelling encouragement and telling the midwife to do their job correctly, despite the fact that the midwife obviously doesn’t control how fast the baby comes. He demands to be the first one to  hold his baby. When he’s handed his son, his S/O is shocked at how he says, low enough to almost be a whisper, “Hello, little trooper. I’m your father.”
He’s so, so careful as he carries his son around and shows him to all of the mercenaries. They’re also baffled by how much he’s lowered his voice. In the future, he always lowers his voice when his kid’s around, but goes back to normal volume when they’re not.
Would adopt kid, not father one
Demo’s really happy about sharing this with his S/O, but honestly he’s a little scared. He feels like he’s not fit for the role, and feels like he doesn’t deserve it. He needs a LOT of consoling and encouragement from his S/O. He peppers them in kisses and tells them he’s going to do his absolute best.
He’s not a mother hen like Soldier, but he takes excellent care of his S/O and makes sure she never has to work hard. He’s a surprisingly thoughtful partner during the pregnancy
During the childbirth, he’s holding his S/O’s hand and she can see he’s terrified. He knows she’ll be fine, especially if she got an epidural, but it breaks his heart to watch her struggle so much. When he’s handed his son, he sits down and happily cries, “Oh my god. (Y/N), look at him! Oh, he’s perfect.” He sits with his son for a long time, unable to tear his eye away from his face. He’s too shocked to say anything. He probably cries a little the first time the baby does.
He’s beaming when their families and friends enter, he’s so excited for them to meet his son. He gives the baby to his S/O so they can decide who to give the baby to first, but he’s always next to the person holding him to keep him safe.
Heavy is honestly in shock when his S/O tells him she’s pregnant. He wants a baby so badly but he feels like he’s too old to be having children. He’s scared of bringing a baby into the world knowing full well that he’d be lucky if he was still around by the time they turn 25. He doesn’t tell his S/O this though, because he still does want this baby and wants to care for them and his S/O.
Heavy is definitely a mother hen type. He takes as much time as possible off of work so he can stay with his S/O and do all of the chores. He gets a little mad every time he comes home and they’ve done some chores.
Throughout the birth, he’s standing next to his S/O, letting her grip his hand as hard as she can (I don’t care how big or strong she is, she can’t hurt his hand). When the baby is finally born, Heavy sits at his S/O’s side, staring at his daughter. He doesn’t want to hold the baby, believing he might hurt her, but his S/O insists he’ll do fine and hands him his baby. For a while, he sits there stroking her cheeks and muttering the sweetest things in Russian to her.
He gives the baby back to his S/O when their families and friends come in. He’s always low-key eyeing the person holding the baby to make sure she’s safe.
Engie is so excited about the baby. He’s always wanted a family, and he’s so happy he gets to start one with the love of his life. He’s always telling her how grateful he is for her. He often tells her she looks more beautiful than ever, and he means it every time, even if she’s currently curled up on the couch with no makeup and looks exhausted because of morning sickness.
He is so sweet and is always doing everything he can for her. He doesn’t baby her and lets her do things by herself but is always telling her to relax while he does most of the chores.
During the birth he’s good at keeping himself together, but he’s internally screaming. He never leaves his S/O’s side. When he’s handed his son, he has the biggest grin on his face. He sits with his S/O so she can interact with the baby too, and holds him close to his chest, exclaiming all of the fun, exciting things he wants to do with him as he grows. He eventually hands the baby back to her, hugs her tightly, and presses a kiss to her cheek to thank her for giving him something so wonderful.
He has to show the baby to all of his family members and the other mercenaries; He’s so excited to show his little boy to all of them. He’ll joke that he hopes his son ends up taller than him.
Initially, Medic isn’t excited at all about having a baby. He never wanted one, and his S/O only got pregnant either by accident or by begging him to have a baby with her. He’s never rude about it or brings it up though.
Despite this, he does an excellent job of caring for his S/O and making sure she’s healthy. He attends every doctor’s visit (he wanted to do them himself, but she insisted it’d be better to see a specialist). He never lets her physically exert herself and is always making sure she’s comfy.
When the baby is born, he’s pretty indifferent. He’s glad the his S/O and the baby are okay but honestly he still doesn’t care that much. When she offers him the baby, he sighs, “Oh, alright,” and is very poker-faced as he settles down with the baby. They sit in silence for a moment, then his son wraps his tiny fingers around his pointer finger, and cooes at him. Medic smiles a little and rubs his thumb over the baby’s tiny hand. When the baby smiles back at him, his own smile grows into a toothy grin and he looks up at his S/O. He finally realizes what a blessing this little boy is to them.
Before their families and friends are let in, he apologizes for being so horrible throughout the pregnancy. When introducing the baby to the others, he never, ever lets go of his son, and no one is allowed to touch him other than him and his S/O.
Sniper wants a baby and is super excited about having one with his S/O, but he’s honestly really shocked as well. He doesn’t think he can care for a baby at all. In his mind, a grumpy traveling assassin like himself can’t care for a child. His S/O assures him that they’ll find a way to make it work.
He does an excellent job of caring for them. He finds a good home to raise the baby in and does all the research to find good hospitals/schools/whatever so their child is raised in a great place. He is always taking care of her when he’s home and his heart is broken every time he has to leave her alone for a while.
During the birth, he’s white as a sheet and probably passes out for a short while. But when he is conscious, he’s super encouraging to his S/O and holds one of her hands the whole time. When he finally gets to hold his daughter, he’s wiping the tears from his face. He almost doesn’t believe that despite the life of suffering and loneliness he’s lived, he gets to raise his beautiful daughter with the most wonderful person in the world. He cries a ton and doesn’t let go of the baby.
If his parents are still around, only Sniper’s mother (and his S/O’s mother if his S/O wants that), him, and his S/O are allowed to hold the baby. But he’s really happy and has to show the baby to everyone.
Spy is so, so grateful to be having a baby with his S/O, but he’s also so scared. He’s happy that he gets this last chance to redeem himself as a father, but he thinks he’s going to screw it up. He’s scared he’s going to be a horrible parent or be a coward and run away from his baby and partner. He spends a lot of sleepless nights in his S/O’s arms, his mind racing at the thoughts as they comfort him.
He’s such a good partner throughout the pregnancy. Of course, he can’t always be home because he has to work, and he hates it. But when he’s home, he’s a mother hen who doesn’t even let his S/O wash the dishes. He’s excellent and keeping her healthy and always takes her to her appointments.
When the baby comes, he’s literally shaking and is standing at his S/O’s side the whole time. He doesn’t hold or react to the baby until the three get some alone time. He takes his daughter into his arms and sighs shakily, a smile spreading on his face and tears pricking his eyes. He says softly, “Look at her. She’s beautiful,” before spending several minutes holding her to his chest and muttering all sorts of sweet promises in French.
He’d prefer everyone else meet the baby once his S/O and the baby are out of the hospital. But when they finally get out, he holds a wonderful house party for them, where she can finally meet everyone.
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alilacgalaxy · 6 years
More melee/tf2 headcanons (really freaking long sorry)
Melee kinda has a thing for Ms. Pauling. Doesnt like to admit it, but drunkily spits confessions to Demoman about it
Melee indeed prefers to be a cougar. (She may sometimes like older men/women)
Before melee goes to bed, she uses beauty creams, and facial stuff to make her look younger
Spy also takes part in her before bed pampering
Spy borrows melee's makeup and perfume at times. Sometimes her tights
Melee borrows his undershirts (never returns them)
Medic is a gay Jew (like me)
Melee is Pansexual
The Blu Engineer still has a thang for melee. Even after all these years
Blu engie still calls her son. After she left he stepped up and became a father figure to him.
On melee's son's birth certificate. Blu Engies names is on it. Due to melees ex husband not being there for the birth of his son. Engie claimed respondsibility of the child instead.
Blu engie, has visited her son countless times.
Saxton Hale and Pauling made a deal to help melee find her son.
Saxton hale bought melee her motorcycles to make ip for her car he destroyed.
The Melee's son's middle name is the Blue engies name
I decided to name the blue engie Marcus (mark for short) until canon comics confirm
Melee can make mean coffee drinks and teas due to her former job on owning a cafe
Melee can pick locks very good
Melee is fluent in Spanish, English, French, and knows a little greek
Even though Melee never graduated highschool. She is quite smart, and is the strongest in science. Melee dropped out from one of the finest private schools her parents could find.
Melee is kinda a compulsive liar.
Medic only knows melee before they were co workers is because when she was fleeing her husband, at the airport she saw him and the classic crew, gave them 10,000 bucks to cover her, and have medic heal her bloodied hand after her fingers were chopped off.
Melee has 3 fingers on her left hand.
Soldier still thinks Melee came from California. Due to her "Caramel skin and thick cali accent.."
The scout steals melee's tank tops at times
Red Sniper and Blue spy have relations *wink wonk* melee could care less.
Melee never snitches. She cant.
In melee's room. Hidden under the floor boards is a box of memories about her past life, ex husband, and blue spy.
Melee and Blu spy where engaged for a while.
Heavy has taken and used Melees grappler. And knows basic skill.
Medic is the only mercenary that has mastered melee's grappler.
Melee originally was supposed to be called "The Assassin" class. But melee sounded cooler for her.
One of melee's original melee weapons was supposed to be a sledgehammer. But she chose a tomahawk instead.
My headcanon ages are followed as such (youngest to oldest) UNTIL CANON PROVES YA BOY WRONG
Pyro: ????
Ms. P: 25
Scout: 27
Sniper: (heard in games he is 25..) 30
Melee: 40
Engie: 41
Soldier: 42
Demoman: 43
Heavy: 45
Spy: 47
Medic: 50
Pyro and Melee bake together
Melee has a hard time taking out sentrys
Sniper, has taken melees cowboy boots.
One of melees old jobs was she was a fire-eater. Still shows pyro old tricks.
Pyro has burn marks everywhere in the base
Melee knows how to play a double bass
Sniper hates spiders
Spy hates cockroaches
Medic hates bats
Heavy hates mice
Pyro hates clowns
Scout hates snakes
Demo hates horses
Solly hates crows
Melee hates wasps
A picture of Melee can be found in Pyros room
A picture of Medic can be found in Melee's room. Along with photos of Blu spy.
Pyro loves to mke candles
Melee's room is covered with candles
Heavy's favorite flower is the daisy
In case of emergency boxes of matches are hidden everywhere in the home base. For pyro
Melee has a box of coloring books and drawing things for pyro.
In my world until headcanonee Pyro is a transgender female named Jesse.
Pyro is Korean in my world until proved wrong in head canon
Under melee's pillow a butterfly knife is there because spy is overprotective.
There is a mattress under melee's bed complete with blanket, sheets, and pillow for pyro or any other visitor who decides to sleep in her room.
The mattress was placed there in the first place for Demoman. When he would passout after a night of drinking with her.
Medic joins in on drinking, a blanket, pillows line the floor in melee's closet for medic to go when he blacks out drunk.
Medic accidently locked himself in her closet for 1 day.
Sniper helps train melee with gun practice.
Melee always has a flask, and to-go bottle of hot sauce in her bra.
Melee's favorite drink is Pina Colada
Melee has a six-pack of cold ones under her bed as well
Engie can kick everyones ass in poker
Sniper is a badass at goldfish
Ms. Pauling likes when Melee flirts.
Melee sends Ms. Pauling flowers every now and then
Soldier takes melee's larger looser clothes for Zhanna. Melee doesnt mind.
Melee has a Tom Jones shirt scout gave her
Spy in his private rooms can be seen in sweatpants *gasp* and..a TSHIRT *GASP*
Medic hates pants
Sniper hates socks
Sniper only drinks Decaf coffee
Shockingly spy is a tea kind of man
Solly hates coffee
They all have a list on the fridge of the mercenarys daily chores
Engie and pyro are on dish duty
Scout and heavy are trusted with dusting, picking up garbage.
Demo and spy water plants
Medic and Melee do laundry and go grocery shopping
Solly and Sniper vacume, sweep, and mop floors
Heavy owns too many mixed socks. Never a pair that is the same.
K thanks for listening to my shitt late nighr head canons SORRY THIS IS SO LONG. IM BORED AND YEA
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valhallansim · 7 years
(same anon that asked you about heroes/maps) I'm a girl and a mercy main, but ik what you mean. People think mercy is just easy to play imo but she is definitely not. You NEED good positioning as her and also relying on your team having good positioning also. really hard if you're solo queuing. I agree with pretty much everything you said. So what are your opinions on the heroes you didn't mention. Tracer, Zarya, Ana, Pharah, Rein(i have the biggest crush on him, my man) lmao. basically everyone
More Overwatch ramblings beneath the cut my friends ♥ I will try to tag all the Overwatch-related asks I get with ‘ovw related’!
Yes, I know the feeling!!! A lot of people don’t seem to understand that there’s a difference between being able to play a hero on a decent level, and playing a hero on a (very) high level. It’s all about skill curves, you know? Some heroes have a low skill entry level, which means that they are good for new players or players that are trying to get into another role. Characters like Soldier, Reinhardt, Mercy, Lúcio, etc. I mean it like this: a ‘bad’ or decent Mercy is still a good Mercy. She heals, uses her ult, and damage boosts here and there. Seeing as she is just ‘decent’, she will probably die a lot and not get the amount of healing or resses that a good Mercy will get. A ‘bad’ or decent Genji, however, is often more of a liability than any other hero. If Genji doesn’t do his job, it becomes very hard for the other characters to do theirs (taking out the healers, doing damage, combo-ing with other characters to use his ult correctly). Genji requires more ‘skill’ at the entry level than Mercy does, but that doesn’t mean playing these characters makes you dumb or bad at the game? Every single hero has their own skill floors & ceilings, and every hero can be mastered to a degree where they will be better than any other hero because of your skill. You will often see a GIANT difference between a decent Mercy and a good Mercy right away. You become almost impossible to kill because of your positioning, you know when and where to hide to ress your team, and you when and where to utilize your damage boost or your pistol. These are all very critical parts of playing the character, and while she is ‘easy’ to get into at first, she is just as hard to master as any other hero in the game. Also, objectively speaking, some heroes are just easier to ‘carry’ with than other heroes. Doesn’t make them any less valuable lol. /RANT
Tracer: Gameplay-wise, I like playing her, but not as much as I enjoyed playing Scout in TF2. She feels a lot more ‘flimsy’ to me, and her gameplay style is a bit too over the place for me to really get into. I find myself not really utilizing all her abilties while playing her, so she doesn’t really suit my playstyle personally! Character-wise, I don’t know. She seems like a really, really sweet person that obviously cares a lot for the people around her and people in general. I wish that Blizzard would kind of lift her from the ‘postergirl’ position to kind of delve a little bit deeper into her backstory, because it seems interesting to know what exactly happened when she got lost in time. It’s weird from a character-progression kind of view, because the whole event of her with the Slipstream and disappearing for days on end doesn’t seem to have affected her in the long run at all. She is literally just portrayed as the happy-go-lucky postergirl, and feels a little bit of a flat character for me sometimes? Obviously the christmas comic has shown us a lot more about her, and I love that she has a girlfriend. I just wish that she also had some lines in-game about Emily (to Winston, maybe, or just in general where she can go ‘oh, I hope I don’t forget to bring Emily a souvenir!’ or something trivial like that). Also I just can’t get behind her voice. I really disliked it the first time I heard it, and I really dislike it now, still ): She’s cute, though. I still like her.
Zarya: I can play her fairly well, but I do not enjoy playing her at all. She feels bland to me, which makes me really sad because I absolutely love her to pieces. I have a thing for Russian accents and she is such a babe, I want her to choke me into the sweet release of death tbh. I wish we knew more about her because I would love to see more of her!! Total babe. Would smooch.
Ana: MOTHER………. I love her so much. I love that she’s such an old lady but she still kicks ass and she is beautiful and perfect and all she wanted was to be good for her daughter but she is still human and she has made some real mistakes. I do really like playing her, but I’m not as good as I’d like to be so I would have to practice more lol. Total menace to play against tho would not recommend she can solo an entire team by herself. grandma stop
Pharah: I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY want her to be in a happy relationship with Mercy can it happen please. FFFFF I love her. She’s a hard character to play well, being a damn glass cannon and all, but she’s fun!! If you have a good day with her you can definitely wreck an entire team and it’s the best feeling in the world lol
Reinhardt: Can hammer me any day tbh. I have told you guys this plenty of times but Thor (both myth and Marvel tbh) is my favourite in all the things ever and seeing a young Reinhardt with the long blonde hair I’m just aaaaaaaaaaaa. I really hope they do a young Reinhardt skin with a cute beard so I can live in peace. I would probably play him non-stop. Also he’s so cute and I’m so WEAK for gentle giant type characters I want him to both marry me and be happy old marrieds with Ana but you know. I dislike that he’s pretty much a must-pick in most competitive scenarios and I don’t really like playing him all that much, but I have learnt to appreciate his playstyle
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