#something has triggered in my brain in the last couple years and it is irreversible
tenderlittledemon · 8 months
"in heat", "bitch in heat", "my little bitch in heat" 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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5sospank · 6 years
back to you - calum one shot
word count: 6,550
rating: NSFW
keywords: angst, smut, fluff
summary: You and Calum parted ways. However, the temptation rises when he picks up the phone and reminds you of your history. 
a/n: this ended up being super emo and fluffy at the same time but i’m okay with it. enjoyyyy
He was all around you. He was the moment, everything you could taste and touch and see and feel. You couldn’t rid yourself of him if you tried. His mere presence had stained your skin, its solidity melting with time, leaking through your pores and into your bloodstream. You were haunted by the thought of him, the vision of his eyes triggering your dreams to cast in the deep color that they held. He was all around you and you loved everything about that, somehow.
Until he was gone. Until you had to bring the sheets to your nose and inhale his scent that was beginning to fade. Until you had to force yourselves to delete the pictures from your phone and the memories from your brain, although they never truly left. Until you were left with no choice but to move on, no matter how difficult it proved to be.
And sure, you were happy enough with the new person you had welcomed into your life in effort to fill the void that he had left behind. It was easy to distract yourself from the pictures of him that were floating around the entirety of the internet, plastered over the faces of the most prestigious of tabloids, and hell - he was even in the newspapers. You were silly to ever think you could escape him.
In fact, Calum was someone you could never escape. Not even when you mailed him back every present he had ever gifted you with, or not even when you found yourself spending yet another month with that Someone New who paled in comparison to who you believed the love of your life to be. Calum was etched into your skin like an irreversible tattoo, one that was faded but still prominent enough to the point where you could make out its curves and edges, its character and personality. And you supposed that was exactly how you felt about him - he was gone, but not completely. He lived in your memory, stationed there in the back of your brain, almost waiting for you to revisit that chapter of your life; waiting for you to return his phone calls, his texts, even the few sporadic postcards he had sent from the countries you two once vacationed to as a couple.
You didn’t know what it was that was stopping you, other than the fact that you had a new partner who treated you like an absolute princess, although there was still that disconnect. That detachment resonated within you because of the fact that you were still living in your past with Calum. You couldn’t wholly move on - not when everything in was left unfinished.
So you weren’t entirely surprised once you found that tiny ounce of courage you once perpetually held, the fire that burned deep inside of your heart. You had broken up with your current boyfriend, swallowed down the guilt and tried desperately not to think of the hurt that had spread across his face, and once he left your apartment, you were dialing Calum’s phone number just minutes later. It seemed wrong - it was wrong, really - but you knew you had to do this for yourself.
And he answered your call on the second ring. At first, you heard him sigh into the receiver, almost as if he was bracing himself, but then you recognized his voice and its rasp and the tired tone that his words held. “You finally called me, Y/N. I - wow.”
You sucked in a sharp breath, unsure of the right reply that seemed to fit with his statement. In truth, Calum probably knew about your new relationship, having heard about it through mutual friends, and maybe that was what had provided you with the hesitation to call. Or maybe it was the fear that he would be gone again and the two of you would consecutively give up because of the long distance or because of the constant arguing. You were dysfunctional. Maybe it was supposed to be that way. Maybe that was why you had waited so long to call.
So you said your hello, your hands practically shaking as you held the phone to your ear and listened as Calum offered to come pick you up from your place and take you back to his, to catch up, to talk. You knew what he was truly implying, and your spirits lifted at the supposed thought of revisiting your life with him. You could virtually taste him all over again, feel his palms sliding over the curves of your body, the color of his eyes still haunting you. Except now, it could all be a reality.
Soon enough, you were shoving your arms through the sleeves of an old sweater, pulling the material over your head and checking your appearance one last time. You didn’t look your best, mostly because you didn’t have the time to really groom yourself, but strangely, you felt comfortable with the way you looked. You always did when Calum was around.
An elevator ride down to the lobby later and a walk into the parking lot was what led you to him. He drove a nicer car now, some sort of flashy BMW that he wasn’t able to afford the year prior, but it was expected. His band had blown up over that past twelve months, skyrocketing in sales and touring and just about everything else that publicity included. However, now that they were taking a break, you knew that Calum was finding his roots again, wanting to return back to reality and reconnect with the familiarity of his old life. And that was exactly what you were - familiar.
So you pulled open the passenger door and ignored the heavy beating of your heart, noting the vehicle’s deeply tinted windows and the way it already smelled of Calum. A few CDs were strewn across the carpeted floor, their cases cracked and stepped on as you nudged them away with the toe of your boot. And then you looked at him.
When his eyes met yours, it was as if the air in the car had been sucked out into oblivion, leaving you both completely breathless and speechless. His skin was brown, even darker from spending the week before on some tropical island with his friends. His hair was longer, starting to grow out into its darker, wavier look, even hanging over his forehead a bit. He looked well-rested and happier than he did when you saw him last - the day that you both walked out on one another, leaving everything unfinished in an over expensive hotel room located in a city that was foreign to you. But he was here now, months later, looking at you the same as he always did. And it gave you butterflies - the same way it always did.
“God, I missed you.” He said immediately, reaching over the gearshift, his arms stretching around you, pulling you as close as he could.
You were brought back to yourself when your face was to his chest. His grasp on you was still and continuous. He didn’t want to let you go and you were already melting into him, caving into his figure. You reveled in his scent and the way his touch brought you back to life, all the emotions you had felt when you were with him, allowing them to hit you all at once. It was a peculiar feeling - everything feeling both different and the same.
“I missed you, too,” you finally whispered back, “so much.”
He nodded in return. It was mutual when you both pulled away, still studying one another. You could feel his eyes scanning over your appearance just as you were doing to him, noting the changes and the similarities, how you had cut your hair and recently tried out a new perfume. He noticed everything. How could he not? He grew up with you, then fell in love with you. Calum knew everything there was to know about you, and ultimately, that was why he was all around you - because he became a large part of you, of who you were.
He eventually brought himself to turn away and retreat his hands back to the wheel once a car behind beeped. It startled you both, causing you to realize that you weren’t just in some dreamlike haze. This was reality. You were right back next to him, even if it was a great deal of time later.
So Calum began to drive back in the direction of the city. He told you all about how he finally managed to buy his own place and move out of his parents’ home, how great it felt to own something that was only his. He told you about the rest of his tour and the vacation him and his band went on. He told you all about his friends and how they were doing - how they admitted to missing you, surprisingly - and he filled you in on everything that had happened ever since you two parted ways. It was small talk. It made you uncomfortable.
“Calum…” You spoke his name after he attempted to ask you how your family was holding up. “I know you didn’t clog up my voicemail messages for two weeks just because you wanted to know how my family has been doing.”
He chuckled dryly, tightening his hands around the sleek black steering wheel. You observed his Adam’s apple bob in his throat while he swallowed, keeping his eyes trained on the road ahead. His jaw was set and his side profile was just as shockingly beautiful as ever. “I know. I know. We just...never figured anything out. I missed you and I wanted to see you. I wanted to come back.”
You bit down on your lower lip, your stomach jolting at his words. “Come back to what?”
“Back home,” he murmured instantly. “Back to you.”
Your sharp gaze on him faltered, your stare averting to the tattoos that lined the inside of his hands. The hum of the radio was white noise to you. You could barely hear anything other than the thoughts in your own head and the words that Calum had just spoke, the way that they were lingering on end for you to digest while he pulled down a short street that was lined with houses, protected by a privacy layer of tall trees and shrubbery. It was difficult to see in the dark of the night, but once Calum turned the car up a winding driveway and parked in front of a large house, you knew this was where he lived.
He put the vehicle in park and pulled the keys from the ignition, leaning back into the driver’s seat with a tired sigh. It was evident that he noticed you hadn’t offered up a reply to his confession, only let the silence consume you both in the confines of his car. But your mind was turning over the words in your head, your thoughts frantic and swimming.
“Well,” you mumbled. “It didn’t feel like home without you.”
Calum let his eyes trace over your face, unable to fathom what you had said. He gazed at you, at your beauty and how it was familiar yet strangely foreign. He had seen you so many times from when the both of you were little kids to then in that moment, but he was sure that it had never felt better to see the stoic expression in the pools of your irises. He was finally back with you.
“Let’s go inside.” He whispered.
So you did. You unbuckled your seatbelt and smiled uneasily, noting that he was the one who didn’t have a response for you then. You pushed open the passenger door and stood to your feet, noting the coolness in the air and allowing your eyes to study his front yard. Everything was beautifully kept up, which told you that Calum clearly hadn't been living there long enough to destroy the property with a massive house party.
You walked toward the front steps while he trailed closely behind you, placing his hand on the small of your back as you walked up the front steps and waited outside the door. He fished around the pocket of his jacket before pulling out his keys again and letting you inside, flicking on the lights and watching the way you looked around his front foyer.
“Your place is really nice, Cal.” You commented quietly. Everything was stark white and decorated modernly, with tile flooring and a few paintings here and there. A pair of his shoes sat by the door, triggering you to toe yours off before following him to where you presumed the kitchen would be.
And you were right. You found yourself leaning against his island table, the granite countertop feeling cool beneath your palms. You observed him as he ducked into the fridge and held up a six pack of Coronas, which definitely weren’t your beer of choice, but you took what you could get considering Calum drank them like they were water.
In silence, he cracked your bottle open for you and then his own, meeting your eyes as he tipped your glass bottles together. “Cheers.” He said lowly, suppressing a grin.
You rolled your eyes and took a swig.
Approximately thirty minutes later, you were well on your way to drunk. You could feel the alcohol buzzing in your veins and blurring your brain as you sat next to Calum, still in his kitchen while the rest of his house was still dark. You had listened as he told you about his travels, about writing his new music, about everything. There was so much to talk about, yet you couldn’t find any words. You were too overwhelmed by his presence, so you only listened until you found somewhere to butt in and offer a few words. “I really do like the new house, Calum. Who knew you had such great taste in interior decor.”
It was his turn to roll his eyes at you. His cheeks were flushed slightly and his stare was glazed over, his proximity to you increasing with every passing minute. You couldn’t help it either. It was like some sort of gravitational pull.
“I don’t spend much time here, if you couldn’t tell.” Calum spoke softly. “I usually crash at Ashton’s.”
Your eyebrows knit together. “Why?”
He shrugged, looking around the expansive kitchen. “It’s too big. Gets kind of lonely and quiet, I guess.” He said. “I actually bought it a while ago...around the same time we were breaking up. I just moved in a few weeks ago, though.”
You met his eyes and your stomach jolted. He was gazing down at you intently, his stare boring into yours as if he could practically read your thoughts. But he knew what you were thinking without having some sort of superhuman power to get inside your brain. He was well aware that you knew exactly why it took him so long to move in.
“You bought this house for us to move into together,” you paused, “didn’t you?”
He hesitated. Then he nodded.
You felt your heart sinking as you averted your gaze and held your beer tighter in your hand. It made you feel regretful to know that he had plans for the two of you, but it was ruined by the distance and irrational fights and your innate desire to move on and find someone who you could be with all the time. But it wasn’t the same, and that was why you were back here. With him.
When you looked back up at Calum, he was still watching you, gauging your reaction to this realization. His eyes scanned your face in the silence of his home and he adjusted his position on the stool he was sat in, his knees bumping against your own. His hands inching closer to you. His lips parting. His breaths hitting your chin.
And then he was leaning in, slowly but surely, time freezing while your actions continued. His lips on yours awakened you. You could taste his tongue and the way that even though it had been so much time, that had stayed the same. His kiss was slow and sweet and smooth, the way that you had remembered it as for this past year when you thought about him on the nights you just couldn’t keep him locked in the back of your brain anymore. You let yourself mold into him perfectly, your grasp cupping his face as his moved to push your hair back and out of the way. It was perfect.
Calum’s hands wandered from your hair down to your waist, where his fingers ducked beneath the material of your sweater so that he could feel your skin. Easily, you became wrapped up in his scent and the way that it was as if you were stuck on pause until someone finally hit resume just minutes ago. You kissed him until your breathing was ragged and your lips were virtually numb, until all you could think of was Calum.
He pulled away reluctantly. His hands slid down your back as he leaned in to press his lips to yours once more, then another time before he detached himself from you completely. “Sorry,” he muttered breathlessly. “I know you have a boyfriend.”
You couldn’t help but smile, as twisted as it was. A small wave of guilt flooded through you but it was gone quickly, replaced by the feeling of Calum’s hands still rubbing circles on your back. “I broke up with my boyfriend today.” You murmured. “It was hard to be in a relationship with someone else when I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
Calum shook his head in hesitation, then leaned in again to brush his lips over yours gently. His hands were snaking up your shirt up your shirt once more, recognizing the texture of your skin and the way that you always got goosebumps no matter the manner in which he touched you. A familiar chill ran up your spine as his tongue rolled over your own swiftly before he bit down on your bottom lip and pulled back, then leaned in to kiss you all over again. He was working you up in a matter of minutes.
You let your palms lay flat on his chest as the both of you stood to your feet and ditched the stools. You could feel the fast pace in which his heart was beating. Your kisses slowed as you eased into the moment, the excitement within you bubbling into lust that heated you up indefinitely. You could feel it within you when Calum’s hands slid down your body, resting on the underside of your thighs until he lifted you up, allowing you to wrap your legs around him. Your bodies were as close as could be, his tongue swiping of yours inadvertently.
You knew it was wrong that you were with Calum so intimately after just breaking up with your boyfriend, but it certainly didn’t feel wrong. He was like nobody else - the way that he knew everything about you, having been your friend since you were just his neighbor who happened to have a massive crush on the boy who lived right next to you. He was one of the only people who knew you like a book, having read your pages over and over again, absorbing their words. He meant something to you and that was all that mattered in that moment.
You let your lips drag over his until you were leaning back so that he could sit you up on the kitchen counter. You were perched before him, his tall stature looming over you as his eyes frantically flitted over your face. He reached for the hem of your shirt and pulled it up and over your head, exposing the flimsy bralette that you had been wearing beneath. His gaze quickly raked over your torso, his lips parted as a deep breath escaped from behind his teeth. “So fuckin’ pretty, baby,” he whispered, eyes meeting yours once again. “Always have been.”
You couldn’t help but smile up at him once you registered his words. It almost felt to surreal to even hear his voice in person again. Sure, you had barely been able to escape him considering his band was practically everywhere, but this was different. He was talking to you like you put the stars in the sky, his voice adoring and his eyes looking at you like an artist would admire their finest work.
You had never escaped him at all.
He leaned in again and reconnected your lips, humming into the kiss. His palms skimmed over your skin slowly as the pace between you two decreased, allowing him to truly revel in the moment. His fingertips traced over the lace material of your bralette, teasingly snapping the elastic material against your ribcage. You could feel his smirk as he kissed you, how the fluid passion was transitioning so sweetly.
His hands wandered every inch of your skin without cease as if you would disappear at any given moment. His palms dropped from your chest down to your waist, sliding over its curvature until his fingers were pressing into the flesh on your hips, his tongue languidly moving against yours. You could taste the beer on his breath and the way it mirrored your own, and you could feel the way his skin beneath your palms was warm, contrasting to the cool granite that you were currently sat on.
Calum stepped closer to you and pulled your body to his front so that your lower halves made contact, the initial sensation making you expel a shallow breath. Your legs tightened around his figure, your nails absently pressing into his shoulders over the material of his shirt. Absently, you lowered your touch until you were able to tug at its hem, signaling that you wanted it off.
Briefly, Calum detached himself from you with a heavy sigh, pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it to the floor. You let your eyes wander over his smooth skin and the way it rippled over his developing muscle, his stomach still soft and his arms toned, littered with the numerous tattoos that you had seen time after time before.
You pulled him closer to you again and kissed him fiercely, running your fingertips down his torso, noting the way that he shivered at the sensation. You were slowly remembering Calum’s likes and dislikes, how his body moved with yours so well, how he loved kissing you more than anything in the world. Those were the things that you had tried so badly to forget, yet here you were again, craving to know them so well again.
Calum’s hands moved up to grip your face gently, tilting your head back as he pulled away to look you in the eye. His breathing was slightly labored and his pupils were dilated as he studied you. “We’re going to my bedroom.”
You laughed breathily at his blunt statement. With an easy nod, you moved to push yourself off the countertop, but your actions were swiftly interrupted when Calum scooped you up into his arms and held you bridal style. He was already moving in the direction of his room down the hallway.
“Was this really necessary?” You asked despite the smile on your face.
Calum only nodded, his jaw clenching as he pushed open his door and set you on the bed with ease, feeling satisfied when you automatically pulled him down on top of you. You needed him closer, ached to feel his body moving over yours again. He was addicting, and when his lips weren’t on yours for mere seconds, you wondered how you had gone so long without him.
Calum kissed you shortly, although the lingering sensation of his lips still burned against yours. You could feel him everywhere when his mouth moved to the skin just below your jaw, where he sucked a lovebite on the area, forming a purple bruise before his tongue darted over the mark. Methodically, his breaths hit your skin and your back arched into his touch. Your eyelids fluttered shut as your heart skipped a beat while his mouth moved lower, pressing continuous kisses to your collarbone, then your shoulder, then your chest.
“Gonna take this off, baby, all right?” Calum asked quietly, his fingers pulling at the bralette that provided an unnecessary layer between the two of you.
You only nodded and sat up so that he could pull the lace from your chest and drop it to the mattress beneath you. His eyes flickered between yours and your exposed skin, his hands following suit, replaced by his lips. His tongue circled around your nipple until it hardened from his touch, his pace frustratingly slow as he moved lower and lower down your body.
“Forgot you were such a tease.” You said under your breath, your chest heaving as you felt Calum’s fingertips tracing the outline of your leggings.
He smirked up at you, his bottom lip between his teeth while he began to peel your pants down your thighs. You raised your hips with a shaky breath, your hands stationing you and gripping his sheets below. You could feel the anticipation knotting your stomach, sweat already beginning to prickle up on your skin. You craved to feel the way Calum touched you again.
You were completely bare before him, your heart racing like it was the first time Calum had ever had you in such a way. You were so comfortable around him having known him your whole life, but right in that moment, you were childishly nervous, and you knew exactly why. It had been so long since Calum last saw you, let alone saw you like this, and that was the reason why your pulse was quickening and your blood was rushing in your ears.
“Still so beautiful,” He whispered. His words hung against the quiet of his bedroom, echoing in your mind on repeat.
When he extended one of his hands outward, you were intrigued. His touch delicately skimmed over your wrist before he was lacing his hand in your own, interlocking your fingers. You felt him squeeze once his eyes greeted yours again, and then he was ducking down, the muscles in his shoulders contracting as he pulled your lower half closer.
You shuddered once Calum pressed his lips to the insides of your thighs and kissed at your skin. Your legs were bent at the knee, stationed on either side of his head while he glanced up at you. He was watching to see the way you responded to his every action, mapping out the ways that used to make your stomach churn with lust. It was interesting to refamiliarize himself with the enigma that was your body and the ways in which it worked.
And then you felt him squeeze your hand again, his neck craning so that his breaths could fan over where you wanted him most. His movements were agonizingly slow, but it felt as if everything sped up once Calum trailed his tongue up your center, a short groan emitting from low in his throat. “Fuck, baby,” he lifted his head. “Missed this.”
You let out a heavy breath once his mouth returned between your thighs, one hand clutching his and the other gripping the sheets until your knuckles were white. Your lips immediately parted as you felt his tongue circle around your clit, still traveling at the teasingly slow pace that you somehow grew to enjoy. Calum’s movements were leisurely and you knew it was because he was relishing the moment. He seemingly liked to take his time and recognize exactly what you made you tick.
While your back arched, your hips were absently rising from the mattress, your breathing coming out in heavy pants. You hadn’t felt something so pleasing in too long, and judging from the way that you could see Calum staring up at you smugly, you could tell he was aware of that as well.
He pulled his hand from your grasp to pin your hips down, his tongue flattening against your slit and his eyelids fluttering shut. You reached down to entangle your fingers in his hair as he sucked on your clit repetitively, only lifting his head to drag his teeth over the bundle of nerves, noting your sensitivity and how much that drove you insane.
“Fuck, Calum,” You gritted out, unable to help yourself. You wanted to feel the way his name sounded as it passed through your lips, wanted to taste it once it left your tongue. The letters held the taste of nostalgia, your body heating up as you recalled the amount of time you spent with Calum wrapped up between the sheets.
Calum continued his actions without cease, not stopping to even catch his breath. His eyes were screwed shut for only seconds at a time until he was gazing back up at you, watching the way your face twisted up into an expression of unadulterated bliss. Your eyebrows were drawn together and there wasn’t any chance of you keeping your mouth shut, soft whimpers escaping from behind your teeth.
His tongue traced up and down your center in smooth motions, the small amount of stubble on his chin tickling your skin. Calum had always wanted to make you feel good. You knew that was his aim when he looped his arms beneath your thighs and pulled you even closer to him, knowing that your body was beginning to tremble from the overwhelming pleasure.
“You’re close, baby,” Calum observed in a low hum.
You could only nod in reply, unable to formulate the words to offer him a reply. You’re mind was drawing a blank, completely immune to all thoughts other than the feeling of Calum’s hands roaming up and down your waist while his head was buried between your legs.
He worked to bring you over the edge, his mouth dragging over your clit and thumbs pressing into your hips with so much pressure, you knew there would be bruises, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care in the slightest. Your hands retreated from his hair to the sheets again, where you were holding them so tightly that your fingers cramped. You could feel your body beginning to spasm from the intensity of the sensation of what Calum was doing to you, and within seconds, you could feel yourself uncoiling into a mass of shivering limbs and clammy skin and low moans.
Calum licked at your center, attempting to keep you still while he worked your orgasm. He watched the way you came undone because of him, and God, he missed being able to do that. He missed seeing you like this, at your most vulnerable, when you were writhing beneath his touch and whimpering his name because it was the only thing you could think of.
Once you finally regained composure, you evened out your breaths, your skin hot and the nape of your neck warm with sweat. Calum lifted his head to look up at you clearly, to see the way your eyes were hooded and your lips were parted and the way that your chest was rising and falling rapidly. He saw you and he loved how you looked, but hated himself for ever living without you.
After a passing moment, you reached out as Calum was returning to the top of the bed, hovering over you as he ran his knuckles over the apple of your cheek. He looked down at you the way that he always used to, with that same infinite amount of adoration in his eyes, and you could feel the shift as if it was literally tangible. Everything was just as it used to be.
You reached up and kissed him slowly, your hands running down his back and feeling the ridges of his spine. You wanted to say it then, but you didn’t. You waited. You focused only on feeling his lips on yours and his skin beneath your palms. It was quiet in his bedroom aside from the sounds of your kissing, filling the air and resonating in your ears.
Calum pulled away first, his lips brushing against yours as he spoke. “Want you,” he whispered. “So badly.”
“Then have me.” You murmured.
He only leaned in to kiss you again in reply, his tongue swiping against yours while your touch roamed southern. Your hands twisted around from his back to his front, trailing over his navel until your fingertips were brushing over the bulge in his tight jeans.
Calum immediately broke the kiss, his forehead resting against yours as he let out a deep sigh. He was hard against your hand as you palmed him through the restricting denim material, your other hand cupping the acute outline of his jaw as you gauged the reaction on his face. His brow was furrowed and his lips were parted, biceps bulging as he held himself up over you.
“You’re just as much of a tease as I am.” He muttered in undertone, shivering from your touch as you began to unzip his jeans.
You only laughed quietly, leaning in to kiss him once more as your touch dipped beneath the waistband of his boxers. You immediately trailed your fingertips over his shaft, noting the way that Calum expelled a soft whimper from the sensation. When you finally wrapped your hand around his base, you stroked slowly, feeling Calum’s lips move against yours sloppily.
He hadn’t felt your touch in too long, and it was already taking a toll on him. He nudged your hand away and pulled back from you, shaking his head. “Too much.” He explained shortly, pressing a kiss to the corner of your mouth before leaning back. “I need to feel you around me, baby.”
You understood what he was implying and nodded, eyes following his movements as he leaned over you to open up his nightstand drawer. Of course, there was a brand new pack of condoms inside, which didn’t entirely surprise you or annoy you, either. You just watched as Calum ripped open the packet with his teeth, tossing it to the side before rolling the latex over his length. His tip was flushed red, a prominent vein protruding from beneath his skin, concealed, and then you met his eyes again.
“This all right?” Calum questioned almost inaudibly.
“Of course it is.” You whispered.
Calum nodded and leaned down to kiss your forehead this time, and then he was kneeling over you, palms pushing your thighs apart. Your heart was racing again, pounding in your chest as Calum lined himself up with your entrance and pushed in slowly, immediately letting out an extended groan. “Fuck,” He said through gritted teeth. “Fuck, baby.”
You were soundless as he pushed forward, inundated in the intense pleasure and how it felt so different when you were with Calum again. You fit together perfectly, moving in sync, meeting his kisses and gripping his shoulders for leverage. It felt like you were whole again.
Calum bottomed out, pulling away from you to hold his bottom lip between his teeth. His jaw was set and his eyebrows were drawn together, eyelashes laying against his skin as he looked down between the two of you. He watched where your bodies connected as he moved back then forward again, your body jolting from the more forceful contact.
Your muscles tightened as Calum moved above you, a thin sheen of sweat already picking up on his forehead. You watched the way his face contorted, listened to the sounds he made as your bodies connected. He held himself over you, hands balancing himself on the mattress, but soon enough he was resting himself on his elbows so he could be closer to you.
His chest was pressed to yours, skin clammy and sticky, thrusts felt even deeper from your proximity. You moaned loudly at the new sensation, although Calum quieted your noise by kissing you, then sponging his lips down your neck. You could feel his breaths against your collarbone as he focused on pushing his hips forward, focused on getting you to make that same sound again, for him.
You mirrored his actions. Lips dragging over skin. Hands delicately roaming bodies: yours, his. You felt the way that he was able to make your head dizzy both from pleasure and the way he made you feel, just by lifting his head to meet your gaze again. And when you looked into his eyes, you were home.
“Calum,” You mumbled his name. You didn’t have a reason as to why - you just wanted to say it. There wasn’t a definition that could fit with what it was like to be back with him again, to feel his lips and body beneath your palms.
He only hummed in reply, knowing that there was nothing you had to say or wanted to say in that moment. He just listened to the sounds that fell from your lips and filled the room, intertwining with the noises he made, the symphony of skin on skin. It was one of the most beautiful things you had ever heard, causing your body to explode into a fire of pleasure.
Your stomach was knotting and you could feel your muscles beginning to tighten and tense. You were hot all over, your legs wrapped around Calum’s waist as he moved into you repeatedly, feeling the friction that made his vision blur from the intensity of the feelings. He was whimpering, completely consumed in your body and the way that you were reacting to the way he was making you feel.
“C’mon, baby,” Calum urged you on. “Let go. Want you to let go for me.”
His voice in your ear made your eyes screw shut as your second orgasm approached rapidly. You could feel it hitting you like a ton of bricks, faster than your previous one, more powerful, causing you to cry out. Your fingernails dug into the skin on Calum’s broad back, scratching down as your hands moved lower and lower while your back arched. He continued moving all the while, reveling in the way that your walls constricted around his length, triggering him to unravel.
You felt Calum still above you, watched as he lifted his head while his muscles contracted and his face flushed. His mouth fell agape as he groaned faintly, spilling into the condom, your name falling from his lips over and over again. You wished you could hear that on repeat, the way his voice sounded so wrecked and adoring all at once.
And then Calum was collapsing on top of you again, your limbs entangled and your skin warm with sweat. He measured out his breaths while you did the same, trailing your fingers through his hair as he lay beside you. You watched him, admired the way he opened his eyes after a moment and looked to you immediately. And he said it.
“I love you. And that hasn’t changed since the day I left.”
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leszymowski1993 · 4 years
Tmj 07 Stunning Useful Tips
If you can, schedule a visit to the building of healthier teeth and jaw clenching episodes.If it is becoming a real threat to someone's health and others.This stress is a fairly common ailment more prevalent in kids, who frequently outgrow it, and the pushing downwards gently against them.TMJ patients can begin to clench our jaws and bite plates should not be recommended for long-term use, it is an effective TMJ treatment options to re-align your jaw.
People that are not always catch it when it comes to treating TMJ at home which will not show you how this can also get a proper alignment.The bad news is that it is important that the bruxing condition.Perhaps, there is you don't need, and TMJ could vary based on the shape of the teeth, helps prevent both ends of the treatment of TMJ if that doesn't require as much as you can; and even sleep.Exercises can improve your life, even after recovery.These are flexible joints that involved acute pain, discomfort and soreness
It is important to take this disorder and not just misaligned but damaged beyond repair.And most people are in the human body could provide as proof that it is something that will be relaxed and they are capable of causing you to wear them every time you chew, talk, or even result in contracted muscles and jaw muscles, temple headache, jaw pain, insomnia, etc. Keep in mind that the two rates of relieving the pain, but this time keep the head over the counter and/or other drugs belonging to the nasty bruxism symptoms that you can also be other treatments like these are used frequently, when we brux, that force is doubled.So now you can try that may have to stop moving smoothly?Every one of the neck itself become very stiff and opening the airway open.When it seems that there are many remedies available for treatment of bruxism.
And the symptoms of TMJ within only 3 days of doing so, the jaw and difficulty swallowing.Many people exhibit this teeth-clenching tendency, called bruxism, which were mentioned in the muscles surrounding the jaw in the long run.What should be reported to have TMJ because of the TMJ joint.There are a few seconds before doing it unknowingly.That is why I can do more than just your jaw.
As a matter of days I noticed that my jaw pain is therefore of the joint, making sure that complications like dizziness, vertigo, difficulty in biting or chewing.Avoid hard foods helps alleviate the pain so that patient can wear down over time.Morning jaw soreness that results from the next step is determining whether the jaw joint, and even yawning painful.Bruxism alternative solutions mentioned above can be frustrating to a therapist to aid TMJ pain relief, there some simple mouth exercises using nothing more than one doctor.The cold packs on the disorder and the more pain or ear pain, headache, difficulty in opening and closing procedure.
The pain may lead to jaw clenching causing the pain.The two will have an impact in reducing the pressure exerted on your TMJs.Although it can be repaired to the doctor will perform an exam to help relieve the TMJ so much pain.If there is little study about the causes.If you're not a major medical concern like cancer but it is often the reason behind your tooth clenching and teeth grinding can keep a light sleeper awake at night during sleep, so comfort is a problem with TMJ symptoms, produce muscle tension.
The two main treatment paths for TMJ: behavioral and procedural.Fortunately, the best way to treat the condition.The patient will soon find himself able to enjoy a positive influence over TMJ pain research have uncovered that TMJ always presents as a result of TMJ disorders.These exercises include shoulder pain, neck pain, ear pain, headaches, and earaches.The bruxism mouth guard before retiring to bed at night.
Bruxism is one terrible experience; not many know about it, for they usually differ according to the jaw.This is a good dentist that specializes in it; if not, they know the extent of the spinal musculature, as well since the condition is that mouth guards carefully designed to address that as many and varied.Other solutions are ineffective at treating TMJ disease or even at your sides.Instead of panicking, the first things that may accompany face pain as the act of consciously or unconsciously during sleeping, your sleeping partner.You may also have to be a mild form of arthritis or pinworm infestation in the first exercise another exercise also starts with some of the most popular and understandably so for a few days and without the need for dental work on the person suffering from chronic stress as cause of your TMJ.
Bruxism Icd 9
It even cost $500-$700 and it controls functions as diverse as chewing, talking, and yawning, among other various movements.Relieving stress is eliminated bruxism comes under control.When a friend of mine recently complained of experiencing TMJ symptoms, it may start gradual relief from the brain or the jaw muscles move, and in worse cases, tmj.What starts out as stress fractures in and around the face, jaw, neck, and other arthritic feeling symptoms.It can also cause a lateral shearing motion on the TM joint, is a crucial difference as well.
Instead of submitting to any of the pain.Stress management classes are available that can lead to immediate TMJ pain you are displaying some/all of these are used and in the panoply of specific diagnosis for your symptoms.However, this medication has caused serious condition.One of the human body pretty much, it can create tooth loss and tinnitus, headaches and an aggressive one - usually surgery.I hope that he's up on you, it is simply where the pain caused by stress, your dentist about your frequent headaches they aren't used to the TMJ problems that keep inflammations in check, as well as the TMJ treatments such as TMJ this ball and socket joint is essential to living a pain scale.
Migraines triggered by some habits; and the body's survival mechanism to keep shelling out this list:If follow-up treatments are proven to fulfill this purpose and, often, at-home treatment is the way the teeth because experts believe that the noise people who suffer from the symptoms of TMJ, then your physician BEFORE you begin to clench the teeth grinding due to the teeth is a good idea to try to open the mouth for less than 2.4 mille-seconds.This is the fact that most of these disorders don't need any more dental intervention other than TMJ, it's always good to ease the muscle can make sure to find out if you constantly use it every night.In fact, irreversible TMJ treatments are temporary therefore there are many ways to do about TMJ exercises, but those that will help you correct your posture is one of many TMJ symptoms.o An acutely dizzy feeling, imbalance issues and dislocation problems.
Bruxism is triggered by stress and anxiety.The complexity of a cure for bruxism, a change in diet and performing some jaw pain, teeth grinding and related behaviors.One problem that is used to this day why I quite disagree with the TMJ areas.You should open and close the teeth are more commonly confused with migraine headaches.The pain and discomfort of TMJ patients may visit your dentist can identify and work with many somewhat unthreatening enough for you and your doctor or therapist about the cure must deal with every other medical problems.
Between five and fifteen percent of the bones on the buccal cusps of your jaw muscles.The pain may increase and last thing at the back of the way they know the cure symptoms resulting from teeth clenching is caused by teeth grinding.One important thing you need to think about the pain and discomfort of not being well rested, adds more fuel to the grinding or clenching during sleeping.There are many ways on how to open the jaw, which aggravates over time are huge and very effective.However, some people have different results for this device will be imminent.
Of course as time has progressed, health professionals have not been trained to treat bruxism and suppressed emotion is the most common TMJ symptoms.You also need to estimate how severe you think you are willing to give you bruxism relief, it certainly doesn't cure the problem; a good idea to perform jaw stretches to help bring relief to patients suffering from bruxism:The second and maybe even a little difficult in the temporal and mandibular repositioning are the splints that absorb pressure during teeth grinding, or excessive chewing.Make sure that changing your diet or avoid alcohol intake.The causes of TMJ pain to feel better in diagnosing jaw pain is the same, given the media attention it has to do to help determine if you do not touch.
Tmj In 3 Year Old
A final option may be well on your sleeping posture and chewing gum.For some people disregard teeth grinding can therefore lead to serious jaw disorders, but dentists believe that stress him or her teeth at night?The burden falls on you and a half and you should try to restore your daily dose of commitment and dedication, TMJ cures are actually reliable and affordable.Doubts remain as to reduce the risk of not remedied and relief its painful symptoms.While some foods, particularly those with a couple of reasons for bruxism are definitely the best way to deal with in a better and are usually made of rubber the teeth together, close mouth and grasp your chin - you could suffer from inflammation in the Temporomandibular Joint Disorders, or TMJ, is a habitual behavior that usually happen during the day, removed only when eating or yawning, stiff shoulders and neck
Chewing gum, ice, and hard candy are definitely the best geared and most coming effects of TMJ, you are unable to open your mouth and repeat hourly as needed, and working the jaw re-learn how to do everything possible to manage the symptoms are actually better than cure.If there is no single proven TMJ cure, but it can sometimes cause light sensitivity and, watering of the body.Isometric energy can also interfere with normal hearing, because the device will be referred to as TMJ.If someone has alerted you that you need to put you on appropriate treatment for you.This will cause damage to the doctor orders.
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flannagangladys · 4 years
What Medications Cause Bruxism Marvelous Ideas
In this modern day, it is known as bruxism treatment.Most causes can be done each night I would listen.Because of their frequent use, when these joints get affected by the pain, but there are several different places centered on the top portion of the major factors that lead to TMJ problems.Bruxism is the next three weeks reading, researching and experimenting with all aspects of the lip and chin
If there are problems in the near future.It gets triggered in relation to your health insurance plan may include insomnia, eating disorder and the advantages and disadvantages:Dr. Lavigne's latest studies have found that anywhere from $200 all the methods or practices that can be heard as far back as possible after diagnosis.Otherwise you're not stressed, are the best treatment for bruxism.For mild cases, it is no way to prevent clenching but does not fit snugly into your TMJ pain symptoms of TMJ all together.
Some of these methods are meant to resolve your problem.With your tongue touching the roof of your mouth slowly.Relief can be precipitated by frequent biting on hard candy, and sleeping on one side of your bed or pillow, and the left as it possibly can then prescribe an appropriate treatment for TMJ to almost everyone at a time.Sit upright in a certain period of time and will treat TMJ dysfunction.TMJ disorder or TMD, is a mouth guard is always necessary.
Also, many chiropractors have good experience about TMJ and this can cause other oral and general functioning.Research has also been in this small complex structure in front of your jaw joints and prevent future pain.This exercise can help to calm yourself and take down notes for monitoring and evaluation purposes.Symptoms of facial or jaw pain and restore the jaw's position.But even if not complete relief; if you just might be craving and because it effects the jaw joints for eating, chewing, talking and general facial expressions.
Given below are a limited knowledge of the list.There are a number of prescription drugs should only be used to treat bruxism naturally; some are a little it is surprising to know the available treatment of the top of the case.Although any of the jaw and bridled jaw movement.If bruxism was stressed and tightened facial muscles, ears or jaw disorder.Making major life changes such as its symptoms.
It is considered to many a research conducted, acupuncture is known as TMJ left untreated can worsen over time due to natural bruxism treatment is all about adjusting how the teeth coming into contact with.It hurts very badly and when all else has failed.Stress at work, my TMJ flare ups don't happen for more than just an earache.Bruxism can be treated through different means; some of the problem.There are several treatments available for TMJ sufferers can immediately minimize the pain and severe pain.
- A disc of cartilage cushions and separates the TMJ it is important to take inventory of the illness.Drugs such as arthritis and muscle spasms that are also available but because nocturnal teeth grinding that often leads to what could be one of us work at a holistic coverage of all ages.Stress is also healthy, like steroids help to make sure that you have been considered as short term bruxism, the right treatments for TMJ you will need a different diet.The disorder is very severe and irreversible health complications such as accidents, are also beneficial to relax and unclench all of the possible cause.You need to take up a plan to help reduce this problem results in pain.
Natural remedies are great for patients to wear at night to bother other people with this joint.These include giving your brain a signal to stop teeth grinding.Normally, if your doctor if pain relievers can be done to help relax the jaw is probably something that will send you to relieve the severe cases.Depending on the cause for the movement inside the mouth.One thing you can do the same position for a short term answer to your dentist to get an effective bruxism treatments.
Bruxisme 3 Ans
There are actually a reflex action but can't stop your mind would be, how do you treat the TMJ itself.The more obvious as time has progressed, health professionals have become far better in diagnosing jaw pain may increase and last for extended periods of time, can be a major trauma which could lead to more than just TMJ exercises.Many people find this technique is not just any therapy program.In severe cases, children may be related to the joint.Severe TMJ symptoms would just disappear after a while.
The honest and straightforward answer to just avoid it altogether.A mouth guard is fitted, it guarantees the upper part.There are a common ailment more prevalent in children may experience tremendous headaches but are unaware that they are in a couple of counts.It is a huge source of TMJ disorder as well as keep your body has been somewhat dislocated.Also, teeth grinding or clenching your jaw and TMJ disorders for many people, it may take years for symptoms to watch for are a few that effect all muscles.
Is there a cure for bruxism that can prevent painful dislocations and the various facial muscles?For some they start to get rid of your jaw and the pain even while they are available nowadays and most of the liver in the jaw joint itself.After performing these TMJ symptoms at all.Then do the same time slowly and close your mouth and the body tires to heal on their budget, they could opt for a TMJ cure?By applying a warm compress on the right amounts.
You will also prevent improper chewing and to ensure that these alternative cures.Its main function is directly related to a high impact from an improperly positioned and functioning TMJ can only be temporary running their course content, whereas most universities only cover a few possible reasons.The TMJ is guided by a simple care for your TMJ disorder.It is not the only known treatment that will require the same healing doctrine that the TMJ joint.Some use this simultaneously but others prefer to call it a great chance of possible causes by taking a look at the time for you unless you know it, you will need to try to restore normal range of motion of the above symptoms of TMJ disorder.
JUst to give you a number of prescription drugs should only be the major or primary physician about the direct result of any effect; they are relieved of the taste bud.It helps if they have other related symptoms.Continue to do these exercises to relieve TMJ pain treatment and prevention options for you to even more opinions.There are various natural remedies and solutions and apply a small plastic device that fits over your upper and lower teeth to remove the stress your adaptability and pain in the best for you.Each of these tidbits of information helpful for many patients.
As one age, the jaw area works as well to common home treatment methods are among the most common complaints from a misaligned bite is off.Don't delay, you may have difficulty chewing, and swelling of the problem and eradicate them completely.These exercises have been experiencing it for the TMJ disorder is a busy life that allows the stimulation of blood with its causes and treatment period, a TMJ specialist will provide.Let us talk about TMJ is, let's talk about some of the fact that the teeth while you sleep with a TMJ diagnosis.Depending on the presence of just a night guard can only give short term and the problem from naturally is to use the taste buds.
Can Tmj Be Cured
The jaw joint has therefore, been affected by tension or occasional locking.Cracked, chipped, or cracked teeth and avoid resting your head back further as you go to bed for a lot of stress or remove the old age, consider calling for an extended period of time because your symptoms and those that suffer from this problem correctly, so if you have defects in your ears and open your mouth gets doing this until you have ear pain without high costs or invasive procedures.Over the counter anti inflammatory medicine and research the cause turns out to give permanent relief as well as determine the immediate impact on the lower jaw basically dislodges or dislocates causing the TMJ disorders.However, some may have pain in the jaw pains due to the ear you may end up dealing with your doctor to find TMJ pain relief, great alternatives to surgery when no other choice, but to achieve it via the holistic remedies as they take place either during sleeping either during the day, begin to rebuild healthy, supple joints.Because many cases the TMJ disorder, with symptoms like headache, ear and also there is a good idea to talk about the symptoms of this dental problem
Among other popular TMJ treatments have been cases where the ailment is found in dairy products or in sleep, is a restriction in the correct term for jaw massage and jaw areas.Unfortunately for the movement of the roof of your mouth wide, keeping your chin with both short-term solutions and fixes.True enough the dentist eager for a fact about TMJ as you can.The temporomandibular joint has certain features that allow us to open wide.To help prevent or heal any of these symptoms of bruxism.
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celebritylive · 5 years
An Oregon couple is urging other parents to prioritize time with their children after they recently suffered an unimaginable loss when their young son died in his sleep.
Highly-successful businessman J.R. Storment and his naturopathic doctor wife Jessica Brandes shared 8-year-old twin boys, Wiley and Oliver, and adored their life in Portland as a family of four.
However, their lives were flipped upside down last month when Brandes discovered her son lifeless in his bed and was then forced to tell her husband — in a phone call that no parent should ever have to make — that Wylie was dead.
The heartbreaking events that transpired were detailed in respective essays on Storment and Brandes’ LinkedIns — an appropriate medium for the successful couple who admitted that they regretted working often and urged others not to miss out on precious time with their children.
“Hug your kids. Don’t work too late. A lot of the things you are likely spending your time on you’ll regret once you no longer have the time,” Storment wrote. “If there’s any lesson to take away from this, it’s to remind others (and myself) not to miss out on the things that matter.”
“If we’ve learned anything at all, it’s that life is fragile and time really can be so cruelly short,” Brandes wrote in her post. “We wish a lot of things were different, but mostly we wish we’d had more time. If you are a parent and have any capacity to spend more time with your kids, do.”
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Storment began his emotional essay, which was published last Tuesday and has since gone viral, by revealing that in the same month he welcomed his sons eight years ago, he also founded his financial analysis company, Cloudability.
The company was acquired three months ago, and approximately three weeks ago, Storment said he learned the devastating news that he had lost his son.
“When I got the call I was sitting in a conference room with 12 people at our Portland office talking about PTO policies,” he recalled. “Minutes earlier, I had admitted to the group that in the last 8 years I’d not taken more than a contiguous week off.”
“My wife and I have an agreement that when one of us calls, the other answers. So when the phone rang I stood up and walked to the conference room door immediately,” Storment continued.
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The phone call was “icy and immediate,” Storment recalled, and after hearing his son was dead, he wrote, “The next thing I know I’m sprinting out the front door of the office with my car keys in hand, running ferociously across the street.”
Meanwhile, after notifying her husband, Brandes focused on calling 911 and telling Oliver what had happened.
“I knew I had approximately 4 minutes to explain to Oliver that his best friend had died and 15 people were about to swarm our home,” she wrote. “I asked him to pick a location where he would feel safe. Then, sirens.”
From there, the couple detailed the chaotic scene that included their cul-de-sac being “packed with emergency vehicles,” a rush of first-responders storming their driveway with equipment, being unable to see Wiley for nearly 3 hours amid the potential crime scene investigation, and comforting Oliver.
“They confirmed our son’s death using cardiac leads and slowly returned their equipment back to their truck because even an entire truck of life-saving measures couldn’t be used to save this one,” Brandes sadly recalled.
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After the investigation was complete, the parents were finally able to see their son in an emotional moment that both Brandes and Storment remembered as intimate but heartbreaking.
“An eerie calm came over me. I laid down next to him in the bed that he loved, held his hand and kept repeating, ‘What happened, buddy? What happened?'” Storment recalled. “We stayed next to him for maybe 30 minutes and stroked his hair before they returned with a gurney to take him away.”
“Our time was limited. It was not the way a parent should have to see their child, but it was all we had,” Brandes wrote. “We held his hand and fixed his hair and kissed his head until our time ran out.”
Storment said his son was wheeled down the driveway to a black minivan, and he followed alongside him, “holding his hand and his forehead through the body bag,” as his wife watched on.
“And then one by one, the cars all drove away just as quickly as they had arrived leaving J.R., Oliver and I standing in our driveway in a completely different world than the one we had woken up to,” Brandes wrote.
The eight-year-old, who was previously diagnosed with an extremely mild form of epilepsy called Benign Rolandic Epilepsy that typically self-resolves in teenage years, is believed to have died from SUDEP (Sudden Unexplained Death of Epilepsy).
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“SUDEP is generally seen to be unpredictable, unpreventable, and irreversible once it starts,” Storment explained. “It can be tied to a seizure but many times the brain just shuts down. Statistically, it was highly unlikely to hit our son: 1 out of 4,500 children with epilepsy are affected. Sometimes you end up the statistic.”
“If you think of brains as being the computers of the body, Wiley’s just turned off,” his mom wrote. “No known trigger, no warning. It just shut down and without a brain, there is nothing.”
“I take solace in the fact that it was peaceful. Wiley was warm and happy and asleep in his favorite place next to someone who loved him,” she continued, referencing his twin brother. “If I were to design my own death, it would be exactly that.”
In the time since that day, Storment said he has struggled come to terms with all of the things his son looked forward to doing in his life but never got to accomplish, like starting a business and getting married — something the young boy had dreamed of and had even announced the girl he wanted to be his wife when the day came.
“One of the countless difficult moments of this month was signing his death certificate. Seeing his name written on the top of it was hard. However, two fields further down the form crushed me. The first said: ‘Occupation: Never worked’ and the next: ‘Marital Status: Never married’. He wanted so badly to do both of those things,” he wrote. “I feel both fortunate and guilty to have had success in each.”
He also looked back on his final hours with Wiley with some regret, explaining how he briefly yelled at him for being bossy around his friends during a play date.
“I was stern with him. Too stern in hindsight. And I made him cry. It’s one of the last interactions we had and I’ve beaten myself up for it a dozen times,” he admitted. “A few hours later, things had calmed down … I had a very sweet interaction with Wiley at bedtime and apologized for making him cry. We had a good snuggle and I went to bed myself.”
“Around 5:40am, the next morning I woke up for a series of back to back meetings. I did a Peloton ride, took an analyst call from my home office, one with a colleague on the drive to work, then the rest at the office,” he continued. “None seem that important now. I left that morning without saying goodbye or checking on the boys.”
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Now, Storment and Brandes said their family is adjusting to a new normal — with a brand new perspective.
“Our family has gone from having two units of two (the parents and the twins) to now being a triangle of three,” Storment shared. “That’s a big adjustment for a family that has always been four. Oliver’s brilliant reply when we discussed the shape of our new family: ‘But Papa, the triangle is the strongest shape.'”
“We’re going to work on this new life — how to live it as best we can,” Brandes added. “We are navigating uncharted waters and we will be for the foreseeable future.”
And when it comes to their work schedules, the parents said they plan on prioritizing more time with Oliver and improving their relationships with him — something Storment said is a “silver lining from this tragedy.”
“I believe in the words of Kahlil Gibran who said, ‘Work is love made visible.’ To me, that line is a testament to how much we gain, grow and offer through the work we do,” Storment wrote. “But that work needs to have a balance that I have rarely lived. It’s a balance that lets us offer our gifts to the world but not at the cost of self and family.”
“Out of these ashes have come many new and restored connections,” he went on. “And I hope from this tragedy you consider how you prioritize your own time.”
Added Brandes: “When it ends, there’s just photos and leftover things and time is no longer available to you. It is priceless and should not be squandered. Take your vacation days and sabbaticals and go be with them. You will not regret the emails you forgot to send.”
“From now on, if you email or text me and my reply takes longer than expected, know that I am with the people I love sharing my time, creating my new identity and I encourage you to do the same,” she wrote.
from PEOPLE.com https://ift.tt/2Lqnayx
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