#some of yall are genuinely stupif
effervescentdragon · 2 months
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hello, terf. i call you a terf because not once, in all the asks you sent to both vrooms and me, did you ever object to being called that, which gives me a pretty clear indication that you know you are a terf, and even more despicably, are happy to be one such. let that be your moniker then, while i tell you a couple of things that you're due to hear, given your audacity in coming into my inbox to slander my friend.
i won't publish your vile ask. it is full of outright lies and slander towards my friend, and it's also filled with the disgusting biological essentialism and dimwitted logic that your kind likes to use to pretend that your bigotry and hatred are justified. i also want the option of blocking you if i so choose :) i will, however, reply to some things you've sent, both to me and to vrooms.
firstly, you absolute piece of shit, vrooms is not a "she". their pronouns (they/them), are in their bio, and this misgendering that you continously do throughout all your asks is the first disgusting clue as to what kind of person you are. (a lousy one, if you haven't gotten that from what i've already written. you can also attach hateful, loathsome, vile, wretched, etc.)
secondly, the fact that you had the audacity to come into my inbox to slander my friend tells me two other things; that you don't know anything about me, and that you aren't very bright. both are a detriment to you, i guess.
thirdly, the fact that you came into my inbox 24hrs after your little terf jerkfest in vrooms' inbox with this bullshit tells me you don't have much of a life, which makes sense. i wouldn't want to spend any time around you and your hatefullness either.
fourth, learn how to argue. learn how not to eat your words in the span of a single sentence and you might then realize that everything you've said is absolute nonsense. you came into an inbox of a psychologist and someone who studied medicine and you're arguing biological essentialism and cognitive differences with us? not the sharpest tool in the shed, huh.
fifth, i saw all your asks. they're as stupid and as nonsensical as i would have expected from someone who subscribes to terf ideology. pathetic.
sixth. if you're going to lie and accuse people of things, maybe don't leave a written trail that can be screenshotted and put out for everyone to see and judge for themselves.
seventh (i like seven, it's a cool number, so it will be the last) - fuck off. fuck off and unlearn your hatred and your bigotry and do some actual work on not being a waste of space and oxygen that you now are, and try and be a better human. because you're a pretty shitty one now.
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mcbeetlebeeb · 10 months
OOOOkaay time to dump homestuck garbage on here cause although only my friends look at my barely active page, I can't ever garble my stupid gobbles out to my friends in actual person so here I am
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anyways have some? domestic?? relationship? crap? headcannons 🤷
🫐John Eg fart bert☁️
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typw of mfker to be out in public and just rest his head on your shoulder, causally getting groceries? in supermarket? head on shoulder. making fuckin pancake? head on shoulder. literally standing doing nothing? head on shoulder
even if he's shorter, he will do it,
don't doubt him
I think he'd have god awful pick up lines but not, like, offensive or crude, just plain stupif bad- some garbage like
"I'd bring you too the movies but they don't let you bring your own snacks :("
like sneaky almost, some would genuinely be so thought out it'd just smear right over your smooth brain
fuckin- breath pick up lines, always-
"I hope you know CPR! you just took my breath away!"
whata fuckin dork
but he takes pride in that and if your interested in him you automatically become a dork yourself
you can't not get looped in with his garbage movie taste and stupid shenanigans
silly pranks with him
he'd pull pranks on you, matter fact if your his partner he'd probably pull pranks on you the most
genuinely sucha simp-
not clingy simp or overbearing simp just, yknow, can't help but go on and on about his significant other if ever brought up in a situation, probably brings them up just to do that
I think hed show physical affection in soft, gentle ways? nervous.™
like im talking hesitantly moving to hold your hand, or doing that stupid move of yawning and placing your arm around the other person and bringing then closer
holding you by the sides of your arms, gently trailing down to hold your hands
so soft for you, an even bigger dork when its just yall, absolute bafoon, a fool for you I'd even say
he 100000% babbles about you to his friends, and your friends, and you- lmao, his whole friend group will and can not escape his wrath of adoring you
absolutely talking Jade and Rose's ear off about you cause Dave can't take another moment of it-
will tell you how amazing and cute and this and that you are
no hesitation
I think hed be more than comfortable with pda, holding hands?
face smooches?
picking you up like a damn bag of flour over his shoulder?
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🪅Gamzee Makara🧫 (gamgee maraca)
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gonna be honest with you? probably a bit stinky
and not in like a swamp ass way like, he just distinctly smells like face paint and whatever who's guess at sopor slime smells like if it even has a smell-
mfker looms over you
he doesn't get like half of the words you say into his brain a lot of the time unless you specify its importance
he's trying his best
but regardless of not actually listening to your words, he loves listening to you talk, just speaking, he could stare at your face all day
like- in an unblinking manner but still lovingly
speaking of your face, that's what he'd mostly end up hugging, he's already hunched over a shit load so when he hugs you he just hugs your whole dome to his chest
probably garbles some silliness to you in a drunk/high like state, just holding you impossibly close to him and mumbling some junk like
"YoU..yOu GoT a NiCe..A nIcE fAcE..aNdD..sMeLl GoOd,,..WaRm"
I like to think the higher up on the hemospectrum(?) idk that trolls gradually get like more cold-blooded? if that makes sense?
okay like the higher it goes up the more the troll has a tough time gaining and keeping warm
he'd love warm stuff, like some big cat he'd just flop on it and purr away
you get clown makeup on your face each time he gives you a smooch, I don't make the rules
honestly would sniff you, and like, not subtly like straight "SNIIIFFFF"
can seamlessly re-create the actually honk squeek sound, but yknow, saying honk is much easier
and god forbid he finds you sitting or relaxing
all up in your biz, not like, verbally but he's already waddled over and rested his head on your lap or wrapping his arms around your waist and tugging you closer
I think hed be really mushy gushy over physical affection, not like embarrassed but he just enjoys it greatly and will do anything for you to play with his hair more
tbh a bit scary ngl, like, has that uh, union effect from Steven Universe, just sorta appears sometimes, there, observing,
he'd try and get you to eat sopor slime, he wouldnt force you but he'd definitely like, lean in with a tin of it and try and convince you, but he's not shoving it down ur gullet
probably great at taking snuggle naps, like he could most likely just drape all his limbs over you like some limp cat and just peacefully snooze away
also that whole shit of trolls having nightmares if not all snuggled up in sopor slime?
I love to believe it's canceled out by another person snuggling with them,
and that person is you of course,
you can't leave his presence without like a visable mark somewhere on you that you where around him
wether that be clown make up or sopor slime smeared somewhere on you
or you wearing his shirt, or his incredibly long pants
he's also a dork
I think hed enjoy how squishy humans are in general
he'd hold and love every part of you with a lopsided smile
hugging his arms around your hips as he leaves sloppy kisses against your tummy, smudging clown makeup on you
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aahugh sleepiness is kicking in but I don't care I must persist because I'm. GAY.
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Dave Strider (who names their child this)
breaking news! he's also a major dork
but in secret?
and an even bigger dork when its just yall
type of mfker to just pour his heart out to you in a way that makes you blank in the brain and then go "haha sorry that was weird" or "my bad that was probably cringe"
so unbelievably soft for you behind door, cannot do pda- for the life of him-
"hey, uh I made us a playli-" "YES."
listening to music with you at any given chance, likes sharing music genres and songs
if you dont make mention of him not smiling or laughing often around others he'll just let himself slip like that yknow?
like he'll giggle and laugh at more things, stupid, silly things,
comfortable with you to say the least
like mentioned above- if you got the chance to snuggle up close to him he'd drape his silly cape over yall both,
mostly you but 🤷
probably had a god damn coronary trying to figure his feelings out
talking with Rose or John like
"I dunno the fucks wrong with me, my heart hurts and my gut feels likes its in knots like im gonna barf?- "
"you like them dave‐ you like _____."
stammering and studdering round you like he has a speech impediment, has words in his head but just cannot execute them at all-
not with you around
it legit don't matter to him, he will call you bro, dawg, dude, homie, homeslice? home dawg?
probably would use these in an endearing way tho, just "dude?...bro?" in a loving way
"you have a smoochable face dude"
"fuck you-"
very hesitant on touching, not that he minds, he just will mentally perish if he ever made you feel weird
he'd definitely be the mfker to when cuddling with him to just to nestle and nuzzle the top of his head into the crook of your neck
mentioning cuddling- like whilst asleep, he'll still have a part of him touching you, wether it's his foot against your calf or his entire leg draped over you
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