#sobs i miss u sm
dottores · 1 year
my beloved cat, I hope you’re doing well… or well, I always hope you’re doing more than well, more than great even <3 know I’m always supporting you and wishing you the best always !! hope yukimiya is treating you like you deserve and beyond !! if not I’m throwing hands 👊🏽
HELLO BELOVED ILYSM SOBS I MISS YOU you’re the sweetest sobs imysm🥹🥹🥹 how have you been lately sobs
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cloudpalettes · 5 months
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hi guess who finished endwalker recently OTL
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saintobio · 1 year
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suntoru · 27 days
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pruwinkle · 11 months
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when is heizou coming back...
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ruanais · 3 months
A ANOUNCEMENT !!! EDITED : I’m not gonna deactivate it cause I just realised I’m too attached to this blog help-
hello !! I’m here to make a important announcement <3 so !! okay this might come as a shock, but I will be leaving @/ruanais ( a few days later cause I need time to clean things up ) !! T-T I’m really sorry but I simply don’t have the time or dedication to this blog anymore :( every single one I’ve ever met on this account was rlly nice esp my mutals and I’m so glad I got to meet every one of you <3
@silverbladexyz : gosh, we’ve been mutals for quite a while Huh ? I’m so grateful to you even tho we don’t rlly talk much anymore sihdjsjdjsjahhsjsj thank u for being with me after all this time !! :D
@justcallmesakira : we haven’t talked tooo much but I’m happy to have met you !! your works are amazing and I hope you’ll continue to grow <3 mwah !
@yuukimiyas : I’ve always looked up to you as one of my favourite writers so imagine my surprise when you followed me !! :0 your posts always make me rlly happy !! :D
@chuuyrr : I’ve always loved ur chuuya’s fics and they’re just so ??????? they’re my meal for three times a day Frfr !! :3
@sinmalssimp : raven, I’m really proud of you for being able to be so strong <3 you’re going amazing and I hope you’ll have a amazing life !!
@yuutx : thank u for being my mutal for so so long as well !!!!! you’re such a nice and kind person and you’re like a younger sister to me <3
@gojoath : cella !! omfg ur one of the people who managed to get me back into jujutsu kaisen T^T ur works r absolutely gorgeous and ur yuta series ?!?!???? chef’s kiss -///-
@vrachis : one of my og mutals ever since I started tumblr ! :3 also thank u for getting me into v tubers cause now im watching their streams whenever I can LMAO
@aureatchi : you and red are never ever going to beat the twin allegations tbh, even the abilities u suggested to me were the same so :3 and even ur names are similar :0 anyways ! rev, thank u for being my mutal !! you’re genuinely so so so nice and T^T ur like a younger sister to me as well <3
@cheriiyaya : red, you’re just like reverie so it’s like copy and paste except that youre more chaotic and I love your energy !!! i always laugh whenever I see ur url cause of that meme- fjdjjsjskjsj lol but you’re a younger sister too so !!! :D but yeah, I loved having convos with u !! you’re such a easy perosn to ramble to and thank you for listening to my thoughts that make no sense whatsoever !!
@rusmii : ruru !! firstly !! congratulations on 600+ honey !! you’re almost there to 1k aahhh !! we haven’t talked much but you’re such a nice person as well :(
@culturity : kady, ur such a sweetheart tbh and I always feel happy whenever I see ur posts on my dash <3 I hope that everything goes well for you in life cause you deserve it !!
@m0uchie : EMI !! you’re rlly nice and I light up whenever I see u in my inbox or notifs sjsjsbsksjjssjs I rlly wished we talked more tbh :( but we still had fun together <3
@riiwrites : riri you’re one of the people I’m closest to on tumblr and I’m so so happy I got to meet such a amazing and kind person as u !! thank u sm for everything honey !!
@beasalmeh : okay !! you’re a rlly chaotic and goofy person that I love to talk to !! seeing your messages always make my day and it’s so fun to have a conversation with you :D
@dazaisslave : ichika, you’re such a sweet friend to me and I dont and never did deserve someone like you :( thank u for everything <3
for the other mutals I didn’t add cause I’m a lazy fuck or we didn’t talk much or just became mutals so I don’t know anything abt u or we are mutals but we haven’t talked in a long time so it would be awkward + my dear followers : thank you as well ! all of you helped me in my growth as cringy as it sounds lmao sibdjshsjsjdj I could never ever have gotten to 100+ followers without u guys and I’m genuinely gonna miss u guys so fucking much :(
— ur dearest rua <3
also u guys, surprise announcement I’m not single anymore <: ur girl rua got a bf !!!!!! ahem !! but yeah !! hehe :3 I fulfilled one of my dreams !!!!!!! :D I CAN FINALLY TELL MY FRIENDS IM SOMEONE WHO GETS BITCHES 😍 /j
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Ohhh heheheeeeeHEHEEHHEEEEE giggles and rubs my hands together evilly. so we’ve had cult leader!geto and you who’s mad at him… and we’ve also had you who’s slowly accepting loving him…. But what about cult leader!geto and reader that’s just. Moved on. Accepted it when he left because of the understanding that it’s just the way life goes. Doesn’t mean to say that you didn’t miss him, that you still don’t, it just means that you understand that there’s no point being angry about things you can’t change, so you let it go. Obviously, it’s sugu. There’s no replacing him. But you don’t try to replace him, you just carry on with life. You find other people who are special to you and you don’t try to fill the hole he left in your heart, you accept it, heal it, and work around it. He sees you again years later and he excepts you to be angry at him — wishes that you’d be angry at him — but you’re not, you just smile at him. There’s no anger in your eyes, no bared teeth or quips of bitterness, just a soft kind of understanding that you can forgive him and carry on with your life without allowing him back in. IM ACTUALLY GOING INSANE PLEASE…. It’s not quite you forgiving him and loving him, moreso just understanding and accepting that he was someone very special, but just not accepting him into your life again. He can’t exactly tame you because you’re not angry. There’s no storm to wait out, there’s no rage for him to soothe. Nonchalance and acceptance I think is the best way to combat him methinks… :333 OMGGG think of that beabadoobee song “the way things go” ohhhhh..
“Passed your house when I was on the train, in my mind you’ll always stay the same.” “And there’s so much left to say, I guess I’m just the bigger guy.” “A distant memory I used to know, oh I guess that’s just the way things go.” SCREAMS!!!! AUGGHHH IM SORRY THIS IS WAY TOO LONG BUT. AUGHH I could scream ab sugu forever…. <333 — stsg anon !!
STSG ANON i need you to know that this broke me. gutted me. i feel numb inside THIS IS SUCH A TASTY SCENARIO I’M SCREAMING
okay so. just putting this out there; i think this would break him. lmao. this is the cruelest thing you could do to him because it’ll hurt him like nothing else. and he deserves it!! this is the best possible scenario for you, but the worst for him. and that’s just….. soooo bittersweet.
He sees you again years later and he excepts you to be angry at him — wishes that you’d be angry at him — but you’re not, you just smile at him. There’s no anger in your eyes, no bared teeth or quips of bitterness, just a soft kind of understanding that you can forgive him and carry on with your life without allowing him back in.
goshhhh stsg anon…………. the way you wrote this…………. :(((( i’m in awe of you always. this made me so so emotional i’m just ……… hhhhhhh…… my heart is crumbling a tiny bit but i’m gonna try to be coherent…… T_T
i think geto would be happy for you. i think that despite his own feelings, he’d ultimately make the painful choice to respect your wishes and stay out of your life. it hurts him but there’s also this sense of inevitability — this is the natural consequence of his actions. he was a fool for expecting anything else, hoping for anything else. but a part of him always wished that you could be together again; and i think that wish hurts him more than anything.
geto really is just a lonely guy at the end of the day, and the thing about his ideal world is that it doesn’t even just boil down to a world without non-sorcerers — to geto, it boils down to a world where i don’t have to see my loved ones suffer. that’s what he wants more than anything!! and i think that even though he knows it’s unrealistic, even impossible, a part of him was always hoping that you’d wait for him to create that world for you. that you could one day go back to the way things were.
so meeting you again, and being forced to accept that it just won’t happen… that he’s just a person of your past and nothing else…. yeahhhh. it breaks him a little. then again, he always wished for your forgiveness; at least he has that. at least he knows you don’t hate him. there’s a kind of comfort in that, even though he probably would’ve preferred feelings of hatred to no feelings at all. :(
no but this is genuinely heartbreaking from geto’s pov and it’s even worse because you’re just doing what’s best for you!!! there’s no anger, no hard feelings, and it irks him because there’s nothing he can do!! you’re so right stsg anon!!! there’s no storm to wait out, there’s no rage for him to soothe….. there’s nothing he can do to change your mind. it just is what it is.
i also think this forces him into unveiling himself. this is just my own take but my interpretation of cult leader!geto is that he’s pretending to be something he’s not like . 80% of the time…. i think he copes by creating all these new personas, silly and overbearing and cruel, when deep down he’s still just sad and a little bit lost. a little lonely. it’s very telling that he felt the need to create a new family, because that’s just the kind of guy he is — he needs to have people around him to protect and cherish. very similar to gojo (stsg soulmatism strikes again)…. when he meets gojo in jjk 0 he feigns nonchalance, but later, when he’s watching the sunset and thinking about their history, he just looks sad. resigned. there’s a softness he’s trying to hide, but it never quite leaves him.
and i think that with you being so open, so sincere, he really wouldn’t have any choice but to meet that with a sincerity of his own. i can see him giving you one last sad smile, and honestly telling you that he’s happy for you. that he wishes you nothing but the best. and he truly means it. he wants you to be happy more than anything; it’s fine if he can’t be there to see it.
it’s a shame, but he’ll learn to live with it — for you.
so anyway this made me cry AND THEN YOU TOP IT OFF WITH BEABADOBEE????????? ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME????????? THAT SONGGGGG STOP STOP PLEASE I CANT TAKE IT 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 it’s so geto i’m abt to throw up blood
can’t remember how to say your name // let alone count all the freckles on your face // a distant memory i used to know // oh, i guess that's just the way things go // oh, i guess that's just the way things go
can’t remember when you said you called // miles away, and it was still my fault // the love you said you had, it sometime showed // oh, i guess that's just the way things go // oh, i guess that's just the way things go
passed your house when i was on a train // in my mind, you'll always stay the same // i’m happy now, i ought to let you know // but i guess that's just the way things go // oh, i guess that's just the way things go // and i don’t mind that that's the way things go.
:(((((( stsg anon i’m not even joking this made me tear up …… he’s just so lonely. you’ll always be you, and he’ll always be suguru. i don’t think he could ever stop being fond of you, even if you were to forget him one day. in my mind, you’ll always stay the same………….. sniffle. he’ll always, always remember you.
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chrlvctius · 6 months
"I'm not her clarke"
"I know"
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str4wb3rry-newsboy · 4 months
looking at pictures from my production of newsies all solemnly like theyre pictures of my ex
we parted on good terms but...that doesnt mean i told miss them so much i could die 😔💔
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briseise · 1 year
every time i see s9 king arc content on my dash it's like a hail of one million arrows death by a thousand cuts huge boulder smashing me to bits etc etc
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thedeadthree · 1 year
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LIOSLAITH, dnd 🌿 | LIOSLAITH, dnd ❄️
UNA + the cannibal, hotd 🐍 | ALVA, asoiaf 🌸
VINDAMEA + shadowmere, tesv 🐉 | VASHA, eso 🌊
TAGGED BY @risingsh0t, @chuckhansen, @shadowglens, @corvosattano, @jendoe, @florbelles and @leviiackrman to use this cutest picrew for a few loves! ty so much!
TAGGING: @feystepped, @griffin-wood, @kingsroad, @unholymilf, @phillipsgraves, @celticwoman, @denerims, @aartyom, @morvaris, @shellibisshe, @blissfulalchemist, @jacobseed, @girlbosselrond, @queennymeria, @nightbloodraelle, @belorage, @marivenah, @adelaidedrubman, @jackiesarch, @loriane-elmuerto, @yennas, @noonfaerie, @heroofpenamstan, @detectivelokis and you!
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astrxealis · 2 months
hiii :333 i think i am alive !! ( small update in da tags )
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chimemori · 1 year
*me running into your arms because I missed you* 😭😭😭😭
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itoshi-s · 1 year
Have you ship ur moots yet? If you haven't I kinda wanna see it :)
hi nonnie !!! UH OH i had to let it marinade in my inbox for a lil but it's here finally ˃̵ᴗ˂̵
considering i'm moots with quite a few people on here,, i included just these that i interacted w the most / followed for the longest !! </3 i love each n every single one of u tho MWAH bbies !
@garoujo & nagi ,, they're endgame </3 i don't make the rules they come in a pack ! sweetest gamer couple ever !!!!! have u seen them at the gym 2gether !! @_@ u cannot tell me otherwise n if you think any different,, you're delirious LOL
@haitanisbug keelo my beloved ,,,, u belong w the haitanis in a poly ship </3 PLEASEEEEE you'd rock their world. and make them do the filthiest most insane shit 2 each other. MHM MHM i am rooting for this . also: shinichiro >_< keep that boy on a leash !
@tinymaru & reo !!!!! OBVIOUSLY DUH ! reine makes his rich boy ass so whipped i know it . reo's told me himself he's so in luv ong o_o also have u seen them on a double date w/ seishiro & emmie .. THE CUTEST ever !
@yaakultt n loser isagi ........ the pretty sassy girlfriend w her lame golden retriever bf .. >_< BUT ALSO ever since i picked up hq i SOOOO definitely get ur selfship w kags. it just works. i see it so well kayla i am a BIG fan !!!!
@katasstrophy RIVER hear me out.. let me tell u soMETHING LET ME TELL U SOMETHING ... sae .. it makes SOOOOO much sense. he'd LOVE u and your snarky ass. constant teasing but he smiles at u when you're not looking. PLSSSS also. ever since u outed urself as a ushijima kinda gal .... yeah.. i see it vividly he adores u. somethin about u being an aspiring writer ,, abt u being all crazy n fun and him just @_@ falling head over heels for u bc you're similar in a way but then again,, there's some differences that make it so much more enthralling. SOBBING i have sm more to say abt both of these ships
@ryudoll *slams fists on the table* RYUSEI !!!!!!! i don't take any criticism @_@ the sweetest shy gf w/ her clinically insane boyfie ??? HELLO ?? jae you'll always be the otp in my eyes ! always forever ! he's your crazy doberman boyfriend BUT u keep him on a lil pink leash and he always comes crawling back </3 PLEASE this is so cute. i am biting my fist as we speak
@lalunanymph DAWN PLS .. KAKUCHO.. i remember reading ur works back in my tokrev era and you were the one (1) single content creator on here to make me see the potential in this man !!!! how else would u do that if u weren't literal soulamtes o_o y'all just. belong together. all classy but sweet. thinkin of u two in the bonten timeline....... how you'd ABSOLUTELY turn heads ........ you're the IT couple you're the moment ! </3
@iitoshi ALL THE RINS !!!!!! all of em ! pls the way i can't wait to get to hq s4 just to meet suna n see the yet another rin that bagged u ! >_< but also !!!!! idk how u feel abt him but your vibes make me think of mitsuya sm </3 you're both the sweetest n I KNOW he'd be obsessed. i wanna see that happen mhm mhm
@saetoshis KUNIGAMI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NNGHHHHHH or or or tengen OR ANY BEEFY MAN U DESIRE MOSHI ! cuz u would bag them 100000000%. i think of you and i think of big juicy sturdy men ! kuni is my 1st choice tho <3 you're his biggest fan n he makes sure he shows gratitude in ... various ways........ some filthier than others ADKLHK but you're the sweetest couple ik it </3
@no3tis LALA HEAR ME OUT .. bachira ............. @_@ I KNOW you'd be the most fun couple 2 be around and i'd most probably piss myself laughing around u two LOL you're both insane n i lub u <3 you give me such similar vibes but it WORKS i can see you together so well !!!!!!1 one of these couples that u glance at and just FEEL that they're perfect for each other !
@haithamuse ESTHER i might not know the al haitham guy just yet but. BUT ! he gives me v smart vibes and so do u and IT WORKS in my mind !!!!! idc if i got it wrong cuz it's 1000% true to me (>_<) !! but also. let me just suggest ....... the man himself that you'd DEF bring down on HIS knees instead !!! kaiser @_@ pls you're already like past the language barrier n almost neighbors too. just fall in love already i wanna see that happen KDAJHAK
@dark-mnjiro n barou !!!!!! PLSSSS lee. sigh you'd make this man reach his full malewife potential that we all KNOW he has. you're the couple that makes everyone heal !!! the couple that makes all ur friends feel like you're the parents of the group LOOOOL the vibes are immaculate n u always make me feel so giddy whenever we interact ! it only makes sense u make shoei feel the same & put his guard down around u ! </3
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saotoru · 1 year
CHLOE ILOVEYOUOHMYGOD I THINK AB U SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sending u one million kisses
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godnectar · 10 months
My love! it took me forever to find you! I had to make a new Tumblr account because I lost the password and email with my apple ID.
How have you been? What have I missed? I've missed you so much!
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