#so more time to drawww.. for now
hiphopcherrrypop · 2 months
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sysig · 6 months
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Betty’s Wish (1/?) (Patreon)
It’s definitely weird that Betty, with all her Magical abilities, never met a Wishmaster, right? I think so
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#My art#Comic#Adventure Time#Prismo#Betty Grof#Oh this is much bigger than I'm used to lol - feel free to open in a new tab#My big project! Here it is! :D Or at least the first piece of it lol#I worked on quite a lot of it through Requestober - or at least the digital cleans lol#If you'll recall my ''This has gotten way out of hand'' posts about Winter and the like - yeah it was actually this lol#And that was just the roughs! This became my warmup project for the remainder of RQTR 2023 lol#It definitely worked! All the way around! I got lots of panels done in short order and got my warmups in for the day#These are mostly drawn right on top of my original sketches - other than adding Betty's kerchief#I would've gone over her hair to make her more on-model but hrnnghhh hair fun to drawww#This is my happy medium compromise lol#Prismo was also a treat to work on ♪ He's vectors as you can probably tell :)#And I still looooove working with vectors ahhhhhh <3 <3 They're so fun to manipulate and move around#I can change his expressions so quickly! Very enjoyable to work with :D#Hehe ♪ He's also not confined to the panels the same way Betty is :)#Anyhow! I have Several more of these planned but for now I'm just happy I finally have this one :D#For reference this is set before the end of Adventure Time - obvs since Betty looks like this - but also kinda not lol#Y'know how it is with time and paradoxes and stuff :)#Even Prismo knows ♪ He probably knows best of all actually hehehe
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jrueships · 7 months
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tbh tho i think my art is fugly af LMFAO
#not in a '>w< eeeek! i wish i could drawww 🥺 i can only cobble such measle crap with my lowly peasant paws.. *unveils mona lisa*'#sense but like a my style makes me want to hurl whenever i look at it bcs it's a constant reminder that it can only be what i can make it be#and bcs it looks bad to me then that means i cant make things look good if u get my sense like#idk man 😭!! im just sick of being scribbly!! and not clean! i wanna ink my art! have crisp lines! dark lines!!#not have to put stupid darkening filters on everything bcs i cant color or shade so my art is just stuck with the blinding white background#well the frustration is more how i CAN color and shade.. i CAN ink my lines with a darker one#lets not excuse my laziness now cmon ted omg dumbass bitch#it's just that doing so makes me . crazy#my attention span like. crumbles when i try to add color or ink over lines bcs thats Such a commitment to me#i HATE leaving things unfinished when it seems so monumental#like unfinished sketches or prompts? fine. those are sketches. little prompts. even if u post it it's shit#but starting big things is a COMMITMENT.. with CONSEQUENCES ! ! i just want to avoid them ig#it's like im stuck between art being a fun lil past time and being a perfectionist actually so no. no it is not#but also i NEED to draw i NEED to write SOMETHING! SOMETHING!! then i realize the weight of things and purposefully hinder myself#then later hate myself for hindering even tho it felt so good and right in the beginning ORGHH or WHATEVER#idk one of my friends told me my style reminded them of the new tmnt movie (which has been praised yeah#for like beautiful ugliness tho) and like. i KNOW it's a compliment... but. why did it make me Feel 😭 like i wanted to rip my art 2 shreds#once i lined my art and my friend (an artist i admire) said smthin like 'omg finally! ted lined art! gorgeous!'#& i KNOW. I KNOW IT'S A COMPLIMENT. BUT WHY AM I THINKING LIKE. SO VIOLENT. NOT ABT THEM. BUT MY SHIT NOW#like UGHHH i just HATE feeling trapped and helpless when actually theres help available but im just DUM!! JUST LINE UR ART TED#art is like playing sport is like making good grades is like working well is like being a good friend is like being a good person#literally. just be GOOD.#it's all a performance to me ARGHARGH! I HATE THE JOKER! I HATE BEING CRINGE@! RAGGHH I HATE THIS SHIT#<- mfs when no basketball#mfw i cannot avoid enlightenment via the meaningless distractions i codepently craveRAGGHG!!!!!!1!
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thewittyphantom · 2 years
Got another Rio event in Duel Links, and after it, I unlocked her! ...Her speech is kinda strange considering the event immediately before it XD
Rio: Heh! Too bad for you. I’m still in the game! Shark: It really is too bad...for you! Because you’re Dueling exactly like I expected! Rio: !! Shark: You’re not good enough to pose even a tiny challenge! When you started Dueling, you couldn’t even build a Deck without me choosing your cards for you. Rio: That was a long time ago! Shark: Huh? Rio: I don’t need your help forever! I can fight on my own! Shark: I Set one card and end my turn! Rio: It’s my turn! ............ Shark: What’s wrong? Afraid of what card I Set? Rio: Grr... Shark: The more you think about what I played, the more you confuse yourself. You haven’t changed! You don’t trust your own abilities! Now draw your card! It’s not going to help you anyway! Rio: ............ Bronk: Rio! Don’t let Shark get in your head! Just believe in yourself and Duel your Duel! Feel the flow, Rio! Tori: Yeah! And high five the sky! Rio: .....You’re right! I need to trust myself! I drawww! Shark: You’re no longer afraid of my strategy. You’ve grown up. I’m proud of you. Rio: Reginald... Shark: ...is that what you expected me to say!? Rio: ......!! Shark: Because I’m not! You haven’t grown at all!
Rio: While I was in the hospital, I heard that Reginald changed. That he became scary. And that everyone was scared of him. So I got scared too. But the stories were wrong. He’s still the same great brother I’ve always known. Thanks to Yuma and his friends. But it’s true that Reginald has a lot of rivals. They’ll try to get to him through me. So I can’t be weak. I need to get stronger. This will help me. Descend from the skies! Ice Beast Zerofyne! I invite you to my frozen world of ice!
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zu-is-here · 3 years
Fluffy crossyy
Sssoo fluffy (๑>◡<๑)☆
How are you doing today? <3
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Don't hesitate to take a well-deserved break! (ùwú) Have a good rest and please, take care╰(*´︶`*)╯
Awww that's so sweet of them! (〃ω〃) (Potato waffles?? *^*) And such a lovely team work, wasn't it? <3
Woah— already two?? \(//∇//)\ Let it be fluffynightkiller (since the last year one was dark cream ///)
Oh you meant IRL! That's even better (*゚∀゚*) I remember doing one in the university, so much fun! <3
The writing is really underestimated because of its form and sizes, but a truly great work's worth many of drawings, and I always admire such talent I don't have, so please keep doing what you love!╰(*´︶`*)╯For the others do love it ♡
I'm looking forward to it as well! (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)☆
The day's been great <3 Was helping my family to get ready for the trip, I won't see them until spring (úwù) And I'm feeling much better now, thanks! ᕦ(òwóˇ)ᕤ Wanna drawww but don't wanna work,,, XD
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So many delicious dishes to taste (⁎⁍̴̀﹃ ⁍̴́⁎)
What amazing timing <3
OH it was such a funny story! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
So our study group was really small, I was my friend's Secret Santa and I was pretty sure she was mine, especially when I got a really cute present with sweets and stuff I liked, and when we showed our gifts and met our Santas, I showed the little angel brooch I got and went all cheesy and soppy about how sweet and nice it was of my Miss-Secret-Santa when suddenly a low and brutal "it was me" sounded. It was my super stern classmate. He was clearly embarrassed by the words, and while everyone was awww-ing surprisingly, I had the red face of a happy idiot and a program error in my head XD I still keep this present from an "iron man" with a big heart, so as not to judge people by the cover and gifts <3
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What about you?? *^*
Thanks a lot! (〃ω〃) You too <3
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YESSS!! It's been a year yet felt like forever :'D
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For real heheh! Thank you (*´꒳`*)
Oh :') I believe this year will be more original and pleasantly surprising! *w*
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lilypatchkins · 3 years
I forgot how to draw ;-; ples help, you draw amazingly... every time I try to draw something I can't think it up on my own. Everything is pretty mh a copy of a reference- How does I drawww (´(ェ)`)
First of all, thank you for the compliment! I’m flattered you like my art and that you thought to ask me for advice. There is still a lot I have to learn myself so I’m not sure how helpful my answer will be, but I’ll tell you what worked for me personally. 
I have gotten the question, “How do I draw?” a lot and my answer boils down to the same thing every time: practice. It really is something you can’t rush being good at, and that’s fine! For more specific advice, I wouldn’t worry too much about trying to come up with original ideas, especially at first. It’s hard to sit there and bust out an idea on your own. If your current concern is getting better at drawing, then focus more on the drawing part than the brainstorming part. Who cares if your drawings are just copies of a reference for now? You’re practicing, you’re training your hand, and you’re also training your eye to pick out details. 
There’s nothing wrong with using references, in fact it’s very good in helping you understand the composition of things. A lot of my earlier drawings were also pretty much copies of my references (you could argue that a lot of my current drawings are still like that). I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, especially if you’re still easing into drawing. References are very important in helping you learn about anatomy, lighting and shading, and composition. 
I guess I could go over my drawing process too. I’ve noticed that a lot of people try to go straight into drawing the final lineart and get frustrated when it doesn’t look good. I always start with a very, VERY rough sketch of the whole thing, just for a basic idea of where things are. And then I slowly refine that sketch, adjusting positions and sizes when needed (this is digital art specific), adding details and just overall slowly building up to that final lineart. It’s kind of the same logic with writing an essay - it’s easier if you make a rough outline of the whole thing, rather than trying to make things up as you go. 
Be patient with yourself when drawing. Don’t give up quickly just because it doesn’t look good at first - a lot of artists start with really rough sketches. And if you really just can’t find the energy to draw, or you keep getting upset because it doesn’t look good, then draw something “bad” on purpose. Draw something funny. Roughly sketch out something around you. That’s what I do whenever I get into an art slump. If you really want to draw, drawing anything is better than drawing nothing. Keep your hand moving. The more you draw, the more you’ll naturally improve. And when you feel more comfortable with drawing, I think inspiration will strike a bit more naturally too. At least for me, when I got back into art, things in my environment that I never really paid attention to before suddenly struck me as, “Oh hey that could make a nice drawing!” 
Even still, you’re obviously not going to feel inspired all the time, and you’ll definitely have slumps, and it’s okay to take a break when that happens. Don’t push yourself. Just remember to pick up the pencil again when you’re feeling better. Do that, and I see no reason why you wouldn’t improve. 
Sorry I rambled a lot, but my last bit of advice is to try and have fun! Your best drawings will be the ones you enjoyed making :) I’m not sure if this is the advice you were looking for (if not let me know) but I hope something here is helpful! Best of luck on your drawing endeavors, anon! 
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Low quality doodle dump, hidden behind a “read more” to save all of your eyes
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Sometimes I just drawww... b o i s . For happiness. None of these have meanings, it’s literally just me drawing dumb stuff to make myself smile! -
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“Take a joyride On the flipside Of the void! Little toy!” I always wanted to draw a little thing with Henry and this song, because it’s a favorite of mine and really is what I structured his “endgame” after. A bit fucked, but not outright... bad? It’s not sad, but perhaps it’s malicious in tone? His signal’s getting weaker... But despite finally coming around to the “glitch in the glitch” visual, which I feel fits Henry and his relationship to his own emotions and other people well, I don’t feel like this drawing is really... HENRY, if you get what I mean. That’s why he’s in this doodle dump, I don’t feel like it’s worth to stand on its own. Maybe one day I’ll figure out how to do it “right” and get this Glitch in the Glitch visual correctly. But for now? This is what it is. - How to talk to short people:
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I don’t get why people trace. How do you handle the low resolution?! Alas. It’s a shitpost, me fucking around with some memes, so I guess I’ll allow it to look shitty. If I were honest, I’d say we see three different AUs playing out here, but I’m not honest, perish. -
And last and CERTAINLY least, a text conversation between Malcolm and Simon, based on another fucking shitpost. This time me and Pink are BOTH guilty for making this happen.
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I’m not giving context. Maybe there IS no context, because it’s just based on a dumb meme! YOU WILL NEVER KNOW!
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parkjiminer · 6 years
ok SO theres this person lets call her butter; so this butter person well shes touchy like REALLY so she likes holding hands and putting her head on my shoulder anywayyyyy apparently butters friends told me that butter when im not ther is like a lion in a cage but when im there shes the calmest an cutest person aND IDK WHATIS HAPPENING i may be overreacting here;;;; its my right tho also i got more soRRY FOR TAKING UP YOUR TIME ;;;;;
(2)  ITS ME AGAIN also when i was in french class jk was live and the french teacher is like really strict but i swear to god that butter came to my class even tho she is scared of that teacher and texted me to go to the bathroom to watch the live for like 3 min;; butter was skipping a class just to watch that vlive w me and i was internally screaming again still not done i aM SO SORRY
(3)  THE LAST ONE I PROMISEEE ok so this week we have like a "different-week" going on and the maths teacher was like ok so lets do 2 hours of maths but with both of my classes (the one i am in and the one butter is in) and butter was like yaay well stay together at the same desk an drawww and i was like super happy and excited skip to 1 hour later when no one was writing anything anymore so butter was just drawing on my sketchbook anyway im out of space gotta go fill another ask hahah sorry
(4)  OK BUT THIS REALLY IS THE LAST ONE ok so butter starts like idk how to describe it like scratching but softer w the fingertips my legs and she asked really softly like whispering if i like it and i did like it so i said umm sure and she was like well you know because soe ppl dont like it;;; istart doing the same to butter and she was like well dont do the same circle in the same spot so i started like moving to the knee aand tp was like well thats more like it ONE LAS THING BUT NO SPACE LEFT IM
(5)  L A S T O N E butter is one of those ppl (im in the same category) whos not realllly a fan of selfies and doesnt take them like at all butt she wanted to take one w me bc apparently we dont have any and butter kept saying that im really pretty and i was like haVE YOU EVER SEEN YOURSELF IN A MIRROR and just went back and forth also butter took a lot of pics of me when i was like what is you doinnn and i took a bunch of pics of her bc shes like so prettyyy and thats it sorry i need your opinion
butter pls that's so cute fndjkfnkds and it all sounds so cute !!! i can imagine how you're feeling omg
sO it's already established that butter has a big soft spot for you and you only, as her friend told you; and all the interactions you described really seemed like things someone who ha a crush/likes you would do - and it actually rang a bell on me lmaoo especially the scratching legs part tbh (but let's get back to this later)
butter is really out there skipping class to watch a live with you and taking selfies with you even if she doesn’t like it but she wants bc it’s /you/ and beiNG CUTE AND SOFT WITH YOU !! from my point of view it really seems like she likes you back as well. Now let's get back to the bell thing: i had a total of 2 major crushes in my life and it was pretty similar to what you're describing (the last one was even more !! bc everyone shipped us lol but nothing happened sadly), but i was always too scared and never said anything to them and i regret it so the first advice is: tell!! her!!!!!!!
I know it can be hard and that we want to know if the person actually feels the same before confessing so for the rest of my advice: 1) if it's possible, try to pay "attention" to the friend that told you about the lion in the cage thing when you're around her - if she makes "knowing faces" to butter when you two interact or something like that; 2) also if you can, maybe you can ask her friend?? like 'uh so, does butter likes anyone rn?' or smth like that; 3) the best option tho is to ask butter herself, and it seems like you guys have a pretty nice relantionship so it would be easier to ask (also pay attention to her answer and general body language when she answers!); 4) when she start doing These Things try to show her that you really likes it and try to start it be yourself sometimes as well
crushes can be really tricky and i know that when we are actually in front of them we have no control of we do lmao see how things go from there, but pleaseee try to tell her how you feel!! i know it's hard but it can be such a relief to finally say it to the person you like and!! it will destroy all your doubts al well. 
I'm wishing you all the luck anon!!! i hope i could help you even if just a bit and pls keep me updated on what happens with butter! honestly, you guys seem so cute i wanna explode and @butter pls stop this slow burn 100k fic 
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iamthebonecarver · 6 years
#1-69; multiples of 1 ;)
Hahaha alright alright, i habve like 20 minutes lets see how far i get. (im not includng ones ive answered already)
1: Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette?
I want to say a firm yes but i feel like Ill eventually try one just once just to see how it is. 
2: Are you single/taken/heartbroken/confused?
Im always confused even tho im single. 
3: What if I told you that you were pretty?
4: Ever been told “it’s not you, it’s me”?
5: Are you interested in anyone right now?
6: What are you looking forward to in the next week?
7: Do you want to be single?
Yes. I dont think a relationship would be good for me right now. 
8: Did you go out or stay in last night?
9: How late did you stay up last night?
10: Can you recall the last time you realized you liked someone a lot?
The other day
11: Last three things you had to drink?
Water, Milk, Ice cream (it was melted) 
12: Have you pretended to like someone?
13: Have you ever told somebody you loved them and not actually meant it?
Probably at some point. I dont remember it tho if i did. 
14: Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past 3 months?
15: Is it hard for you to get over someone?
16: Think back five months ago, were you single?
As a pringle that was ready to mingle. 
17: What were you doing at 12:30 this afternoon?
Its only 13:35 so I was answering these. 
18: Hold hands with anyone this week?
Does my cat count?
19: Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol?
Same answer as the cigarette. 
20: What would you name your future daughter?
21: Do you miss anyone?
22: Have you kissed three or more people in one night?
I have never kissed anyone. 
23: Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed?
I have never kissed anyone. 
24: Are you good at hiding your feelings?
Yes. Extremely good.
25: Have you ever cried from being so mad?
Funny thing: I dont know how to be mad because it happen once in a blue moon for me so if I do get mad I usually end up in tears anyway
26: Who did you last see in person?
27: Are you listening to music right now?
No! I WISH!!!!!!
28: What is something you currently want right now?
To be home and not at school. I wanna sleep.
29: What is the last thing you said out lot?
“Sorry Artemis.”
30: How is your heart lately?
31: Do you wear the hood on your hoodie?
32: Are you wearing socks?
33: What do people call you?
34: Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
Ive already answered this but its still a probably. 
35: Are there any stressful situations in your life?
36: Who did you last share a bed with?
37: Did you do something bad today?
I did. I had to put my dog in her crate cause i had to leave and i jfc i feel so bad. 
38: When was the last time a member of the opposite sex hugged you?
Like 3 months. 
39: Do you get stressed out easily?
Nah bruh. My life is one big stressball and im just kind like “ok... cool....”
40: Will you sing today?
41: Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but didn’t?
42: Who do you go to when you need to talk to someone?
I have a few people. Although @fleet-foot-trash usually gets the brunt of my rambling and i feel bad. 
43: Have you ever been taken to the emergency room in an ambulance?
44: What are you listening to right now?
My classmates game on their phones
45: What is wrong with you right now?
Lmaooo you want a list?
46: What is on your wrists right now?
47: Where did you get the shirt/sweatshirt you’re wearing
Rhode Island
48: What do you like better: hot chocolate or hot apple cider?
Hot chocolate
49: Do you make wishes at 11:11?
50: Are you a good artist?
I mean... i can drawww.... i wouldnt say im that good. 
51: Love really is a beautiful thing huh?
52: Do you miss the way things were six months ago?
Some things i miss but i wouldnt go back
53: Ever been on a golf cart?
54: Do you have trust issues?
Yes. Severe. 
55: Ever stayed up all night on the phone, with who?
Yes a few times, With my best friend during the summer bc we were bored and i kept annoying him by singing that bruno mars song that would be aelins jam. 
56: Do you own something from Hot Topic?
57: Do you use chap stick?
58: Have you ever slapped someone in the face?
Yes it was a dare
59: Do you have a little sister?
No im and only child
60: Have you ever been to New York?
61: Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it?
62: Have you hugged someone within the last week?
63: What were you doing at midnight last night?
64: Have you ever regretted kissing someone?
Ive never kissed anyone
65: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
66: Were your last three kisses from the same person?
Ive never kissed anyone
67: Have you kissed anyone in the last five days?
I have ever kissed anyone
68: Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone?
69: Will next Friday be a good one?
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zu-is-here · 3 years
Zu!! I loveeee your killercreammare week art!! Yesss!! It's just so soft and sweet to have them all together!
I love how Killer is playing with dreams scarf!! That's such a sweet detail. Gotta love them without the angst ahhhhh
It's wonderful!
Hii Gayfish! Awww thanks a lot! (๑>◡<๑) It was fun to draw them together, the tension heheh ♪ Tumblr ate all the quality tho xd But I'm glad you liked it! <3
Phew it's been a while— How are you doing? ♡
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Hope so! Thanks again (〃ω〃) Oh it's up to you ;) What if *^* (Yep! Or just Moon Sonata ♪(´ε` ))
*hugsss* The week's been really busy because of the work yet I'm great and determined as always, thanks! <3 Luckily in time with Inktobertale (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) And Friday's coming so gotta rest and drawww ☆
That's so good to hear it╰(*´︶`*)╯Oh wowie!! I'm looking for the second part *0* Take your time with Round and Round, it's worth it ☆ Can't wait for SB updates! (//∇//) You've been so productive, please don't overwork and take care (ówò)♡
OMG congrats!! How was the interview?? What's this job? (*'▽'*) Fingers crossed! <3
P. S. I have!! But haven't read yet omg— *hyped noises* ///
Koshka's been grumpy and lazy again lately (≧∀≦)☆ Gotta draw some funny moments with her someday <3
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Have a nice and peaceful weekend too! (*´꒳`*) Actually no big plans for now (since I really wanna make a progress with the comic), def gonna visit my family <3
Thank youuu! No crash >:3 Only a crush(es) ;D
Aw yeah!! That's the spirit (òwó)☆ You're doing amazing by following your principles, you go girl! Best of luck╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
PFFF— now I'm even more intrigued XD
How's Henry doing? *^*
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It's gonna be alright! (ówò) You have more free time now not to waste it in waiting but to use it properly ☆
Awww Henry XD He's not a filthy boy anymore heh! <3
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