#so i don't really wanna hear shit
andloveistoolong · 2 months
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So I made a dunmeshi sexuality headcanon chart?
Edit: I'm gonna list all the flags under a cut for anyone who needs that.
Senshi: MLM and Bear Brotherhood
Chilchuck: Bisexual
Izutsumi: Aroace
Falin: Bisexual
Aaaand Laios: MLM on his chest; around his head, clockwise from the far left, are Asexual, Acespec, Aromantic, Aroace, Aego-aroace, and Demi-aroace. Just, lots of different possible aspec identities.
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sherrywaves · 2 years
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started playing gow recently..
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drakonovisny · 7 months
i completely forgot that i didn't tell my dad that i got my lip pierced and he saw it when we were video chatting yesterday, so he asked me sarcastically: "what is it gonna be next, nipple piercings? 🙄"
however i didn't have the heart to tell him that i'm only planning to get those after i have top surgery lol
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witchcraftingboop · 2 months
Sometimes talking to my dad is like trying to grab a small, stubborn child by the shoulders and shake them into a new consciousness. Mans had the audacity to sulkily ask why it felt like I didn't want to talk to him anymore this morning and then was genuinely offended when I responded that I had to go and couldn't talk anymore. This was, mind you, after he asked how I was doing and I let him know that I was not feeling too great since my friend's death was revealed to be due to her boyfriend murdering her yesterday, and my dad proceeded to go "oh, well I just left the store because this couple was fighting, and I just do not want any negativity around me today" and then, without taking a breath, proceeded to ramble on for 20+ minutes about buying himself some much needed socks and then some shoes to match said socks because why not they're right there... Like, bro, my guy, homie, why would that god awful immediate topic change make me feel like continuing to talk to you?? Gtf off my phone
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the-catboy-minyan · 4 months
Hi as another nonbinary person you read the comic in 2013 it took me forever to see the trans allegory and while I like the idea of a trans person and a well meaning cis gay navigating a goverment that hates them together the shapeshifter = trans is a shitty message and the film seems to take all the nuance and fun out of the comic
I actually really like the shapeshifter allegory, it's more of a shapeshifter = genderfluid and had been done to death in media, but for good reason. being a shapeshifter is like one of the best superpowers for a genderfluid person because you can instantly change your appearance to match your current gender expression.
ok I'm done talking about a movie on a political blog lmao
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uselessnbee · 2 years
i still find it funny how everyone wants Mike to stop being stupid and finally notice that Will loves him because it's fucking obvious but no one is ripping out their hair and begging Will to notice that Mike loves him because that's fucking obvious too
except me
please Will sweetheart you know Mike the best
tell me ONE TIME when Mike looked at El the way he always looks at you. when did he ever looked at El with so much tenderness and love
exactly never
open your eyes and you realise that boy has always been yours
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daz4i · 2 years
i hate you people who treat mental illness as something scary i hate you people who act like every asylum is haunted i hate you people who stick their nose into mentally ill people’s lives and creation i hate you people who treat the mentally ill as less human i hate you people who treat the mentally ill as specimen to be watched or a form of entertainment or horror i hate you ableists i hate you
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vicontheinternet · 8 months
What gets me is when older gens/parents get online and angrily respond to someone questions abt how things used to work like maybe because yall didn't teach them shit. How do you expect them to know just spontaneously have knowledge of how things works when they were kids or before they were born. Or the millennials who wanna be old so bad and be condescending "most ppl under-" miss me with that bs
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kryptic-krab · 9 months
hmmm sometimes i like to be oblivious to the history my predecessors lived through
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padisaraea · 9 months
curse alhaitham and him not bothering to share any life story EVER
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parasprite · 10 months
ik she'd never play favourites and stuff but god its like. depressingly clear how much my mum prefers hanging out with my cousin over me. they have outings and regular movie nights and go on walks together and run errands and do chores they do literally everything together. and honestly its not just that like... even when im hanging out with the two of them i know she's more focused on my cousin. like she takes an interest in his interests. she asks him about spanish all the time but doesn't give a shit that i'm learning portuguese. i feel like i bore her whenever i try to speak. i always wanna let him ride shotgun the rare times im out with them because she can hold a conversation with him but not me. and whenever i'm alone with her she just treats me like a receptacle for her dumb fucking rants about facebook drama and then she seems so surprised when i have good advice for her even though i Always have good advice. she treats me like her talk therapist. she never thinks about my needs or my life or my interests. not that i even wanna tell her about it.
and like. for my cousin's birthday she got him a paranormal activity 6-movie blu ray box set because it's their favourite film series to marathon together. like they've rewatched it a bunch of times. they discuss their fan theories and everything. yknow what she got me for my birthday this year? nada. which is PORTUGUESE for nothing. god and they had that spontaneous weekend partying in london together and then a few months later she fucking planned a trip and went to sussex alone even though she knew id been wanting to go to sussex with her for literal years. she kept saying she'd take me then she didn't. what the fuck.
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neverendingford · 10 months
#tag talk#vent#I don't wanna do the whole “I'm so good at psychology cause I've fixed myself. I should go into counseling” thing that overly empathetic#empathetic people do. but like. nothing like deconstructing a tense social conflict to make you feel good#the smol autistic minecraft enby who adopted me had a moment and I helped break down the situation and resolve shit with them. it was cool#but also I immediately went out to the living room and napped for three hours. thinning that hard was exhausting.#do you ever do the depression nap thing? when I'm doing well I never sleep during the day. but when I'm sad I take naps a lot#because I don't want to be awake and I sleep poorly at I night and am just generally lethargic so I nap on the floor or couch a lot#ugh knowing the stress will go away doesn't help the fact that it's super awful right now.#it's times like this that I wish I'd really committed to it in Feb. like. in two weeks I'll be better and joy de vivre and all that.#but right now? ugh. big fuckin ugh#the minecraft emotional labor thing is just a natural responsibility of being a 25 year old playing online video games with 15 year olds.#if I see a situation blowing up I can't hear sit by and watch someone destroy their friendships on the server. I have to help#but also bro I am struggling to help myself. maybe I say I'm packing up my pc early so that I have a good excuse to stay off the server#I literally did the thing again where I make new friends. make everyone love me. and then get burnt out at the speed of light and disappear#making friends is so easy. leaving friends is so easy. nothing is forever and we all die someday. blah blah blah you know it already#meaningless meaningless. all is meaningless. maybe king Solomon was just fuckin depressed when he wrote that. sure sounds like it to me.#I just can't do anything when I'm like this. we're subsistence living now bois.#I wonder if part of my neurological damage is from the lead I used to eat in high school.#the windex shots can't have been good for me. but I don't think that stays in your body the same way#though it did fuck up my urinary tract for a few months. that was wild.#anyway. I wonder how much of my chronic periodic funk is just effects from bad choices and how much is normal natural inevitable.#everything is an ocean. nothing is a lake. the waves are always thirty feet high and the troughs scrape you on the bottom of the reef#nothing is midline except when you're rushing through to one extreme or another.#you're either overstimulated or absent from your body entirely#both of which cause wild and oft unbearable dissociation.#everything gets better and everything gets worse. I'm only like this when I'm stressed. but that's my secret cap (avengers reference)#anyway. I'll survive. I'll make it. I'll live because I need to become even more gay to make my family mad.#I need to keep living so my dad realizes just how much he's lost touch.#so my mom cries about how she should have done something differently so I wouldn't grow up gay. because that makes so much sense right?
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confinesofmy · 1 year
the other day with the fam i got triggered by something that seemed like a really obvious trigger to me but like hey nobody's a mind reader so whatever and after stupidly enduring it for about 20 minutes i expressed discomfort and my one cousin was like oh come on just one more and i said "oh i think i'll just go home now" (like informatively i mean not threateningly) and then they were like aw :( okay, okay we'll do something else and i do think this was marked down as another 'wow adam is so neurotic' moment but i was talking about it in therapy today and my shrink made The Face so when i got home i called the cousin i'm closest to from that group bc suddenly i felt better equipped to explain "hey <that> reminds me of <this> and that's why i withdrew like that" and we had a good little conversation about what to do next time and reassurances on both sides re: if i leave that's okay and re: if it happens again that's okay BUT her initial response was to say "but <that> isn't <this>, they're different things" and it felt like she was telling me i was wrong and i hated it bc i knoooow they're different i'm not fucking STUPID why is your instinct when i'm explaining why i got upset to tell me why it shouldn't have upset me are you serious shut up!!! but whatever. i laid the groundwork for next time to be easier and anyway "tough" conversations like this strengthen relationships. it's fine.
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iniziareold · 1 year
Question: Sae, how do you feel about fanon takes for Tifa Lockhart? Me: I hate this place, I hate it here. I want to burn it all.
... Half of my tags were eaten alive. I oppose this.
#[ out of character. ] whatever. i don't really care. i'm just gonna sit this one out.#[ that's a lie-- i'm not gonna sit this one out. i don't wanna sit stuff out anymore. ]#[ i'm angy and the world must know-- am i going back to 2016/2017 sae; who am i. ]#[ i'm shaking at fanon takes. fucking save me. ]#[ i perpetually have salt shakers lodged in the palms of my hands. ]#[ listen-- i have respect for people's portrayals. i do. ]#[ except i don't when you misread a character so badly that you forego the very basis of their entire character arc. ]#[ this throws me back to the days when i made ezio because i read that someone thought he /enjoyed/ revenge. ]#[ like no i don't respect that. i don't respect that shit because you have such an abysmal take on the very foundation-- ]#[ of a character. ]#[ i don't care what you /want/ a character to be or do. that stands /entirely separate/ from what a character actually is or will do. ]#[ i need people to hear me on this one. ]#[ /your opinion is not fact/. ]#[ and yes i know people will go 'but sae this is your opinion--' ]#[ i'm going to throw these salt shakers-- what even is my salt tag. please blacklist this. ]#[ salt. ] If there were such a thing as terminal literalism; you'd have died in childhood.#[ god who was it on my dash the other day who said this-- but i take such immense offense to... ]#[ this concept of 'everyone's take is their own opinion'-- i'm sorry. what is critically analyzing material. ]#[ am i just pulling shit out of my ass here? ]#[ am i-- who claims to be canon strict and do /nothing/ if there's no strict basis for it within canon-- ]#[ am i held in the same regard as someone who just goes 'eh-- well i don't like what canon does SO I'M GONNA BE HEADCANON-BASED'. ]#[ no?? ]#[ no. please don't. then why am i here-- why am i here? ]#[ if not to analyze the shit out of these characters-- keeping what creators might actually intend for them; based on intricacies shown...#[ within canon material? ]#[ i'm sorry-- no. i'll stand here and die on the hill where i say that not all portrayals are even. ]#[ i'll bring that damn post back out that people were supporting for a while. ]#[ about this very topic (except remove the little extremes). ]#[ i also literally was salting about this in call a while ago; i don't respect your bad takes. ]#[ i don't respect your bad takes when they actively disrespect a character? why should i respect that? ]
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moe-broey · 1 year
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I can't remember last time I showed him off but. Here's my silly little guy my beloved boy whose hobbies include causing problems on purpose and going "Oooh I'm gonna getcha. I'm gonna getcha!!" and then killing with extreme violence
Ascending his HP stat ALSO like. Is funny bc that's Xane's Thing (high HP), but also a lot of the time he lives when I really don't expect him to! He's really versatile actually, he plays support by being near enough to his allies to proc Def/Res Menace, healing from the backlines, and he can also throw some punches to either soften up a strong foe or just straight up kill them.
I'm not sure how many of Maria's skills I can put on him, given the four skill limit, but I do have a shit ton of manuals I hoard for occasions such as these 👁️👁️
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akd as lucifer (the mysteries)
#as per virtually always coming from that nothingunrealistic research (finding these pics in their ig backlogs)#had seen that top pic via the Visible docuseries but naturally had no idea it was from the mysteries rehearsals...loved it already though#such a great portrait lol the quality of the Light (spotlight even. all the more pertinent when you're Lucifer though)#and then the way sure the figure is mostly in darkness but the Illumination is such as to provide defining features....#it's also what we're working with with most shots of ''pretty sure that's akd lucifer'' lmao like#if one didn't Know that was them up top i wouldn't be at all sure; such as the ''maybe?? probably?? possibly??'' status of other shots#and Another hairstyle lol longer but seeming less styled than any other rehearsal pics...hell yeah though#and then the much more identifiable straight on fully lit in costume / makeup / apparent final hairstyling having a snack break...#asia kate dillon#lucifer the mysteries#speaking of gender and literally theatrical performance looks. i wanna be the lucifer in the secular the mysteries performance....#inherently nonbinarily as hell even if that's not quite definitively known / out there yet....#there's only one problem (there's many problems) i know Nothing abt acting lol. i mean i know some things but i don't know how. boo#in that to hell with vibing through shit i need to learn Technical Things & Techniques....ppl aren't just vibing out here#but it was always fun to also just try to make up [how to act] while like 9 & who cares yknow#got taught the crucial technique of ''there's no mics so if you don't talk really loud nobody can hear you anyways'' first & foremost lol#literally so true...got a real kick out of our one half semester middle school theatre class but you know#a) didn't get much feedback but ''i mean that was also incoherent lmao what was going on'' having fun & being theatrical mainly#b) wasn't abt to join an extracurricular for several reasons or get into theatre stuff when older sibling was already on it lol#c) didn't have Experience to start trying it out in the next stage of things anyways but still had a tiny bit more opportunities to f around#always had like Tangential theatrical experiences & then just Being theatrical lol like oh yeah that annoying kid stuff was also shticks...#and now here we are today. but wherein now i Know who wouldn't wanna be a worm lucifer nonbinary secular the mysteries hellooo. iconique#but more than that? would be [so long as we're just making shit up] I Wanna See Akd Lucifer The Mysteries lmao like no kidding#or malcolm in the brewery performance. or malcolm in the broadway performance. or just whatever like. we're Looking; Listening; Absorbing
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