#so i cant do that setting. but don’t rb if you’re not me
fear-before-valor · 3 years
AU Ficlet: Jim, who was raised by the Order from the age of five, attends Arcadia Oaks High, for his first day of human high school. Weird things happen in Arcadia, though, and his appearance seems to be one such weird thing to the residents in this small, strange town... 
Aka: How an Order-raised Jim met Toby and Claire
Words: 2939 II Warnings: none II ok to rb --
Jim dropped his backpack at the empty desk next to one Tobias Domzalski’s, one of the only people at school who’d been properly friendly to him so far. It was Jim’s first day of mortal high school, and he’d been vetted mercilessly by every student group but Tobias’s, though he was beginning to suspect that said group consisted of only Tobias.
Of course, Jim had been screening his peers right back, but it was still exhausting. He thought he’d been ready after the Order’s… extensive lessons on humanity, and how to fit in with the mortals like himself, but already, everything he’d done felt like it must have been a social faux pas of some kind.
Act quiet around the quiet kids? Then no one speaks, until the silence grows so long that it’s awkward, and starting up a conversation makes it feel painfully forced. So, okay, maybe find some louder kids and try to blend in with them. Except, they start to grow obnoxious, and at some point, the headache simply stops being worth it.
Jim wasn’t even going to dare try and bond with the overly studious; he wasn’t here to vie for valedictorian, nor was he all that interested in making grades that separated him from the pack. Not to mention, he much preferred whatever lessons the Order could teach him anyway. They were very practical things, going over philosophy, strategy, combat, computations. He was already conversational in Bellroc and Skrael’s original languages, and though he knew Spanish would be equally valuable, the Spanish teacher seemed… intense, in a way that Bellroc and Skrael, who could likewise be rigorous sometimes, were not.
In fact, the only class he was indeed eager to take was history—and, okay, perhaps physical education didn’t sound horrendous, so long as he was careful about holding back in certain areas—because while he could learn plenty of history from his very ancient guardians, to hear of human history from the mouths of humans, like himself… it sounded unique, in a way that he hoped was amenable, at the very least, if not genuinely interesting or entertaining.
As he sat down in the chair beside Tobias, the boy seemed to light up, beaming over at Jim, a reaction that he hadn’t expected from his peer. He’d thought he’d rather botched his first conversation with Tobias in homeroom that morning, as he hadn’t known anything about anything that Tobias had referenced (what on earth was Gun Robot?). But, evidently, he must have done something well—or at least, acceptably— because Tobias was leaning over and excitedly holding out his hand to show Jim something which clattered in his palm as he moved. Politely, Jim glanced over to see what it was, and—oh.
Oh no.
That was definitely the remains of a troll.
Tobias was holding out small, grey pebbles for him to see, on which Jim could just make out hints of tattoos that had been etched into the troll while they were alive.
Holding back his mild panic, he gave a tight smile and a nod, as his classmate diagnosed them incorrectly as gneiss—which, admittedly, Jim thought wasn’t a bad guess, really. It’s not like the other boy had any reason to think that the rocks he was holding were anything but an average metamorphic stone.
Tobias was looking to Jim for a response, though, so he opened his mouth to speak, breathing in—
Jim froze once more. The distinct tingle of magic had just washed over his senses, keen and undeniable, unlike anything else he’d felt that day.
It was raw, underdeveloped, not yet bolstered by the right teacher, but it was there, and it spoke in tones of purple, pulsing with potential.
Jim was no wizard himself, much preferring combat to the arcane arts, having not a strong penchant for it or its intricacies and delicate, temperamental nature, but even still, he’d been raised with the three most powerful magic-users in the known world. They’d taught him from youth how to recognize when magic was present, how to glean as many clues as he possibly could about it, or who might have cast it, might be walking in it, based on its style and scent, its intensity, or its intentionality. He wasn’t quite the best at sensing the finer details, nor could he find it when it was masked, but when it was open, unhidden, he could feel it like a mild electric shock that one might get when touching a door handle in dry weather; he could sense it like the faint scent of ozone during a storm, or like a prickle on the hairs on the back of his neck, when lightning was about to strike.
What’s going on? He thought, as he turned his head in the direction of the epicenter of the magic. First, there’s troll remains in the hands of a classmate with the same schedule as him, and then there’s—the girl, there. The girl with the blue streak in her hair.
The witch.
She’d caught him staring, as she set her books down on a desk in the front row, a couple columns over from his. Beside her plopped down two more girls—her friends, Jim noted, as they chattered familiarly, cheerfully.
The girl gave him an awkward smile, then, and Jim realized that he must have been staring for a few moments too long, so he rapidly flicked his eyes back to the surface of his own desk, trying not to think about the flush he could feel splash across the back of his neck, or the tips of his ears.
Tobias did not grant him such grace.
“Ooh,” he grinned, smug as a cat in a sunbeam. “That’s Claire Nuñez. President of the drama club, valedictorian candidate, great actress. She’s tied with Seamus Johnson and Shannon Longhannon for top of the class right now, I heard. She’s wicked smart, and—Jim?” Tobias huffed, “Are you paying attention to me?”
Jim’s eyes darted back to his new friend, from where they’d been briefly studying Claire Nuñez’s back, trying to get a more in-depth read on her arcana. He nodded distractedly. “Yeah, yeah, smart, a president; I heard you.”
Tobias sighed, shaking his head. “Jim.”
Jim raised an eyebrow, indicating that he was listening.
“She’s out of your league.” He deadpanned. “She’s super popular, and you’re, no offense, definitely not.”
Jim shot Tobias a confused look, brow furrowing. “What do you mean?”
The boy stared openly at Jim. “What do you mean, ‘what do you mean’? Do you really not— Oh my god.”
Jim blinked. “What?”
Tobias shook his head. “Jim, you’ve kinda… scared a lot of the people in our class today. They don’t know what to think about you. You’re like a giant question mark! No one even knows where you came from—”
“Ohio.” Jim recited his cover story, which Skrael had helped him pick the night previous. They’d chosen a city that started with a c… right. “Columbus, Ohio.”
Tobias shot him a deadpan look. “Okay, fine, Jim Lake from Columbus, Ohio. Why’d you suddenly move to Arcadia, then? Why not L.A.? Why not Burbank?”
Jim frowned. “Do you interrogate every newcomer like this? My parents got a good job opportunity here.” He held up one hand, “And before you ask—real estate.”
“Oh yeah? How come I haven’t seen them put up ads, then?” Tobias crossed his arms. “I’m just saying, dude; I think you’re cool, but you freak a lot of people out with that brooding, silent thing you do.”
Jim snorted. “I do what?”
“No, I don’t know—”
“You act, like, all silent and mysterious when people try to talk to you.” Tobias shrugged. “I don’t think it’s a bad thing, but some people don’t seem as ready to brush it off as me. I’m only telling you so that you can make more friends here.”
“Well, I have you, don’t I?” Jim’s head canted.
Tobias blinked, floundering at that. “Well—y…yeah, I guess so, but—”
“I mean, we are friends, aren’t we?”
It was Tobias’s turn to go a bit pink, shaking his head in bewilderment. “If you want, yeah, but—”
“Then there we go. I have a friend.” Jim smiled.
Tobias tried to protest, “But—” only to find himself cut off as Mr. Strickler strode into the classroom at that moment, placing a leather briefcase on his desk with a decisive thump. Cacophonous voices incrementally petered out, as attentive heads turned to the front of the classroom, where Mr. Strickler had pulled out a stack of syllabi, handing them to the student nearest the door, with the instructions to “take one and pass them,” spoken precisely to the class.
Tobias looked like he wanted to say something when Strickler turned his back to write his name on the chalkboard, but Jim shushed him from the corner of his mouth, opening a fresh, blank notebook as he did so. This was the only class he’d bothered to buy a separate notebook for, and, to be frank, was the only class he’d even intended to take notes in at all.
Tobias looked chagrined, but not angry, as he rolled his eyes and went to fetch a pencil from his own bag. Might as well have something to do with his idle hands for the next hour.
As his first day was winding to close, Jim had to admit, having a friend at school did end up making it a little easier.
The rest of his time there had passed largely unremarkably, since a rather thrilling start to the history curriculum. Jim’s hand had shot up just as much as the apparent reigning top of the sophomore class, one Miss Claire Nuñez’s, had— a fact which had, according to Tobias, already begun to percolate across campus.
The lesson had only briefly covered the basics of ancient Rome, going over a bit of easy, more widely known trivia, to see what the class already knew about their oncoming first unit, but, nonetheless, Jim had been eager to jump in, to talk almost directly to Mr. Strickler, going back and forth in the form of a discussion. He’d spoken quietly, quickly, and he’d felt the eyes of his peers glued to his desk, but had ignored the sensation altogether, in favor of listening to what his teacher had to say about aqueducts, instead.
When the hour had finally come to an end, in fact, he’d packed up slowly, most of his classmates abandoning the room as quickly as they could—the lunch period was about to begin—though Tobias was kind enough to wait for him. As such, Tobias was the only other person present to hear Mr. Strickler stop Jim after class, paying a brief compliment to his performance that day, and accompanying his words with a poster for the history club. Jim didn’t think his furtive smile had gone entirely missed by the teacher, but as they’d exited into the now mostly empty hallway, he forgot to worry about it further, as Tobias wasted no time in asking him how the heck his new friend knew so much about history already?
Jim had shrugged it off, saying that it was his favorite subject; and besides, didn’t Tobias— “Seriously, dude, it’s Toby, by the way”— know more about geology than anyone else in their class? The compliment had made Tobias—Toby— preen, and he’d promptly dropped the topic, instead launching into an enthusiastic lecture meant to coach Jim through the cafeteria process. Jim, who had tried to jump in to say that he’d heard this at orientation the week prior, but Toby had shot him an appalled look at that, swiftly informing him that orientation did nothing to help the social side of things. Sure, he knew the motions, but did he know how to do them without standing out in the crowd? Absolutely not—in fact, the thought was almost laughable, according to Toby.
So, Jim had grinned, followed Toby’s lead, and had just barely survived the ever-important lunch line waltz.
The rest of the day had passed mostly the same way, in the end. Toby, having warmed up to Jim, took him through the whole rest of the day, guiding him through the intricacies of Arcadia Oaks High, and by the time the final bell was ringing, Jim almost felt like a normal student. Some of his peers had even started waving to him in the hallways; he’d broken the ice, after all.
Well. He’d thought so, until Toby had said goodbye, peddling away on his bike toward home, leaving Jim alone in the courtyard by the bustling lockers, surrounded by students eager to either go home, as Toby had, or to dive into after-school clubs and sports.
Jim opted to take his time, though, to enjoy the Southern California sun, as he strolled casually across the campus, toward the front of the school grounds.
As he rounded the corner, though, intending to head toward the Arcadia Oaks sign, where he’d stop and shoot off a text to the Order that his first day had gone well, and that he’d be home soon, he felt a tap on his shoulder, instead, and heard a throat being cleared behind him.
He knew who it was before he even turned to face her; her magic had given her away as soon as she’d reached a hand for him.
Despite this, Jim whirled as if she’d caught him by surprise, schooling his features into something startled but friendly, relaxing his shoulders as a polite smile crossed his face, upon seeing her. “Oh, hey. Sorry, I wasn’t expecting—” he rethought his words, shaking his head. “Never mind. …It’s, ‘Claire,’ right?”
She nodded, returning his smile. “Yeah! And you’re ‘Jim Lake’, hm?”
Something about the way she asked that question sent up a warning bell in the back of Jim’s mind, but he tried not to look unsettled; it was probably just nerves.
“Yup; just Jim is fine, though.” He added with a casual laugh.
Claire tilted her head, continuing. “So, you’re quite the history buff, huh?”
Jim’s hands dropped to his pockets, as he glanced at his shoes, then back up to her. “Uh, yeah, I guess so.”
“You guess?” She teased. “You were on fire in class today.” She lifted her chin, to look at him head on. “Do I need to worry about you unseating me, Jim Lake from Columbus, Ohio?”
Jim snorted, shaking his head. “No, no; it’s not like that. History’s just a hobby.”
“Pretty intense hobby, if you know half as much as you seem like you do.” She raised an eyebrow at him.
Jim grinned. “Intense? Like being the president of drama club, the vice president of debate, and the supposed shoe-in for the lead in the play this fall?” he recited, much to Claire’s surprise, who shot him an impressed look.
“Huh. You sure do pay attention, don’t you?”
He glanced around, making it a leisurely movement, concealing the way he was searching for anyone who could overhear, before his eyes met hers again, as he said, “Only to certain people.”
Claire blinked, cheeks reddening, mistaking his meaning. “Oh, yeah? What kinds of people?”
Jim rolled the dice. “Well, people who seem nice, or kind, who I could make friends with. People who do things I wanna do, too, so I can have an ‘in’. Like clubs, and things.” he clarified.
“And, uh…” his voice grew hushed, “Magic-users in the human world.”
Claire’s face fell. “What was that last one?” Her nose scrunched with the skeptical look that overtook her features.
Jim’s eyes darted to look for an exit, realizing coldly—fearfully— that he had grossly miscalculated.
“Uh…” Stupid. He chided himself. Think of a lie before you go backing yourself into a corner. Skrael would be disappointed in him if he were here.
“Did you just say ‘the human world’ like you… aren’t human?” She stared at him suspiciously.
Jim blinked. “What? No. I’m human. Of course I’m human.” He gave a strained laugh. “What else would I be?”
“…Someone who thinks they aren’t?” Claire’s brow furrowed.
“It was a rhetor- well. I mean, I guess that’s true. But I’m not!” He smiled weakly, and then froze for a split-second, rapidly adding, “Someone who thinks they aren’t human! I know I’m human!”
Claire’s eyes shot to the street, where, to her poorly hidden relief, her dad had just pulled up to the curb, there to pick her up. “…Right. Well, Jim Lake from Cleveland, Ohio, my dad’s here, so I need to go, but this has been… interesting.”
Jim nodded rapidly, shooting her one more smile— a sheepish, apologetic one— as he gave her a shy wave. “…Yeah.”
Claire hoisted her backpack onto one shoulder, giving him a half-hearted wave back. “…Bye, Jim.”
“Bye, Claire.”
As she turned to leave, Jim frowned to himself. He wasn’t sure why, but something felt wrong. He supposed it could have been the awkward manner in which he’d acted, but in a flash, he decided that wanted to see her again, just in case that wasn’t it. He couldn’t be too careful.
So, before he missed his chance, he called after her retreating back, “See you around?”
Claire stopped, hand poised on the handle of the passenger side door, freezing there for a heart-pounding pause.
Then, she shot him a look over her shoulder, one of interest, meeting his eyes deliberately. Jim got the sense that he should heed it carefully.
“Yeah. See you around, Jim.”
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thethirdwheel404 · 4 years
Med Rewatch Series (#5)
S3 e3: Trust Your Gut. From what I remember this is a big one. I just remember this episode title honestly but we’ll see what happens.
-look at that! ava’s just casually in this scene, minding her own business, doing her job! you would never guess that this is a character who would later have a psychotic break and commit suicide.
-that’s really the point i’m trying to make. I hate all those posts where they’re like ‘i hated ava before, but season 4 has finally shown her true colors’ like not even?? no??? we’re trying to prove that that was never even a thing. i want to eliminate the possibility of s4 happening from your minds. nothing from s3 should ever be used as foreshadowing. that’s what the rewrite is about, ava being a good character. ava was never going to commit suicide. she was never gonna go psychotic. that should be ingrained in everyone’s minds.
-anyways, back to the episode.
-connor takes everything like a personal attack. relax
- i never realized how fun stoll was. like obviously not in the story but as a character he’s hilarious. unattached by everyone else’s drama
-awww. this maggie interaction is amazing. tapping sarah on the shoulder (neck actually but whatever) just to say hi. adorable. and sarah is already super jumpy. come on. her anxiety is already setting in. they really gave sarah two huge storylines in the same season.
-maggie... no one else would ever slash sarah’s tires. i mean honestly
-WHY DOES CONNOR HAVE TO CONTROL OF EVERYTHING - honestly ava was just reading off the chart and he can’t even let her do that he has to take over just to say the same things.
-and the way ava just takes it with her smug smile
-she is such a strong character there is no reason she would have gone crazy over connor she literally needs nothing from him.he has not ever had anything that she needed. 
-okay there’s no way i can explain it but after rolling her eyes at connor Ava turns and looks at the patient and instantly her face changes and you can see such pure concern in her eyes?? s4 ava could never (can someone please rb with a picture of what i’m talking about? it’s uncanny and so so sincere.)
- she’s in control of her emotions. she cares so much for her patients so don’t even try to play that card. the only thing connor has done literally since she got here is get in her way.
-and the way she smiles and comforts the patient. i mean come on. she’s just so amazing. AND COMFORTING. if ava really was as heartless as people say, she wouldn’t take the effort to do that. connor didn’t even do that, he just scowls at ava.
-which just proves my point, ava is only ever mean to people who she thinks deserve it. and, the more that I think about it, she’s never really actually mean. sure, she’s blunt and rude, but never cutting. she’s nice to her patients (and I know what you’re going to say, it’s not because she has to be. she’s a doctor, she still wants to help people). but when her patients are dicks, she’s not nice to them. she’s as snarky with as she’s professionally allowed to be.
-like, take this guy. he seems nice enough. he’s funny, polite, comes across charming, so ava is nice and is polite back to him.
-let’s move on.
-why is connor always so suspicious of ava. come on. he’s the one who should be sus. she literally said ‘Don’t worry, Ray, we’ll take good care of you’ and he’s giving her this weird side eye.
-ethan and will being in this board meeting is really adorable to me. like, just, bros.
-oh godddd sarah please relax. sweetie. please.
-sarah fucking tranqed him oh my god
-oh my god noah asking people for help literally shut the fuck up
-straight people are gross. not to hate but how does anyone sit through manstead
-connor literally needs to chill. I know this bit (they’re arguing over menial things in surgery) plays more to them just picking on each other, pulling each other’s pigtails on the playground if you will (i didn’t like that analogy but I used it anyway), but if you look at it, ava was only trying to help connor (suggesting a wider possible target and an easier to handle stitch) and connor took it wayyy to personally. sure the second bit of advise is just poking at him, but she suggested a better spot on the base and he shut her down without any thought.
-and then latham points out that there is no point in arguing, to which ava defers, then connor snidely says ‘Thank you, Doctor, Now, how about from here on out we keep the background noise to a minimum’ and ava just shakes her head, scoffing.
-at this point ava just likes annoying connor because its fun. it’s entertaining. he gets so upset. everyone’s done that, just be annoying for fun (its bad to say but i mean come on everyones done it)
-another point, ava immediately deferring to latham might read to some as her being a suck up but that’s not what it is.
-ava really likes seeing how close to the line she can get. she goes right up to it, but she never crosses it. the same is true with her interactions with other people outside of surgery.
-I really like this story of the girl who passed out and hit her head, and her brother’s a wreck, and her parents obviously think the brother’s a disappointment. and it was finals week so of course she wasn’t taking care of herself. and the brother knew that, and you can tell he cares so much and feels so bad. it’s nice
-complication on the surgery they were working on. ava comes in with a solution (off of connor’s mistake during surgery after not following her advice) but I have a sneaking suspicion that by the end connor will be back on top
-the effort it took connor to say ‘it’s a good idea’ come on man just fucking let it go
-i’m glad we’ve all agreed that connor’s just a dick
-aw look at that she even held the door for him. connor would never
-i don’t want to overly push the ‘med is sexist’ thing but how is it that in a storyline between nat and ethan, characters who have never been romantically involved, they still pull the woman thinks one thing, man refuses to believe it and is right dynamic. i mean come on med seriously. what the fuck is wrong with you.
-the look of annoyance and disbelief on ava’s face that connor hadn’t actually messed up. comedic, but also i get your pain.
-glad that latham sides with ava, ava advocating for a riskier procedure so they could ensure the blockage is removed)
-(something could be said about ava’s high-risk, high-reward ideals. you could even draw the parallel to events in s4 and s5, even though I really don’t want to. it’s an interesting and notable character trait to say the least)
-dude straight up cuts his abdomen open and his intestines spill out
-the fear and shock and emotion on sarah’s face make me feel so bad for her
-WAIT IS THIS THE EPISODE WHERE SHE LOSES THE END OF THE INSTRUMENT? IS THAT WHAT THIS IS? i am not prepared to watch an ava bekker breakdown rn.
-the shock on ava’s face when connor said nice job.
-ava actually tried to apologize to connor. well, not apologize but she feels a little bit bad for just how abrasive she’s been to connor. (connor didn’t necessarily have to make it super competitive). Ava said “Look, I know i have the tendency to step on toes. it’s nothing personal”
-and now they’re not arguing and are this close to actually working like a team
-and i cannot believe connor’s big one-liner is ‘Murphy’s law’
-the emotion on april’s face when the girl’s parents won’t even let her brother grieve for her. I feel it. astounding. its so painful omg
-ava: “your optimism is enchanting.” when i was writing earlier I was worried I wasn’t being accurate with her dialogue and making it sound too overly formal but i guess I nailed it. also, this line reinforces how much I love her (so does every other line)
-connor just refusing to give ava anything, no credit, no nothing. doesn’t even give her credit for earning the surgery saying “you may have elbowed your way onto the case, but he is still my patient” (I JUST TRANSITIONED INTO A QUOTE SO SMOOTHLY WHY CANT I DO THAT IN MY LANG RHETORICAL ANALYSIS ESSAYS YOU’RE KIDDING)
-hey it’s joey!
- i can appreciate him so much more when he’s not chasing after reese
-do you remember their first meeting? bickering over who gets the last splenda? (real meet cute amirite)
-dr. charles remarking how all the scientific advances can’t beat human instinct, nice little tie in to the episode title
-ava just smiling while connor waits for her to apologize. she. takes. no. shit.
-i literally hate connor’s face so much. it fucking looks predatory like stop looking at her like that. it’s almost like you were planning her psychotic break
-ava’s cunning, saying ‘we’ instead of ‘i’ when talking about the decisions being made. she’s smart. she knows what to do. She knows how to present herself. (and yeah, a little hypocritical that she said to connor ‘when you fail, I will make sure that it is noted that it was your fault and not mine,’ but like I said, she just knows how to present herself)
-latham: “Dr. Bekker seems to enjoy this discordance.”
-rhodes’ face when changing his mind and saying ‘maybe I do’ when asked if he enjoyed it too - he literally makes the dumbest faces. please. stop. (is it a straight people thing?)
Alright. Another episode down. 17 to go. This was actually a pretty good episode all around. Ava took none of connor’s shit and you’d have to squint to find any sort of romantic subtext in their interactions, which is huge win in my book. reese’s storyline wasn’t too bad, she didn’t go through too much trauma, which, the bar for watching med is incredibly low i guess. This was a really good episode for ava. like I said before, very little romantic subtext, and she had a redeeming quality in the way she obviously cared for her patient at the beginning of the episode.
The main point is something I’ve been reiterating again and again. Ava cares about her patients. Ava is mean to connor because she knows someone needs to put him in his place, and she is glad that it is her.
All in all, this was a pretty good Ava episode. Very happy.
thanks for sticking with it.
read the rest here:
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 / Extra
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chrisbangs · 4 years
you know, imma go learn how to gif. not so that I can make them, but so that whenever I reblog a set of yours (and other Cc's sets) I can actually write some good crap in the tags appreciating what goes into making said GIFs instead of the usual "this shit pretty" I always say. you and other content creators deserve the best, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. the way you all support each other is admirable, and I'm gonna try to do the same from now on.
I JUST FNSKSNKSS THIS IS SO 🥺💞🌙✨🪐🐺🖤🥂🏹 IM ??? :-(((
you’re too kind angel;; honestly? personally, anything that ppl say in the tags makes me feel happy... even if it’s just a joke abt what’s going on in the set, or just someone saying ‘this is pretty!’ like all of those comments make a difference and really make me want to continue giffing. so don’t think that your “smaller comments” don’t mean as much because they definitely do.
😭 sometimes there are moments when i’ll make a set and i’ll hate the colouring so much but post it anyway cause i’ve already spent like an hour on the colouring and i’ll be tearing myself to shreds in the tags and like britt or abia or ruby or haleigh or another cc will rb it and just be like ‘no the colouring is GOOD it looks !!! good !!!’ and i just feel like 🥺🖤 like it just feels like a warm hug... sometimes just hearing that shit from someone who knows what it feels like can mean so much- but that doesn’t mean ppl who don’t make gifs or gfx cant be sweet either u know?? like everyone’s comments mean sometime to me :((
i just think most ccs are just tired of how this SITE treats us and how ppl on this site treats and it’s like easy to feel empathy towards each other cause everything on this site feels like it’s stacked against us smtimes... but it’s okay! really at the end of the day when ppl rb our content and say nice things- like anything... it makes us smile :-(
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panelshowsource · 5 years
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hell yes! happy holidays!
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aww you’re so sweet anon! i have a couple more definitely coming down the pipeline after new year (greg davies being desperately bi for 8 minutes straight, for one), but otherwise we’ll see! idk who much is interested in them besides you lot.....but you lot is enough for me 💕
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i’ll be honest with you, i haven’t watched it yet. as you know, i really like jimmy and i really like katherine and i really like them together. but......i don’t prefer watching panel shows that aren’t british panel shows. i don’t prefer guests who aren’t british. i don’t prefer audiences who aren’t british. i don’t watch gruen, or any aussie or nz series, i didn’t particularly enjoy taskmaster us, and panelists like rich hall and desiree burch and reginald d hunter and rob delaney and colin lane and sam simmons and michelle wolf (and henning wehn, as we’ve recently discussed) are usually ranked incredibly low in terms of my personal preferences......to me, it really boils down to what kind of comedy you like and i love british comedy. so when a series veers from british comedy for any reason, i tend to love it less. the fix is stacked with non-brits and non-british topics, and that’s fine, and i’ve heard tons of great things about it, but i’m not sure at the end of the day if that’s for me. and on top of that i really wouldn’t want to introduce something so culturally british to someone in such a watered-down form. if they want to watch a british panel show, they should get a british panel show. but at the same time, i don’t see the necessity or even the benefit of introducing americans to panel shows; what might happen besides british series becoming saturated with americans and/or british series migrating to america? i don’t want american comedy or culture touching british panel shows, personally; they already talk enough about american politics (how much do they expect someone living in the uk to actually give a shit about the miscommunications of the us national security council, and individual people involved in various partisan schemes? like, come on), and yeah i’m looking at you, hignfy. anyways. sorry about the rant. i am genuinely glad you enjoy it and i hope when i get around to, i do as well! but if you want to show your american friends a panel show, i would encourage you to start with wilty x
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i cant believe ur asking me to rank david mitchells. what kind of traitor to the king do you think i am
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right here for you lovely! happy holidays x
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it was amazing, this part was my fave tbh it’s just too Like Her
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i don’t post any blog recs, or reblog shoutouts or boosts. thanks for understanding!
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big fat quiz 2018 - dec 26 big fat quiz of everything 2018 - jan 4
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for a basic set like this, probably 20 minutes? but for something like this, upwards of an hour or sometimes longer depending. it takes me fucking ages to fill the queue for the week because i’m borderline out of the things to reblog from the site...i used to rb about 80% of the content on my blog but now i make about 80% of it. so to fill 50 posts in the queue for the week, it’s way more hours than i’d like to admit. i do a massive portion of the work for this blog at my job, where i have a fancy ass computer and all the adobe programmes (and a lot of downtime), which is probably why i’m able to keep up (during the week)! do what makes you happy anon, trying never hurt anyone :)
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hi anon i’m sorry but i don’t think i’ll take the time to do that this year, though i’ll certainly think of it in the future! and thank you for your kind words x
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i politely tweeted at him but alas! no response (which is no surprise, he doesn’t tend to interact much with the plebes). we can see if someone here will comment, or perhaps you could post in /r/findfashion? i have a feeling it’s not available anymore as he’s had it for a while, but who knows :o
f.a.q. // watch links masterpost
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