#so i can justify spending money!!
thelaststarfalling · 8 months
Just ordered all the pieces for an epic Halloween costume 😌
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hellenhighwater · 7 months
I'm debating starting a youtube. One of the things I love about learning how to do stuff is sharing the process and skills involved with people and that seems to be the preferred platform for that kind of thing; I find that with a lot of what I'm making it's so niche or weird that there's not easily findable tutorials on how to do what I want to do, so maybe it would help if I made them? Tiktok is okay as a quick and easy way to slap process videos together but I kind of hate it and I also don't like how unsearchable and short-lived content is there.
Youtube would be a lot of work, and I'm not convinced it would be worth the effort, but on the other hand, if I could get some traction there, it would be nice to have passive ad revenue to offset project costs without having to directly sell the random crap I'm making.
I dunno, guys. This site has been home for my art for a long time, and I don't see that changing, but it would be nice to have resources to put into some of the larger projects that aren't directly sellable.
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whilomm · 13 days
note: pollmaker is thinking of the USAmerican lottery system (powerball, mega millions, state lottos, scratchoffs, etc), but poll applies to other countries lotteries systems so long as its still the same concept of "big ol state sponsered gambling shit", but not like casino style gambling. u know what i mean, Lottos.
questions for the tags: how regularly, what stuff you play, if you have limits for yourself, if you feel like its a Problem for you, and for funsies the usual 'first thing youd do if you won the lottery' shit
reblog to have absolutely zero effect on your luck either way. just like, absolutely no change in luck whether you reblog this or scroll past. this is the luck neutral post reblog in the next 30 seconds or dont who give a shit
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
Au idea: Little Naruto raised by a shulk, Kurama made contact very early and kept the boy company and eventually Naruto disappeared into the forest to live with fox summons. He only ever really showed up to steal or pull pranks but he disappeared right into the summons realm before anyone could catch him.
When the Genin are ready to graduate Naruto is just there, with his wild hair and fox aunt.
Iruka doesn’t know how to respond to this, he’s blue screened.
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queer-pagan-witch · 1 month
One day I will learn, that just because the bottle is low, does not mean I need to finish off the bottle.
#imma be so fuckin hungover tomorrow#someone should kiss me#and i moght be either asexual or aromantic or both which like woo thats funny to only me for so many trauma reasons#i love#im so drunk#i too drunk#i stated typing thos at 12:30#imma smoke pot after i post this#if your reqding my tags hi i love you. why are you reading this though like im a schizo bipolar depreased trans girl im unhinged in the tags#i need to stop drinking by myself#if think im an alcoholic as well if it wasnt for the fact that i can genuinely stop when ever i want but idkmaybe that changes?#at this point im just typing to annoy myself cause i think its funny to annoy other people and itd be hypothetical to not annoy myself#im ramblimg in the tags and honestly its your fault for still reading this#trans thought time#i wish i was born with a pussy but i do like having a cock and there is a possibility im genderfluid and fuck me that sucks if true#like how do you transition if your genderfluid? like i kinda want a cock and pussy and i know thats an actual option#but is it the right option?#i hate being trans but not knowing what kinda trans maybe ill hit where im at with my gender and just say tranny#cause i already say faggot for my sexuality instead of anything specific maybe i should just say tranny#this is probably what a therapist is for but idk if i can justify paying for this instead of saving money to buy a hoise#america sucks#capitalism sucks#love is such a bullshit thing#how can i be in love with some ane be in love with someone. being in love is nothing but selfish but also you have to be selfish for youryou#like i know that doesn't make sense sense but it makes sense to me and i also know its wrong#maybe i should give up and spend money on a therapist#i love my freinds and would sacrifice myself for them literally#12:51 and i have one more short tag to add#i hope you didnt read this far cause even in a drunk state this tag is embarrassing and im sorry you know me irl im sorry this is rambly+ugh#but if you dead read all the tags <3 i love yoh and would die for you
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revenantghost · 11 months
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If you've been eyeballing these JP shirts like I have and want to snag them, the price on this site includes worldwide shipping (and I've used them before, they're legit), which is the most affordable place I've seen for this preorder
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upperranktwo · 8 months
I had a fun day today!!! Going to a con with my sister is always a good laugh and glad to have managed to get some decent things!!! Has definitely made me super tired tho!
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givemebishies · 9 months
Preordered the revised ABM ebook AND the physical copy so I can actually read the ebook and but also display the physical book on my shelf to prove that I read a real book lol
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privateerstudies · 2 months
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kawaii-kushami · 10 months
visiting family is like
do i want to sleep on the couch and deal with cat allergies? or do i want to camp in the backyard and deal with pollen allergies?
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i wish there was a social app that let you add a string of adjectives to your username/profile like TF2 has for its items. It doesn't have to exactly be tf2's adjectives but I would really love it if I could be UNUSUAL FACE-MELTING PROFESSIONAL KILLSTREAK AUSTRALIUM Time Traveling Fetus
also yes it would cause many problems with UI but it'd be great
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solitaireships · 7 months
Every day I'm so tempted to get the carrd pro plan so I can go all out on my selfship carrd
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nordic-language-love · 6 months
Kinda really wanna read The Narrow Road Between Desires by Pat Rothfuss but why is it £11.49 for a story that's not even 40K words??
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ariose-ghoul · 7 months
the urge to play slay the princess vs not wanting to spend more money....
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moonchild-in-blue · 7 months
Very, very tempted to get the little tumblr moon badge. For support and because moon. Every time I see someone with it my mind just goes !!!
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oldmanyaoi-jpeg · 7 months
man. i'd really like a new art tablet but. $300.
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