#so i am in full emo brain mode rn lmao
clumsyclifford · 3 years
soft asks! so lovely!! 4, 13, 21 (bonus points if it’s in the format of the scene in himym where ted runs to the mothers apartment because he wants the extra days), 25 and 28! - maggie (I’m on mobile and it’s easier to send asks this way)
4. what flower would you like to be given? daisies or sunflowers!!!! my favorites. omg !!! i officially have new favorite flowers!!!!!!! that's VERY exciting
13. what’s your comfort food? mac and cheese!!! i would murder several human beings and potentially an animal for some fucking mac and cheese right now. other options include matzo ball soup and mashed potatoes.
21. if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be? (first of all how dare you bring up that scene that only really hit when i just watched it on my rewatch because obviously the first time i watched the show i didn't understand the Significance and when i watched it this time i wanted to cry) (that being said ill try my best to do justice to that scene)
well, i'd grab my keys and get in the car and drive hours into the night until i finally got back to my house - not the way it looks now, but the way it looked in 2016, when it was smaller and hadn't yet been renovated and i was still a sad lonely depressed kid who talked to her imaginary friend with concerning regularity - and i would burst through the front door and take the steps to the basement where my bedroom used to be and knock on my bedroom door and when the me from 2016 opened it up i'd say:
"you're going to be okay. look at me. look at how much better i look. let me tell you about some amazing people you're going to meet, people that are going to make you believe in soulmates. you're going to hit a low and then you're going to keep going, and eventually, sweetheart, you're going to start getting better, and one day you're going to be sitting in a bed at the summer camp you're still fighting tooth and nail against attending this summer, and you're going to be working there. and it's going to be one of your favorite places. and you're going to make this exact same trip i've just made, and you'll look yourself in the face like i am right now and you'll tell yourself that you're going to be okay and you will know for a fact that it's true, because you'll be me, and you'll know that i'm not lying, and you'll realize it was worth it to be miserable so you could learn to be grateful for the good things; you'll realize it was worth it to almost lose your best friend, one you don't even have yet, so you could learn that you can be the villain too, sometimes, and that what's even more important than being good is acknowledging when you're wrong and becoming better; you'll realize that it was worth it to be so unhappy so that you could truly become a person who tries her hardest to minimize the unhappiness around her however she can. you're gonna get there. trust me. you have to trust me, because i'm there, and it's so good here."
(did i do it justice)
25. what’s the best personal gift someone could give you (playlist, homemade card, etc.) it's not a thing yknow? it just depends on the person and the circumstance. the best personal gift someone could give me is, you know, something i would clearly benefit from or something that would improve an area of my life that i want to improve, but something i don't even know i want or need. i think that kind of gift indicates that the person has been paying attention to me so that they know what i like and they know what i need to make the thing i like better. if that makes sense. like sam got me this insulated travel mug and it's perfect and suits my needs exactly because i'm at camp and i'm so busy and i'm running around so much but also, tea!!! and it's the fact she knew that about me and got me something that enabled my tea habit............yknow, it's that kind of thing. for the record sam that was in fact the perfect gift. so thank you <3
28. hugs or hand-holding? oh! uhhhhh hugs, i think.
soft asks
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