#so here's some neck
burstingsunrise · 2 years
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just a bite of your sweet neck.
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puppyeared · 9 months
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royalarchivist · 5 months
Tubbo: I swear to God, Chat - I promise you, if it's the last thing I do, I am going to break up Fit and Pac.
Mike passed the crown of #1 Hideduo hater to Tubbo, and Tubbo took that title very seriously.
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[ Full Subtitle Transcript ↓ ]
Pac: I have a date with Fit tomorrow! You know the news, Tubbo?
[ Tubbo's Homophobic Arc ]
Pac: I got a date with Fit tomorrow!
Tubbo: You're - no... You're kidding..
Pac: Yeah, for real! Look - Mike shaved my hair you know, and gave me a new outfit so I can be like, sharp for tomorrow. ...You guys like it? You like it, Sunny?
[Judgemental silence]
Tubbo: That's so cool man, what he hell. That's fckin' sick.
Pac: Yeah, thank you! I knew it, I knew you'd- Oh, thank you, Sunny! I knew you guys were gonna love it, you know? I knew it.
Tubbo: I swear to God- I swear to God- We need to add homophobia to the QSMP, I swear to God- I swear to God-
Tubbo: Guys, I have to do everything in my power to break them up. What do you mean "no"?! This is awful, Sunny! This is awful!
Sunny: But why Pa?
Tubbo: THEY WERE NEVER MEANT TO GET TOGETHER! The stars told me so! They were never meant to actually get together!
Sunny: WHY PA
Tubbo: It's just wrong, Sunny! It's just wrong! I dunno how to explain it to you. It's just wrong!
Sunny: But it's loveeeee
Tubbo: ...If that's what you want to call it.
Sunny: You're telling me you've never been in love Pa?
Tubbo: Listen, it's just not right.
Sunny: But I like bodyguard Fit and driver Pac :(
Tubbo: I like them too! They're my best friends! But they can't be together.
Sunny: I think you are projecting
Sunny: I will find you someone, Pa.
Tubbo: Sunny - They're gonna hurt each other, Sunny- they're gonna hurt each other! And how will there be enough space between them for me now?
Sunny: Why would they do that if they care for each other?
Tubbo: People that care about each other, Sunny, hurt each other all the time! ALL THE TIME!
Sunny: But I care about you, and I don't hurt you.
Tubbo: No, that's different! That's different! The love that we have for each other is unconditional. Ok?
Sunny: Pa, I think you're just scared.
Tubbo: I'm not scared, I'm logical. All flags look red when you're wearing rose-tinted glasses.
Tubbo: [In response to Sunny talking about Aypierre's agreement to build her a statue] You already have a statue! [Sunny hits him] Ow!
Tubbo: What about the one Fit and Ramon made you for your birthday? [Tubbo has an idea] See? Do you think Fit would have time to do stuff like that if he's too- if he's too preoccupied with his little shag buddy? I don't think so! I don't think so!
Sunny: Wait.
Tubbo: See? You see what I'm saying? You see what I'm saying!
Sunny: You have a good point now
Tubbo: See? You under- yes, exactly! We HAVE to break them up! They can still be friends! Fck it, friends with benefits! But they cannot be together. We cannot let them.
Sunny: OK I'M IN
Tubbo: [Claps] I KNEW I COULD COUNT ON YOU! I knew I could count on you!
[Looking at fanart of Pac, Fit, and himself]
Tubbo: We- we have to split them up. We have to fckin' split them up. Oh, but I'm in this one! Oh, that's so-[Realizes it's him crying as a third-wheel] SEE?! SEE?! THEY KNEW! THEY KNEW! THEY FCKIN' KNEW! THEY FCKIN' KNEW!
Tubbo: [In a thick "red-blooded American" accent] Wha- I just don't understand why they have 'ta keep shoving it down our throats! Goddamnit! I JUST WISH IT WASN'T MY SMP! [He hits his desk and laughs]
Dono: Streamer becomes homophobic 'cause he can't get any
Tubbo: Sunny, I'm just gonna need to brb for a moment.
Tubbo: [Stands up from his desk, walks away, and screams]
Tubbo: I swear to God, Chat - I promise you - if it's the last thing I do, I am going to break up Fit and Pac.
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sualne · 3 days
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doing a lil redraw
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canisalbus · 1 month
r.e. that last ask, did machete whimper when he died? was he permitted one last moment of softness? or did he snarl, forever known to the world as hard and cold?
The first stab had collapsed his left lung so I think he most likely tried to cough and wheeze feebly because he was struggling to get enough air.
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funkbun · 8 months
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i remember i made these designs for snorpy n floofty's parents like 2 years ago, the og post is somewhere on my main blog i dont fuckin know lol, but i felt like redesigning them slightly
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ivoreene · 6 days
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congrats on the wha anime news everyone!!!! :DDD
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bevirspnsblmnt · 9 months
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dont forget your supply pack when u go out adventuring
(lately I've been thinking about what happens to them after, once the whole brain worms thing has been taken care of. I think they'd stay in Baldur's Gate for a while, fix up that one lil house that you see in the camp in low town. Jaheira probably tries to recruit Khael in the Harpers, which he always declines, but he does help out. he's mostly interested in information and connections, as he's looking for a way to let Astarion walk in the sun. Astarion remains hopeful, but much more interested in making a new life for himself than trying to get rid of his sunlight sensitivity.)
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wheresernie · 1 year
Hey if you have big noticeable rashes/hives due to eczema, psoriasis, or even allergies, or for any reason at all: I love you. You deserve to exist in public. You don't have to cover up to make other people more comfortable.
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brutal-nemesis · 22 days
big question!! dude can we please see a scene in the AU where castys has his tongue cut off and he has to deal with that? like man, the shock and the pain and the fuckin grief? and neteri just being herself ofc
anyway the latest erebus chapter was heartbreaking you’re so good at being awful to these lads (i can’t stop reading)
Thank you I try,,,,,
Okay strap in fellas I think this is banger as hell I had a great time and let me know if you have any other requests for the AU!
Ingredients: shockingly, tongue gets cut off! some suffocation as well
Castys wasn’t great at sitting in chairs normally, something his parents had always reprimanded him for, but, hey, they’d never taken it as far as to fucking tie him to one, and Castys was grateful. This shit was uncomfortable. Like, yeah, the rough ropes around his wrists and ankles were tight and itchy, but also the position just sucked. Not that he’d rather be standing or something-
“You must be Castys!” The door had swung open, and now this little lady with a white coat on was walking up to him. 
“Yes, I’m Castys,” he said flatly as she scurried behind him before coming back without her bag. And then she just…stared at him. Castys wasn’t sure what she was looking at, since there really wasn’t much to see, just, like, him. Eventually her eyes wandered up to his, and she jumped in place a bit.
“Oh, right, I’m Neteri.” She stuck her hand out like she expected him to shake it.
“You know I’m tied up, right?”
“Ah. Yeah.” Her skin was dark enough that it wasn’t immediately obvious that she was blushing, but Castys was pretty sure she was. She ended up awkwardly grabbing his right hand and shaking it a bit. “I, um, I’ll be preparing you for this afternoon. Sorry, I’m just a bit nervous.”
“Well, you’re not tied to a chair so I think you’ll be okay.”
She laughed. “You’re right, you’re right, but I’m just…I think I’m going to do something I’m not supposed to do.”
Castys raised an eyebrow. “Let me go because I’m funny?”
Neteri rolled her eyes, but she was smiling, so clearly she did think he was funny. “No, you’re staying put, sorry bud. But I think I’m going to keep you. You’re kind of perfect.” She tried to cup his cheek in her hand, but Castys leaned away, staring at her with wide eyes.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” His mouth was really dry all of a sudden, he wasn’t perfect, he was a fuck-up, a useless heir, that had been his goal, he wasn’t good at anything he was supposed to be good at, he wasn’t well-mannered or polite, he had a huge fucking scar on his face and a lopsided smile because of it, he was filthy and vulgar and didn’t have any interest in getting married he was absolutely anything but perfect. So why the hell did she want him?
“It’s not important right now. You’ve got a big day ahead of you!” She clapped her hands, dismissing the subject entirely. He wanted to press her further, but after seeing the lovely object she pulled out of her pocket, everything else was forgotten.
“No. Absolutely not.”
“Aw, what are you gonna do about it, Castys? I thought you were tied to a chair!” Great, now it was his turn to feel his face grow hot, because, yeah, what the fuck was he gonna do?
Normally, he doubted he’d immediately recognize it for what it was, but today, right now, after just being told this lady wanted to keep him, it was instantly clear. And Neteri was right, he was only able to squirm uselessly and lean away as she wrapped the collar around his neck without much trouble. His first swallow after she’d sealed it shut felt horrible, and he absolutely did not want to get used to it.
“See, it’s not so bad. It looks cute on you!” She ruffled his hair, which only made Castys more uncomfortable.
“I don’t want to be cute. I’m not a fucking dog.” He wasn’t sure whether the collar was part of Neteri’s weird desires or just to humiliate him, but either way he hated it.
“No, you’re not, but you’re also not a prince anymore, and you’re the property of the Xernan Empire, and this is a good reminder of that,” Neteri said as she walked around behind him, probably to her bag. Castys rolled his eyes. He didn’t need to be reminded that he wasn’t a prince, since it was his favorite new development in all of this. Unless…unless it wasn’t just a reminder for him, but for everyone else, too…He really, really hoped there wasn’t going to be some sort of public display, but given how Neteri’d said he had a “big day” ahead…fuck, that was probably the case, huh?
“Now, I’m going to…oh, I might get in so much trouble for this,” Neteri muttered as she stared at the floor, standing in front of him once again. She had leather gloves on, which would have been nice earlier when she was touching him, and she was holding…a pair of shears? He didn’t think she’d put on gloves if she was just going to cut his hair, and given that she thought she might get in trouble for it, it seemed like she was going to…maim him somehow. Castys curled his hands into fists as Neteri slapped her cheeks with her palms, still talking to herself. “No, I’m going to do this. I deserve it. It’s not that far off from what the emperor wants. Okay,” she held the shears up and gave Castys a concerningly bright smile. “Any last words?”
For once, Castys didn’t take the opportunity to speak.
Instead, he locked his jaw shut tight, teeth clenched so hard it hurt, lips pressed together, walls of protection around his tongue. 
That’s what she wanted, wasn’t it?
Neteri cocked her head, watching him. “Nothing to say all of a sudden? No jokes?” Her smile disappeared as her eyes narrowed. “You figured it out, didn’t you, Castys? What I’m going to do to you.”
He didn’t bother nodding.
Neteri stepped up to him, her knee on the chair in between his legs, leaning over him, her face right above his as he craned back to avoid her. “You’re going to have to get used to obeying me, Castys.” The cold metal of the shears rested on his cheek. “So open your mouth.”
If there’s one thing Castys was good at, it was disobeying orders.
After a few moments of neither of them moving, Neteri pinched Castys’s nose shut with her free hand, not saying a word. Fine, he could play that game. Hold on as the pressure in his chest built, as his head started to spin, as his vision started to darken, every fiber of his being screaming at him to just give in to the inevitable and take a breath. He could do it quick, a little gasp, fast enough that she wouldn’t be able to do anything. Okay, three, two…
The exhale was shaky, but it was fine, just a quick inhale as he snapped his mouth shut-
His teeth scraped against metal, the sensation sending shivers down his spine.
Neteri stared at him with a detached coldness as she rotated the shears, forcing his jaw open wide, wide enough for her to stick her hand in and grab his tongue, pulling it out despite his attempts to pull it back, turning the shears to the side now, opening them up, the cold blades-
Castys’s mouth was hot it was burning he was choking the smell of blood was so strong he was suffocating on it her hand was still in his mouth her fingers pressed against his wound magic piercing through his jaw he’d scream if he had the air and then that was it her hand was gone he lurched forward coughing and spitting blood and saliva all down the front of the threadbare shirt he’d been given and once he saw the discarded little piece of pink flesh on the floor he couldn’t look at anything else he couldn’t believe that was it it was gone it wasn’t in his mouth his mouth was empty there was only the blood still dripping out and when Neteri laid a hand on his back he wanted to growl at her not to touch him but he couldn’t he couldn’t say anything anymore he was quiet nothing to say no thoughts or opinions of his own just how his parents had wanted him-
“It’s alright, Castys, just breathe. It was a little more difficult than it needed to be, but you did it.” And why did it need to be at all? “Just two more things left today and then you can rest. And then hopefully…” Her hand slid up, resting on the back of his neck, on that awful collar, and Castys wanted to scream. He never, ever wanted to belong to her.
But what he wanted didn’t matter anymore.
Castys was dragged out and whipped and branded and left out on display, brought back and patched up by Neteri and given soup that he couldn’t taste, and when the door slammed shut behind her, he finally allowed himself to cry.
His back and chest hurt, of course, the wounds aggravated no matter how he moved or what position he laid in, but he could deal with it. It was nothing compared to what he’d lost, the little pocket of empty space inside his mouth.
Words were all he’d ever have to really fight back, complaining when he was forced to do things he didn’t want to, scaring off all the suitors his parents picked out, jokes keeping him calm when he was scared or upset, even when he couldn’t do anything he could still say something, make sure everyone knew how he felt, and now he was more helpless than ever before and he couldn’t say a single fucking thing. 
He didn’t even know where he was going to end up, either sold off to some asshole or left in Neteri’s clutches, and no matter what, he wasn’t going to be treated like a person. The collar made it pretty clear. He was less than human now, a pet, a lab rat, property, something that didn’t need to have thoughts or opinions anymore. 
He’d rather be a prince after all.
Castys Cult: @as-a-matter-of-whump​ @blackrosesandwhump​ @fanmanga1357-blog​​ @thehopelessopus​ @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi
@hearse-song​ @muddy-swamp-bitch @whumpasaurus101 @yet-another-heathen​​ @galaxywhump 
@starnight-whump​ @his-unspoken-words​ @misspelledwitch @suspicious-whumping-egg​ @pumpkin-spice-whump​ 
@painsandconfusion @i-can-even-burn-salad @befuddled-calico-whump​ @whumpinggrounds​ @whump-queen​
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hallowsden · 1 year
DC x DP Idea Thing #3
Voluntary Admissions AU
What if Danny voluntarily Admitted himself to Arkham Asylum as a patient?
"Patient #10304-M, also known as, for his safety and security, Janus D. Astrophel. Voluntarily Admitted himself to Arkham Asylum on [date is scratched off with a thick, green ink], having arrived in a rather critical and vulnerable position, both physical and mental."
Rumors often spread quickly in Arkham. After all, not much better things to do when you're locked up and deemed either crazy, dangerous or even both in the eyes of Gotham. So it wasn't a surprise when news spread like wildfire amongst inmates and patients inside those dreadful halls.
A new addition had joined the ranks of the madhouse. Voluntarily at that. Likely the youngest patient to roam these halls for a non-Gothamite at least. After all, no native Gothamite would willingly put themselves in such hell.
The newbie went by Janus Astrophel. Kid seemed anything but normal. Seemed like he'd fit in well with Gotham's brand of sickness after a bit. Then again, kid looks as fragile as a twig. Almost as skinny as Crane, creepy as him too. Gives off Freeze vibes though, oddly enough, with hints of Dent.
[Those types of comments were quickly picked up by the aforementioned rogues. Rather than start a scene, they took interest immediately after hearing more words of the newcomer.]
Astrophel's a meta, just from the collar he adorns on his neck. Seemed modified as well. Didn't look like the standard ones the super-powered rogues commonly wore. Nobody knew what power he had. Seemed like it helped him more than anything though.
[Some inmates recalled when Astrophel first arrived. Didn't have a collar the first day. Kid could barely stand and was bleeding profusely. Next day, kid looked better, wearing the collar everyone associates with him now. Some think it's like Freeze's suit in a way. No one said a word bout it after receiving a cold glare]
Thing was, it ain't just the collar or how sickly he seemed that caught people's eyes.
Scars. Kid's littered with them. Some managed to glimpse a multitude of what looks like surgery scars [vivisected was often echoed, especially from Quinn and Nygma], and others looked like he was zapped by lightning [Litchenberg Scars around the chest specifically]. Kid even wore some stitches where his joints were [Frankenstein was an insult for a brief moment before Dent flipped a coin and shit them up]. Some would've mistaken him for some sort of zombie, like Grundy, had it not been for the fact people had seen him breathe and bleed... Albeit, it was a toxic green rather than crimson red.
Rather discerning as it held a resemblance to certain Demon Head's waters...
Kid didn't talk much. He was polite and friendly, sure. Some of the rogues took a shine to him. He seemed scared, though, not that anybody blamed him. Arkham was filled with rogues who earned their titles and infamy for a reason. But he wasn't scared of others... No. Crane said the kid held a certain look of fear...
Astrophel was afraid of himself... Everyone can't help but wonder why.
[They later see a glimpse as to why after he saw Joker for the first time. Least to say, Quinn called dibs even though others would like to say otherwise]
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fivefeetfangirl · 8 months
omg hiii!! hope ur doing good 😊 re ur tags on the post about reading a lot of time travel fics lately 👀👀 do you have any recs ? I feel like ive devoured the trope there arent any good ones left 😩
Hi nonny!!
Based on your ask it seems like you've probably read more time travel fics than me haha I just started like 3 weeks ago. And these are what I've read so far (I would rec them all, they're all very good):
crossing lines by sometimeswelose which is about s1 dean getting transported into s15. read the tags on this one tho!
in this louisiana bar by fleeceframe where s10 cas travels back to s1 dean. in the next part s10 cas travels back to s4 dean
psalm 40:2 by unicornpoe where s15 cas travels back to pre-series dean
I haven't read this one but been recced it, time has come today by teen_dean where 19 year old dean from 1998 is brought to 2020 to help with a hunt
If you have any recs for me feel free to send another ask <33 or if anyone wanna add to this post, please do!
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thewandererh · 18 days
Decided to render one of my soul designs from a bit ago in a sketchy messy style :]. Meet ToyTie ⚓️🔱!
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lienwyn · 10 months
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So. I've always wanted to get better at drawing someone's likeness with just lines so I decided to do a couple of sketches of Ga On as practice. And then decided to up the difficulty and practise on expressions while still capturing his likeness. Because why make things easy for myself? References were used for all of them (even the bratty, pouty one).
And yes, we definitely needed Actual Baby Deer Kim Ga On. Because of reasons.
... I'm a VERY serious artist, I promise.
(Not going to lie, I kinda wanna draw Yo Han with wolf ears now...)
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seaglassdinosaur · 9 months
Eternally grateful that Cressida Cowell didn’t involve a romantic subplot in the How To Train Your Dragon series.
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When you're in love... 💕💕
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