#so gamifying it like this makes it a lot less stressful in that regard
bwappi · 10 months
pokemon sleep has an awful generational pokemon balance im sad to say :( so far other than gen 1 pokemon i've only seen a handful from gen 2, one (gulpin, though!) from gen 3, and two from gen 4. nothing from gens 5-9 sobs
also i dont have ditto yet so my icon can't be my fave so this game is laughing in my pitiful face
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shoury01 · 4 years
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The Story So Far (Background):
In the second half of the last century, the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) influenced all social structures so much deeply that the impact has created a gap in between the lifestyles of generations and their view of life. Thus, two groups occurred: the digital natives growing with technology and the digital immigrants struggling to keep up with this technology. 
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In this techno-culture, the presence of the physical and digital world can overlap each other and creates a “hybrid space”, where one no longer needs to go out of the physical space to get in touch with digital environments. The hybrid space is where the boundaries are blurred and where it is hard for people to determine the distinction between physical and virtual spaces.  Digital natives are constantly connected and prefer to progress by randomly jumping from one place to another in modules rather than linear progression. The most prominent behavioural differences are:
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It is now very common for people who are preparing their projects on the computer and who, at the same time, go on checking their e-mails and instant messages and chatting on facebook and concurrently join in conservation with friends next to them. For this reason, the concept of multitasking allows fulfilling two or more tasks simultaneously such as making a phone call or checking e-mails while doing homework at the same time. In multitasking, it is important not only the ability to take the control and to focus one’s attention, but also the need for what to pay attention to and how much attention to pay is important.
It is driven by a conscious desire to be productive and efficient. Studies show that it is impossible to focus on more than one task. Therefore, multitasking often results in a high error rate.
Continuous Partial Attention (CPA)
Continuous Partial Attention (CPA) has occupied the present-day agenda of cognitive psychology, communication and education. This concept is referred to as the situation in which the individual does not focus on one thing in reality while he or she is engaged in and follows everything. For instance, the individual watches email notifications, tries to talk to his or her children and chat at the same time. In this case, because the individual is under an interaction bombing, he/she can only focus on each of these interactions, partially.
CPA is an automatic process that enables people to simultaneously pay attention to several sources of information, whilst scanning for relevant information. It allows people to shift from superficially concentrating on a lot of information to focusing on highly relevant information during a short attention span.
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Difference between Multitasking and Continuous Partial Attention
They’re sometimes used interchangeably, but the terms “multitasking” and “continuous partial attention” are vastly different in terms of learner behaviour—especially for eLearning purposes. Natural human behaviour dictates how your learners react to certain material, and in a world where time is a precious commodity, organizations must decide exactly how they want learners to experience and absorb information.
We all know the pro multitasker: She can do more than one thing at a time, and her goal is always efficiency and getting things done. Multitaskers are focused on checking off boxes and to do so, such as checking email while eating lunch or taking call notes while doing research. Multitaskers are driven by results and task completion, which can sometimes result in a lack of quality.
A contrast to that behaviour, CPA means paying attention to multiple things at once; not necessarily completing tasks. You’ve probably engaged in continuous partial attention when you walk on the treadmill while listening to a podcast, sent a text message while sitting in a movie theatre, or laid in bed and gone over the latest sales numbers with a late-night TV show in the background. CPA taps into human nature: We crave instant satisfaction and being able to pay attention to a couple of things at once and receive automatic feedback makes us feel good.
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Implications in Business & Management:
The concept of multitasking implies the fulfilment of two or more tasks simultaneously.
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However, CPA is a concept that expresses the state of being in communication and interaction with everything but truly staying focus on nothing. CPA is something similar to being aware of many things at the same time: drawing our attention to more urgent alerts like a new e-mail notification or the bell of a ringing phone. When CPA is preserved, the perceived control and the eigenvalue feelings are doomed to collapse at some point because our brain, in the long term, is not shaped to follow such observation. 
Therefore, CPA is considered a focusing problem which has been caused by today’s information and communication technologies and which could influence almost every phase of daily lives of individuals. The radical transformation which occurred towards digital media as communication tools, has created a profound impact on the lifestyles of individuals. The generation, which adheres strictly to the digital world, has such facilities and advantages as multitasking; however, they face certain negative situations such as continuous partial attention. 
CPA forms a high level of stress in the human brain. Therefore, individuals, addicted to the internet, have no time to react, focus on anything or decide thoughtfully; rather, they live in a permanent crisis and in anticipation of a new friend or of a new yet insincere message. This situation may become irresistible after a while. Therefore, digital natives should enhance their multitasking experiences instead of CPA regarding technology use by developing their self-control and self-regulation skills under the influence of cognitive overload. 
Steps to Combat Continuous Partial Attention Syndrome:
Turn off notifications. 
Whether its the desktop computer at your workplace or the smartphone you always carry with you, for the love of god, turn off your notifications. That constant dinging, buzzing, and vibrating whenever something happens on Facebook or you get an email is contributing to your continuous partial attention disorder. Nothing’s so important that you should be continuously distracted all day long—have people call you if its an emergency.
Build a routine. 
Consistency breeds creativity. Having a set time and place for each task (and timeboxing your activities) let’s you off the hook when it comes to “always checking in.” When you know that you check and respond to emails between 4 P.M. and 5 P.M., you are not stressing about them all through the afternoon.
Practice galumphing. 
Galumphing is doing something ordinary (taking a walk) in a frivolous, playful way (skipping, whistling a tune, doing cartwheels). A little bit of whimsy in your day-to-day life can refocus your attention and promote awareness. After all, it’s hard to check your smartphone while you’re doing a cartwheel. 
Appreciate the moment. 
The mundane, everyday moments of life are integral parts of your life too. Don’t fall into the trap of treasuring only the special, exalted times in your life—you will always be disappointed. Learning to be at peace with waiting is a special skill. Waiting offers an increasingly rare experience in our always-on world—a moment to pause and reflect.
Technology is only a tool.
Start considering technology as a tool to be used for specific purposes (example, for effectiveness and productivity during work), and not a necessity. Identify and connect with hobbies and interests outside technology. Get involved in a sport or a physical game in your leisure time.
Continuous Partial Attention (CPA) for eLearning:
The takeaway for understanding the difference between multitasking and CPA is this: organizations have to try harder to mold eLearning to their learners’ natural behaviors. Organizations have two choices: They can fight for that attention share with longer, more involved modules, or cater to waning attention spans by developing custom eLearning design and configuration that works in tandem with learner behavior.
The idea of page-turning eLearning might work for multitaskers, but ultimately results in lackluster information absorption. Instead of experiencing the material fully, it’s seen as just another item on the to-do list. Instead, integrating CPA delivery into existing modules in short, pithy, three-to-five minute bursts means learners can listen to an audio clip, play through a few levels on a gamified module, or watch a video, all while their attention is split. Relying less on eyes-on-the-screen eLearning means learners are more likely to tune in and, since they aren’t rushing to get through the module, actually absorb the information more effectively.
Content Curated By: Dr Shoury Kuttappa
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topicprinter · 5 years
Hi everyone! It’s been a while since my last update. I’m just here watching season 2 of Cobra Kai and thought that I would check in.For those just now tuning in you can see my original post in the sub here:https://www.reddit.com/r/Entrepreneur/comments/5q7xsq/just_found_out_that_i_am_losing_my_job_with/The very short story is that 26 months ago I lost my corporate job and started a window cleaning company on a whim. A few months later I added power washing to the business and we haven’t looked back since. In 24 months we generated half a million dollars in revenue spraying water on peoples homes with a 20% net. To pre empt the “you only brought home $100,000 in two years” questions….A company’s net is the total profit AFTER all expenses including payroll. I pay myself for the work that I do.Our goal for year three is $717,000. We are behind pace for the year but I am optimistic that we will exceed our goal for the year.Currently we are still running two trucks and only have three technicians. We had four but recently had to let one go. We are in the process of recruiting for his replacement. We are also in the process of recruiting for our first sales rep. Currently I am running all sales myself while my son/business partner is a crew leader in the field. We got an office space in December of 2018 and hired an admin. I have been working very hard in creating systems and delegating low income producing responsibilities to my team and I’m getting some good traction with that.We recently brought on a partner (two investors that work together) in the business. I’m not going to share what the deal with them was BUT I am very excited to have them on board. Combined they have built service companies doing over 20 million in annual revenue and now invest in smaller companies like mine. I am still the majority owner of the company and now have two strategic partners to help me achieve my goals sooner. I spent four months thinking about the partnership before we pulled the trigger. We decided on doing the deal as we feel that we will surpass our goals and do so sooner than we could have without them. Although there was a financial buy in by them the real advantage will be their experience and guidance. I will be less transparent with the partnership details for the simple fact that they did not ‘sign up’ for my social experiment of sharing my journey online and here on reddit. Feel free to ask away though. Just don’t be disappointed if I dont answer all questions regarding this particular topic.My personal main focus is on generating revenue and investing in our employees. I’ve spoken a lot in the past about our marketing and sales tactics so I would like to talk more about our culture. My philosophy is that if I invest in my employees they will invest in a great customer experience. It’s really starting to pay off. My small team is very loyal and they go above and beyond to impress our customers. I invest in my team by trying to do the little things that many companies neglect. Probably the biggest thing that we do is to help them identify their dreams. We have created a dream board for each employee and it’s displayed in our office. We encourage them to share their dreams/goals even if they include leaving our company. We stress the fact that we want to help them get to where they want to be in life and we know that it isn’t working for a pressure washing company forever. Currently we have the ‘dream thing’ up and running and I am now working on a system to help them create goals and then plans to achieve them. We are going to help them set some small incremental defined goals. We will reward them for doing this. Then we are going to set up accountability for them in achieving these goals with a defined plan. The company will reward them for executing the plan and achieving the goal too. All of this is a work in progress but my son and I have identified this as a significant part to our success so we are dedicated to making it happen. We were inspired to do this by reading the book “The Dream Manager” by Matthew Kelly (amazing book).We have also implemented a ‘point system’ with our team to gamify things. We just implemented this about two weeks ago but the response has been amazing. We removed the standard commission for things like upsells and google reviews and put it into our gamification system. They absolutely love it and it’s causing them to produce in areas that we were not producing in the past. To be honest I am completely shocked at how well this has worked in a very short time.Another tactic that I’m about to implement to help improve productivity and help everyone be focused on our key goals is a visual dashboard in the office. I’m working on this now and it should be in place within a week. It will be a simple TV display with our KPI’s up 24/7. I’ve read and listened to a lot of stuff about doing this and expect to see some significant improvements just by doing this simple thing. People tend to perform better when they see their goals and progress in achieving them on a daily basis.When we started this journey I created a vlog to document the journey. It’s been one of the most rewarding things that I’ve ever done because I can now go back and watch my progress as I figure this thing out. You can follow along at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTS3WLs0t2stlWFaqTzP2mQAsk away if you have any questions. Thanks to this sub for the support over the last two years!
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Lead World Professional Job.
The need to enhance our intellectual capability through brain-training video games has actually turned into just what is mentioned to become a trillion-dollar business. Thus immediately, AAPL looks extra eye-catching than ever before as high tech investors become born once again diehards in the weeks in advance. When children did their HTP exam, the psychologist subsequented with an interview, during which they would inquire if anybody had actually attempted to chop down the plant, or even which resides in your house. If one person going through coming from message distressing tension disorder discovers even a little bit a lot more concerning what they're going through from after that this digital practice is a results, I will say that. Then after being a distance runner for three years, that is actually when I completed my 1st one-half marathon, in September 2011 at the Hamptons Half-Marathon in East Hampton, N.Y. That wasn't till I decided that I was visiting come to be a runner and also know to adore something I hated that is actually when whatever altered. This is going to have a lot more compared to this, however, for the profession of psychology to recoup its own ethical reputation. This way our experts could offer creators excellent exposure for their work, reveal awesome advertisements to our community as well as encourage even more members to end up being clients along the way. That delivers several functions as well as excellent flexibility, however you may get started, with practically no discovering curve, and vacant your thoughts without stressing over just how that works. Component of the story of Bakuman is just one of performers along with imaginative motivation functioning to find a way to show that incentive within the confines of a rigid device. Status: The Status Inspiration Scale measures the magnitude from your have to be actually openly marvelled at, to win in competitive circumstances, to become in a status from authorization, or even to have respectable assets or wealth. And also whether you believe she ever before did truly adore her family or not, they still made up a portion of her decision-making process in previous periods. To tell the clergyman of his exalted yet humble placement, the artist possesses the clergyman's hands reduced completely down to his arms, to ensure his palms become a worthless set from 5 extra-long hands. As a result, buyers as well as organisation companions trust fund much less and also become much more mindful of which they open their purses for. In retrospect, that stress and anxiety was a wonderful knowing adventure in my larger quest to end up being a drone fly. Yet that's a good idea: Most wise Televisions are an individual adventure problem, which is actually why Chromecast is piggybacking on the one communication style that has actually proven to work: mobile phone. Although www.invaloaredecumparare.com/ might look at checking out Home from Cards in bedroom the interpretation from relaxing, when it involves falling asleep it is hard for your human brain to switch. To puts it simply, you acquire business-class papers at the hit of a button, and all accordinged to your authentic thoughts map. Yet there are various other studies done in additional all-natural environments, beyond the psychological science labs. That would be teenage years, essentially." And also, if that is actually heading to take you much more than a years to come to be Batman, you want to ensure you have actually reached the needed ability level due to the time you're in you mid-20s to early-30s. Because Pinterest is an aesthetic tool, any kind of employment method for this system need to be actually made keeping that in mind to do effectively in the atmosphere. Among the significant ones is actually micro-expressions, which show off throughout the face for concerning 1/20th from a 2nd or even less when a person exists. You'll need to have to explore the Industry Agent website as well as click the large Money Out button on the appropriate side of the web page when you're prepared to accumulate your cash. The disagreement against the incentive from developers developing gamified platforms has very little manner in reality. Improving intellectual functionality has actually long been actually a topic of interest one of psychologists. Many thanks for your enthusiasm in incorporating PokéStops and also Gyms to Pokémon GO. While our experts're certainly not currently allowing new submittings, our company'll keep your metropolitan area in mind in the future. Altering finance systems, transforming computing paradigms, transforming market incentives, they're done in solution to transforming psychology. That seemed like a creative stalemate, 3 additional professions sacrificed on the church of the WWE's artistic group.
Our team will not like modification in the things our company recognize along with - our company come to be very comfy along with items, and also our company establish exactly what feels like a friendly relationship with all of them, or even at the extremities, a relationship," Dr Lewis points out. So powerful has that become that, today, many popular labels rest their whole entire company approach on their ability to customize. Costs smart, the Songsterr app follows a registration version and is actually free of charge to install. And yes, the work market for scientific psycho therapists is actually very bloated at the moment, although if you would like to enter I/ psychology the project market is better (you'll be a professional though so it'll likewise be a great deal much more unforeseeable). The outcomes of religious motivation are regard, tranquility individual and also aggregate welfare, a feeling of reason and also the emotion from a deep fulfilment in one's being actually. Possibly you are currently laboring in this particular helpful obscurity; maybe you have additionally listened to additional opportunities in comparison to you can easily tally that motivation must arise from within. After numerous advertisings, brings up and also bonus offers, Mr. Bucher was actually delivered property from his project on November 10th, 2004, and afterwards updated in January from 2005 that he had actually been cancelled since December 31st. I spent fifty percent my time in Senior Scrolls video games reading the tradition in guides therefore this actually ecstatic me. The excellent export/import capacities create that easy to incorporate right into your tasks if you have been using thoughts maps previously, as well as sharing all of them along with buddies as well as associates. If thoughts charts and also web-based task control tools are out of range to your venture team for whatever reason at that point that is crucial to know the alternate viewpoint alternatives available in your project monitoring devices. This is actually the inescapable byproduct of mindshare - that folks end up being mentally bought something that controls their interest as well as ideas.
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addcrazy-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Add Crazy
New Post has been published on https://addcrazy.com/5-of-the-great-meditation-apps-which-one-is-right-for-you/
5 of the great meditation apps: Which one is right for you?
A countrywide survey from the Yankee Mental Affiliation reviews that normal strain ranges have increased in latest years, and a big range of humans in the America assume that they may be now not doing sufficient to control their strain.
So what are we able to do to relax and lead more healthy, greater satisfying lives? One answer may additionally come from meditation – the historic, holistic exercise that targets to bring us into the existing, soothe our worries, and improve our basic nicely-being.
Evidence suggests that meditation is ideal for our fitness; it lowers our blood stress, alleviates numerous gastrointestinal problems, and facilitates to relieve anxiety and insomnia.
Telephone customers can now install their very own meditation instructor with a tap of the finger. With almost 1,000 apps to pick out from, but, understanding which one is proper for you may be challenging. To assist slim down the selection, we attempted a few out for ourselves.
All of the apps we evaluation here are to be had on both Android and iOS.
Headspace: Unlocking the universe of aware meditation Probably the most famous meditation app, Headspace became additionally ranked first in a comprehensive evaluation of meditation apps regarding functionality and person pride. We have been therefore pleased to provide it across and spot what the hype is all about.
The app offers a 10-day unfastened trial that takes you via the entire foundation level, called Take 10. During, you’re guided by using Andy’s reassuring voice – this is, Andy Puddicombe, the previous Buddhist monk, inspirational TED speaker, and founder of the app.
We cherished how friendly this app is, with a pastel-coloured interface that feels active without being intrusive, enchanting illustrations, and an introductory video extremely good for those who’ve by no means tried meditating earlier than.
Take 10 is peppered with colorful animations that motivate and produce you returned on target when you experience you have misplaced your cognizance, in addition to creative analogies that support and preserve you on your journey: “Imagine yourself sitting via the aspect of a busy road. The passing vehicles representing the mind and the feelings.”
For $7.99 you could get admission to the complete app, but best if you have completed the inspiration level – an extremely good manner to make sure that customers surely go through the motions and fully enjoy the education. After unlocking the primary degree, you are rewarded with a message of kindness and self-love: “Be type to your thoughts, don’t be too self-essential.” After this, you are granted get entry to the whole lot that Headspace has to offer, and it is a lot.
The app has a wide array of the purpose-unique collection, overlaying almost every issue of existence: fitness, relationships, sports, and performance. Every series has themed sub packs of up to 30 periods. Add to those the only off meditations – tailor-made to needs as unique as “worry of flying” or “commuting” – and the result is a full-size universe of mindfulness, with hundreds of different sessions to choose from.
While: The meditation app for a happy place of work With a swish business experience to it, White is on the whole aimed at businesses wishing to bring an extra bit of attention and happiness to the place of business.
While presents personalized, purpose-focused schooling applications for Each worker. companies can select from four training alternatives: the youngster-targeted “Grow,” the grownup-focused “Thrive,” the Google-born “Lead” – which facilities on emotional intelligence, teamwork, and management – and eventually “Flow,” a yoga application meant to exercise the mind and frame.
Every choice includes tens of packages, including as much as hundreds of classes. Moreover, person, on-demand “Willpower” periods are to be had for alleviating terrible feelings or boosting high-quality ones, in addition to for enhancing sleep.
A distinctive function that we found appealing is the HIPAA-compliant analytics dashboard. While lets in individuals to track their very own development like every desirable app, however in multiple weeks, they may additionally be rolling out the administrator analytics dashboard, permitting companies to the song the nicely-being of their place of work community.
The focus on quantifying the employees’ well-being with the last goal of increasing productiveness may seem bloodless and rancid-putting programmatic. however While grounds its technique in rich medical records: economically, pressure expenses the U.S. about $three hundred billion per year in absenteeism, scientific prices, or low productiveness; statistically, 83 percent of humans rank paintings as their number one source of pressure; and, subsequently, from a neuroscientific factor of view, the brain’s capability to rewire itself offers first-rate possibilities for improvement.
White seems to have positioned the technological know-how to right use, as we attempted out the periods designed for individuals – which might be completely unfastened – and observed them very powerful. The app lets you to set very specific goals, making it less difficult to stay influenced. We selected “Sleep better and feel rested,” completed the respiratory sporting activities, and started yawning inside minutes. normal, White comes throughout as a green and simple tool, able to supplying instant effects.
Sattva: A quantified enjoy for self-pushed meditators A self-titled “Meditation Timer & Tracker,” Sattva seems to be aimed toward extra experienced and autonomous meditators. It does no longer provide classes specially designed for beginners, and the general experience feels less “gamified” in comparison with a number of the alternative apps.
On iOS, Sattva integrates seamlessly with the health app, pulling information to your coronary heart charge and blood stress. Apple Watch enthusiasts can be glad to recognize that the app is likewise to be had on their device. you could select to do a “Brief start,” a “Guided meditation,” or a “Chant.”
earlier than and after the classes, you may have your coronary heart price measured with a simple tap; Sattva uses your phone’s digicam to take your pulse using just your fingertip.
you can download most of the meditations and chants totally free. We attempted “Remodeling emotions,” which starts lightly with respiration exercises, transitions smoothly in the direction of a nonjudgmental popularity of your bad feelings, and ends with a smile. For $1.99, we discovered “Happiness with Sri Sri” – this is, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, religious leader and founder of The Artwork of Dwelling.
Sattva feels very calculated and statistics-pushed. The dashboard counts the entire wide variety of mins you have got spent meditating, averages out your beats per minute, tells you whilst your closing consultation become, your cutting-edge and first-class streak, how many different humans are meditating, the quantity of challenges completed, trophies carried out, and plenty greater.
The dashboard also includes a leaderboard, which informs you wherein you rank among your meditating pals – a competitive technique we idea to run barely in opposition to the ethos of conscious meditation.
Moreover, we thought that some of the stats had been a hint redundant. For instance, the “Overall mins” of meditation can be determined inside the essential dashboard display, under the “extra” button, and inside the profile section, as well as underneath “network.” We did enjoy the small portions of motivational awareness sprinkled All through the app, however, along with the easy-to-get entry to tips.
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