#so I apologised for antagonizing and the dream went on
lemememeringue · 2 years
I started the night rly angry but then I practiced my empathy skills and I just woke up from a? nice dream? about my parents?
#mine#dream journal#lem experiences cognitive behavioural torture#practicing empathy wasn't rly a conscious choice more so associative thinking caused it to just happen#I guess it started w an angry dream. I was screaming crying at mum abt shit that went down in base housing and how lucky she is to forget#in this dream we'd travelled up north to see dad for some reason so he was there defending mum#this didn't de-escalate anything bc they were BOTH at fault and have since BOTH had severe memory loss of the collective trauma#then ig I entered a state of semiconsciousness where to calm myself I focused on my beloved ocs who I dump all my problems on#focus was on nikola. who I gave trauma almost inadvertently bc at the time I was focused on his father. who I also was traumatizing.#nik was sent away to visit an amish penpal for what was supposed to be a summer break while his parents got their shit together#that summer turned into three years before he was reunited w his family and they just ... Don't Talk abt it now bc it was such a heavy time#the thing is... I didn't give nik anger. he (and I) fully understand why things went down the way they did and ... it's no one's Fault rly.#just a shitty time where everyone was dealt a shitty hand.#now the part abt empathy isn't rly abt nik. it's that the trauma I gave his parents that triggered the chain reaction was Also mine#so I got to explore not just my own experiences safely but also this new parental angle and the guilt and shame from the hard decisions#made to protect a child from your own horrors#and they didn't make The Best Choice but under duress it was Better. and no one intended for it to be anything more than a summer.#ig from there I slid right back into dreamstate. the same one from before and right where I'd left off. which is rare.#and forced to see the parallels.. I (like nik) just can't bring myself to rage over equally shitty cards. and#so I apologised for antagonizing and the dream went on#I don't rly know what happened. at the end it seemed like I was ?? moving in w dad for a few months ?? idk#all I know is that the tension was gone and we were able to move forward w new shitty cards
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So for my first request, can you write a oneshot featuring Mob trying to interact or understand Monoma please? Its based on an AU where mob enrolls at class 1A to become a hero. The fic would involve Monoma trying, and failing, to antagonize Mob while the esper tries to understand his methods.
What do you think? You can use this link for more info on the AU.
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@princeasimdiya12 here is your one shot, I am sorry if it is not very good, I tried my best.
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Mob was just enjoying his day after being exhausted from hero training. Since he is is focusing on training his body more than his powers, which are already really powerful.
He was flicking through the pages of his new manga, listening to the chirps of the birds and the distant conversations from other U.A. students.
In the middle of the new page he just flicked too: a shadow loomed over his head; looking rather menacing.
A bit shy, Mob managed to squeak out a little hello still not being really outgoing and confident when meeting new people.
“H-hello, can I help you?”
It was rather odd: but the person in front of Mob never spoke; but rather snatched the manga out of Mob’s hand, closing it rather dramatically….
“So your that 1-a student who went berserk at the sports festival! Right?”
A breathe was caught in his throat, rather wanting to forget that event and opted for replying with a shy attempt at an apology “Um, I deeply apologise, but I am getting bett-“
“Wow, what’s this? You really have the nerve to try and justify yourself!”
“I was just-“
“Typical 1-a student thinking that a villainous act like that has any justification.”
A big smirk was adorning Monoma’s face now thinking the small boy was going to snap, while Mob was just sweating from the uncomfortable situation he has been put in….
“HEY SHIGE!” Izuku’s voice in the distance was enough to give Mob a bit of confidence to stand up for himself; even if it was just for a second.
“I’m sorry, there is no justification for my actions, but I am trying to keep it under control and be a true hero.” Mob said this hoping not to cause any conflict with this newcomer.
Monoma’s eyes widened a little at how genuine and unprovoked he seemed to be; he really seems to want to keep the peace, but he quickly regained his composure.
“Wow, 1-a scum like you think you will ever become a true hero, keep dreaming; since your class will be the reason villainy will take rule over U.A.!”
“You take that back! All my classmates will become excellent heroes and Shige here has the most potential out of all of us, so don’t you dare say our class will be the downfall of U.A.!”
Monoma turns around now face to face with a glaring Izuku;
“Ok, whatever you need to say to make yourself feel superior, but class 1-b will be there to save this school when your worst nightmare comes true!”
Laughing hysterically, Monoma walks away giving Izuku’s shoulder a barge.
“Izuku, is your shoulder okay, since he seemed to knock it quite hard?”
“Yeah, I am fine, thanks for the concern”
“Who even was that guy?” Mob gave a confused look as Izuku was deep in thought:
“Well, he is a member of class 1-b and notorious for picking on us 1-a students” while Izuku starts to mumble Mob is lost in thought now thinking:
‘Why does he hate us that much?
‘Is there anything else going on that makes him hold this hatred’
Having known Shigeo for a good amount of time now, Izuku catches on to what he is thinking.
“ Apparently it’s because we always steal the spotlight from class 1-b, but we think there’s more to it than that, so no one really knows the real reason for his hatred.”
“O-oh, well has anyone from our class tried becoming his friend to find out and squash this hatred ?”
“I hate to admit it, but none of us actually have”
“Well, I am going to give it a go, since everyone should be given a chance; even if they are mean”
“Your, so admirable Shige!”
Izuku stares at him in awe, while a small tint of red appears on Mob’s cheeks from the sudden compliment.
“I feel kind of bad for not being as hero like; as yourself, so here take my notebook”
“I have some notes I managed to gather about him; when observing his class”
“Are you sure you don’t need it?”
No, I insist and I gave 4 more copies back at my dorm!”
Quite happy with the sudden lead, Shigeo gives Izuku a thankful bow and heads off to start reading it. Ready to start befriending the sour blonde as soon as he formulates a plan.
It’s the next day now and Mob barely managed to get up, but when he remembered the plan he is carrying out today; he managed to get dressed.
From reading Izuku’s notes he managed to find out that he likes French cuisine, not questioning how Izuku attained that information he headed out to find the one person that could help prepare a suitable snack
“Um, Aoyama”
“Oh, Bonjour Kageyama, do you need any assistance with anything?”
“Well, I was wondering if you could help me bake some amazing French cuisine dishes” he rubs the nape of his neck and shuffles his feet, while awaiting an answer
“ Ooh, I’d be happy to; I’m going to show you all my favourite dishes!” Now dragging a slightly excited Shigeo they go to Satou who lends them some ingredients and tools to make some créme Brûlée….
After working all morning on the treat, Mob takes a steady walk over to class 1-b to wait outside for Monoma to arrive and if on cue he pops outside the class.
“Oh, what are you doing here? Came back for more?”
“Oh, what’s this, some sort of trap”
“Um; it’s a créme Brûlée, I heard you liked French cuisine, so-“
“I only like savoury French cuisine!” And with that he dropped it into the bin and walked away;
Leaving a slightly disappointed Mob standing at the door.
‘That’s alright, maybe I’ll try something else”
So the next day, not wanting to bother Aoyama again, Mob decides to make Graphin Dauphinois. It took him a few tries, but he managed to finish it, now on his way to hand it to Monoma and this time he finds him sitting on a bench.
Sitting down, Mob hands him the contained dish.
“You really are a persistent pest, aren’t you?”
“I am only eating this dish since I didn’t have lunch”
Taking a bite, Monoma scrunches his nose up in disgust.
“Ew, this tastes like trash”
“I’m sorry, let me take it away from you; if you don’t want it”
Swatting his hand away, Monoma turns the dish away from Mob’s reach.
“No, I’ll eat it since I’m hungry and if I get food poisoning, which I probably will I can get a 1-a student in trouble!”
Secretly Monoma really liked the dish, for the rest of that meeting Mob sat there in silence while Monoma ate the dish he made, while simultaneously ranting about class 1-a and his grievances with them.
Face sighing in annoyance when Mob didn’t react.
For the next day, Mob tries to approach Monoma with a game of uno since he thinks that’s the best way to create a friendship. He asked Sero to lend him the cards and promised to give them back and he wouldn’t let any damage come to them. Sero told him ‘not to worry about it, man.’
This time Mob found Monoma in the cafeteria on his own and approaches him with the cards.
“Not you again, if you keep hanging out with me, so much I am going to get a disease!”
“I brought a game of uno to play”
“You don’t sound very happy about it; your just staring emotionless at me”
Blanking him Mob carries on setting up the cards.
“Wow, avoiding the topic, whatever”
“Now, what game is this?”
“Do you not know how to play uno?, Want me to teach you?”
“What, of course I know how to play, no 1-a scum needs to teach me anything”
Monoma embarrassed looks away to hide his red face.
Mob ignores this and hands him a set of instructions.
“Uh, here read this in case you need help”
Monoma eye rolls, but Mob notices that while they play the game Monoma is reading the instructions out of the corner of his eye.
After loads of rounds Monoma finally wins won, doing a victory dance on how he beat 1-a, even if he only won one round and lost all the others. Mob decided to keep that to himself, not wanting to spoil his celebration, instead quietly clapping at his victory.
The bell rings cutting his celebration short the two of them split up to there separate classes.
It’s been about a week now and Mob finds Monoma everyday without fail to hangout, even if Monoma tries his best to annoy Mob and get him to leave him alone, Mob never gets provoked or snaps, not like he did at the sports festival anyway, which is what Monoma wants.
The both of them are sitting at a table outside, playing a game of chess, Mob ending up becoming victorious.
“ I bet you cheated, so there’s no need to gloat!”
“I didn’t cheat and I wasn’t going to gloat”
“Hmph, sure” starting to slightly, only slightly get used to his company he lets a little smile crack through his facade
“But there is something I’ve been meaning to ask you”
“Hmm, and what’s that bowl cut”
Ignoring the nickname, Mob decides to ask him the awaited question
“Why, do you hate class 1-a, so much?”
“That’s the million dollar question, isn’t it?”
“Well, I will only tell my close friends such vital information”
“And to become a close friend there’s several categories you have to go through”
“And your in the second to last one”
“Which is?” A puzzled Mob asks
“A reluctant acquaintance.”
“Well, at least I am not in the last one” Mob has a slight smile on his face at the thought.
“Eugh, so positive”
“It doesn’t match your gloomy demeanour”
“Well, anyway you’ll never make it to the close friend category”
“I hope I do” Mob stares back at Monoma With a determined look
“I can’t wait to squash your hopes.”
“Now, let’s play another round of chest, which I will win this time, since I am in a superior class to you”
“What’s class got to do with strategy?”
“Don’t ask, so many questions!”
“But I only asked one question”
That’s one question to many!”
“My apologies”
“I detect sarcasm”
“I never expected that from mister shy and gloomy!”
Mob ignores that comment again and starts to move his chest piece.
‘And he’s silent again’
‘What a joke! Him thinking I could become close friends with a 1-a student, such as himself.’
What none of them noticed though; is a tiny smile that you could argue needs a microscope to notice smile on Monoma’s face, while he strategically played chess with a ‘reluctant acquaintance’ of his.
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Side Swap.
Should I be working on my Deceit au? Yes. Have I started the next chapter? No.
This is basically a body swap thing between Roman and Virgil. You're welcome.
Not too shippy, but RomanxVirgil can be assumed through all of this and the very end has blatant PattonxLogan.
Warnings for a non-descriptive anxiety attack but that's all I think.
Virgil wants to know who’s joke is this. Who had the oh so clever idea to swap his and Roman's bodies? Haha. It's Anxiety and Creativity in the body of their opposite, how freakin clever. Someone was laughing their head off right now just thinking about their shit prank.
Roman was none too pleased either.
When Roman and Virgil woke up in opposite rooms in each other's bodies, they immediately ran to their own rooms to see what happened. They bumped into each other halfway.
There was something very strange about looking back at yourself. A mirror would never compare to seeing the real live you standing in front of you.
Virgil looked at his body staring back at him with an expression of confidence and annoyance that could only be one side that he knew. “Roman?”
Roman-that-looked-like-Virgil blew his bangs out of his face in an annoyed puff. “Well, not really! I look like you, Worry Wart.” Roman complained.
Virgil rolled his (Roman's?) eyes. “No dip, Sherlock. I'm not exactly myself either.”
“What are we going to do about it?” Roman cried dramatically. “I can't be you forever!”
Roman threw himself against the was and posed their to exaggerate his anguish, but instantly winced upon contact with the wall. “You bruise like a peach,” he muttered, pulling up his sleeve to reveal a smallish bruise developing right above his elbow.
Virgil winced at Roman getting hurt, but quickly shifted his attention over to what he was saying previously. “You mean you don't know what happened?” Virgil was kind of banking on the fact that Roman had something to go with this. He didn't even consider that it could have not been Roman. “You can't fix it?”
Roman slapped his hand over his eyes. “No! If I could fix it don't you think I would have? I don't want this just as much as you.”
Virgil comed his fingers through his hair nervously. His hand came back sticky with product Roman must have put in the night before. Gross. “If you didn't do it and you can't fix it and I can't fix this, then what are we going to do?!” Virgil's voice was riding in pitch by the moment and he was looking thoroughly anxious by now.
Roman grimised when he saw his own face contort into a look of fear. It was something he tried to avoid at all costs when he was him. “Hun, stress is not a good look on me. Quit it.”
Virgil didn't know what Roman was thinking, just what he said. And to him it sounded like Roman had forgotten the lengthy conversations Virgil had with him on multiple occasions. “Oh my god. We've been over this many, many times! I can't just not stress out! I AM ANXIETY!” All of a sudden, Virgil's face shifted from anger to fearful confusion.
“What is it.” Roman whispered, looking behind him in case Virgil saw something dangerous. There was nothing.
“I… I can't do the echo voice.” Virgil sounded so small and delicate. And frightened.
Roman hated this. As much as he picked on Virgil and didn't understand him most of the time, he was family to him. And whenever his family was afraid it was Roman's job to protect them all.
How to protect him… Well, he could start by apologising. “I'm sorry I told you to stop stressing. You're right, it's not something you can prevent.” Virgil didn't exactly smile, but he definitely looked less hurt. Score. “I'm equally as sorry that I can't change us back. I don't know what happened, truly!” Roman tapped his chin in thought. “Honestly, the only entity in Thomas strong enough to something like this is the Dragon Witch. We probably have to consult them.”
On cue, a puff of smoke beside the two sides displayed the Dragon Witch in all their magic glory.
Both startled, but Roman did so much less noticeably and recovered quickly.
“You called?” They crooned. “I thought you might.”
Virgil was shaking slightly now. Whether it was from anger or fear, even he wasn't quite sure. “What the hell did you do,” he spat.
They cackled and tweaked Roman's-but-what-looked-like-Virgil's ear. Then they began to speak in rhyme. “You two have some issues you need to resolve. And things won't be right until tension dissolves. If each of you live a day in swapped shoes, I'll switch you right back and this’ll all be old news.”
Roman cocked an eyebrow. “We have to stay like this for one day. Nothing else?” He’s worked with the Dragon Witch too often to think they would let then go without a catch.
“Oh! Silly old me. I almost forgot! You two are both doomed if either gets caught. If Patton or Logan find out what I've done, the curse will not lift and I will have won.”
And as startling as they appeared, they left with another puff. Leaving a puddle of bad emotions behind.
After coming back to reality after a good half a minute of nervous contemplation about the day ahead of them, Roman noticed that Virgil had sunk to the floor in a panic. “Shit.” He whispered, falling to his knees to assist.
“We're go- going to be stuck like th- this forever,” said Virgil through laboured breathing.
“No we won't. We can do it, I know we can.”
Roman did everything he was told to help Virgil an an anxiety attack, but it took much longer for Virgil to recover than if Logan or Patton would have been there. That's always how it's been with Roman. Maybe he wasn't a particularly comforting person.
After coaxing Virgil to breathe a little more normally, Roman apologized for the second or third time that day. “I'm not sure what I did to deserve such a question from the Dragon Witch. Usually, they at least have a good reason to antagonize me!”
Virgil looked at Roman like he was stupid. “Did you even listen? They said that we fight too much or something.”
“We don't do that.”
“Yes, we do.”
“No! We don- oh.”
“But it doesn't even matter! What matters is that we are stuck like this for-frEAKING-EVER if we can't hide it from Patton and Logan. You know how much Logan pays attention! And how much Patton cares about us! Between the two of them, they’ll totally figure it out.”
“Okay. Okay. I might have a plan. Get in my room.” Roman scampered down the hall with Virgil on his heels. Any ideas were good one's in Virgil's frantic eyes.
After a fair amount of time, the swapped sides had taken a crash course in each other. How to walk, what to say. When to go to Thomas. How to divide Patton and Logan so they can't conspire throughout the day and figure it out.
They put their plan into action.
By the middle of the day, Roman and Virgil were equally exhausted.
Virgil was lying on his bed, talking up at the ceiling. “How are you so boisterous and creative all the time? A different nickname every conversation is ridiculous. I'm pretty sure Logan got suspicious when I called him calculator because you've used something like that before. And Thomas called me up for the strangest stuff. Like, who cares how you phrase your tweet about the next video! Not me, that's for sure.”
“How dare you!” Roman quipped, grinning from the spin chair. “I put my heart and soul into those tweets!”
“Then you need a different direction. Try sleeping the days away. Works for me.” Virgil said with a tired smile. Roman's personality wasn't only draining to be around, it was draining to keep up.
“You're under-exaggerating.” Roman said as he applied more eyeshadow per Virgil's request. “I had to constantly check in on Thomas for every little thing; I know you do that too. ‘Did you lock your door, Thomas.’ ‘Are those leftovers really still good, Thomas.’ He was actually contemplating eating raspberries that had started to go bad. Like, really? That is dangerous!”
Virgil smiled, despite himself. “I know, right? Someone has to do it or else Thomas would do dumb shit like that all the livelong day.”
As the day went on, their annoyance and fear about being stuck in each other's bodies was forgotten. Instead, they were enjoying half-heartedly complaining about what each other did. By the end of the day, Logan and Patton had definitely noticed something was going on, but they kept to themselves. Whatever was going on, it was allowing Virgil and Roman to get along and that was a first.
All of the sides went to bed at the same time, or at least to their rooms, so Roman and Virgil went to each other's rooms to sleep.
That night, Virgil slept like a baby. Without the anxiety dreams keeping him up and the unbelievably soft bed that positively engulfed him when he sank into it, Virgil wasn't waking up for anything.
In Virgil's room, Roman decided that the dark and dreary atmosphere wasn't so bad when he couldn't feel the effects of the room. Plus side to being in Virgil's body, less panic in his room than normal!The only thing he had to complain about hiring room was the bed. It was so hard and didn't even have a bed frame to support it. It took Roman ages to fall asleep and he vowed to create a better one for Virgil when they were switched back.
Apparently, Logan and Patton didn't put to much more thought into what had gotten into Roman and Virgil because the two swapped sides woke up as themselves once again. Virgil celebrated by falling back to sleep.
Roman on the other hand had lost a whole day of his pamper routine. He had apply his face cream trice today and shower for extra long to make up for it!
After an extra hour of exfoliation and rejuvenating, Roman snuck over to Virgil's room, who was still sleeping. It was a frightening task (an awoken Virgil is not a happy Virgil) but Roman was able to create a much shorter and more appropriate bed for him.
It was so great to be able to create things again!
Though neither of the two would admit it, being swapped for a day was the best thing that could have happened to them. After that day, they were closer than ever. They even started to work together rather than against each other on projects for Thomas. Thomas was certainty pleased.
One night, about a month after the side swap (so Roman had dubbed it), Virgil was having trouble sleeping. He loved the new bed that Roman whipped up for him, but it just wasn't doing the job.
Gathering up all the courage he had at the moment, Virgil grabbed his comforter, wrapped it around his shoulders like a comfy cape, and padded to Romans room.
Maybe he's sleeping by now. Maybe it would be best to just stay in his own room like always.
Before Virgil could worry his way out of knocking, the door was thrown open. There stood Roman with a sword cutting Virgil's view of him in half.
Scampering back, Virgil stage-whispered, “Hey! It's just me!”
Roman, upon seeing that it was in fact just Virgil unsummoned his sword and stepped back. “Terribly sorry. I heard something outside and I was sure the Dragon Witch was back. They like to show up at night you know. Anyway, come in!”
Virgil slowly creeped into the room like maybe another sword-bearing-Roman was around the corner. “What a way to welcome a guy,” he muttered to himself while calming his hummingbird heartbeat.
Roman, still a little on edge as well, shoved piles of papers into drawers with a nervous laugh. “Sorry about the mess, too. I would have cleaned up a little if I thought you'd be over.”
“Don't worry about it, Romano.”
And just like that, the tension was broken. Roman cracked a smile and pushed Virgil lightly. “No! That's such a bad nickname!”
Virgil smiled shyly in return. “I don't know what you're talking about, Romano.”
Roman walked over to his bed and plopped down, patting the bed as an invitation. “So what's up?”
“Um,” Virgil began eloquently as he fiddled with a loose string as he sat next to Roman gently. “I guess I couldn't sleep? And I remember sleeping when I was you and it was really great… Not in a creepy way! I just slept through the night and I don't always do that so what I guess what I'm trying to say is-”
“You can sleep with me if you want to, Virgil.”
Roman nodded and shimmied under the covers. Virgil got in on the other side and sighed happily. He fell asleep not long after Roman clapped the lights off.
The next morning, Patton went up to check on Roman only to find him curled protectively around a little bundle of content. It was just too adorable for him to handle by himself so he ran downstairs to fetch Logan to show him what he happened to stumble across, dragging him back up the stairs in excitement.
“Aren't they just the cutest, Lo?” Patton said once they made it to the cracked open door, wrapping his arms around Logan.
Logan blushed deeply and looked over into Patton's sparkling eyes. Suddenly, the world melted away and all that was left were those dazling eyes. “Certainty.” He agreed, despite not really remembering what he was agreeing to.
There you are my friends!
Tag list: General-> @kameraishere @punsterterry @jemthebookworm @sympathetic-deceit-trash @moist-astronaut @mamongo-sama
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Abducted, Possessed or In Love
Pairing: Will/Nico
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12119691
Summary:  Nico is acting really different and Leo is slightly convinced that Nico has been abducted by aliens. Jason has a different theory. After all Nico is only different around a certain blonde-haired medic.
“I think something is wrong with Nico,” Leo said.
The effect of his words was instantaneous. Jason put down his toast and reached for his sword.  Piper continued buttering her bread, outwardly unmoved, but her hold on the knife suddenly looked a lot more threatening.
"What do you mean?" Jason asked. "Is he alright? Has someone said something to him because if they have-"
"Whoa chill man. That's actually kind of the opposite of the problem."
Jason glanced down at his sword as though he'd only just realised he was holding it, and put it back down with deliberate care.
"Leo it's too early for this. What exactly is going on?"
"I think Nico might have been kidnapped by aliens and replaced by an exact double."
Jason blinked at him. Piper let go of the butter knife and took a bite of bread.
"Well?" Leo asked.
"Well what Leo?"
"You don't look overwhelmed by my news."
"Because," Jason said wearily, going back to his breakfast. "You are being ridiculous."
"Well okay maybe the alien thing is a little farfetched. Do you think they could get into camp with the defences? Maybe only half-blood aliens-"
"Demons then. Maybe he was wandering around a hell-scape somewhere and got possessed."
"Somehow I think that might actually be more farfetched," Jason said. "And why exactly do you think this run of incredibly unlikely things might have happened to Nico?"
"Because he just wished me good morning."
"Says something that you think a demon would be more cheerful than Nico," Piper commented.
"Hey I like the kid I’m just saying he’s gloomy. At least he used to be. It's an invasion of the body snatchers I'm telling you!"
"Isn't that the opposite of what happened in the invasion?" Piper asked, yawning. "It's if he gets more emotionless then we have to worry."
Jason gave her a look and she shrugged and smiled.
"I'm kidding. But seriously Leo, he's probably just in a good mood."
"Okay," Leo said pointing a stick of pineapple at her "But riddle me this: when was the last time Di Angelo was in a good mood?"
"Just because he's not often happy doesn't mean he can't- " Jason began wearily but Leo intercepted him.
"No man, I mean what do you think has made him cheerful?"
Jason seemed to think about this.
"Well maybe just being around camp has made him realise -" he trailed off. "Huh."
"Aliens," Leo whispered knowledgeably with a nod.
"It's not aliens Leo, wait where are you going? Leo!"
"Do you ever feel like your talking to yourself?" Jason asked as his calls fell on deaf ears.
"Well if Nico sends him to a shadow realm for bugging him at least you can say you tried," Piper said.
"Has anyone seen Nico?" Jason asked.
"Maybe he's -"
"He's not hiding out in his secret alien spaceship or whatever it is you were going to say."
Leo grinned but held up his hands in surrender.
"Have you lost him?" Piper asked. She was cleaning her knife while the rest of the Aphrodite cabin rallied behind her ready for a day of fun and adventure and the lava climbing wall. Jason could dimly hear Drew complaining about her nails.
"Not really," Jason said. "It's just Nico usually hangs out with me for activities."
Piper shrugged. "Sorry. He'll turn up though."
Jason nodded but he couldn't help feel a little concerned. He'd thought - he'd hoped - Nico was over the feelings that he didn't belong. After his stay in the infirmary he'd certainly seemed a little more settled and since then had begun settling into camp activities he’d fallen in with the rest of camp, even hanging out with Percy at times which Jason knew must have taken a lot of courage. But with Nico’s absence he began to worry all the same.
"Percy have you seen Nico?" he asked.  
Percy, tying his amour as he walked over, gave Jason a slightly mischievous smile.
"He's moved on," Percy said.
"Trust me," Percy said. "He's fine."
Jason gave him an odd look. Percy's grin got bigger and he nodded over to where the Apollo cabin were coming down. Nico was in the middle of them, talking to Will animatedly.
"He looks happy!" Jason said before he could help himself.
"Now look who's comparing Nico to a gloomy demonic -" Leo said with a grin.
"I never said demonic."
Will laughed at something Nico said, and Nico looked momentarily stunned before blushing furiously. Percy raised an eyebrow, Piper gave a knowing smirk and Leo's jaw dropped so low Jason was slightly concerned it was going to unhinge and drop off.
"I see what you mean," Piper commented.
Nico went to snatch something from Will's hands, giggling as Will it pulled back and out of the way at the last minute.
"I just meant he wasn't going to come do archery with us!" Percy said stumbling over his words in his shock. "Be he just -"
"What you've never seen Di Angelo smile before?" asked Piper with a slight smirk. Jason got the feeling she was enjoying this somehow.
"Not for a very long time," Percy said quietly. His eyes had clouded over slightly as he watched Nico and eventually he shrugged and moved away.
"You coming Jason? Without Nico around I need you to make me feel better about my archery skills."
"Hilarious Jackson."
But he followed. Percy was right: it looked like Nico was okay after all.
Percy hadn't quite been able to shake Tartarus. He supposed that was only natural, and he knew it would take time to forget, but every time he thought he was nearing a place where it wouldn't pervade his dream space quite so much it came back to haunt him. Normally when the nightmares hit he would seek out Annabeth but she had an important test, something about entrance into one of New Rome's top colleges and he didn't want to disturb her rest. Instead he wandered up to the dining pavilion, watching the sun as it began to climb above the horizon. He wondered, absently, where Apollo was and what his punishment had been. He knew Rachel was still cut off from prophecies. It didn't seem to bode well for the god.  
When he reached the pavilion, he saw Nico sitting on the Hades table, swinging his legs and gazing absently at the horizon. He was eating which was the first surprise. The second was that, despite it being horrendously early Nico, who would be the first to describe himself as not a morning person, looked reasonably content.
Percy hadn't been alone with Nico since Nico had confessed, and he wasn't sure what he should say. He wanted to apologise for being such an idiot but that would mean bringing up Nico's crush and he wasn't sure Nico would want that.
Nico glanced over at him, but didn't say anything as Percy sat down.
"I don't know how you did it," Percy said finally. "Tartarus I mean."
"I don't know why you think I want to talk about this," Nico said but there was less antagonism about him than usual so Percy took that as a good sign.
"The dreams don't ever really go away," Nico said suddenly, glancing over at Percy. "But they get better."
Percy smiled at him surprised, but Nico was no longer paying any attention to Percy. He was distracted by another early riser who was coming up from the direction of the cabins. Will.
"You're eating then?" Will asked, as soon as he was close enough. He pulled his earphones out and shoved them into a pocket. Nico folded his arms.
"You highlighted the importance of a balanced diet," Nico said with a very straight face. "Besides an apple a day keeps the doctor away and I refuse to spend any more time in the infirmary with you. The first time was bad enough."
Nico words were normal enough but the way he was looking at Will, like Will was his personal sunshine, didn't quite match the grumpy tone.
Will just smirked.
"Anything to get you to eat properly," he said and wandered off to get juice.
Percy watched Nico watching him go. The look in Nico's eyes was surprisingly soft.
"I'm just saying," Leo said ignoring the way Jason and Percy groaned and Piper threw a bread roll at him.
"I thought you were over the alien thing?" Jason asked.
"I am. You know, mostly. I'm not ruling everything out. But you've got to admit Di Angelo is like a completely different person these days. He's gone soft."
"I don't know-" Jason began but stopped abruptly as Nico himself stalked over with a bad case of bed-head, a moody expression and skeletal hands threatening to break the surface of the earth in his wake. Leo happened to be between Nico and the coffee.
"Get out my way Leo," Nico mumbled, "or I will let these zombies drag you into hell."
Leo wasn't entirely convinced Nico would carry out that threat but he moved aside sharpish anyway. Instead of pouring himself a mug, he just took the whole pot.
"I'm going back to bed. And I swear if anyone wakes me -" he didn't finish off the threat because he was too busy yawning but somehow that was scarier.
"Sure Leo," Jason said as Nico wandered away. "He definitely seems different to me. Gone totally soft. We'll have to work on that."
"Are you humming Mulan?"
Nico looked up, startled.
"Are you sure?"
"Shut up Grace."
"I'm surprised you even know Mulan," Jason commented.
Nico stopped cleaning his sword to glare at Jason.
"Will made me watch it," he admitted.
Nico picked up the cloth again.
"He really likes Disney. I mean they all do, but Will does not stop. And musicals. Did you know there were so many musicals? And I swear to the gods Solace knows the words to like every single one of them. And he's not a bad singer. Did you know that? He makes out like he's not talented but you shouldn't listen to a word because - what?"
"I didn't say anything."
Nico glared at him suspiciously.
"I'm going back to my cabin," he said.
"They're dating."
"They're not."
"They so are."
"They're not."
"I'm starting a betting pool," Cecil said. He'd been walking past but he'd obviously caught wind of the conversation and had insinuated himself in. "If you want to put your money where your mouth is."
There was a pause. Leo and Jason looked at each other.
"Betting on our friend's happiness seems wrong."
"It does feel a little exploitative."
"Ten dollars that they are dating."
"Twenty that they're not."
Jason had gotten used to Nico turning up at his table at breakfast. He was used to Nico's grumpiness and general animosity towards the world in general and anyone who tried to talk to him in particular. He wasn't used to Nico laughing.
He hadn't seen the light in Nico's eyes before either. Or that quiet, shy smile.
But then Will Solace didn't usually sit with them. Jason was beginning to think there was something in Leo's insistence that Will and Nico were secretly dating. At least Leo had moved on from the alien theory, but he was slightly worried at the lengths Leo was apparently prepared to go to to prove he was right. In fact half the camp seemed to be taking sides of the debate thanks to Cecil's dating pool. Jason wasn't sure where he stood, or whether he quite condoned the others dropping Will into the conversation at every opportunity just to test Nico's reaction, but he did know he was happy to see Nico so happy. The kid definitely had it coming.
He just hoped that the rest of camp's obsession with his relationship wouldn't distract from that. Or take away the light in Nico's eyes whenever he spoke about Will.
"If you're going to be that dopey about getting the flag, then we've got this one in the bag."
Jason shook himself out of his thoughts and found Nico standing in front of him.
"I'm fine," Jason said, standing and trying not to pretend like he hadn't just been worrying about his friend. "More than ready to beat you."
Nico just smirked.
"We'll see about that," he said and walked off.
And since when had Nico stopped siding with them in favour of Will?
Jason shook his head again and forced his mind to empty. Nico could look after himself, and would only get frustrated at Jason worrying about his welfare and love life. Besides Nico was right, if he kept on this distracted path he really would be handing the victory over to them. And then Percy would never forgive him.
When the game began he watched as his friends split off, following the paths and roles determined for them by Annabeth and her siblings. Annabeth was reasonably confident about where Ares and their allies would be stashing their flag. She'd marked Jason out to find it, sending a deployment consisting of herself, Percy and several other obvious heavy hitters to distract the main forces. It was a good plan and the only thing Jason was slightly worried about was running into Nico, who Annabeth admitted was hard to plan for since he was so unpredictable.
He crept through the woods, dodging behind trees whenever he thought he heard campers coming his way. Eventually he spotted a flash of red through the trees and made towards it, counting every breath and placing each step with meticulous care.
He emerged from the clearing, spotting Nico hanging out by the flag.  That wasn't ideal, but Will was with him and Nico for the moment looked was enough not to notice Jason so close. As long as the two kept talking instead of paying attention to what was going on around them -
He stopped dead as Nico suddenly stood up on tiptoes and kissed Will.
"Oh my gods!" he cried out before clapping his hand over his mouth.
Nico glanced over at him and took half a step back from Will, glancing up at the sky like he was praying with strength. Will just started laughing.
Jason chucked twenty dollars at Leo.
"Told you they were dating."
"Well it wasn't aliens," Jason said, a little moodily.
Leo just grinned.
"I still haven't ruled that out. I mean Death Boy and Sunshine? They aren't the world's most likely couple."
"I don't know," Jason said, looking over at Nico. He was supposedly listening to Connor, but was really watching Will reading on the step to the Apollo cabin with a distracted smile. "I think they work."
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Abducted, Possessed or In Love
“I think something is wrong with Nico,” Leo said.
The effect of his words was instantaneous. Jason put down his toast and reached for his sword.  Piper continued buttering her bread, outwardly unmoved, but her hold on the knife suddenly looked a lot more threatening.
"What do you mean?" Jason asked. "Is he alright? Has someone said something to him because if they have-"
"Whoa chill man. That's actually kind of the opposite of the problem."
Jason glanced down at his sword as though he'd only just realised he was holding it, and put it back down with deliberate care.
"Leo it's too early for this. What exactly is going on?"
"I think Nico might have been kidnapped by aliens and replaced by an exact double."
Jason blinked at him. Piper let go of the butter knife and took a bite of bread.
"Well?" Leo asked.
"Well what Leo?"
"You don't look overwhelmed by my news."
"Because," Jason said wearily, going back to his breakfast. "You are being ridiculous."
"Well okay maybe the alien thing is a little farfetched. Do you think they could get into camp with the defences? Maybe only half-blood aliens-"
"Demons then. Maybe he was wandering around a hell-scape somewhere and got possessed."
"Somehow I think that might actually be more farfetched," Jason said. "And why exactly do you think this run of incredibly unlikely things might have happened to Nico?"
"Because he just wished me good morning."
"Says something that you think a demon would be more cheerful than Nico," Piper commented.
"Hey I like the kid I’m just saying he’s gloomy. At least he used to be. It's an invasion of the body snatchers I'm telling you!"
"Isn't that the opposite of what happened in the invasion?" Piper asked, yawning. "It's if he gets more emotionless then we have to worry."
Jason gave her a look and she shrugged and smiled.
"I'm kidding. But seriously Leo, he's probably just in a good mood."
"Okay," Leo said pointing a stick of pineapple at her "But riddle me this: when was the last time Di Angelo was in a good mood?"
"Just because he's not often happy doesn't mean he can't- " Jason began wearily but Leo intercepted him.
"No man, I mean what do you think has made him cheerful?"
Jason seemed to think about this.
"Well maybe just being around camp has made him realise -" he trailed off. "Huh."
"Aliens," Leo whispered knowledgeably with a nod.
"It's not aliens Leo, wait where are you going? Leo!"
"Do you ever feel like your talking to yourself?" Jason asked as his calls fell on deaf ears.
"Well if Nico sends him to a shadow realm for bugging him at least you can say you tried," Piper said.
"Has anyone seen Nico?" Jason asked.
"Maybe he's -"
"He's not hiding out in his secret alien spaceship or whatever it is you were going to say."
Leo grinned but held up his hands in surrender.  
"Have you lost him?" Piper asked. She was cleaning her knife while the rest of the Aphrodite cabin rallied behind her ready for a day of fun and adventure and the lava climbing wall. Jason could dimly hear Drew complaining about her nails.
"Not really," Jason said. "It's just Nico usually hangs out with me for activities."
Piper shrugged. "Sorry. He'll turn up though."
Jason nodded but he couldn't help feel a little concerned. He'd thought - he'd hoped - Nico was over the feelings that he didn't belong. After his stay in the infirmary he'd certainly seemed a little more settled and since then had begun settling into camp activities he’d fallen in with the rest of camp, even hanging out with Percy at times which Jason knew must have taken a lot of courage. But with Nico’s absence he began to worry all the same.
"Percy have you seen Nico?" he asked.  
Percy, tying his amour as he walked over, gave Jason a slightly mischievous smile.
"He's moved on," Percy said.
"Trust me," Percy said. "He's fine."
Jason gave him an odd look. Percy's grin got bigger and he nodded over to where the Apollo cabin were coming down. Nico was in the middle of them, talking to Will animatedly.
"He looks happy!" Jason said before he could help himself.  
"Now look who's comparing Nico to a gloomy demonic -" Leo said with a grin.
"I never said demonic."
Will laughed at something Nico said, and Nico looked momentarily stunned before blushing furiously. Percy raised an eyebrow, Piper gave a knowing smirk and Leo's jaw dropped so low Jason was slightly concerned it was going to unhinge and drop off.
"I see what you mean," Piper commented.
Nico went to snatch something from Will's hands, giggling as Will it pulled back and out of the way at the last minute.
"I just meant he wasn't going to come do archery with us!" Percy said stumbling over his words in his shock. "Be he just -"
"What you've never seen Di Angelo smile before?" asked Piper with a slight smirk. Jason got the feeling she was enjoying this somehow.
"Not for a very long time," Percy said quietly. His eyes had clouded over slightly as he watched Nico and eventually he shrugged and moved away.
"You coming Jason? Without Nico around I need you to make me feel better about my archery skills."
"Hilarious Jackson."
But he followed. Percy was right: it looked like Nico was okay after all.
Percy hadn't quite been able to shake Tartarus. He supposed that was only natural, and he knew it would take time to forget, but every time he thought he was nearing a place where it wouldn't pervade his dream space quite so much it came back to haunt him. Normally when the nightmares hit he would seek out Annabeth but she had an important test, something about entrance into one of New Rome's top colleges and he didn't want to disturb her rest. Instead he wandered up to the dining pavilion, watching the sun as it began to climb above the horizon. He wondered, absently, where Apollo was and what his punishment had been. He knew Rachel was still cut off from prophecies. It didn't seem to bode well for the god.  
When he reached the pavilion, he saw Nico sitting on the Hades table, swinging his legs and gazing absently at the horizon. He was eating which was the first surprise. The second was that, despite it being horrendously early Nico, who would be the first to describe himself as not a morning person, looked reasonably content.
Percy hadn't been alone with Nico since Nico had confessed, and he wasn't sure what he should say. He wanted to apologise for being such an idiot but that would mean bringing up Nico's crush and he wasn't sure Nico would want that.
Nico glanced over at him, but didn't say anything as Percy sat down.
"I don't know how you did it," Percy said finally. "Tartarus I mean."
"I don't know why you think I want to talk about this," Nico said but there was less antagonism about him than usual so Percy took that as a good sign.
"The dreams don't ever really go away," Nico said suddenly, glancing over at Percy. "But they get better."
Percy smiled at him surprised, but Nico was no longer paying any attention to Percy. He was distracted by another early riser who was coming up from the direction of the cabins. Will.
"You're eating then?" Will asked, as soon as he was close enough. He pulled his earphones out and shoved them into a pocket. Nico folded his arms.
"You highlighted the importance of a balanced diet," Nico said with a very straight face. "Besides an apple a day keeps the doctor away and I refuse to spend any more time in the infirmary with you. The first time was bad enough."
Nico words were normal enough but the way he was looking at Will, like Will was his personal sunshine, didn't quite match the grumpy tone.
Will just smirked.
"Anything to get you to eat properly," he said and wandered off to get juice.
Percy watched Nico watching him go. The look in Nico's eyes was surprisingly soft.
"I'm just saying," Leo said ignoring the way Jason and Percy groaned and Piper threw a bread roll at him.
"I thought you were over the alien thing?" Jason asked.
"I am. You know, mostly. I'm not ruling everything out. But you've got to admit Di Angelo is like a completely different person these days. He's gone soft."
"I don't know-" Jason began but stopped abruptly as Nico himself stalked over with a bad case of bed-head, a moody expression and skeletal hands threatening to break the surface of the earth in his wake. Leo happened to be between Nico and the coffee.
"Get out my way Leo," Nico mumbled, "or I will let these zombies drag you into hell."
Leo wasn't entirely convinced Nico would carry out that threat but he moved aside sharpish anyway. Instead of pouring himself a mug, he just took the whole pot.
"I'm going back to bed. And I swear if anyone wakes me -" he didn't finish off the threat because he was too busy yawning but somehow that was scarier.
"Sure Leo," Jason said as Nico wandered away. "He definitely seems different to me. Gone totally soft. We'll have to work on that."
"Are you humming Mulan?"
Nico looked up, startled.
"Are you sure?"
"Shut up Grace."
"I'm surprised you even know Mulan," Jason commented.
Nico stopped cleaning his sword to glare at Jason.
"Will made me watch it," he admitted.
Nico picked up the cloth again.
"He really likes Disney. I mean they all do, but Will does not stop. And musicals. Did you know there were so many musicals? And I swear to the gods Solace knows the words to like every single one of them. And he's not a bad singer. Did you know that? He makes out like he's not talented but you shouldn't listen to a word because - what?"
"I didn't say anything."
Nico glared at him suspiciously.
"I'm going back to my cabin," he said.
"They're dating."
"They're not."
"They so are."
"They're not."
"I'm starting a betting pool," Cecil said. He'd been walking past but he'd obviously caught wind of the conversation and had insinuated himself in. "If you want to put your money where your mouth is."
There was a pause. Leo and Jason looked at each other.
"Betting on our friend's happiness seems wrong."
"It does feel a little exploitative."
"Ten dollars that they are dating."
"Twenty that they're not."
Jason had gotten used to Nico turning up at his table at breakfast. He was used to Nico's grumpiness and general animosity towards the world in general and anyone who tried to talk to him in particular. He wasn't used to Nico laughing.
He hadn't seen the light in Nico's eyes before either. Or that quiet, shy smile.
But then Will Solace didn't usually sit with them. Jason was beginning to think there was something in Leo's insistence that Will and Nico were secretly dating. At least Leo had moved on from the alien theory, but he was slightly worried at the lengths Leo was apparently prepared to go to to prove he was right. In fact half the camp seemed to be taking sides of the debate thanks to Cecil's dating pool. Jason wasn't sure where he stood, or whether he quite condoned the others dropping Will into the conversation at every opportunity just to test Nico's reaction, but he did know he was happy to see Nico so happy. The kid definitely had it coming.
He just hoped that the rest of camp's obsession with his relationship wouldn't distract from that. Or take away the light in Nico's eyes whenever he spoke about Will.
"If you're going to be that dopey about getting the flag, then we've got this one in the bag."
Jason shook himself out of his thoughts and found Nico standing in front of him.
"I'm fine," Jason said, standing and trying not to pretend like he hadn't just been worrying about his friend. "More than ready to beat you."
Nico just smirked.
"We'll see about that," he said and walked off.
And since when had Nico stopped siding with them in favour of Will?
Jason shook his head again and forced his mind to empty. Nico could look after himself, and would only get frustrated at Jason worrying about his welfare and love life. Besides Nico was right, if he kept on this distracted path he really would be handing the victory over to them. And then Percy would never forgive him.
When the game began he watched as his friends split off, following the paths and roles determined for them by Annabeth and her siblings. Annabeth was reasonably confident about where Ares and their allies would be stashing their flag. She'd marked Jason out to find it, sending a deployment consisting of herself, Percy and several other obvious heavy hitters to distract the main forces. It was a good plan and the only thing Jason was slightly worried about was running into Nico, who Annabeth admitted was hard to plan for since he was so unpredictable.
He crept through the woods, dodging behind trees whenever he thought he heard campers coming his way. Eventually he spotted a flash of red through the trees and made towards it, counting every breath and placing each step with meticulous care.
He emerged from the clearing, spotting Nico hanging out by the flag.  That wasn't ideal, but Will was with him and Nico for the moment looked was enough not to notice Jason so close. As long as the two kept talking instead of paying attention to what was going on around them -
He stopped dead as Nico suddenly stood up on tiptoes and kissed Will.
"Oh my gods!" he cried out before clapping his hand over his mouth.
Nico glanced over at him and took half a step back from Will, glancing up at the sky like he was praying with strength. Will just started laughing.
Jason chucked twenty dollars at Leo.
"Told you they were dating."
"Well it wasn't aliens," Jason said, a little moodily.
Leo just grinned.
"I still haven't ruled that out. I mean Death Boy and Sunshine? They aren't the world's most likely couple."
"I don't know," Jason said, looking over at Nico. He was supposedly listening to Connor, but was really watching Will reading on the step to the Apollo cabin with a distracted smile. "I think they work."
Was originally for the lovely anon who wanted moony Nico but I’m a bit meh about this one. I realised half way through I had no idea when this was actually taking place since Leo was there but they weren’t dating yet, and that kind of really threw me off. So I guess this is a Leo survived somehow AU? I don’t know. Anon I will have another go at your prompt soon. x
Oh and edit because I forgot to say sharp eyed of you might have noticed this crosses with We Tried to Tell You. I was trying to be all continuity and stuff til I remembered Leo wasn’t there...
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