#so it would be like. KIND of a mercy kill. ellie in her broken mind from everything and also the time travel
koipalm · 1 year
tlou au where everything is the same but from the very start, joel, tess, and ellie are pursued by a mysterious woman with 8 fingers who wants nothing more than to kill ellie
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Destiel Trope Collection 2020 Day 4: Canon Compliant
The End and the Beginning | @deansrightfulangerissue
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1019 Main Tags/Warnings: Loss, Canon Universe, Angst, Rebirth Summary: There is only one way for Cas to escape The Empty's reach.
Where Happiness Exists | @spnsmile
Rating: General Word Count: 1398 Main Tags/Warnings: Fluff, Hurt and Comfort, Summary: Castiel listens to Eileen and Sam's goodbye and asks Dean questions... Why is she going? Why is Sam not stopping her? Dean makes a guess or two. and Cas learns not everyone stays. At least, not for Dean.
Don’t Worry, Bee Happy | @wargurl83
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 2264 Main Tags/Warnings: Fluff, Bees, Destiel if you squint, Dean's language is the reason for the T rating, I've been informed that it's Destiel even if you don't squint Summary: Dean doesn't get time off. So when he does, he tends to take every advantage of it that he can. Except there are dicks with wings that just won't leave him alone.
A Drive Under the Moonlight | @gii-heylittleangel
Rating: General Word Count: 2530 Main Tags/Warnings: beteen 5x01 and 5x03 Summary: Dean has had a lot of fights with Sam—growing up so close together can do that—but sometimes he just can’t stand being near his brother, so he just takes Baby for a drive until his head gets clear.
Why Did You Do It? | @gii-heylittleangel
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 2751 Main Tags/Warnings: ex-demon!Dean; mild hurt/comfort Summary: Dean doesn't know how to feel after being cured. If he's being really honest, he would say that he misses being a demon.
Creation Day | @noiproksa
Rating: General Word Count: 2800 Main Tags/Warnings: Fluff, Family Feels, Canon Compliant, Angel Culture and Customs Summary: Angels are such a weird species, but Dean is prepared to look past all that if it means making Cas feel comfortable. So when Sam finds a book entitled ‘Angel Customs and Rituals,’ Dean’s curiosity is piqued.
No Vacancy | @pray4jensen
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2803 Main Tags/Warnings: Canon Compliant, Hurt Castiel, Sharing a Bed, Angst, Fallen Castiel, Bittersweet Ending, Coda to 9.06, Top Dean/Bottom Castiel Summary: After the Rit Zien attacks Cas at Nora's house, Dean takes him to his motel room to treat his injuries. He ends up staying the night.
Truth Or Dare | @cr-noble-writes
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2944 Main Tags/Warnings: canon-compliant, pwp, top!cas, bottom!dean, adult truth or dare Summary: Truth or Dare seemed like a good way to pass the time until they had to go after Lucifer. After everyone else fell asleep, the game turns naughty between Dean and Castiel.
The End for the Last Time | @deansrightfulangerissue
Rating: Mature Word Count: 3024 Main Tags/Warnings: Temporary Majoy Character Death, Pre-fic Minor Character Death, Canon Universe, Angst with a Happy Ending, Divine!Dean Summary: In the end, Dean kills God. But his action brings unfathomable consequence that forces him to make a sacrifice he could never expect.
Ramble On | @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover
Rating: General Word Count: 3059 Main Tags/Warnings: John Winchester's A+ Parenting, Dean Winchester-centric, Mentions of childhood, Sam Winchester ships Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel and Selfies, Established Castiel/Dean Winchester Summary: When Dean got his first phone under his real name, he was seventeen. It wasn't even his birthday or anything. There was a vamp nest, a couple cities over. And that time, Sam had won the argument with Dad, and the brothers were to stay behind - and go to school, Sam had primarily argued - while John went off to take care of the hunt. But it was close to holiday season, so no motels had vacancies for more nights than one, and they were looking to stay indefinitely - so John's only option had been to rent a flat. It was a one bedroom place, the kind which would've been cramped if they'd had any furniture at all. The building had an air of misery, but it was probably just the cold. Even the landlord didn't live there anymore. But now, Sam was thirteen and tall, and Dean worked weekends - so they were old enough in John's book, to be left back; with money that wasn't theirs, and that one cellphone with a month's bill paid. Dean's first cellphone.
The Most Important Soul | @cloverhighfive
Rating: General Word Count: 3179 Main Tags/Warnings: canon violence, angst, angsty fluff Summary: Castiel saving Dean from Hell. Castiel has to fight demons but mostly Dean’s own brokenness to try and save him.
Love Me Like There's No Tomorrow | @gii-heylittleangel
Rating: General Word Count: 3490 Main Tags/Warnings: hurt/comfort Summary: It's been a few weeks ever since Chuck decided to end the world. They've been working non-stop since then, but Castiel thinks they deserve a break, at least one day.
The Chamber of Truths | @noiproksa
Rating: General Word Count: 3627 Main Tags/Warnings: Truth Spells, Canon Compliant, Confessions, Friendship, Team Free Will, Fluff, Banter Summary: On a case, Dean and Cas get stuck in a cursed room and the only chance they have at getting out in time is to play along and tell each other ‘meaningful truths.’ (Intended as gen, but can be read as Destiel pre-slash.)
now speak of ruin | @curioussubjects
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 4150 Main Tags/Warnings: Coda, Episode Tag, Episode: s15e03 The Rupture, Episode: s15e04 Atomic Monsters, Episode: s15e05 Proverbs 17:3, Episode: s15e06 Golden Time, Episode: s15e07 Last Call, Episode: s15e08 Our Father Who Aren't In Heaven, Angst, Mutual Pining, Canon Compliant, POV Alternating, Character Study Summary: A story about what happens when you don't feel better in the morning.
Whatever It Takes | @cr-noble-writes
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 5056 Main Tags/Warnings: major character injury, angst without a happy ending, canon divergent human!Cas Summary: Cas gets hit by a car and ends up in a coma. Dean will do anything to make sure he can tell his boyfriend he loves him at least once. Even if it costs him everything.
Babysitter | @peanutbutterjelly-pie
Rating: General Word Count: 5242 Main Tags/Warnings: Fluff, De-Aged Dean, De-Aged Castiel, Witch Curse, Sam POV Summary: In which the elder Winchester and his angel are turned into three-year-olds, Sam is forced to play the babysitter, Castiel keeps weirding people out with his fancy vocabulary and Dean has got the biggest kid-crush ever.
Angel Cuddles | @noiproksa
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 5511 Main Tags/Warnings: Cuddling & Snuggling, Fluff, Witch Curses, Canon Compliant, Self-Made Family, Hurt/Comfort, Team Free Will, Touch-Starved Castiel, Gen or Pre-Slash Summary: Angels need a lot of physical contact, especially when in a human vessel. Dean is determined to give Cas the ‘physical contact’ he requires. Cas is more than suspicious when suddenly, Dean starts touching him more and more.
Hands of Mercy | @amyoatmeal
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 7058 Main Tags/Warnings: human cas, 9x06 coda, hurt/comfort, bed sharing Summary: ""Nobody told you. Nobody explained. You're just shoved out kicking and screaming into this human life, without any idea why any of it feels the way it feels, or why this confusion, which feels like it's … a hair's breadth from terror or pain. You know, just when you think you do understand, it'll turn out you're wrong. You didn't understand anything at all."" After taking out the Rit Zien, Cas finds he has no where to go and asks Dean if he can spend the night with him in his motel room.
Laid Bare | kradarua (AO3)
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 7172 Main Tags/Warnings: Post-Case, djinn, Hallucinations, First Time, First Kiss, Pining Castiel, Rimming, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Dean Winchester Has a Panty Kink Summary: Hunts never go exactly according to plan. Victim is unhelpfully tight-lipped about their experience? Typical. Someone gets thrown into a wall? Par for the course. Djinn captures and poisons one of them? To be expected. Except that Sam killed the Djinn hours ago. And Dean still hasn't woken up. - After a Djinn hunt gone wrong, Castiel takes a stroll through Dean's mind to dispel any remaining poison. The hallucination Dean is trapped in is...unexpected. But not unwelcome.
From The Outside | @peanutbutterjelly-pie
Rating: General Word Count: 10338 Main Tags/Warnings: Fluff, Canon Compliant, Outsider POV Summary: Six people. Six different points of view. And only one conclusion.
Hunger | @ellis-park
Rating: Mature Word Count: 10775 Main Tags/Warnings: Temporary character death, suicidal ideation, eating disorders, grief/mourning, hopeful ending Summary: Dean takes his meal and throws it away, plate and all. He's not hungry. How can he even begin to eat, knowing what he kept from Cas — what he kept from both of them? They could have had something, and now all Dean has is this gaping, empty hole in his stomach, in his chest, and he has to learn to breathe and eat and move around it.
He Said, He Said | zaphodsgirl (AO3)
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 11824 Main Tags/Warnings: Case Fic, First Kiss, Monster of the Week Summary: Sam gets a lead on a case somewhere he's sure Dean is going to love, but as they investigate some other things are uncovered instead.
A Hole in the World | FriendofCarlotta (AO3)
Rating: Mature Word Count: 14600 Main Tags/Warnings: Canon-Compliant, POV Dean Winchester, Cas' Deal with The Empty, Alternate Season 15 Summary: Dean wakes up one morning, and everything just feels off. Like something's been taken from him. When the situation becomes unsustainable and Dean needs answers, he heads to Sioux Falls. Soon, Team Free Will 2.0 and the Wayward Sisters find themselves in the middle of their last, greatest fight: the fight to tell their own story.
Tacoma | @ellis-park
Rating: Mature Word Count: 20055 Main Tags/Warnings: Angst with a happy ending, season 15, emotional hurt/comfort Summary: After an explosive fight, Castiel leaves the bunker and Dean decides to let him go. As Cas ventures halfway across the country on a journey to find himself, Dean reevaluates what he needs from life. And what he needs is Cas.
Sounds of Someday (WIP) | @wingsandimpalas
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 31009 Main Tags/Warnings: Canon Divergence, Season 15 - Canon Divergence, post 15x03, Wish-list fic, coda fic Cabin Fic, hurt then comfort, Grief, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mutual Pining, Snowed In, Dean has abandonment issues. Touch-Starved Dean Post Break-up, Making Up, Getting Together, retirement fic, human cas, Domestic Fluff Summary: ""His relationship with Cas is complicated. Dean doesn't know if he can fix what’s broken between them. But he sure as hell can fix the roof of the cabin so it doesn't cave when the first snowfalls.”  ------------------------------------------- Dean’s world has crumbled around him. Learning God's responsible for every awful thing in his life is hitting him hard and worst of all he pushed the person he loves most away. Determined to fix them, Dean tracks Cas down to Rufus's old cabin hoping to repair it and their relationship along the way.
What I Need Most | @a-mandala-rose
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 32297 Main Tags/Warnings: Dean/Cas, Canon Compliant through 11X23, Fake Marriage, Slow Burn, Minor Canonical Character Death, Switching Summary: “I don’t see what makes them, ‘chick flicks’ Dean. Approximately half the cast are males.” “They’re romances Cas. Highly exaggerated and unrealistic love stories. Here,” he says, scrolling through the channel guide and making a new selection, “Star Wars. There’s a movie worth watching.” “You’ve made me watch the entire series before,” Cas points out with a frown. Dean grins. “No such thing as too much Leia, Cas,” he says with a wink. “You do realize that the story of Leia and Han Solo could quite accurately be described as a ‘highly exaggerated and unrealistic love story,’ right?” “But it’s a manly love story, Cas,” Dean defends with a glare, “and there’s nothing highly exaggerated about Han Solo. He’s a badass!” “Wouldn’t a ‘manly’ love story involve a relationship between two men?” Cas asks, seemingly innocent. “I did see a movie like that once, although I’m not certain..” “Dinner!” Dean, splutters, choking on his beer. “How about we make some dinner?” What if Mary wasn't what Dean ""needed most?"" After helping God reconcile with his sister, Dean finds himself in a world with no monsters, no magic, and no way home. At least his best friend is here with him..
The Infinity of the Stars (WIP) | @legendary-destiel
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 49164 Main Tags/Warnings: archangel Cas, true form Cas, wings, feathers, deal with the empty, finding a weapon to kill the empty, bad place, apocalypse world, extracting grace, mutual pining, profound bond, canon-typical violence, stargazing, post-possession nightmares, love confessions, oral sex, anal sex, bottom!Dean/top!Cas, Summary: Castiel wakes up in a familiar place and meets someone he has not seen in years. Explanations are made, and Castiel is confronted with an overwhelming truth. So the Winchesters and their allies head out to an epic adventure - Can they save the universe by finding a way to kill the most powerful cosmic entity? On his way to saving the world, Castiel has to face his fears and restrain his real desires - which gets harder and harder, because a special soul reaches out to his grace - like a flame rearing up to burn dry grass.
Righteous Side Of Hell | Maleyah (AO3)
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 71142 Main Tags/Warnings: Bounty Hunter!Cas, Actual Demon!Dean, Wing Kink, Modern AU, Canon Compliant, Canon Predictions pre-Season 15, Top!Cas, Bottom!Dean, Red String Of Fate, Memory Alteration, Abuse, Happy End, Switching in the end, Fluff and Angst and Smut, Referenced Suicide, Mental Health Issues, Slow Build Summary: Bounty hunters are notorious for getting by on their wits and training. Those who don’t usually land six feet under. Castiel’s been around the block. A former member of The Seekers, he navigates the underbelly of the world alone, his reputation preceding him, his past slithering up in the darkest hours of the night. Sometimes he allows himself to dream of early dawn breakfasts, crackling fires and open windows. One night, high on adrenaline, he boasts there’s a demon watching over him. Guardianship is a divine job. Divine beings are wired for it. Sometimes, however, a peculiar mix of elements draws a less than angelic creature into the mix. These unusual combinations tend to be volatile in nature and the human involved usually doesn’t live long. When he gets bombarded into being a guardian, Dean plans on getting rid of ‘his human’ in a heartbeat. Until he recognises the mess of dark hair and those blue eyes. The last time he saw them, their owner had been sprawled against his bed sheets. Well, fuck me, was the most eloquent thought he could muster in his head. And then they dumped a phonebook worth of rules in his lap. Dean had always despised rules.
it’s an inherently romantic gesture (you keep those) (WIP) | @contemplativepancakes
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 126766 Main Tags/Warnings: fix it fic, canon violence, switch!Dean and Cas, angst with a happy ending Summary: They find him by a river, with dirt streaked down his face. Later that night, Dean sits beside Cas in the cave they had managed to clear out. Dean thinks back to all the lingering touches and looks they’ve exchanged and his frenzied search of purgatory for Cas. He can feel the resolve that’s failed him for years forming. Fuck it, Dean thinks and leans forward to cross the scant distance between them. He’s so close, he can feel Cas’s breath puffing onto his mouth before he leans forward and brushes his lips against Cas. Cas is frozen, so Dean pulls back. “Cas, I just, I can’t lose you again, man. I don’t know if I’d survive that,” he says. Cas looks up at Dean with startled eyes. What would happen if Dean and Cas managed to pull their heads out of their asses while they were in purgatory? This is their canon compliant romance behind closed doors from season 8 to beyond.
Season Z | @cr-noble-writes, malmuses, castielslostwings, cutelittlekittykorner, fangirlingtodeath513, donteverchange-mydude, son-of-a-bitch-spn-family, ellen-of-oz, gii-heylittleangel
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 220673 Main Tags/Warnings: Canon Universe, Canon Divergent from 14x20, Zombie Apocalypse, Miscommunication, Minor Rowena MacLeod/Sam Winchester, Alternate Angel Lore (Supernatural), Fix-It, Chuck is not a good guy, Co-Written, Canon-Typical Violence, Potential Muggle Deaths, Amputation, NSFW, Smut, Slow Burn, Graphic depictions of demons and zombie torture, Gore, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Temporary Character Death Summary: When Chuck clicked his fingers, the world went to hell. Now it's up to Team Free Will and some unexpected allies to put it back together again. But first, they have to get past the graveyard full of zombies...
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A Few Rays of the Light (Favored Ones, Part 28.)
Series description: Many things were surely fucked up in the year 2038, but no-one ever told anyone how all of it went down. What happened before a group of people left for Seattle to handle personal matters? Why did one girl refuse to leave all of it be? And why there were so many dead in the end?
Quote for the chapter: “Went out one night to make a little round. I met Little Sadie and... I shot her down.” - Crooked Still
Part summary: After everything that happened, you finally were ready to go home. All of you felt ready to set on your journey back.
A/N: x
Warnings: Depiction of torture, bone breaking, depiciton of blood and manslaughter, anxiety, rage, anger, a bit of fluff at the end.
Word count: 3 K
Tagging:   @nemodoren @xxgoldenhour @missdictatorme @davnwillcome @pickleriiick @jodiereedus22 @gladiosamicitias @tamkashi @eternallyvenus @avengerssstuff @fangirl-inthe-us @avery-miller @mikah-writes @mad-hatter-98 @sadiaafrin99 @flavorishy @gabymiller
Series master list: H E R E
Joel Miller’s playlist for the bonfire occasions: H E R E
Youtube playlists: JACKSON DAYS | SEATTLE DAYS
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Seattle, day three - early evening:
You've never felt so tired when you finally entered the theatre. Jesse was already there since he was the one opening the door for you. Quickly, you hugged him, closing your eyes. It was fucking disgusting to be hugged by you when you were so messed up, but Jesse was happy to hug you back, knowing you were safe and sound. Both of you. But meeting Jesse back in the base rose another suspicion - where was Tommy if Jesse was here?
There were three possibilities for why Jesse was there before you. The first one was that they'd simply found him and brought him back. The second possibility was that Jesse and Ellie weren't able to locate Tommy and gave up eventually. And the third was that... Well... They've found the man... Dead. Before you could ask, you heard a man speaking out to you. - "Damn, girl, you look like shit." - The man's rough voice poke fun of you. It was Tommy with his fucked up leg and his even more fucked up arm. Joel just gave his baby brother a warm look, but you straightaway ran for it, almost bringing him down.
"You fucking stupid idiotic moron." - A relieving sigh left your lips as you dragged Tommy closer to you, tugging on his jacket to assure yourself that he's real. Your brother-in-law just chuckled, bringing you closer. - "I thought you got your fucking ass killed. Oh Lord, are you real?" - You assured yourself, catching Tommy's face in your palms. He was looking like living hell walking on two legs. He was disgusting, but at least, he was alive.
"Not gonna lie, I almost did." - The man answered honestly, sending you a chilling smile. Based on your appearance, he assumed that if he wasn't able to get the job done, you and Joel managed to kill that girl. But boy oh boy, was he wrong. A glance over your shoulder sent chatting Joel and Jesse one clear message - you wanted to fuck them off, so you could have a one-to-one conversation with Tommy. - "How you're holdin' up? Huh?" - Tommy asked and followed you behind the bar, where you had the rest of the vodka hidden. You needed a shot. Or two. Or a whole bottle. You just needed to occupy your mind with something other than Owen's massacred face.
"Short version or the long one?" - You asked back, leading him to the sofa next to the entrance now. - "I'm fucking exhausted, Tommy. This shit... This was a lot. More than I can handle." - An irritated sigh filled the room between you two as you took your jacket off, throwing the bow and the backpack off you. - "I killed a bunch of people, I have a mess inside my head, I probably will never recover from the shit I've done here and I am disgusted with myself. Does that answer your question, huh?" - One of your eyebrows arched up as you threw the cap off the vodka, taking something that could be considered a good gulp.
"I know that feelin'. I had it too... A long time ago. But I'm tired too, I ain't be lyin'." - Tommy laid down on his back, closing his eyes. - "How did that feel?" - He asked suddenly, catching you off guard. What was he asking about? How did what feel? After seeing your confused face, Tommy knew he needs to specify what did he mean. - "Killin' her. After everythin' she has done to us. How did that feel?" - "How would I know?" - You asked back. Without Tommy having a clue, he was lingering over the topic you wanted to talk to him about. The Abby issue. There was no point in continuing - everyone was fucked up in their own way.  You needed to leave as soon as possible.
"Did Joel..." - Tommy immediately picked himself up on his elbows, looking you in the eyes with a furrow. If Joel would do that, there would be no difference for the other Miller. Abby was killed no matter what, that was why you came into Seattle in the first place. In every meaning, the problem would be solved. - "She just wasn't there. I haven't seen Abby since the cabin thing happened." - "Then we need to..." - "We don't need to do shit now, Tommy." - You hissed, stopping the moment before he could go on a wild rant. Before moving to your point, you gulped and looked around.
"We don't need to do shit. Look at what we've already done here, hm? We tore Abby's friends to shreds. We found each of them and killed them. I've seen each of them dead... Except for Nora. We've done enough here, so let's go home, okay?" - This was one of the more intimate, vulnerable moments you shared with Tommy. Normally, it would make Tommy soften. But there was no softening in Abby's case. Oh, no.
"But she is alive, she's a dangerous person to me, you and..." - "Is she? We've taken everything from her. We've killed her family, destroyed her word, we left a message she can't miss." - This made Tommy shut up for a face. Suddenly, you felt like a traitor in his eyes. He was giving you that look for sure. - "We're done."
"You and Ellie were the ones who came up with this in the first place, weren't you? You went to Seattle to get her. We all did. And now, when we're so damn close, you want to call it off? You want to run back home?" - "You aren't listening to me, Tommy." - You squealed suddenly. And he indeed was missing your whole point. - "Yes, I wanted to have the girl dead. I did. But I also see what this had done to me. You and Joel, you maybe are used to this pointless violence," - "Pointless fuckin' violence? Do you hear yourself, girl? I don't recall bein' the one just appearin' in Seattle, massacrin' and torturin' these people. She was the one who didn't have any reasonin' for doin' all of it." - Tommy argued back.
"That's where you're wrong. Abby had some kind of reason, some kind of motivation. And I can see now how far can this obsession take you." - You looked at Tommy who was caught off guard. This wasn't the way these revenge rampages were meant to go. No. Tommy and Joel were surviving for a long time and never in their lives someone just... Let them go. Never. - "She is somehow tied to Salt Lake. Owen told me that they were in Salt Lake... Not verbally, but he knew something only someone from this group of Fireflies could know. I don't know how, but I don't care at this point." - You whispered, putting your palm on Tommy's shoulder.
"We are shitty people. No doubt about that. But... Let's just pack our shit and leave for home. Let's not bringing this thing to an end, I already had my conclusion to the whole story, Tommy. Please. Let's stop ourselves before letting this cycle coming to an end, just like Abby was stopped. Let's be better than we are." - Another broken whisper left you and Tommy surprisingly saw the tears in your eyes which told him that you weren't lying at all. You've done enough, you've seen enough, and it hadn't brought any good. - "I have a life to protect now. I have a man I need to keep safe under any cost... And after I almost lost him yesterday, I don't wanna go to that stage ever again. Ellie has Dina here, who is pregnant and Jesse is in this mess because of us as well. Let's go before there won't be anything left to save." - You mumbled, pleading the man to change his mind.
If you wouldn't have any other choice, you'd leave Tommy in Seatlle in case he wouldn't be able to leave the whole Abby thing as it was. You'd pack yourself and the rest, leaving the other day at dawn no matter what choice was Tommy about to make. It was hard. It was seriously hard to realize such a thing about someone you were looking up to for so long... But you were 100% sure about doing it. Tommy furrowed even more and looked away from you, licking his lips nervously. Then he closed his eyes, shaking his head. - "I don't think I can ever... I wouldn't... I'm sure I can't... I..." - Miller tried to tell you something, but he couldn't get his point across at all.
"I will guard this fucking door with a shotgun to stop you if necessary." - Was all you answered without a hint of any emotion before taking another swing from the bottle. This was the point when Tommy finally broke the whole revenge thing, assuming you're probably right. This was enough. He himself had his revenge in a way, just like you told him you had yours. Abby got the message for sure by now. And if that wasn't enough for her or to stop her from coming, neither of you would be merciful this time. It was irony, to talk about mercy and leaving behind when you murdered the whole party from the Baldwin cabin, except the person you've come for and aside from the pregnant Mel. But it was showing mercy in one wicked way or another. And at that, Tommy finally nodded his head.
You were leaving Seattle the next morning, never coming back.
While this conversation was taking place, another emotional mess storm was started just in the other room between Joel and Ellie. At first, the girl was talking to Jesse about the quickest route home - but as she saw Joel coming closer to them, obviously meaning to talk to her, she wiggled her eyebrows and asked him to look out for Dina for a moment. When Joel nervously entered the theatre hall while fidgeting his fingers, looking around, Ellie was sitting at the stage, having a guitar leaned into her thighs. She noticed the incoming man immediately, although she seemed to be mentally far away from the place.
"Hey, kiddo. You doin' fine?" - Joel mumbled nervously as soon as his brain understood that he would have to be the one to speak first. Which was quite new to him, but all he could do was to get along with it. - "How ya doin'?" - "You already asked me if I'm fine." - Ellie answered and started to tune the guitar so she'd have something to divert her attention during the whole conversation. - "I've done some... Nasty and fucking disgusting things today. I just need to get a hold on those feelings inside my head." - She answered back, plucking the first chords.
"Yea, listen, I'm... I'm sorry, 'kay?" - Joel said abruptly, looking at Ellie's face while she didn't give him a single small gaze back. - "I was thinkin' a lot since we came here. This is all my fault." - The man sat down on one of the seats, looking at Ellie who was mindlessly playing some chords. She still didn't want to look at the old man because she felt that she wasn't ready. These few days were tough - and the more each of you fell into the hot pile of mess Seattle was, the more she became to be aware of all of this being tied to Joel's past in some way. Maybe even to hers, maybe not.
"Totally agree with this one. This is on you, old-timer. But we all came here because we kinda wanted to, so that's contradicting the fact that you've fucked up." - Ellie agreed emotionlessly, sighing at the was her own words were sounding. This was some nasty shit. And she could be like that. A stubborn brat who wasn't emotionally capable of forgiveness. But that was also the brat who Joel took as his daughter, so he knew this for a fact.
"I'm not talkin' only about Seattle. I'm sorry for everythin' that happened. I'm one helluva selfish fucker." - Joel sighed, remembering the passion Ellie screamed those words with at you. Finally, Joel recognized the song - an alteration of Take On Me. She wasn't sticking to the original chords, but hell, it still sounded good. You would've loved it. Finally, Ellie at least cracked a smile. - "I've thought about it too. About the whole Salt Lake situation... And it was fucked up, what you've done. It's fucking gross no matter which point of view I take to look at it. And I'm not even starting on how mad I was at you taking my chance to save some lives. Shit..." - Ellie shook her head during the intimate confession, licking her lips before looking at the man. - "But it was also fucked up from them to do that without at least telling me, or, in the better instance, asking me. And the more Y/N talks about it... The more I see the issue. Marlene wouldn't give the vaccine out to everyone either way. Yeah, it would save a few, but this thing wouldn't get outside the fireflies. I was so dumb, thinking that my life would've mattered..." - "But it does matter, girl. Cant, you see?" - Joel jumped into her speech abruptly.
The girl stopped playing and looked at him annoyedly, telling him that she wasn't done. Joel slowly sat back to the seat, not watching Ellie without a word.
"I was fucking stupid for thinking that my life would've mattered in one case only. If I'd die. But now I'm here and I can see... What I mean for all these people. I finally feel that I belong and that I matter. I made differences here, Joel, thanks to you." - With that, she looked into his eyes. - "I'm not over it, no, I am fucking not over it. But I'm working on myself, I'm trying to overcome the hate." - She told Joel just before someone else entered the hall. It was you, having the infamous bottle of vodka in your hand. While neither of them came back to the situation, there was a sense of sincerity and a kind of safety in the air, starting the connection between Joel and Ellie for real this time.
"Hey, you two. Sorry for interrupting the moment, should I leave now?" - You asked, pointing your thumb to the door you've just closed. - "No, I fucking missed you all day, baby. Come here." - Ellie told you with a smile, having the man smiling as well. Now, when they started to do something with their relationship, Ellie and you had the chance to repair yours again. It wasn't broken that much, but there was still some noise going around and some talking which needed to be done.
With a cheerful attitude and a swinging bottle in your hand, you walked to the stage, sitting next to the girl. She looked quite surprised when you started to wiggle the instrument to of her hands, catching it in your arms. - "Come on, you never played guitar." - Ellie cracked when you finally seized it, pushing her away with a burst of honest laughter.
"I can do things you don't even know about, honey," - With a concentrated expression, you tried to hear if the chords are tuned right. - "This sounds good. What are we playing? Any suggestion, dinosaur?" - Well, this just made Ellie laugh too. Could you know about the thing that had happened in Wyoming? When Ellie and Joel had visited the dinosaur museum? Or were you just shooting in the dark? If you were calling him names just to fuck around with him? In that case, this was sweet as hell.
"You can play whatever you feel like. It will all sound majestic, I'm sure of that." - The man answered tiredly, slipping down on the velvet seat. All he wanted to do was that he wanted to go to sleep. Yet it was a pleasure when he watched both of you sing some songs. Ellie was pushing her fingers into the chords to unfocus you, while you were trying to crawl away from the girl. Both of you were looking so... Happy and calm. As if you were still at home and you were just toying around during one of the bonfire occasions.
But soon enough, the time when you yawned loudly has come. Joel didn't say a word since you were an adult woman who was capable of deciding on her own, but it was time for you to finally go to sleep. Your body and mind had to be exhausted, there was no other way around it, and the sooner you'd catch some sleep, the sooner you could wander off to one of your dreams and finally get some good sleep you were missing since you came to Seattle. After you drank the rest of the vodka, you walked to the man on unsteady legs, offering him your palm in the process.
"Gross." - Ellie mumbled under her breath, watching both of you with a nasty smile after that. - "Fuck you too. I need a comfy pillow." - This was all you said before dragging Joel off to the small room in the entrance hall. You didn't even hesitate to go to sleep - you just crawled into the sleeping bag, making sure Joel was next to you before you closed your eyes. It was refreshing to know that in early the other morning, you'd finally set on your way home.
You both fell asleep for less than two hours before you've heard something going on in the entrance hall. You thought that maybe, just maybe, it was Ellie and Jesse, who had just some loud discussion. Without further hesitation, as you did previously, you climbed on Joel's lap, catching his mouth while waking him up, trying to make him understand that now, he has to stay quiet. Because no matter who was in the other room, you didn't know these people by voice. No matter if those were just some bandits, you knew that this situation requires slow and quiet approach.
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whump-tr0pes · 4 years
Honor Bound 2 - 36
This is a series. Start here, continued from here.
This is a sequel to Honor Bound.
Cw: parental abuse, emotional abuse, thoughts of death, blood mention, noncon mention, mention of parental death
Gavin slammed his door shut and crumpled to the floor in front of it, heaving with sobs. He pushed himself backwards and leaned back against the door, pressing his hand to his mouth, shuddering and rocking forward as each sob broke over him. “I know what it’s like to turn into something twisted trying to be good for Joseph Stormbeck.”
He reached out in his mind, reached out for the memories of feeling good when he hurt someone. Cutting Sam. Downing Isaac. Beating Tori. He remembered how it felt, the warm, wrenching glow in his chest that shimmered and moved through him as the sound of their screams rose. He remembered what it was like, even as a creeping nausea began to clutch his stomach at the thought. He remembered how it felt to torture, to maim, to kill.
Tentatively, terrified, he reached out in his mind for a different feeling: the feeling he got when his father told him he was good. When his father pet his hair and smiled and pulled him into a hug and said “you’re my good boy, Gavin.” He reached out for the feeling of his father loving him. Approving of him. He reached out and remembered how it felt to have his father’s hands on his shoulders as he smiled at him. Hands Gavin knew now were covered in Vera’s blood.
It was the same feeling.
He lurched forward with a horrified gasp.
But he wasn’t trying to be good, was he? He wasn’t trying to be good when he hurt those people. He wanted it. He deserved the family’s ire, their judgment, their hatred, because he really did want to hurt people. No amount of justification, no amount of lies could ever take that fact away. He liked hurting people, and his father let him. That was that.
But… He cried harder as he let the thought he had quashed weeks ago grow into a fully-fledged idea. What if Gray had raised me? What if they had found out what I was, found out I was a monster, and helped me? What if they found out I liked hurting people and found a way to love me anyway, without making it worse? Without making me feel like that was the only way to be?
He slumped to his hands and knees and curled up on his side, his back pressed against the door. He pressed his hand to his mouth to muffle the sound of his sobs. I can’t fucking let anyone hear this. I can’t let anyone hear me crying and think I’m trying to gain their compassion. I don’t fucking deserve it. He curled tighter into himself and buried his head in his arms.
My parents didn’t have to let me do it. They didn’t have to fucking encourage me. It was… it was my responsibility not to, but they… He shook his head. It wasn’t their fault, was it? It wasn’t their fault he was the way he was. There was something wrong in him, deep down, deeper than anyone else could go. I can’t remember ever not being like this. I’ve always been this way. I’ve always been fucked up.
I’ve always been broken.
It had never, never been a problem before. He was a syndicate son, and syndicate sons took playthings and pets. Syndicate sons played with people in their spare time, just like their parents. It was the way it was, and as far as Gavin knew, the way it always had been. He had never known it not to be true. He had never not been the master of everything he knew. He had never once had to consider that other people didn’t deserve the torture he felt like dealing out. It was like his mother said: he was syndicate, and so everything in the world was at and for his pleasure. It was the way of things. He had never had to – or wanted to – consider anything else.
But now, surrounded by these people who had spent their lives being tortured and used and brutalized and broken by the syndicates… surrounded by them… things were different.
When had he started to care about them? He couldn’t remember a time or a moment where he had decided it. He couldn’t remember looking at any one of them and thinking, “I care about you now.” And yet, it had happened. Somehow, in the past three weeks, it had happened.
He sobbed harder. Now he was surrounded by these people, these decent, kind, good people, and he cared about them. He couldn’t help it. He hadn’t made the decision. He cared.
And they hated him. For good reason, and he certainly couldn’t blame them, not at all. He couldn’t tell them they were wrong, he was changed, they should get over it and love him now. No. He had hurt them as deeply as one person can hurt another, each and every one of them. Except for Edrissa, but she had been broken, too. Not by his family, he knew that, but by another family so much like his that it didn’t matter. She hated him for his syndicate blood and his syndicate name. And she was right to.
It was easier, before he realized how much he cared for them. It was easier, when he was their prisoner. His days had been filled with a sort of dull, buzzing terror that they could kill him at any moment, and his nights were always shot through with nightmares about Vera coming out of the shadows to slaughter him. But it was easier, knowing they meant little to him, and he meant less to them. It was simple. He was a traitor to his own family, to his own world, and he had nowhere else to go. He had information that could help them, so they were willing to keep him alive. That was it. That was all there was to it.
But now… He cared about them. And that fact changed everything.
Walking away from his mother had been hard, but it was necessary. Walk away, or die by the hands of the people he had tortured. They may have made it hurt, or they may have done it quickly. Those were the only two possibilities if he had stayed. They would not have listened to his pleas for mercy.
Once he left, more possibilities opened up. Possibilities of him staying alive, of escaping the torture that probably awaited him. He could have gone anywhere. He could have run and found some place, somewhere, where nobody knew his name. 
He hadn’t done it. He still didn’t quite understand why, but he hadn’t done it. He’d sought out the people his mother was going to sell him to. He’d submitted himself to their wills. He’d assumed his value as an informant would have been enough to keep him alive for a while. 
Thinking back, it really was a stupid decision. But he was still alive. They hadn’t tortured him for information, or even really asked. They’d used his knowledge to navigate the syndicate checkpoints, and that was it. That was all. What was he still doing here, if they weren’t going to use him in that way? Things were harder, now. Gavin understood the politics of information. He understood the tightrope he was walking between telling them all what they needed to know, and keeping enough to himself to stay alive.
And yet somehow, he doubted they would kill him once he’d stopped being useful to them. He wasn’t even useful now. They didn’t ask him anything. Didn’t want anything from him. So what was he still doing here? Why was he still alive? He knew they didn’t care about him. They couldn’t. They had no reason to. And until very recently, he didn’t care about them, either. 
And then he did.
He couldn’t explain it.
He hadn’t been lying to Isaac when he’d told him he just wanted to feel like he had a family again. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever been so honest in his life. And Isaac hadn’t killed him for saying it, although Gavin had thought he was going to. He couldn’t believe he was still alive, if he really thought about it. 
But the idea that his father had loved him when he hurt people, when he was a monster like him, and no other time? That idea threatened to destroy him. 
He could rebuild himself with this new family, he thought. Maybe they would let him live, even after he’d lived out his usefulness to them. They weren’t the kind to kill people once they’d been used up. They weren’t like him.
He wasn’t that way any longer, though.
There was no way he could ever prove that to them. He could never really prove he had changed. Vera had broken him, yes. Vera had planted a terror in him that he couldn’t push away, a terror wrapped up in torture and blood and pain that made it so he couldn’t hurt people anymore. She had taken that way.
And he had kept growing. She had ripped out of his life the one thing he was good at, but something else had come in to fill that gap. He wasn’t sure what it was. He still wasn’t sure who he was if he wasn’t a syndicate son, a sadist, the master of his world and everyone in it. He wasn’t sure who he was without torture. But he was someone. He was something else. 
He could be allowed to be someone else, here. These people would let him be something else. They would let him live, be who he was now, this person who didn’t want to hurt people. He never wanted that again. And they could accept that. He was sure of that, now. They weren’t going to kill him, not unless he gave them reason to. Isaac had put himself in the way of a bullet for him when they’d first arrived. Isaac had let the northerners cut him and bleed him just to prove Gavin was broken. Gavin had watched Isaac’s eyes fog over, had watched him leave for a moment as the knife drew his blood. Gavin had watched Isaac go back to is basement, under his knife, under his torture. He’d seen it, before the smell of blood had gripped him with panic. 
But what now? They wouldn’t kill him. But they wouldn’t care for him, either. Ellis wanted him dead, he could see it every time they looked at him, or refused to look at him. Edrissa was terrified of him. With the brand on her skin and the healing scar on her arm where her tracker had been, she was terrified of everything he represented. And Isaac…
For the thousandth time, for the millionth time, Gavin’s thoughts turned to Isaac. What the fuck am I supposed to do with him? He’d hurt Isaac worse than anybody. Isaac’s body was permanently scarred because of him. Isaac’s mind was scarred because of him. If Gavin hadn’t seen the panic attacks for himself, he wouldn’t have believed it. Over and over and over, he’d told himself he hadn’t broken Isaac. He hadn’t made him betray his family. He hadn’t shattered him. 
He couldn’t live with himself if he ever allowed himself to believe he had. 
Isaac was… pure. Isaac was everything that was good, everything that Gavin wanted. Isaac was loyal, and strong, and… he was there. After everything he’d survived, he was still alive, he was still there for his family. He hadn’t abandoned them. He hadn’t sold them out, or betrayed them. He was there. 
Gavin wanted Isaac to be there for him, too.
He didn’t know what that meant. He didn’t even know what he felt, not if he got down to it. He still felt for Isaac what he had from the start: he valued his strength, his courage, his absolute dedication to being an idiot when it came to his family. He marveled at the lengths Isaac was willing to go for people who weren’t even his own blood, people he chose. 
He wanted to see Isaac pushed to his limit. His limit of what, Gavin wasn’t sure.
There was something else there, something new. Something Gavin couldn’t place. Something about how when Isaac cried, Gavin wanted to punch a wall instead of laugh. Something about how he felt when Isaac looked at Vera and held her gaze with a soft smile. Something about how something inside him ached when he thought about Isaac coming to his room last night, drawn by the sound of him screaming. It was almost as if Isaac cared. 
His chest felt like it was being crushed. He wanted Isaac to care, more than he wanted almost anything else. 
A fresh wave of tears poured down his face. He wanted them all to care, not just Isaac. He wanted Gray to… to be proud of him. He wanted Vera to like him, as fucking idiotic as that sounded. He wanted Tori to stop being so scared of him, to understand that he would never hurt her, now. He wanted Finn and Ellis to… to just accept him. Finn had a little, this morning, when they’d shared that piece of bacon. And Ellis had looked like they wished he would choke on it. 
And Sam? Gavin whimpered as he thought about their hand in his during the caning, their hand on his shoulder while he sobbed about losing his father in front of the person his father had raped and terrorized. Sam was the one, maybe the only one, who gave Gavin grace. And Sam was the one who he would have understood the most if they chose to hate him. 
Except for Isaac. Gavin would have understood that more. And yet he didn’t want Isaac to hate him. The thought made his chest ache. He’d never wanted to be someone’s friend so badly in his goddamned life. 
Gavin whimpered miserably and pressed himself down into the carpet. Wishing the floor would open up to consume him. Wishing he could disappear. 
He’d escaped Vera’s bullet, and his mother’s revenge. He’d escaped the life that would have trapped him in an endless cycle of blood and panic and torture. He’d escaped north, where he could be safe from his own people. 
He’d escaped into the arms of a family that didn’t want him. He’d escaped one family that lusted for his death, and found another that felt nothing for him at all. He knew he was better off here. He knew he was safer. 
He felt like the loneliness would burn him alive.
Continued here
@untilthepainstarts, @womping-grounds, @free-2bmee, @quirkykayleetam, @walkingchemicalfire, @inpainandsuffering, @redwingedwhump, @burtlederp, @castielamigos-whump-side-blog, @insomniacscoprio, @cursedscribbles, @whumpywhumper, @stxck-fxck, @omega-em-z-02, @whumps-the-word, @slaintetowhump, @finder-of-rings, @cinnamonflavoredhugs, @thatsthewhump, @im-just-here-for-the-whump, @orchidscript
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knifetengale · 7 years
Ellie-Brando C-S Support
Ellie @ mine Brando @zlosopher
Brando: Hmm... (That woman looks familiar)
Ellie: hmm? (That’s quite a vibrant color, where have i-)
Brando: Excuse me. I'm not sure if we've met yet.
Ellie: I suppose we haven't, have we?
Brando: I'm Brando, Lord Xander's retainer. Who might you be?
Ellie: (Lord Xander's retainer...huh. must be that way.) Eileen, pleasure to meet you.
Brando: A pleasure to meet you as well Eileen. What exactly are you doing here?
Ellie: Reading, as you can see. [Holds up her book]
Brando: What kind of book. History? Adventure? Romance?
Ellie: [deceptively chipper] a murder mystery! The crown prince's loyal swordsman was found dead in the rose garden, strung up in thorns and pierced with his own blade, it’s quite the tale~
Brando: Oh my. That sounds kinda interesting actually. How far into the story are you?
Ellie: They’ve just discovered the body, nobody knows who could have done it! oh how I wish I could be left to read unhindered. I feel much more engaged when I can immerse myself into the words
Brando: My apologies then. I didn't mean to disturb you. After you're done may I treat you to some of the pastries I've baked to make it up to you?
Ellie: Perhaps, what pastries are we speaking of?
Brando: Tarts, Danishes, and a few pies.
Ellie: ...perhaps i wouldnt mind a short break now
Ellie: ...you know, you remind me of someone i once met.
Brando: Actually, I thought the same... I think I saw you somewhere before...
Ellie: i have a reckoning we are perhaps thinking the same event. I am recalling to when i was yet learning the staff and there was a great fire in the village. There was a man with your eyes there, fighting against the cavalier that defended me. That cavalier had been part of an outlaw gang that had kidnapped a young noblewoman and would pay a hefty reward if she was safely returned
Brando: Wait... You mean the cavalier that held that woman captive? The cavalier I killed by splitting his head open?
Ellie: (rising anger) That cavalier that had pulled me from the burning mess that was the courthouse, from beneath the crest of Nohr. that cavalier that had given his last elixir so that I may yet live to heal others. you are lucky his mare did not split your head open with her hooves, panicked as she was her primary rider was now dead.
Brando: ...Both sides knew the risk. Your group was doing their job, as was mine. It was either fight or die.
Ellie: (closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, visibly resettling when she calms down, a slight smirk and smugness on her face) ...and what will you do now? There is nothing you can say to anyone, what proof do you have? (leaves with a sweep of her caplet)
Brando: ... You didn't even finish the tea I made to go with your pastry.
Brando: Hello again Ellie.
Ellie: ....
Brando: Still upset huh? It's understandable.
Ellie: ... are you quite finished? Or are you volunteering for target practice with my new stave
Brando: Huh?
Ellie: ....
Brando: Ellie?
Ellie: What. Do you want. I'm reading.
Brando: I brought you some sweets I had left. Would you like them?
Ellie: And why would I accept anything from you?
Brando: ... You know I could've killed you. After I had taken that man’s life I decided to spare you
Ellie: Because I got away, only to have the misfortune of running into you again
Brando: I could have gone after you but I didn't. I wasn't going to harm a woman who could barely walk... I didn't enjoy killing him. It was the only way I could get the job done and feed my family.
Ellie: You think he wasn't trying to feed his as well?
Brando: He was doing his job by trying to kill me. As was I. Do you think I'd just let myself die when I had my parents back home?
Ellie: You had the choice to use mercy, and you didn't. Were you in such a battle blind rage you just knew to strike?
Brando: Tell me Ellie. Would your friend have spared me if I was the one who was defeated? Would he have let me go after I was beaten?
Ellie: Ardal wouldn't have even raised his lance if you hadn't raised your sword first.
Brando: The question is would he let me live. Someone who would have rescued that woman and ruin his job and potentially his family. Would he not have plunged his lance into my heart if I lost?
Ellie: (getting audibly frustrated) And who is to say that woman had not been rescued already? Who is to say that?
Brando: I was told during that job that it would be a rescue mission. Save the woman and return her to where she belonged.
Ellie: There were many women in that village on that day, how were you so sure about her? Or did you just assume that any woman outside was an oddity? (huffs and attempts to calm) ... this conversation is over. I will have nothing more to do with you
Brando: ... Very well then. Good day Ellie.
Ellie: ...
Ellie: Stupid...stupid....what does he know
Faceless: ?
Ellie: Wh-shit!
(Tome sounds)
Brando: Huh? What was that?
Ellie: (bumps into him as she’s trying to make distance) move it! You have approximately 4 seconds before i entrap you and leave for fodder
Brando: I'm not about to let you take that thing on your own!
(the Faceless catches up)
[Brando: You're not touching her! Haaah! (he swings his blade at it)
Ellie: (casts entrap, locking the faceless in place) get to it! (Fussing with her hip pouch to draw out the stronger tome
Brando: (pierces it with his sword) Gotcha you sack of- huh?!
(the affects of the tome wear of and the Faceless punches Brando into a tree)
Brando: Gaaah! *cough* Well there goes that idea
Ellie: Odds bobs the gods- (hurries over and readies the tome) Now be HAVE!!
(the Faceless falls)
Brando: Your pretty good Ellie... Don't mind me, just some broken bones, that's all.
Ellie: (heaving deep breaths) Shut up and let me catch my wind.... (pulls out her trusty psychic stave and casts it, helping him up when she’s less grumpy) It’ll hold you over, come on.
Brando: And here I was thinking you hated me, hehe...
Ellie: I would rather not have become Faceless food, or been executed for leaving you to die you dolt. Stop dragging your feet, I want to get back to my books
Brando: Huh... I knew there was a reason I didn't go after you those years back. It was so I could meet you again... Try to make amends...
Ellie: ...Less talking more walking.
Brando: Hey there Ellie. Brought some sweets for you to try out. *he comes in with three packages*
Ellie: Good afternoon, Brando. *shuts her book and reaches out a hand* What are todays flavors?
Brando: Hm? You used my name... Well that's a surprise.
Ellie: No I didn't, you were hearing things.
Brando: Well today I have something for you. I'll give you these boxes one at a time and you tell me if you like them.
*he hands her the first box. In it there's a piece of cherry pie*
Ellie: oh! Cherry, I haven’t had it in a while, and the lattice is so delicately done... (purrs but totally denies purring as she takes the fork to eat the tiny piece
Brando: I'm glad you love it. Next up is this one.
*the second box holds a piece of cheesecake*
Ellie: well isn’t this a surprise, I heard this was hard to make... It’s delicious…
Brando: ... The last one... w-well... Here you go...
*the final box has little weight when Ellie holds it*
Ellie: ...?  *confusion, both as to why brando hadn’t introduced it and why it’s so light* Is it a macaroon?
Brando: ...
*when Ellie opens the box it reveals a golden ring with a jewel in the center*
Ellie: *surprise, looking from him to the box* I... Hey...is this a joke..?
Brando: No... Ellie. I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
Ellie: I...
*blushes hard*
Brando: I love you. When I said, there was a reason I knew we'd meet again... It was because I knew that after seeing you again that I wanted to be with you. I wanted to protect you from anything that comes your way. I'll respect whatever answer you give me but... Ellie? Will you marry me?
Ellie: *flustered, holds her tome closer* I can protect myself well enough but *a small smile forms on her face, extending her hand* A partner wouldn’t be too far out of the question. I do need someone to watch my back
Brando: *blushes and smiles* S-So... You'll be my wife?!
Ellie: *reaches over and paps his nose* It’s a yes you silly dolt. *hooks a finger in his collar to draw him in for a small kiss*
Brando: ... *begins to tear up while smiling* Ellie... Thank you... I promise to be by your side for the rest of my life.
Ellie: *hugs him* Dry your eyes before you make me cry too...
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