#snaktooth island
fungusry · 2 years
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Hey! I actually drew a background for once!
Here’s a little concept for a new Snaktooth Island biome: the Caramelized Caves! They’re filled with sugar water streams, rock candy boulders, and Bugsnax accustomed to living underground.
The Bugsnak in the middle is a Glormmy, a gummy worm glow worm Bugsnak that attracts prey using its glowing tail!
Margarine has a little campsite set up in the heart of the cave system where she conducts her research.
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Put her on snaktooth island!
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I still don't know what to say here.
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bugsnax-headcanon · 5 months
I’ll start off with one I have adopted
The island is moving closer to the mainland
I don’t know why I like that one so much I just enjoy it
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Had a dream there was underground Chambers under Snaxtooth Island and there was fucking gummy raptors down there and like idiots the dream protagonists took two baby raptors and took them back to the mainland because oh we thought raptors were long since dead but now they're seeing the light again for the first time in a long while, before realising in horror its what the island wanted as now two bugsnax gummy raptors were there that people just thought was normal to take and people could eat them. Well done ya done goofed.
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funkbun · 3 months
i've written somewhere that during Queen 1's reign, there was a small set of grumpuses who actually worshiped. They were aware that the initial grumps she directly intended to kill where those who had wronged her in some way, she they thought "Hey, maybe if we were her supporters, then she won't kill us! If we let her know that we think she's great, she'll spare us!"
Surly being an ass-kisser for the giant murderous slug bug food person will make her spare you! Surely!
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c10v3r · 9 months
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what if u were a nurse working at a hospital and i a greavely injured adventurer who just barged in and passed out on the floor
i ermalso made this
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triffany-lottablog · 11 months
Actually does anyone know how to get and look at the models on bugsnax and what programs you would need? I wanna see how big the bugs are
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snorpdawg · 5 months
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Sure that works
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artuurle · 2 years
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“This event will be history And I'll be great too I don't want what you had I wanna be you”  Instead of leaving Snaktooth when she had been given the chance,  Shaywin wanted revenge for the loss of her only crewmate; Mimble. Grumpbeard didn’t appreciate losing his eye, and frankly neither did most of his followers. Maybe it’s the best they scrubbed her legacy from the records.
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mushroomjuice · 1 year
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gallusgalluss · 6 months
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Portraits of the last Stone Era Snaktooth Island matriarchs (before Queen 1 came in and basically destroyed this whole system).
Below cut is some information about these grumps
Captain Seaside (this is the title she goes professionally, she uses her actual full name in more casual spaces) ruled The Coast, or where present day Boiling Bay would be. The two grumpuses next to her are her subordinate brothers. She's the youngest matriarch of this era and was the most likely to take risks and challenge her superiors (the other matriarchs) if it's to help her communities. She doesn't consider herself a bugsnak "worshiper", but she does acknowledge how important they are on the island. The only bugsnak she'd consider "worshiping" would probably be a Megamaki, as she considers it the most powerful (and coolest) bugsnak in the area.
Olsa Patchfern was the matriarch of the Falls Valley, or where present day Garden Grove and Flavor Falls would be. She's the complete opposite of Seaside, being the oldest matriarch of the era and was very insistent that the word of superiors and the islands practices must be upheld at all times, even if it may lead to the harm of hers or other communities. She worships the bugsnax and believes they're mystical beings with unimaginable powers (which is sorta true?). She was the matriarch of Alabee Smoothpebble, the grumpus who became the first Queen of bugsnax, and they were both very close and respected on another... until Alabee got sacrificed and like. Everything happen. She also has a very close relationship with Elass in the past but shhh don't worry about that right now.
Lentha Breezeblow (or more commonly known as Monohorn) ruled The Peak, or where the Frosted Peak would be. She and her communities are very powerful, but due to living on the literal top of a mountain, communications with the other island grumpuses is difficult. She doesn't particularly view the bugsnax as something that should be worshiped (seeing how there's no snax imagery in her portrait), but just as a very convent food source. And while she's very physically strong, she's incredibly timid and prefers being a more passive grumpus in the face of difficulties. She typically leaves more difficult work to her subordinates to deal with.
Elass Dunecuts ruled the Desert, or where Sizzlin' Sands would've been. She's a more mellow matriarch, being more of a listener compared to a talker. She has mixed feelings on bugsnax, and just being a matriarch in general. She's aware of the importance of bugsnax in her society, but she can't seem to shake off the concerning aspects about them. Yes, grumpuses have been living on the island and eating snax for centuries, but Elass still hasn't gotten over how weird is was that bugsnax transform limbs, or how you need to eat them raw or else they'll turn to mush, or how some fully snakified grumpuses would seem to disappear from their communities for no reason. She frequently asked about these at a young age, which just lead to "Oh don't worry about it!" types of responses, so she'd given up on asking others her questions. Still, those concerns never went away, even if she regularly eats bugsnax. She was very close to Olsa at a younger age, with the two of them meeting up in secret frequently, they really loved each other a lot. But they've grown distant after becoming matriarchs. And while Olsa is still very kind to her, Elass just doesn't feel that old connection anymore. Zereh Quickcuts (Queen 2) is one of her very distant relatives (from one of her sister's sides, but still related either way).
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tales-of-snaktooth · 2 months
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Snak Eye Sky
Snak Eye Skies are a rare occurrence on the Tooth Islands. The sun will temporarily be replaced by that of a giant Snak eye (as most may have been told at least, some believe it’s something completely different), dimming the landscape, instantly turning a bright sunny day into that of dusk.
During this time, grumpuses must avert their eyes, bow down their heads, and whisper their praises and thanks for being able to survive on the island due to the plentiful Bugsnax. Grumpuses must not look directly at the Eye, or else judgment will occur, as well as a curse.
Once this short period of time is over, grumpuses are allowed to continue with their regular activities.
There are still many questions to have about this occurrence, but it’s said that one specific grump’s experience with a Snak Eye Sky had lead to possibly the most influential moment in Snaktooth Island’s history.
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The Hunter
Hundreds of years ago, a Falls Valley grumpus was out hunting for Bugsnax in the blazing sun. They spent their time; perhaps too much of it, hiding perfectly in the shadows, waiting to ambush the next unsuspecting Snak that crosses their path.
After what felt like an eternity, they were alerted by the faint call of a strabby. At an instant, they sprung out from their hiding spot, and grasped the Snak in their claws. Finally, something to bring back home! But…thanks to this Snak, they had wasted so much time waiting around under a tree, and just for a small bug like this?
They’re lucky the sun’s still out…
So, in an act of pure spite and frustration, they dug their claws into the juicy flesh of the strabby, and yanked its wobbly eyes clean out.
The strabby was distressed, crying out and wriggling in their paws; it was probably the first time The Hunter had ever seen a Bugsnak in such disarray. They didn’t even act like this while being eaten! This odd occurrence hadn’t bothered them, though. They were going to eat it anyway, there was no use in worrying about whether or not it could see it happen.
They were finally ready to head back home, when suddenly the world around them seemed to get…dimmer? But it was the middle of the day? The sun was shining on their fur just a moment ago, what happened? Annoyed, The Hunter looked up to see if some grumpling was playing some prank on them.
But the sight they saw was no grumpling, or any sort of grumpus…
It was horrifying.
As if the sun itself had vanished right above their head. That blazing, bringer of day, was gone, replaced by some sort of ring of light surrounding pure darkness. Like an eye—a Bugsnak eye—staring down at them, judging them.
They were getting judged, by some higher being. The Hunter’s fur had bristled like a pine from The Woods, terrified yet entranced by the sight. They stood there, staring straight up until they ended up fainting from the shock of it all.
Waking up after who knows how long, finding their way back home was an incredibly difficult task. Their eyesight had degraded terribly, as if that Snak Eye had put a curse on them. But once they recognized that they were deep in the familiar territory of Falls Valley, they knew they had to alert their leader immediately, and that he in return should notify the rest of the island’s grumpuses as well.
An island-wide gathering was held deep in the night. Thousands of tired grumpuses were confused and aggravated, but The Hunter—The Cursed Hunter and their leader knew their experience needed to be shared to all of the island’s inhabitants. Once they had recounted their horrifying hunt, a number of grumpuses in the crowd were skeptical, but a vast majority were intrigued in their tale, with a few backing up their claim of that strange sudden nightfall in the middle of the day.
When asked what this would mean for the future of grumpus society, The Cursed Hunter exclaimed that this was due to the collective disrespect and selfishness of all the island’s grumpuses. That they have all; especially The Cursed Hunter themselves, had taken the Bugsnax for granted, and they must all pay their dues or else the island won’t stop at cursing one foolish grumpus. This explosion might might've just been a delirious, sleep deprived, post-supernatural-experience rant from The Cursed Hunter, but the Falls Valley leader agreed with everything they had said. He ended up making the call to set an island wide obligation to worship the Snax, as they now all know the immense power these creatures hold.
Many grumpuses were rightfully upset and shocked that he was willing to make a call that the entire island; not just his own territory, should follow, but the other territory leaders had chosen to go along with his decision. Both due to the power the Falls Valley territory has compared to the rest, and the possible power the Bugsnax also have. This wasn’t a risk they were willing to take for their alliance and their subjects.
While the rest of the territory leaders had openly agreed to these new laws, a few had doubts on how beneficial these will actually be for the future of the island and the grumpuses themselves. Specifically the call to hold monthly, day long ceremonies focused solely on the worship of Bugsnax and end with the sacrifice of a grumpus, which definitely shocked a number of grumpuses in the crowd and a few leaders as well. But the Falls Valley leader assured them all that it was a necessary precaution to take to insure the safety of the entire island from whatever power had harmed The Cursed Hunter. And that if any other Snak Eye Skies ever occur again, grumpuses will now know what to do to prevent the possibility of judgment and curses.
The island wide gathering was dismissed, and thousands of grumpus prepared to wake up to a completely new life the next day.
Currently, while the Bugsnak Worshiping laws have either loosened or intensified in certain territories, many grumpuses still pass on the story of The Cursed Hunter and the Snak Eye Sky, ways to remember how much power these strange creatures have over them.
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roachliquid · 3 months
Given that Chilchuck shares a VA with Floofty Fizzlebean, it's hard not to imagine the potential of Dungeon Meshi/Bugsnax crossovers.
Unfortunately, for his own good, Laios must never be allowed on Snaktooth Island.
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dear-maggotboy · 6 months
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A grumpus by the name of Arnottle Shutterpug invites a small crew of folks on an alleged 'Exotic Getaway' under the condition that they will star in and help produce a nature documentary.
Lorman Dapplea'day is a retired surgeon, just looking for a relaxing vacation after years of nerve wracking work. After a bit of convincing and lies by omission, Arnottle was able to convince the older gentleman to come with him to the expedition out to the mysterious Snaktooth Island. He is the crew's medic, if not a bit begrudgingly. Earnest, optimistic, but his patience wears terribly thin with other's nonsense and poor decision making. Stargra Guffpelt had been traveling the world prior to Arnottle's invitation to Snaktooth. She thrills in hunting dangerous and exotic animals from afar, and the opportunity to come home with something that no other grump has seen before was too tantalizing to pass up. Stargra is a boisterous and determined individual, but has a hard time knowing when to give up or backing down from a challenge. Arnottle is wary of her profession but entrusts her with gathering up food for the rest of the group. Arnottle Shutterpug is not a novice to the art of film making- however he isn't regarded as a particularly Good filmmaker. He has a great deal of love and awe towards nature, and will bravely step into the unknown for the sake of a good shot- as long as someone goes first in front of him. He's well aware of how in over his head he is with this trip to an island with very little public information on, but feels he's in too deep to turn back now. Dweezy Dreampaw is the youngest of the group, and was not a planned member. Dweezy sneaked their way onto the boat that carried the crew away to Snaktooth, and was discovered too far from mainland to send them back. They speak very little of their background and family, and comes off as terribly skittish, notably having a deep rooted fear of animals. Dweezy usually stays behind at the camp while the others explore snaktooth, and has formed a bond with Lorman as a sort of father figure. Spill is a mistake. What happens to a grumpus if kept alive long after they should of succumbed to a bugsnax infestation? Was it inhumane to let them suffer? Was it the right thing to do?
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shwoo · 5 months
Okay here's my headcanons of which Bugsnax characters actually know the Journalist's name. I'm also headcanoning that Lizbert mentioned their name when she told the others she wanted to invite them, and that they tend not to give their name unless prompted. They're a journalist, is that not enough?! (They may also have some personal identity issues)
Lizbert: Knows their name and maybe also their address.
Beffica: Knew their name because she's read all their articles. Pretended not to know at first as part of her facade of detachment, which is why she said "You're that journalist!" when first meeting them.
Clumby: Presumably knows them as something more specific than "obsessed monster hunter who made me have to work late."
Chandlo: Remembered because he is definitely the kind of friendly and outgoing person who can remember anyone's name after hearing it once.
Wiggle: Makes a point of remembering journalist's names. Tends to unconsciously assume that any media person is there mostly for her, so she wants to make a good impression.
Snorpy: Remembered in order to look into them and figure out if they were the heroic truth-seeker kind of journalist or the villainous sensationalist kind. Liked what he found, but still suspected they were a Grumpinati impersonator when first meeting them.
Floofty: Remembers their name, but refuses to use it out of spite.
Gramble: Forgot their name, and either asked them when they met, or asked Wiggle.
Triffany: Terrible with names, apologised and asked them for it when they met.
Cromdo: Told himself he'd remember their name in case they did show up and he had the chance to sell them something, then totally forgot. Asked them what it was when they met, and immediately did the "[diminutive], can I call you [diminutive]?" thing. The Journalist said "Sure," because they didn't really care.
Eggabell: Didn't pay much attention to what Lizbert said about them, since she didn't think they'd take the invitation. Despite having quite a bit of interaction with them and worrying about their health, didn't realise she didn't know what to call them until halfway through her "I just need Filbo and... Filbo's... buddy." line.
Shelda: Tried to remember their name so she could address them by it before they introduced themself, and impress them with her mystical knowledge, but got distracted by everything else that was happening and forgot. Got away with it for a while because of her tendency to refer to people with descriptions when overacting, but exposed herself when she said "Floofty, did you ask the journalist to throw acid at you?" The Journalist made fun of her for keeping up the charade for so long, so she reminded them that Floofty had asked them to throw acid at them, and they'd done it.
Wambus: Took a little while to realise that he couldn't get away with just calling them Stranger forever, and then was too stubborn to admit defeat and ask. The Journalist specifically suggested he use their name after his "I been calling you stranger, but you been around a while" chat, but he still refused to ask what it was, or admit that he didn't already know. Eventually heard Triffany refer to them by name, but she had to do it a few times before he decided that he knew it now.
Filbo: Forget immediately after being told, and also forgot to ask when they met. Didn't realise they probably had a name until after they'd interviewed him, and didn't want to ask out of awkwardness. Hoped they or one of the others would mention it, but coincidentally, nobody ever did, at least in an unambiguous way. Eventually asked them while they were heading back to the mainland, but continues to call them Buddy anyway.
Jamfoot: Clumby told him their name when she let him know that they were also going to Snaktooth Island, and he forgot their entire existence immediately. Was confused when Clumby mentioned them by name after they returned alive, even after she clarified that they were her ex-employee who went to Snaktooth Island.
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polysquad11 · 2 months
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Meet Feebee LoveBreeze!
Feebee LoveBreeze is a single mother in her mid-50s. She runs her own bakery in the middle of New Grump City with her son, Grizby OceanBreeze.
She used to be married to her husband before moving to the city. When she was in her 30s with little Grizby, her husband passed away from a mining accident. Living his money to her to rebuild her life. Wanting her own dream Bakery for her son. After many years building up her bakery, it's somewhat popular with the residents.
Once Grizby left to Snaktooth, she was heartbroken, thinking she's going to lose him. The island is rumored dangerous and unstable. There was nothing she could do, but pray he'll be okay and be strong for him until he returns. Well, he does come back but with a new girlfriend and boyfriend. She was excited to have her baby home and now having new in-laws.
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Debble GlamPaw is a popstar with a huge following. She appeared to the public out of the blue. She has an angelic and energetic voice that attracts any grumpus to her shows. To the public She's cheerful, sassy, playful, and friendly to her fans. But behind all of that glamor is a crazy woman.
She's actually a grumpus who's in her 60s. Having many surgeries and a do-over of her life. She used to go by a different name and genera music, but after she hit an age where people called her old and made fun of her. It drived her insane to become famous and relevant again after so many years. She'll do anything to get that fame...
She'll use anyone to get her way. Debble loves attention, fame, and money! She sees herself as an ageless princess over peasants. She'll even go as far as to ruin anyone's reputation for her gain.
Both of them are involved with @kittens4jc character! Mongo Starlounge. Feebee is Mongo's girlfriend, and Debble is Mongo's enemy.
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